BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-12-28 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Enjoy the snow Mike

2009-12-28 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2580165

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
dexter - 2009-12-28 12:13 PM Enjoy the snow Mike

Snow? You guys have snow? You must really be in UPSTATE NY!
2009-12-28 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2579258

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
I'd just like to say hi to all the group.

Its good to see a real mix of people that I and others can learn and take tips from. I have just under 4 months until my first Tri and although have a long road of training ahead Im real excited and wished it was closer. I can imagine as it draws closer i'll be thinking otherwise and wishing I had another couple of weeks to prepare but hey we'll see!

the weather over here has not been great recently with heavy snow and very cold tempratures and before that a helluva lot of rain ( i know we are famous for it) but not condusive to getting out on the bike

still onwards and upwards
2009-12-28 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2580229

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
Ok folks, copy and paste the table below into your Dashboard. The top link is to this thread, the links below are to our respective training logs.

Use these links! Check up on each other's training, leave Inspires for each other, log your workouts and be honest about your training. If you're having a hard time, put that in your blog. If you had a great workout, put that in there. Let your teammates know how you're doing. As the saying goes "Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel may"

Dexter and Marmadaddy's Mentor Madness

2009-12-28 1:37 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

Thank you for letting me join in.  I look forward to the group list so we can all cheer each other to our goals.

NAME:  jo/jogo/joanne

STORY: Trained for a marathon in 2006, after being a stress-relief runner for 13 years.  It was my 1st event ever.  At the same time, my neighbor was training for her first sprint tri.  At the marathon, I met nelg and sushigirl, who convinced me to join a new tri team called the RACING GREYHOUNDS, no experience necessary, just a 5 race/year requirement and great bike deals.  I had seen TrishM do her sprint tri and thought I might like to try that.  I signed on to the team and they accepted my application (it was their 1st  year, they took anyone who was breathing.  I did my 1st tri in 2008, and that was my best one ever.  All the tri's I did after that were wastes because I didn't train or take the rest of them seriously (I had achieved my goal of completing one).  2009 was a wreck, full of stress at work, son got married, and a torn calf muscle (supposedly, still have my doubts). I did 2 tri's poorly, untrained, and half-heartedly because I was part of the team and had already registered.  This year, I have goals, time, motivation, and a lot of knowledge from the lessons of the past.  I need the encouragement and accountability and the experience.  I am starting over.  I am crawling this time before I walk.  Baby steps to my goal of an olympic tri in August and to really give 100% at the USAF half marathon in September.  

 Married to the best sherpa ever, 5 kids (youngest is 17), 1 grandchild in the building process, 1 dog, 1 always cat, 1 sometime cat (college daughter's stray), 1 crazy neighbor future ironman (TrishM) who is the closest thing I have to a sister.  

How current?  I have been a slug during the holidays.  I started with a personal trainer 2x/week but have not seen much results (I have a year contract ) I am doing an occasional run and bike, been in the pool a few times in the past month but nothing structured lately.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Hawk Island Tri, Women's Only Tri in Sylvania Ohio, USAF half marathon

2010 RACES: 

Corktown 4 mile (3/14), Dooby Du (4/18), Hawk Island (TBD), IronGirl Du (6/25), Women's Only tri (8/1), Island Lake Olympic (8/22) and USAF half marathon (9/18)


WEIGHTLOSS: Gained 10lbs in past month, gained 25lbs total since 2006 marathon.  Hoping that eating clean and healthy, with interval training will help me lose and get back to my happy place.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD GROUP MEMBER: I love BT!  The people here are so encouraging.  I love to inspire and be inspired.  I have made so many friends through BT.  I look forward to cheering everyone on toward their goals and learning from your experiences.

Edited by jogo 2009-12-28 2:04 PM
2009-12-28 1:45 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Fairport, NY
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

Those of you with "Friends Only" access to your Training Logs, please add all group members to your Friends lists.

That is all...

2009-12-28 5:30 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

The top link , in the list to cut and paste, does not work to link to the thread.  Will you please repost that top line?  Thanks.

2009-12-28 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2579481

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy first 10 slots going fast. Let the newbies have a chance.
dexter - 2009-12-27 9:48 PM I don't know if knowing me counts for Do need to get that first race picked out.  Even if it is a 5k for the moment. 

At the order of the supreme commander....sorry, I couldn't pass that up!

Yes, I do need to pick out a couple of least one 5k and one sprint tri. I did do some checking around locally, but I have a feeling I might be going out of town for at least one of the races as I am a bit bored with those around here, we'll have to see.

More info on me:

I absolutely hate running. It's my weakest and I am just not a good runner. While I was training for my marathon, I was able to get a bit better, but being out of practice has made it very hard to get back into it. I am not fast at all but I can go forever because I'm pig headed.

Okay....time for bed!!!!!

Looking forwad to getting to know some new friends here on BT!
2009-12-28 10:16 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Alright Zee we got that started.  

I found there are a few goals we set. 
1.  Lose X numbers of pounds of weight. 
2. Finish a sprint, oly or something. 

No 1 we can always lose some pounds.  Deadlines come and go.  If we don't make it, the doctor may be upset but more then that you get upset and may feel defeated.   This is the goal that got me involved in Tri's, and the 150 dollar pot.  This is a goals that I feel respond to some competition with others.  We could throw a competition that has winner pick a charity for the rest to donate too.  PM me if you feel that is something we want to do.  If I get enough positive results I set it up. 

No 2 is the goal that keeps me moving.  I am a MOP (middle of pack) finisher.  I'll never win and don't really look to.  Its the personal accomplishment the pushes me on.  Around here there are 5K's every weekend.  Lets see if we can all look and see what around to do and sign up for one before the end january.   This is our come hell or high water its here.  Starting is the goal, finishing id the fruit.  Mike and I run a series of races every other weekend.  See what you can find.  The charity it benefits can use your money. 

look around us northerns may have to don skis or skates. 

2009-12-28 10:36 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
I'm in for a charity-pot competition for weight loss. As for the 5Ks... doing the Super 5K in Novi, Mich., on Feb. 7. I should probably add that to the race list. Got my Yak Trax in case of snow! Does that count? I know it's just AFTER the end of January...

Edited by HNewman 2009-12-28 10:42 PM
2009-12-29 6:04 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

pm sent. 

As far as a 5k, I did check and there is nothing around the southeast.  I would be willing to do the Super 5k that Heather is doing on Feb.7.  There is a 4 mile Belle Isle run on New Years Eve but that really would not be a motivator because I would just be doing it for fun and wouldn't care, in 2 days, how I got to the finish line or if I did. My motivation for doing that one would be the cool long sleeve tech shirt.  Me likes tech shirts from races.  (no t-shirts though, ick).

2009-12-29 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
January may be a little soon, lets see if we can get it in by the end of Feb. 
Sorry don't I can be a hard , thats why we have Mike along.  
The goal here is spur a little competition spirit in you.  
Have fun and finish. 
2009-12-29 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
January would be a bit early for me to run a 5k. Our running community here is very competitive and they come out to EVERY SINGLE 5k no matter how small and some of them are VERY small, so I often am the LAST one coming stings a little when that happens because it sux when they're taking stuff down as you're struggling in. I did that for awhile and finally did improve, but now I'm back to square one (or square minus one).

I will do a 5k this year.....I promise! I will find one for February and I will do my best...guess I better get my running shoes out.

As for the weightloss thing, I'm in. Will be starting a nutrition challenge with my crossfit gym come Monday for 1 month, so I can definitely do this....I will need you guys to kick my butt after that ends!
2009-12-29 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2577385

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
I am in for the weight loss competition as long as it's reasonable-cash strapped new year-yay recession!! I do have a race (I actually think of this as more torture than race) planned. A friend has talked me into the "Fight for Air Stair Climb" 1098 steps. But on the upside, I hear there is a Bloody Mary Brunch Bar's in late Feb.

Anyone done a stair climb before? I think I may be right in thinking this will not be "fun", eh??

2009-12-29 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2581806

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Northwest Arkansas
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
I'm in on the weight loss deal, but it needs to start RIGHT NOW.  I'm already working hard on it.
2009-12-29 12:30 PM
in reply to: #2577385

Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
I am in on the weightloss challenge -- I'm with Holly on the cash too.  Three kidsfor Christmas, 5.5 weeks without a paycheck and deposit for a trip with my daughter's dance group that is due Jan 4 a strain on us this time of year.

I will pick a 5k and register before the middle of Jan.  I also think I have my tri picked out -- I just need to make sure I can get away that weekend.

Cleaning up Christmas decs today, then will do some strength training -- a pretty light weight -high rep full body workout.

Currently enjoying my week off since I work in a school! 

Have a great rest of the day everyone!

2009-12-29 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Not thinking any serious cash for weight loss challenge or any if its not availible.   unless you win for your charity.  Like 10 bucks tops.  That could put you at $110 if and when you win.  Got about 5 in already.  PS I'll tel Mike its like a hundred dollarsa  piece.   

Sorry let see if we can get a race in sometime in Jan or Feb.  Not manatory but might be a good way to kick start the season.   

Qualifier:   This a mentor group.  niether of those two activites are manatory.  We will still love you if you don't  do them.  You can still join in conversation and ask questions, cheer and be cheered.   These are activities that may help you get started and excited about training and racing. 

Edited by dexter 2009-12-29 1:07 PM
2009-12-29 1:34 PM
in reply to: #2582313

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
dexter - 2009-12-29 11:51 AM Not thinking any serious cash for weight loss challenge or any if its not availible.   unless you win for your charity.  Like 10 bucks tops.  That could put you at $110 if and when you win.  Got about 5 in already.  PS I'll tel Mike its like a hundred dollarsa  piece.   

Sorry let see if we can get a race in sometime in Jan or Feb.  Not manatory but might be a good way to kick start the season.   

Qualifier:   This a mentor group.  niether of those two activites are manatory.  We will still love you if you don't  do them.  You can still join in conversation and ask questions, cheer and be cheered.   These are activities that may help you get started and excited about training and racing. 

$10 bucks-I can't complain...and for a good cause-yep. Let's do it! Set up the framework...percentage of body weight loss over how long a period? For those of us with a few extra holiday love handles to shrink-can't hurt, right?
2009-12-29 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Im in on the weight loss challenge. Happy to go witht he flow on the money decision. I have some dollars left from visiting america this summer.

I will have to have a look for a 5k run. i think i share a concern of zee of coming last and turning up while the finish is being packed away. Guess have to look at starting at some point. Think i will aim for early feb

Did a bike ride earlier in poor weather and off swimming tonight.

trying to get some good sessions in before the holiday season finishes and I have to return back to work and squeeze the evening sessions in.

Have a good day all
2009-12-29 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2582552

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Northwest Arkansas
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Hey David,

I was in your lovely country for the first time a couple of months ago.  Took the train from Wales and spent a couple of days in London.  Loved it!  Great people.  We saw "Jersey Boys" there and can't wait to go back and actually get to see more of England. 

I will anxiously await your post containing US dollars to be awarded to the charity of my choice.  Paypal accepted. 

2009-12-29 3:34 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
Not so fast, Snap! Some of us, based on that avatar picture of yours, have larger percentages to lose... it's on!

2009-12-29 3:44 PM
in reply to: #2582654

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Northwest Arkansas
Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
HNewman - 2009-12-29 3:34 PM Not so fast, Snap! Some of us, based on that avatar picture of yours, have larger percentages to lose... it's on!

Unfortunately, that picture was taken this summer.  I'm twice the man I used to be.  Cry
2009-12-29 4:15 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

That what I like to see.

2009-12-29 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED
I'm in
2009-12-29 5:04 PM
in reply to: #2577385

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Subject: RE: Dexter and Marmadaddy's Group: CLOSED

I think you'll find I will be asking for sterling to be sent to this side of the pond. Plenty of deserving charities. I accept all payment types!!!!

So when is the big weigh in from then. I intend to do mine on 2nd Jan

Im glad you enjoyed the UK. We have a lot to see. Was Jersey Boys good. Have thought of going to see it. I saw the Ratpack Xmas show which was excellent recently

I was in the states in August this year. Always enjoy visiting and find the people real friendly

Anyway the British Heart Foundation is the charity of choice will send you the address to post the cheque to direct!!!
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