BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Bob Stocks Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2009-12-30 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2580870

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Open for business!

rstocks3 - 2009-12-28 6:00 PM Renee and Cheri ..... WELCOME ABOARD!!!

Thanks for the welcome, Bob!  I'm really excited to hear your background is swimming!!  My swimming is terrible -I'm hoping this will be the year I FINALLY see improvements!! 

2009-12-30 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

I am off to the gym for a good long hard workout!  Maybe even a mini tri?  Hey

2009-12-30 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

I am off to the gym for a good long hard workout!  Maybe even a mini tri? 

A trek size medium what does that equal in cm????

2009-12-30 9:07 AM
in reply to: #2581335

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Open for business!

tinkerbeth - 2009-12-28 11:21 PM

so good to see you! 

Bob is wonderful, you will find his group to be great for you

Hi Beth!!  It's great to see you - thanks for stopping in and saying hi!  I've been pretty absent on BT - but my first mentor group is always in my thoughts.  I stop in on occasion just to see how everyone is doing   What an amazing time and group that was!  I knew nothing about tri's coming in and and learned so much about this sport and most importantly having fun doing it from you all!  I'm sure this will be a great group as well and am really looking forward to this next season!  Also looking forward to picking Bob's brains regarding my swims . . . some things never change :P  I hope all is well with you!  I have noticed some speedy runs lately - WTG!


2009-12-30 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2583426

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

Rudedog55 - 2009-12-30 4:58 AM
rstocks3 - 2009-12-29 8:49 PM Rudy,

You're check is in the mail. :-) Thanks for the kind words, we definitely know how to have fun in this sport!

Let's get on this weight loss! I have 6 months myself to get back down to where my bloodwork and weight are under control or I go on Lipitor. My Dr appt last week was not a pretty sight.

Anyone up for a weight loss challenge? Jan 1st to March 31st sound good? Total percentage lost, not total weight. Anyone, anyone?

Been there, on it, and high BP meds also, i am a freaking train wreck right now.  Count me in for the weightloss challenge, i would love to have a goal.

Count me in!  2 years of needing to lose, but only maintaining, is getting old!  I could use a good kick - gotta do it this year - I've noticed even 5-10 less than where I am I feel so much better - I can't even imagine 20 less!

2009-12-30 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

Tuffli and Rudy - CONGRATS to you both!!

Finally had a chance to read all of the bio's - it's great to meet everyone!  I can't wait to get to know you all better.  But for now - I better do something at WORK!


2009-12-30 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2583802

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New York
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Thanks for the well wishes!  It's great to meet you all.  I'm looking forward to the upcoming season, getting to know you all, exchanging notes, and sharing experiences.

While you all are hard at work, I'm off to bed now.  Tomorrow, I hope to sneak in a run & swim before Becky wakes up and then some lifting at lunch time.

Enjoy your day!
2009-12-30 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2581028

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Open for business!
rstocks3 - 2009-12-28 7:52 PM
turtlegirl - 2009-12-28 7:44 PM

I could certainly use some run help. Someone that can do 50 marathons before they are 50 has got to know what they are doing! My biggest issues are injuries and someone telling me when to take a break...

Welcome Amy!!

Running is my weakness and I really don't like it but marathons are so much easier when you're not biking 112 miles before it. I've learned through my mistakes in overtraining and have come a long way with running.

My background is in swimming and will be very helpful to you there, I can and will offer the best advice I can with running but I want you to know that is not my background at all.

I'd love to have you in the group if you are still interested. I thought you might enjoy our newest addition to the house:

Zoe Santa
absolutely- if you still have room? I love that picture-
2009-12-31 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2584140

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Open for business!

Hey everyone!

Have you all heard that Universal Sports is running an Ironman "marathon" all-day (I think) tomorrow!!  I moved my long trainer ride from the weekend just so I could take advantage - YA!!  Other than that, I'll be working on my training plan this weekend.  I wanted to start it Monday - I guess somebody better write it if that's going to happen

I hope you all have a wonderful and **SAFE** New Year's Eve!!


2009-12-31 12:48 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed


I am using "Going Long" to generate my training plan - have you heard anything good or bad about doing so?  The 2 things I've come across so far that I'm a bit unsure of are:

1 - Don't do "Iron Weekends" - In other words he recommends separating the long ride and the long run days.  I really have no idea which would be better.  I would think having them on the same weekend helps build endurance - but can also see how splitting them up would aid in recovery.  I'm leaning towards splitting them up at this point - especially right now in my "prep" period.

2 - Don't do any runs over 2.5 hours.  On a GOOD day I run 10 min base miles - that would only get me 15 miles for my longest run before the marathon.  Is there that much crossover between the disciplines that this will be enough?  I'm leaning toward throwing some 3 hour runs in at least - BT's beginner plan goes up to 3.

I'd love any thoughts you may have to share!  Thanks!


2009-12-31 2:34 PM
in reply to: #2586549

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
rreischl - 2009-12-31 1:48 PM


I am using "Going Long" to generate my training plan - have you heard anything good or bad about doing so?  The 2 things I've come across so far that I'm a bit unsure of are:

1 - Don't do "Iron Weekends" - In other words he recommends separating the long ride and the long run days.  I really have no idea which would be better.  I would think having them on the same weekend helps build endurance - but can also see how splitting them up would aid in recovery.  I'm leaning towards splitting them up at this point - especially right now in my "prep" period.

2 - Don't do any runs over 2.5 hours.  On a GOOD day I run 10 min base miles - that would only get me 15 miles for my longest run before the marathon.  Is there that much crossover between the disciplines that this will be enough?  I'm leaning toward throwing some 3 hour runs in at least - BT's beginner plan goes up to 3.

I'd love any thoughts you may have to share!  Thanks!


Hey there Renee!

I am not familiar with the Going Long program, I'm sure it's a good program but as with any program do what you can, when you can. It's hard for many people to split up the long run days and the long bike days because of the work week. I am a big believer that if you are doing a lot of biking and doing short runs off the bike the long runs (over 2 hrs) aren't necessary. My coach always felt the same way. When I first met up with him he said "most of my run training will be on the bike." I really liked that statement!

I like the idea of running by time and not distance. I always liked doing a long ride (5-6 hrs) followed by a 20-30 min run on a Sat then a 90 min run on Sunday. If you were completely rested then a 2 1/2 or 3 hr run would be much more manageable. (But boring as heck! )

One important thing about increasing the lengths of your runs is the 10% rule. Don't increase more that 10% for the length of the run OR the miles per week. Ex: Week A - Long run of 10 miles and weekly miles of 20 miles / Week B - Don't make your long run more than 11 miles or the weekly miles more than 22 miles. (This goes for time as well, 120 min long run in week A should lead to no more than a 132 min run on week B)

Edited by rstocks3 2009-12-31 2:45 PM

2010-01-01 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Okay everyone!! Welcome to the new year!!!

To start off, let's get this weight loss challenge going. I will post weights on my blog under your names in the mentoring group. Try to utilize BT as much as you can. There is a great nutrition logging feature that keeps track of everything for you. It does take a bit of time (a few minutes a day) but if you carry a small notebook around and jot everything down that goes into your mouth during the day it cuts down on trying to remember the little snacks between meals.

Be sure that you are posting your workouts. When you edit your training, it's a good time to enter your weight and rate the quality of your workout, sleep, fatigue, etc. You will find this under the "HEALTH" section.

I'll post the weights weekly and put together a prize for the winner at the end of the 3 months.

Let's get some chatter going here. If there are any questions or concerns you have this is the place to spit them out.
2010-01-01 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
I am back to Fat Guy Running, the line in the sand has been drawn, i weighed 246 this morning, that is the start point.

2010-01-01 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2587691

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
Rudedog55 - 2010-01-01 12:06 PM I am back to Fat Guy Running, the line in the sand has been drawn, i weighed 246 this morning, that is the start point.

246 is a good starting point Rudy!! It's all "sympathy weight", right? You know as well as I do that the weight will come off. Just be consistent with the training and pay attention to portion sizes.

What's in store for today?
2010-01-01 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2586738

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed


Thanks so much for your thoughts!!  It is so nice to have someone to turn to that has done this training before!

I am not familiar with the Going Long program, I'm sure it's a good program but as with any program do what you can, when you can. It's hard for many people to split up the long run days and the long bike days because of the work week. I am a big believer that if you are doing a lot of biking and doing short runs off the bike the long runs (over 2 hrs) aren't necessary. My coach always felt the same way. When I first met up with him he said "most of my run training will be on the bike." I really liked that statement!

For this early season I am going to split them by doing my trainer ride on Tues evening - Biggest Loser is on and is the only TV I watch in the week - so seems like good timing, LOL.  Then I'll do my long run on the weekend.  I'm hopeful that as it gets nice out I will be able to do my long ride on the weekend and squeeze my long run in mid-week.

I'm curious about your coach's quote - is that because you do so much biking it trains your legs for running long too?

I like the idea of running by time and not distance. I always liked doing a long ride (5-6 hrs) followed by a 20-30 min run on a Sat then a 90 min run on Sunday. If you were completely rested then a 2 1/2 or 3 hr run would be much more manageable. (But boring as heck! )

Boring as heck?  This is how we all differ I suppose - I have no idea how I'm going to handle the really long rides and swims!!  Those sound boring - the runs - not so much, LOL!  In any case - again I appreciate your advice on the above and your reminder of the 10% rule!!

The book also recommends following the long bike with a short run - so good to get validation on that as well!


2010-01-01 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2579109

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

Happy New Year's Everyone!!

I hope everyone is looking forward to an amazing season in 2010!!

I am heading out in a few minutes to my gym - they are putting on a "free" bootcamp session and doing such things as sprints and plyo work.  Since I've never been exposed to plyo work I figured it would be a good learning opportunity.  Then I've got a couple hours to put in on the trainer - while watching US

Bob - my starting weight is 156.  I love the idea of a competition - thanks for organizing it!  I'm with you on carrying a book.  I finally started doing so on Nov 1st and it really makes a big difference!  I'll checkout the nutrition section on the site too, thanks!

Rudy - Let's do this!!  It only gets better from here

So what's everyone got planned today?

Happy Training All!

2010-01-01 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2581391

New user
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Open for business!
Happy New Year Bob,
    I am so happy  for all the response I have been getting now.  I am really inspired to get this done.  Instead of haveing a dream to do at least a marathon,  this is going to be the year I actually do it thanks to you guys.  I worked a double at the hospital yesterday and got home at 7am, but am not going to use this as an excuse not to walk.  I mapped out two routes on this site for variety and even though it is chilly here, I am going to go out and walk before dark.  Will continue to post my progress and thanks form the 60yr old who is gonna get her done
2010-01-01 8:07 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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New York
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

Happy New Year everyone!

You can mark my starting weight at 191lbs.  I'm anxious to see how much I can lose since I've been this weight (+/- 3lbs) since college. 

Bike - Run brick for me today and then off to see Avatar 3D.  I never go to movies, but everyone says this is a must see in 3D.  I hope so... I hear it's almost a 3hr movie. yeash.  I may have to carbo load and wear my fuel belt to make it this long .  I can't sit still for this long.  wish me luck!

2010-01-02 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

I just got in a 35 minute run on the treadmill.  Anyone else hate the treadmill?  Now it is time to sit back and watch my beloved Kentucky Wildcats take on our biggest arch-rival Louisville Cardinals.  

I put together my brand new trainer last night.  I may jump on it tonight.  For sure, tomorrow morning.

Have a wonderful weekend.  Eat right and get in some training. 

2010-01-02 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2587985

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Open for business!

Youngatheart - 2010-01-01 2:21 PM Happy New Year Bob,
    I am so happy  for all the response I have been getting now.  I am really inspired to get this done.  Instead of haveing a dream to do at least a marathon,  this is going to be the year I actually do it thanks to you guys.  I worked a double at the hospital yesterday and got home at 7am, but am not going to use this as an excuse not to walk.  I mapped out two routes on this site for variety and even though it is chilly here, I am going to go out and walk before dark.  Will continue to post my progress and thanks form the 60yr old who is gonna get her done

Carol, This is your year indeed :D  I can't wait to accompany you on this journey!!  60 sounds like the perfect year!!  I don't remember seeing your bio - what are your goals this season - do you have any races planned or that you are considering?  I checked out your logs - great job getting out there yesterday and getting your workout logged!

2010-01-02 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2588469

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

tpnguyen10 - 2010-01-01 8:07 PM

I may have to carbo load and wear my fuel belt to make it this long .  I can't sit still for this long.  wish me luck!

Thanks for the laugh, LOL!!  So how was the movie - did you make it through?

2010-01-02 2:07 PM
in reply to: #2589396

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

NashinAK - 2010-01-02 1:53 PM

I just got in a 35 minute run on the treadmill.  Anyone else hate the treadmill?  Now it is time to sit back and watch my beloved Kentucky Wildcats take on our biggest arch-rival Louisville Cardinals.  

I put together my brand new trainer last night.  I may jump on it tonight.  For sure, tomorrow morning.

Have a wonderful weekend.  Eat right and get in some training. 

Nice job on the TM today.  Cool that you got a trainer - ENJOY!!

Anyone else hate the TM . . . seriously??  YA!!!  I feel like I am going at least 10% faster than I am.  I know it is supposedly easier - but I think I must change my gait - because somehow I am working WAY harder.  Does anyone else have that problem?

2010-01-02 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2589427

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed

Hey all!

It's been a good couple days for training.  I went to a free bootcamp class at my gym yesterday.  Unfortunately I was just getting back into strength training and this class was a bit much . . . (read I can hardly move today I'm so sore)   I wasn't too bad immediately after it yesterday and got a couple hours in on the trainer while watching US.

Today - I tried to checkout a master's swim program I want to join - but they weren't there   I drove across town at 7 for nothing - grrr!  I'll have to go Monday.  I really hope a coach can spot something in my form because I have been swimming for 2 years and don't get any faster!  It is so frustrating.  I am faster on the bike and run - but never the swim - at least not over distance.  I can swim further - but always the same slow pace - anyhow, wish me luck!!

Other than that - I did a spin class this AM.  I tried to holdback and keep it to recovery - but dang that is hard in a group setting.  I think I succeeded for half of the class   Then I hit yoga after spin.  I just started doing yoga in the last 2 months.  I swore I never would - but I think it has really helped.  I was getting injured too often with fast runs - I think because I was so tight.  I can't belive how much my flexibility has improved.  I'm just concered as my training hours pickup it will be hard to fit in.

It was -8 this AM at 8.  My run group meets at 8 tomorrow for a long run.  I'm not sure which is worse - running at -8 through the snow or running on the TM . . . if I do it outside, maybe my legs will be so cold I won't realize how sore they are?  

1.5 days down eating right - all of you in the weightloss challenge better watchout, LOL!

Happy Training!!

2010-01-02 6:17 PM
in reply to: #2589427

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
rreischl - 2010-01-02 3:07 PM

NashinAK - 2010-01-02 1:53 PM

I just got in a 35 minute run on the treadmill.  Anyone else hate the treadmill?  Now it is time to sit back and watch my beloved Kentucky Wildcats take on our biggest arch-rival Louisville Cardinals.  

I put together my brand new trainer last night.  I may jump on it tonight.  For sure, tomorrow morning.

Have a wonderful weekend.  Eat right and get in some training. 

Nice job on the TM today.  Cool that you got a trainer - ENJOY!!

Anyone else hate the TM . . . seriously??  YA!!!  I feel like I am going at least 10% faster than I am.  I know it is supposedly easier - but I think I must change my gait - because somehow I am working WAY harder.  Does anyone else have that problem?

I don't mind the treadmill too much. It's actually a great piece of equipment to figure out nutrition and hydration or for doing specific speed work. I've done a few 3 1/2 hr treadmill runs at the gym and the looks I got from people were priceless.

The important thing to remember is the it's NOT the road. Don't expect the same feel you get from the road. Try to focus more on your HR, cadence or speed.
2010-01-02 6:22 PM
in reply to: #2579109

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks Group - Closed
What kind of workouts are you doing in the pool Renee? Let's see if we can't figure out how to make you faster. Generally it comes down to swimming more with faster people. Don't focus too much on drills, that's a common mistake in triathletes. (IMHO)

Speaking of swimming. Anyone have any swim questions? Flipturns, OWS sighting, OWS start? Anything?
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