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2010-01-05 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Hi everyone! I would love to still join, if possible. I am not new to triathlon, but want to make the jump from sprints to an oly. I had a bad 2009 season, due to undertraining, so I want to get motivated in 2010 to run my first 10k in the spring, and do my first oly in the fall. I am a wife, mother of 2, and a I have a lot of proverbial balls up in the air! Oh yeah...and my name is Jocelyn. I forgot that part! I started training in 2006 and racing in 2007. I've done 9 sprints, 4 5Ks, and 3 open water swims. It's time to make the jump up to the next level!

2010-01-05 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Welcome.  If you have a sprint in mind... and are doing a couch to 5k program... it might be nice to throw in a cross training day or two getting in 1-2 swims and 1-2 bikes a week, even if they are short.  Yes I did breaststroke for my first sprint tri, rode a rented bike .... and learned freestyle 6 months later for my first Oly. 

It takes a while to build swim endurance if you are not a swimmer... and to learn how to do it.  It turns out breaststroke is frowned apon by Tri folks because you smack the swimmers on each side of you in the ribs with every stroke. 

It also takes your bum a while to get used to the seat of your bike... so any riding will help that to occur sooner than later. 
2010-01-05 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

Welcome Jocelyn & Christina!  You guys are in the right place, we all face that juggeling of family, training & work too - it doesn't seem to get easier, just more efficient!

Christina - I love the couch to 5k program, it will get your running up to speed soon.  Which tri are you thinking about?

Jocelyn - My last season was an undertrained season too, it was not pretty.  This year will be better for both of us - hopefully the group will help keep us on track.  Do you get to do a lot of open water swimming there in Long Beach?

I think we will take one more then close out the group!  As soon as we close out I will do a rolecall, then if you are comfortable with it, go into your friends (on your training log page) and add our group members to your friends.  Thay way we can easily pop in on each other's logs and give inspires and words of wisdom.

2010-01-05 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Oly is an interesting distance, very duable with so many sprints under your belt. 

Tricks are to not kill yourself on the swim (if you are fast enough to do so, not my problem), hit the bike hard, but not that hard (don't drink too much gator aid), don't do any fluids the last 15 minutes on the bike (unless the temp is over 90F) and then just hit the run moderately hard for the first 3 miles and then hard for the last 3 with what you have left (not too much water/gator aid on the run). 

For a sprint you don't really "need" any fluids or nutrition if the temps are cool and you fininsh around 90 minutes.  For an oly you are going to want to get some calories in.  I start calories 45 minutes into a race (well longer if I am still in the water after 45 min) and then every 30 minutes there after.  There is a temptation to take in too much fluid and calories for an Oly and then end up with a nice side stitch.  Or at least that was where I messed up on the first Oly. 

Balaning fluid intake against getting a side stitch is always a challenge for me in races, not so much in practice.

(Chatty again today, my report is done and no meetings for another couple hours.) Or I could clean up my desk... Hrmmm.
2010-01-05 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2591018


NE Texas
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Thank you for the group. I am looking forward to the year and I must say that I am jealous of you swimmers... I think that is probably my weakest area. I have scheduled my first tri for March 6 in Athens, TX. It is a sprint and I believe i should be decently prepared for it. Also, I am looking at an Oly. in arizona during April. Current training program is set to prepare for the Longhorn HIM in Austin in October. Workouts for the week:Mon: TRX core 40 minsTues Ran 40 mins am Swim 40 mins pm.Wed: Bike 60 mins Run 30 minsThu: Swim 30 mins. TRX core 40 mins Fri: Run 60 mins.Sat: Swim 30 mins. Bike 45 mins.Sun: Bike 90 mins.Well that's the plan anyway
2010-01-05 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
Shinka you have a tough training season in front of you.  Going from no tri's to a HIM in 10 months can be done, but it is a lot of work (been there done that).  You have a nice base, so totaly duable, just a lot of work.  I would not worry about time too much for this year as you are moving up 3 distances all in a row.  Just train and see where you end up, building endurance mostly and not worrying too much about speed. 

For a HIM you are going to have to nail your nutrition.  For my HIMs I do 1000-1100 calories on the bike and 300-400 calories on the run (300-350 cal per hour on bike, 200 cal per hour on the run).  Fluid intake to match temperature.  On my first HIM I took in half of that and well bonked (somewhat) with 1 mile left in the run and had to walk it in (in 105 F temps).    

Also, for the HIM it is important to not have bottles with your calories in them that may eject on a speedbump in the first mile of the course (ask how I know).  All my bottles are very secure to my bike now 8).  Also be prepared in case it happens to rain for 5 hours (ask how I know) during the race.. brrr.     

2010-01-05 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
I am signing up for the HRMS Naperville Sprint Triathlon.

I am on my first week of the Couch to 5K.  In addition to that, I am planning on strength training and mixing in a few bikes and swims.

2010-01-05 1:58 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
HI Kati,
I'm Don(to) and would like to join your group.

I'm married with two children (10 and 8).  Our family is now pretty active with the kids in swim and my wife who's into working out a lot.  My wife and I started the "lifestyle change" in 2002 after our youngest decided that biting the nip was funner than the nutrition it provided and my wife said "that's it, time to join the Y!". I work a lot being a partner in a small company and some of my training involves riding or running to/from work for the time savings.  I'm responsible for the AM side of the kids and my wife the PM side, and I'm not a morning person!

I've been on BT since 2004 and been on the flip side as a Mentor a few years back.  This year for me is about focus and trying to take it to the next level.  2009 was about becoming a runner with my most miles ever.  Since it's the running season here in FL, 2010 starts with a number of local run races. 1/2 mary in early Feb, 10k in March, a probably a 5k here and there, and the Boilermaker 15k in July up in NY.  My first '10 Tri will be a long running local sprint in June and I'm going to try hard for a top 7 which will be tough as this race brings in some of the best, and if I could only swim!  After that I'm contemplating a HIM in Oct (Amelia Island) or a local Oly.  Did I mention I don't care for the swim!

2010-01-05 2:34 PM
in reply to: #2595573

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

@Christina - your story sounds a lot like me.  I'm on the 3rd week of a Couch to 5K program and I'm prepping for my first tri in late April.  I just hope I'm not going too fast! 

I have so many questions.  You guys will start seeing them as the days go by, I'm sure.

2010-01-05 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2591018


Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

Did you see the US Women's Series in Naper as well? Its June 13, same location and its a true beach swim and  @ 750 m vs 400 meter pool.. although being a swimmer I would LOVE to tackle a pool swimm... ah, flip turns... anyway. Throwing that one out there. I was leaning towards that one for my first vs the Chicago Tri in late Aug. I like the fact it was a women's only tri.. registration was not open as of today.
2010-01-05 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2595750

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

Kristin871 - 2010-01-05 2:39 PM Christina,

Did you see the US Women's Series in Naper as well? Its June 13, same location and its a true beach swim and  @ 750 m vs 400 meter pool.. although being a swimmer I would LOVE to tackle a pool swimm... ah, flip turns... anyway. Throwing that one out there. I was leaning towards that one for my first vs the Chicago Tri in late Aug. I like the fact it was a women's only tri.. registration was not open as of today.

See I have the opposite thinking for the swim- I love to swim and it's the only leg of the race that I really do well at, so I want my swim leg to be as LOOOOONG as possible!  A pool swim will only gain me a min. on my competition, a o.w. spint might give me 3, a h.i.m. I can get as much as 10 - 15 min.!  I so need that cushion when it comes to that darn run!   It's so humbling to be out in front, then comes the bike where I might get passed by a couple of folks, but then the run - grrrr - it's just a parade of people running by!  So, this year I am doing a 3x / week run program to try to improve on that!

2010-01-05 3:03 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN

Welcome Don! Your family life sounds like mine.  This winter my kids are taking a break from swimming  and I have to admit it is so much easier, but on the other hand I miss the swim life.  I grew up swimming year round so it was like the old days sitting for hours on end in a hot gym waiting for a few quick swims : )

2010-01-05 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2595830


Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - OPEN
That is still the competitior swimmer in me. I have strong turns and gain on the walls when I am training. I have not done an open water swim in a very long time (HS maybe) so I am approaching this as at a 1000 m swim for endurance so I am not relying on the walls for the added gain. I am also trying to swim with my eyes closed- something I read about since we cannot see in the water and I don't want my cadence to fall apart looking. I do tend to go out hard right off the bat and that will kill me so its also in the proper training.. which is why I am here!! Cool
2010-01-05 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Don you swim like I do, glad to have another landlover on board.  Decent HIM and Sprint times you are putting up there.  Closing in on 21+ mph on the bike is pretty sweat and runs in the 7 minute range.  You should be able to train into a 5:30 to 5:45 HIM no problem with your current speed. 

Ok for you swimmers out there... how do us 2:00/100 folks get faster?  Give us your seacrets so we can be owning the pool.  I imagine it starts with like a 4x per week, 3000 yard per day week for a couple years.  I now (as of 2 months ago) have unlimited pool access (granted a very small pool, but no flipturns required ever), but absolutely no coach access and I learned to swim TI style 1 1/2 years ago at a 2 day workshop.  I swam 100,000 yards my first 6 months and then 250,000 yards my next year.  While I am at it... I only breath on my strong side (right).  I have a basically nonexistant kick and 14 strokes per 25 yards.  My pace is not significantly different at 200 yards, 1000 yards, 2000 yards or 4500 yards.  I can muscle a slightly faster 25 or 50 yard effort, but I bet it is not very efficient or sustainable.  I am clay all advice welcome 8).  

2010-01-05 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Kristen---I wasn't aware of the one you mentioned.  It looks interesting.  I am not sure if I will be ready in time to complete that one though.  I guess I will re-assess once I finish up this Couch to 5k thing. 

FWSquatch--Glad to see someone else in a similar situation as me!  I definitely don't have the experience like some other members of this group have!  I am going to learn so much from this group.
2010-01-05 4:47 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I do get some OW swimming in, but not nearly enough. I recently joined the Long Beach Tri Club and am hoping that when the weather warms up there will be group swims. I don't like doing OW swimming alone. I train with a master's swim team two mornings a week, which I LOVE! I was a competitive swimmer back in the day and really missed having the coached workouts.

As for an Oly, I have no worries about the swim, since it is my strength. In fact, I've done 2 OW races that were longer than an oly distance. As for cycling, I could build up the mileage as long as I put them time in. I get to get a lot of aches and pains when I ride, so I admit that it is the first workout I scrap if I get busy! As for running, I have been plagued with run injuries, so the limiting factor for me could be the run. I really need to train smart and avoid injuries to pull this off.

I'm good about taking in calories on sprints. Since I am an extreme-back of the packer...there are sprints that have taken me 2.5 or 3 hours! I can't do that without fuel, so I usually have a gel before the swim, gels and gatorade on the bike, then gels and whatever they have on the course for the run. I think that should be okay for an oly, as long as I increase the amount. I've already added a second cage to my bike to allow for more fluids.

2010-01-05 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
One thing that can help a lot with bike pains is getting your bike professionally "fit" to your body.  You are going to want a good bike first... so it depends on where you are in the process.  It does not make any sense to pay $100 to get a $65 bike fit to your body.  It can help a lot with aches and pains. 

There are also bike seats that have cut outs for gender specific body parts to make the ride less irritating, padded shorts, lubricants to cut down on friction, bike shoes, clipless pedals, etc. 

The run is all about slow steady increases in vollume.  It is very important to get your shoes professionally fit to you.  This means going to  a running store, having them make multiple measurements of your feet, videotape your foot strike on a treadmill and then suggesting shoes that provide the proper type of support for your foot strike.  Also do not run in cotton socks... = blisters. 

I use Infinit on the bike which provides the calories, salt and potasium I need for hot rides.  I can put 1100 calories in 1 24 oz waterbottle and I am good for a 4-4.5 hour bike ride.  Bentos boxes are also good if you want solid food on the bike.  (bag that goes on your top tube).   
2010-01-06 8:29 AM
in reply to: #2596021

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Baowolf - 2010-01-05 3:58 PM Don you swim like I do, glad to have another landlover on board.  Decent HIM and Sprint times you are putting up there.  Closing in on 21+ mph on the bike is pretty sweat and runs in the 7 minute range.  You should be able to train into a 5:30 to 5:45 HIM no problem with your current speed. 

Ok for you swimmers out there... how do us 2:00/100 folks get faster?  Give us your seacrets so we can be owning the pool.  I imagine it starts with like a 4x per week, 3000 yard per day week for a couple years.  I now (as of 2 months ago) have unlimited pool access (granted a very small pool, but no flipturns required ever), but absolutely no coach access and I learned to swim TI style 1 1/2 years ago at a 2 day workshop.  I swam 100,000 yards my first 6 months and then 250,000 yards my next year.  While I am at it... I only breath on my strong side (right).  I have a basically nonexistant kick and 14 strokes per 25 yards.  My pace is not significantly different at 200 yards, 1000 yards, 2000 yards or 4500 yards.  I can muscle a slightly faster 25 or 50 yard effort, but I bet it is not very efficient or sustainable.  I am clay all advice welcome 8).  


I am guessing you already know this, but if you swim the same speed all the time then you will, uhh - swim the same speed all the time ; )   Can you feel what is breakng down in your stroke when you go faster?  If you can identify that, we are in a whole 'nother ball game.  If not, why don't you video your fast and 'normal' speeds and post them to your profile - we can take a look and see what is breaking down.

If you do know what is changing (your pull is shortening, you are getting extra lateral movement, you are having to breathe every stroke) then you need to do drills that over exxagerate the correct form of that issue.

If you can sustain a 1:45 for a 50 then start with 8 x 50's at :50 - :55 seconds with :30 to :45 rest in between.  Be really aware of your form issue and really try to minimize your break down.  When you are able to hold those 50's with relative* ease, bump it up to 10, when that gets sustainable change it to 5 x 100 on the  1:45 with :45 to 1:00 rest.  Increase your sets, then start going faster. 

*I say relative because you know that it should hurt.  Think of one of those sprint intervals you have done on the run or bike - I've made follks puke while swimming on the hard sets, but hey, they got faster : )

Edited by katimomma 2010-01-06 8:30 AM
2010-01-06 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Wow, talk about busy!  Last night we went to the gym to try and fit in a run and that place was absolutely packed.  We couldn't find any treadmills so I ended up riding the stationary bike.  Afterward, my wife wanted to do some strength training and so I hung out with her on that side of the gym and did a few reps on my upper body.  I have a total noob question, though.  I didn't plan on doing any strength on Tuesday because I'd already swam and rode my bike.  Is it OK to squeeze in some of that stuff just because I felt good and it was there or should I be more careful overdoing it--not just on strength but on all exercises.  Everyone keeps telling me to take it slow and don't overdo it.  How do I know when to stop?
2010-01-06 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Hi everyone!

This might be a silly question.  How will I be able to directly access this forum on a regular basis?  Do I just make a link on my favorites bar to this page?  Will there be a new forum page started since the training group is closed now?  I hope people understand what I am asking!


2010-01-06 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2597252

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Good question, I would like to know too!!!  Sorry I was no help. 

2010-01-06 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2597252

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
christina322 - 2010-01-06 9:57 AM Hi everyone!

This might be a silly question.  How will I be able to directly access this forum on a regular basis?  Do I just make a link on my favorites bar to this page?  Will there be a new forum page started since the training group is closed now?  I hope people understand what I am asking!


This will be the forum page for Kati training group.  Either add it as a browser bookmark or add this (Kati's Mentor Thread ) to your BT log by selecting the "edit" word on the top left corner.

2010-01-06 10:18 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Closed just means we aren't taking on any more members, now we have to make sure we post enough to stay on page 1 of the mentors page : )

As far as over doing it, I don't think it's the end of the world to do a little bit extra, especially when you have to be flexible because of over crowded gyms, babies that can't go outside because it's too cold . . . So, if you did some extra leg workouts yesterday, then on your scheduled leg workout day maybe just take it a little easier.  Your body will let you know quickly if you overdo.  If you start to notice you aren't seeing the performance gains that you had been seeing, if you are feeling overall wiped out, but just can't seem to get a good night sleep, the common o.u. injuries - tendonitis, strains, sprains etc.  (Either that or you have a newborn at home, symptoms seem to be the same!)

I'm taking an unscheduled day off b/c of an annoying sinus infection that has me sidelined, so Friday (usually my off day) will be a bike day and today will be just light yoga, lots of good sinus drugs and a nap!

2010-01-06 10:24 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I have only been swimming once a week with the marathon coming up in 2 weeks, but do vary the speed.  I am swimming in a swim spa and need to callabrate the speed settings into mph or minutes per 100 by renting a flowmeter.  With the insane amount of money we spent on Christmas that may be a few months.  In any case my once a week workout looks like this.

WU 500 at speed 50
6x 100 at 60 RI 15
2:00 at 50
6x 150 at 55
6x 30 at 65
CD 500 at 55

I didn't have any way to record my swim, but I did get an Ipod at Christmas which I guess can record stuff, not sure what quality.  I will just have to try to get my wife to record it for me.  Sweety, I need you to videotape me doing something so I can post it on the web for others to critique my form......

At the momment I will probably have to gain some endurance back before I can build much speed.  Once a week just is not enough to have any umphta.   
2010-01-06 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2597504

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Thanks Donto!!
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