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2010-04-09 8:11 AM
in reply to: #2778936


Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
That's a great idea! I'll def think about that! What are my options if I want to go full aero on my roadie setup? It seems like the way to go if I'm going to go long distances. I would assume it would be to get clip on long bars and then get a fit change at my local bike shop? If I were to go the tri bike route, what do you think my initial investment would have to be in a bike (new or used)?

2010-04-09 8:28 AM
in reply to: #2779470

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
Most people who try to go full aero on a roadie go with the clip-on aerobars and something called a fast-forward seatpost, which is a seatpost that has a slight forward bend in it, which will get you closer to an aero setup. There are also tri-specific saddles that are designed with extra length and/or padding in the nose so as to be more comfortable when in the aero position.

I think, if you’re willing to go the used route, you can find a bike for around $1500 or less. I got mine for $900, and I’ve seen bikes on craigslist for around that as well. Another option is a company called They’re a mail-order bike company that a lot of people (including me) have had great success with. They have a tri bike called the Nemesis that’s around $900 new, and which has a really good (Dura-ace mix) component group. It comes about 75% assembled, so you’ll have to pay a bike shop to put it together and fit you, unless you’re handy, but it’s still a great bargain. I was close to buying one when a teammate on my tri club offered me the deal on my current bike. The Nemesis is a solid bike. If you do a search on BT you’ll find lots of people who have them and everyone loves them.

Other than that, a new tri bike is going to run you between $1800 and infinity. There are fewer and fewer aluminum options these days and carbon bikes tend to start in the $2500 range.
2010-04-09 8:29 AM
in reply to: #2779074

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group-
spiral23 - 2010-04-09 12:52 AM

I would like to join your mentor group. I am new to the sport, however I am very keen and eager to progress in all three disciplines. I come from a swimming background and find cycling both enjoyable and relatively easy, however i am struggling with running. I am currently working on a lifestyle balanced program due to being a working father of four beautiful children.....

please except me. Joseph

Welcome aboard, Joseph! Take a look at the format the the others have used and give us a little more info on yourself. Where are you from? What's your story?
2010-04-09 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2769503

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Jax, FL
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
Changing a flat...I have to learn/practice this since it is inevitable.  In looking at various videos of the process it looks basic enough that I feel I can practice and get by at home.  My wife feels we need to take a class, but I think I can just do a step by step and practice at home without spending $ on a class. 

Thoughts/feedback? Did most of you learn this through trial & error or is a class necessary?
2010-04-09 11:56 AM
in reply to: #2780131

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
bdfl - 2010-04-09 11:58 AM QUESTION:
Changing a flat...I have to learn/practice this since it is inevitable.  In looking at various videos of the process it looks basic enough that I feel I can practice and get by at home.  My wife feels we need to take a class, but I think I can just do a step by step and practice at home without spending $ on a class. 

Thoughts/feedback? Did most of you learn this through trial & error or is a class necessary?

My local bike shop had a class and I took it (twice).  They mechanics can do it in their sleep and they go so fast it's not as helpful as I would have thought.  I can change a flat but it takes me a long time.  You are right, I need to practice! 
2010-04-09 12:05 PM
in reply to: #2780343

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN

Where on bike or not?  Depends on course?  I'm leaning yes for tomorrow because the road is very rough but it may be difficult to get the gloves on after the swim so...

  • dampen vibration
  • I find them helpful for climbs
  • I'm used to wearing them
  • takes time to put on/take off
  • just one more thing to do during the transition and one more thing to carry/keep track of

2010-04-09 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2769503

Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN

Hi all-

I'd love to join if you have room for one more.  My name is Kate and I'm a 37 yo from the Boston area.  I have 3 boys 13, 11, and 2.  I teach part-time, but mostly am a stay-at-home mom, and do my training during the day at the local YMCA.  Gotta love the free babysitting.  I'm a month out from my first sprint and I'm using a swim-focused plan.

I don't have much of an athletic background.  In fact, I'm not entirely sure how I got here.  Last winter I decided to lose the last of the baby weight, and did lots of classes as well as some running. It worked and I did some 5k's.  Over the summer my workouts sort of fizzled, but this past winter I wanted to get active again.  I wasn't having any luck getting motivated, so I decided to start training for something.  I have problems with my IT band, so I was hesitant to take up running longer distances.  My brother-in-law had done a couple of tris last year, so I thought I'd give it a go.

I've only signed up for one sprint as I want to make sure I like it.  I am using a borrowed bike, but will be looking to get my own if my race goes well.  My goal is to finish and not be DFL, but that last part is negotiable. 

2010-04-09 1:11 PM
in reply to: #2780381

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Jax, FL
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN

Thanks Janyne - I am going to see if I can change one this weekend...I just do not want to ruin a race over a flat.

As far as Gloves, I am no where near a good enough rider to even worry about gloves (I am still focused on the macro items needed to race...shorts, tops, running shoe), but my thought is, if something is comfortable and works for me...I can handle a few extra seconds/minute in transition to accomodate!  I think most of my time gained/lost is physical ability/training. 

2010-04-09 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2780580

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Jax, FL
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
Hi kate...that is sort of how I got started...having something to train for has really motivated me and I gaurantee you get the bug after that first sprint!
2010-04-09 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2769503

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
Hi Kate-- welcome! C'mon in!.
2010-04-09 1:26 PM
in reply to: #2780131

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
bdfl - 2010-04-09 10:58 AM

Changing a flat...I have to learn/practice this since it is inevitable.  In looking at various videos of the process it looks basic enough that I feel I can practice and get by at home.  My wife feels we need to take a class, but I think I can just do a step by step and practice at home without spending $ on a class. 

Thoughts/feedback? Did most of you learn this through trial & error or is a class necessary?

I think practice at home, after watching the videos is probably fine. I’m surprised you’re having to pay for the class—most bike shops I’ve seen offer basic maintenance classes for free.

Once you’ve done it yourself a couple of times, it isn’t that difficult. I can do it efficiently, but that’s not to say quickly. I had to fix a flat on my mountain bike the first time I took it out this spring—I ran over a piece of glass.

Keeping your tires properly inflated, ideally close to the max psi listed on the side of the tire, goes a long way towards helping you avoid flats. I always inflate my tires before every ride.

2010-04-09 1:36 PM
in reply to: #2769503

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
If you’re using aerobars, you don’t need gloves as much. I used to wear them when I rode my road bike or my mtb for the reasons you listed. I injured my hands a week or two ago and they’re still really sore right around the heel of my palm. I rode last Sunday without my gloves and it was really painful at times, so I’m going to try wearing them for a while until my hands are better.

In a Sprint or Olympic, where time is of the essence and the bike leg isn’t more than an hour and change, I’d leave them out, but on a half-iron or IM, especially if you’re going to be on a road bike and you’re used to wearing them, then I think bringing them is fine. If you are going to wear them, make sure you practice putting them on and getting them off in transition, and if you aren’t going to wear them, make sure you go riding a few times to get used to the sensation. You might find you need to switch hand positions more often without them.
2010-04-09 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2769503

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Extreme Veteran
Long Island
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
Hey Jonah, got room for me?

I'm 42 and live on Long Island with my 8 yo twin daughters, lovely wife and insane Vizsla. My goal this year is 2 sprints and Oly and a couple of du's.

I played sports(Baseball, soccer mostly) through high school but havent done much else other than biking up til a year ago or so when I added in running. I'm a terrible swimmer which is kinda ironic as I was a lifeguard as a teenager.
2010-04-09 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2769503

Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
Hi Jonah

I'd love to join your mentor group if it is still open

Name: MartyO aka Marty

Story: I live outside of Syracuse, NY and begen doing triathlons a couple of years ago to get back in shape after having my third child. Had a blast. Last year I decided to focus on my running and ran a marathon. Loved it. And this year with an Ironman 70.3  taking place 6 miles from my front  door , I decided it was time to increase the distances.   Looking forward to the challenge.

Family Status: Married with  3 kids (9, 7, and 4)

Current Training: I run with friends  3 to 4  mornings a week, swim on occasion, and  I am trying to increase my biking from virtually non-existant over the winter (hate the trainer) to 3 to 4 times a week. I have to get on track with a solid plan and soon.

Last Year's Races: 2 sprint triathlons (Green Lakes and Iron Girl) and Adirondak Marathon

2009 races: Mountain Goat Run in May ( a local 10 mile very hilly course); Cazenovia Triathlon - olympic distance in August; and Syracuse 70.3 in September

Weightloss: Would love to drop 5 - 8 pounds, but I am not obsessing over it.

Looking forward to this experience!

2010-04-09 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2780687

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
Sammeg - 2010-04-09 1:39 PM

Hey Jonah, got room for me?

I'm 42 and live on Long Island with my 8 yo twin daughters, lovely wife and insane Vizsla. My goal this year is 2 sprints and Oly and a couple of du's.

I played sports(Baseball, soccer mostly) through high school but havent done much else other than biking up til a year ago or so when I added in running. I'm a terrible swimmer which is kinda ironic as I was a lifeguard as a teenager.

Where on Long Island (welcome, by the way)? My wife’s family is in Valley Stream (which is essentially just Eastern Queens, I realize, but still technically Nassau County)

What races are you planning? I was thinking of maybe doing the Gold Coast Sprint, if it’s still open. I did it a couple of years ago and liked it.

I’m not surprised about swimming & being a lifeguard. Most of my friends who lifeguarded at the beach in the summer said they rarely made saves in water they couldn’t stand up in.
2010-04-09 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2780771

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
MartyO - 2010-04-09 2:05 PM

Hi Jonah

I'd love to join your mentor group if it is still open

Name: MartyO aka Marty

Story: I live outside of Syracuse, NY and begen doing triathlons a couple of years ago to get back in shape after having my third child. Had a blast. Last year I decided to focus on my running and ran a marathon. Loved it. And this year with an Ironman 70.3  taking place 6 miles from my front  door , I decided it was time to increase the distances.   Looking forward to the challenge.

Family Status: Married with  3 kids (9, 7, and 4)

Current Training: I run with friends  3 to 4  mornings a week, swim on occasion, and  I am trying to increase my biking from virtually non-existant over the winter (hate the trainer) to 3 to 4 times a week. I have to get on track with a solid plan and soon.

Last Year's Races: 2 sprint triathlons (Green Lakes and Iron Girl) and Adirondak Marathon

2009 races: Mountain Goat Run in May ( a local 10 mile very hilly course); Cazenovia Triathlon - olympic distance in August; and Syracuse 70.3 in September

Weightloss: Would love to drop 5 - 8 pounds, but I am not obsessing over it.

Looking forward to this experience!


The new 70.3 in Syracuse is definitely on the list. My dad lives in Ithaca in the fall (he teaches part time up there), and so I’ve considered it. I think this year it falls right on the Jewish holidays or something, as I remember, but maybe next year.

I really enjoyed the 70.3 distance. It’s definitely more training that I was used to having to do, but it was very manageable and I think it’s the best “bang-for-your-buck”. You really feel as if you’ve accomplished something heroic when you finish, but you aren’t beaten to death physically the way you are after a marathon or an Ironman.

2010-04-09 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2780879

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
jmk-brooklyn - 2010-04-09 3:43 PM [ I really enjoyed the 70.3 distance. It’s definitely more training that I was used to having to do, but it was very manageable and I think it’s the best “bang-for-your-buck”. You really feel as if you’ve accomplished something heroic when you finish, but you aren’t beaten to death physically the way you are after a marathon or an Ironman.

I love this!  I am so excited about each of our our journeys!  Smile
2010-04-09 3:53 PM
in reply to: #2769503

Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
You're right about the syr 70.3 falling on the Jewish holidays.

Wow, I'm surprised that you think I'll feel less beat up after this than the marathon. Hey - I sure do hope you are right
2010-04-09 4:00 PM
in reply to: #2781072

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
MartyO - 2010-04-09 3:53 PM

You're right about the syr 70.3 falling on the Jewish holidays.

Wow, I'm surprised that you think I'll feel less beat up after this than the marathon. Hey - I sure do hope you are right

I think that experience is pretty universal among people who've done both, actually. I've never done a marathon, so I can't say.
2010-04-09 5:22 PM
in reply to: #2780868

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Extreme Veteran
Long Island
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
jmk-brooklyn - 2010-04-09 2:39 PM
Sammeg - 2010-04-09 1:39 PM Hey Jonah, got room for me?

I'm 42 and live on Long Island with my 8 yo twin daughters, lovely wife and insane Vizsla. My goal this year is 2 sprints and Oly and a couple of du's.

I played sports(Baseball, soccer mostly) through high school but havent done much else other than biking up til a year ago or so when I added in running. I'm a terrible swimmer which is kinda ironic as I was a lifeguard as a teenager.
Where on Long Island (welcome, by the way)? My wife’s family is in Valley Stream (which is essentially just Eastern Queens, I realize, but still technically Nassau County) What races are you planning? I was thinking of maybe doing the Gold Coast Sprint, if it’s still open. I did it a couple of years ago and liked it. I’m not surprised about swimming & being a lifeguard. Most of my friends who lifeguarded at the beach in the summer said they rarely made saves in water they couldn’t stand up in.

I'm on the North Shore in Suffolk County right by Port Jeff probably about 60 miles from the city(although I do go into lower Manhattan about once a week for work).

I'm considering doing that one as well(Just checked, it's still open), I think its on Fathers day. It would be great to see you there!

Fortunately the only thing I ever had to save as a lifeguard was a room key(Worked at a hotel pool)

BTW, great sig!
2010-04-09 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2777798

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Extreme Veteran
Long Island
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
jmk-brooklyn - 2010-04-08 2:07 PM
 I can definitely help with finding gear at a reasonable price. I’m “the budget Triathlete”—I should write a book. There is very little that I own that wasn’t either a gift or bought second-hand or on clearance. I still covet all the new shiny stuff, but when it comes down to choosing between a family vacation and a new wheelset, it’s a pretty easy choice for me, espcially when the wheels I have get me from point a to point b just fine.

X2 on the budget....although I'm probably bordering on cheap as I see my wife's support is directly related to how much I spend! This is probably why I ride a 1983 Motobecane Grand Record.

One idea to help with the entry fees that works for me, is to volunteer at other events. Your helping out the sport and some RD's will comp or reduce the race fees for upcoming races. I'm registered for one already that was comp'd and I'm hoping to get the Mighty Hamptons in for free as well.

2010-04-09 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2769503

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St. Clair Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN

Still time to join?  I would like to add to the diversification of this group!

NAME:  Jeri

FAMILY STATUS:  Female, Age 42, Married, 1 teenage daughter

STORY:   Brand new to tri!!!  Doing my first one in June...Sprint distance.  I am a cyclist, but started running because my husband is a runner.  I couldn't stand going to running events and not participating!  I figured if I could run and bike, why not swim too?  Anyway, I have no idea what I am getting into....I don't even understand most of the "jargon" and abbreviations that I have read on these posts.  I may not have much to offer the other members, but I sure could use some advice!

2009 RACES:  6 5K runs, 1 50 charity bike ride, 1 Century.

2010 RACES:  Sprint Tri, June / Century, September / Numerous 5K runs throughout

WEIGHT LOSS:  Holding steady at the same size for about 20 years, always yearning to be 10 pounds lighter.  This usually happens by September after I have been working out all summer.  Those 10 pounds always come back in a hurry by December.

CURRENT TRAINING:  Swimming:  once a week, 1000 meters; Running: about 3 - 6 miles per week; Biking: as much as possible!!  (see my training log).  I also play lots of Softball and Volleyball in the summer.

2010-04-09 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2769503

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
Hi Jeri! Yes, there's still room and come on in!

Fire away with questions. You've got a busy summer planned.

2010-04-09 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2781239

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- OPEN
Sammeg - 2010-04-09 5:34 PM

jmk-brooklyn - 2010-04-08 2:07 PM
 I can definitely help with finding gear at a reasonable price. I’m “the budget Triathlete”—I should write a book. There is very little that I own that wasn’t either a gift or bought second-hand or on clearance. I still covet all the new shiny stuff, but when it comes down to choosing between a family vacation and a new wheelset, it’s a pretty easy choice for me, espcially when the wheels I have get me from point a to point b just fine.

X2 on the budget....although I'm probably bordering on cheap as I see my wife's support is directly related to how much I spend! This is probably why I ride a 1983 Motobecane Grand Record.

One idea to help with the entry fees that works for me, is to volunteer at other events. Your helping out the sport and some RD's will comp or reduce the race fees for upcoming races. I'm registered for one already that was comp'd and I'm hoping to get the Mighty Hamptons in for free as well.

That's a great point. I've been alternating volunteering at the NYC Tri with racing it for free. This is a race year for me! I think the Gold Coast tri has a deal that of you race it, you get to register the next year for twenty bucks or something.
2010-04-10 6:46 AM
in reply to: #2769503

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Jmk-brooklyn's mentor group- FULL!
Rise and Shine, everybody!

What's on tap for this weekend?

I'm going this afternoon to the local tri store to see what they've got in the way of new gear. I have a gift certificate that needs using....

We'll probably do some shopping in SoHo. The wife needs some new spring clothes, so I'll be relegated to handbag-holder.

I'll go for a long run this afternoon/evening.

Tomorrow, I'm going to go for a long ride in the morning and then go swimming for about an hour while my son takes his swim lesson.

B: Grits, coffee
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