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2011-01-07 12:08 PM
in reply to: #3283301

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
tntexpres - 2011-01-06 4:50 AM

Not only have I let my group/teams down here on BT - I have paid for that Atlantic Coast Oly 2 years in a row now and flaked out - can you believe that? I DO NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN THIS YEAR! I will be 45 this year and am COMMITTED TO ACCOMPLISH THIS GOAL THIS YEAR!!!

Hoping you can help keep me on track

Bobby, you might want to get John's phone number, because if he starts to fade we are going to need to call him and tell him to get his butt back in gear!  ;-)

John, this is YOUR year buddy!  Make it happen!

2011-01-07 12:20 PM
in reply to: #3283927

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
Dream Chaser - 2011-01-06 4:50 PM

Hi Rene.  I too am a runner at heart.  Phenomenal marathon time - 3:30!!   I love how after the duathlon you decided you wanted to do triathlon, so you joined a Master's Swim Group.  What an incredibly smart move.  IMCDA is an Ironman on my radar, and one I hope to do in the next couple years.  PF is a nasty little injury.  Just out of curiosity, what shoes were you running a bulk of your mileage in?  Also, how long have you had the PF?  How are you rehabbing it?  And how's it coming along?  Can you cylcle pain free?  The beauty of triathlon is if you get injured in one discipline, you can often still practice the other two without issue. 

IMLP and IMCDA are within one month of another so we'll definitely be able to motivate one another.  Welcome to the group.

The shoes I have been wearing are Asic Gel-Kinetic.  I got PF while training for a marathon that was Halloween 2010.  Since it wasn't my A race and I didn't want to make the injury worse, I skipped the race after all.  I can cycle pain free and I can also run short distances 3 miles with no problems.  As far as rehab, I went to see a PT once and he gave me a bunch of exercises to strengthen my foot.  I am also using foot inserts like (super feet), wearing a boot at night, stretching, rolling foot on a frozen bottle and icing. 

BTW, I love the sig!
Dream (noun) - a strongly desired goal or purpose.
Chaser (noun) - one that chases.
If you chase something long enough, eventually you will catch it.
2011-01-07 12:32 PM
in reply to: #3258141

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
What training plan you using for IM?  I plan to use Finks Competitive Plan, I ordered the book and it should be arriving in the next few days.
2011-01-07 12:38 PM
in reply to: #3284261

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN

GRB1 - 2011-01-07 10:15 AM Bobby, I would like to join your group if you still have openings. 

NAME: GRB1 / Greg

 STORY: 42 years old and entering my third full year of doing Tri's.  My goal for this year will be to improve on my fitness level/conditioning and learn to push myself a little more on longer distance events.  Last year I completed my first IM and accomplished a long term goal in the process.  I was not going to compete in another IM this year as it is very time intensive and I wanted to dedicate more time to the family.  However IM WI opened up slots for military and police as the race will fall on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  I am active duty Navy and I felt compelled to apply for a slot to represent the Navy.  I was honored to be selected to represent the Navy and the families who have given so much over the last 10 years.  I did of course get approval from my wife, who I am blessed to receive so much support from  So I now have a goal to improve upon my time from last year and have fun in the process.  I have room for improvement in all three disciplines.

I have been involved in a mentor group the last 2 years.  I have found this to be a great venue to stay involved, learn from others and it sort of holds me accountable for my training.  Hoping to get more of the same this year.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with two boys ages 6 + 8.  


CURRENT TRAINING: I have never used an official training plan.  I have trained based on my knowledge of the sport and listening to my body. 


THIS YEAR'S RACES: Ironman Racine 70.3, IM Wisconsin and Capitol View Olympic.

2011 RACES:   Same as above. 

WEIGHTLOSS: When I started training 3 years ago I was 219#.   At the peak of my IM training last year I dropped down to 192#.  Post IM I have put on some "Winter" weight and currently weigh 205.  Looking to get down to 190# for IM Wisconsin.

Greg, Welcome!!!  We are still Open for business.  Thank you for serving our country and defending our Freedom -  God Bless you. 

If you want to better your Wisconsin time, I would strongly suggest researching and finding a program that fits your needs and lifestyle.  It's taken me a few years to learn the lesson that following a plan is the best way to ensure Race Day success - and I am still learning this lesson.  Especially with an Ironman, since the training (especially during the Peak period) is so mammoth, that we are are too fatigued to think straight, or know what's best for us.  Last season my mantra was "train by listening to my body".  The problem with that is, by the time your body screams that something is wrong - it's already too late.  Please don't confuse this with 'listening to your body' as a general rule of thumb.  I'm speaking specifically of planning your daily training for an extended period of time to prepare for an event base on 'listening to your body'. 

Having trained for and completed an Ironman, and I see a few 70.3's, your input and suggestions to other members in the group will be very valuable.  Please feel free to offer motivation, suggestions and share your past experiences with others.   In fact, I strongly suggest you offer us all input!!  Thank you for joining the group.  Or should I say, Welcome aboard Soldier!! 

2011-01-07 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3284810

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN

RunRene - 2011-01-07 1:32 PM Dream,
What training plan you using for IM?  I plan to use Finks Competitive Plan, I ordered the book and it should be arriving in the next few days.

I am using Finks Be IronFit Intermediate plan.  I really like how you have set days every week for s/b/r.  I looked at the plan below this one, and it seemed like too little.  I looked at the Competitive plan and it seemed like it might be a bit too much for me, so I settled on the intermediate.  I wish you much success with the Competitve Plan!!

2011-01-07 12:44 PM
in reply to: #3284730

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
RunRene - 2011-01-07 1:04 PM
kimmax - 2011-01-05 10:49 PM

I researched a bunch of century plan books and websites and couldn't really find anything.  So many have you getting to that distance in 8 weeks and cycling every day which won't quite work for me.  I agree it's probably not the best plan so I'm totally open to any suggestions!!

Thanks for the reminder on the bike fit.  My freebie runs out end of January!!

Looking forward to this!

I have used Spinervals when riding, they will kick your butt... if that is what you want. Smile

For long rides I like to be distracted by watching something.  Here are some ideas of things to watch.

I think one of the reasons I enjoy triathlon is the variety - I lose interest quickly.  A typical trainer ride has me on my bike with the iPod blaring and a movie - with subtitles - playing in front of me.  These are minimum requirements! 

I tend to watch the cycle scenes in American Flyers over and over again.  Breaking Away is a good cycling movie.  I love watching Run Fatboy Run and On a Clear Day is a wonderful swimming movie.  I have my others - but those older movies don't come with subtitles ;(

Santa gave me a Spinnerval DVD in my stocking so I should probably give it a play!

Run done!  I overdressed

2011-01-07 12:54 PM
in reply to: #3284778

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN

RunRene - 2011-01-07 1:20 PM
Dream Chaser - 2011-01-06 4:50 PM

Hi Rene.  I too am a runner at heart.  Phenomenal marathon time - 3:30!!   I love how after the duathlon you decided you wanted to do triathlon, so you joined a Master's Swim Group.  What an incredibly smart move.  IMCDA is an Ironman on my radar, and one I hope to do in the next couple years.  PF is a nasty little injury.  Just out of curiosity, what shoes were you running a bulk of your mileage in?  Also, how long have you had the PF?  How are you rehabbing it?  And how's it coming along?  Can you cylcle pain free?  The beauty of triathlon is if you get injured in one discipline, you can often still practice the other two without issue. 

IMLP and IMCDA are within one month of another so we'll definitely be able to motivate one another.  Welcome to the group.

The shoes I have been wearing are Asic Gel-Kinetic.  I got PF while training for a marathon that was Halloween 2010.  Since it wasn't my A race and I didn't want to make the injury worse, I skipped the race after all.  I can cycle pain free and I can also run short distances 3 miles with no problems.  As far as rehab, I went to see a PT once and he gave me a bunch of exercises to strengthen my foot.  I am also using foot inserts like (super feet), wearing a boot at night, stretching, rolling foot on a frozen bottle and icing. 

BTW, I love the sig!

Dream (noun) - a strongly desired goal or purpose.
Chaser (noun) - one that chases.
If you chase something long enough, eventually you will catch it.

Rene, I am very passionate about running and have read a lot on the subject.  I've also seen quote a few people who use that exact shoe, and smilar shoes develop PF!!!  Asics is an excellent shoe.  Well over half the field at Kona runs in Asics.  I've been running in Asics since 2006.  I've run primarily in the Speedstar, DS trainer and 1130's.  All neutral shoes with VERY little technology.  If you get a chance, read the book "Born to Run".  Put simply, if you are running in a shoe that does not allow for your natural pronation, natural gait; if you are running in a shoe where you cannot feel the surface below, you are effectively running in a cast.  Hi-tech shoes do not allow the sole of your foot to strengthen.  The bottom of your foot has more bones than any other area of your body.  The shape of the bottom of your foot is an arch, which is one of the strongest structures in architecture.  Our feet are engineering feats, but they need to feel the ground and need impact in order to strengthen.  When wearing a shoe that alters our natual foot strike, a shoe that is too cushioned, we are defying the very nature of what makes our feet amazing and unique. 

Now I am not endorsing running in running flats!  I am recommending switching to an ultra-light trainer, something preferably between 9 and 11oz.  Since you have PF right now as well, you should SLOWLY introduce a new shoe.  All the rehab you are doing is tremendous.  But the single best piece of equipment that I have used to strengthen the plantar fascia is a thera-band bacl stability trainer   It also works all the size stabilizer muscles in your calves, quads, glutes and hips.  When we run, it's one leg at a time that lands and we momentarily balance on.  Just the same, you balance on one leg for 60 seconds a time.  You will feel amazing strain and burn in your plantar fascia, and stabilizer muscels.  The black one is completely hollow and the most advanced trainer.

2011-01-07 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3258141

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Extreme Veteran
Long Island
Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN

Hey Bobby, If you have room I'd like to join as well.

Name: Sammeg/Ted

Story: 42 yo, Former fairly athletic youth involved in baseball, wresling and Soccer with the emphasis on soccer for about 12 years. Was also an ok swimmer as a kid, ended up being a lifeguard although you'd never know it now. Was in decent shape up until my kids were born when i was 33, got real sedentary and got up to 210lbs. Turning point was 2+ years ago when i was helping my kids ride their bikes and I felt like i was gonna drop dead after 100 yards. Started some running and biking and dropped down to 175 feeling much better. Did 3 sprints last summer but was not very consistent in the training.

Goal: Be much more consistent and drop 15lbs(with the focus on consistency). Race goal is the Suffolk county Half marathon at the end of March. Ran the 5k there last year and I'd like to increase the distance this time. Just started a 12 week plan.

2011 Races: Various sprints followed by HIM in Montauk in October(hopefully!).
Family: Happily married with twin 9 yo daughters.

Hope you still have room!

Edited by Sammeg 2011-01-07 2:40 PM
2011-01-07 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3258141

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
Hey, DC, I will join your group. We were in a mentor group a couple of years back and it was great. For those of you new to the mentor program, you can gain a lot of knowledge and soak in needed motivation from day to day from visiting the mentor blog, interacting with other group members or visiting member blog sites to see what they are up to. Sharing in the challenges, successes and, yes, failures of others in your mentor group will give you needed strength to move forward when things get tough.

As for a DC, you are not going to find a more honest and passionate mentor on this site. He loves and lives to train and race. He understands the need for balance in life. He is also passionate about learning about any aspect of racing and he is willing to share in his failures....straight up. Many of us (including me) get caught up when we fail and neglect to learn from our mistakes. DC has made some mistakes along the way and has learned from them, which is why he has been successful, and why he will continue to raise the bar. As for me, I have made too many mistakes to list, but I have learned as well. Racing is a game of mistakes...nobody is perfect!

I will share my story at a later date. Looking forward to being a part of this group.
2011-01-07 3:35 PM
in reply to: #3285202

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
Sammeg - 2011-01-07 3:35 PM

Hey Bobby, If you have room I'd like to join as well.

Name: Sammeg/Ted

Story: 42 yo, Former fairly athletic youth involved in baseball, wresling and Soccer with the emphasis on soccer for about 12 years. Was also an ok swimmer as a kid, ended up being a lifeguard although you'd never know it now. Was in decent shape up until my kids were born when i was 33, got real sedentary and got up to 210lbs. Turning point was 2+ years ago when i was helping my kids ride their bikes and I felt like i was gonna drop dead after 100 yards. Started some running and biking and dropped down to 175 feeling much better. Did 3 sprints last summer but was not very consistent in the training.

Goal: Be much more consistent and drop 15lbs(with the focus on consistency). Race goal is the Suffolk county Half marathon at the end of March. Ran the 5k there last year and I'd like to increase the distance this time. Just started a 12 week plan.

2011 Races: Various sprints followed by HIM in Montauk in October(hopefully!).
Family: Happily married with twin 9 yo daughters.

Hope you still have room!

Hi Ted. Welcome neighbor!! I live in Wading River. You must join me and a few other guys from the area at Cedar Beach for open water swims starting in May. I too will be running the Suffolk County Half! Ive done the race twice before. Best 18 bucks I've ever spent. I'm typing on my iPhone so I will give you some more feedback when I get to a computer. Welcome to the group.
2011-01-07 3:42 PM
in reply to: #3258141

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
George... You Rock!!! Thanks for joining. We've been on this journey together through this site, meeting in a mentor group three years ago! And it's been nothing but fun. So happy you've joined. When you get a chance, state them goals

Edited by Dream Chaser 2011-01-07 3:44 PM

2011-01-07 6:30 PM
in reply to: #3284910

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
Dream Chaser - 2011-01-06 10:54 PM

Rene, I am very passionate about running and have read a lot on the subject.  I've also seen quote a few people who use that exact shoe, and smilar shoes develop PF!!!  Asics is an excellent shoe.  Well over half the field at Kona runs in Asics.  I've been running in Asics since 2006.  I've run primarily in the Speedstar, DS trainer and 1130's.  All neutral shoes with VERY little technology.  If you get a chance, read the book "Born to Run".  Put simply, if you are running in a shoe that does not allow for your natural pronation, natural gait; if you are running in a shoe where you cannot feel the surface below, you are effectively running in a cast.  Hi-tech shoes do not allow the sole of your foot to strengthen.  The bottom of your foot has more bones than any other area of your body.  The shape of the bottom of your foot is an arch, which is one of the strongest structures in architecture.  Our feet are engineering feats, but they need to feel the ground and need impact in order to strengthen.  When wearing a shoe that alters our natual foot strike, a shoe that is too cushioned, we are defying the very nature of what makes our feet amazing and unique. 

Now I am not endorsing running in running flats!  I am recommending switching to an ultra-light trainer, something preferably between 9 and 11oz.  Since you have PF right now as well, you should SLOWLY introduce a new shoe.  All the rehab you are doing is tremendous.  But the single best piece of equipment that I have used to strengthen the plantar fascia is a thera-band bacl stability trainer   It also works all the size stabilizer muscles in your calves, quads, glutes and hips.  When we run, it's one leg at a time that lands and we momentarily balance on.  Just the same, you balance on one leg for 60 seconds a time.  You will feel amazing strain and burn in your plantar fascia, and stabilizer muscels.  The black one is completely hollow and the most advanced trainer.

Great points! Thanks!

I thought my shoe was the neutral shoe, I didn't realize it weighed so much either. I will check out the shoes you suggested and that stability trainer.
2011-01-07 6:32 PM
in reply to: #3284854

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
Dream Chaser - 2011-01-06 10:42 PM

RunRene - 2011-01-07 1:32 PM Dream,
What training plan you using for IM?  I plan to use Finks Competitive Plan, I ordered the book and it should be arriving in the next few days.

I am using Finks Be IronFit Intermediate plan.  I really like how you have set days every week for s/b/r.  I looked at the plan below this one, and it seemed like too little.  I looked at the Competitive plan and it seemed like it might be a bit too much for me, so I settled on the intermediate.  I wish you much success with the Competitve Plan!!

I will review the plans further once I have received the book.  A lot of folks suggested the competitive plan so that is why I was planning on using it.
2011-01-07 6:43 PM
in reply to: #3258141

Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
Hey Bobby:

Got room for one more?

Me:  I'm 44 yrs old, 5'8" about 130lbs, pretty lean, or as my mom would say, "you too skinny!"  Married, father of 2 and one on the way.

What I've done: I've done a few marathons, two sprints and last yr my first Olympic distance.

For yrs I've been wanting to get more involved in Tri but with kids being born, it has been tough to train.  Last yr I purchased the Triathalon Bible and read it as was inspired. I told myself, what am I waiting for, I'm not getting any younger.  So I decided to sign up for that LA Tri Olympic distance and purchased a used Cervelo.

I was disappointed in my LA Tri result, especially the swim.  I have been swimming pretty well in the pool but the tri was my first open water experience since my sprint two yrs ago.  And it showed in my result. I struggled so much in the water that I was passed by a couple of age group after mine.  Did ok in bike since I was only able to bike once a week but did well in the run.

My ultimate goal: Kona (isn't that all triathlete's ultimate goal?)

My 2011 goal: compete in at least two Olympic distance and to kill in the swim portion.  This would lead to 2012 of competing in HIM

Looking for other BTers to hold me accountable training with a little one and two rugrats at home and for tips and encouragement.

2011-01-07 10:17 PM
in reply to: #3284178

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
Dream Chaser - 2011-01-07 9:44 AM

NOTE TO GROUP:  Over the next few days and weeks, feel free to check out one another's blogs and inspire and encourage one another.  Derive strength from the group.  Feel free to offer your own experiences and suggestions to other group members.  All of my successes and accomplished goals in running and triathlon are as a direct result of following suggestion and applying them to my training. 


Have a great weekend everyone!  Hoping to get a trainer ride in this weekend if child gives me some alone time
A number of the logs are blocked - not sure if I'm doing something wrong.  Hope everyone has a great weekend with some quality training included!
2011-01-08 6:48 AM
in reply to: #3284261

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN

Bobby/DC, I'd love to join your group if you have one more. 

NAME: jmhpsu93/Mike

 STORY: Soon to be 42 year old, long-time runner.  About five years ago I noticed that I had started to gain a little weight over time, was up to about 225 which looked OK on me, but I could really feel the extra weight.  I signed up for a half marathon, which was more than double any race I had done before.  I trained and finished the Baltimore Half-Marathon in 2007 at 2:02, which only motivated me to go lower. 

I had saphneal vein surgery in Nov 2007, where I had the largest vein in my left leg removed because it wasn't working right and caused vericose veins and swelling in that leg (think Casey Martin, but not nearly as bad).  I used exercise as my main recovery tool, and noticed that if I went a couple of weeks without working out I would experience atrophy in that leg because of the reduced blood flow.

I dropped 8 minutes off my HM time for the 2008 race, down to 1:53:54.  Gained weight over the winter (I hate running outdoors in the cold), lost in again in the summer, finished the 2009 HM in about 1:54 again.  I had reached a plateau in my fitness that clearly wasn't working.

My wife has done several triathlons (the Danskin ones) and I've also admired the Ironman athletes over the years.  She is a great natural swimmer, me not so much.

I said the heck with it...I'm going to do a sprint triathlon.  I learned to swim (well...sort of, if you call a 2:10 pace swimming) and completed a sprint triathlon last August, with a PR on the 5K part of the run.  I noticed that the triathlon training was great for my running, too.  I PR'd a 10K in September, and almost broke 1:50 in the HM in October.  I also got my weight down to 202, which I haven't seen since college.

Hoping to improve this year as much as last year.

I'm a member of the Annapolis Triathlon Club, and like to squeeze in some golf here and there too.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 8 year old daughter, who also completed a triathlon last year!

CURRENT TRAINING: Was doing a swim-intensive off-season plan before I got bronchitis in early December, followed by "Eating Season" and a death in the family.  Starting almost from scratch now.  Using a beginner Olympic plan from BT right now and I start the 26-week, 2 race Olympic plan mid-February.  I swim indoors at the Y, ride a hybrid bike when it's warm out or an Expresso bike at the Y when it's cold, and spitefully run outdoors in the cold. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Celebration Sprint (June), Diamond in the Rough (almost Olympic, July), North East Triathlon (Olympic, August), Baltimore Half Marathon (October)

GOALS:  Get swimming under 2:00 pace for Olympic distance, run sub-22 5K, Clydesdale podium a triathlon, run sub 1:48 HM...I think all of these goals are attainable and have similar paths, hence the multiple goals.  Oh, and I'd like to see 195# on the scale in October when I run the HM.

Good luck everyone!


2011-01-08 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3285983

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Extreme Veteran
Long Island
Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
kimmax - 2011-01-07 10:17 PM
Dream Chaser - 2011-01-07 9:44 AM

NOTE TO GROUP:  Over the next few days and weeks, feel free to check out one another's blogs and inspire and encourage one another.  Derive strength from the group.  Feel free to offer your own experiences and suggestions to other group members.  All of my successes and accomplished goals in running and triathlon are as a direct result of following suggestion and applying them to my training. 


Have a great weekend everyone!  Hoping to get a trainer ride in this weekend if child gives me some alone time
A number of the logs are blocked - not sure if I'm doing something wrong.  Hope everyone has a great weekend with some quality training included!

oops, forgot my logs weren't public. Just opened them up.
I'm planning on getting in a couple of runs, a trainer ride, some sleigh riding with the girls and of course the J-E-T-S tonight!

Happy weekend
2011-01-08 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3285344

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Extreme Veteran
Long Island
Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
Dream Chaser - 2011-01-07 3:35 PM
Sammeg - 2011-01-07 3:35 PM

Hey Bobby, If you have room I'd like to join as well.

Name: Sammeg/Ted

Story: 42 yo, Former fairly athletic youth involved in baseball, wresling and Soccer with the emphasis on soccer for about 12 years. Was also an ok swimmer as a kid, ended up being a lifeguard although you'd never know it now. Was in decent shape up until my kids were born when i was 33, got real sedentary and got up to 210lbs. Turning point was 2+ years ago when i was helping my kids ride their bikes and I felt like i was gonna drop dead after 100 yards. Started some running and biking and dropped down to 175 feeling much better. Did 3 sprints last summer but was not very consistent in the training.

Goal: Be much more consistent and drop 15lbs(with the focus on consistency). Race goal is the Suffolk county Half marathon at the end of March. Ran the 5k there last year and I'd like to increase the distance this time. Just started a 12 week plan.

2011 Races: Various sprints followed by HIM in Montauk in October(hopefully!).
Family: Happily married with twin 9 yo daughters.

Hope you still have room!

Hi Ted. Welcome neighbor!! I live in Wading River. You must join me and a few other guys from the area at Cedar Beach for open water swims starting in May. I too will be running the Suffolk County Half! Ive done the race twice before. Best 18 bucks I've ever spent. I'm typing on my iPhone so I will give you some more feedback when I get to a computer. Welcome to the group.

Wow, that's funny, you're right down the road! Open water swims at Cedar sound great, the only time I swam there was for the Cedar Beach Tri...of course, no jellies in October.
2011-01-08 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3286174

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN

jmhpsu93 - 2011-01-08 7:48 AM

Bobby/DC, I'd love to join your group if you have one more. 

NAME: jmhpsu93/Mike

 STORY: Soon to be 42 year old, long-time runner.  About five years ago I noticed that I had started to gain a little weight over time, was up to about 225 which looked OK on me, but I could really feel the extra weight.  I signed up for a half marathon, which was more than double any race I had done before.  I trained and finished the Baltimore Half-Marathon in 2007 at 2:02, which only motivated me to go lower. 

I had saphneal vein surgery in Nov 2007, where I had the largest vein in my left leg removed because it wasn't working right and caused vericose veins and swelling in that leg (think Casey Martin, but not nearly as bad).  I used exercise as my main recovery tool, and noticed that if I went a couple of weeks without working out I would experience atrophy in that leg because of the reduced blood flow.

I dropped 8 minutes off my HM time for the 2008 race, down to 1:53:54.  Gained weight over the winter (I hate running outdoors in the cold), lost in again in the summer, finished the 2009 HM in about 1:54 again.  I had reached a plateau in my fitness that clearly wasn't working.

My wife has done several triathlons (the Danskin ones) and I've also admired the Ironman athletes over the years.  She is a great natural swimmer, me not so much.

I said the heck with it...I'm going to do a sprint triathlon.  I learned to swim (well...sort of, if you call a 2:10 pace swimming) and completed a sprint triathlon last August, with a PR on the 5K part of the run.  I noticed that the triathlon training was great for my running, too.  I PR'd a 10K in September, and almost broke 1:50 in the HM in October.  I also got my weight down to 202, which I haven't seen since college.

Hoping to improve this year as much as last year.

I'm a member of the Annapolis Triathlon Club, and like to squeeze in some golf here and there too.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 8 year old daughter, who also completed a triathlon last year!

CURRENT TRAINING: Was doing a swim-intensive off-season plan before I got bronchitis in early December, followed by "Eating Season" and a death in the family.  Starting almost from scratch now.  Using a beginner Olympic plan from BT right now and I start the 26-week, 2 race Olympic plan mid-February.  I swim indoors at the Y, ride a hybrid bike when it's warm out or an Expresso bike at the Y when it's cold, and spitefully run outdoors in the cold. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Celebration Sprint (June), Diamond in the Rough (almost Olympic, July), North East Triathlon (Olympic, August), Baltimore Half Marathon (October)

GOALS:  Get swimming under 2:00 pace for Olympic distance, run sub-22 5K, Clydesdale podium a triathlon, run sub 1:48 HM...I think all of these goals are attainable and have similar paths, hence the multiple goals.  Oh, and I'd like to see 195# on the scale in October when I run the HM.

Good luck everyone!


Hi Mike.  Yeppers, spots are getting slim but we are still Open.  Welcome!!  Very thorough bio and clearly defined, very attainable goals.  Congrats to your daughter completing a triathlon at age 8.  That is phenomenal!! I'm sure a big part of her completing such a fantastic task at such a young age was due to the excellent example her parents are setting.   

One way to almost guarantee a running PR is weightloss.  The rule of thumb formula is you will get :02 seconds per mile faster each pound lost.  So say you run a race with a 9:30 pace.  Then you lose 10 lbs, maintain your fitness, and run that race again.  You are now likely to run a 9:10 pace using the same effort.  This formula from my experience is very true and pretty close to accurate.  I've used this formula as motivation to lose weight.  Also, just imagine putting on a 10 lb vest and running 2 miles.  Then, take that 10 lb vest off and run those same 2 miles.  How much easier would the latter half of that run feel?? 

As for running outside in the winter, yeah it sucks!  If you can stomach it, try and make the treadmill a routine. I know the treadmill is not as fun but there are many benefits to the treadmill:  it's a level, forgiving surface, you don't have to think about pace, you can really work on form, and it's only a temporary approx 3-month period. 

Oh, and 2:10 is certainly swimming.  I was looking at my logs at when I first started swimming back in late 2007, and there were times I was lucky to swim sub 3:00 per 100m, and making it from one side of a 25m pool to other side was a feat in and of itself. I gotta run.

I like that you have a plan in place and I like your race schedule.  I can't help but keeping thinking about that little Eagleman race around the corner from you.  I raced there a few years ago and hiccups in my nutrition ruined what could have been a great day for me.  I plan to return to Eagleman in 2012.  Perhaps that could be a lonnnng term goal for you.  Around the corner, nice flat venue....

2011-01-08 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3286275

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN

Sammeg - 2011-01-08 9:17 AM
kimmax - 2011-01-07 10:17 PM
Dream Chaser - 2011-01-07 9:44 AM

NOTE TO GROUP:  Over the next few days and weeks, feel free to check out one another's blogs and inspire and encourage one another.  Derive strength from the group.  Feel free to offer your own experiences and suggestions to other group members.  All of my successes and accomplished goals in running and triathlon are as a direct result of following suggestion and applying them to my training. 


Have a great weekend everyone!  Hoping to get a trainer ride in this weekend if child gives me some alone time
A number of the logs are blocked - not sure if I'm doing something wrong.  Hope everyone has a great weekend with some quality training included!

oops, forgot my logs weren't public. Just opened them up.
I'm planning on getting in a couple of runs, a trainer ride, some sleigh riding with the girls and of course the J-E-T-S tonight!

Happy weekend

I'm a Big Blue man myself, but I don't wanna see the Colts win.  So in that case:

2011-01-08 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3286502

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Extreme Veteran
Long Island
Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN
Dream Chaser - 2011-01-08 10:54 AM

Sammeg - 2011-01-08 9:17 AM
kimmax - 2011-01-07 10:17 PM
Dream Chaser - 2011-01-07 9:44 AM

NOTE TO GROUP:  Over the next few days and weeks, feel free to check out one another's blogs and inspire and encourage one another.  Derive strength from the group.  Feel free to offer your own experiences and suggestions to other group members.  All of my successes and accomplished goals in running and triathlon are as a direct result of following suggestion and applying them to my training. 


Have a great weekend everyone!  Hoping to get a trainer ride in this weekend if child gives me some alone time
A number of the logs are blocked - not sure if I'm doing something wrong.  Hope everyone has a great weekend with some quality training included!

oops, forgot my logs weren't public. Just opened them up.
I'm planning on getting in a couple of runs, a trainer ride, some sleigh riding with the girls and of course the J-E-T-S tonight!

Happy weekend

I'm a Big Blue man myself, but I don't wanna see the Colts win.  So in that case:

We'll take all the support we can get!

2011-01-08 2:36 PM
in reply to: #3281733


Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - Open
Fred: My name is Jack. I would like to join your group. Your post screams with the charisma of a winner, and because I want what you have, I'd like you to be my mentor.
I am an inveterate athlete, love to train, esp. road work on my Klein, am learning to love lap swimming again, but still have an aversion to running. I have completed three Sprint tri's. My goal is to compete in an Olympic tri this Summer, if not the Wisconsin Ironman (in which state I live). I am beginning a 16 week BT Olympic-run focused training program this Monday, the 10th. I would like to be held accountable for my training results by participating in your group and sharing my achievements with others. As my mentor you would never be ignored or disparaged by me, and serve as a monk would to a new bikkhu...a gentle nudge to put me back on the path. I too have retired a few addictions, am clean and sober today through a host of mentors, am 56y/o, resting pulse of sub 50, poised to succeed in this endeavor.

My e-mail address is "[email protected]" but otherwise I take it you will contact me through this forum. Thanks for the opportunity to make a new friendship, Dreamchaser. I look forward to running down a dream myself....
2011-01-09 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3286488

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN

Dream Chaser - 2011-01-08 11:45 AM

I like that you have a plan in place and I like your race schedule.  I can't help but keeping thinking about that little Eagleman race around the corner from you.  I raced there a few years ago and hiccups in my nutrition ruined what could have been a great day for me.  I plan to return to Eagleman in 2012.  Perhaps that could be a lonnnng term goal for you.  Around the corner, nice flat venue....

Funny, you read my mind.  I thought about doing Eagleman this year, but didn't think I could commit to the training and it's awfully expensive.

I'm pretty sure my tri club does a tent there so I'll probably be volunteering there this year.

I'm definitely going to try for a HIM next year; heck maybe I'll do the Skipjack (almost HIM) at the Chesapeake Endurance Festival in September (same place as Eagleman) if the Olympics go well!


2011-01-09 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3286833

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Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - Open

burningrabbit - 2011-01-08 3:36 PM Fred: My name is Jack. I would like to join your group. Your post screams with the charisma of a winner, and because I want what you have, I'd like you to be my mentor.
I am an inveterate athlete, love to train, esp. road work on my Klein, am learning to love lap swimming again, but still have an aversion to running. I have completed three Sprint tri's. My goal is to compete in an Olympic tri this Summer, if not the Wisconsin Ironman (in which state I live). I am beginning a 16 week BT Olympic-run focused training program this Monday, the 10th. I would like to be held accountable for my training results by participating in your group and sharing my achievements with others. As my mentor you would never be ignored or disparaged by me, and serve as a monk would to a new bikkhu...a gentle nudge to put me back on the path. I too have retired a few addictions, am clean and sober today through a host of mentors, am 56y/o, resting pulse of sub 50, poised to succeed in this endeavor.

My e-mail address is "[email protected]" but otherwise I take it you will contact me through this forum. Thanks for the opportunity to make a new friendship, Dreamchaser. I look forward to running down a dream myself....

Hi Fred.  Your post is full of charisma as well.  Welcome   Seeing as you regularly train the bike, and have begun to love lap swimming, and recognize running as a the discipline you need to work on -- you are certainly on your way.  Your experiences from the trio of Sprint tri's will serve you nicely for your Summer Olympic and any longer races you choose to participate in.  Ironman Wisconsin is sold out this year, but IMOO 2012 is certainly an option.

A few suggestions to start, begin logging your workouts in the Beginner Triathlete Training Log.  This way other group members can inspire you and you can chart your trainings.  I've been logging on here since 2007 and found it an invaluable tool.  When things go wrong, or right, I can look back at certain blocks of training and individual weeks and see what went wrong and what went right.  By tracking my training history, I can try and prevent bad history from repeating itself; and duplicate things that work, and really see how I've progressed from year to year.  I can't tell you how helpful it's been for me.  

So it looks like your goals are to work on your Run and complete a summertime Olympic triathlon.  You have a plan that you intend to follow, which is awesome!!  A roadmap is what we all need to keep us from getting lost.  Have you picked a particluar race?  By picking a race, and registering for it you are truly committing to it.  Also, by picking a specific race you can try and simulate the race terrain in training.  Example: lake swim or ocean swim; hilly bike, flat bike; off-road run or flat smooth run.  

Welcome to the group Burning Rabbit.    

Edited by Dream Chaser 2011-01-09 9:57 AM
2011-01-09 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3258141

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Extreme Veteran
Long Island
Subject: RE: Dream Chaser's 'Set a Goal and Capture it!' Mentor Group - OPEN

A few weeks back  I'm at the Nike store in Manhattan in the design center where they allow you to create your own shoe. I pick the sneak that I'm gonna design and the Nike dude asks me what kind of runner I am. Shrug my shoulders with a dopey look on my face and say, dunno.

I always just buy whatever NB sneaks that feel good and haven't had a problem. So here's my stupid question: What exactly does it mean to be a neutral runner etc, and how do you know what your natural pronation is? I'm gonna pick up "Born to Run" on Bobby's earlier suggestion but was wondering if someone had a nickel version.

btw, the Nike thing was just a perk that was thrown my way, don't acutally run in them. I'm happy with the NB, although I hear alot of people rave about Asics.

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