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2011-04-14 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open

So did anyone notice that Scott's (our mentor's) post was dated 1/6/11?  And he hasn't been around?  I sent him a PM to see if he intended to start a group or if his post was put up by mistake.  I'm willing to stay around and make this group work if this was an error (not as the mentor but as a participantSmile).  It seems like a good group and I think we could help each other out.  Any thoughts?


2011-04-14 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3446271

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open
soccermom15 - 2011-04-14 9:24 AM

So did anyone notice that Scott's (our mentor's) post was dated 1/6/11?  And he hasn't been around?  I sent him a PM to see if he intended to start a group or if his post was put up by mistake.  I'm willing to stay around and make this group work if this was an error (not as the mentor but as a participantSmile).  It seems like a good group and I think we could help each other out.  Any thoughts?


He did respond to my first post a week or so ago.  I agree though that even if he can't mentor us this time around I'd like to keep the group together.

2011-04-14 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: Butt question

It hasn't been a good week of training for me.  I had news on Mon of a good friend's suicide and have been hard-pressed to find motivation for workouts.  Sun was off for a recovery day, Mon was obviously off, Tues I shortened my bike ride because I hit the end of the trail and just didn't care.  Fortunately for the training, this was supposed to be a recovery week anyway.  I just hope I don't "recover" so much that it's hard to get going again!

Not to be a downer - just that you guys and posting keep me focused.

Anyway, a question.  Has anyone here had hip/upper glutes pain since starting training?  Running results in runner's butt, which is fabulous, but the building of those muscles has been very painful for me.  It's chronic and makes me feel like an 80-yr-old.  The chiro says it's not an injury.  The only relief is in stretching, but it only helps so much.  The chiro also approved the shoes I'm using and I'm trying not to land hard in my stride.  Any suggestions? 

2011-04-14 10:29 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Attn Group!

There are now 16 members signed up for this Mentor Group.  Since we haven't heard from Scott, I think it would be appropriate if we consider the group CLOSED.  If no one objects I will contact the forum moderators and ask that the group's title be changed to "Holt's Mentor Group - Closed".

Let's see if I got everyone...

Scott, Stephanie, Steve, Marnie, Erin, Corinna, Maureen, Bryan, Lewis, Wesley, Jamie, Jeff, Janet, Brian, Ryan and Barbera.  Did I leave anyone out? 

Just a suggestion...if everyone would add the group members to their "friends" list, we'll be able to read your training logs.  Let's all hope Scott is doing well and we hear from him soon.


2011-04-14 12:07 PM
in reply to: #3446454

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
jeffnboise - 2011-04-14 11:29 AM

Attn Group!

There are now 16 members signed up for this Mentor Group.  Since we haven't heard from Scott, I think it would be appropriate if we consider the group CLOSED.  If no one objects I will contact the forum moderators and ask that the group's title be changed to "Holt's Mentor Group - Closed".

Let's see if I got everyone...

Scott, Stephanie, Steve, Marnie, Erin, Corinna, Maureen, Bryan, Lewis, Wesley, Jamie, Jeff, Janet, Brian, Ryan and Barbera.  Did I leave anyone out? 

Just a suggestion...if everyone would add the group members to their "friends" list, we'll be able to read your training logs.  Let's all hope Scott is doing well and we hear from him soon.


You left me out.  Is it still ok?


2011-04-14 12:17 PM
in reply to: #3446454

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Yes I was left out...Am i still in this group?

2011-04-14 12:32 PM
in reply to: #3446454

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
jeffnboise - 2011-04-14 9:29 AM

Attn Group!

There are now 16 members signed up for this Mentor Group.  Since we haven't heard from Scott, I think it would be appropriate if we consider the group CLOSED.  If no one objects I will contact the forum moderators and ask that the group's title be changed to "Holt's Mentor Group - Closed".

Let's see if I got everyone...

Scott, Stephanie, Steve, Marnie, Erin, Corinna, Maureen, Bryan, Lewis, Wesley, Jamie, Jeff, Janet, Brian, Ryan and Barbera.  Did I leave anyone out? 

YES, Yes I did leave some out....Andrew, Gerado and Kim.  Welcome all  The forum moderator has officially CLOSED our Mentor Group.  Still waiting for Scott to check in...

2011-04-14 1:07 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Middle of first week of build phase for me.  Swimming has gotten significantly longer and harder.  Had a good swim today - 3000 yds including 32 *25 and 600 pull bouy.

Looking forward to a  hard ride this afternoon since the weather is so nice.  65 degrees winds in low teens.

2011-04-14 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3446344

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Subject: RE: Butt question
sdejan - 2011-04-14 9:51 AM

It hasn't been a good week of training for me.  I had news on Mon of a good friend's suicide and have been hard-pressed to find motivation for workouts.  Sun was off for a recovery day, Mon was obviously off, Tues I shortened my bike ride because I hit the end of the trail and just didn't care.  Fortunately for the training, this was supposed to be a recovery week anyway.  I just hope I don't "recover" so much that it's hard to get going again!

Not to be a downer - just that you guys and posting keep me focused.

Anyway, a question.  Has anyone here had hip/upper glutes pain since starting training?  Running results in runner's butt, which is fabulous, but the building of those muscles has been very painful for me.  It's chronic and makes me feel like an 80-yr-old.  The chiro says it's not an injury.  The only relief is in stretching, but it only helps so much.  The chiro also approved the shoes I'm using and I'm trying not to land hard in my stride.  Any suggestions? 

I'm sorry about your friend.  I can understand how it's hard to find motivation.  Take the time you need - the training will be there when you're ready.

As for the hip/glute pain, I started getting it off and on last fall except mine was in the lower glute area (close to the top of the leg in back).  Same as you, no injury, just sore muscles.  The only thing that helped me was stretching, too.  I took a yoga class that was geared towards runners and it seemed to help - I learned some stretches that focused a lot on the hip and glute muscles.  Mine's gotten better over time but still acts up once in a while (usually after a hard run or hill workout).  Sorry I can't be more help - I hope it gets better soon.

2011-04-14 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3444256

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open
sdejan - 2011-04-13 10:27 AM
soccermom15 - 2011-04-11 3:46 PM

I've been trying to think a little more about my bike workouts and putting more effort into them (making them harder), but I'm still doing all of them inside on a stationary bike.  ...  Also, any advice/criticisms/suggestions would be appreciated!


I got a book called Triathlon Magazine's Week-by-Week Training Guide.  It has plans for each distance, along with drills for every workout.  Now I haven't been applying it, but it's been entertaining reading.    It has taught me some drills and given me an idea what to include in a workout.

Just my newbie opinion, but 4 running workouts a week doesn't leave much room for the other disciplines - can you try for a more balanced plan?



Sorry, missed this one earlier!

Yeah, I think that's part of my issue.  Being a runner, it's where my mind goes first when I think about workouts plus the fact that it's taken me 4 years to get to the point where I can comfortably run 4 days a week.  Part of me is reluctant to give that up or feel like I'm going "backwards".  Not that swimming and biking aren't good workouts, they're just not what I'm used to.  But I'm going to have to get used to them and start making time for them - like you said, a more balanced schedule - if I want to keep doing triathlons, which I do! 

2011-04-14 8:02 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Oh so excited to work with everyone!!  Here's my question(s)/thing for today....if you have done a tri, what are the three things you wished someone would have told you ahead of time?   If you haven't done a tri yet, what are the three things that you are the most "worried" about??

2011-04-14 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3282419


Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Okay. So this is essentially a group where we can support each other even if we don't have a true mentor? I'm okay with that.

I'm a very early beginner. Haven't put all the disciplines into practice but working on it. Jeff, thanks for mentioning the Total Immersion swim program. It looked very interesting and doable. I'm going to order it soon if I can.

I am also money challenged. If anyone has tips (besides borrowing a bike which I have done already), I'd love to hear them. I'm wondering about swim stuff. Looks like needs are goggles and cap plus swimsuit.

My burning question... what do you guys wear to make transitions easier? Tri suit? I heard those aren't padded for the bike. I'm just gathering all the info now so I can freak out properly you know! - Maureen

2011-04-14 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3282419


Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Also, how do we friend people on here as suggested? I'm a techie moron.
2011-04-14 9:41 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I've been training hard for the last month.  Starting to get a little discouraged because it seems like my times on everything seem to be slowing down.  I understand having some bad days but it seems like I will have 1 good day followed by 2 days of struggling.  Anybody else ever run into this problem and do anyone have any suggestions? 
2011-04-14 11:08 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hello Everyone,

Sorry to be so long getting on here! I hate excuses so I won't give you any but I will be on here almost daily from here on out. Glad to see everyone on here. Thanks for your patience. Just a little food for thought to keep the ball rolling: What is your "it"? What keeps you going when you lack the will power to get out the door or keep moving down the pool or road? As you ask yourself this, ask yourself why until you get at the real reason.

For example for me I said I like to compete....because I want to feel good and be in shape.....because I want to be able to run and play with my kids and I also hate the feeling of my belly jiggling and pants being too tight.

So now when I train and compete and I want to quit, I think about fighting to close the to button on my jeans. Gets me going every time.

I really look forward to getting to know you all and hope we can help each other become better in what ever direction we decide to take.

2011-04-14 11:19 PM
in reply to: #3447817

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Wesley12 - 2011-04-14 7:41 PM

I've been training hard for the last month.  Starting to get a little discouraged because it seems like my times on everything seem to be slowing down.  I understand having some bad days but it seems like I will have 1 good day followed by 2 days of struggling.  Anybody else ever run into this problem and do anyone have any suggestions? 

Hi Wesley and the group,
I went and looked at your workouts and you are really hitting it. What I am concerned about is actually overtraining and maybe a little burnout. A good thing for us to keep in mind is that as a triathlete we are asking our bodies to adapt to a lot of different kinds of stress instead of just 1 (ie just running) What I recommend when starting out is 1 workout a day with Sunday as a rest and recovery day. Every other saturday you could make a brick workout. As hard as it is to do, sometimes it is better to jump in slow especially at first. If nothing else I find my mind in better shape with this method. Let me know what you think.

Anyone else any thoughts???


2011-04-15 12:03 AM
in reply to: #3447686

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

peteacher - 2011-04-14 7:02 PM Oh so excited to work with everyone!!  Here's my question(s)/thing for today....if you have done a tri, what are the three things you wished someone would have told you ahead of time?   If you haven't done a tri yet, what are the three things that you are the most "worried" about??

1) The 'start' of your very first swim is harder...WAY harder, than anything I had imagined or trained for.

2)  I have a hard time not overeating during an Oly.  At 2-4 hours long, you really don't need so many calories.

3)  The sense of accomplishment is hard to describe.

2011-04-15 1:10 AM
in reply to: #3447894

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
holt1997 - 2011-04-14 11:19 PM
Wesley12 - 2011-04-14 7:41 PM I've been training hard for the last month.  Starting to get a little discouraged because it seems like my times on everything seem to be slowing down.  I understand having some bad days but it seems like I will have 1 good day followed by 2 days of struggling.  Anybody else ever run into this problem and do anyone have any suggestions? 
Hi Wesley and the group, I went and looked at your workouts and you are really hitting it. What I am concerned about is actually overtraining and maybe a little burnout. A good thing for us to keep in mind is that as a triathlete we are asking our bodies to adapt to a lot of different kinds of stress instead of just 1 (ie just running) What I recommend when starting out is 1 workout a day with Sunday as a rest and recovery day. Every other saturday you could make a brick workout. As hard as it is to do, sometimes it is better to jump in slow especially at first. If nothing else I find my mind in better shape with this method. Let me know what you think. Anyone else any thoughts??? Scott

Agreed.  I have had to do some creative planning to get two rest days a week.  That is really the only thing keeping me (mostly) sane at this point.  I am glad I started with the personal trainer before my race training started.  It's also giving me some variety in my workouts.  The start of my tri training was a lot easier this year because I was already so much stronger than I was in 2008.
2011-04-15 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3447219

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open
soccermom15 - 2011-04-14 4:13 PM
sdejan - 2011-04-13 10:27 AM
soccermom15 - 2011-04-11 3:46 PM

I've been trying to think a little more about my bike workouts and putting more effort into them (making them harder), but I'm still doing all of them inside on a stationary bike.  ...  Also, any advice/criticisms/suggestions would be appreciated!


I got a book called Triathlon Magazine's Week-by-Week Training Guide.  It has plans for each distance, along with drills for every workout.  Now I haven't been applying it, but it's been entertaining reading.    It has taught me some drills and given me an idea what to include in a workout.

Just my newbie opinion, but 4 running workouts a week doesn't leave much room for the other disciplines - can you try for a more balanced plan?



Sorry, missed this one earlier!

Yeah, I think that's part of my issue.  Being a runner, it's where my mind goes first when I think about workouts plus the fact that it's taken me 4 years to get to the point where I can comfortably run 4 days a week.  Part of me is reluctant to give that up or feel like I'm going "backwards".  Not that swimming and biking aren't good workouts, they're just not what I'm used to.  But I'm going to have to get used to them and start making time for them - like you said, a more balanced schedule - if I want to keep doing triathlons, which I do! 

another two cents from a newbie.  when I got into triahtlon, I had done 3 Half marathon that year.  I considered myself a runner, a slow one, but still a runner.  I thought it would be easy to jump into a 3x/week schedule.  I found out it wasn't and got injured.  My suggestion is to listen to your body and balance it out.  I made the terrible mistake of not stretching enough, so don't forget to do that.

I need to back at it and gradually build up to this.  I regained the weight and it feels like it's taking much more out of me this second time around.


2011-04-15 10:23 AM
in reply to: #3447910

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
jeffnboise - 2011-04-15 1:03 AM

peteacher - 2011-04-14 7:02 PM Oh so excited to work with everyone!!  Here's my question(s)/thing for today....if you have done a tri, what are the three things you wished someone would have told you ahead of time?   If you haven't done a tri yet, what are the three things that you are the most "worried" about??

1) The 'start' of your very first swim is harder...WAY harder, than anything I had imagined or trained for.

2)  I have a hard time not overeating during an Oly.  At 2-4 hours long, you really don't need so many calories.

3)  The sense of accomplishment is hard to describe.

1) practice OWS - it is a different animal

2) practice transition from bike to run

3) enjoy the pain, the reward is worth it

2011-04-15 10:37 AM
in reply to: #3448426

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open
Chezz - 2011-04-15 7:57 AM

soccermom15 - 2011-04-14 4:13 PM
sdejan - 2011-04-13 10:27 AM
soccermom15 - 2011-04-11 3:46 PM

I've been trying to think a little more about my bike workouts and putting more effort into them (making them harder), but I'm still doing all of them inside on a stationary bike.  ...  Also, any advice/criticisms/suggestions would be appreciated!


I got a book called Triathlon Magazine's Week-by-Week Training Guide.  It has plans for each distance, along with drills for every workout.  Now I haven't been applying it, but it's been entertaining reading.    It has taught me some drills and given me an idea what to include in a workout.

Just my newbie opinion, but 4 running workouts a week doesn't leave much room for the other disciplines - can you try for a more balanced plan?



Sorry, missed this one earlier!

Yeah, I think that's part of my issue.  Being a runner, it's where my mind goes first when I think about workouts plus the fact that it's taken me 4 years to get to the point where I can comfortably run 4 days a week.  Part of me is reluctant to give that up or feel like I'm going "backwards".  Not that swimming and biking aren't good workouts, they're just not what I'm used to.  But I'm going to have to get used to them and start making time for them - like you said, a more balanced schedule - if I want to keep doing triathlons, which I do! 

another two cents from a newbie.  when I got into triahtlon, I had done 3 Half marathon that year.  I considered myself a runner, a slow one, but still a runner.  I thought it would be easy to jump into a 3x/week schedule.  I found out it wasn't and got injured.  My suggestion is to listen to your body and balance it out.  I made the terrible mistake of not stretching enough, so don't forget to do that.

I need to back at it and gradually build up to this.  I regained the weight and it feels like it's taking much more out of me this second time around.


You bring up a really good point here. I have run a lot over the years and I had a hard time running after riding a bike. I felt like I was running hard and going nowhere. Past experience is a great platform but triathlons truly are a sport all their own. The sport is something to get into slowly and with thought on a plan for training. When I started I swam on monday, biked on tuesday, ran on wednesday, swam on thursday, biked on friday and did a longer run on saturday and every other week did a bike/run brick. Seems simple but it works especially just starting out.

2011-04-15 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3448491

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Chezz - 2011-04-15 8:23 AM

jeffnboise - 2011-04-15 1:03 AM

peteacher - 2011-04-14 7:02 PM Oh so excited to work with everyone!!  Here's my question(s)/thing for today....if you have done a tri, what are the three things you wished someone would have told you ahead of time?   If you haven't done a tri yet, what are the three things that you are the most "worried" about??

1) The 'start' of your very first swim is harder...WAY harder, than anything I had imagined or trained for.

2)  I have a hard time not overeating during an Oly.  At 2-4 hours long, you really don't need so many calories.

3)  The sense of accomplishment is hard to describe.

1) practice OWS - it is a different animal

2) practice transition from bike to run

3) enjoy the pain, the reward is worth it

OWS are a different animal indeed, especially when there are a lot of people in there with you. Its like swimming in a blender.
2011-04-15 10:40 AM
in reply to: #3282419

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Ok so as a newbie who hasn't done a tri yet .....

1) Worried I'll be out of gas after the bike and not be able to run the run

2) The swim

3) Not being prepared enough with my training

2011-04-15 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3438957

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open
corinnak - 2011-04-10 5:13 PM


  I am also in the market for a bike - I have the kind that I can ride around the neighborhood in upright comfort with the kids, and while it has multiple gears, it doesn't have that much...pep.  So I'm not sure if I should look at Tri-bikes for real or if I should look primarily at road bikes or if a hybrid bike of some sort could do the job.!

Probably a good question to ask yourself about bikes is how much do you plan on racing? I am not a big fan of the bikes that cost more than my car did but honestly I have a tri specific bike and I love it. I have had carpel tunnel surgery on both wrists because my hands used to go to sleep. In the aero position I feel llike I can ride all day. On a road bike my hands are asleep in about 5 minutes. I have spent enough time on my bike too that when I take the kids (I have 4) on bike rides thats the bike I grab. So for me its a comfort and preference issue.

Wherever you get a bike from and whichever kind you decide on I highly recommend a good bike fit and from a tri shop if possible. A good bike fit can make all the difference between comfort and injury. I try to get one fit when I take the bike out of the garage for the first time in the spring and also about half way through summer. As fitness increases things change and another bike fit is a good idea. Also if you get new shoes, new seat or whatever, get a new fit. It is amazing how much a minor tweak can change your comfort and performance.

Hope that helps.

2011-04-15 10:59 AM
in reply to: #3448547

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
agrant3 - 2011-04-15 8:40 AM

Ok so as a newbie who hasn't done a tri yet .....

1) Worried I'll be out of gas after the bike and not be able to run the run

2) The swim

3) Not being prepared enough with my training

How long is your first race? Do you have a wetsuit yet?

One of the things I have tried o remember is all of the mistakes I have made while training and racing so we can all learn from them (You are free to laugh if you want, I do)

As we keep going there are some training things we can do to help over come your very valid concerns so that race day is a lot more comfortable instead of a big unknown. Thanks for your honesty. Triathlons are tough and you should feel good for having this goal. Nice work!

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