Other Resources Challenge Me! » FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help. Rss Feed  
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2011-06-21 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3559943

St Louis
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

bzgl40 - this is a good idea & maybe I should give it some thought. I know I can WRECK an entire WEEK of good eating with a "cheat day" - so maybe this would be a better option for me -and  to see even better results. I do love the dark chocolate too - and the margarita - and a really good dark beer

I think I like the idea of setting aside 200-300 cals/day for something "decadent" Smile

2011-06-21 11:45 AM
in reply to: #3559210

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Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.


Lose 10-20 lbs

Stop using frozen meals unless homemade

Have a salad at least once a day (with meal or as the meal)

Have at least one piece of fruit every day

I've put on request the Paleo diet books at the library, but there is a waiting list so I more than likely won't get them until after our 60 days are up. 

When is day one?  Tomorrow?  LOL

2011-06-21 11:56 AM
in reply to: #3559210

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Fairfax, VA
Bronze member
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

My goals for the challenge:

  • Lose 15 pounds
  • Log nutrition/ stay under 2000 calories per day
  • Bring my own lunch to work instead of eating out every day
  • Allow one cheat day/meal per week

Thanks for this challenge!


2011-06-21 11:59 AM
in reply to: #3559210

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

Updating my goals

1. Lose 6 pounds fat

2. Eat 5-7 servings of fruits and veggies daily.

3. No skipping meals (this has been a problem for me recently)

2011-06-21 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3560013

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Warwick, RI
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.
beadmobile - 2011-06-21 12:27 PM

bzgl40 - this is a good idea & maybe I should give it some thought. I know I can WRECK an entire WEEK of good eating with a "cheat day" - so maybe this would be a better option for me -and  to see even better results. I do love the dark chocolate too - and the margarita - and a really good dark beer

I think I like the idea of setting aside 200-300 cals/day for something "decadent" Smile

I like that idea better too, then at least I'm not getting way off track with an entire day, the calorie calc says 2-2300 per day for me so I'll shoot for 2000 and the other 300 will be there if needed.

I work in a hotel, lots of bad treats hanging around, chef just came by with a box of ice cream bars, I was updating my nutrition log at the time which made it easier to say no

2011-06-21 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3559210

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Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.
I'd be interested!  I am a VERY BAD EATER.  Father's Day was the worst, I don't think I ate one nutritious thing all day.  My goal is to eat more balanced and lose some weight!

2011-06-21 2:01 PM
in reply to: #3559210

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.


-No junk beverages/snacks/fastfood on weekdays except 1 serving dark chocolate (thanks for the idea co-challengers)

-6 or more servings of fruits/veg 7 days per week

-lose 4 inches off waist

-try my very best to eat according to recommendations in Racing Weight book (subjective, I know!)

2011-06-21 2:20 PM
in reply to: #3559210

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Without house
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.


I'm finally getting back into working out after a year off (I know, I know), and let's not even talk about the crap I've been eating.

I've already cut out soda (I drank diet too) save one here and there, so that was a big step for me. My next goal is to cut down on sugar...I'm one giant sweet tooth.

My primary objective is weight loss.  For a 60 day period, I'm going to say 10 lbs (more would be lovely, but setting small goals for me is more motivating.)  I've put on some weight in my year of sedentary-ism, and I also had surgery not too long ago that prompted some weight gain.  Time to kick my own red bike and get it moving.

2011-06-21 4:47 PM
in reply to: #3559210

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

Let's get this started ASAP... I just had pizza, a coke and *gasp* garlic dip. So bad!!

I will be preparing my meal plan in the mean time.

2011-06-21 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3559210

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Maui, Hawaii
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

Since many have mentioned it and it would do all the things you want for this challenge:

I challenge all of you to GO PALEO for a month.  100%.  You CAN do it and you will be impressed.

2011-06-21 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3559210

Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

Can I start tomorrow so I can work on my goals (and finish my fair fudge tonite?!?!)  Looks like I need to research the Paleo method.

2011-06-21 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3559210

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.
Is this a Paleo challenge now?
2011-06-21 8:44 PM
in reply to: #3561165

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

jezzieswims - 2011-06-21 6:38 PM Is this a Paleo challenge now?

Not for me. 

2011-06-21 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3559210

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

Timely for me to, so I'm in:


* Eat 25% protein, 25% fats, 50% carb diet

* Aim for 1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight per day, which currently equals = 94kg x 1.5g = 141grams protein = 564 calories of protein which makes the overall intake per day at 2,256 calories (this will adjust as my weight goes down).  If I was training for long distance at present instead of maintaining fitness due to injury, would be 2 grams of protein instead of 1.5

* Exercise to bring my net intake to 500 calories per day deficit average

* Keep the fat intake to not include any saturated fats over 2% of total food item

* Increase fruit intake to 2 items per day

* Drink minimum of 2 litres of water per day


That's my goals, allows me to have 'cheat' foods within reason.  If it goes according to plan over 60 days should see 30,000 calorie deficit which will come in close to 4kg drop, while still feeding the body enough to have the fuel for training.


2011-06-22 1:05 AM
in reply to: #3559210

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Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

I'd like to join in. I have some injuries (not tri-related) that are keeping me from pretty much any activity except walking. Because of this, I need to be extra-vigilant about my food. I haven't dared get on the scale since this happened, but I have no doubt I've put on a few pounds because of the killer combo of eating junk (partially out of boredom) and not being able to do anything but sit on conference calls and get outside for the occasional stroll through the neighborhood.

So...my goals:

  • No wheat. I'm allergic--I break out into hives and the stress of that on my system can trigger migraines--but every once in a while, I stupidly decide to "cheat". I always pay the price when I do, so I have to cut this behavior out once and for all.
  • No sugar, alcohol, or caffeine. I've actually been entirely off of caffeine for months, so that shouldn't be an issue. I do occasionally have sugar, and more rarely alcohol, even though I feel far better when I keep them out of my diet.
  • Protein and a fruit or veg whenever I eat. (snacks or meals)
  • Weight: 209 by the end--really, I want to be under 210. I'd estimate that this puts me at 10-15 lbs. that I need to drop...some will be water as a result of the junk I've been eating over the last couple of weeks.

I suspect that remembering to log is going to be my biggest issue. I've always struggled with logging workouts, so I'm probably going to have to make a concerted effort at logging food stuff.

2011-06-22 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3559210

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South AL
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.
Do we have a start date yet?

My more defined goals are to lose 7 lbs, eat more Paleo (for Athletes when working out heavy) with the sweet potatos etc.

Cut out the processed stuff and sugar.

Looking forward to it.

2011-06-22 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3559210

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Chelmsford, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

OK you guys!  Awesome goals!!

I started yesterday as a precursor to the REAL challenge.  I'm gonna go ahead and make up a spreadsheet either tonight or tomorrow with everyone's goals and put up a Google Document so we can all add to it. 

If you just PM me your email address, I will add you to the list of shares.  Then you can go in and modify the document with any updates or just add stuff to it.  As we progress, I'll keep the document updated so you can see how everyone's doing, it's a good motivator to see how your peers are progressing!

Good luck everyone!!  I'm gonna need it...I almost caved last night already!!!

2011-06-22 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3559210

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.
I am in, too! I have been playing with nutritional changes and reading a lot about it but no action.

I am working the Metabolic Effect plan, and I love their science, and it's easy to follow, so I want to use that:

It's not too far from Paleo, so I hope I fit in.

- plan my meals each day ahead of time, including what time I will eat. (I get busy and don't eat, then PIG OUT later)
- follow the mixed burner plate for meals: 50% is 2-3 Different Vegetables & /or Fruit, 30-40% Lean Animal Protein and 5-10 bites of starchy carbs and sweet fruits. Think of dairy as a condiment.
- walk 30-60 minutes a day
- 20 minute ME Spark workout at least 3 times per week
- log food eaten daily

Main goal is to lower body fat and increase metabolism!
2011-06-22 11:13 AM
in reply to: #3559210

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On your right
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

Ok, my goals are

No pop

No "junk food" (crisps, cookies, candy, confections)

calorie range per day of 2000 (give or take 500 for increased or decreased workouts)

weight loss of 15 pounds

2011-06-22 5:06 PM
in reply to: #3559210

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

This sounds great to me. And perfect timing as well!


I want to accomplish the following:

Increase the vegetables I eat

Not eat junk/processed/fried food

Eat enough at meals and planned snacks to avoid binging later

Not eat past 8:30

Lose 10 pounds

And work to change my view of food from reward/feel good to fuel for workouts and nutrients


2011-06-22 5:20 PM
in reply to: #3559210

Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

Here are my goals:

No Ice Cream

Salad at least once/day

Fruit  4 times/day

64 ounces of water/day

No eating at the computer or TV

Keep a food log

Let the challenge begin!

2011-06-22 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3559210

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Without house
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

Ok, so, I thought I'd be more specific about my goals.  The more specific, the more likely I am to attain them.

Weight loss goal: 10 lbs

Increase vegetable intake: 2 a day (I know, I know, but I'm a non-fan of veggies...that is a big step for me)

Maintain soda strike

Log food and activity on a daily basis

Maximum candy consumption 1x per week

Whole foods > overly processed foods.

Consciously monitor protein and carb intake.

2011-06-23 5:21 AM
in reply to: #3559210

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.
How are we going to grade our performance? I think that 1 point per day that we meet our goals would be best since all of use have different objectives.
2011-06-23 5:28 AM
in reply to: #3559210

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

Updated goals…

Log food and activity on a daily basis

Maximum cola consumption 1 can per week

Whole foods for breakfast and lunch every day

Eat a reasonable portion size at dinner

No garlic dip

At least 5 servings of vegetables/fruit daily 

2011-06-23 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3559210

St Louis
Subject: RE: FOOD IS GOOD! A cry for help.

I really like two new goals I saw:

Threeis' "No eating at the computer or TV" and 

MechEChick's  "And work to change my view of food from reward/feel good to fuel for workouts and nutrients"

I cannot add Threeis' goal to my own because I often eat a meal in front of the tv, but I think I'll modify it to say something like No Mindless Eating at the TV/Computer for me. I do wish to add MechEChick's goal to my own - it's kind of goes together with bzgl40's suggestion of having a treat every day, but keeping it in moderation because we all know we are going to have better workouts with better food/fuel, and lastly I'd like to change my not eat after time to 8:30pm to account for some late workouts that I get (especially when I'm bike commuting!)

Excited to have a decadent treat EVERY day. I think I'll splurge on a box of Trader Joe's Licorice Scottie Dogs for next week - they are so tasty!

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