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2012-10-18 10:18 AM
in reply to: #4458991

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Hi David, welcome! I read your blog sometimes...have you reviewed any new shoes lately?

2012-10-18 10:19 AM
in reply to: #4459007

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
punkster - 2012-10-18 10:15 AM

Hello.  My name is Cathy, and I'd like to join the group.  I don't have time to post anything now, but will post my info later.

Good job Cathy, you found it! Welcome.

2012-10-18 10:29 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

And we're live!  Awesome!  Hi all!

David, how cool that you met your wife on here!

Quincy, thanks again for starting this.  Let me work on my bio really quickly and I'll post again shortly!

2012-10-18 10:33 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Yeah, I made it in!I'm in the middle of an 8 hour drive from Colorado to Nebraska, posting from my phone. So I'll keep it short until I can get to a real computer, and then I'll post the full bio. Been doing tris (and lurking on BT) for three years, all sprints. I just don't have the time between work & family to train for anything longer. I've picked up enough to put together a training plan that'll at least maintain, so tips on SPEED are going to be welcome. Also, now that I'm done with Muskrat's 30 in 30 challenge, I need something to keep me motivated. MOP swimmer and biker, BOP runner. More to come!-Dennis Bachman
2012-10-18 10:35 AM
in reply to: #4459037

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Hi Dennis, Hi Noelle.
2012-10-18 10:37 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Steve and I are offline for a while. Be back this afternoon.

2012-10-18 10:58 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Alright...this is going to be fantastic!

Real name - Dan Edmonds

I am coming up on my 6th tri season.

Very excited to be in the group and I'll post up a full bio later today.

2012-10-18 10:59 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

NAME: Amy Skitzki/Noelle 1230 (my middle name)

STORY: I started my love affair with fitness as a group fitness instructor in the late 1990's.  I focused mostly on that and weight training until someone convinced me to do a 5K in 2006.  With a background in competitive swimming as a youth, I started thinking triathlon and completed in my first two tris in 2007.  Since then I have consistently done 4-5 races a year.  I've mixed it up: sprint, olympic, half iron, half and full marathons.  I've had several minor overuse injuries in the past year and have found that shorter distance training agrees with my body much more than long distance.  It is also much easier for me to fit in the volume for shorter distance tris along with being a group fitness instructor and continuing my love of weight training.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have a half marathon coming up this weekend then plan to get on a much needed recovery plan that incorporates s/b/r until January when a new training cycle begins.  I teach 1-2 classes a week and it's a boot camp style butt kicker!  I also love rock climbing both indoor and outdoor.

2012 RACES: Triathlon - two sprints that both went well.  One 3rd overall female, yahoo!  Run - a half marathon in 4 days. 

2013 RACES: At least 3 sprints including another crack at a local sprint I do every year.  Last year I finished 6th female overall but 3rd-6th place was separated by less than a minute.  The top female finished only about 4 minutes ahead of me.  I just got a new bike so girl, I'm coming for you!  I have a few overalls under my belt but I so desire a 1st!  Caveat:  I mostly do smaller, local tris that have only 50-150 women total.  In general I'm MOP!

WEIGHTLOSS: I've kept my weight consistently around 130 give or take for the last 5 years.  I'm about 5' 9" and about 15% body fat and very happy to stay where I am.  From time to time, people suggest I could use a pound or two (so annoying) but I say no thank you if I can help it!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MEMBER OF THE GROUP: I'm passionate about sharing my thoughts and feelings on the sport with others.  The reason I became a fitness professional is because I love encouraging people to meet their fitness goals.  I also sit a desk all day and have the ability to sneak on BT way more than I should Wink  

I'm looking forward to meeting everyone in the group!!

2012-10-18 11:05 AM
in reply to: #4459050

New user
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Glad to see it started up.

I just got back into tri's to get and stay in better shape.   A did a couple back in college 87 & 88, the first was a little short of Oly and the second an official Oly length.  Did a fair amount of biking in college, but no real racing.

Did two sprints this year.  Frantic Frog in Sept and Ameliaman in Oct.  I started biking and swimming in the last week of July.  Doing pretty well for just 2.5 months of training.  I started running again in the spring to get ready for the Peachtree 10K.  Been running a lot more than I usually do for that, and it's definitely improved my time and made running easier.

I train solo, largely due to time constraints, easier to do it on my schedule.  I typically run or swim in the morning, getting up at 5am.  With the weather getting cooler that may impact when I do the running.  One change with that soon is joining a master's swim team.  Don't plan on doing a single swim race, but I definitely need form improvements.  I swim ~2:10 / 100 yd for 400-600 yd.  I can go down to just under 1:50 for 100 yd, but that's about it.  I bike in the afternoon once or twice a week after dropping off one of the kids at tennis practice, and a long ride on the weekends.  The long ride has been interrupted recently for the tri and a 5K, but should be back on that schedule again now.

My main goal is health.  Nothing really wrong, other than being a little over weight at the beginning of the year; as normal for me.  I'm 6', size 43 long jacket, and now down to upper 160's lbs.  Was around 192 at the peak in Jan.

Don't have any races picked for next year, but plan on Sprints and maybe an Oly or two.

2012-10-18 11:21 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Centennial, CO
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

I'm in...


NAME:  Daniel Hauser

STORY:  I began triathlon in 2004.  I fell into because of a shoulder injury while playing Ice Hockey.  I decided to swim for rehab (had to teach myself), and decide since I had been a cyclist, I might as well learn to run and do a triathlon.  Also I went to the doctor and saw I was up to about 185 (at 5'6).  I dropped about 35 lbs and did my first triathlon 7 months later.

FAMILY:  I have a wife and 6 yo daughter and 2 bloodhounds.  Wife does run a little (walks a ton), and daughter is very active in sports and activities.  Hounds just lay around on the couch most of the day. 

CURRENT TRAINING:  I have a background in fitness and have a degree in Kinesiology.  I managed health clubs for about 10 yrs before going back and getting a degree in computer science.  I now write software for a living.  

Due to my background, I have pretty much been self coached.  I know a lot about fitness and training and seem to have a good sense of listening to my body.

2012 Races:  Participated in 3 sprint races this year.  The second in July, I was notified that I had qualified for 2012 AG Nationals (I still don't think I did, though USAT confirmed it when I questioned them).  It was too late for me to make those arrangements, so I signed up for one last race in August.  Won my AG (first AG Win) and qualified for 2013 AG Nationals.  

2013 Races:  Focus will be on 2013 AG Nationals as my "A" race.  Still waiting to see where and when.  I will be doing mostly Oly races to prepare.  I went to Nationals in 2008 and it was an awesome experience, one that I thought was once in a lifetime.  Not sure what other races I'll do, but plan on about 4 races prior to my A race.  Luckily in Colorado, I have plenty to choose from.

2013 Goals:  Get run speed under 8m/ml, bike 21+ mph and swim down to 1:30/100 for distance.

WEIGHTLOSS:  As always, I would like to lose about 10lbs.  I'm at about 155 right now, and 145 puts me at a very lean point.  I also do believe that weightloss can be looked at as free speed.  My natural weight where I most comfortable is about 150.  Should peak to between 140 and 145 in July/Aug time frame.  

GOOD MENTOR??  I have a ton of knowledge and would like to share what I know.  I don't always spend enough time in the mentor forum to do so.  Please feel free to call me out if I don't do my part.  I hope I can do better this time.  And I hope I can learn from all of you as well.

2012-10-18 11:50 AM
in reply to: #4458894

Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
quincyf - 2012-10-18 10:32 AM

Hoosierman - 2012-10-18 9:05 AM Hello everyone. I would sure like to be a part of this group if possible. I also am strictly a short course guy due to a busy schedule -- no time to train for anything longer -- and probably also due to my natural inclination. I've been in a group with Steve for the last year and have appreciated picking his brain.

OK Doug, you're in here. I've been doing some BT gymnastics and wwlani (Lani) has agreed to mentor another group so numbers management should not be a problem. I just wanted to make sure everyone who posted on the original thread had a crack at it. 

So, pending approval of the BT admins, we will have two groups. We'll continue check in here and in a day or two another short course group will form!

Very excited!!!

Thank you. I am happy to be moved to the other group if necessary, but was really excited to see someone focused on short course. 

NAME Hoosierman/Doug Wilson

STORY - 44 years old. I'm finishing up my third year of triathlon if you count the first which was mostly lost to injury. I was a competitive high school swimmer and assistant coached high school swimming for about five years. I had no real background in running or cycling. I needed to lose weight and combat stress so I used triathlon as the motivator to get myself to train. I have gradually improved my times to where I usually finish just outside the medals in local races.

Family Status - Married with 4 kids, three girls and a boy, aged 11, 9, 8, and 3.

Current training - I usually run three times a week about 15 miles, ride twice a week for 2 hours, and swim three mornings a week. No weight training but I do a lot of farm work. I probably train too little and too intensely. I will be trying to improve my bike for next year so will need to increase bike training. I can now do a little better than 18 mph.

2012 races - this year I fit in three local sprints. They were all USAT sanctioned so will get my first USAT ranking some time soon. I also did several 5K, 4 mile races and my first 10K. Additionally did a crazy trail relay called Dances With Dirt Gnaw Bone. I have been training up for a half marathon but may or may not do one this fall. Several more 5K and a 10k race left on my schedule this year.

2013 planned races - I will do all of the same triathlons and Dances with Dirt again for sure as well as several local road races. I may try to add a half marathon if I don't do one this fall. The main thing for me at this point is to continue improving my times and try to make a few podiums.

Weightloss - Still an issue for me. I've lost 30 pounds. I need to lose another 15  before my weight falls into the normal category in BMI. 

What will make me a good contributor to the group? I learned in my last group that it is important to keep up with the group and make posts even if you don't feel you have a lot to say. There are certainly many people on this thread more qualified than I to answer questions, but I feel I would be a good one to ask about moving down from the Clydesdale category, organizing training around a busy schedule, and trying to break through from the guy who wants to finish the race to the guy who is trying to place in the race.


2012-10-18 12:04 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
STORY: I have been a runner since I turned 30 years old and quit smoking. Never a fast runner or a very high mileage kind of runner but I did run the New York Marathon in 2005 for my 40th birthday. That is my only marathon thus far. I have done several half marathons and this year ran the Bird in Hand Half in Lancaster, PA. I started doing sprint triathlons in 2006 with a coworker at an architectural firm that I used to work at. I sort of did it on a dare and loved it. I went through a phase over the next several years of half-hearted training, occasional bouts of running and triathlon interspersed with a LOT of partying and even took smoking back up after all those years. Almost one year ago I decided that I needed to seriously clean up my act. I started 2012 with the motto “No excuses.” I no longer smoke, I very rarely drink, and I have lost 21 pounds on Weight Watchers. At 47 years old I am 100% dedicated to being the best athlete that I can be.

FAMILY: Daughter, Fiona, 26 years old. She got married this October 6th to the most wonderful person, Matthew. I am so happy to see them find each other because they are truly good for each other. I live with the love of my life, John, (aka “Coach Booger”). He and I have been together for 5 crazy years. We are just now starting to really understand and enjoy each other. He supports me and loves cheering for me at the triathlons. He is definitely my biggest fan! I enjoy riding on the back of his motorcycle for relaxation.

CURRENT TRAINING: Right now I am in my REST phase. I am running very lightly this week, tweaking my bike (just got a professional bike fit!!!) and I even indulged in a glass of wine with dinner this week! Starting Monday I begin taking things back up a notch so that I am ready for a 12 week half marathon program that begins in December. I like the mileage involved in half marathon training. I am also starting to add strength training to my regular schedule, as I have chicken arms and can only do 5 PUSHUPS!

2012 RACES: Five triathlons, all sprints with the swims in lakes. I love the local races that D&Q Events put on here in New Jersey. They are nice and low-key and the people are very friendly. Of the 5 I had 2 podium finishes (one AG win), a 4th in AG, one DNF and one race where I just crapped out (I got a side stitch on the run that I could not shake!) All in all I was very happy with my season and I am very excited about 2013.

2013 SEASON: I will attempt the Olympic distance for the first time to see how I like it. I really love the sprints though. I like the amount of time that each discipline takes me – it just seems perfect! But I want to try the longer distance because who knows, maybe I will enjoy it twice as much??? Also, I plan to revisit the races that I did well at in 2012, as well as some others that I will seek revenge at. ? I feel like I could definitely race more so I will probably jump in races each weekend depending on my training and how I am feeling.

WEIGHT LOSS: As part of my “No Excuses” theme, I joined Weight Watchers for the LAST time. I am now lighter, at 134, than I have ever been as an adult. I eat very clean and I feel better than I can remember ever feeling.

WHY I WOULD BE A GOOD MEMBER: I am very enthusiastic – I am thankful every day that I get to participate in triathlons. I love to read about other people’s training and I love to have other like-minded people to bounce ideas off of.

Patti Thompson
Allentown, NJ
2012-10-18 12:37 PM
in reply to: #4459149

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
NAME:  Joseph Stoppelbein

FAMILY:  38 years old and married for 11 years with 7 kids ages 10, 8, 6, 4, 4, (twins) 2, 1.   And yes, they're all ours.

STORY:  Over the past couple years I started putting on weight with a fairly sedentary lifestyle.  Finally got motivated to get active, lose weight etc this summer

CURRENT TRAINING:  Currently SBR 3 times per week, doing the 16 week sprint tri plan.  Logs stay up to date.

2012 Races:  Ran a 5k in Sept (first ever).  Running a 10k on Oct 27 (will be my first as well).  And first sprint tri in December.

2013 Races:  Phoenix marathon.  1-2 local sprint tris.  Hopefully an Oly later in the year.

2013 Goals:  Keep tri-ing.  Improve finish times/pace etc.

WEIGHTLOSS:  Have lost 23+ lbs since July this year.  Was 190 and now mid 160s at 5'10".  Want to lose about 5-10 more.  

GOOD MEMBER??  I am a total newbie and have a lot to learn.  I also like to stay pretty active here.  Hopefully can be an encouragement to other new people too.

2012-10-18 12:47 PM
in reply to: #4459110

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
noelle1230 - 2012-10-18 11:59 AM

NAME: Amy Skitzki/Noelle 1230 (my middle name)

Well now that's a unique middle name!! Smile

2012-10-18 12:48 PM
in reply to: #4459276

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
joestop74 - 2012-10-18 1:37 PM

FAMILY:  38 years old and married for 11 years with 7 kids ages 10, 8, 6, 4, 4, (twins) 2, 1.   And yes, they're all ours.

SEVEN kids?????  All ten and under???!!!!  Wow. 

2012-10-18 1:16 PM
in reply to: #4459297

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
jmhpsu93 - 2012-10-18 1:47 PM
noelle1230 - 2012-10-18 11:59 AM

NAME: Amy Skitzki/Noelle 1230 (my middle name)

Well now that's a unique middle name!! Smile

Ha!  I had a feeling when I was typing it that someone who think, "Noelle 1230 is her middle name?"

12/30 is the old birthday.  I won't say the year but my races are logged so it wouldn't be that hard to figure out Wink

2012-10-18 2:07 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Checking in to see if I can join, I'll post my bio later, once I figure it all out. Ha!
2012-10-18 2:23 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

I'm in!  BTW my daughter's middle name in Noelle!


NAME:  Kate

STORY:  I’m a middle aged mom who did one sprint 5 years ago before having my daughter and last year signed up for an Xterra as a New Year’s resolution to get back into shape.  I did a sprint for a test run a few months earlier.  I also did the swim leg of a 70.3 relay with friends.  I ended up due to life having to pull out of the Xterra – but they let me switch to a later sprint.  So I did one more sprint.  I really enjoy having a goal to work towards and really enjoy the sprints as the training doesn’t take too much time away from my family or other activities.  I swam through college so biking and running are really the areas I need to improve on.  I still don’t think sprint is the right word for something that takes over an hour.

FAMILY:  Married to an extremely athletic husband with a nearly 3yo daughter (who did her first tri this past summer) a wonderful Lab/ Weim mix and a retired race horse.

CURRENT TRAINING:  I have totally slacked of the past few months and need to get back into it.  I really enjoyed following a BT training plan this spring and am planning on starting up a new one for some structure.  I have considered signing up for a running coaching group- but committing to being somewhere at a given time is hard for me.

2012 Races:  I did 2 sprints and swam on a relay for the local 70.3.

2013 Races:  I have unfinished business with an Xterra –so that’s on my list.  Definitely a few sprints and I’d like to do my first Oly.  Will probably do a relay for the local 70.3 again for fun – but I just swim.  I have a 5k in a month and would like to find a few 10ks to prep for doing an Oly.

2013 Goals:   Keep the fitness I’ve gained this season and up it a little.  Mostly just stay fit, have fun and have a good balance with my family.  I’d like to improve my bike and run more.  In what feels like a different life I swam D1 in college so that part is pretty natural for me.

WEIGHTLOSS:  Not a focus for me.  I’m happy where I am.  I eat pretty well but apply the 90/10 rule and make sure I get some form of chocolate daily.  Swimming makes me ridiculously hungry though.


2012-10-18 2:32 PM
in reply to: #4459467

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Moonrocket - 2012-10-18 3:23 PM

I'm in!  BTW my daughter's middle name in Noelle!



I'm so jealous!  I always wished they named me Noelle and not Amy.  In middle school one year there were EIGHT Amy's in my grade. Surprised

2012-10-18 2:53 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
OK, Hi Daniel, Wayne, Dan, and Tiffany. Hoping Tiffany is right since I'm .500 on guessing names from handles today. (sorry Amy/Noelle...if you really love the we could just call you Noelle here...kidding).
2012-10-18 3:25 PM
in reply to: #4458950

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL


Hey!  We meet again!  (I still owe you a PM, which I will get to soon.)  I guess this suggests that there are only a couple of degrees of separation between Quincy and anyone else in the world, yes?

2012-10-18 3:30 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Not sure if I was part of the original 31, but I'm just looking for a good discussion on S/B/R stuff.

NAME:  Jason

STORY:  Began with my first marathon late 2009, bought a road bike to cross train, then started tris in 2010 till present.  Have since then explored more into bike racing since the bike is my strength.  Main focus for next year is a HIM, but I don't train that much differently for a HIM than I would an Oly.  Just longer stuff on the weekend...weekday stuff is pretty much the same.

FAMILY:  Live with my GF, no kids.  Lots of time to train.

CURRENT TRAINING:  Always been self coached.  Just coming off a summer of bike racing, so trying to rebuild my running and swimming.

2012 Races:  Tris were just one Oly, one HIM, and one Relay.  Did well in all of them.  Then a whole bunch of bike races where I had some very good results, as well as some lackluster ones.

2013 Races:  I normally race about 10-14 times a year, but 2013 will be more focus on a few races.  A race will be the Hawaii 70.3, and a few bike races.

2013 Goals:   Get down to an ideal race weight for once.  I have raced at 155-160 in the past and really want to race in the 140's next year.  Crack 5 hours at my HIM and crack 1 hour for a 40k TT.

WEIGHTLOSS:  As mentioned above, I'm trying to lose the last 10-15.  It just takes discipline.

GOOD MENTEE??  I've hosted one group before, and been a part of 5 others.  I'm simply interested in good discussion, and I find that works much better in mentor groups where people respect each other.

2012-10-18 3:46 PM
in reply to: #4458793

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-Open


Um, Canton, as in part of Baltimore?  (If so, sorry about the Orioles!FrownCry(And Ray Lewis.)

Also sorry about your injuries and missing Eagleman.  I am a two-time Eaglevet, from '03 and '04.  My half-iron is from '04 there, and my two years were ones in which (a) wetsuits were legal, (b) the winds weren't off the charts, and (c) the heat was roughly tolerable.  Not too many people can claim two years at Eagleman with such favorable conditions!

We can continue talking about Eagleman, especially the AV.  I suffered a torn meniscus in '06, and had to do a bunch of aquabikes to keep myself sane......and the good news is that that's when I learned what it feels like to ride really hard in a race setting.  Riding hard in an aqbk (aqvl) is easy, of course, because there is no run to be done afterwards, but the "problem" then became one of learning how to run well off the bike when the bike is mostly red-lined!  That was my '07 focus, which was accomplished by concentrating on sprints and olys......and that's pretty much how I've worked it ever since.

So, keep the faith* and work hard at the bike (and the swim) until the knees come around for you.  There really is a lot to be gained by getting strong on the bike, so if you must focus on one particular aspect, the bike is a good one.  And to that end, a cycling team and doing some bike-only races (which i have never done) would also be a good path forward.)

As for the swim, well, join the club!  It is ever and anon my weakest discipline, and the irony there is that it is probably what I most enjoy doing.  I swim a ton, but along about, oh, maybe '05 I hit a modest plateau.........and have mostly stayed there ever since.  I do many things well in the water, but there is some nasty little technique flaw (or two.  or three.) that I can't determine and which keeps me from any significant progress.  But heck -- you have a strong swimmer in the family, and before long she can get on the deck, watch you swim, and then take you aside and explain how it's done.  And demonstrate!  And coach you to uber-proficiency!!  The sky's the limit!!!


*That is, don't give up quite yet on those sub-22 5km days; you're still a young pup!!

2012-10-18 3:48 PM
in reply to: #4459642

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-Open

Hello All,

Please let me know if I'm in on this group.  I'm at a conference with limited access time to post anything right now.  I'll be able to check in again tomorrow afternoon...




2012-10-18 3:51 PM
in reply to: #4459613

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL


Yup, you were part of the Original 31.  (Sounds like a radical activist group from the sixties!)

I shall return!

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