BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Closed Rss Feed  
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2012-12-22 4:36 PM
in reply to: #4545154

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

Kev - Just tuning into the bowl game... Looks like I missed a good first half.  How are those malty beverages treating you?  I've got a couple of new beers from Boulevard to try... Beer and football - does it get any better?

Did you get your 10K in?

To weigh in on the variety pack - I like them.  Sure, all of these 12 packs contain at least 1 beer you're probably not gonna love but sometimes you get surprised?  

Edited by Qua17 2012-12-22 4:48 PM

2012-12-22 6:23 PM
in reply to: #4545374

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open
Qua17 - 2012-12-22 2:36 PM

Kev - Just tuning into the bowl game... Looks like I missed a good first half.  How are those malty beverages treating you?  I've got a couple of new beers from Boulevard to try... Beer and football - does it get any better?

Did you get your 10K in?

To weigh in on the variety pack - I like them.  Sure, all of these 12 packs contain at least 1 beer you're probably not gonna love but sometimes you get surprised?  

6.2 miles at 44:38 a 7:10/mi pace.  Smokin'.

I had 4 different IPA's today, all were good, some better than the other.  The game came down to the last possession with the Huskies throwing an interception at the end.  Good to get out and socialize with friends over beers and bar food.

Tomorrow will  be a light 4.6 miler or I'll go get a swim/bike in at the gym.

2012-12-22 6:42 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

Well all this work being put in by everyone and my light run got trumped by housework for the Misses.  All good since I could have used a rest day anyways.  Heck I probably worked harder for her than I would have running anyways.  

I'm sure I missed it, but does someone have a link to an info sheet for using the training log?  I am finding myself working much harder when I should be working smarter.  I find myself wondering what I did last week and forget about the week before.  I have a memory like a steel trap...only problem is that my trap is rusted shut.



2012-12-22 7:18 PM
in reply to: #4545430

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open
Burd - 2012-12-22 7:42 PM

I'm sure I missed it, but does someone have a link to an info sheet for using the training log? 


Cancel that, I got off the lazy train and actually looked around.... Embarassed 

2012-12-22 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4545430

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open
Burd - 2012-12-22 6:42 PM

Well all this work being put in by everyone and my light run got trumped by housework for the Misses.  All good since I could have used a rest day anyways.  Heck I probably worked harder for her than I would have running anyways.  

I'm sure I missed it, but does someone have a link to an info sheet for using the training log?  I am finding myself working much harder when I should be working smarter.  I find myself wondering what I did last week and forget about the week before.  I have a memory like a steel trap...only problem is that my trap is rusted shut.


Alex - It's all good.  Scoring a few brownie points with your wife is more important especially at this time of year.  Sometimes taking today as a rest day can set you up to have an even better run tomorrow.  Just make sure you get that jog in before you sit down on the couch to watch football tomorrow.  

I've got a woeful memory myself but using the training log is good even if you have a good memory.  Not only will it help you to keep track of workouts but you will also be able to look back each month to see how far you've come.  They are also great because people can check in and give you a little inspiration from time to time.  

Enjoy your Sunday!

2012-12-22 8:42 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

I hope everyone is enjoying a nice and relaxing weekend.  A couple of quick things:

  1. Please use your training logs.  As I mentioned in the last post, keeping track of your workouts and recording them will not only help you plan better workouts but doing so will also motivate you. Plus, they are a great way of helping us cheer each other on...
  2. When you write a post to let us know about a workout or to support a group member, be sure to include your name at that end.  That will really help us get to know one another.  To help with that, here's a table with all of our names with links to our training logs.
  3. Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 


     thor67 Thor
     SportzVision Cynthia
     Wiff Kim
    mirthfuldragon Charles 
    Burd Alex 
     Qua17 David or DQ
  4. On Sunday or Monday, be sure to post your goals for the week.  Setting small attainable goals can put you in a good position to achieve those bigger goals - like running a marathon, getting to your goal weight, or becoming happier and healthier.  And again, not to sound like a broken record, but letting everyone know what your goals are helps us to support you.

So, here are my goals for the week: 1) Increase my running totals by running 4x this week. 2) Sign up for a yoga class. 3) Continue to log my calories so I don't end up eating dozens of oreos.



Edited by Qua17 2012-12-22 8:44 PM

2012-12-22 9:19 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Ballston Spa
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open


You had me at hello. Seriously I am in the same boat you were in last year. I weigh 299 lbs. I gained 24lbs after getting injured in IMLP last year and DNF'd.  I took 4 months off while seeing the doctor and now that I am cleared to work out I find that I have set myself up for more work.

First a little about myself, My name is Doug Cassady. I just turned 43. I have been married for over 20 years and have a fantastic supportive wife. I have a 12 year old son and I have a job that I enjoy.

I have always been an athlete, just fat.

I have completed 9 marathons, my PR 5:16. All have been run at 275 or more.  I have a busy schedule this year and see that we are both racing Quassy.

I struggle with my weight. Never have found success in getting and keeping it off. Was thinking you have had some great success and someone who can assist me while keeping it fun and someone who knows about training.

As for beers, I have drank a majority of them. My favorite tend to be the darker, heavier beers but after 5 years in the Marine Corps I will drink anything. It seems the older I get the more I'm willing to pay beer. In my youth the best beer was free and the 2nd best was whatever was cheapest.

Celebrating success with the liquid gold at the end of a race is what i look forward too. In Ironman LP I will definately be at the brewery celebrating a long time goal.

Look forward to working with you.





Edited by Cassady 2012-12-22 9:20 PM
2012-12-22 10:18 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

Hey David,


NAME: Lenny  


STORY..For the last 6 yrs I have said I wanted to complete a triathlon, just couldn’t keep up the motivation.   I was a captain of my swim team in high school and swam most of my life.  I
always loved to ride my bike but have always hated running. Recently I have gotten into running because my wife loves it. I do struggle with my weight; I’ve gained about 100 lbs in the last 10
yrs.  Right now I’m 6’2 and weigh 275 and would love to get down to 230 at some point.


FAMILY STATUS: Married a little over a year and with our first child on the way (April 2013)


CURRENT TRAINING: 1-2x/wk running, 1x/wk swimming.   (Planning on joining my Ymca’s TRI-Club)


THIS YEAR'S RACES: I only did one race this year… Manchester Road Race 4.8 miles.

2013 RACES: This year my goal will be to do at least 2 sprints this summer and work towards a half-marathon. My wife and I are making the Manchester Road Race our families Thanksgiving tradition.


BEER PREFERENCE: I am a fan of hops.  I love a very hoppy IPA or anything with a
bold taste.  I am not a fan of sweet or fruit flavored beers, but I’ll pretty much drink anything.  I would also love to get into home brewing
some day. 


Weight Loss: I didnt lose much weight in 2013, mostly a game of lose and gain.     



2012-12-23 6:00 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

Good morning all!  Today is a rest day for me, going to take the family down to Grandma's house for dinner and then head back home to get ready for Christmas Eve dinner tomorrow!  Going to be difficult not to overeat and keep from eating the things I'm not supposed to with all that good food Sealed.  

Anyhow, my goals for the week are to

  1. repeat week 5 of the trinewbie program, 20 min jog Monday, bowflex Tuesday, Brick Wednesday, bowflex Thursday, 40 min jog Friday, and 12 mile bike ride Saturday! 
  2. don't overeat too much
  3. Keep weight dropping or at least do not go above current weight
  4. most importantly enjoy some quality time with my kids and family!

I will be logging workouts on the training log here, but I also use runkeeper to track my bike and jog workouts, and use myfitnesspal to track nutrition, so if any of you use the same, feel free to add me and keep track that way as well.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!   


2012-12-23 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Bearspaw, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

Oh my gosh the last few days have been pure insanity!  I don't even know what happened to my week.

Goals for the week are:

  • Get to the pool TWICE
  • Get all my planned workouts in (need to make-up for a miserable showing last week)
  • Call the Computrainer people and figure out what I'm doing wrong (just realized they were closed, I'll do this next week)
  • At least 7 hours of sleep each night
  • Figure out a workout plan for when vacation is over

Today, I am going to try to get my long run in at least.  My leg has been killing me (seem to get worse when I get tired which has been a huge problem this week).  I think my running form needs some work.  

As for beer, I am mostly an pale ale person.  For an everyday beer, I usually drink Kokanee.  I went to school on the East Coast so I love a Keiths when I can get my hands on one.

Edited by Wiff 2012-12-23 10:13 AM
2012-12-23 11:14 AM
in reply to: #4545566

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open
lp3510 - 2012-12-22 8:18 PM

Hey David,


NAME: Lenny  


STORY..For the last 6 yrs I have said I wanted to complete a triathlon, just couldn’t keep up the motivation.   I was a captain of my swim team in high school and swam most of my life.  I
always loved to ride my bike but have always hated running. Recently I have gotten into running because my wife loves it. I do struggle with my weight; I’ve gained about 100 lbs in the last 10
yrs.  Right now I’m 6’2 and weigh 275 and would love to get down to 230 at some point.


FAMILY STATUS: Married a little over a year and with our first child on the way (April 2013)


CURRENT TRAINING: 1-2x/wk running, 1x/wk swimming.   (Planning on joining my Ymca’s TRI-Club)


THIS YEAR'S RACES: I only did one race this year… Manchester Road Race 4.8 miles.

2013 RACES: This year my goal will be to do at least 2 sprints this summer and work towards a half-marathon. My wife and I are making the Manchester Road Race our families Thanksgiving tradition.


BEER PREFERENCE: I am a fan of hops.  I love a very hoppy IPA or anything with a
bold taste.  I am not a fan of sweet or fruit flavored beers, but I’ll pretty much drink anything.  I would also love to get into home brewing
some day. 


Weight Loss: I didnt lose much weight in 2013, mostly a game of lose and gain.     



Over the year(s), there has been a lighthearted debate about the above bolded comments here in the beer drinkers forum.  David, I hope you take note on the color of the font I used above.  Wink

Lenny, welcome aboard, Your goals are awesome.  If you have any questions on your journey, there is some experience on the board here with HIM distances and such. 


2012-12-23 11:25 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

Kim and Jared, great goals.

Jared, It's good to go into those mass eating venues with a plan.  I find If I don't, I end up having everyone at the venue playing the game of feeding me all the leftovers in the dish so they don't have to take any home, and I play right along with them.  You might as well just role me out to my car at the end of it.

Kim, What's going on with the leg, is it just a nagging thing, or more serious?  I ask because your body may be trying to tell you something to avoid a more serious injury.

The family and I are going to the Y today and my wife and I are going to get a spin bike workout in and I'm going to do a few laps in the pool, kinda an off day for my legs.  I've found if your legs are tired or sore from running, taking a day to swim and cycle can be a good way to get a workout in while resting your running legs.


2012-12-23 11:45 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open
To the matter of my formal application to this Society….

Beer Focus: I like beer, I would leave it like that but the truth is I like all beer, cheap beer, expensive beer, malty beers, fruit beers, IPA's, cold beer, warm beer, I even once had a 2.5 % grapefruit concoction that I claimed to be very disappointed with but in the end it contained some beer and really that is all it takes some times. I go in waves. Sometimes I am drinking sometimes I am not. Currently, yes, drinking a bit.

Name: Darren. The bigDH part was perhaps when I was much bigger.

Story: I have been here for 5 years, since 2008. I was in a mentor group then. Frankly it sucked balls (spoiler alert, this one won't). Anyways. I was a one and you are done type of guy. For triathlons I did a sprint, an oly, a HIM and an IM. I did another HIM in 2009. But I haven't been in a pool since 2010 so, yeah, don't even know where my suit is. As Al Picino says in Dead Poet's Society though, "I have been around you know." Currently and for 2010, 2011, and 2012 I have been entirely run focused. I ride my bike to work quite a bit but don't really train on it. I run tons. It is sick and unexplainable how much I run. I am slow but I show up everyday and put in my miles. I got a bunch of stuff going on......

Family Status: I am married to the love of my life and we have an almost 4 year old and an 18 month old who thinks he is an almost 4 year old. I am a lawyer and run my own shop and life is busy and stressful and most days I don't know which way is up.

Current Training: I am running and biking. It is sick. I got a serious addiction here. Once you learn to use the logs you can look it up and see what I have been doing, frankly you don't want a piece of it. In 2012 I managed darn near 2 hours a day of bike/run. But coles notes version is that I ran about 85k a week this year (not a small amount was up and down steep slopes and mountains), (although this is a work in progress and well, I am doing my best but we will see), and I rode my bike more to work on a piece of garbage touring bike and then a slightly used cross bike this year then I did when I was training for my ironman on a TRI BIKE in 2008, so yeah. I have come a ways. I am at times proud and ashamed, but that is how it is. So yeah, for this year my only goal is to get to 90k a week on the running and, well the biking, I mean I am almost at 190 hours this year so if I could keep it around there next year that would be something, which I will because I hate driving but that is another story. Also throw in some yoga, I fell down on my goal this year due to my insane commitment to running and riding my bike to work, hopefully get back at it.

This Year's Racing: There is only one race this year and that is in September and it is 100 miles in Lethbridge. I don't mean to sound stupid but seriously, I am going to finish that B I T C H this year if it kills me. I got some running races too, a marathon, a 50 mile trail race maybe something else. To be blunt, I am going to run until I collapse.

Weight loss: I have lost some weight, 5 years ago I was 250, now I am 185. But, you know, Dave rules this world. I wish I could say I didn't care but the fact is carrying 185 lbs out there it no good for a runner so I am going to get though the first quarter and my marathon in May, and maybe look at dropping down to 179 for September.

What will make me a good group member: I make goals and achieve them (or do my darnedest) and I expect the same of others. If you say it, frankly I will expect you to do it. You say something like “I am going to do an Ironaman” and 10 weeks out you still haven’t got in a 20 miler I’ll call you on.

What will make Dave a good mentor: This guy rocks. Okay. Listen to me. I started a group back in January and Dave and a couple other guys carried it. They kept me going. I mean I STARTED IT and they kept me going. Sure we talk about beer, and whisky, and various other vices………

Clearly this group has taken off with its catchy name and irrepressible personalities, however… You want to have a chance. You want to succeed. You want to get off the couch and see what you can do. You come here. This guy is key. And he brings friends.
2012-12-23 11:49 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open
beer related question: it is -24C out. My uninsulated garage is at -9C. The party starts at 4:30. When do I put the beer in the garage and for how long can I safely keep it out?
2012-12-23 11:59 AM
in reply to: #4543109

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Bearspaw, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

Jared - What do you think of MyFitnessPal?  I have been considering it but I get frustrated when I can't find the foods I'm eating quickly and then I just give up.  How does it do on recipes?

Kevin - Good question, I hurt my leg biking on my trainer (tension was too tight but I tried to just keep going) and ever since it is hit and miss sore.  I usually wait until it stops being sore and then I am fine until I overdo it or get too tired and run anyway and then it gets sore again.  Good point on the biking, I think it's it's still sore tonight I'll ride instead.

2012-12-23 12:05 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

Hey I make and drink beer. Is there a open spot for me?

Yakhead / Ian

Hit my all time high weight of 245 lbs and want to get back to under to 190-200 lbs. I have always wanted to do a sprint,and it is on my bucket list of things to do and loose weight. So I rejoined the beginner triathlete again (I used to log my bike rides on here for MS150 bike rides years ago). I like 2xIPA and octoberfests. my current training is going to start after christmas in 2 days so I was looking for a group to join. I ride bike well, need to swim better, and learn how to like running.




2012-12-23 12:17 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open



I think I need the groups help. Despite growing up in Canada (now living in Dallas) I am losing my ability to enjoy drinking beer! I know that is a problem. Even fruity beers.Surprised

Name: Bobby

Story: Finishing my first year of tri with three sprints and on half marathon. I hated running until this year and found 3 milers at the end of sprints to be pretty brutal. Doing the HM was an incredible experience and I absolutely loved it.

Previous to this I had turned 40, lost 85lbs by eating better and moving more (now 205lbs). I need to stay motivated.

Family status: Married for 14 years with three boys (6,8,12)

Current training: custom BT plan and online coach.

This years races: Three sprints. Fantastic experiences!

2013 races:   I have signed up for another HM in March and a HIM in Galveston in April.

Beer preference: I like it all. My "problem" is that I lack the motivation to have more than 1-2 at a time. I am out in the country this weekend for the holiday so I will try to improve my situation. I have a great sampler pack that was a gift and I am going to tear into it as soon as I finish typing.

Weight loss: 85lbs. Losing weight is a drag. I feel so much better without the weight. 

What do I need? Motivation to stay in the game. I find that races are what I need to give me the motivation to stay on the plan. I very much ramped up my running (for a non-runner) for my HM and I was glad I completed it injury free. My pace is very slow with a run/walk of 4:1 for my long runs.

I look forward to the adventure!


2012-12-23 12:32 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open
Where has this society been all my life?!?!!?

If you'll have me I would like to start Drinking...errr...I mean training with you!

NAME: Justin

STORY: Never have I been super athletic, played some sports in my teens, did some physical activities with the Royal Canadian Air Cadet program here in Canada. But I have never really been 'In Shape'. This is my third time being mentored I believe and I really enjoy the 'esprit de corp' that comes from this program. Became a new Dad, and turned 30 in has made me realize that if I don't get serious with this it will have a serious impact on my family.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for a year and half now to my beautiful and much fitter wife, Jennifer. We welcomed an amazing little lady into our lives this year and her name is Dorothy, she is 6 months old now and is pretty much all we think about!

CURRENT TRAINING: Really have to get back into the SBR! things have fallen off quite a bit since the birth of my daughter. Just recently started Crossfit, because a friend got me a gift certificate for my birthday. I have been really enjoying it and hope to keep at it maybe 2X a week to build strength.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I did my first Tri this past year. In a tiny little community called Wawa in Northern Ontario, Canada. They called it a sprint but I am not even sure they measured the swim. In any case I really enjoyed it. I also did our local half marathon that I didn't train nearly enough for. It kicked my !! but I finished in 2:38.

2013 RACES: No races registered for as of yet, but ideally I would like to do a Sprint early on, an OLY midway, and a Half-Iron towards the end of the season. Also I have semi-committed to a couple half marathons with friends.

BEER PREFERENCE: has to be wet...haha... really I will try anything, and I like sampling anything I can get my hands on. My dream job would be owner/brewmaster of a microbrewery/B'n'B/organic farm in my home province of Prince Edward Island on the east coast of Canada. My favorite beer has to be Guinness on tap, and I really like stouts. But I honestly do enjoy all beers. There is a great brewery here called ' Flying Monkeys Brewery ' and they have a great one called 'Hoptical Illusion'...ok I better stop because I enjoy talking about different beers almost as much as I like to taste them

WEIGHT LOSS: This is priority for me, I'm 240 at 6 Feet tall. I would like to be under 200 by my Daughters first birthday, in June, and end game is around 175 hopefully

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENToree: I am a team player and I really enjoy meeting new people and hearing their stories. Very inspirational!


Edited by justinfss 2012-12-23 4:25 PM
2012-12-23 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

You had me at beer.


Name: Taj

Story: Firefighter, always ran for job related fitness.  Guys in the firehouse would rib me for it, we caught kona on tv a few years back and they told me I'd never do an ironman, so here I am.  I work full time at a busy city department and part time at two other departments and volunteer when not at work.  Time restraints are my enemy.

Family status: Engaged, just her, the dog, and I.

Current training: VOLUME, yards, miles, and miles until I feel my stomach in my throat.

This years races: First sprint.  Found out that I didn't like swimming in open water.  Swim was horrible, mostly walking in the shallow part while moving my arms to 'pretend' I was swimming. Bike was good, run was better. First organized run race, came out 6th, won age group.

2013 races:  Two more sprints and then a half with a dash of 5 and 10k's.

Beer preference: ABITA.  Any louisiana beer is outstanding.  If I'm forced to drink non-la beers, guinness or amberbock is adequate.

Weight loss: About 20 pounds.  Its not terribly hard for me to loose weight due to my job but I've become the sith lord of gaining it back. 

What do I need? Some one to hold me accountable when I just want to scale back.  Some one to slow me down when it's obvious I'm overdoing it.


Pretty pumped about this, hope I make the cut!


2012-12-23 1:12 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Bearspaw, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

Bob - I grew up in Canada and moved to Dallas (actually Grapevine) too.  Though now we're back in Canada.  And days like today, I REALLY miss Dallas.

DH - We had to add a heater to our garage (we're just outside of Calgary) and it's still freezing in there.  Bring the beer in by 2:30 and I bet you'll be good to go.

2012-12-23 2:01 PM
in reply to: #4545938

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

BigDH - 2012-12-23 9:45 AM To the matter of my formal application to this Society…. Beer Focus: I like beer, I would leave it like that but the truth is I like all beer, cheap beer, expensive beer, malty beers, fruit beers, IPA's, cold beer, warm beer, I even once had a 2.5 % grapefruit concoction that I claimed to be very disappointed with but in the end it contained some beer and really that is all it takes some times. I go in waves. Sometimes I am drinking sometimes I am not. Currently, yes, drinking a bit. Name: Darren. The bigDH part was perhaps when I was much bigger. Story: I have been here for 5 years, since 2008. I was in a mentor group then. Frankly it sucked balls (spoiler alert, this one won't). Anyways. I was a one and you are done type of guy. For triathlons I did a sprint, an oly, a HIM and an IM. I did another HIM in 2009. But I haven't been in a pool since 2010 so, yeah, don't even know where my suit is. As Al Picino says in Dead Poet's Society though, "I have been around you know." Currently and for 2010, 2011, and 2012 I have been entirely run focused. I ride my bike to work quite a bit but don't really train on it. I run tons. It is sick and unexplainable how much I run. I am slow but I show up everyday and put in my miles. I got a bunch of stuff going on...... Family Status: I am married to the love of my life and we have an almost 4 year old and an 18 month old who thinks he is an almost 4 year old. I am a lawyer and run my own shop and life is busy and stressful and most days I don't know which way is up. Current Training: I am running and biking. It is sick. I got a serious addiction here. Once you learn to use the logs you can look it up and see what I have been doing, frankly you don't want a piece of it. In 2012 I managed darn near 2 hours a day of bike/run. But coles notes version is that I ran about 85k a week this year (not a small amount was up and down steep slopes and mountains), (although this is a work in progress and well, I am doing my best but we will see), and I rode my bike more to work on a piece of garbage touring bike and then a slightly used cross bike this year then I did when I was training for my ironman on a TRI BIKE in 2008, so yeah. I have come a ways. I am at times proud and ashamed, but that is how it is. So yeah, for this year my only goal is to get to 90k a week on the running and, well the biking, I mean I am almost at 190 hours this year so if I could keep it around there next year that would be something, which I will because I hate driving but that is another story. Also throw in some yoga, I fell down on my goal this year due to my insane commitment to running and riding my bike to work, hopefully get back at it. This Year's Racing: There is only one race this year and that is in September and it is 100 miles in Lethbridge. I don't mean to sound stupid but seriously, I am going to finish that B I T C H this year if it kills me. I got some running races too, a marathon, a 50 mile trail race maybe something else. To be blunt, I am going to run until I collapse. Weight loss: I have lost some weight, 5 years ago I was 250, now I am 185. But, you know, Dave rules this world. I wish I could say I didn't care but the fact is carrying 185 lbs out there it no good for a runner so I am going to get though the first quarter and my marathon in May, and maybe look at dropping down to 179 for September. What will make me a good group member: I make goals and achieve them (or do my darnedest) and I expect the same of others. If you say it, frankly I will expect you to do it. You say something like “I am going to do an Ironaman” and 10 weeks out you still haven’t got in a 20 miler I’ll call you on. What will make Dave a good mentor: This guy rocks. Okay. Listen to me. I started a group back in January and Dave and a couple other guys carried it. They kept me going. I mean I STARTED IT and they kept me going. Sure we talk about beer, and whisky, and various other vices……… Clearly this group has taken off with its catchy name and irrepressible personalities, however… You want to have a chance. You want to succeed. You want to get off the couch and see what you can do. You come here. This guy is key. And he brings friends.

Bio of the century.  ^^Epic^^

2012-12-23 2:02 PM
in reply to: #4543109

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open
looks like a pretty good Canadian contingent here... playing right into the stereotype! Beer-Hockey-Triathlon!
2012-12-23 2:04 PM
in reply to: #4545944

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

BigDH - 2012-12-23 9:49 AM beer related question: it is -24C out. My uninsulated garage is at -9C. The party starts at 4:30. When do I put the beer in the garage and for how long can I safely keep it out?

So pretty much, Your garage is a freezer.  I'd say from room temp to freezer, you've probably got a 45 min window +- 5 min.  until your beer is frozen.  Careful not to get lost on time or you may be serving beer cycles. 

2012-12-23 2:27 PM
in reply to: #4545953

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open
Wiff - 2012-12-22 12:59 PM

Jared - What do you think of MyFitnessPal?  I have been considering it but I get frustrated when I can't find the foods I'm eating quickly and then I just give up.  How does it do on recipes?

Kevin - Good question, I hurt my leg biking on my trainer (tension was too tight but I tried to just keep going) and ever since it is hit and miss sore.  I usually wait until it stops being sore and then I am fine until I overdo it or get too tired and run anyway and then it gets sore again.  Good point on the biking, I think it's it's still sore tonight I'll ride instead.

I used myfitnesspal quite a bit and liked it. I haven't tried inputting recipes into it, I just have it on my iPod touch and really like the convenience of it.
2012-12-23 2:46 PM
in reply to: #4545953

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open

What do you think of MyFitnessPal?  I have been considering it but I get frustrated when I can't find the foods I'm eating quickly and then I just give up.  How does it do on recipes?

I've been using MFP for about two years now, and it's great.  The food database is big enough, and if I can't find something or the reasonable equivalent, it's easy to add things in.  The recipe builder works well, too.

I got in a nice 1:40 spin session in this morning.  Tomorrow it's back to the weights and the run.

My goal for this coming week is largely damage control; I'm doing a lot of cooking for Christmas, and so far I've had two out of four Christmas dinners, and then my birthday and vacation happen next week.  I'm logging my food, but I'm ignoring the numbers until I get back from vacation on January 7.  I'm not going to weight until February 1 (usually I weigh weekly, on Friday mornings).  Otherwise, I would just obsess and drive myself crazy.  My goal is to get my workouts in, and enjoy the holidays, in that order.  

I am also not sure how I feel about ignoring the calories - it's both nice and a bit disturbing that I can still eat like I did four years ago, despite losing 115lbs, a reminder of how easy it would be to slip back down that slope.



Edited by mirthfuldragon 2012-12-23 2:47 PM
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