BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed Rss Feed  
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2012-12-23 2:32 PM
in reply to: #4545941

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
JBacarella - 2012-12-23 12:46 PM

Mitch- I'm glad to see you have 3 Disciplines HIM on your schedule. If you come up to train on the course, let me know.

Scott ? Are you ready to come back to Tawas and do the HIM again?

Still need to get my Admiral's's our anniversary today (17 years) - got her a nice gift, figure today is the best time to bring it up again.  Her big concern is on training time.  I've been averaging 8 hours a week for the month of December. Think I should be able to manage the training load without too much impact.

2012-12-23 3:02 PM
in reply to: #4545611

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

millscd63 - 2012-12-22 11:55 PM Hi Ernesto, I would love to be a part of your group!NAME: ChrisSTORY: I am a complete newbie to triathlon. I swam competitively as a kid but have no background in running or cycling. The biggest challenge I am going to have in training is that I work as a cargo pilot so my schedule is very different than most aspiring triathletes. For two weeks of the month I am on the road and the only option I have is a treadmill or stationary bike at the hotel gym. The flip side of that is that I have two weeks a month completely free.FAMILY STATUS: I have a wonderful wife of three years who is very supportive of my training and a beautiful ten month old little girl.CURRENT TRAINING: I am currently following Hal Higdon's Novice 2 half marathon plan for The Woodlands Half Marathon on March 2nd. I try to make it to the pool twice a week when I am in town and just got my first road bike for Christmas so bike training begins this week!2012 RACES: GE Run Through The Woods(5k)2013 RACES: The Woodlands Half Marathon and the CB&I Sprint Tri on May 4th are the only two I have planned so far. One of the things I was hoping you guys with more experience could help me with is putting together a plan for my first season. I have all these big ideas but don't really know what is realistic for a beginner without ending up hurt.WEIGHT LOSS: I have lost about ten lbs since I started running and could stand to lose 5-10 more. My diet while on the road is horrible!WHY I WOULD BE A GOOD MENTEE: I am very motivated and would be very appreciative of the time more experienced triathletes take to help.

Welcome Chris, awesome to have a fresh out of the box triathlete. Ask your questions, it may sound cliche but "no dumb questions" totally applies here. After all, that's why you're wanting a mentor right?

2012-12-23 3:16 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

Some tips for the new members of the thread, especially those that are somewhat inexperienced in triathlons:

- Keep an updated training log, reasons are many but here we go: Keeps you accountable (mostly to yourself); tracks progress, the mind is deceiving and you may think you're hitting a plateau and you're not or the other way around; it helps me help you if that makes any sense.

- Invest in a GPS watch with a heart rate monitor, some (like the rugged Garmin forerunner 305) will work well for years and can be found at an accesible price brand new, even cheaper for a used one.

- Don't focus on trying to get fast (yet). That will come with time but rather look for frequency. Training short workouts daily creates what called "periodization" and produces better musculo-skeletal adaptations than less frequent "hard" workouts.

- Do a long run and a long ride per week, low effort (the challenge has to be on the duration). These workouts work better on the weekends mostly because of time availability and recovery, the only thing that could change this is probably people that works on weekends in which case you should move them to your days off.

- Find partners! training in groups (especially while riding) makes it more fun and challenging, in addition makes you more accountable and prone to show up during "bad days" when you either don't feel like going or weather is far from optimal.

2012-12-23 3:36 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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New user

Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
Hello! I would love to join this group. My name is Lisa and I am a newbie! I signed up for Boulder HIM 2013 and am very excited. I will add my bio (and of course I have questions) later as well when I am not on my iPad (and I have to get ready to start dinner). Just wanted to say hi and make sure I can join this group. I definitely need info on high altitude racing and what kind of training might help me here in San Antonio. More later and I look forward to reading and posting more soon. Oh, and I will be doing Disney marathon in Orlando in a few weeks (I do that one annually and love it!). Thank you in advance for helping me achieve my 70.3 goal!
2012-12-23 4:28 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Lees Summit
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
Name: Randy

Story: I work about 50-55 hours per week, have a wife that tolerates this stuff, and try to get in about 8-10 hours per week of training during the season. I have been doing triatlons for about 5 years. I have completed a bunch of sprints, 2 olympic races, 1 half-iron and 1 ironman. race. I have never been close to a podium and usually finish at the back end of my AG.

Family status: I'm married, have 2 kids, and 5 grandkids.

CURRENT TRAINING: Current training per week is 1-2 swims, 1 spin session, 2-3 runs and 2 weight sessions per week. The plan will be to me more disiplined in Janurary, and to streatch out the distances.

2013 RACES: I don't have the race schedule set in stone, but the schedule will be KS 5150 in May and Redman in September. Hopefully the HYVEE in August. I want to find a sprint, and will try to find a half marathon. My goals were to always finish and not die. This year I want to be faster.

WEIGHTLOSS: This is what holds me back. I need to get rid of about 20 pounds.
2012-12-23 4:43 PM
in reply to: #4546073

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
dangremond - 2012-12-23 2:32 PM
JBacarella - 2012-12-23 12:46 PM

Mitch- I'm glad to see you have 3 Disciplines HIM on your schedule. If you come up to train on the course, let me know.

Scott ? Are you ready to come back to Tawas and do the HIM again?

Still need to get my Admiral's's our anniversary today (17 years) - got her a nice gift, figure today is the best time to bring it up again.  Her big concern is on training time.  I've been averaging 8 hours a week for the month of December. Think I should be able to manage the training load without too much impact.

Mitch- Your training load makes the HIM doable. I didn't have an injury this year and I am just a few hundred miles more than you on the bike and only about a hundred more running. My highest month this year was 42 hours normally around 32 hours per month. I think you are good to go training wise. This is a great family location. They can watch the entire swim, and your transition area is literally right next to the side walk. I was able to talk to my wife and friends during T2 and have my Dad yell ecouraging Dad things like "Why are you talking this is supposed to be a race." The run is 2 laps, so there are a lot of opportunities to get the family boost. The swim start is on a nice public beach, plus several nice shops and places to eat. Everything they need is literally within a city block.

2012-12-23 4:45 PM
in reply to: #4543349

Extreme Veteran
Israel / NJ
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

NAme= SAmmy

Story= I am 26 and I work in the operation room as a Surgical tech at night 12 hour shifts. I mostly do emergency C sections and other lovely Surgeries. I also teach swim lessons and WSI certified. Since i work 12 hour shifts i get a nice 3 days off form work so i can train and Relax.  

  I have been doing Triathlons for 2 years now and im getting faster and better every year. Its becoming more fun and challenging but i still need a kick in the butt from time to time. I have a few Podiam Finishings and done great over all in alot of local races for a fat man.

 Im a single Good looking tan hairy fat guy looking for a wife to be, Oh sorry i thought this was a dating site. .


Current training= now its just getting back from off training to lets slowly get ready and start full out training again. 


2012 RACES = I mostly Did all local races in JErsey. Not good enough to travel,.


2013 RACES= Hope to get sponsored by samsung this year to compete Miami 70.3 And do alot of sprints and Olys to get up to a 70.3


Weight loss goal= Ive lost about 70 lbs altogether but gained some back but still kind of fit and i feel like its to jump on the band wagon and get cut and fit again,.


WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE= With determination and help with others i can go and kick butt his year and show people even a fat man like can do well at triathlons and give them inspiriting to jump on and get into the sport.

2012-12-23 11:42 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

It's been 4 good seasons with Ernesto's group and I really enjoy the good company. It provided me with motivation to be consistent and our monthly challenge (details emerge at some point here, no doubt) has proven to be a winner. It has also been a good place to talk about the workouts with a chance that somebody will actually listen... Let's face it, where else can we do it? The family? Not a chance.

NAME: username: markz / first name: Mark

STORY: This is my 6th year of triathlon training, prior to that I was mainly running for fun. I don't do many races a year. so far I have completed a Sprint in Wisconsin, few Olys in Chicago, IM 70.3 in Racine and Full IM here in Australia (Port Macquarie). I also have several 1/2 Marys, 4 or 5 Marathons and many shorter running races (mainly 5k Parkrun) under my belt.
I love being fit and at this point races provide only a minor motivation to workout. I don't care about being fast, but rather get the kick from being able to do the distance. Still, love the races, the excitement etc.

I was born and grew up in Poland, but since lived in Austria, USA (LA, Hawaii, Chicago) and now Australia (Gold Coast).

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a beautiful Colombian girl (I am still not speaking Spanish, just the bad words, body parts etc.), we have a beautiful 5 yo daughter.

CURRENT TRAINING: I don't follow any training plans, just make sure I can comfortably do the distance I plan to race. I also noticed that I tend to concentrate on 'why', rather than 'how' (and as a result I complete long distances, but I'm slow).

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I plan to do the Gold Coast Marathon again and would like to make it a yearly event. Other than that - Brisbane to Gold Coast 100k bike race and some shorter running races. I'm also looking for a local Oly triathlon to put on the calendar as well.

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm one of the lucky ones who never have to worry about it. As long as I remember my weight has been 150 lbs, give or take a few. I have been a vegetarian almost all my life, maybe that has something to do with it, I don't know.


Edited by markz 2012-12-25 1:19 PM
2012-12-24 10:14 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Boynton Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

Ernesto, I will like to continue with you if you will have me. This will be my 3rd go around with this group. I started as a complete Tri newbie in January 2012, and I now I still consider myself a Tri newbie (with 5 races under my belt).

NAME: username: Samyg / first name: Samy

STORY: Born and raised in Venezuela; came to the States for college and have been living in South Florida for the past 10 years.  I am 44 yrs old, which means next year I will be going up in age group to the 45-49 yrs old. Did my first tri (Sprint) in February and finished my first season in November with my first Oly (total 4 sprints and 1 Oly). And I am currently training for my first HM in February 17 (Chris - I am also following Higdons intermediate 2 plan).

FAMILY STATUS: Married to a beautiful Jersey Girl (one of the classy ones). Two kids (4 yr old and 2 yr old).

CURRENT TRAINING: Due to family, most of my training takes place at 5:00 am. The past year I did 2 runs/bike/swim per week, concentrating on building my base, with little or no speed training. This year I will try to add a 3rd bike and run to my schedule, and start doing some speed training (specially on the run).

THIS YEAR'S RACES: I plan to split my races between Olympic and sprints distances. Feb 17- Ft. Lauderdale half marathon (my first HM). April 14-FAU sprint, June 1-Motivation Man Olympic, July 21-Key Biscayne Olympic, September 24-Miami Escape Olympic (A race). After this the schedule is open, depending on how I feel. Tentative: October-Marco Island Sprint, November-Miami Man Olympic. And my second HM at the beginning of 2014.

WEIGHTLOSS: 6'3" @ 190 lbs. Have lost about 15 lbs since the tri journey began, with no change in diet. My wife has forbidden me to lose any more weight, and I am happy with where I am, so the goal is to keep it there.

2012-12-24 10:28 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Boynton Beach, FL
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

My "Not If, but When" moment came today. When on a easy ride this morning, and just as I was about to finish, I look down at my Garmin for a sec and BAM! A road colored rock that I did not see. Happy to report no broken bones (I think) and no head banging. Nice road rash on my shoulder, wrist (?), palm, and knee on the left side. But my biggest concern is a nice hematoma on my right hand palm (will wait a few days to see if I need a doctor or not for that). Shredded left glove and a few nice holes in my shirt.

I truly believe that my MTB experience (and by experience I mean multiple falls) helped me avoid major damage, as I guess my body went into survival mode (i.e. crash mode). The funny thing is that as soon as it happen two thoughts crossed my mind: (1) I hope this does not affect my HM training; and (2) how will I explain this to my wife. I have a felling that telling her that I was lucky because most bike falls result in broken bones will not calm her fears.

But to the most important part (and I KNOW you guys are all thinking the same, you sick sick individuals). The bike seems fine. Left aerobar and brake lever a little scratched and I need to adjust them back to the original position. But other than that I think I avoided major bike damage. Was planning to take it to the shop anyways for end-of-the-year service, so I will make sure they inspect the frame to make sure everything is OK.

Will report back on the right wrist/palm when I know more. But for now, keep riding and be safe.

2012-12-24 11:29 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
Hi...would love to join the group if there is still room.  Will post my bio on Wednesday after the holiday.  Looking forward to an active group!!

2012-12-24 1:47 PM
in reply to: #4546803

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

Samy, sorry to hear about your Christmas experience while riding your sled. Damn the rocks on the road, yours must have been a big one to trip you like that. Hope you heal well and get back on the saddle soon.

Since it's Christmas day here in Oz I wish you all Merry Christmas, lots of enthusiasm for this sport and no accidents!

6am and I'm off for a 12k run, rest of the family is still sleeping after late night. Ho, ho, ho.

Edited by markz 2012-12-24 1:53 PM
2012-12-24 1:51 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
I would also love to join the group

NAME: first name: Greg

STORY: I've been doing triathlons for approximately three months. I've now done three. A club race, an Olympic and Canberra 70.3 Ironman. I have a history in long distance, endurance cycling completing quite a few 1200km events such as Paris Brest Paris. In 2012 I decided to have a new challenge and started running. I completed a couple of half marathons and two marathons, Kona - on the same course as the IM and Sydney.

I'm 56 and believe that you're never too old to start something. Life is there to live.

I live near Sydney, Australia

FAMILY STATUS: Married and loving it. My partner is planning to run her first half marathon this year. This is really great. We also love being out on our tandem together. Three adult kids. My youngest daughter is also getting into triathlons in 2012/13 - Sprints and Olympic

CURRENT TRAINING: Getting used to the discipline of triathlon training, still working on the balance. My swimming is my weakest leg. I know most triathletes say this, but it's really true for me. Although I've lived near the coast all of my life, I have not swum much. I also seem to have skin allergies to the chlorine in pools so I'm doing most of my swimming training in the open water.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: My "A" race for this year is Challenge Copenhagen. August 2013. If you're going to suffer, suffer somewhere beautiful. Although I've done quite a few endurance events the thought of an Ironman distance tri is very daunting. Also I have the Mooloolabah Olympic in March and the Noosa Tri late in the year. I'll probably throw in one or two half marathons and some ocean swim events.

WEIGHTLOSS: Not really an issue, though I would not mind shedding a few kgs.


I'm keen to learn and contribute when I can. Nutrition for the Iron distance events is one of the things I really have to work on learning this year.

Looking forward to the group.




2012-12-24 4:13 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

Name: Joe; username:Joepetto 

Story:  I am age 43 and 2013 will be my third year in triathlon.  I got into the sport after I stopped feeling sorry for myself about turning 40 and not being very happy with my professional situation (attorney).  I needed a kick in the rear so I went out and bought a road bike for my birthday.  Turned out that I loved it and dropped 10 pounds very quickly.  I then started to run and my wife an avid swimmer encouraged me to do a tri.  Having no swim background and what I learned was a true swim phobia (developed after a near drowning experience at age 5) I forced myself to learn swim following the Total Immersion program. On the way to training for my first try I tore my medial meniscus on St. Patty's day and had the knee scoped.  After 3 months of rehab, I finished my first race and was hooked.  Year 1 finished with an Oly and a half marathon.  Year 2 was about taking on new challenges.  I completed the Eagleman HIM in June and finished my first full mary in November.

In 2012, I far exceeded my goals based upon the support of this group.  PR'd every race I ran; took 29' of my HIM, 20' of my marathon, finished top 10 AG in sprint and 2nd OA in a 5K.

I have had a mild form of ulcerative colitis since my 20s and have kept it under control with meds.  Besides causing the lining of the colon to bleed, colitis causes all kinds of GI issues and makes the absorption of nutrition more difficult.  

Family: Married 15 years to my best friend and two great girls - ages 9 and 12.  I'm in big trouble when they become teenagers.  They are amazingly supportive and nothing is better than seeing them at the finish line or in transition.  

Current Training: I did my marathon the two before Thanksgiving and have been in PT for piriformis.  Not just starting to run and bike and have been swimming a lot. 

2013 Races: Rev3 Williamsburg 70.3 (June),  Philadelphia Marathon, assorted road races (5K, 10K, 10 miler), and a couple of TBD sprints.

Weight Loss:  When I started the journey I weighed 183 (am 5' 9").  I'm down to about 154in the offseason and need to keep weight on.

What Makes Me a Good Mentee: I take coaching and criticism very well and am always willing to learn.  I'm also a typical type A personality that always wants to push myself harder and expect more from myself.  Despite my type A personality, I am extremely self deprecating and don't take myself that seriously - ultimately, it is about having fun!

2013 Goals:  Get faster as I finish the final year in my AG.   Specific goals: 2 HIM, Marathon at 3:25, 5K under 20:00, HM under 1:32 all while staying healthy.   

Edited by JoePetto 2012-12-24 4:15 PM
2012-12-24 4:14 PM
in reply to: #4546113

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

LisaGee - 2012-12-23 3:36 PM Hello! I would love to join this group. My name is Lisa and I am a newbie! I signed up for Boulder HIM 2013 and am very excited. I will add my bio (and of course I have questions) later as well when I am not on my iPad (and I have to get ready to start dinner). Just wanted to say hi and make sure I can join this group. I definitely need info on high altitude racing and what kind of training might help me here in San Antonio. More later and I look forward to reading and posting more soon. Oh, and I will be doing Disney marathon in Orlando in a few weeks (I do that one annually and love it!). Thank you in advance for helping me achieve my 70.3 goal!

Welcome to the group Lisa, I'm doing Boulder as well. Post your bio and let us know a little more.


2012-12-24 4:19 PM
in reply to: #4546182

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
temoniprince - 2012-12-23 4:45 PM

NAme= SAmmy

Story= I am 26 and I work in the operation room as a Surgical tech at night 12 hour shifts. I mostly do emergency C sections and other lovely Surgeries. I also teach swim lessons and WSI certified. Since i work 12 hour shifts i get a nice 3 days off form work so i can train and Relax.  

  I have been doing Triathlons for 2 years now and im getting faster and better every year. Its becoming more fun and challenging but i still need a kick in the butt from time to time. I have a few Podiam Finishings and done great over all in alot of local races for a fat man.

 Im a single Good looking tan hairy fat guy looking for a wife to be, Oh sorry i thought this was a dating site. .


Current training= now its just getting back from off training to lets slowly get ready and start full out training again. 


2012 RACES = I mostly Did all local races in JErsey. Not good enough to travel,.


2013 RACES= Hope to get sponsored by samsung this year to compete Miami 70.3 And do alot of sprints and Olys to get up to a 70.3


Weight loss goal= Ive lost about 70 lbs altogether but gained some back but still kind of fit and i feel like its to jump on the band wagon and get cut and fit again,.


WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE= With determination and help with others i can go and kick butt his year and show people even a fat man like can do well at triathlons and give them inspiriting to jump on and get into the sport.

Hi Sammy, welcome to the group. If motivation is what you need you will get a lot of that here.

2012-12-24 4:20 PM
in reply to: #4546845

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

jmhpsu93 - 2012-12-24 11:29 AM Hi...would love to join the group if there is still room.  Will post my bio on Wednesday after the holiday.  Looking forward to an active group!!

Welcome to the band Mike. Post your bio when you can.

2012-12-24 4:25 PM
in reply to: #4547003

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
Gla56 - 2012-12-24 1:51 PM I would also love to join the group

NAME: first name: Greg

STORY: I've been doing triathlons for approximately three months. I've now done three. A club race, an Olympic and Canberra 70.3 Ironman. I have a history in long distance, endurance cycling completing quite a few 1200km events such as Paris Brest Paris. In 2012 I decided to have a new challenge and started running. I completed a couple of half marathons and two marathons, Kona - on the same course as the IM and Sydney.

I'm 56 and believe that you're never too old to start something. Life is there to live.

I live near Sydney, Australia

FAMILY STATUS: Married and loving it. My partner is planning to run her first half marathon this year. This is really great. We also love being out on our tandem together. Three adult kids. My youngest daughter is also getting into triathlons in 2012/13 - Sprints and Olympic

CURRENT TRAINING: Getting used to the discipline of triathlon training, still working on the balance. My swimming is my weakest leg. I know most triathletes say this, but it's really true for me. Although I've lived near the coast all of my life, I have not swum much. I also seem to have skin allergies to the chlorine in pools so I'm doing most of my swimming training in the open water.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: My "A" race for this year is Challenge Copenhagen. August 2013. If you're going to suffer, suffer somewhere beautiful. Although I've done quite a few endurance events the thought of an Ironman distance tri is very daunting. Also I have the Mooloolabah Olympic in March and the Noosa Tri late in the year. I'll probably throw in one or two half marathons and some ocean swim events.

WEIGHTLOSS: Not really an issue, though I would not mind shedding a few kgs.


I'm keen to learn and contribute when I can. Nutrition for the Iron distance events is one of the things I really have to work on learning this year.

Looking forward to the group.




Welcome Greg, it seems you will be the third Aussie to join the group. Interesting bio and I agree, never too late to be happy and challenge yourself. I saw sister Madonna Buder a few years ago in New Orleans 70.3 and met Lou Hollander last year, both of those well into their eighties and doing full Ironman races under the cutoffs. You might as well consider yourself a young pup in triathlons!
2012-12-24 4:27 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

Samy, sorry to hear about the fall. As you know there's only two kinds of cyclists, those who fell and those who will. Don't venture into cyclocross would be my advice! Get better. Smile

2012-12-24 7:06 PM
in reply to: #4543349


Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
Hi Ernesto! I'm a tri newbie and am interested in joining your group!
2012-12-24 7:15 PM
in reply to: #4547207

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
rahlee - 2012-12-24 7:06 PMHi Ernesto! I'm a tri newbie and am interested in joining your group!
perfect, just post tour Bio.

2012-12-24 8:29 PM
in reply to: #4547128

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

Welcome Greg, it seems you will be the third Aussie to join the group. Interesting bio and I agree, never too late to be happy and challenge yourself. I saw sister Madonna Buder a few years ago in New Orleans 70.3 and met Lou Hollander last year, both of those well into their eighties and doing full Ironman races under the cutoffs. You might as well consider yourself a young pup in triathlons!

I have a goal to be doing Ironman or other extreme distances when I'm in my 70s - I'll have to change that to 80s Smile

2012-12-24 8:35 PM
in reply to: #4547241

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
Hi Ernesto & gang! I'd like to join for my third year if there's still room. I'm on an iPad so I'll post my bio soon. Merry Christmas!
2012-12-25 1:17 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open
Good to see a few new faces in the group and also good to see most the olsed are back for more punishment.Happy to have another Aussie in the group as well. Welcome Greg. Sorry to hear about the fall Sam. Glad it was not to bad, if Ernesto is correct I must be a cyclist waiting for a fall.
2012-12-25 7:47 AM
in reply to: #4543349

New user

Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Open

NAME: first name: Doug (speed22522)

STORY: I live in New Jersey.  I commute to
NYC everyday and that takes up a lot of my free time.  Sometimes I can run in Central Park during mylunch break.  However, work has been crazy lately and I haven’t had the opportunity. 
I have posted workouts on this site before but never kept it going.  I will definitely make regular entries.

I've never done a triathlon, but really want to get into the sport.

I love swimming and running, but have trouble biking with any consistency.  It’s not that I have trouble with the bike, but that I’m still new to it.  I love running the half marathon distance.  I have
completed one marathon, more like survived one. 
I also did a Tough Mudder this past year and am HOOKED. 

I can only imagine what it is like to complete a triathlon. (FOR NOW)

FAMILY STATUS: Married to an awesome wife and have two beautiful girls (4 & 15 months) and my crazy oversized white lab “Daisy” weighing in at a staggering 120 lbs., but fit.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am new to triathlontraining.  I run regularly.  I’m not sure about biking outside in the winter, so it’s the spin bike for now. I love swimming, but haven’t “trained” in swimming since high school (A long time ago). I’m looking forward to a fresh start in 2013.  I have been taking it easy because of a foot injury, which hasn’t sidelined me but caused me to slow down.

THIS YEAR'S RACES:  I haven’t really thought about what races I will be doing this coming year.  I would like to include a spring sprint triathlon, a few half marathons, probably another tough mudder, and still debating the “end of season” goal race(s). 

WEIGHTLOSS: I need to lose some weight, about 20 pounds.


I would really like to be a part of this group, for your knowledge, advice, and abilities to help me get this thing going. 

Thank you and Happy Holidays.

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