BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-01-07 3:02 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN

I am probably going to cap the group at about 12 people so that I can keep up with everybody individually and also provide a good group for discussions.

As I mentioned in the first post, it will be the most beneficial if you are able to keep your training logs up to date here and also check in to the thread at least once per day to keep you engaged.  I know most of you log elsewhere, as do I, but it is the best way for me to give feedback if you also log here.

Once we get the group squared away, we can get into more pointed discussions.  In the meantime, if you have something on your mind feel free to fire away.

2015-01-07 3:05 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
Thanks Ryan looking forward to being here and a great season!
2015-01-07 3:39 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
Are you at your limit? Do you have room for one more member?



2015-01-07 3:49 PM
in reply to: swimdean

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN

Originally posted by swimdean  I am certified by ACE and my degree is in Exercise Physiology, also certified swim coach from ASCA.

This is great value added to this group.  A buddy of mine just bought a GoPro.  I'm hoping to get some footage of my swim.  I hope you can tear it apart and turn me into a fish.


2015-01-07 3:50 PM
in reply to: littlewj

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN

Originally posted by littlewj Are you at your limit? Do you have room for one more member? Thanks!! Jim

I believe you are lucky number 7!

2015-01-07 4:07 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
Thanks Ryan! Excited to be joining the group! To answer your question, I have been wanting to start a training plan, but all of the training plans I have looked over are unrealistic based on my time constraints. I basically need to work up a custom plan that will work for my schedule. I noticed that BT has customized plan functionality for premium members. Was thinking I would give that a try. For the moment I am winging it, which I know I will pay for come race day. An example of this week's activity to date:

Sunday: Bike - 35 miles - 02:05:00
Monday: Weights - Squats, deadlifts, crunches, some upper body work. (Trying to increase functional leg strength) - 01:30:00
Tuesday: Bike - 15 miles - 15.4 miles - 00:50:00
Wednesday: Weights - Lunges (front&side), abs - 01:00:00

I set BT to auto sync to my Garmin account so future workouts will be auto uploaded onto this site. Will have to verify that tomorrow.

As for my goals for Galveston. Primarily it is to finish. I would like to do the whole race without having to stop on the bike or walk during the run. In training I have already covered the swim distance and run individually. Doing 1.2 mile swim in 00:50:00 and half marathon in 02:16:00. The furthest I have gone on the bike so far is 37 miles. I have really been focusing on the bike lately, trying to bring the mileage up. As of right now, I just want to be able to cover the distances in combination. Once I have individual times for all three, I figured I could start to look at what are realistic goals for the race, but since I still have yet to get the 56 on the bike, I need to focus on that. This is pretty much how I attacked the sprint distance. I worked up to covering the three distances and then based my training goals around improving those times. Then, after the first race, I used that performance to set goals for improvement in future races. I'm hoping Galveston will give me somewhat of a baseline, not only for the half IM distance, but to give me an idea of what I might shoot for at the IM distance.

With all of that said, I am up for any suggestions. I know that I am really going about it unscientifically and while I have been making good progress, I think it is time for me to start building in more of a "plan" rather than winging it.

2015-01-07 4:22 PM
in reply to: ShawnTX

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN

Hoping the group is still open -- gonna post my bio under that assumption

NAME: Nicole

STORY: I used to be big into scuba diving (lived in Socal before moving to Houston) and three of my favorite dive buddies decided they wanted to give triathlons a shot....I felt abandoned and peer pressured into doing it, even though I didn't really have much interest.  Turns out I really enjoyed my first race, so I forgave all of them!  That was back in early 2012.  In mid-2012, I got hit by a car while I was out on a training ride, and that had me sidelined for a few months....and kept me from running with any amount of consistency for well over a year.  My desire to train and race was only strengthened by this.  So this past year was my first real year of training and racing.  I learned a lot, made a few mistakes, and am hoping to put those lessons to good use this year.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, two doggies who run with me (on shorter, easy runs only....and only in sub-75F temps)

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently doing a run focus as running has notoriously been my weakness.  I'm typically to 10% swimmer, top 15% biker, and solidly MOP runner.  Our pool heater has been broken since just before Thanksgiving and my bike workouts weren't being particularly productive (and probably hindering some of my run training), so I dropped swimming and biking altogether and will start back after my HM in 10 days.

2014 RACES: St. George 70.3, Buffalo Springs 70.3, 70.3 WC (in Mont Tremblant) -- all of these races were 8-10 weeks apart and I realized that I need more time between races.  Part of it was mental (I was facing a lot of burn out by the time MT came around) and part of it was physical because I didn't really feel like I could build and peak again in that short period of time, so it was basically just going off the previous race's fitness.  I also did a handful of local races, including an ITT/TTT weekend, which was fantastic (painful) fun!

2015 RACES: Half marathon in a week and a half, Galveston 70.3 in April (sounds like a few of us will be racing!!), hoping to do a bike (TT) focus and race the ITT again in June (assuming it's the same time of year as it was last year), probably a handful of local races, and potentially Silverman 70.3 in October

WEIGHT LOSS: I'm a few pounds over race weight right now (that was on purpose as I don't want to try to hold race weight year round), but suspect those will drop off as I ramp up 70.3 training in a few weeks

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I log all my workouts (including a summary of what I did and how I felt) and have the drive to work hard to see improvements.  I am very analytical, but tend to be hard on myself -- I am really working on that because I realize it steals a lot of joy away from the process.

2015-01-07 4:52 PM
in reply to: ShawnTX

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by ShawnTX
With all of that said, I am up for any suggestions. I know that I am really going about it unscientifically and while I have been making good progress, I think it is time for me to start building in more of a "plan" rather than winging it.

What I would do :

step1 : look at where you are.

How much are you running right now, do you have a recent race result?
This will give you an idea of how to scale your run and paces you should be running at
How fast do you swim, how much do you do per workout, what is the structure ?
Bike : again do you have a race result ? do you have a trainer or do you do everything outdoor ?

Do you have a heart rate monitor ?

Some of this will help you properly pace your workouts.

step 2 : what is your availability ? do you have 1 or 2 blocks per day. Do you for example have 1/2hr morning, 1hr night. Do you have longer blocks on the weekend ?

I had a friend lay out 1/2 blocks every morning, noon night and say if he was available to s/b or r in each.

Yes you want to build to race distances, but you have lots of time to do it. You want to work on your weakness early.

BTW, the weights and strength training may help your training very little, especially if you are limited in how many workouts per week you can do.

Biggest limiter for AGers is time. BEst to figure out what you have available and then optimize the schedule to address your weakness.

2015-01-07 5:00 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Ryan Mac

My run had me questioning my sanity.  7 degrees and -10 wind chill but luckily on pavement with just a few slick spots.

this afternoon was -35 with the windchill. That is F, not C although at -40 they meet.

So I did the treadmill thing today. Walking the dog was painful enough.

40min/5 mile run and 2800m swim today. Swimming has been hard post Christmas.

2015-01-07 5:51 PM
in reply to: #5076763

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Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
You guys are crazy with all the cold runs! I will say you are making me feel like a wimp down here in TX where it is only in the 20-30's. I have been avoiding runs due to the cold and no access to a treadmill. I may dust off all that cold weather running gear I bought last month and suck it up and get out there. Thanks for the motivation!
2015-01-07 6:36 PM
in reply to: littlewj

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by littlewjAre you at your limit? Do you have room for one more member?Thanks!!Jim
You are IN. Post up a bio and tell us about yourself. Welcome!

2015-01-07 6:39 PM
in reply to: GAUG3

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by GAUG3

Originally posted by swimdean  I am certified by ACE and my degree is in Exercise Physiology, also certified swim coach from ASCA.

This is great value added to this group.  A buddy of mine just bought a GoPro.  I'm hoping to get some footage of my swim.  I hope you can tear it apart and turn me into a fish.


Yes it is. We also have Marc (marcag) who is one of the most knowledgeable on this site with regard to data metrics and analysis and cycling with a power meter. All things triathlon really. Not to mention we have two 70.3 WC qualifiers (Marc & Nicole) and a hopefully a third by the end of this year .
2015-01-07 6:42 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by ligersandtions

Hoping the group is still open -- gonna post my bio under that assumption

NAME: Nicole

STORY: I used to be big into scuba diving (lived in Socal before moving to Houston) and three of my favorite dive buddies decided they wanted to give triathlons a shot....I felt abandoned and peer pressured into doing it, even though I didn't really have much interest.  Turns out I really enjoyed my first race, so I forgave all of them!  That was back in early 2012.  In mid-2012, I got hit by a car while I was out on a training ride, and that had me sidelined for a few months....and kept me from running with any amount of consistency for well over a year.  My desire to train and race was only strengthened by this.  So this past year was my first real year of training and racing.  I learned a lot, made a few mistakes, and am hoping to put those lessons to good use this year.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, two doggies who run with me (on shorter, easy runs only....and only in sub-75F temps)

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently doing a run focus as running has notoriously been my weakness.  I'm typically to 10% swimmer, top 15% biker, and solidly MOP runner.  Our pool heater has been broken since just before Thanksgiving and my bike workouts weren't being particularly productive (and probably hindering some of my run training), so I dropped swimming and biking altogether and will start back after my HM in 10 days.

2014 RACES: St. George 70.3, Buffalo Springs 70.3, 70.3 WC (in Mont Tremblant) -- all of these races were 8-10 weeks apart and I realized that I need more time between races.  Part of it was mental (I was facing a lot of burn out by the time MT came around) and part of it was physical because I didn't really feel like I could build and peak again in that short period of time, so it was basically just going off the previous race's fitness.  I also did a handful of local races, including an ITT/TTT weekend, which was fantastic (painful) fun!

2015 RACES: Half marathon in a week and a half, Galveston 70.3 in April (sounds like a few of us will be racing!!), hoping to do a bike (TT) focus and race the ITT again in June (assuming it's the same time of year as it was last year), probably a handful of local races, and potentially Silverman 70.3 in October

WEIGHT LOSS: I'm a few pounds over race weight right now (that was on purpose as I don't want to try to hold race weight year round), but suspect those will drop off as I ramp up 70.3 training in a few weeks

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I log all my workouts (including a summary of what I did and how I felt) and have the drive to work hard to see improvements.  I am very analytical, but tend to be hard on myself -- I am really working on that because I realize it steals a lot of joy away from the process.

Glad to have you Nicole. I know that running is your weakness (relative to your swim and bike) but you are still able to execute a negative split 70.3 run the best I have ever seen. I am envious of that!
2015-01-07 7:01 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by ShawnTXWith all of that said, I am up for any suggestions. I know that I am really going about it unscientifically and while I have been making good progress, I think it is time for me to start building in more of a "plan" rather than winging it.
What I would do :step1 : look at where you are. How much are you running right now, do you have a recent race result?This will give you an idea of how to scale your run and paces you should be running atHow fast do you swim, how much do you do per workout, what is the structure ?Bike : again do you have a race result ? do you have a trainer or do you do everything outdoor ?Do you have a heart rate monitor ?Some of this will help you properly pace your workouts.step 2 : what is your availability ? do you have 1 or 2 blocks per day. Do you for example have 1/2hr morning, 1hr night. Do you have longer blocks on the weekend ?I had a friend lay out 1/2 blocks every morning, noon night and say if he was available to s/b or r in each.Yes you want to build to race distances, but you have lots of time to do it. You want to work on your weakness early.BTW, the weights and strength training may help your training very little, especially if you are limited in how many workouts per week you can do.Biggest limiter for AGers is time. BEst to figure out what you have available and then optimize the schedule to address your weakness.
Shawn: The fact that you are tackling this as a single dad with 3 young kids is awesome. Marc makes great points about starting points. I always try to look at each sport individually from a performance standpoint. The cumulative amount of work that you do will trump what you do in one workout. So, while doing the race distance in training has some merit it will be the sum of work (volume and intensity) that will pay dividends on race day. I will try to expand on that in the morning when I get some more time. Right now I gotta get the kids to bed!!
2015-01-07 7:27 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN

Ryan-room for one more? Plan is to do another HIM this Spring, either Galveston or Gulf Coast, so a HIM focused group would be great.


2015-01-07 7:31 PM
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Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Originally posted by littlewjAre you at your limit? Do you have room for one more member?Thanks!!Jim
You are IN. Post up a bio and tell us about yourself. Welcome!


NAME: Jimmy

FAMILY: Married with 2 kids ages 9 & 11.

STORY: Started doing triathlons about 4 years ago after injuring my shoulder from golfing 5 times a week. Needless to say I'm now totally addicted to tri's and really enjoy the half iron distance.

2014: My A race was Lake Stevens HIM. I executed the swim and run very well for my skill level. I missed my bike goal significantly because of mechanical problems. I ended up about 5:45. I feel like I left anywhere from 15 to 25 minutes on the table. I hit a large pothole at about mile 8 dropping my seatpost about 2" to 3". I also developed a slow leak on my rear tire. By the time I hit T2 my tire was about half flat.

2015: I'll be doing Lake Stevens again! I really do love that bike course. It's absolutely beautiful. For a warmup I'll be doing the Troika half iron at the end of May. I'll also signed up for a couple of Olympics in between.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm not doing much right now. The snow here has just started to fall in the Pacific Northwest. I'll be back on the trainer following a plan looking to raise my ftp like I did last year. Thanks Marc!!

I usually log my workouts on Training Peaks. I'll start logging here also. Do you guys know if their is an easy way to download workouts from my Ambit 2s to this site? If not, I'll just export the files.

Looking forward to some great discussions!!!

Edited by littlewj 2015-01-07 7:32 PM

2015-01-07 8:00 PM
in reply to: littlewj

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN

NAME:Todd Smith


STORY: This will be my 3rd full year in Triathlons, I have only been running and swimming for 4 years, Biking for 10+. 1 Oly my first year, 3 oly's my second year then a oly(2:22:00) HIM (5:22:00) was over 5k of climbing on the HIM, and a 3:16 Hilly Marathon last year. I am a member of my local Tri club which is pretty active.

FAMILY STATUS: Happily married with 1 great kid. Ethan is 2 1/2

CURRENT TRAINING:Just got my training plan completed, I took ideas from Run less Run Faster, Be Ironfit and from BT's free HIM plan. I will up date my training on here.

2015 RACES: Possibly a Oly mid May, HM end of my I am pacing. Signed up for my 2nd HIM on June 7th. I would really like to go sub 5 hrs. I have raced this Oly course twice now so I know some of the course..

WEIGHTLOSS: Just to get back to Race Weight, im 5'11" around 182 right now. would like to be back to 172ish.

2015-01-07 8:03 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
Originally posted by slornow

Ryan-room for one more? Plan is to do another HIM this Spring, either Galveston or Gulf Coast, so a HIM focused group would be great.


For sure. Looks like this group has a big contingent headed to Galveston!!
2015-01-07 8:07 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
Welcome to Todd and Jimmy.I will post an updated list of group members in the morning as we got a big surge here today. Looks like we have a great mix of athlete levels and should be a fun start to the year as we get prepped for spring / early summer HIM's.
2015-01-07 8:32 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN

Slornow/ in "slower now" than I used to be. 

Story: Will turn 53 this year and completed my 5th full season of doing triathlons last year. Have always participated in sports. Played tennis competitively as a junior and for a couple of years in college. After that I continued to workout but was more focused on weights, playing basketball and some running. Decided to give triathlon a go after having continuing injuries with running. Fortunately, I have progressed steadily over the last 5 years and have become more serious about the sport. Bike and run are my strong suit and the swim is a constant challenge! I have done everything from sprints to HIM but have been more focused on sprint/olympic distance over the last 2 years. I live in South Alabama, near Fairhope, just across the Bay from Mobile. I am an attorney and have my own small firm.

Family: Married for 24 years to my very tolerant wife. I have a son 21 that will graduate college in May and plans on attending law school. He ran college cross country and track before a knee issue recently sidelined him. I am grooming him to be my future relay partner. I also have a daughter 20 that is a sophomore in college and is a casual runner

Training: Depending on the time of year I probably average 9-13 hours a week.  I'm in my third year with my current coach and he keeps me working hard.  Run mileage was down in 2014 due to a couple of nagging injuries early in the year. Trying to avoid that this year so running frequently but almost all EASY. I am also trying to be more consistent with weight training and core work. Goal is to get in 1-2 short sessions a week for a total of 45 min to 1 hour a week.

2015-will be mostly short course although I will likely do a HIM in late April/early May. Maybe another HIM in the Fall. It always sounds good early in the season but come October I am usually ready for a break.  I have raced a good bit over the last couple of years and will likely do 8-11 races this year depending on how injury free I can remain. "A" race will likely be AG Nationals in Milwaukee in August.  The race season is long on the Gulf Coast and my first race will be in early April and my season will likely end in mid-October. I am on a team and we have 6-7 local races where we earn points based on our finish. I will race many of those races to try and retain my spot on the team. . My overall goal for 2015 is to continue to improve. As an older triathlete my hope is to continue to improve for another 1-2 years, maintain for a couple of years, then deal with a gradual decline.

2014-11 short course races. Pleased with results other than AG Nats where I got sick the week of the race and was less than 100% for the race. Had hoped to qualify for 2015 AG World Championships in hoping for a roll down. Otherwise, it was a good year.

Weightloss: Fortuantely not a big issue for me but I am terrible about snacking after dinner on ice cream, cookies, candy...whatever I can find. Need some help there. Just installed the Loseit app on my phone hoping I will do a better job of monitoring food/calorie intake. I currently weigh around 165 but like to race around 157-58.

What will make me a good mentor?: I was a mentee in several strong groups led by some really sharp BT members. I have co-mentored groups with Jason/Wannabefaster over the last few years and we had some great members and wonderful discussions. Some of the members of the group made amazing progress and it was great to follow along. I log all of my training here on BT and check in on the site more than I should admit. I like to see both the new and more experienced members work hard toward their goals and have success. Jason and I decided to skip a cycle of mentoring and I was undecided about joining a group. Looks like there are a lot of knowledgeable folks in this group. Hopefully, I can absorb some of that knowledge and chime in if I can help.


2015-01-08 6:05 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
O.K. You guys guilted me into my first run since my half marathon on Dec. 14th. God I hate running in the cold. So I got out the door at 4 a.m. and headed to the office. It is like training central to me and the place I keep all of my gear. Took a while to get motivated and out the door, but did head out into the 17 degree air. I didn't get far. Lungs were burning, ears were aching. I would have cried, but was afraid my tears would freeze my eyes shut! We Texans have a reputation for toughness, but let me tell you, our weakness is cold! I'll take running in 110 degrees every day of the week. So I ended up only going 1.71 miles in 14:22 (8:24 pace).

Despite the above, it did feel good to get back out running. We are supposed to have these temps for at least another week with some precipitation tomorrow and through the weekend. Despite that I will still look to start working the regular runs back into my lineup. Maybe I'll get acclimated to this ridiculous cold weather nonsense! More likely, I'll end up driving my butt down to the gym. The 30 minute drive might be worth it to avoid the cold.

7 degrees, -35 guys are crazy!!!

I have to get the kids up and start getting our day started. Mac, I'll respond to your last post later this morning.

Have a great day group!

2015-01-08 8:00 AM
in reply to: ShawnTX

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN

Ok - here is what I have so far.

1.  Ryan Mac (Ryan) - Grand Rapids HIM (June)

2. Juniperjen (Jen) - Welland HIM (June)

3. GAUG3 (Cason) - Gulf Coast HIM (May)

4. Marcag (Marc) - Galveston 70.3 (April)

5. ShawnTX (Shawn) - Galveston 70.3 (April)

6. SwimDean (Dean) - New Orleans 70.3 (Late March)

7. Littlewj (Jim) - Troika HIM (May)

8. Ligersandtions (Nicole) - Galveston 70.3 (April)

9. Slornow (Randy) - Galveston or Gulf Coast (April)

10. Smithat05 (Todd) - ?? (June)

I will add you all to my friends list and would be good if you all did the same.

I am kind of sad that I am not doing Galveston or Gulf Coast!!

2015-01-08 9:00 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN

All the local schools are closed here today as we are supposed to get another 12-inches of snow.  So, I have to head to a different pool today which unfortunately has a hot tub and sauna .

I have 2700 in the pool and a 5 mile EZ run on the agenda.

2015-01-08 9:21 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN
I'd like to join up. I'm tight for time this morning, but I'll post a real bio later. 52 year old recovering from serious shoulder surgery after a bad bike crash at the end of last summer. Hoping to recover enough this year to PR my HIM in Sept.
2015-01-08 10:12 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - OPEN

Originally posted by wbayek I'd like to join up. I'm tight for time this morning, but I'll post a real bio later. 52 year old recovering from serious shoulder surgery after a bad bike crash at the end of last summer. Hoping to recover enough this year to PR my HIM in Sept.

Sounds good Warren.  Post up when you get time.

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'Open Water' is this triathlete’s nightmare because I have a fear of swimming in open water. Not because I can’t swim, but mostly because I can’t see what’s swimming with me in the water.