BT Development Mentor Program Archives » The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed Rss Feed  
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2017-01-03 7:44 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete Chris, I would like to join the Dominion! My name is Todd (41) and this will be my seventh year on BT and in the sport. I took up Swim, Bike, Run on Jan. 3, 2010 as a way to end a pack a day smoking habit that I had for over sixteen years (haven't touched 1 not even a puff since). I have been a Mentor through BT around 5 times and had great groups. Fear not because I am not here to try to coach because that is not what my groups were about. I considered myself a motivational cheerleader and still enjoy that role now. I am not a podium person and have no desire to be one, but certainly do not knock those who want to work for a podium. I am in this sport for a healthy lifestyle, to stay smoke free, but most of all the journey to the finish line. I only did local runs / rides in 2016 as life and work prevented more. I have completed 1 Marathon (Houston), Approx 5 Half Marathons, 2 Half Ironman's (Racine & Galveston), an Olympic, numerous Sprints, and quit a few local running / cycling events. I think I'd be good for this group as a cheerleader through inspires / post. If needed I can offer the simplest thoughts to help with things in the beginning. As far as races this year it is all up in the air. I may go as short as some sprints or as long as an Ironman. I would say right now that I'm leaning towards completing all 3 Texas Half Ironman races (tried once but daughter had a surgery (tonsils and adenoids) that stopped it after #1). The full I'm considering is the new one I Fort Worth on 5/21, but I will not hurt myself to try and make it happen. I just want to be a part of a group again to provide and receive support. I recently lost my Mother and Grandmother within 1 month of each other and as always this sport has grounded me and granted me peace in these difficult times.

Welcome to the Dominion, Todd. You're in !!

I think I remember your group from a couple of years ago.

I think you'll find this group very supportive. We don't post as much as the Manatees or some of the other groups but we do discuss a number of training topics, diet, gear, and other fitness related things, and race reports...we love race reports!

Congrats on quitting smoking, that is something I am extremely impressed with.

Considering an Ironman in May... wow, if you decide to go that route that will be here before you know it. Texas in May sounds like a hot race!


2017-01-03 9:01 AM
in reply to: Dominion


Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!

Hi Matt,

Did you do the RAAM last year or some other type of ride across the country? That sounds amazing. I wish I had the time to do something like that. What area of western Carolina are you in? We try to make it up to the Maggie Valley / Waynesboro area every year or two.Ease into the running slowly. Maybe just 2 or 3 short runs per week to get started. The key is to allow for adaptation without injury. Shin splints and joint pain/swelling can be fairly common when just starting out so don't push it. Start slow and be willing to take a few extra days off if you do have any issues start to develop. As for the swimming, my advise it to get pair of goggles, some jammers and just get in the pool and get started. Swimming is an entirely different cardiovascular endurance than running or biking. It will take some work but consistency in the pool will pay off. Once you get your feet wet (literally) feel free to ask any questions you may have. Lots of good experience in this group.

My dad and I did a self guided trip across the Southern Tier. It was fully self supported so our bikes weighed in around 80 pounds. It was a great adventure and took us 47 days to complete.
I am in Franklin, NC so we have some great biking around here. I will start running slowly and hope to build up. Looking to join the local gym/pool first of Februaury and start swimming then.
2017-01-03 12:31 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Hello Chris! I plan on joining this group. Will post a quick bio in a bit; running short on time today. Look forward to participating (this'll be my 3 time around)

2017-01-03 2:18 PM
in reply to: Dominion

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Mine is March 4th, so I guess I have a little more time than you but still doesn't feel like enough haha. According to the race predictor I used, I should be able to finish under 1:40 if I have a strong race but it won't be easy. I bet we can both make it! Let us know how it goes, I could always use a little extra motivation.

I looked up those videos you suggested and I plan to use one of them for my bike tonight. I've tried to watch TV during exercise and I just cant focus on what is going on in the show. Unfortunately it looks like we may get snow Thursday and if the sidewalks are covered with ice, ill probably have to use a treadmill
2017-01-03 2:22 PM
in reply to: balm426

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Matt that is a pretty amazing accomplishment and I'm sure you made some great memories with your dad! I think it would be cool to do something like that but probably on a smaller scale.
2017-01-03 2:36 PM
in reply to: Dominion


Chesterfield, Virginia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Hello Chris,

I am a newbie to the triathalon world. I have purchased a book by Joe Friel and am very interested in beginning my journey. I have never swam, biked, or ran competitively (beyond one 5k). I did play sports all the way through high school. I would appreciate a mentor that could steer me in the right path. Please let me know if you would be willing to assist and I can join your mentor group.

Thank you!

2017-01-03 5:07 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by Dominion

Welcome back Randy!

I can't wait to see what you can accomplish this year. What race are you doing for your half in September?

My original plan was to do the Timberman Half up in New Hampshire. Then I found out about a month ago that they had discontinued the race! I ended up choosing the Big George Triathlon in Lake George, NY. I had pretty much decided on it and then found out that my tri club was planning to make that the club event in 2017, so that sealed the deal for me. It's a beautiful area and my mother and brothers only live about 45 minutes away, so I'm hoping to have a decent cheering section at the finish line. :-)
2017-01-04 8:27 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!

I know we're all still getting our bearings and signed up but I have some beginner questions!

I'm wondering if you have any insight on weight lifting to compliment triathlon training? I've lifted for a year and a half, I have no intentions of giving it up, but I want to utilize it properly to help my tri work. Also, being a beginner, my gear is slim to none. I'm wondering if you'd have any suggestions on what gear would be wise for a beginner. I've read articles saying that any type of bike and a pair of shorts to swim in and a pair of running shoes are all that's really needed but I figured I'd ask here too for some more ideas. I'm certainly not made of money but still want to see what would be good suggestions.
2017-01-04 9:49 AM
in reply to: #5208205

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Josh, I'd say as far as gear goes it probaby depends on how important being competitive is to you. Any bike will get you across the finish line but a road bike will drastically increase your speed over a mountain bike or hybrid. You may be able to find a solid used bike at your local bike shop if you don't have the money to spend on a new one. My first race the only "gear" I had was my road bike, bike helmet, swim goggles, jammers to swim in, bike shorts to bike in and my running shoes. This race I managed to get 16th place and 3rd in age group being one of the worst swimmers
2017-01-04 10:53 AM
in reply to: joshwennes

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by joshwennes Chris, I know we're all still getting our bearings and signed up but I have some beginner questions! I'm wondering if you have any insight on weight lifting to compliment triathlon training? I've lifted for a year and a half, I have no intentions of giving it up, but I want to utilize it properly to help my tri work. Also, being a beginner, my gear is slim to none. I'm wondering if you'd have any suggestions on what gear would be wise for a beginner. I've read articles saying that any type of bike and a pair of shorts to swim in and a pair of running shoes are all that's really needed but I figured I'd ask here too for some more ideas. I'm certainly not made of money but still want to see what would be good suggestions.

I lift weights and I think it does have a place in triathlon training. Now everybody has their own opinion on that subject and if you asked 100 people you would get many varied responses. From a tri training perspective I think a focus on core strength (running and swimming) as well as shoulder work (swim stroke power) is important. I don't do much leg work, I get most that from the biking and running. I'm not trying to powerlift or max anything, mostly it is higher intensity high rep lower weight stuff, building muscular endurance type sets. Most of my weight training takes place starting around this time of year...the pre-season. Once the season starts and training ramps up sometimes something has to give and it is usually the weight training. I would not sacrifice a SBR workout for a lifting session. The SBR will almost always take priority.

I agree with Kurtis regarding the bike. A road bike will make a huge difference. I picked up my first bike used for $500. The bike is by far the biggest expense. Just make sure it is the right size. Swim gear... get a pair of jammers for pool training and a pair of goggles. Jammers can usually be found on sale for $20. A decent pair of goggles for $10-15. I like the speedo hydrospex as basic goggles. They usually last at least a season of pool swimming. I would invest in a pair of tri shorts for races. These will allow you to swim like a pair of jammers but also have a small pad for biking that doesn't get in the way for running. My favorite brand is DeSoto but they get a little pricey. Shop around and a good pair of tri shorts can usually be found for $50 or cheaper. Two of my favorite places to buy from are and I have no affiliation with either, they just have good selection and good prices/sales. 

2017-01-04 11:01 AM
in reply to: Geoff29610

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by Geoff29610 Hello Chris, I am a newbie to the triathalon world. I have purchased a book by Joe Friel and am very interested in beginning my journey. I have never swam, biked, or ran competitively (beyond one 5k). I did play sports all the way through high school. I would appreciate a mentor that could steer me in the right path. Please let me know if you would be willing to assist and I can join your mentor group. Thank you! Geoff

Hi Geoff

Welcome to the group. Myself and everyone here would be happy to answer your questions and help you along in any way we can. 

Did you pick up the Triathlete's Training Bible from Friel or one of his other ones? Friel can get pretty in depth. He's excellent for organizing a training program, periodization, that sort of thing. Fire away with any questions and try to use the BT training log to track your workouts and let us know how things are coming along. Look around for a sprint triathlon maybe in the spring or summer and get signed up. Nothing like having that race date hanging out there for motivation!

2017-01-04 11:56 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Wow! Thanks!!!! I just put in an order for jammers and goggles
2017-01-04 1:16 PM
in reply to: #5208938

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Yea I bought myself a 2 pc louis garneau trisuit for christmas. Shorts are 65 dollars right now. I'd agree the tri shorts would of definately cut down on transition time so you don't have to change every transiton. I had to put bike shorts over my jammers in the first transition then take the bike shorts off and put athletic shorts on for the run.
2017-01-04 3:23 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!'s my "story"......

Name: Bill/2NewKnees
Age 65 Retired

Story: Growing up I was involved with the typical activities like baseball, basketball, some football, and running track while in HS. In my adult life work schedules and family obligations limited my sporting activities other than playing softball. Supporting our kids sporting events (football, wrestling, swimming) was much more important for us to concentrate on. ....

During one of those softball games more than 16 years ago, I blew out my left knee; tore the ACL and cartilage and had surgery to repair/6 month rehab. I did recover to play one more season. As a part of my post ACL repair rehab, I did some light jogging. That eventually turned into more running on a regular basis.

My daughter swam while in college and she encouraged me to join her for a 4 mile race. Her swim coach required the team to run the local event. I held off doing that her Freshman year but decided to give it a shot in her Soph year. Since she was close by we were able to train together. I was very nervous the day of my first event but finished it; so I began to run in similar races.

My sons and I ran in several events over the years. My oldest son convinced me to try a 1/2 Marathon with him in 2011; we trained together and successfully completed the distance (I sure felt my age after that!!); I remember being as nervous about that event as I was that first race with my daughter. Both my sons and I registered for the same event in 2012; ironically they both ended up injured and were unable to do the race; leaving their "old man" to run it by himself!! That 1/2 was the last stretch event I was able to train for prior to my knees giving out .

My left knee was so bad I had it replaced in Feb 2013; recovered from that, did a little bit of biking and walking but the right knee was also very damaged. I had my right one replaced in Sep 2013. name...2NewKnees !! All of 2013 was a rehab year for me; in January 2014 I decided I needed to up my exercise schedule. We joined a local gym; I contacted a friend who is a Masters Swim Coach and he started me on my swimming activities. It's took me a year to improve my stamina in the pool. We continued to ride bikes when weather permitted and was pretty consistent on walking. Having done many road races I missed "competing". So I decided if I'm going to work that hard at something, I might as well try to train for an event of some sort.

So, I completed 2 Sprint Triathlons spring of 2015. I walked the 5K portion of the events because of my knees. Even though some folks who have had total knee replacements continue to run; I've made a decision not to do that; having been through that recovery twice, I'm not interested in having to go through knee replacement revision if I can keep from it.

Family Status: Retired; Happily married for 46 years; 3 children, 2 sons and a daughter; 2 daughter in laws, 1 son in law; 4 grand kids; my wife and I exercise 5-6 days/week

Current Training: My goals are to Swim 3 times/week; Bike Trainer 3 times/week; Walking 3 times/week (Treadmill when weather doesn't cooperate) & Weight lifting 2 times/week

2014 Races: A local 5K fundraiser in May, 2014; I walked the event

2015 Races: Pioneer Sprint Triathlon 4/23/15; Miami of Ohio Sprint Triathlon 5/9/15; completed both in under 2 hours even walking the 5k portions

2016 Races: Since the Pioneer Sprint was my first event; I registered for the event as did my oldest son. However, I was unable to make the event due to my father's illness. He passed away in mid May. While I continued to "train" after his passing, I just never got back to the point of doing an event; plus bike time was almost non existent.

Weight Loss: Since I was in rehab most of 2013 I gained some weight due to not being as active as I had been prior to my knee replacements. I've been able to keep my weight fairly stable with the swimming, biking, walking and yard work!

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee?: The fact that I want to complete additional events and need additional insight on what to continue to expect and manage that bit of nervousness that I experienced in those first races I mentioned in my story . I plan on registering for that April sprint event again here in a few days.

This will be my 3rd time around on BT.....I still feel I'm in that "beginner" group category since I've only done the 2 sprints; and I'm wanting to get back into the game in 2017.....I may be slow but I'll keep plugging along.

Look forward to meeting all the new members of this group

2017-01-04 6:26 PM
in reply to: 0


Chesterfield, Virginia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by Dominion

Originally posted by Geoff29610 Hello Chris, I am a newbie to the triathalon world. I have purchased a book by Joe Friel and am very interested in beginning my journey. I have never swam, biked, or ran competitively (beyond one 5k). I did play sports all the way through high school. I would appreciate a mentor that could steer me in the right path. Please let me know if you would be willing to assist and I can join your mentor group. Thank you! Geoff

Hi Geoff

Welcome to the group. Myself and everyone here would be happy to answer your questions and help you along in any way we can. 

Did you pick up the Triathlete's Training Bible from Friel or one of his other ones? Friel can get pretty in depth. He's excellent for organizing a training program, periodization, that sort of thing. Fire away with any questions and try to use the BT training log to track your workouts and let us know how things are coming along. Look around for a sprint triathlon maybe in the spring or summer and get signed up. Nothing like having that race date hanging out there for motivation!

I picked up Joe Friel's 4th edition training bible. As a beginner, is there a better place in the book to start? I didn't except a book of this size when I ordered it :). I live in Richmond, VA and have been looking around for events that are coming up this year. Pretty nervous about signing up right now but I definitely agree that it can be good motivation.


Edited by Geoff29610 2017-01-04 6:27 PM
2017-01-04 7:10 PM
in reply to: Dominion


Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
I'm in Atlanta, so fairly close. I grew up in south Georgia, Camden County, so I know the area.

Running is my weak point by far. I'm really focusing right now on that. I'm doing a couch to 5k app on my phone. I've been working on it for a few months, but only seriously for 2 weeks now. I'm slow paced and slow at improvement. But improving none the less.

2017-01-05 8:48 AM
in reply to: emsley05

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
I just want to let all in the group know that I had Bill (new knees) in one of my mentor groups and you'd be hard pressed to find a person with two good knees that works as hard and is as consistent as him. Glad to be back in a group with ya, Bill!
2017-01-05 10:22 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by Hunting Triathlete

I just want to let all in the group know that I had Bill (new knees) in one of my mentor groups and you'd be hard pressed to find a person with two good knees that works as hard and is as consistent as him. Glad to be back in a group with ya, Bill!

Thanks Todd!!
2017-01-05 10:31 AM
in reply to: #5208205

Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
If your nervous about the swim portion my advice would be to sign up for a race with an indoor swim portion. That way even if you get tired you can always stop at the wall or touch the bottom real quick to get a quick break.
2017-01-05 12:53 PM
in reply to: 2NewKnees

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!

Welcome aboard Bill!

You're story is an inspiration. glad to have you a part of the group for 2017.

You mentioned managing nervousness before events. I think we all feel that a little bit. I think it is probably a healthy thing as you are mentally preparing to undertake whatever it is you are challenging yourself with that day.

2017-01-05 12:55 PM
in reply to: emsley05

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!

Originally posted by emsley05 I'm in Atlanta, so fairly close. I grew up in south Georgia, Camden County, so I know the area. Running is my weak point by far. I'm really focusing right now on that. I'm doing a couch to 5k app on my phone. I've been working on it for a few months, but only seriously for 2 weeks now. I'm slow paced and slow at improvement. But improving none the less.

One of my favorite quotes is "One foot in front of the other, gets you to the finish line every time!"

2017-01-05 1:56 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!

Here's a quick recap of the group so far.

Dominion - Chris

Tony Abbott - Tony

scottjjmtri99- Scott

rjchilds8 - Randy

Roys - Roy

Time2TriHard - Kurtis

joshwennes - Josh

emsley05- Emily

balm426 - Matt

HuntingTriathlete - Todd

2NewKnees - Bill

Geoff29610 - Geoff

I'll leave the group open for a few more days. There are still a few previous members out there that haven't shown up either. Former group members are always welcome back in even if the group has been closed. 


2017-01-05 8:25 PM
in reply to: Time2TriHard

Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Hi Chris,

I would like to join the group and think you and this group will be great for me. I live in the Metro Detroit area, in my late 50's, married with one adult child. In January of 2016, I weighed somewhere in excess of 450 lbs. I am not sure how much over as my scale only goes to 450. Today I am at 339 and looking to continue my weight loss. I have always wanted to compete in a triathlon but have never been ready. I completed a 5K last September but walked a majority of it. My goal for this year is to compete in a Super Sprint in June followed by Sprints in July and August. Unfortunately the season is limited in Michigan. I like to swim and bike. The run will be my struggle. My plan is to join a fitness facility by my office and begin swim and elliptical workouts. I have a stationary bike at home and will use that until the weather permits outdoor riding. I have started filling out my training log so you will be able to see my progress. I am hoping to drop below 300 before moving from the elliptical to the run to limit joint impact. My target to get there is end of March. Think that is more than enough info for now but am really looking forward to being part of this group! Thanks for being a Mentor and investing in our Success!

Have a great day!

2017-01-06 6:02 AM
in reply to: mistercdub


Chesterfield, Virginia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Does anyone have any suggestions for riding/biking gear for the winter months. I live in Richmond so the winters aren't too long but I strongly dislike the treadmill and bike at the gym. I would love to get out and do some biking and running. I also think it will better prepare me (not sure how accurate the simulated bikes are at the gym).

I figured I would need to go to the sporting goods store and spend a good amount to make sure I had the right equipment. Any suggestions on good gear and also it wouldn't hurt if it didn't break the bank .

Also, does anyone use Strava? I would love to connect with some of you on there to help motivate me.

Thanks for your help!!
2017-01-06 7:19 AM
in reply to: joshwennes

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - OPEN!
Originally posted by joshwennes


I know we're all still getting our bearings and signed up but I have some beginner questions!

I'm wondering if you have any insight on weight lifting to compliment triathlon training? I've lifted for a year and a half, I have no intentions of giving it up, but I want to utilize it properly to help my tri work. Also, being a beginner, my gear is slim to none. I'm wondering if you'd have any suggestions on what gear would be wise for a beginner. I've read articles saying that any type of bike and a pair of shorts to swim in and a pair of running shoes are all that's really needed but I figured I'd ask here too for some more ideas. I'm certainly not made of money but still want to see what would be good suggestions.

Josh, agreed that you can get away with minimal gear to finish, but there are some things that you can add that won't cost a lot that will help. Take this with the caveat that these are all optional items.

1. You might want to get a race belt. It's very quick to put your bib on with a race belt rather than pinning it to a piece of clothing. You can always put it on in T1 and keep it on through the bike and run. I think I got mine for $5 bucks.
2. I don't know about others, but I hate getting water in my ears. I buy reusable silicone ear plugs. $10 will get you 6 pairs of Mack's and I can usually get at least 10 swims out of each pair.
3. A cheap bike computer can be useful. I have a Bell bike computer I got for $20. It shows you things like your total time, total distance, instantaneous speed, average speed, max speed, and calories burned. I'm mostly interested in distance, average pace, and speed.
4. A bag for your bike tools and spare tube (you have a multi-tool and a spare tube, don't you?!). Again, you can get something for under $20. I don't know if there are other options, but I think it's pretty standard to have a bag that mounts behind the seat. You don't want to get a flat and not have the necessary equipment to fix it!

I agree with Chris with and I have used both and have had a positive experience with both. You can also check out for inexpensive bike accessories. I've even found some of the stuff I was looking for on There are quite a few discount sites out there.
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