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2020-06-16 2:19 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Defunding the police
I know you and LB will say neither will happen, but humour me

Put these in order of probability, ie highest probability first

Republicans lose Senate
Republicans lose Presidency
Republicans lose Congress

2020-06-16 3:17 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Originally posted by marcag

I know you and LB will say neither will happen, but humour me

Put these in order of probability, ie highest probability first

Republicans lose Senate
Republicans lose Presidency
Republicans lose Congress


I’d say a 60% chance we don’t take the house, a 30% chance we lose the Senate and 10% chance we lose the presidency.

Only reason I say this is we still have 4 months to go and, as we’ve seen in the previous 4 months, the entire world can change in 4 months.
2020-06-21 6:04 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Originally posted by Rogillio
Another benefit now is mailing/calling lists. The million people who signed up for the Trump rally gave their phone number and email address to sign up - wether they go to the rally or not. These are ‘likely’ Trump voters and the type of people you want to email and/or call for financial support.

Question : are you allowed to collect political donations from 16 year old Tik-Tok users ?
2020-06-21 6:54 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by Rogillio
Another benefit now is mailing/calling lists. The million people who signed up for the Trump rally gave their phone number and email address to sign up - wether they go to the rally or not. These are ‘likely’ Trump voters and the type of people you want to email and/or call for financial support.

Question : are you allowed to collect political donations from 16 year old Tik-Tok users ?


The media is gleefully reporting smaller than expected crowds last night at the rally. Meanwhile it is reported 500,000 watched his rally on utube. Meanwhile Biden is in the witness protection program.

Trump had some great lines last night that foreshadow his campaign strategy. He is on the offense and calling out Biden. He also talked about many populists ideas that will play well with mainstream America.

The longer the debacle in Seattle plays out the more people will gravitate towards Trump. You don’t see or hear Biden denouncing the takeover of Seattle.

Coronavirus is dying out despite media begging for a second wave. Regardless of covid, American are sick and tired of the lockdowns and are slowly getting back to normal life. This will only help the economy. The more the mobs riot and destroy works of art/statues/monuments the more disgusted the average person becomes with the radical left.

I am honestly worried about Biden. I’ve seen/experienced cognitive decline in my family and it is sad to watch. I’ve read some on the subject and know that the decline can be gradual or it can be exponential. Lord help the democrats if it’s exponential. I think once Biden starts campaigning in earnest the stress will only compound the mental issues and it will be harder and harder for the media to cover for him. I would not rule out a last minute substitution of Biden as we get closer to the election. I can see Biden “stepping down” due to “health issues” and in walks Hillary or Coumo or Bloomberg of someone else to take over. Remember, you heard it here first!

2020-06-21 7:51 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by Rogillio
Another benefit now is mailing/calling lists. The million people who signed up for the Trump rally gave their phone number and email address to sign up - wether they go to the rally or not. These are ‘likely’ Trump voters and the type of people you want to email and/or call for financial support.

Question : are you allowed to collect political donations from 16 year old Tik-Tok users ?


The media is gleefully reporting smaller than expected crowds last night at the rally. Meanwhile it is reported 500,000 watched his rally on utube. Meanwhile Biden is in the witness protection program.

Trump had some great lines last night that foreshadow his campaign strategy. He is on the offense and calling out Biden. He also talked about many populists ideas that will play well with mainstream America.

The longer the debacle in Seattle plays out the more people will gravitate towards Trump. You don’t see or hear Biden denouncing the takeover of Seattle.

Coronavirus is dying out despite media begging for a second wave. Regardless of covid, American are sick and tired of the lockdowns and are slowly getting back to normal life. This will only help the economy. The more the mobs riot and destroy works of art/statues/monuments the more disgusted the average person becomes with the radical left.

I am honestly worried about Biden. I’ve seen/experienced cognitive decline in my family and it is sad to watch. I’ve read some on the subject and know that the decline can be gradual or it can be exponential. Lord help the democrats if it’s exponential. I think once Biden starts campaigning in earnest the stress will only compound the mental issues and it will be harder and harder for the media to cover for him. I would not rule out a last minute substitution of Biden as we get closer to the election. I can see Biden “stepping down” due to “health issues” and in walks Hillary or Coumo or Bloomberg of someone else to take over. Remember, you heard it here first!

I'm not sure how many people watching on youtube is a sign of support. There are probably more people waiting for him to screw up than cheering him on. He is very very entertaining.

Agree with your assessment of Biden. Something is very wrong. His choice of a VP is super critical IMO. But Biden is smart to stay low. Lots of bad moves on Trump part these days. At least he's doing things

If the thing about tik-tok is true and his "million supporters" were a bunch of 16 year olds, then it's pretty funny.
2020-06-21 8:01 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Defunding the police

Originally posted by Rogillio

I would not rule out a last minute substitution of Biden as we get closer to the election. I can see Biden “stepping down” due to “health issues” and in walks Hillary or Coumo or Bloomberg of someone else to take over. Remember, you heard it here first!

as a taxpayer,

if Biden steps down from running as the Democratic candidate, I want that party to reimburse the state for the cost of the ignored primary. 

2020-06-21 8:37 AM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Originally posted by McFuzz

Originally posted by Rogillio

I would not rule out a last minute substitution of Biden as we get closer to the election. I can see Biden “stepping down” due to “health issues” and in walks Hillary or Coumo or Bloomberg of someone else to take over. Remember, you heard it here first!

as a taxpayer,

if Biden steps down from running as the Democratic candidate, I want that party to reimburse the state for the cost of the ignored primary. 

That’s why I said “Biden steps down” of his own volition and not “Biden removed by party elders” or the elites in the party. Not much recourse if Biden cites “health” issues. I mean, you can’t help that, right. Of course there will be a great many who cry foul and say he was push or pressured out.

This is a pretty remote possibility. Biden is a puppet of the far left and will likely remain the candidate despite the gaffs and brain freezes. They know he will do whatever the far left wants him to do to stay in their good graces.

The fact that he is not out campaigning tells me his handlers are fearful of his next blunder. The longer they can keep him out of the spotlight the longer the press has to run against Trump and not for Biden. I’m sure the left is banking on his ability to read a teleprompter and then shut up and leave. If they hold townhalls they will only feed him softball questions. He is easily ruled and I am looking forward to Thump pushing his buttons during the debates.

Let’s not forget there are ongoing investigations on Ukraine and China....and Russiagate.

Gonna be an interesting 4 months....
2020-06-21 8:51 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Much as I hate to admit it, I have to agree with Moore:

“ “Don’t get all smug laughing at these Bubbas in Tulsa today & snickering over how many of them are going to come down with Covid-19,” wrote Moore in an Instagram caption on Saturday. “They live, eat and breathe Trump — and none of us do that with Joe Biden. We’re counting on Hatred of Trump – not love of Biden – to win the day. Is that how you really think — hate beats love? Like, the more we ply our neighbor’s hatred of Trump, that’s the ticket to win?””

As I’ve said before, it’s one thing to tell a pollster who you support for President while sitting on your happyass watching TV but it takes a lot more to register and go stand in line for an hour or two to cast your vote. I suspect this is why the left is pushing vote by mail...,
2020-06-30 7:27 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by marcag

I know you and LB will say neither will happen, but humour me

Put these in order of probability, ie highest probability first

Republicans lose Senate
Republicans lose Presidency
Republicans lose Congress


I’d say a 60% chance we don’t take the house, a 30% chance we lose the Senate and 10% chance we lose the presidency.

Only reason I say this is we still have 4 months to go and, as we’ve seen in the previous 4 months, the entire world can change in 4 months.

Still going with these predictions ? You should plot your predictions over time.

Definitely funner to watch than the COVID numbers :-)
2020-07-01 7:46 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by marcag

I know you and LB will say neither will happen, but humour me

Put these in order of probability, ie highest probability first

Republicans lose Senate
Republicans lose Presidency
Republicans lose Congress


I’d say a 60% chance we don’t take the house, a 30% chance we lose the Senate and 10% chance we lose the presidency.

Only reason I say this is we still have 4 months to go and, as we’ve seen in the previous 4 months, the entire world can change in 4 months.

Still going with these predictions ? You should plot your predictions over time.

Definitely funner to watch than the COVID numbers :-)

I’d say my predictions move further to the right every day with every news article or report telling/showing the left destroying monuments, rioting and defunding the police. The silent majority grows. So does the “shy” poll respondent. If you say you don’t support BLM you are branded a racist and you will be attacked - either on line or physically. Many people simply don’t want to risk the grief. They could lose their job if they speak their mind. So just keep your head down, don’t make waves.

Add to this the fact that sooner or later Biden has to come out of the basement. I read an article yesterday that quoted Biden during latest press conference saying, “Who was I supposed to go to next?” IOWs, the whole thing was scripted and he knew the questions and rehearsed the answers.

Biden is a Manchurian candidate and will eventually be exposed. I still have my doubts he will be on the ballot. He said he is tested often for cognitive ability. Why is that? Was he for real or just fumbling another answer. Who among us is “tested regularly” for our cognitive ability? So either his statement was a BS answer to try to over compensate or he actually is being “monitored” for cognitive decline. Either case is not good.

RE COVID. As the media reports on COVID cases “skyrocketing” they can’t seem to sling the death rate continuing to fall. I read recently that we are closer to herd immunity than we think. I don’t care either way. As long as the death rate is so low, I don’t care how many cases we have! The vast majority are still asymptomatic. IOWs, who cares! Maybe I have covid. If so, it has not impacted my life.

The lockdowns amid the massive protests is laughable! Seriously, what else can you do but chuckle at the ridiculous statements of democrats and the media saying “protests” are different and it’s ok. This is not lost on any sane person.

Just rambling here....

Tearing down George Washington and Lincoln monuments as well as the Emancipation Proclamation Monument is absurd and speaks volumes. This too is not lost on voters.

As much as I hate to admit it, many conservatives are afraid right now. Not afraid Trump will win but afraid to speak the truth about how they feel. You get a phone call from someone claiming to be a pollster asking if you support Trump or Biden and if you support defunding the police and support BLM how do you know the call is legitimate and not someone looking for a “racist” whose house they can burn down? The “easy”, leas dangerous answer it to tell them you are a Biden supporter and support BLM and are sympathetic with the protestors and rioters.

Then again, maybe I live in a cocoon an see the world thru Trump orange hair colored glasses. Maybe the county is going to chit and we are destined to become a socialist county with no history and no laws. If so, am glad I live most of my life in the land of the free. I am saddened for the CF we are leaving our children and grandchildren.

2020-07-01 9:14 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Defunding the police

No Rog, you got it right.  I saw this in the public before the 2016 election and it is MUCH worse now.  The backlash is coming.....look at the far-right candidate from Colorado last night.  It's funny that people see polls and watch chit being torn down on TV and think that is a majority of people in this country....or that is the way this country is headed.  November will be another awakening for the left.....worse than 2016.

2020-07-01 12:43 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Ironically, looking at the demographics of the mob, the vast majority e won’t bother to vote. Much more ‘fun’ to walk down the street screaming obscenities than to stand in line for 2 hours to vote.

There is a video on Gateway news showing a topless protestor yelling and cussing at the police. I see that and feel sorry for her. Obviously a mental case. But she is out front representing the protestors. This shows the chaos of the protestors. IF (big if) I were to ever protest something and someone started showing their arse I would call them out for making us look like lunatics. The media tends to ignore the 20 peaceful protestors to focus on the one nut job making the most noise. Pull them aside and tell them they are counterproductive to their cause. Then again, not sure what the cause is any more since the BLM, antifa and anarchists seems to all be working together. Sprinkle in there those that have nothing to lose and are just looking for an excuse to make trouble our go on a free shopping spree to Target and you have a “mob”. No better word for it.
2020-07-01 1:35 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Defunding the police
We are getting a lot more coverage of your COVID situation than the protests.
Next big discussion is your borders and Europe
Next in line is this new bounty on American soldiers

Not much on protests any more.
2020-07-01 1:45 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Defunding the police

Originally posted by marcag We are getting a lot more coverage of your COVID situation than the protests. Next big discussion is your borders and Europe Next in line is this new bounty on American soldiers Not much on protests any more.

Yes, the media has to switch up.....don't worry, the virus will disappear as soon as a white cop shoots a black guy....they have to rest the protest/virus/russia collusion teams in between crisis'. 

2020-07-01 2:58 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by marcag We are getting a lot more coverage of your COVID situation than the protests. Next big discussion is your borders and Europe Next in line is this new bounty on American soldiers Not much on protests any more.

Yes, the media has to switch up.....don't worry, the virus will disappear as soon as a white cop shoots a black guy....they have to rest the protest/virus/russia collusion teams in between crisis'. 

Oh, and we get to see the couple defending their mansion in Saint-Louis with automatic weapons pointed at protestors.

I hope you got to participate in that case :-)

Edited by marcag 2020-07-01 2:59 PM
2020-07-01 3:35 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Defunding the police

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by marcag We are getting a lot more coverage of your COVID situation than the protests. Next big discussion is your borders and Europe Next in line is this new bounty on American soldiers Not much on protests any more.

Yes, the media has to switch up.....don't worry, the virus will disappear as soon as a white cop shoots a black guy....they have to rest the protest/virus/russia collusion teams in between crisis'. 

Oh, and we get to see the couple defending their mansion in Saint-Louis with automatic weapons pointed at protestors. I hope you got to participate in that case :-)


First,  both weapons are SEMI-AUTOMATIC.

Second,  he had a weapon but kept it pointed towards the ground with his finger out of the trigger guard.  Sufficient for the situation (IMO).  He should take away her gun until she is similarly disciplined because she was waving it in all directions with her finger on the trigger.  

2020-07-01 5:36 PM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Originally posted by McFuzz

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by marcag We are getting a lot more coverage of your COVID situation than the protests. Next big discussion is your borders and Europe Next in line is this new bounty on American soldiers Not much on protests any more.

Yes, the media has to switch up.....don't worry, the virus will disappear as soon as a white cop shoots a black guy....they have to rest the protest/virus/russia collusion teams in between crisis'. 

Oh, and we get to see the couple defending their mansion in Saint-Louis with automatic weapons pointed at protestors. I hope you got to participate in that case :-)


First,  both weapons are SEMI-AUTOMATIC.

Second,  he had a weapon but kept it pointed towards the ground with his finger out of the trigger guard.  Sufficient for the situation (IMO).  He should take away her gun until she is similarly disciplined because she was waving it in all directions with her finger on the trigger.  

My apologies. I don't know much about guns

I do however know which direction ground is :-)

2020-07-01 6:54 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Defunding the police

True, that’s not at the ground, but it isn’t clearly *at* someone either (note the muzzle direction compared to his gaze).

Interesting...in you’re picture he’s using it right handed but other pictures show lefty (can’t paste a picture).


2020-07-02 8:01 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Originally posted by McFuzz

True, that’s not at the ground, but it isn’t clearly *at* someone either (note the muzzle direction compared to his gaze).

Interesting...in you’re picture he’s using it right handed but other pictures show lefty (can’t paste a picture).


Good eye. Most of the pictures are inverted.

This is one of the best. Wonder what he's thinking......

BTW, is this what you guys call "a well regulated militia" ?

Edited by marcag 2020-07-02 8:03 AM
2020-07-02 10:01 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Defunding the police

Let's talk about the guy with the gun defending his property and forget the mob destroying property and threatening people.  LMAO

Hint:  one committed a crime and the other did not.

Keep your eye on the big cities this weekend.....you know, the one's with all of the gun regulations and Democrat leaders.  The murder rate ought to be in record territory with the 3 day weekend, the heat, and the police standing down.

2020-07-02 6:06 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Originally posted by Left Brain

Let's talk about the guy with the gun defending his property and forget the mob destroying property and threatening people.  LMAO

Hint:  one committed a crime and the other did not.

Keep your eye on the big cities this weekend.....you know, the one's with all of the gun regulations and Democrat leaders.  The murder rate ought to be in record territory with the 3 day weekend, the heat, and the police standing down.

If I were the guy I probably would have done the same.

Actually, if I were the guy I'd live in a place I don't feel I need a semi-automatic weapon to feel safe

Edited by marcag 2020-07-02 6:06 PM

2020-07-02 6:27 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Defunding the police

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by Left Brain

Let's talk about the guy with the gun defending his property and forget the mob destroying property and threatening people.  LMAO

Hint:  one committed a crime and the other did not.

Keep your eye on the big cities this weekend.....you know, the one's with all of the gun regulations and Democrat leaders.  The murder rate ought to be in record territory with the 3 day weekend, the heat, and the police standing down.

If I were the guy I probably would have done the same. Actually, if I were the guy I'd live in a place I don't feel I need a semi-automatic weapon to feel safe

Where would that be?

IMO, people have different tolerance for risk and perceive different risks.  I’ve had friends armed to the teeth and friends abhorring guns and it doesn’t matter where they live.  I don’t begrudge that guy for having weapons nor for bringing them out (but as already stated, SHE was reckless.  My guess is that was about her first time holding it.)

2020-07-03 5:15 AM
in reply to: McFuzz

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Originally posted by McFuzz

Where would that be?

Interesting question. I had a hard/long time thinking about this last January.

While I think Canada is a very safe place to live, we do have that pesky weather thing. So I was looking for a "next best". I kind of drew my own 5 best places to live, but unfortunately none had warm weather.

My closest pick was Spain. But then Covid broke out and I rethought that. I am now rethinking the rethinking.

So for now I'll stick with Canada and a small Rotti to warn me of bears and those oh so dangerous skunks

But to visit, the safest I felt was in Israel and Germany. I worked and stayed long periods of time in both.
2020-07-03 11:11 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Defunding the police
I feel perfectly safe in America. Never considered leaving for anywhere else.
2020-07-22 9:42 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Defunding the police
Originally posted by Rogillio

Regardless of their intentions, this is the dumbest democrat “campaign slogan” one could imagine. How do they think this will play with “soccers moms” or suburban housewives? It plays only to the far left kooks! Republican can and will exploit this and will clobber Democrat candidates with it at every opportunity.

I can see the GOP campaign ads now. Woman home alone with her children with prowler trying to break into home. Woman picks up phone and gets recorded message saying, “Since democrat leaders have defunded the cops, your call will be addressed by the ‘Community Safety Board’ at the next meeting. Please leave your name and numbed and we will get back to you as soon as possible”.

Once again, I called it! This morning I saw a version of the commercial I imagined above...only even more brutal. “Press 1 to report a murder, press 2 to report a rape, press 3 to report a home invasion. You message will be answered in approximately 5 days.”

Scare tactic? You bet. But no more scary than seeing the riots and seeing the left embrace BLM, defunding the police and cities unwilling to accept federal assistance to restore law and order.

The left created this campaign ad. It will be blown off by the media and democrats as over the top but it will replay in the minds of many when they are in the voting booth deciding which party supports the police and which party wants to defund it.
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