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2006-11-09 12:30 PM
in reply to: #593997

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees

I took a job part-time at my gym last year.  I got a free membership to the gym -- that's $70/month saved and a huge benefit!  

I make more money there now as a personal trainer for about 5 clients each week.  It's enjoyable work and pays OK, but not great.  (Can't quit my FTE day job!)  Original plan:  save my personal training earnings for a new bike.  New plan:  use it instead for other misc. tri gear and bigger race fees. 

2006-11-09 12:32 PM
in reply to: #594463

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees
Princess_Megz - 2006-11-09 10:07 AM

KSH - 2006-11-09 8:44 AM

Well, this is an expensive hobby. That is why I figure you don't see a lot of young 20-somethings racing.

No kidding! I'm always surprised how few of us there are in the F 20-24 category. One race this summer there were only 2 of us out of 600 racers! I;m starting to look at my '07 races and although I would love to race more often, tuition (and groceries!) have to come before entry fees...bummer.


Easy way to get a podium spot
2006-11-09 12:37 PM
in reply to: #593997

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees
Yep, that's one of the reasons why the 30-40 AG are so much more competitive...more people with more disposable income and more time for hobbies. As opposed to someone who is 20, in college and eating ramen everyday.

WTC in it's brochure to sponsors says the average income for it's participants is like $147K

Edited by sebjamesm 2006-11-09 12:37 PM
2006-11-09 12:42 PM
in reply to: #594499

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees
coachese - 2006-11-09 10:32 AM

Princess_Megz - 2006-11-09 10:07 AM

KSH - 2006-11-09 8:44 AM

Well, this is an expensive hobby. That is why I figure you don't see a lot of young 20-somethings racing.

No kidding! I'm always surprised how few of us there are in the F 20-24 category. One race this summer there were only 2 of us out of 600 racers! I;m starting to look at my '07 races and although I would love to race more often, tuition (and groceries!) have to come before entry fees...bummer.


Easy way to get a podium spot

No kidding...but the ribbon on my wall just doesn't quite give me as much pride as it would had there been more competition That being said...its still damn fun when people say "woah, you were second in a triathlon!!!" Heeheehee :D

2006-11-09 2:05 PM
in reply to: #594381

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees
Comet - 2006-11-09 11:15 AM

caseyr02 - 2006-11-09 9:51 AM
I've always been curious how much Aaron (Jeepfleeb) and some of the other "tri every weekend" guys pay a year in registration fees! What's the over under on them? .

Aaron is scared to add up his race fees from last year and the year before. Its easily several hundred--a month.

I'd be scared too!

Truth be told...if we didnt spend all of our money on tri's, we probably just waste it on something else. Sure it'd be nice to have some new work clothes...but where's the fun in that!
2006-11-09 2:22 PM
in reply to: #594701

Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees
I agree with what some have said that you need to put things in perspective. Golf is probably way more expensive than tris and you don't get as healthy. Back when I was really into lifting weights and thought about getting into powerlifting, the fees for those competitions weren't all that much cheaper. Any hobby you get into will be expensive. For the return I get on my investment in tris - better health - it's worth it.

Doesn't The Bear have as his sig line "Race fees are cheaper than a quadruple bypass?"

2006-11-09 4:12 PM
in reply to: #593997

Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees

No doubt, they ARE expensive!  I have to figure averaging $75 per race on entry fees for local races.  Last year I only did 2 out of town, and next year I'm planning on 3.  Being a DINK (dual income, no kids) helps   My training partner and I booked our hotel for IMFL today....ouch!  Plopping down a $200 deposit 4 days after paying the $470 fee hurts!

2006-11-09 6:56 PM
in reply to: #594418

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees

Stitch26.2 - 2006-11-09 12:39 PM I just wish that for $100 a race I could get a t-shirt that fits!!!! Does anyone actually EVER print Small shirts, or do they just put that on the registration to lure you in? I have volunteered for 5 Tris this season and none of them offer discounted race fees, too bad, would be a nice perk! However, I am volunteering 70.3 championships this weekend and we get competitor rates at the Expo, I got an Ironman helmet for $20 bucks and a tyr swim top for $10!

That's sucks!  I've gotten smalls at all of the races I done so far. 

2006-11-09 9:14 PM
in reply to: #593997

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Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees

I guess I didn't feel like the entry fees were that steep.  Now I have not run anythink longer than a sprint, but even with that I have seen the other fees.

Ways to save.
1. Join a tri club (many of them offer discounts to races.)  I even got 2 free entries to races last year.
2. Join a running club.  In my area the ORRRC offers a $10 discount off race entries for HFP races.  Since the membership is 20.00 entering 2 races pays back the membership.
3. Check in advance - Many of the races have sliding entry fees.  Enter today for 30-40-90 bucks, enter 1 month prior to the race it jumps 20-50 bucks.  Once race group starts out with fees of 30, the next month it is 40, then 50, until race day is 75 bucks for a sprint.

Watch not signing up today as well.  I have seen/heard about large big name races filling up pretty fast.  So if you REALLY want to race that race, pay the fee TODAY!

2006-11-10 3:53 AM
in reply to: #594530

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Pittsburgh, my heart is in Glasgow
Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees
Princess_Megz - 2006-11-09 1:42 PM

coachese - 2006-11-09 10:32 AM

Princess_Megz - 2006-11-09 10:07 AM

KSH - 2006-11-09 8:44 AM

Well, this is an expensive hobby. That is why I figure you don't see a lot of young 20-somethings racing.

No kidding! I'm always surprised how few of us there are in the F 20-24 category. One race this summer there were only 2 of us out of 600 racers! I;m starting to look at my '07 races and although I would love to race more often, tuition (and groceries!) have to come before entry fees...bummer.


Easy way to get a podium spot

No kidding...but the ribbon on my wall just doesn't quite give me as much pride as it would had there been more competition That being said...its still damn fun when people say "woah, you were second in a triathlon!!!" Heeheehee :D


Hey, the way I look at it, since I'm racing in 20-24 now, I should have plenty of experience for when I get to be an old fart, I mean, 40+.
2006-11-10 3:30 PM
in reply to: #595277

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees
phoenixazul - 2006-11-10 3:53 AM

Hey, the way I look at it, since I'm racing in 20-24 now, I should have plenty of experience for when I get to be an old fart, I mean, 40+.

You got a better solution to aging???

On the original topic...doing one or two (local) sprints weren't too bad, $40-60 each and no real travel expenses. This year required some budgeting, planning, and trading...3 races requiring hotels (and more than 200 miles each way).

For the HIM, I looked at three and ended up with the most expensive (Steelhead) at $160. The cheapest was $95, but very early in the season, and having read a RR or two, not greatly organized. Steelhead wasn't without hiccups (which happen, when a race grows from 700 to 1800 in one year).

2006-11-10 3:48 PM
in reply to: #595277

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Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees

phoenixazul - 2006-11-10 4:53 AM
Princess_Megz - 2006-11-09 1:42 PM
coachese - 2006-11-09 10:32 AM
Princess_Megz - 2006-11-09 10:07 AM
KSH - 2006-11-09 8:44 AM Well, this is an expensive hobby. That is why I figure you don't see a lot of young 20-somethings racing.
No kidding! I'm always surprised how few of us there are in the F 20-24 category. One race this summer there were only 2 of us out of 600 racers! I;m starting to look at my '07 races and although I would love to race more often, tuition (and groceries!) have to come before entry fees...bummer. Megz
Easy way to get a podium spot
No kidding...but the ribbon on my wall just doesn't quite give me as much pride as it would had there been more competition That being said...its still damn fun when people say "woah, you were second in a triathlon!!!" Heeheehee :D Megz
Hey, the way I look at it, since I'm racing in 20-24 now, I should have plenty of experience for when I get to be an old fart, I mean, 40+.

I don't think she would LIKE the alternative! I think that is why a bunch of us "old farts" took up racing.

As far as having experience when you are "old" you need that and time, and speed.  In the M 40-44 group, the top finishers are dang FAST.  Heck several of the races I did had M 40-44 as top finishers.  Top 10 were 2-3 M 40-44 and etc.... I figure I have to out last them, cause I sure can't out train them right now.

2006-11-10 4:13 PM
in reply to: #593997

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West Jordan, UT
Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees
I don't think the entry fees for Sprint and Olympic are that bad from what I have seen. If you have to travel a lot, that can add up for sure. But, you do get to travel. Compared to many other hobbies, it really isn't much worse. Half the computer geeks I work with are hardcore gamers. They can drop $2500 on a new gaming computer every other year and then $50 for a new game every month. Pretty much sounds like a tri bike and race fees. Golf is the same way. Green fees are at least as bad as race fees. Another friend likes to Jet Ski. He paid 15 grand for the boats plus $100 in gas every so often to use them. Then there is the lazy couch potatos and their $100 a month satellite. It is all a matter of what you want to spend your money on. If you want you CAN keep it cheap. Do smaller races that are $50 or less and ride a used bike. You can easily keep this sport under $100 a month (if you want to).
2006-11-11 1:43 PM
in reply to: #596204

Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Wow-Reality Check: The Race Entry Fees
tkbslc - 2006-11-10 4:13 PM

I don't think the entry fees for Sprint and Olympic are that bad from what I have seen. If you have to travel a lot, that can add up for sure. But, you do get to travel. Compared to many other hobbies, it really isn't much worse. Half the computer geeks I work with are hardcore gamers. They can drop $2500 on a new gaming computer every other year and then $50 for a new game every month. Pretty much sounds like a tri bike and race fees. Golf is the same way. Green fees are at least as bad as race fees. Another friend likes to Jet Ski. He paid 15 grand for the boats plus $100 in gas every so often to use them. Then there is the lazy couch potatos and their $100 a month satellite. It is all a matter of what you want to spend your money on. If you want you CAN keep it cheap. Do smaller races that are $50 or less and ride a used bike. You can easily keep this sport under $100 a month (if you want to).

At least with golf and jet skiing you get some exercise. I didn't realize gaming was so expensive, and that's just sitting on your butt.
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