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2006-12-19 7:42 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Cary, NC
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

My primary goal for the year is to run a successful Half IM in September, The Duke Liver Center Half.  Therefore my only current "A" race is that one.  I am doing MB for the living proof that I will be able to handle the run during the half.

My secondary goal is to feel confident in my multi-sport prowess to register for IMFL08.  Along with that goal is the OBX Marathon, which I am doing to once again prove to myself that I can handle the run.  The only bad thing is that the marathon is the weekend after registration for IMFL.  That means I will have to gauge my chances by my training level.

As you can probably figure out, my primary obstacle is running.  I know I can get through the other two legs of an IM with proper training.  I, like you, Doug, have a constant struggle with my training goals balancing with my work and family, so I will have to keep a close watch on the balance in my life.

You mentioned golfing less while training.  I already put golf way behind my training priority, as I haven't golfed in over a year, but I still enjoy it when I get out.

I also have to get out and exercise more times a week than I have been doing.  I realize my workouts don't need to be lengthy, only frequent.


2006-12-20 7:48 AM
in reply to: #625457

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Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL we go.

1) when first starting my program it was to participate in 2-3 "sprint" tri's in '07' and an Oly tri in '08'. (This has already changed see #2).
2) Train with "Team in Traing" group for Oly Tri in Philadelphia(sorry spelling) June 29,2007
3)Participate in "Philly" tri June 29,2007 (A)
4) Participate in 2 more sprints close to home in Michigan.(B)
5) Remain uninjured.
6) Participate in HIM in '08'

The area I need the most "work/help" in is my running. Having arthritis in my knees, back & arms makes running quite uncomfortable and sometimes down right painful. But this to shall come to pass and I will succeed!

Have a great day!


Edited by asaling 2006-12-20 7:50 AM
2006-12-21 9:46 AM
in reply to: #625457

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

So, we have:

- 2 (Keith & Al) who's weakest sport is running - I can help there. 
- 1 (me) who has swimming issues - and we have two former swimmers in the group
- 1 just getting started (Bel)

We will wait until after the holiday to hear from Steven and Doc.  Let's keep on top of each other with support in reaching our goals.  It also looks like we all could use some support with nutrition so lets stay on top of each other about that as well. 

Merry Christmas (to you Christians) and Happy Holidays to all!  Let's make 2007 a great year. 


(Al, as I said before - make sure you get properly fitting running shoes.)

2006-12-21 7:26 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Cary, NC
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

I will be heading up to rochester early Friday morning, but will probably check in once a day to log my workouts.

Happy holidays to all!

2006-12-22 4:02 AM
in reply to: #625457

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Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Good Morning all!

Just dropping a line to wish all of you and your families a very SAFE and Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season.

PS... Bel, since you'll be opening presents far earlier than I will, could you maybe drop a line and tell ME what I got! lol

Have a great day all!

2006-12-22 7:40 PM
in reply to: #631244

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Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Sorry I havent been responding past two days, been working late and am a little sick, so no training. But I got 4 days off for the hollidays so I will make up the time.
My goals for 2007 are
1. My A race- the Pigman Half-Ironman- just registered today. I got a 20wk training program that is due to start April 2. But need some ideas on what to focus untill then.
2. Improve my nutrition- i need to stop eating junk. I've tried writing down everything I eat for a week straight and have very good idea what the problem is, but seem to have no mental motivation to make the change at the moment.

What kind of things do you need in swimming, capt?
Happy Holidays


Edited by JungleDoc 2006-12-23 6:10 PM

2006-12-26 4:16 PM
in reply to: #625457

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New user

Outback Queensland
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Sorry I have been 'absent'!!

Had a great Christmas! Ate far too much, drank far too much. Still trying to get over this flu. Gave it to my Husband for Christmas. Am I a good wife or what????? Always sharing and caring.

Heading to the gym this afternoon to do the bike and treadmill.

Considering I live in the middle of outback Queensland, our Christmas was overcast and wet. First time ever since I've lived here. Normally we are sweltering. Was a nice change.

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and you all got what you wanted from Santa!

2006-12-27 1:56 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Williamsburg, Virginia
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

Well I am back from my family visit. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas.


My goals are to run at least two marathons in 2007 the Shamrock in Virginia Beach and maybe the Marine Corps or Baton Rouge Beach.

I also want to do several tris and find a HIM to do. I would like the HIM to be in Virginia to help with the cost.

I need to work on my biking the most, I am new to the biking and have not been riding much after my first tri this past summer. I did get some nice profile desgin areo bars for my bike for Christmas and I just went over to the bike shop to get some help with my fit and such. When I was done they where talking with me about there morinig group bike rides so hopefully I will get up tommorow  morning and go for a ride with them. I know that they will drop me not far into the ride but you have to ride to get stronger.

I will update my training log for the days I trained last week also, which was just a few runs.

2006-12-28 2:21 PM
in reply to: #634233

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
LSU2003 - 2006-12-27 2:56 PM

I also want to do several tris and find a HIM to do. I would like the HIM to be in Virginia to help with the cost.

 What time of year?  I can point you in the right direction.

LSU2003 - 2006-12-27 2:56 PM

I did get some nice profile desgin areo bars for my bike for Christmas and I just went over to the bike shop to get some help with my fit and such.

Anyone else score any TRI loot for Christmas??? 

I got a bike pump, a bike vest, a small saddle bag, bike leggings, bike arm warmers, and lots of gels - do you sense a theme here? 

2006-12-28 4:12 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Williamsburg, Virginia
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL


 I am thinking about the HIM in September, I am hopeful that they will do the one up here in Jamestown. I sent them an e-mail and they said they should know ny Jan. 15 if it is on. If not that one I dont know, which one do you have in mind?


2006-12-28 4:22 PM
in reply to: #635611

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Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
i scored some major loot!

shimano ultergra pedals and Specialized cycling sunglasses from my father. Garmin Forerunner 101 from my wife.
Im happy.

2006-12-28 4:27 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Williamsburg, Virginia
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL


I got the 101 last year and I like it. I know the 205 and 305 have more functins but for me I am happy with it. I did get my wife the 205 this year.

Just make sure you pick up some extra batteries  because you will need them.

2006-12-28 4:49 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
I had the 201 and it died after a year.  I no longer use a GPS, but it was a great tool as I was learning my body.  
2006-12-29 12:59 AM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Cary, NC
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

First of all, Dial up sucks.  I can't believe my Father-in-law won't spend the few bucks on roadrunner.

I got som Circuit City gift cards, with which I will buy an MP3 player.  I just need to decide which one.  I also got some cash, which will be invested in either new shoes, for running of course, or some colder weather gear.

Have a happy new year everyone.  I will be back in Raleigh on 1/2/2007, just in time to sign up for my 2007 Tri schedule.



2007-01-01 2:42 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Williamsburg, Virginia
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL


2007-01-01 5:23 PM
in reply to: #625457

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New user

Outback Queensland
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
I AM SO SORRY GUYS!!!! Still sick, sick, sick!

Off to see the Dr this afternoon.

Hope everyone had a fantastic NYE! Can you believe I was home before 9.00pm!

Hope everyone is doing well with their training. I am feeling a bit down as all I want to do is get out there and go hard. Will have to wait and see what the Dr says.

Don't know how I'll go with being ready for the Dirt N Dust Tri. If I'm not feeling confident as I get closer to the date then I will look into flying to either Cairns or Townsville to compete in one there. I am still determined to do this!!!!!

Talk soon

2007-01-01 8:33 PM
in reply to: #638512

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Extreme Veteran
Cary, NC
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Hang in there Bel.  Let your body recuperate and you will be back in the saddle.
2007-01-05 3:07 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

You all have been quiet lately.  What's everyone doing for training in the first full weekend of 2007?  

I am attempting my first ever century ride through the hills of Williamsburg on Sunday.  Steven (LSU2003) will be joining me for the second loop.  What about you???

2007-01-06 1:37 AM
in reply to: #625457

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New user

Outback Queensland
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Hope everyone is doing well!

I took the biggest leap last night and went to an adult swimming club.

Managed 800m. I took me a long time but this is my starting point. This club will definatly be a 3 night a week thing for me.


Muscles are aching! Stretched it out with yoga today. Tomorrow will be a bike ride and then a walk straight after. No great distances, but a great start!


Edited by outbackgirl 2007-01-06 1:39 AM
2007-01-06 1:42 AM
in reply to: #625457

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New user

Outback Queensland
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Forgot to add....

Cap'n and LSU - hope your ride was fantastic today!

2007-01-06 10:00 AM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Williamsburg, Virginia
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Well I guess I need to make a public apology to Doug, do to something that came up I will not be able to get up with you on Sunday. I had planned on a long run today but that is not going to happen and I need to get my runs in. So.....I am sorry and I will catch up with you sometime soon.

2007-01-12 6:00 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

All right gang - what's up for the weekend plans?   Is Doc still with us????

As for me:  swim tonight; 15 mile run Sat AM; Spin & Swim on Sunday.

Have a great weekend and train safe!!! 

2007-01-12 7:55 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
Hey Capt'n and the rest of the gang. Hope this NEW year is treating all of you well.

In answer to the "capt's question about this weekend here goes.

Did the bike thing this morning.

Saturday morning will be an additional swim day. Actually tomorrow, my 22 yr. old son and his girlfriend will be swimming with me.
I told both of them that if they swim better than I do, I'll sock'em both in the eye! lol

Sunday morning will be my long run day. Long for me will be about 45 minutes (3.5-4 miles)

Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed weekend & week to come.

Be well!


PS. How did that bike ride go for ya capt'n?

Edited by asaling 2007-01-12 7:56 PM
2007-01-12 8:33 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Extreme Veteran
Cary, NC
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL
My plan is a ride tomorrow, either 1 hour on the trainer or 1 1/2 in the real world.  Sunday I get back to 10 miles on my LSD.
2007-01-12 8:57 PM
in reply to: #625457

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Chesapeake, VA
Subject: RE: captantony's Group - FULL

Al - show them kids how to swim.    The century ride went great - it did a lot for my confidence, but pretty much had me in recovery mode for the rest of the week. 

Keith - enjoy that trainer.  10 miles isn't that much short of the half mary distance. 

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