Other Resources Challenge Me! » November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!! Rss Feed  
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2007-11-03 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hi team....hope everyone is out there working out today!  So my question is--if the challenge goes Sun thru Sat or something like that, what happens with the workouts we did previously this month? I say we get to keep them as 'fillers' in case we didn't make it to our goal for a week.... of course I say this since I did a ton of work (for me) the past three days!  Or is it just if we hit our monthly goal?  I am slight bit confused as to the rules--so many emails came from the original challenge posting that I quit reading them! 

Anyway, my losing avatar  from October is up, but I don't mind too much since I worked hard to get these legs!   

2007-11-03 3:51 PM
in reply to: #1036300

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
The legs are gorgeous. Look at that muscle! Woot!

I think that we start the November challenge Nov. 1. I _think_ the first "week" is really a week and a half. So, you get to count these days, but not the beginning of last week. Make sense?

I've gotten a swim, bike and a run in so far. Woo hoo! I'm scheduled to bike again tomorrow. I'm trying to pack as much biking in as I can near the beginning of the month, since I don't have a trainer and I know this weather isn't going to hold.
2007-11-03 6:26 PM
in reply to: #1036300

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Medusa_Ann - 2007-11-03 3:21 PM

Hi team....hope everyone is out there working out today! So my question is--if the challenge goes Sun thru Sat or something like that, what happens with the workouts we did previously this month? I say we get to keep them as 'fillers' in case we didn't make it to our goal for a week.... of course I say this since I did a ton of work (for me) the past three days! Or is it just if we hit our monthly goal? I am slight bit confused as to the rules--so many emails came from the original challenge posting that I quit reading them!

Anyway, my losing avatar from October is up, but I don't mind too much since I worked hard to get these legs!

Hi Medusa_Ann,

The Challenge started on Nov 1st, so all of your workouts during the month will count.

Thanks to your post, I'm putting together a schedule, and will post it in a minute.

Pretty impressive calves there, btw. I'm thinking you guys didn't win the Oct challenge?


Edited by D001 2007-11-03 6:53 PM
2007-11-03 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1036508

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Team Spreadsheet "Due Dates"

Hi all,

The Challenge started on Nov 1st and ends on Nov 30th. So all of your workouts during the month of November will count.

The first "week" will be longer than 7 days. But the final week will be shorter.

So here are the "weeks" you'll use for reporting your workouts:
Thurs Nov 1 - Sunday Nov 11 *
Mon Nov 12 - Sunday Nov 18
Mon Nov 19 - Sunday Nov 25
Mon Nov 26 - Friday Nov 30

The "progress reports" (aka spreadsheets) will be due from the team leaders on these days:
Monday Nov 12
Monday Nov 19
Monday Nov 26
Saturday Dec 1st

The extra day is so that the team leaders can collect the end information without having to nag their team become overly stressed.

* This does not mean you can wait until Nov 10th to start working out! LOL

Team Leaders - you can post the updated spreadsheets on the main Challenge thread. (This is the one with the push pin sticky. Since it's pinned to the top of the forum, it'll be easier to find. And I think the "chatter" on it will calm down soon.)

And if you're all wondering why your teams are so full.... Well, as of tonight, we have 94 people participating in the challenge!

2007-11-03 10:18 PM
in reply to: #1036508

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
I've put the team spreadsheets on Google. This isn't something that people can edit (yet). It's just for viewing purposes. But if someone wants to check their goals, they're all listed here. Just click on your team name to view it.

Each week, I'll update the spreadsheet and upload it to Google again. That way, you can see your progress.

2007-11-04 1:33 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hi team 2 mates!!  Sorry for my delay in joining the thread.. I've had some really busy work days this week and no spare time at home. 
I live in eastern Ontario.  This was my first season of triathlon and I did 5 races starting with a sprint and ending with a 1/2 iron distance.  I liked the longer races best and will focus on 1/2 distance next year.  I've been a runner for about 10 years but only started swimming last fall and biking in March of this year.
I'm a slow runner, a really slow biker, and a really really slow swimmer but I have fun which is what it's all about for me. 
My focus for this challenge is to stick to my training plan and not skip workouts. I can't remember my exact goals but they were according to my plan for November.  I may need help to stay on track so I'm counting on you all to help me.

2007-11-04 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1036936

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hi Everyone!

It’s Sunday, the day when you’d usually be reporting your achievements for the week. So even though the spreadsheets aren’t due this week, please feel free to brag about how great your workouts have been! This challenge is about achieving your goals -- so let's hear how you've done!

Each week, I'll give you a quick summary of what's been happening. This is another idea that I stole borrowed from Cat. (Thanks Cat!)

There are now 96 people participating in the challenge! We have 7 teams, so each of the teams has gotten quite large. (Team leaders, if you want help compiling everyone's results, feel free to ask for an assistant-captain!)

While you've been assigned to a team, please DO feel free to visit the other teams! In fact, Teams 6, 7 and 8 seem to have merged into one large extended "BT Party Central." If you haven't already done so, stop by and join the party!

Team1 - The Moscateers
This entire team is together by request! There are about a million members of the Mosc family here, resulting in the team's adopting a new name and motto: The "Moscateers" all for one and one for all. This team also has our youngest participant, 9 year old gidgetintraining. Comet_the_dog had jury duty and his Dad is in the hospital, however it's also his 15th Wedding Anniversary. What a week, huh?

Team2 - The Vigilantes
Lawyerchick (Meredith) is a newlywed. (Congratulations!) Fielding (Erin) will be doing her first Tri on Nov 11th! (Good luck, Erin!) And Jessicacrouchrt (Jessica) recently completed her own first Tri. (Great job, Jess!)

Team3 - The Turkey Terrors
After much debate, the team decided to call themselves The Turkey Terrors. Team Leader nccgrap (Ryan) is a high school science teacher, so he should be able to whip motivate this team into shape! Atlantia (Laura) is training for her first marathon in January, so she's set a high running goal this month. And we learned that SAHM means "Stay At Home Mom."

Team4 - The Nonexistant Team
When I combined Team4 and Team5, I put them under the Team5 name. So this team exists only in your imagination!

Team5 - 5 For Fighting
This team has members from all over the world! (Yes, I know the Dynamic Aussie Duo is on a different team. I'll get to them in a minute.) This team even has the BT tri-talk, iron-distance, and COJ forums moderator, rkreuser (Rick). He claims to have read every post on BT for the last 3 years. (I don't believe him however, as keeping up with my posts alone is nearly an impossible task!) Bhoover10001 (Brian) announced his secret goal of beating his 16 year old daughter in a triathlon. Whoops, so much for secrets! When Rzzqb8 (Robin) decared her running goal, she thought she was crazy, until she looked at her team's goals, and saw they're just as insane.

Team6 - They Who Shall Not Be Named (TWSNBN)
Ooooh boy. Where to start? This is BT Party Central Headquarters. Also known as "They Who Shall Not Be Quiet", this team is currently on page 18 of their thread. (Plus, these "BT addicts" also have an additional 4 pages on their previous "generic team" thread. Can they talk, or what?) So far, the women of TWSNBN have gotten all 3 male teammates to post photos of their naked legs. Wow! Now there's discussion of a BT Calendar. (Seriously!) HCS5QA (Hector) even tells us when he's about to jump in the shower. Team leader LastCall2003 (Beth) has her hands full with this team. (Or maybe she's the one instigating the trouble!) If you haven't already done so, stop by and enjoy the fun!

Team7 - Team Wild Hippos
Home of two hot Aussie women, kaqphin ("Super Cat") and light_sabe_r (Maddy), this team also features a bunch of former Posion Apples, the first team to achieve 100% of the goals in last month's challenge. Look out everyone, this team is MOTIVATED. In fact, Lyssa-gator (Lyssa) has issued a challenge --> Who can be the first person to 25% of their goals? Want to take her up on this? Stop by the Team 7 thread and let her know. Better hurry, because jasonbohn9 (Jason) has already counterchallenged by saying he could achieve 25% by Tuesday!

Team8 - Hard Core Tri Corps
Led by fearless leader BunnyB (Melissa) aka "General Bunny", this team has four California members! TriAya (Yanti) finished a 23 mile run, and delcared it "sweet and smooth." Mbmoran2 (Brian) declared his long term goals are to qualify for the Boston Marathon and tackle the Ironman. This team has some impressive performers! Crabsrule (Brenda) discovered what it's like to race on hills and in hot weather. This team always welcomes visitors, so come in and say hello. If you stop by though, be forewarned that TriAya (Yanti) aka "Sergeant Doberman" may assign you a team job! (Don't worry, you can handle it!)

From BT News Headquarters, this has been your weekly Challenge update.

2007-11-05 10:47 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Elm Grove
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Challenge has been going alright,

6.5 miles ran, with 4 planned for tonight

1700 yards swam 500 of them OWS at 39 degrees, 1500 or so planned for tomorrow.

have done 3 core workouts this month.
2007-11-05 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Good afternoon Team,

Here are my totals so far.....

November's totals:
Bike:2h 02m 39s  - 29.78 Mi
Run:1h 05m 55s  - 5.5 Mi
Crossfit:1h 40m


The Cross-fit is X2 times for the last week. I will be running and Cross-fitting later this eve. And I will...will..will get in the pool tomorrow. Everyone have a great week!!!


2007-11-05 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1038278

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Going well for me, too. Here's where I'm at:

Bike: 45.98 Mi/100 miles
Run: 8.12 Mi/55 miles
Swim: 1000 Yd/4000 yards
2007-11-05 11:05 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hey team!

I've had a pretty good start to the month....have run 4.5 miles, biked 60 min and swam 95 min...so just a little more bike and run and I've met my first week's goal of doing an Oly per week.  I can't decide if I should switch everything to times instead of some distances, some times. Oh well....in any case my goal per week is 1 mile swim (35 min), 24 miles bike (90 min) and 10 K run (60 min).  There ya go!  I hope to get to some inspires today....it's always my intention, but I have two little rugrats who require a great deal of my attention and I can't be online as much as I want.....so know that I am thinking of my teammates!!!  Lynne (ScotinSeattle) and I swam at my gym yesterday, which was really fun--I am trying to convince her to relocate to my neighborhood so we can work out all the time. 

2007-11-05 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hey, Vigilantes! Anyone know how we're all doing, five days into the month now? (Eep! It's the fifth. I should probably get my rent check in teh mail.) I'm staying on track fine, although I don't have a lot of choice with my race coming up this weekend. It's after the race that I'm going to need the extra incentive.

So what are you all focusing on in the off season?
2007-11-05 6:16 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

The spreadsheet will post on sunday no later then monday and it will include from the 1st of the month thru this weekend since the month started later in the week. 

I have 26.76 bike done

9.31 miles run

and finally got me some water and did 800 meters tonite

Good Luck everyone and lets get our goals!

2007-11-05 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Smyrna, GA
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Awesome job, team!  I am doing pretty well so far, although I didn't stretch 3 days in a row (very bad!).  I've ran 10/60 miles, biked 0 (was supposed to go Sunday but didn't - I will make it up, though!), and swam 3900/2800 yards.  I've done one strength session and am getting back on track with the stretching. 

 Looks like you're all doing well - keep up the good work!

2007-11-06 10:17 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Great Job Everyone. I feel like a complete slacker.

On Sunday I rode 30 miles and ran 2 miles. Last night I swam.

 Hopefully, I'll be running tonight.

2007-11-06 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

I am NOT Slacking! Well ok, maybe just a little. Saturday I have this "Thing" where I like to nap for about an hour. It just pleases me so much to do so! Well this last Saturday 1 hour turned into 4 and I missed out on my most important, most looked forward to bike ride! BAAAAAAAARGGH!!!!!!!  I took yesterday off as Sunday's swim with Leslie really pooped me out (95 laps man!)  So today I am heading out for a 3 mile run which will take me a week probably.  But I think I am on track.... I think I am. Pants, who the hell am I kidding?



2007-11-06 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1040257

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Tampa, Florida
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA...I was out of town all weekend and out of sorts all yesterday from my out of town festivities. I did some swimming and biking mileage today since i'll be out of town again this weekend. I figure I better bike and swim while I can, as I don't think I'll be able to this weekend, but I can run anywhere. Planning an easy run for tonight. Hope you are all doing well, and are getting a better start than I am. Although I had a great weekend with some old friends I hadn't seen in about a year and a half, so I don't regret it. Amazingly I lost 3 pounds....guess switching to Michelob Ultra helps... : )
2007-11-06 5:41 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Is anyone else having a hard time remembering what everyone else's goals are? I have no clue how our team is doing! I need to bookmark our team roster or something. Or maybe put everyone names and goals on my profile page somewhere. Yeah, that might work.

But until then, here's a universal Go Team!
2007-11-06 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Right there with you...need to figure out how to get everyone on my page so that I can easily link to! 

So far for me:

Run 1 hr 24 mins (goal: 2-3 hrs)

Swim 45 mins (goal: 2-2.5 hrs)

Bike 0 hrs (goal: 2 hrs)

Am setting up my new trainer before Thursday!


Go team.....Vigilante!

2007-11-06 8:03 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hey team.......I am checking to see if there is a new spread sheet with everyone....the one I received was missing somanygoals.  Once I get this I will go ahead and list what I can find from everyones posting to see how we are doing.  If you want to send me what you have finished you can or just be sure they are posted on your log page and I will find them.



2007-11-06 8:13 PM
in reply to: #1041158

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
irongirl39 - 2007-11-06 9:03 PM

Hey team.......I am checking to see if there is a new spread sheet with everyone....the one I received was missing somanygoals. Once I get this I will go ahead and list what I can find from everyones posting to see how we are doing. If you want to send me what you have finished you can or just be sure they are posted on your log page and I will find them.



Here you go! Spreadsheet is attached.

Team2 tracking sheet.xls (41KB - 9 downloads)

2007-11-06 8:16 PM
in reply to: #1040886

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Fielding - 2007-11-06 6:41 PM

Is anyone else having a hard time remembering what everyone else's goals are? I have no clue how our team is doing! I need to bookmark our team roster or something. Or maybe put everyone names and goals on my profile page somewhere. Yeah, that might work.

But until then, here's a universal Go Team!

Hi Erin - I see you have a new avatar!

Hm, it IS appropriate for the Vigilantes team, isn't it?

2007-11-07 12:57 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

I hate to be a pest but does anyone have a list of everyone in our team? I am very, very lost. I tried to C&P from other members but there seem to be some missing from it.



2007-11-07 2:44 PM
in reply to: #1042246

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
ScotinSeattle - 2007-11-07 10:57 AM

I hate to be a pest but does anyone have a list of everyone in our team? I am very, very lost. I tried to C&P from other members but there seem to be some missing from it.



Oh Lynne, such a pest.  NOT!  I don't have a full list though.  If my kids will leave me alone I may compile one.  They are being two little brats today.  Ugh.  I tell you, conference days off midweek are not fair to mommy!    Hope everyone is out there working hard today!!  I hope to soon....  BIG INSPIRE TO Y'ALL!!!  GO VIGILANTES!

2007-11-07 5:50 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

lets see if I can cut and paste the spread sheet.....here is what is listed for everyones up to date.

irongirl39 175miles bike37.76
irongirl39 50miles run12.33
irongirl39 5000yards swim1800
jessicacrouchrtTX35miles run (<13 min miles) 
jessicacrouchrtTX12000yds swim (500m splits<8min)2000
jessicacrouchrtTX100miles bike10
jessicacrouchrtTX10lbs weight loss 
DeannaSWI55miles running11.74
DeannaSWI100miles biking45.98
DeannaSWI5000yards swimming2011.68m
lawyerchickGA60miles run13.65
lawyerchickGA28000yards swim3900
lawyerchickGA120miles bike 
lawyerchickGA8sessions Pilates1
lawyerchickGA8strength sessions1
CA12days running3
FieldingCA10days swimming3
FieldingCA5days biking1
FieldingCA2days yoga 
cathydOntario8bike workouts (13 hrs)1.21
cathydOntario8swim workouts (10,400 m) 
cathydOntario13runs (76 miles)18
cathydOntario13core workouts1
chrisrunzs26 15000yds swim  
chrisrunzs26 250miles bike47.82
chrisrunzs26 61miles run9
chrisrunzs26 12sessions strength/cross training3
Medusa_AnnPac NW4miles swim1500met
Medusa_AnnPac NW96miles bike (or 360 minutes)60min
Medusa_AnnPac NW24miles run7.53
Medusa_AnnPac NW?weight lifting / pilates 
Rmaldon240NY6swim sessions1
Rmaldon240NY120miles bike30
Rmaldon240NY60miles run9
Rmaldon240NY3yoga sessions 
Rmaldon240NY8core sessions1
VirtusFL50miles run22.3
VirtusFL200miles bike40
VirtusFL2000yards swim 
sgoehnerWI12000yards swim2926.08
sgoehnerWI30miles run11.33
sgoehnerWI8core workouts1
ScotinSeattleWA6hours biking15min
ScotinSeattleWA7hours running1.13hr
ScotinSeattleWA8hours swimming2.45hr
ScotinSeattleWA3hours weights 
SoManyGoalsRI21run sessions (2-3 hrs/week)4session
SoManyGoalsRI13swim sessions (2 hrs/week)1 session
SoManyGoalsRI9bike sessions (2hrs/week) 

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