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2007-12-11 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1095190

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
djdavey - 2007-12-11 11:55 AM
jszat - 2007-12-11 11:53 AM
djdavey - 2007-12-11 11:50 AM
jszat - 2007-12-11 11:43 AM
djdavey - 2007-12-11 11:34 AM

hey, is this open for fellow donks as well?  if so, count me in guru!!


Yep, welcome aboard.  We are at 5 but since I know some of y'all (I am not including Yams cuz he is joking around) I will take one more.  I will also be implementing a donkey cap since the donks a support group of their own really.  Dont want to freak out the non-donks in the group.  For those of you thinking WTF?, Team Turbo Donkey/Tri Donkai is a training group I am a part of as are Maggyruth, Djdavey and Pseudoyams, so you will likely hear a lot of donkey references and random EEEEAAAWWWWiing. Ahem.

does one get a free jersey upon joining this mentoring group sensai?


I am still broke from the DTC bankrolling.  Can you spare a gel brotha?

what flavor................hope you like chilled gels tho as i keep them in my car!!


Oat. Or carrot. Or Zima.

2007-12-11 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1095306

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
jszat - 2007-12-11 1:39 PM
Oat. Or carrot. Or Zima.

I thought the Apple Cinnamon Hammer Gels at my last race were nasty I could only imagine a Zima gel... ::shiver:: Ugh... That is just plain gross.
2007-12-11 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1093982

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full

Technically, I probably need to take a vow of silence and not talk to any of you at all until this starts in Jan, but I am willing to start whenever you are.  I am currently working planless and 'go time' is Jan after kind of just floating around after the 07 season.  We already touched on this in our write ups, but to make it concise for everyone, lets run down:

Strengths, weaknesses, three things you want to learn/accomplish/focus on in 08 and howzabout why you tri?  Me first:

Strengths: Running and biking, usually top 10-20% in races

Weaknesses:  Swim is usually middle of the pack.  Learned primarily through Total Immersion which is great for getting you comfy in the water but not so much for speed.  Also sweats like a freak show so nutrition/cramps/hydration have been an issue that I seem to be getting closer to solving but always tough to manage.

Three things to accomplish:  1)Learn and utilize power training methods on the bike and maybe score a powermeter to race with it as well.   2)Relearn speed after a year of conservative, long distance racing while still keeping adequate base for IM in 09  3)  Top 25% swim would be nice?

Why you tri:  I started this basically as a quest to the almighty Ironman not knowing about shorter distances, barely able to swim and with limited bike skills.  After a nice progression through just over two years, I can say I have developed a true love for the sport and what it does physically and mentally (i.e. mega stress vent).  Without trying to get all cosmic on ya, it has changed my life and who I am for the better, a more rounded person mind, body and soul.  It is no longer about the Ironman though I hope to hit the big one down the road.  Longevity, keeping it fun and reaching ever higher for faster and longer challenges keeps the sport interesting for me.  Blah, blah, blah

2007-12-11 1:21 PM
in reply to: #1093982

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full

heck i'll go next..........

I feel my strenghts are my run and my mental approach.  I have a running background that includes coaching at the high school level for cross country and track and one season (albeit very short season) at uw-waukesha.  I have done two marathons in the early to mid 90s........

my weakness is definately the swim and i realize i will be needed to focus on that primarily in the upcoming months.

i would like to not only improve my swim but also my bike as well.  also would like to work out a nutrion plan for the upcoming IMMOO

i got started in tri's for a couple of reasons.  the first being my supervisor braggin about how he was going to do pewaukee so i had to shut him up and enter it too.  the real reason tho is due to a scare i had starting last november when i found some lumps on the side of my neck and on my trap area. they ended up being enlarged lymph nodes (which i also have some in my stomach area too) but nothing came out of all the tests they did except high doctor bills................going thru all of that i realized that i was carrying around too much weight (195+ lbs) and decided to start running again which led into the whole triathlon thing.....i am now back in running shape, ok biking shape and starting to get into better swimming shape and my weight is down to an almost 18 year low of 152 lbs.

good luck to all during the upcoming season!


2007-12-11 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1095358

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
Strengths: Swimming. I don't think I am that strong of a swimmer and could be better but I guess that it comes naturally. I have never used a wetsuit during a tri and usually hit 1:40-1:30/100yrd. My first Oly (1,500m) I was coming out of the water at ~25.

Weaknesses:  Transitions, Running and Biking. Transitions from swim to bike I have taken forever. I plan on doing more swim bike bricks this upcoming season. Running and Biking issues are all volume related. I don't go fast because I don't have the base nor consistency. The plan for this year is to get a plan organized and stick to it hard.

Three things to accomplish:
1)Learn better consistency and get a good plan.
2)Gain some speed
I can run 8:30/mi running pretty consistently I would like to get in the 7:00s, I can also get to 18/19mph on the bike but I want more. I plan on some fartleks and some hill repeats at least once a week
3)Train smart
Use my tools and resources properly (ie LT testing, measuring intake and weight change for sweat rates, etc.)

Why you tri:  I started tri'ing as a New Years Resolution in 2005. My first event was a corporate challenge event using my brother's Mountain Bike (big knobby tires, front suspension, etc) and I was hooked. I bought a bike and did a second race that year. In 2006, I didn't race due to work related issues (hard to train when you work 65-70 hours a week). In 2007 I came back to the sport, changed jobs and wanted to get back in shape. I guess that is more how then why though. Why I do it is because of the variation and the stress relief that I get from the sport. I love being outside on the road on my bike, I like the zen like rhythm of running and the feel of water over my shoulders. I want to get in better shape and this sport is a great way to get there. I don't do it for competition against other... I do it for myself and race against myself.
2007-12-11 3:22 PM
in reply to: #1095358

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
Okay.... I'm not part of the group...but I am checking out my fellow donkeys and one thing I did you get all the college guys Joe?  I'm the baby in my mentor group..but it looks like this is going to be the young and hip group.  Nice!

2007-12-11 4:10 PM
in reply to: #1093982

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Without house
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full

My turn!  And I have to say I'm liking being the only girl in the group.  Cuz that's the way I roll...

Strengths: Stubbornness.  When it's something I WANT to do (noted to differentiate between things I HAVE to do), I'm generally pretty focused and, to a point, obsessive (yes, I know, not always a good thing...OCD is a common trait amongst triathletes).  I don't give up, usually.  (There have been a couple times in the not so distant past that I did, but I've been fighting other demons.  They aren't all gone, but have been kept at bay of late.)  One of my friends once described me as a dog that won't let go when it grabs hold of something....

Weaknesses: Lack of self confidence.  Depends on the situation, sometimes I am da bomb, but I do have self-doubt.    Granted, sometimes I'm just fishing for compliments (I'm a girl, we do that), but a lot of it stems from being overweight most of my life.  You start to believe what other people say when you've been told it enough times.  Sad but true.

3 things: 1) Self confidence, definately.  There are a lot of other people who believe I can do better and more then I think I can.  I'd like to take some of that on.

2) Running.  Out of the 3 sports, that's definitely my weakest.  Although, after my run last night, it might not be for long!! (FYI, djdavey IS a great run coach!)  I've improved a LOT over the past year in everything, but I think running is where I have the most improvement to make.

3) I'd like to focus on training smart.  I'm big into research, knowing how to do things better/more efficiently.  I like applying that to training because sometimes just the littlest tweak can make the biggest difference.

Why I tri:
I've been overweight for as long as I can remember...not just overweight but morbidly obese.  At my highest documented weight, I was 328.  Being 6'1", it wasn't as obvious, but I was getting to a point where things were going to go down hill fast.  I've lost 80 lbs and am currently in the mid 240's, with another 50ish to go.  I started tri-ing about 65 lbs into my weight loss as a way to be more active.  I remember watching Kona on TV years ago and thinking it was cool (crazy, but cool) and filing it away in the back of my brain.  Then, a friend I know through Weight Watchers told me about a tri she did (Subaru Women's tri in Naperville, IL), and it just resparked that interest I had when I was slug.   I started out slow (couch to 5k) and continue to go slow, but my improvements have been pretty drastic.  I've cut my swim time in 1/2, my run time by 3.5 minutes per mile and my average bike speed is up to 15 mph from about 11.
Add on top of that, I've met some really fantastic people while doing this.  I'm not the type that generally misses people, but I've made some really good friends that I WOULD miss if they weren't in my life any more.  To me, that's big.

2007-12-11 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1093982

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Kirkland, WA
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
i guess i'm behind in this psedo-introduction!

Strength: My biggest strength is definitely the bike - i can usually push a pretty good pace for a decent amount of time. i also recover fairly quickly - if i have a hard swim, i can jump on the bike and get upto pace quickly and fairly easily.

Weakness: In the past, running has been a weakness because it gave me lots of pain (shin splints!), but those have been going away. i also developed this crazy idea in october - since i don't like running, maybe if i run a whole bunch, i'll start to like it! and sure enough, i ran more then any other month in november, and now i am liking it!

As far as three things to work on:
1) Train smart: as several others have mentioned, we need to train smart! my training mode up until a couple of weeks ago was go out and push hard - try to beat previous training sessions times, etc. i think i like to do that because it givesnever me the satisfaction of a hard, tiring workout, which can be addicting. However, i have started running more in a z2 type of zone and although it is painful (1.5 min/mile slower), it is nice to not get so tired!

2) Build my endurance base: I am new to endurance sports (since june), so i am still building my base in distance. My Longest are as follows:
Swim: 1 mile continuous
Bike: 42 miles (pretty flat)
Run: 6.6 miles (tempo speed, some hills)
For 2008, i would like to do some Oly's, some century bike rides and a 1/2 marathon.

3) Nutrition: this kind of ties into training smart - but is really important. i know with increased distances, i need to worry about nutrition. in sprints, i was eating 1 gel on the bike and drinking 1/2-3/4 a water bottle on the bike. i need to figure out a schedule that works with my body for intaking fuel and the frequency.

Why i tri?: I have never been much overweight (10-15 extra lbs), but i also have never been able to develop adequate motivation to workout a lot. However, this summer i did an internship and lived with a triathlete who did IM CDA 2007. It was motivating to hear about triathlons, and i wanted to start working out, so i started reading about triathlon stuff, discovered BT, learned to swim (haha), bought an old, cheap road bike and starting running! I did my first sprint at the end of july (1/2 mile OWS, 12, 5 k) and got 4/8 in my age group (so close!). my second sprint was in september (500 pool, 9, 5 k) and i got 4/4 in my ag, but that crowd was a lot better!.
Anyways, its been fun to see myself improve, and see the addiction that is triathlon. its great because now i always want to go work out and it doesn't get boring because i'm doing 3 different sports (+ skiing, + lifting, +mtn biking etc. etc).

Woo! that was long! i hope i didn't put anyone to sleep :D
2007-12-11 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1093982

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Lawrence, Kansas
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
Strengths: I would definitely have to say my greatest strengths are my running and also my motivation.

Weaknesses: Running used to be by far my biggest weakness. When I heard about the IM I knew I would have to have a strong base in running and that it is the activity that I hated the most at the time. Because of this I started to run a lot and now I really enjoy it. That being said I'm sure that I am greatly underestimating the swim and that's probably my biggest weakness.

3 things I want to learn/accomplish:

1) The Kansas 1/2 IM in June is my biggest priority. I also want to do a 1/2 marathon and some sprint or olympic distance tri's along the way so I have at least some experience.

2) Get my weight up to a consistent 155. Right now I'm at a consistent 143 and sometimes get up to 150. My weight fluxuates a lot and it would be nice to have 155 as a new base weight.

3) Become a better swimmer. I've never really been exceptionally bad and I really like to swim but this is something I definitely want and need to work on.

Why tri: As I said earlier I have Cystic Fibrosis and exercise like this is insanely good for my health. I know that if I am able to accomplish the above 3 things I will have a much more secure future. These kinds of exercises also help to keep me optomistic on everything in life. I would say that overall I'm a very optomistic person but there is something about intense physical exercise that allows me to view the world in a different way and to enjoy everything about life much more.
2007-12-12 9:46 AM
in reply to: #1093982

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Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full


I guess one of my strengths would be that I have always been willing to work hard in order to achieve my goals.  I really don't accept excuses from myself and others around me.  If I make a goal for myself I will try to achieve it by any means possible.  Things going for me are that I am able to make quite a bit of time for training.  As a teacher I can usually leave school by 3:00 each day.  Once June rolls around, and accordingly the big training hours needed for IM, I will be off of work and will have plenty of time to train.  Swimming is probably my best of the three disciplines.  I am a little better than middle of the pack swimmer.  I am a pretty solid middle of the pack biker and see that as improving drastically in the coming year.


Spelling would be the first  Running would be by far my biggest weakness.  I always get a little discouraged in my tri's when I see all those people pass me on the run.  Race management is another weakness.  I think I go to hard in the start and just don't have enoughto get me through some of the longer runs in the end.  I also need to get more mentally tough on hard training days and races.

3 things to work on

Nutrition is by far the biggest.  This applies to bith racing and day to day.  I am working on dialing in how much to consume while riding.  I have had a habit in the past of not drinking anything on 20-30 mile rides.  I never feel a need to urinate during any race or during 50 mile rides.  I know I am not consuming enough and this needs to be addressed.  Will be trying Infnit because food does not sit to well with me when training.  My over-all weight is another thing I need to address.  I come from a family who carries a lot of weight.  At one point I was very nearly 300 pounds.  I am now down to 236 and would like to get down to 200 even for IM.  This is a weight that may seem high for most, but I think would be very good for me.  Last thing I want to accomplish is to have a season with no regrets.  I want to train hard and train right.  That way whatever results do occur I know I did my best and will be happy with them.

Why I tri

This is easy, I am a competitive person.  I have to have a goal and a reason for training.  Some people say they enjoy working out.  I don't.  If I don't have a goal I struggle with just working out.  I played sports all through high school and football in college.  After college I had nothing to do, no goals.  Because of this I packed on a lot of weight fast.  I thought of running alone and that was rough on my body.  I started riding my bike, that was fun, but not competitive.  To be a competitive roadie I would have to get down to about 160 pounds and I knew that would never happen.  Finally I saw an ad for a sprint tri and decided right then and there that was what I would try to do.  I have been hooked ever since.

2007-12-12 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1093982

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full

Closed, huh?

Ya can't let a fellow Donkai in?  Please??!!!

2007-12-12 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1097562

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Without house
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
1stTimeTri - 2007-12-12 11:29 AM

Closed, huh?

Ya can't let a fellow Donkai in?  Please??!!!

He put a donkai cap on it...But Pete's group will be up soon...

2007-12-12 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1097573

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
maggyruth - 2007-12-12 11:36 AM
1stTimeTri - 2007-12-12 11:29 AM

Closed, huh?

Ya can't let a fellow Donkai in?  Please??!!!

He put a donkai cap on it...But Pete's group will be up soon...

That's alright - I'll get in with Craig.  But I'll give out a fair warning that I'll be in this group every once in awhile giving some shat.

Edited by 1stTimeTri 2007-12-12 12:26 PM
2007-12-12 12:14 PM
in reply to: #1097573

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
maggyruth - 2007-12-12 11:36 AM
1stTimeTri - 2007-12-12 11:29 AM

Closed, huh?

Ya can't let a fellow Donkai in?  Please??!!!

He put a donkai cap on it...But Pete's group will be up soon...

where can i get one of those donkai caps?????


2007-12-12 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1097670

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
djdavey - 2007-12-12 12:14 PM
maggyruth - 2007-12-12 11:36 AM
1stTimeTri - 2007-12-12 11:29 AM

Closed, huh?

Ya can't let a fellow Donkai in?  Please??!!!

He put a donkai cap on it...But Pete's group will be up soon...

where can i get one of those donkai caps?????

Keep working on him since that would be a cool item to get since the carrot arms are out and look quite sharp.

2007-12-12 12:46 PM
in reply to: #1097706

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
1stTimeTri - 2007-12-12 12:27 PM
djdavey - 2007-12-12 12:14 PM
maggyruth - 2007-12-12 11:36 AM
1stTimeTri - 2007-12-12 11:29 AM

Closed, huh?

Ya can't let a fellow Donkai in?  Please??!!!

He put a donkai cap on it...But Pete's group will be up soon...

where can i get one of those donkai caps?????

Keep working on him since that would be a cool item to get since the carrot arms are out and look quite sharp.

I gotta get rid of some of the donkey stuff I have before i think about doing anything else since i fronted the cost. 

2007-12-12 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1097756

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
jszat - 2007-12-12 12:46 PM
1stTimeTri - 2007-12-12 12:27 PM
djdavey - 2007-12-12 12:14 PM
maggyruth - 2007-12-12 11:36 AM
1stTimeTri - 2007-12-12 11:29 AM

Closed, huh?

Ya can't let a fellow Donkai in?  Please??!!!

He put a donkai cap on it...But Pete's group will be up soon...

where can i get one of those donkai caps?????

Keep working on him since that would be a cool item to get since the carrot arms are out and look quite sharp.

I gotta get rid of some of the donkey stuff I have before i think about doing anything else since i fronted the cost. 

well lets see, i have the donkey jersey and arm warmers.......which work quite nicely by the way............i need the blue donkai top and shorts for the summer...............what else is there besides the leg warmers??


2007-12-13 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1093982

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
Everybody asleep today or didja take my no group til New Years thang serious?
2007-12-13 12:18 PM
in reply to: #1093982

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Without house
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full

I was beeeeezeeeeeeeeee...Got a short run and swim in this am, will be hitting up the DTC tonight for a Thursday Tri day. (For those who don't know, DTC is the DonkuTraining Center...a suffer room with 4 computrainers, 1 fan and a big azz tv. If you're local, get on it!)

My personal mojo is in full force right now. I'm hoping to keep it going through the holidays and into the new year. The coolest thing for me right now is that I weighed myself this AM and I was back to my lowest's all downhill from there, baby!!

Forgot to add...hit my 100 mile run goal for the year.  I didn't do more then the 1/2 mile like I wanted to, but I hit it (don't worry, I'm still gonna run more for the rest of the year)!  I need to start thinking of what I want my run goal to be for next year (actually, I need to think of all my distance goals...I like goals, they work for me).  Ideas? 

Edited by maggyruth 2007-12-13 12:21 PM
2007-12-13 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1093982

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
zzzzzz..... zzzzzzz.....
2007-12-13 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1100241

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full

um, could you guys keep the noise trying to sleep!


2007-12-13 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1093982

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Without house
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full

You guys suck!









2007-12-13 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1100057

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In The Peleton
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
maggyruth - 2007-12-13 12:18 PM

The coolest thing for me right now is that I weighed myself this AM and I was back to my lowest's all downhill from there, baby!!

Nice COJ reference there Peggers.  Was that intentional?


P.S.  I'm stalking all of you!!!

2007-12-13 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1100340

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Without house
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full
PeterAK - 2007-12-13 2:04 PM
maggyruth - 2007-12-13 12:18 PM

The coolest thing for me right now is that I weighed myself this AM and I was back to my lowest's all downhill from there, baby!!

Nice COJ reference there Peggers. Was that intentional?


P.S. I'm stalking all of you!!!

Yes and no....and I'm stalking you back... :P 

2007-12-13 2:13 PM
in reply to: #1093982

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Jszat's Group- full



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