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2004-11-17 5:44 PM
in reply to: #83874

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Got Wahoo?
San Antonio
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II

Men are pigs....  It is why I date only women.

2004-11-17 9:12 PM
in reply to: #83439

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
Y'all have really made me laugh this evening! I especially love the breastfeeding line. That is so EWWW that it is a classic.

Reminds me of the time when a male coworker and I were discussing how to get little babies to sleep through the night (he had a newborn and I had a two year old), and he said to me, "I can tell you didn't breast feed because your boobies are too small." In addition to the EEEWWW factor, so much for his understanding of human physiology. I quickly took my A cups to my boss to complain about a line being crossed (perhaps just the jackass line), but nothing came of it. I wasn't looking for some sort of sexual harrassment lawsuit, but we were both USAF Majors at the time, and his lack of judgement astounds me to this day. Jackass. Twelve years later, I can now counter with a wonderment that his anatomy allowed him to actually father children, but that would be mean.
2004-11-18 11:21 AM
in reply to: #83872

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Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
I'm not spending much time on the bike, partly because of the rain and partly because I need a break, too. I am working on my running. I've gotten much better, though "progress" is slow. I'm taking the advice of the vets and keeping my expectations reasonable. I don't have any events scheduled until the Athens Triathlon on March 12th. They don't yet have it up on the Tri Calendar yet but "The Blade" sent me the link and I signed up. It will be my first! I hope the weather will be nice.

So you're doing a marathon?
2004-11-18 11:59 AM
in reply to: #83439

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Elite Veteran
Smyrna, Georgia
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II

Ooo, I just thought of one.  I went to this salon to participate in one of their hair dresser training sessions.  Basically, they had a special highlighting technique that they taught to other hairdressers.  I volunteered to be a guinea pig and in turn, got my hair highlighted for free by a hairdresser who already knew how to do hair, just not that technique. 

Anyway, at that time I was on a "natural" kick and had quit plucking my eyebrows.  One hairdresser and her friend were passing me and stopped to comment on how I would look so much better if I just plucked my eyebrows, adding that if I were in their salon, they'd insist on doing it, even if it was for free.  Talk about a blow to your confidence.  I ended up getting them professionally plucked and shaped the next time I got my hair cut, even though I had had some guys actually compliment me on having natural eyebrows.

Why is it that some people feel like your appearance is open to discussion when you didn't ask?

2004-11-18 1:26 PM
in reply to: #83439

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Extreme Veteran
Plant City, Florida
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
well as a new member I will try not to offend anyone but women with curves are way more attractive than the ones that are skinny as a rail

go gators
2004-11-18 5:58 PM
in reply to: #84183

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manitoba, canada
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II

G8RLA94 - 2004-11-18 1:26 PM well as a new member I will try not to offend anyone but women with curves are way more attractive than the ones that are skinny as a rail go gators

Okay ... this site is SUPPOSED to be about acceptance.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop slamming skinny people.  (and as you all sneak a look to the left, no I don't look skinny in my avatar.) But after a  life of nobby knees and no curves, I don't want to deal with open season on skinny people.  Feel the love people. we are all beautiful.

2004-11-18 9:56 PM
in reply to: #83439

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
Sing it, sister!!!
2004-11-18 10:46 PM
in reply to: #84418

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Got Wahoo?
San Antonio
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
Well, a good personality goes a long way to forgiving those nobby knees and sharp, poking pelvic bones.... 
2004-11-19 12:11 AM
in reply to: #84347

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: Put downs...

This thread is starting to make me mad.  Just because you aren't attracted to skinny women, does not give you the right to say mean things on the board.  If you want to say I prefer curves that's great, but why do you have to put a put down in there?  Most women are self-conscious about their appearance anyway, and the very last thing we need is somebody saying rude things about whatever body type they happen to not prefer.

I am not a thin person by any stretch of the imagination, and I've dealt with this from the other side and I can tell you it hurts when people make statements like this.

2004-11-19 1:08 AM
in reply to: #84453

Subject: ...
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2004-11-19 1:49 AM
in reply to: #83439

Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
Lara SD, I understand your point and share the mentality. BUT we must understand that people have different sensitvities and that not everbody can let the water just roll off their back. (In fact some people may take offense to my implying that they are thin skinned though that was not my intention).

I beleive that this is the point of the thread. I could get offended at the comments made about men making stupid pick up lines. I could even rebut that men have a difficult job initiating comments in bars and that yes we say stupid things but at least we try. In fact, sometimes in the presense of a woman we say somethings that we just can't believe. I have seen "friends" say stupid things to women that are actually insulting to them or admit some flaw about the speaker and have no idea how those words came out of their mouths.

From reading the thread I can see where our friend intended no harm by the comment on preferring curves. In the end we have to balance being politically correct with expressing ourselves. Not an easy thing to do and given the other posts I have read from our board members I must conclude that we mean much much more good than harm....

2004-11-19 2:01 AM
in reply to: #84464

Subject: ...
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2004-11-19 6:37 AM
in reply to: #83439

Parsippany, New Jersey
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
So this is what I usually say to a woman about her body, " ." That's right, Nothing! Women don't need to hear what someone else is thinking.

But what I will say to a woman who has just finish a workout (3 mile run, 1 hr playing Basketball, etc..) regardless of the Body shape, build, wgt... "How was your workout?" "How did you feel?" "Did you hit your goals?" All positive questions focused around working out.

And then honestly what I am thinking, "The female body is most attractive to me, when sweat is dripping off every body part. Immediately following a workout!" Regardless of Body Shape, Hair, Clothes, Eyebrows!! Keep it up all of you!!

That is my .02

2004-11-19 8:28 AM
in reply to: #83439

manitoba, canada
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
Well I'm glad I started an interesting debate No I am not thin skinned, no I wouldn't want to see anyone afraid to express thier opinion. That's what the smily face icon is all about. I am not offended by a stranger's opinion. Trust me. I have read a lot of threads where people say things like, how good it felt on the tri to blow past  the skinny one on the bike, etc. There are a lot of comments like that - I could care less.  MY comment, and I should have made it more clear, was more of a reference to a fun exchange I had with welshy a month or so ago, exchanging fun poetry on the virtues of the skinny girl.  It was all in fun.  fun fun fun.  And I can see we're all now having fun ... so, I'll just sign off now
2004-11-19 8:29 AM
in reply to: #84347

Extreme Veteran
Plant City, Florida
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
pooh bear - 2004-11-18 5:58 PM

G8RLA94 - 2004-11-18 1:26 PM well as a new member I will try not to offend anyone but women with curves are way more attractive than the ones that are skinny as a rail go gators

Okay ... this site is SUPPOSED to be about acceptance.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop slamming skinny people.  (and as you all sneak a look to the left, no I don't look skinny in my avatar.) But after a  life of nobby knees and no curves, I don't want to deal with open season on skinny people.  Feel the love people. we are all beautiful.

I apoligize if I offended anyone with my opinion I was only trying to relay that people who are not thin are also beautiful there was no intent to degrade anyone sorry....
2004-11-19 8:41 AM
in reply to: #84511

manitoba, canada
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
Mike, wow, the written word sure can misfire sometimes.  You have nothing to apologize for.  Sorry if I made you feel bad Look at you, calling all women beautiful, and then having to say sorry Not what I intended at all.

2004-11-19 9:08 AM
in reply to: #84517

Elite Veteran
Smyrna, Georgia
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II

In another thread (the one with the scary synthol dude) I mentioned that I preferred guys that were more streamlined/classic tri guy shape.  Then I thought about some of the guys who I know are on these forums and some of the guys I happily dated in the past.  And since I was thinking slowly, it was too late to edit my comments.

After considering the situation, I really think the most attractive bodies are those that exude health and happiness.  After all, thick or thin, a healthy body kind glows.  It seems like you can tell who is taking care of themselves, even if their 6-pack is still in the fridge or they are straight as broom.

There is nothing more beautiful than watching a person in motion, comfortable with their body and making good use of it. ;-)

Geez, I'm in a good mood today.  Too bad I have to be at work.

Edited by Whit 2004-11-19 9:09 AM
2004-11-19 9:16 AM
in reply to: #84434

Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II

Well, a good personality goes a long way to forgiving those nobby knees and sharp, poking pelvic bones.... 

Now I'm offended. How dare you slam slight those of us without a good personality! We're people too, individuals with feelings, and we deserve some respect.

2004-11-19 9:18 AM
in reply to: #84534

manitoba, canada
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
Whit - 2004-11-19 9:08 AM

There is nothing more beautiful than watching a person in motion, comfortable with their body and making good use of it. ;-)

Geez, I'm in a good mood today.  Too bad I have to be at work.

What a perfect way to head off to work! Thanks for sharing your good mood

2004-11-19 9:18 AM
in reply to: #84510

Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II

Maybe if you put some meat on those bones you wouldn't be as thin-skinned.

Just kidding, just kidding!

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

2004-11-19 10:05 AM
in reply to: #84547

manitoba, canada
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
You want to mess with me bear???? My twig arms can do a lot of damage  (flailing twigs a la windmill are most effective in a fight - if they don't snap first)  And you DON'T want one of my sharp, knobby knees hitting you ...there

2004-11-19 10:17 AM
in reply to: #84546

Subject: ...
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2004-11-19 10:19 AM
in reply to: #84592

Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II

My momma always told me not to play with sticks. You can poke your eye out!

Like the new pic, hides the knobs a little better.

2004-11-19 11:58 AM
in reply to: #84608

Got Wahoo?
San Antonio
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
I am so dissapointed I missed this whole border skirmish.  I am in a terrible mood and I would love to torch some skinny people....

Well, no, I am in a pretty good mood, actually, and I think whit is right.  I am dreadfully, shamefully attracted to thin women and lovingly, agonizingly attracted a well built woman and in all honesty, I like both!  Basically, if you're attractive, your body type doesn't much matter to me...

What a slut I am....
2004-11-19 12:05 PM
in reply to: #84664

Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: What Not to Say to a Woman, Pt II
So basically you're attracted to anything with two legs, and would deviate from that standard if need be.
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