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2008-05-13 5:45 AM
in reply to: #1398148

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Medusa_Ann - 2008-05-12 9:12 PM Wow, 5 days of golf!  Sounds fun.  My day ended up better than it Garmin arrived although wasn't charged in time to use it on my ride.  I managed to ride the full Lake Washington route-it was 49 miles, took 3 hr 12 min with lots of hills.  Felt great except the last 8-ish miles I was feeling it.  If you've never been to Seattle, Lake WA is pretty much the center of everything....our route took us from the UW, to Kenmore, Juanita, Kirkland, Bellevue, Factoria, Newcastle, Renton, Seward Park, and back to UW. There are two freeways that cross this lake, it isn't small!  I am very proud of me and not feeling too bad now that I have had my cappucino.  This is by far my longest ride in my entire life!  Yay!  I am wondering how my long run will feel in the morning.  I may change it to a shorter run since the weekend will be full of running.  Anyway, I am babbling and need a shower.  Hope everyone is having a lovely start to their week.  Thanks for listening to me!

Congratulations on the distance. It sounds like a great ride.  My husband used to live in Seattle and have a place on Vashon Island so I know the area.  It really is beautiful.  Hope you feel fine today and are ready to kick it on your run.


2008-05-13 6:30 AM
in reply to: #1398395

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-05-13 1:45 AM
lastcall2003 - 2008-05-12 7:21 PM

so, after a bit of struggling on Sunday, I completed my longest run this year - I even ran over this lovely river on this lovely bridge -

See that narrow pathway on the left, yep, that's where I was - looking down on the Delaware River, thinking - OMG, is this really my life? Cool

Congrats, Beth!  what a lovely looking place to run!  Lovely really is the word!!  How great to be hitting the running groove so early in the season!  Woowoo!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll second that!  My runs always involve concrete and more concrete.  The best I can get is through a pretty neighborhood.  Even running over waterways is pretty bad.  Although, I could run along the beach if I wanted...

Also, FWIW, I'm having a super busy last few weeks at work (my *ahem* internet time), so, while I've been keeping up with the thread, I'm not as active as I'd like to be.  Everyone is doing really great and thanks for the inspires!

2008-05-13 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

How lovely to hear from everyone!

Leslie, I'm so glad you were able to overcome your frustrations and get a great long ride in. I can't imagine how difficult it is to juggle family obligations with small children and tri training.

Bethie Love, thank you for the pic! It makes us feel like we are with you ... as we are ... even though you feel like you're flapping all over the country. Home is where your feet are (or fingers, if you talk about BT)

2008-05-13 3:33 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Tuesday's embarrassing humor moment for ya:

I came home with a sleeping kid, put him in bed and tied the dog up in the front yard.  Brought in my groceries including an opened bag of nuts from Trader Joes.  Grabbed a few nuts and was snacking while putting away groceries.  Picked up a handful of doggie treats to entice the dog into the house.  Betcha can't guess what I mindlessly tossed into my mouth?  Yep.  At least they were organic and non-meat!  Pretty mild, actually, but I don't think I will eat those by choice. 

2008-05-13 4:15 PM
in reply to: #1400261

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-05-13 4:33 PM

Tuesday's embarrassing humor moment for ya:

I came home with a sleeping kid, put him in bed and tied the dog up in the front yard.  Brought in my groceries including an opened bag of nuts from Trader Joes.  Grabbed a few nuts and was snacking while putting away groceries.  Picked up a handful of doggie treats to entice the dog into the house.  Betcha can't guess what I mindlessly tossed into my mouth?  Yep.  At least they were organic and non-meat!  Pretty mild, actually, but I don't think I will eat those by choice. 

I thought you were going to put the dog to bed and tie up the kid in the front yard....

I got in an hour run today but could not make it to the pool and that bothers me...yes Beth I am not really bothered me that I was too tired to get wet today.  I tried out my new Garmin 305 and was so taken by it that I think I pushed hard on the run and I just didn't have the energy to go swim then go to D-Gd's softball game then come home and fix supper for 6 people.  I will make it up tomorrow but I will do it before my track workout which is a killer.

Headed to a SB game...Steve

2008-05-13 4:43 PM
in reply to: #1400394

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Reno8 - 2008-05-13 2:15 PM

I got in an hour run today but could not make it to the pool and that bothers me...yes Beth I am not really bothered me that I was too tired to get wet today. I tried out my new Garmin 305 and was so taken by it that I think I pushed hard on the run and I just didn't have the energy to go swim then go to D-Gd's softball game then come home and fix supper for 6 people. I will make it up tomorrow but I will do it before my track workout which is a killer.

Headed to a SB game...Steve

Heh...I bet we'll be hearing a lot of similar stories this week while everyone plays with their new Garmins. I used mine last night for the first time and definitely pushed harder than usual on my run (which was fine for me, because I was doing a tempo run). I hear you on the pool, Steve -- I haven't gotten a decent pool workout in a while (although I did manage to get a short OWS on Saturday). If I don't make it tonight I'll definitely be in the water tomorrow.

2008-05-13 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

You've got that right. I've used my 305 once for running and once for biking. I plan on using it tonight for a brick, so I actually brought it to work so I could get it set up properly. I figured it was a good time.....

Positive Thought of the Day: I missed my workout last night and I didn't beat myself up over it. I'm pretty good and bad mouthing myself (I'm pretty sure that's why Yanti is making me do this), so to not do it was good. Instead the family went out to dinner and had a fun time. Instead of staying up late to squeeze it in, I went to bed at a decent hour. HIGHLY unlike me.

Train well!

Edited by elheffe99 2008-05-13 4:50 PM
2008-05-13 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1400472

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
elheffe99 - 2008-05-13 6:49 PM

You've got that right. I've used my 305 once for running and once for biking. I plan on using it tonight for a brick, so I actually brought it to work so I could get it set up properly. I figured it was a good time.....

Positive Thought of the Day: I missed my workout last night and I didn't beat myself up over it. I'm pretty good and bad mouthing myself (I'm pretty sure that's why Yanti is making me do this), so to not do it was good. Instead the family went out to dinner and had a fun time. Instead of staying up late to squeeze it in, I went to bed at a decent hour. HIGHLY unlike me.

Train well!


I'm keeling over in shock.

Big hugs for the Heffe!!!

2008-05-13 5:08 PM
in reply to: #1400488

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
TriAya - 2008-05-13 2:56 PM
elheffe99 - 2008-05-13 6:49 PM

You've got that right. I've used my 305 once for running and once for biking. I plan on using it tonight for a brick, so I actually brought it to work so I could get it set up properly. I figured it was a good time.....

Positive Thought of the Day: I missed my workout last night and I didn't beat myself up over it. I'm pretty good and bad mouthing myself (I'm pretty sure that's why Yanti is making me do this), so to not do it was good. Instead the family went out to dinner and had a fun time. Instead of staying up late to squeeze it in, I went to bed at a decent hour. HIGHLY unlike me.

Train well!


I'm keeling over in shock.

Big hugs for the Heffe!!!

I'll have to pay the guy who writes this stuff for me.....

2008-05-13 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1400472

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
elheffe99 - 2008-05-13 2:49 PM

Positive Thought of the Day: I missed my workout last night and I didn't beat myself up over it. I'm pretty good and bad mouthing myself (I'm pretty sure that's why Yanti is making me do this), so to not do it was good. Instead the family went out to dinner and had a fun time. Instead of staying up late to squeeze it in, I went to bed at a decent hour. HIGHLY unlike me.

Yay! I love that one! I think that's something all of us struggle with here -- just giving ourselves a break.

OK, I have another running question. I was glancing at training plans at today, just for fun (amazing the things I do "just for fun" these days). I plugged in my recent 10k time (avg pace of 8:30ish/mile) and my goal of completing a half mary, and then looked at the plan to see how it matches up with the plan I'm currently on. I was very surprised to see that the plan had nearly all of my runs at over a 10:00/mile pace. I totally get not running *fast* on every training run, but that seems almost uncomfortably slow to me. I've been training based on RPE for about a year now, and that usually has me doing long and/or easy runs at about 9:00-9:20/mile -- I feel pretty comfy at that pace, don't breathe too hard, etc. I do notice that I can very easily carry on a conversation when I'm running with my friend at about a 9:45-10:00 pace, and I don't know if the same is true when I'm running faster. Still, I can't imagine doing all of my runs (except for weekly tempo runs) at a 10:00-plus pace.

Am I running too fast?
2008-05-13 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
WTG Jeff!! I sometimes think not betting ourselves up is the hardest lesson to learn. It's one I'm still working on mastering myself.

Erin - I don't have an answer for you, but just wanted to say WTG on your pace! At this point, I can only dream of ever running paces like that again. I haven't done that since probably my freshman year in college umpteen years ago.

Leslie - I just had to LOL when I read your funny moment of the day story. I did that once with cat treats back in the day when I had kitties. Of course, I also was notorious back in high school for picking up my dad's spray on deodorant and using it as high spray.

2008-05-13 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Hi everyone!  It was a crazy day for me - good but crazy - no workout, but it's ok

Leslie - totally cracking up about the 'snack'   WTG on your longest ride!

Steve - I'm glad to hear you feel bad about missing your swim (does that make me evil? )  But, it sounds like you did a good job of listening to your body and taking care of life - yes, even I know that those things can be more important than swimming.  However, I do expect a full and VERY positive swim report tomorrow!  

Sunshine - no worries, we're glad to know you're checking in and getting value from the group - we've all been there!   And the beach sounds like a really nice place to run (for a change of pace maybe )

Erin - I love the things you do for fun!  hehe! Good luck getting the swim in tomorrow

Jeff - great comments today, Sounds like you had a great time with the fam!  can I hire your writer?  

Hello Yanti and Melissa and everyone else!



2008-05-13 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1400530

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Fielding - 2008-05-13 6:16 PM
elheffe99 - 2008-05-13 2:49 PM
Yay! I love that one! I think that's something all of us struggle with here -- just giving ourselves a break. OK, I have another running question. I was glancing at training plans at today, just for fun (amazing the things I do "just for fun" these days). I plugged in my recent 10k time (avg pace of 8:30ish/mile) and my goal of completing a half mary, and then looked at the plan to see how it matches up with the plan I'm currently on. I was very surprised to see that the plan had nearly all of my runs at over a 10:00/mile pace. I totally get not running *fast* on every training run, but that seems almost uncomfortably slow to me. I've been training based on RPE for about a year now, and that usually has me doing long and/or easy runs at about 9:00-9:20/mile -- I feel pretty comfy at that pace, don't breathe too hard, etc. I do notice that I can very easily carry on a conversation when I'm running with my friend at about a 9:45-10:00 pace, and I don't know if the same is true when I'm running faster. Still, I can't imagine doing all of my runs (except for weekly tempo runs) at a 10:00-plus pace. Am I running too fast?

I don't think so.  I thinl...given your 10k at 8:34 pace and your comfort level at the 9:45-10 min pace you are now doing then I would stick with that.  Just remember that other than the tempo runs (at < race pace) and the long runs (those in the 9:45-10 range) then running at race pace + about 30-45 sec per mile should work for 10k but for the 1/2 Mary then I would train at about 1 min. per mile over 10K pace.  So this would put your regular runs in the 9:30 range and the Long runs in the 9:50-10 range.

Just curious as to what type of tempo work are you doing and at what pace?


Edited by Reno8 2008-05-13 10:11 PM
2008-05-13 11:21 PM
in reply to: #1401094

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Reno8 - 2008-05-13 8:10 PM
I think...given your 10k at 8:34 pace and your comfort level at the 9:45-10 min pace you are now doing then I would stick with that. Just remember that other than the tempo runs (at < race pace) and the long runs (those in the 9:45-10 range) then running at race pace + about 30-45 sec per mile should work for 10k but for the 1/2 Mary then I would train at about 1 min. per mile over 10K pace. So this would put your regular runs in the 9:30 range and the Long runs in the 9:50-10 range.

Just curious as to what type of tempo work are you doing and at what pace?


I think I am running too fast then, since almost all of my runs are at 9:00-9:15, even long runs. I never run slower than a 9:30 pace when I'm running alone, so I guess it's helpful to run with my slower friend! I have to admit, it feels really wrong to run at a 9:30 or slower pace when I feel like I can easily go faster. Last week I ran 8 miles at a 9:05 pace, which was a little bit challenging, but I still felt pretty fresh at the end of the run and like I could've gone quite a bit longer.

I have only done exactly one tempo run, so I don't have much to go by there, heh. That was yesterday, and I basically did a 25-minute warmup, running with my friend at a 10:00m/mile pace, then bumped it up to about an 8:30m/mile pace for another 20 minutes. If it helps, my goal for the half mary (other than just finishing -- it's my first!) is to finish under two hours.


(And thanks for the great feedback!)
2008-05-14 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Man I had to look pretty close to the bottom of the heap for our group......quiet day today. Perhaps everyone is out training for hump day? Wait, does that sound right? Never mind.

Positive Thought of The Day: Mycoach actually gave me a pointer today. He's not known for being a "talker", but he approached me and told me I was doing something wrong. I concentrated the rest of the day, when I wasn't gasping for air, on it and my shoulder felt better (it had been hurting before he told me). I'm hoping that it will improve my stroke and help my shoulder pain.

Is that a positive thought or am I just rambling incessantly? Probably the latter. I'm good like that.

2008-05-14 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1401175

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Fielding - 2008-05-13 10:21 PM  I think I am running too fast then, since almost all of my runs are at 9:00-9:15, even long runs. I never run slower than a 9:30 pace when I'm running alone, so I guess it's helpful to run with my slower friend! I have to admit, it feels really wrong to run at a 9:30 or slower pace when I feel like I can easily go faster. Last week I ran 8 miles at a 9:05 pace, which was a little bit challenging, but I still felt pretty fresh at the end of the run and like I could've gone quite a bit longer. I have only done exactly one tempo run, so I don't have much to go by there, heh. That was yesterday, and I basically did a 25-minute warmup, running with my friend at a 10:00m/mile pace, then bumped it up to about an 8:30m/mile pace for another 20 minutes. If it helps, my goal for the half mary (other than just finishing -- it's my first!) is to finish under two hours. Thoughts? (And thanks for the great feedback!)

Thanks for the reply, Steve ... I concur.

Erin, check out the McMillan calculator--this is a very, very widely used system of training-by-pace rather than RPE or HR.

That, too, I believe, will advise running slower than you currently are during certain sessions.

You're a relatively fast runner with a good bit of base miles under your legs, and to improve your running fitness, you'd probably benefit from periodized training (both microperiodization, which is basically that you do different workouts during the week for different purposes, and macroperiodization, where during a year you have one or more cycles of base period, a more specific training period, and taper/peaking/racing).

All that heebie-jeebie aside--there are two other thoughts/options (none of which exclude the others). One is that if you really want to improve your long-distance running (thinking beyond the half-mary here), you should follow a good, intermediate-level marathon training plan and use swimming and biking as cross-training which will allow you to have fun racing tri once in a while.

Two is that you should run as much as possible while avoiding injury. Niggling pains and strains, fatigue, etc. will quickly indicate that you are running too much. Also, in order to run MORE, you will by necessity HAVE TO run slower. In other words, you may comfortably run 5-10 miles at your current pace 4x week, but say, if you ran 5-6x/week, and/or added mileage, you'd have to start slowing down, or the pains and tiredness would set in. And if you extended your long run, you'd have to run with the caveat that your last mile ought to be as fresh (and possibly faster) than your first, and that you're not blown out the rest of the day, not to mention the week. That will absolutely necessitate going slower. 

2008-05-14 1:25 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!


P.S. Your half-mary is close enough that you're going into taper after Bay to Breakers (which is a "fun" race anyway). So don't worry about all this stuff until after, really.

Here's an excerpt on base-building from our erstwhile thread. This makes the case for going more slowly--when training at a higher intensity, these physiological adaptations occur in lower measure, and not in a lasting measure.

Capillary density, slow-twitch fibers, and fat metabolism are the really important kickers. Having these three interdependent systems well-developed becomes critical during a long-distance race.

Let me repeat the most important part: the way you can safely do the most time training is at a lower intensity (aerobic level).

Physical Changes and Benefits

The major effect is that your body learns to use oxygen most efficiently to power your muscles, and the tried-and-true method to doing this is spending a lot of time in aerobic base building. (Cardiovascular fitness is related: basically, your heart—a muscle—has to do a lot less work to deliver oxygen, and aerobic fitness is that your cells, most importantly your muscle cells, can use that oxygen most efficiently). You’ll notice that some of these benefits are similar to those of active-recovery workouts (which are done at the low end of the aerobic zone).

The bottom line is that building a strong aerobic base is the #1 way to increase your athletic performance. If you want to go faster, first, go slower. In base, you gradually becomes faster while you are still putting forth the same amount of effort. Then if you eventually really put a lot of effort in (say, in a race), you will go much faster.

  1. Improves fat metabolism. In aerobic training, your body preferentially uses fat as a fuel source, and the more you do, the more you are training your body to prefer fat for fuel. (Important for weight loss—the lower the intensity, the longer you can go, the more fat you will burn. Simplification, but fairly true). The number of enzymes that help convert fat into energy increase.
  2. Develops slow twitch muscle fibers. These get bigger. They are the muscle fibers that will contract repeatedly without fatiguing (=> endurance).
  3. Increases capillary density. Capillaries are small blood vessels that deliver oxygen to your muscles. The more you have, the longer you can continue to perform (=> endurance). 
  4. Reduces risk of injury. You’re putting a manageable amount of stress on your joints, muscles, and connective tissue so they build up. Obviously, this is good in any case. Also, if/when you eventually introduce higher-intensity training, you will be putting a lot of stress on your body, and you’ll need to have your frame built strong.
  5. Strengthens immune system. As above—good in any case, and higher-intensity straining also stresses the immune system, so it’s good to have it already strong.
  6. More energy.
2008-05-14 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1402306

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Yanti! Thank you! That was exactly the information I was looking for (and I *knew* some of that was in the old thread...). Not only does it help explain why I should slow down, but *how* I should do it.

TriAya - 2008-05-14 11:11 AM
One is that if you really want to improve your long-distance running (thinking beyond the half-mary here), you should follow a good, intermediate-level marathon training plan and use swimming and biking as cross-training which will allow you to have fun racing tri once in a while.

Two is that you should run as much as possible while avoiding injury. Niggling pains and strains, fatigue, etc. will quickly indicate that you are running too much. Also, in order to run MORE, you will by necessity HAVE TO run slower. In other words, you may comfortably run 5-10 miles at your current pace 4x week, but say, if you ran 5-6x/week, and/or added mileage, you'd have to start slowing down, or the pains and tiredness would set in. And if you extended your long run, you'd have to run with the caveat that your last mile ought to be as fresh (and possibly faster) than your first, and that you're not blown out the rest of the day, not to mention the week. That will absolutely necessitate going slower.

Those are all great points, and you've given me a lot of good stuff to think about as I plan the rest of my racing year (you pretty much read my mind on using biking/swimming for cross training and doing short tris for fun). You're right, I am comfortably running the pace/distances I'm at now, but I'm going to need to train smarter if/when I decide to tackle a marathon and really up the training. And it's better to get smart now, before an injury, than later.

I also totally agree that I don't need to worry much about any of this until after the half mary.

Seriously, I love you. Now I'm going to go back and re-read all of your great advice/information.

*big kisses*
2008-05-14 2:37 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Like Sunshine,  my BT/internet time has really been limited lately and will continue to be so for another month... but I'm keeping up with the thread and being consistent about logging.  I'm sleeping some and my meds were just upped for awhile so I'm working hard on those challenge goals .

So let's see...

Congrats for longest rides and runs.  Kudos to those of you forgiving yourselves some training to prioritize your families.  Thanks for all the running advice from Steve and Yanti and others who've chimed in.  Leslie, too funny about the dog treats, and there's definitely a joke somewhere in all of that about Trader Joe's nuts but I won't go there

2008-05-14 2:55 PM
in reply to: #1361748

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Hey, I'm hanging out too but not much to add to the thread lately.  Busy with lots of travel and work.  Though I have managed to get some workouts in while on the road but not as much as I would like.  Still trying!!!

Take care everyone!

Mila:nice synopsis!!

2008-05-14 4:58 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Killeen, TX
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
I have been around the last few days. Caught on reading our thread…lots of good stuff here. Enjoyed the running tips and resources. Enjoyed the laughs (I am one who would find themselves eating doggies treats too!). Enjoyed the photos…so I think I should owe you guys one since I have not been very active. Would like to join the challenge but my challenge this month is to survive it. I have my first HIM this weekend and I am very nervous. Then my husband and I prepare for a cross country move. So really my challenges are to (1) finish the Florida 70.3 (2) post daily on BT (3) not lash out to hubby when I get stresses (#3 will be the hardest! Innocent)

Everyone enjoy their training! You all are doing great! And keep smiling! You all have me smiling every time I read the thread.

2008-05-14 5:00 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Killeen, TX
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Oh, and how exciting so many of you got Garmin’s recently! I love mine! I feel lost if I run with out it. I have the adapter for my bike but it is such a small bike I have very little real estate for it. It is kinda hidden but I still have it there. Enjoy training with it! If you have any questions about it ask…I might have an answer.
2008-05-14 5:19 PM
in reply to: #1403010

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

The Starfish - 2008-05-14 5:58 PM I have been around the last few days. Caught on reading our thread…lots of good stuff here. Enjoyed the running tips and resources. Enjoyed the laughs (I am one who would find themselves eating doggies treats too!). Enjoyed the photos…so I think I should owe you guys one since I have not been very active. Would like to join the challenge but my challenge this month is to survive it. I have my first HIM this weekend and I am very nervous. Then my husband and I prepare for a cross country move. So really my challenges are to (1) finish the Florida 70.3 (2) post daily on BT (3) not lash out to hubby when I get stresses (#3 will be the hardest! Innocent)

Everyone enjoy their training! You all are doing great! And keep smiling! You all have me smiling every time I read the thread.

Good luck on the are going to do great...and don't worry so much about #3..after all we husbands deserve it most of the time and besides...after this weekend CHARLOTTE.....YOU ARE AN IRONMAN 

2008-05-14 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1403016

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

The Starfish - 2008-05-14 5:00 PM Oh, and how exciting so many of you got Garmin’s recently! I love mine! I feel lost if I run with out it. I have the adapter for my bike but it is such a small bike I have very little real estate for it. It is kinda hidden but I still have it there. Enjoy training with it! If you have any questions about it ask…I might have an answer.

I think I'm developing 'garmin envy' Wink

2008-05-14 9:47 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Killeen, TX
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
I promised to post a picture and here it is! Or at least I hope it is...never tried this before. If I can't get it to stick here you may just have to go to my album to see...It worked!

I think the previous conversation was about dorky race photos...Now, I am not photogenic to begin with. I usually have one eye is shut or I am smiling way too big or I have a look of complete confusion. Take that and add racing into the mix…equals not pretty. Funny maybe but not pretty. In my bike photos my helmet always seems to be askew…I look like a dork. And the run photos…ugh. But this photo cracked me up! This is me getting out of the water on a 500 meter swim! 500 meters! I shouldn’t look like I am exhausted! To put some things in perspective…the water was 72 degrees, the air was 42 degrees. I was freezing! The swim was in a spring…beautiful! Except for about 10 yards of very thick hydrilla we had to swim doggie paddle through. I am surprised I didn’t come out of the water dripping with vegetation! You can read my race report for more fun and games in the life of Charlotte. Regardless, if you laughed, good. I mean this picture is funny! And I will have made someone smile today!
My point is we are not supposed to be concern wiht how we look.

Point is we shouldn’t be concerned with how we look during a race. We are out there working our body, focusing on keeping our bikes upright, recovering from a slightly dizzy feeling when getting out of the water. And what is really beginning to irate me is how a certain big triathlon magazine continues to put models on the cover of their magazine, maybe they are athletes but they are styled athletes…I mean how many of us get out of the water, strip our wetsuits to the waist and run…with our hair perfectly dry and styled AND make up on? Really? Okay. Done now. Smile





Edited by The Starfish 2008-05-14 9:56 PM

(tired swim.JPG)

tired swim.JPG (20KB - 18 downloads)
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