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2009-08-14 4:35 PM
in reply to: #1833357

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

HOLY SCHMOLY!  BAM, the posts have hit!

Lotsa excited peeps, that's fo' sho'.

I just requested my Thurs. and Fri. morning off from work and Mon. the day after, and it was approved.

I have a long swim tonight, long bike tomorrow, and long run on Sun.  Then, TAPER!!!

Looking forward to seeing some of the familiar faces again!


2009-08-14 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1833357

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
We have a whole month to get over our minor injuries before IM.  I am saying, don't push it.  I tore my tensor facia lada three weeks ago and thought I was out of the race...but I am working my way back.  I've had a whole slew of silly minor injuries too.  I think being tired all the time from the big hours makes us klutzy.  It's our bodies' way of saying, "Hey cut it out already eh?"  (Ok, maybe only the Canadian bodies throw the "eh" on the end)

I'd be up to meeting some new people at the Gatorade swim or something.  I'll be arriving Thursday in the wee hours of the morning...anybody want to wait up? 
2009-08-15 2:30 AM
in reply to: #1833357

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Big long ride today, if we can get though the wildfire zone.  Big run Sunday......then the taper begins!  Can't wait to meet so many of you. - Can't wait to see the course.....REALLY can't wait to finish it!  Hopefully all my aches and pains and sliced off fingers will be healed......the weather will cooperate (no wind, low 60's sun with intermittent cloud cover.  Any takers?) and it will be an amazing day.  Will do the gatorade swim Saturday - obviously, I need the bottle!

Starting to dream about it!

Linda  Cool

Edited by velcromom 2009-08-15 2:32 AM
2009-08-15 4:12 PM
in reply to: #1833357

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Living in the past
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Has anyone checked the weather forecast?
2009-08-15 11:19 PM
in reply to: #1833357

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Memory issues here.  I saw a video a bit ago that was 'driving' the bike course -at kind of a high speed, if I remember correctly.  No swim, no run, just bike.  Does anyone remember seeing this video?  And WHERE?

Much thanks!
2009-08-16 5:08 AM
in reply to: #2351146

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
velcromom - 2009-08-16 12:19 AM Memory issues here.  I saw a video a bit ago that was 'driving' the bike course -at kind of a high speed, if I remember correctly.  No swim, no run, just bike.  Does anyone remember seeing this video?  And WHERE?

Much thanks!

It's a podcast, I remember watching it. I think it was Simply Stu but I could be mixing that up with something else.

2009-08-16 5:12 AM
in reply to: #1833357

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I've seen a lot of mention of taper already. Are most folks starting now and doing longer tapers? I still have another peak week (115/10 brick, 20 long run) and then a moderate week (100 mile ride, 16 long run) before I start. Just curious what others are doing.
2009-08-16 6:23 AM
in reply to: #2351229

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

LazyMarathoner - 2009-08-16 5:12 AM I've seen a lot of mention of taper already. Are most folks starting now and doing longer tapers? I still have another peak week (115/10 brick, 20 long run) and then a moderate week (100 mile ride, 16 long run) before I start. Just curious what others are doing.

As the Dumpster hath sayeth, the hay is already in the barn.  That sounds like too much to do going in with just 3 weeks left.

2009-08-16 6:33 AM
in reply to: #2351146

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

velcromom - 2009-08-15 11:19 PM Memory issues here.  I saw a video a bit ago that was 'driving' the bike course -at kind of a high speed, if I remember correctly.  No swim, no run, just bike.  Does anyone remember seeing this video?  And WHERE?

Much thanks!

LazyMarathoner pointed it out - it was Simply Stu.

I found this but was having trouble getting the download -

Very hot day yesterday and the frickin' headwinds heading outside Verona, heading out to Mount Horeb, heading out of Cross Plains, and then heading to Whalen Road on Old Hwy PB in Verona were strong, making it more of a challenge.

2009-08-16 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2351255

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
1stTimeTri - 2009-08-16 6:33 AM

Very hot day yesterday

I'm glad someone else said it because I ran 2+ hours and dialed my run back 10 minutes or so because I was feeling super hot and crappy. Got inside and looked at the outside temp... 78. At first thought I just had a bad day, but I think the sun and humidity were sneaky hot.
2009-08-16 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1833357

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I found it - thanks.  It was on my Ipod, and I had completely forgotten that!  Jeez.

Yesterday I did a 102 miles with about 8500 feet of climbing, and then a 4 mile run.  Today was supposed to be a 3 hour run, but I've decided that the joint pain is going to to trump the schedule.  Swim today, run tomorrow, and then let the taper begin!  Watched the Scooby/birkie/1sttimetri IMMoo video again last night with Hubby - it's starting to feel real!!

2009-08-16 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2351229

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over a barrier
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
LazyMarathoner - 2009-08-16 5:12 AM

I've seen a lot of mention of taper already. Are most folks starting now and doing longer tapers? I still have another peak week (115/10 brick, 20 long run) and then a moderate week (100 mile ride, 16 long run) before I start. Just curious what others are doing.

I start the run taper, three weeks out. The rest two weeks out...
2009-08-16 12:33 PM
in reply to: #1833357

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

I still have my long run today and then another hard week next week with a 6 hour ride and a three hour run on Sat and Sun.  Then the taper starts for me with three weeks to go.

2009-08-16 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1833357

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work, road, bike, pool
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
i am thinking about coming up this year to watch some of my friends that are doing this race. I have also thought about it for next next year. I am doing redman the week after and was wondering if there would be places for me to train on saturday and sunday. (long ride and Long run /swim).

any ideas
2009-08-16 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1833357

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Chicago and therabouts
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Whizz, hang in there. I injured my foot 4 wks out last year and didt run again until the day before the race. Had my foot in hard boot which took away the pain, but made everything else ache because i was walking unbalanced and uneven for 3 wks. It hurt on race day but was manageable but the mental demons i wrestled with leading up to the race was horrible!

Speaking of memory...ive seen online in the past some sort of prediction guide specfiically for the IM WI race course. You put in your predicted pace/time and it spits out where youll be around what time? I cant find it. Schmize...i think you made a couple of those for your family last year. Anyone know where i can find it.

Forced two weeks of low volume due to work schedule.  Although im sure ill have one more 2hr + run in the next two weeks, no long bike rides for at least two weeks. And today's 6 hr was cut short to 5 due to multiple issues. But it is what it is. Its better than being essentially in a cast for a forced 3 wks of rest before race day.  Trying to make sure the body and mind are ready for the big day.

Ill be looking for u all at the gatorade swim.



2009-08-16 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2351251

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
1stTimeTri - 2009-08-16 7:23 AM

LazyMarathoner - 2009-08-16 5:12 AM I've seen a lot of mention of taper already. Are most folks starting now and doing longer tapers? I still have another peak week (115/10 brick, 20 long run) and then a moderate week (100 mile ride, 16 long run) before I start. Just curious what others are doing.

As the Dumpster hath sayeth, the hay is already in the barn.  That sounds like too much to do going in with just 3 weeks left.

I have a coach, I'm not just winging it. It's based on my rate of recovery from all the training I've done. I don't taper well. I'll be starting my run taper early though and keeping the biking and swimming up until 2 weeks out. The reason I'm doing 100 is because I'm riding a century with friends. It won't be a hard effort.

I wasn't really looking for critique on my plan, just curious what others are up to in these final weeks. I watched BTers logs before IMLP for the same reason. Everyone is different.

2009-08-16 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1833357

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

I totally get what you are saying.  I don't do well with tapers too.  I am mentally so stressed out, I need that release or I go crazy.

I've got one more long run this upcoming weekend and then I am tapering the run.  One more longer bike early next week and heading downhill with that.  It is getting so close.

2009-08-16 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2352110

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

LazyMarathoner - 2009-08-16 8:36 PM
1stTimeTri - 2009-08-16 7:23 AM

LazyMarathoner - 2009-08-16 5:12 AM I've seen a lot of mention of taper already. Are most folks starting now and doing longer tapers? I still have another peak week (115/10 brick, 20 long run) and then a moderate week (100 mile ride, 16 long run) before I start. Just curious what others are doing.

As the Dumpster hath sayeth, the hay is already in the barn.  That sounds like too much to do going in with just 3 weeks left.

I have a coach, I'm not just winging it. It's based on my rate of recovery from all the training I've done. I don't taper well. I'll be starting my run taper early though and keeping the biking and swimming up until 2 weeks out. The reason I'm doing 100 is because I'm riding a century with friends. It won't be a hard effort.

I wasn't really looking for critique on my plan, just curious what others are up to in these final weeks. I watched BTers logs before IMLP for the same reason. Everyone is different.

Kristin, you've got the right know what works for you and you weren't asking for critique of your plan.  I did a HIM today and will only have a 2 week taper...which will include some intensity.  Good luck, Kristin!

2009-08-17 8:01 AM
in reply to: #1833357

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I've still got a long week on my plan too.  I taper starts next week with a moderate week and goes down from there.  I thought this was still a lot, but I am going to trust my plan and my coach.
So, I guess I still have a bale or two to get into the barn this week.
2009-08-17 8:28 AM
in reply to: #1833357

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Just finished up my "big" week... Next week I guess you could say is the start of the taper, but still some moderately long rides and runs.  The week after this one crashes to 8 hours though.  I trust my coach!!!!  All is well and nothing more than some normal soreness after 10+hours of training this weekend.  

BTW... does anybody have any news on the athlete that had some problems in Lake Monona this weekend?  Last I heard, she was on her way to the hospital and they had a pulse and she was breathing!  I hope all is ok for her!!!
2009-08-17 8:51 AM
in reply to: #2352155

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Birkierunner - 2009-08-16 9:07 PM

LazyMarathoner - 2009-08-16 8:36 PM
1stTimeTri - 2009-08-16 7:23 AM

LazyMarathoner - 2009-08-16 5:12 AM I've seen a lot of mention of taper already. Are most folks starting now and doing longer tapers? I still have another peak week (115/10 brick, 20 long run) and then a moderate week (100 mile ride, 16 long run) before I start. Just curious what others are doing.

As the Dumpster hath sayeth, the hay is already in the barn.  That sounds like too much to do going in with just 3 weeks left.

I have a coach, I'm not just winging it. It's based on my rate of recovery from all the training I've done. I don't taper well. I'll be starting my run taper early though and keeping the biking and swimming up until 2 weeks out. The reason I'm doing 100 is because I'm riding a century with friends. It won't be a hard effort.

I wasn't really looking for critique on my plan, just curious what others are up to in these final weeks. I watched BTers logs before IMLP for the same reason. Everyone is different.

Kristin, you've got the right know what works for you and you weren't asking for critique of your plan.  I did a HIM today and will only have a 2 week taper...which will include some intensity.  Good luck, Kristin!

I wrote it "sounds" like too much, not it "is" too much - big difference.  Besides, K is a big girl who gives it back to me whenever she gets the chance, to which I don't have a problem with.  The New YAWK HAWTIE and I are buds.

2009-08-17 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1833357

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I posted it in the Wisconsin forum, but wanted to put it in this thread too. The Madison Open Water Swim, which uses the same course as IM is this Saturday. Good prep me thinks. Still time to sign up.

2009-08-17 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1833357

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Anyone used Tribike Transport in the past, and if so, did you send a gear bag? At first I thought the $40 additional charge was kind of ridiculous, but then I remembered airlines tack on an extra $25 for each additional bag and it started to seem more reasonable. Would love to know if others have sent the bag and if you recommend it. Might be nice to just have everything arrive all at once and not have to carry it.
2009-08-17 9:37 AM
in reply to: #1833357

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Romeoville , Illinois
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
We all know are body's. trust yourself
2009-08-17 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2352804

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Middletown, CT
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
LazyMarathoner - 2009-08-17 10:29 AM

Anyone used Tribike Transport in the past, and if so, did you send a gear bag? At first I thought the $40 additional charge was kind of ridiculous, but then I remembered airlines tack on an extra $25 for each additional bag and it started to seem more reasonable. Would love to know if others have sent the bag and if you recommend it. Might be nice to just have everything arrive all at once and not have to carry it.

I did the gear bag in the past and am doing it again this year. I put my pump, helmet, shoes and some other bulky or important stuff that I didn't trust the airlines not to lose in the bag.
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General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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