General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-07-30 7:55 AM
in reply to: #4336295

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
prosh8905 - 2012-07-29 4:43 PM

Def getting the taper blues here... the anticipation for the athlete guide came and went.... then the bib #'s...we have no water temp to worry about....What do we have left?

The weather is still too far out to really look at.....nobody really knows what the tides/currents are going to do for the swim... and nobody has every ridden the PIP bike course...
Oh and the first half of the run is gonna suck 

Is it race week yet?

You must be reading my mind. I'm freaked about the weather, the logistics...what about this bike course and I already know the first half of the run sucks because I did Escape from Palisades back in May. The good news is that despite being very hard I had a good time for me....the downhills really do seem to help your overall speed and having the mix of up and down seemed to work different muscle groups which felt like a benefit. I'm hoping that will translate to a decent overall race on Ironman day. But the bottom line is that its all in the bag now. We should probably all be tapering and what you have is what you have. The other stuff we have no control of so we have to just kiss it up to God and hope for the best.

2012-07-30 8:14 AM
in reply to: #4328288

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Mirdban - 2012-07-24 2:31 PM

So its happening to me already!  That feeling of "OMG, how did the race get here so soon?!? I'm so under-trained!"  I should know better since the same feelings happened last year before IMSG, in which I did fine, but still its hard to silence that little voice in the back of the head and just trust in the training.  This is my first taper week, followed by a slight build next week, and taper again for race week, and I find myself having to fight the urge to squeeze in an extra workout. 

Anybody else having these feelings yet?

Yes I have that nagging voice I did before IMFL in 2010.I did OK in that race despite the 44 degree start and constant headwind which I hadn't prepared for. Looking over my training and comparing it to what I did then I'm amazed at how much more training I did this time. However the nagging voice is there saying "you're not ready, you might not make the cut off times". Then I have to remind myself that I've been here before and I've never not made the cut off in any of my long distance events. Its hard not to run away with your emotions though!!!
2012-07-30 8:56 AM
in reply to: #3550668

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
As they say, better to be 10% undertrained than 1% overtrained.

As for the weather, I was just thinking this morning how I bet we'll see rain at some point in the ever-changing forecast. Even as we get within the 5-day forecast, we'll see some rain moving's on race's moved to it's Sunday...wait, T-storms in the wait..the afternoon...nope, now it's gone.
2012-07-30 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3550668

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Williamstown NJ
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

# 1944

Will be a long day for me, but I will do my best.

2012-07-30 10:43 AM
in reply to: #3550668

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

It has been confirmed that all amplified sound will be stopped at 10:00PM so if you want to hear Mike Reilly call out "***** You are and Ironman" you will need to finish before 10:00. I am sure there will be a lot of cheering but it is really nice to actually hear it announced.  Hopefully I will make it in time. 


I think that really stinks!

2012-07-30 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4337163

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Williamstown NJ
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
TheNoid - 2012-07-30 11:43 AM

It has been confirmed that all amplified sound will be stopped at 10:00PM so if you want to hear Mike Reilly call out "***** You are and Ironman" you will need to finish before 10:00. I am sure there will be a lot of cheering but it is really nice to actually hear it announced.  Hopefully I will make it in time. 


I think that really stinks!

I am 99.9% sure I will not be finished by 10pm.  Oh well.

2012-07-30 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3550668

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
89*, feels like101, very humid with rain. Last night's forecast was better
2012-07-30 12:26 PM
in reply to: #4336658

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Parker, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
jsnowash - 2012-07-30 3:33 AM

Starting to think about race logistics now.... Does anyone know anything about ferries to the transition are for Friday gear check-in? I would assume they must have special ferries lined up for this? Anybody know anything about any kind of departure schedule for these ferries?

All the information says they operate from 10am to 4pm on Friday, with the last ones leaving Ross Dock at 3pm. So you can get a ferry from either of the NJ stops, or the 39th St. terminal in NYC, starting at 10am, probably don't want to depart for transition later than 12:30 or so, given the 3pm return time. They haven't specifically said how often ferries will run on Friday and Saturday, but they have said there are two ferries per route and the travel time is 20 minutes, so every 20-30 minutes seems like a reasonable estimate.

As for the weather forecast, it seems like for the moment the long-range model has hooked onto those tropical storms forming in the Carribean and decided that one of them will be in NYC next weekend. Not sure where else 4 days of rain and high humidity could be coming from given the weather patterns in the country this summer.
2012-07-30 2:22 PM
in reply to: #4337180

Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
How do you know there is no sound after 10:00 p.m.?

Man if that is true that really stinks and is contrary to one of the biggest and best aspects of any Ironman. Imagine if Matt Long had crossed IMLP in 2009 with no sound system, music or Mike Reilly? Seems like the RD all but sold his soul to get this race approved.....Oh well. Feel sorry for those people (I may be one) finishing in the 10:00 pm-12:00 am window. If we get a hot day there may be a significant number who suffer for 15+ hours only to hear........very little at the finish.

I sincerely hope your information is not correct.

Edited by greyguy 2012-07-30 2:28 PM
2012-07-30 2:33 PM
in reply to: #4337730

Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Imagine also being the athlete who crosses at 9:59:xx "Sally Smith you are a ............(silence as plug is pulled) Give me a break...that cannot happen!
2012-07-30 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

Are you guys planning to wear a wetsuit on race day? At the Governor's Island swim on Saturday, only a few people wore one, but the water was fine enough without one.

Since the Ironman is currently slated to be wetsuit legal, would it make sense to take advantage of the option, since the bike & run courses are largely against us?

2012-07-30 2:38 PM
in reply to: #4337772

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Williamstown NJ
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
wholeydiver - 2012-07-30 3:34 PM

Are you guys planning to wear a wetsuit on race day? At the Governor's Island swim on Saturday, only a few people wore one, but the water was fine enough without one.

Since the Ironman is currently slated to be wetsuit legal, would it make sense to take advantage of the option, since the bike & run courses are largely against us?


I will be wearing my sleeveless on race day.

2012-07-30 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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Virginia Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
#1249 - I'll be wearing a sleeveless as well, might as well take advantage!
2012-07-30 2:43 PM
in reply to: #4337730

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Parker, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
greyguy - 2012-07-30 1:22 PM

How do you know there is no sound after 10:00 p.m.?

Some folks have said it's stated in an athlete guide, but I definitely saw them clearly state it on their Facebook page, so no doubt it's real unless some kind of last minute waiver is secured.

I believe it originates from the NYC Noise Code (available on line). Relevant passage seems to be:

"Commercial establishments that play music must limit the level of
unreasonable or disturbing noise that escapes into the streets or is
heard in nearby residences by requiring that sounds levels may not
• 42 decibels as measured from inside nearby residences,
• 7 decibels over the ambient sound level, as measured on
a street or public right-of-way 15 feet or more from the
source, between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am"

Plus, according to the same code, after 10pm, apparently your dog can't bark for longer than five minutes. Keep that in mind if you bring him along.

This is pretty disappointing, hopefully Reilly finds a way to bring the energy to the finish line without the sound system.
2012-07-30 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

Going with the sleeveless wetsuit on race day.  I thought about going full suit for the bouyancy but I'm afraid it'll be too warm. Plus given the time of year I haven't been in a wetsuit for nearly 5 months.  The last thing I want to do is start the race and fell too snug and have to fight the suit for 2.4 miles.

On the sound issue.  It appears to be real.  I'm just a bit surprised a waiver wasn't issued for this event given its nature.  Maybe the RD will politic really hard this next week for the mayor or someone to give us a break for 2 extra hours.

2012-07-30 3:17 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

Wearing a sleeveless wetsuit as well. I'll take every second they will give me.

Putting the race wheels on the bike this week and getting in some hours.

Feeling good and looking forward to the race.

And the power thing is just more motivation to get finished!!!

2012-07-30 3:19 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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Virginia Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Today's accuweather report for 8/11. Very Humid with Rain. High 89, Low 75.

Everyone knows the weather isn't accurate until the morning of, if that. Hah. I'll take the rain though!
2012-07-30 9:21 PM
in reply to: #4337163

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\Windsor, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

Where did you see this?


TheNoid - 2012-07-30 11:43 AM

It has been confirmed that all amplified sound will be stopped at 10:00PM so if you want to hear Mike Reilly call out "***** You are and Ironman" you will need to finish before 10:00. I am sure there will be a lot of cheering but it is really nice to actually hear it announced.  Hopefully I will make it in time. 


I think that really stinks!

2012-07-31 7:08 AM
in reply to: #3550668

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Daily weather update..... The forecast looks a little better today - 83*, humid with rain (better than 89 & VERY humid with rain), also the forecast is no longer showing several days of humid rainy weather in a row, so hopefully that's a good sign.
2012-07-31 7:12 AM
in reply to: #3550668

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

I had heard mention of it a couple of places but finally saw it confirmed on the Ironman US Champ Facebook page.  The race director posted the following:


Ironman U.S. Championship When it comes to the finish line, I PROMISE the energy will be strong! The city will not permit us to have amplified sound, but we are going to have BIG CROWDS, Cheer Leaders, and lots of noise to bring you home! We realize this is a major lifetime achievement and we want it be feel as special as it truly is. The athlete experience is our #1 priority. Yes, there are some unique challenges at this event, but there will also be some very unique and awesome opportunities. This is NY! No one ever said NY is easy, but everyone will say it's worth it!!! (I hope!)

2012-07-31 7:19 AM
in reply to: #3550668

Westchester County
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

I checked on and they are calling for unseasonably cool temps with a chance of rain.  High of 74.  Although I had never heard of them before I am 100% confident that they are the best weather forecaster in the world.

2012-07-31 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3550668

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

You had me all excited with the weather wiz but I ran it for Fort Lee, NJ at the transition and it showed the following:


High temp:
85 F,  29 C

Low temp:
64 F,  17 C

Partly cloudy and seasonable


2012-07-31 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4338733

Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Don't think we can realistically hope to do much better than a high of 85 for August in NY. I am just hoping it is not 95.

Also, I could do without the sun. Overcast would be just fine by me!

Last long run this weekend was great. Seems like I overdid it though because next day for my last long ride my legs were cooked and it was sub-par. Fighting every urge now to go out and "make it up" with another long bike ride. Need to stay on the taper plan and recover with prescribed workouts....better to come in slightly undertrained than overtrained, etc., etc.

2012-07-31 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3550668


Subject: Porta Pottys @ The swim start

Hi all - 

 I am trying to figure what time to eat race morning - Question is - Will there be porta potties at the swim start? Leaving at 6 for a ferry and starting at 7 or later - When will be the last chance for a bathroom?


2012-07-31 9:46 AM
in reply to: #4338733

Westchester County
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
TheNoid - 2012-07-31 8:07 AM

You had me all excited with the weather wiz but I ran it for Fort Lee, NJ at the transition and it showed the following:


High temp:
85 F,  29 C

Low temp:
64 F,  17 C

Partly cloudy and seasonable


I guess the weather wiz is pretty inconsistent. Frown  I should probably listen to my wife and stop obsessing about the weather. 

Edited by frnk36 2012-07-31 9:47 AM
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