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2012-01-27 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Gwen, beautiful photo.

Here in US they would probably cancel the fireworks due to the storm. Sounds like your celebration is similar to our 4th of July with a different flair.

2012-01-27 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Well, I'm catching that stupid cold.  I hope the herbs do their job and make it a mild cold.  My joints and lower back are KILLING me!  (Those were the first symptoms my husband had.)  Now I understand why my little guy kept waking up in the middle of the night crying.  This is uncomfortable!  I have a planned group bike ride tomorrow.  I'm not holding my breath.
2012-01-27 10:56 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Lake Monticello, Virginia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Sorry I have been scarce as of late. A very busy work week and family commitments.

Tracy - take care of that cold!

Kathy - congrats on the new pups! Momma looks like she's doing great. As far as  taking them home for an extended time, both dogs and people develop bonds that can be hard to break. Also, PLEASE don't rush in to full events. Take your time and make the most out of your road to recovery. I feel safe in saying that we are all pulling for you!

Gwen - Nice picture! That is about the coolest thing I have ever seen! Take care in the heat.

Steffi - how were the Aurora Borealis the last couple of nights up by you? Here the sky on Wednesday was bright with it. Granted we don't get the color but I spent about an hour outside watching the light show. My Dad was stationed in Iceland in the 50's and he remembers vividly how awesome the Aurora were.

Mike - glad to see the knee is not giving you any issues. As long as your family gives you the green light and is willing to support you in your training, then by all means do the HIM! I wish you the best in your quest.

Ann - it's hard to let go in regards to kids. I have had many of those moments with 3 yr old Ava. Just letting her climb up the ladder of her play set was nerve racking! Good on him to want to follow you. He will be an inspire for you I'm sure. Keep up the hard work.

One and all - I send you best wishes in your endeavours be it family, work, training or life in general.

2012-01-28 12:29 PM
in reply to: #4015269

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
KathyG - 2012-01-27 7:55 PM
Mike_D - 2012-01-27 9:43 AM

OK, tell me what you think about this

My HIM race is June 16th. As a training plan, I'm using Don Fink's Be Iron Fit 30 week competitive IM plan. The HIM race is at week 22 of the plan. Given the work I'll need to put in to get that far, it almost seems to be a logical extension to keep it going post HIM and finish the 30 weeks, and race an IM in August. I see IM Louisville is right around that timeframe.... You see where this is headed, I'm sure.

The family had given me the OK to race IMKY if I want to, and my wife has seen the time it will take for training over the plan. There are still spots open. Hmm... what says you, BT mentors?

Mike, always a big question stepping up to Iron distance race.

Remind us what your endurance background is and how long you have done tris?

I totally get the draw of doing one, but always am a bit cautious of doing to much to soon which often leads folks into burn out in the sport.

You have your first HIM in June. You don't know if you like training for the distance and how your endurance and everything will come along. 

IM will always be there. It is a exciting goal but the training is time consuming, and the hard part as Fred points out is getting to the starting line without injury is a big challenge.

again, you are 100% correct, Kathy. It was a thought, but at this point nothing more. I really do need to see how things turn out with the June race and assess then. and thats assuming I get there healthy.

For now, I'll just enjoy the training, and go from there.

Have a great weekend!

2012-01-28 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3972843

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Daisy-Australia Day is the equivalent to the U.S. July 4th holiday, also known as Independence Day, to commemorate the declaration of independence from Britain in 1776.  It's our early summer holiday.  Great grilled food, beer, family picnics, and fireworks, of course.  What a fun time of year for you.

Kathy-way too cute pups. 

I swam a mile this morning, which felt super good.  Plan to run this afternoon if I can keep up my strength.  I am a total morning exerciser and the later in the day it gets the harder it is to run.

Update:  Ran 9.75.  It was not the best run ever.  A bit windy, chilly, and damp.  A git'er done sort of run.  Tomorrow will be better!

So how long is a typical HIM training program?  I am not good at following programs and will probably just do whatever, but generally how long does one prepare for a HIM event?

Edited by sthoresen 2012-01-28 6:02 PM
2012-01-29 9:00 AM
in reply to: #4015450

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

owl_girl - 2012-01-27 10:28 PM Well, I'm catching that stupid cold.  I hope the herbs do their job and make it a mild cold.  My joints and lower back are KILLING me!  (Those were the first symptoms my husband had.)  Now I understand why my little guy kept waking up in the middle of the night crying.  This is uncomfortable!  I have a planned group bike ride tomorrow.  I'm not holding my breath.

I know how you feel.  I think I have the flu.  I've been useless since Friday morning, I hurt everywhere and have nasty chest congestion.  I'm hoping I feel better soon, I'm not good at not training. 

2012-01-29 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

For me, the back pain in the muscle & joints is a sign thing are about to go downhill soon. Hope its not for you!

Awesome run this AM! Inspiring, and confidence building!! Longest run since my injury in November. A nice easy hour straight run at a pace (6.35 mi) that felt like I could have kept going all day. Spectacular beautiful day -- sunny and mid 30's -- and best of all its my birthday!! Lots of running gear for presents when I got home!

2012-01-29 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Happy Birthday Mike!

Wonder what tri related gifts you will receive?

2012-01-29 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Lots in our group are sick....hope you guys start to feel better.

2012-01-29 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4016929

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
KathyG - 2012-01-29 11:15 AM

Happy Birthday Mike!

Wonder what tri related gifts you will receive?

Many cool things!

New running shoes

new running pants

new compression long sleeve shirt

Yankz laces

running hat

You'd think I were a real runner with a bunch of stuff like that!

2012-01-29 4:43 PM
in reply to: #4016931

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
KathyG - 2012-01-29 11:16 AM

Lots in our group are sick....hope you guys start to feel better.

I think lots of people are sick right now.  Just that time of year. 

2012-01-29 5:52 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
I think the herbs did their job!  I felt much better this morning so I headed out for a run.  I didn't have any expectations and went on a route where I could abandon at any point without a long walk back to my truck.  I ended up with 9.5 miles!  I'll take it! Smile
2012-01-29 5:53 PM
in reply to: #4017123

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Mike_D - 2012-01-29 11:30 AM
KathyG - 2012-01-29 11:15 AM

Happy Birthday Mike!

Wonder what tri related gifts you will receive?

Many cool things!

New running shoes

new running pants

new compression long sleeve shirt

Yankz laces

running hat

You'd think I were a real runner with a bunch of stuff like that!

Happy Birthday!!!! Tongue out

2012-01-29 5:54 PM
in reply to: #4016905

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Mike_D - 2012-01-29 7:51 AM

For me, the back pain in the muscle & joints is a sign thing are about to go downhill soon. Hope its not for you!

Awesome run this AM! Inspiring, and confidence building!! Longest run since my injury in November. A nice easy hour straight run at a pace (6.35 mi) that felt like I could have kept going all day. Spectacular beautiful day -- sunny and mid 30's -- and best of all its my birthday!! Lots of running gear for presents when I got home!

Great job on your run!  I love the feeling of moving past an injury or illness.

2012-01-29 8:26 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Lake Monticello, Virginia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Happy birthday Mike!
2012-01-30 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Thanks, everyone! Now go get healthy!

Headed back to the pool today, and had a good session. I'd been feeling a bit tired the past few days but post swim, I'm feeling refreshed. Must be the magic of turning 45 having some effect Tongue out. Day 1 of week 3 is done!

2012-01-30 3:16 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Mike: Week 3 day 1 of HIM plan done....feels awesome doesn't it.

Tracy: Glad to hear you are recovered and had a solid 9.5 mile run

Kelly: Despite not 100% you got a 3 hour ride in....dedication!

How is everyone else doing?

It's been a little quiet here lately.

2012-01-30 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
AT PT today I was able to stand on my left leg without support and balance. It was incredibly difficult but I did it quite a few times including stepping up and balancing.
2012-01-30 7:43 PM
in reply to: #4019657

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

KathyG - 2012-01-30 8:40 PM AT PT today I was able to stand on my left leg without support and balance. It was incredibly difficult but I did it quite a few times including stepping up and balancing.

Fantastic news, Kathy!!

How is everyone else?

2012-01-30 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Mike - Happy Birthday!
Kathy - WTG - that must feel good!
The festival is now over, and after seeing 15 plays/musicals/performance, and 2 films over the past 10 days I can safely say that i'm theatered out! Now back to tri and life business full time. Gotta get some inspires out to y'all - thanks for chiming in over the past 10 days.
I'm restarting Jorge's plan, since I only half-arsed it to begin with, and back to my normal running schedule. The good news is that with all the running over the past 2 months i'm finally seeing some results i.e. getting faster at same effort level. I am encouraged - and beginning to like running a bit!
Ok time to get back to the stack of mail and laundry I ignored all week!

Edited by kirih 2012-01-30 7:56 PM
2012-01-30 8:40 PM
in reply to: #4019657

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Kathy - every day brings great progress in your recovery - very exciting!

I think that today I have officially turned the corner. It started out pretty rough with lots of coughing, hacking, expectorating, and general nastiness, but as the day has passed I am actually feeling better and better, which has been very different from how the days have been progressing. Friday was a very low day, and I basically just gave up any normalcy in my life, made a cocoon, and got in it for two days. I have emerged not quite a butterfly, but I do believe I am officially pupating in that direction. I have tons of work to catch up on of course, but I hope to be back in the workout saddle again by tomorrow. Yee-Haw!

Really sorry to hear others have been stricken by one of the various plagues that seem to be circulating - I hope you are all on the mend much more quickly than I. This stuff is nasty...

2012-01-31 3:24 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Perth, Australia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Hope everyone is getting over their various lurgies and Mike, happy birthday.  Kiri, welcome back from your cultural break, wow, that sounded amazing.  Kathy, great news on the progess.

It's cooled down a bit here; a cyclone up north (called Iggy) has gone out to sea, mercifully causing very little damage, and is funnelling some cold breezes our way.  We will get down into the 20s at the weekend, bliss.  Our OWS session this morning was very choppy so good practise.  Our coach had us swimming all over the place, experiencing the waves from all different directions.  My shoulders have that lovely heavy feeling after a good workout and I am pleasantly weary :-).  I read back through all the recommendations for shorts and have ordered some de Soto Carrera tri shorts.  No-one here in Perth stocks them ( 2XU and Orca seem to be all that's available locally).  I saw some youtube videos previewing them and I especially like that there are no grippers on the legs.  I have some shorts that are so tight my thighs bulge very unflatteringly - i save those ones for trainer sessions.  The soft waistband was very appealing too.  Now I just have to wait for a week for them to arrive after being trucked for three days across the Nullarbor desert.

2012-01-31 6:22 AM
in reply to: #4019938

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
daisymouse - 2012-01-30 4:24 AM

Hope everyone is getting over their various lurgies and Mike, happy birthday.  Kiri, welcome back from your cultural break, wow, that sounded amazing.  Kathy, great news on the progess.

It's cooled down a bit here; a cyclone up north (called Iggy) has gone out to sea, mercifully causing very little damage, and is funnelling some cold breezes our way.  We will get down into the 20s at the weekend, bliss.  Our OWS session this morning was very choppy so good practise.  Our coach had us swimming all over the place, experiencing the waves from all different directions.  My shoulders have that lovely heavy feeling after a good workout and I am pleasantly weary :-).  I read back through all the recommendations for shorts and have ordered some de Soto Carrera tri shorts.  No-one here in Perth stocks them ( 2XU and Orca seem to be all that's available locally).  I saw some youtube videos previewing them and I especially like that there are no grippers on the legs.  I have some shorts that are so tight my thighs bulge very unflatteringly - i save those ones for trainer sessions.  The soft waistband was very appealing too.  Now I just have to wait for a week for them to arrive after being trucked for three days across the Nullarbor desert.

I finally gave up on my Zoot tri-shorts for that very reason (oh - and it seemed that every time I wore them, my feet would go numb, so you can imagine how tight the grippers were). I have decided that it is much more important to me that I'm comfortable.

Very glad to hear that everyone is recovering/feeling better. That's great news!

I am fortunate enough to be able to work from home (I'm a project manager for software development/installations). As a result, I fit in my workouts whenever there is a break between work, conference calls, schlepping duty for the kids, etc. This means that I am able to get the two workouts in a day that I feel I need. How do you all do it? Reading Fred D's training log - he fits it in between delivering babies. Holy cow! What works best for you? A set time every day, or a more flexible schedule where you fit it in as you can? Also  - how much does life impact your plan? I'm seeing that about one workout a week goes to the wayside due to things completely out of my control. I have decided that sleep (at this point in my life) is more important than fitting that last workout in.

Have a fantastic Tuesday!

2012-01-31 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

I'm still struggling with being sick.  I felt better on Sunday but yesterday and this morning haven't been good.  As long as I'm on medicines I feel okay but as soon as they wear off I'm a huge mess.

Plus work is incredibly stressful.  They've laid people off for low hours and I feel like I'm next on the list so there's no way I can take a sick day or be out of the office.

2012-01-31 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3972843

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

 I saw some youtube videos previewing them and I especially like that there are no grippers on the legs.  I have some shorts that are so tight my thighs bulge very unflatteringly - i save those ones for trainer sessions.  The soft waistband was very appealing too.  Now I just have to wait for a week for them to arrive after being trucked for three days across the Nullarbor desert.

Leg grippers are the worst.  I really like LG shorts because they have a nice, soft unfinished leg.

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