BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-03-15 1:44 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Noel:  Nice Ride.  Have fun @ Disney on Ice.  Been wanting to take my kids to that.  LMK how it goes then I will have a better idea if its something I really want to do 

Todd: Sprint Tri on Sunday.  Whoot!

James:  Have a goal time for the half mary?  Or just a 13.1 run w no pressure?

MKennedy:  Heck Ya Id use a wetsuit in 60-65 degree water!  I have a sleevless (Xterra brand).  The water I swim in is anywhere from 62-72 degrees.  Ive been perfectly comfortable with a sleevless.  My sister in law has the exact same suit and on 2 separate occasions has unzipped & pulled it down to her waist during the swim.... she got too hot.  Can you imagine the drag?!!  So I'd go sleevless especially if youre a warm-blooded body!  WETSUIT STRIPPERS:  I had heard about them and finally experieced them during last years Aquabike race.  WOW.  Is all I can say.  It was a very Fifty Shades Of Grey moment for me.  LOL.  Have you read the series?!?  Very direct.  Very forceful.  Very rough.  I just did what I was told and before I knew what the heck was happening, I was almost naked!   Yea! Wow!  haha. Great experience for me. Totally awesome :D 

My # so far this month:  swim 4000/12000  bike-37/175 (low!) run: 30/56 abs: i'm behind once again...  Ride & run for me tomorrow.  Swim & ride on Saturday.  Happy training!!   

2013-03-15 8:29 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Crap. Forgot I'm helping my sister out this afternoon and watching her 2 youngest this morning so no ride. But will get in a good run.
2013-03-15 10:20 AM
in reply to: #4660576

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
EV3110 - 2013-03-15 1:44 AM


James:  Have a goal time for the half mary?  Or just a 13.1 run w no pressure?

WETSUIT STRIPPERS:  I had heard about them and finally experieced them during last years Aquabike race.  WOW.  Is all I can say.  It was a very Fifty Shades Of Grey moment for me.  LOL.  Have you read the series?!?  Very direct.  Very forceful.  Very rough.  I just did what I was told and before I knew what the heck was happening, I was almost naked!   Yea! Wow!  haha. Great experience for me. Totally awesome :D   

Not sure really. My longest run has been 9 miles. The half has not been a focus of mine, so I am not sure where I will finish! And the wetsuit strippers!  Well sounds like I might need to make two laps if it is that fun!

2013-03-15 4:18 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Hey James,

Have a great run on Sunday !
2013-03-16 7:36 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
I just signed up for a sprint tri. Its in a month. I've been a slug lately and recovering from a knee strain from a bad snowboard binding adjustment about a month ago. I've been looking at workouts but they are longer than 4 weeks. Should I continue with the schedule for the Olympic (I'm roughly on week 10) or should I hit week 8 of a 12 week plan and start there?Kind of excited!!Renee
2013-03-17 3:51 PM
in reply to: #4653565

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
mkennedy0525 - 2013-03-10 8:49 AM
Nadamson12 - 2013-03-08 9:56 AM

Finally after waiting 8 weeks for various reasons I was able to get out on my new tri bike and ride.   I was surprised that my ride was so slow though.    I was hoping for closer to 20 but that will come with time.  The one thing I do know is that I need to get a new seat!

I think that ride brought back my motivation and I am ready to get serious now this month.

That seat thing is crazy.  I have had my tri bike for about 6 months.  I am still in search of a great seat. 
I experienced the same thing on my bike with my speed.  I was just telling my husband that I am not so excited to race in two weeks because I feel I am not at the speed I was on my road bike.  I'm told (for me anyway) that if I am not in the aero position, I am wasting my time on a tri bike.  With my seat not quite comfortable, I sit up too often which defeats the whole point of a tri bike.

A BIKE SEAT ANSWER/IDEA:  ISM or Adamo TT seat.  Been using it since I bought my bike this year and could not imagine using a traditional seat.  Bike shop may have one you can trial.  My shop loaned me one til mine came in.  Best money I have spent thus far. If too wide of a nose, have one person squeeze nose in, and attach zip tie under.  Works like a dream for most.

BIKE SPEED SAGA - those of you disappointed with bike times:  Careful here, you are prob comparing last year 'in shape times' with late winter times of 2013 (now).  The bike helps, but you have ride in aero position and have done some longer, strength building work on the bike to get some comparable data.  Keep riding, throw in some 3-8 min cruise intervals maybe on a shorter ride and build from there.  Speed will come.  I imagine we have all been just building base except Stuart who is on a different timeline.  The speed will come with some specific work; it is barely mid-March.  If you want, there is  a free plan on BT website (this website) at the bottom all the free plans just for improving bike speed.  I like it; for some, you may want increase the work depending on where you are right now with speed or base.  The cost is right and it is very good.

Elena - I will move all my wetsuit Tri's to CA starting in 2014. Sounds like CA has this down to an art of some kindEmbarassed.  Sounds like you need to tip those involved.  You can guide us as our race gets closer.  Road trip to CA!!!

James:  13.1 update?

Me:  did second tri today (did 1st one 3 yrs ago).  did well enough to get a podium finish for my age group.  Happy about that.  Prob a weak field.  There was another race just last weekend.  No complaints- all key moments went as planned.  Prob could have ridden a bit harder, but that would have impacted my surprisingly unplanned run (turned out much better than I predicted).  No complaints.  One thing that paid big dividends: practicing my transitions and getting on/off bike with bare feet.  That helped big time.  Don't look for highlights on ESPN - I did not see any coverage.  Sorry, really thought ESPN, The Ocho was coming out (joke from Dodgeball).  

Sounds like all are picking it up this month....woohoo!  Warmth is arriving!  

Edited by Todd13 2013-03-17 3:58 PM

2013-03-17 11:43 PM
in reply to: #4663326

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Renee:  4wks to train for that sprint? Crunch time!  

James: How did your 1/2 go?!

Todd:  Poidium!  Nice!  And no no no.  Not a weak field!  You earned your finish time.  Pat on the back!   Awesome.  Good recommendation about practicing transitions.  My race last week clued me in on the need to practice transitions... All gear was set up nicely, but right before the race started I turned my bike around because someone squeezed in next to me and our bikes were ffacing the same direction....But I never moved all my gear! So needless to say it was not easy access!  When I came into T1 I felt like I was CRAWLING under my bike to grab my shoes.....which were TIED!  

Good news,  no shin pain during any of my runs!  Yay for that!  Planning to ride to the pool tomorrow for my swim.  Do any of you log your ride "commute" time in your logs?  I'd be on my MTB.  I usually do, although dont ride to the gym very often.          

2013-03-18 9:21 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

The Ocho was probably covering JFord for his HM. Cotton was announcing all the runners.

Monday Check in for Challenge.....

Bike - 188.5 miles (700 miles)

Run - 16.82 miles (85 miles)

Swim - 9300m (22,000m)

2013-03-18 9:21 AM
in reply to: #4662244

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

reneehoyos - 2013-03-16 7:36 AM I just signed up for a sprint tri. Its in a month. I've been a slug lately and recovering from a knee strain from a bad snowboard binding adjustment about a month ago. I've been looking at workouts but they are longer than 4 weeks. Should I continue with the schedule for the Olympic (I'm roughly on week 10) or should I hit week 8 of a 12 week plan and start there?Kind of excited!!Renee


I think it would depend on how the knee is doing, last thing you want is to re-injure that knee because you are doing too much too fast! Also it would depend on your goals for this race, sorry it is not a better answer!

2013-03-18 9:30 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Todd: we can only race the people that show up on race day, so no more talk about the field!  Great job to podium!


My half went better than expected. My longest run had only been 9 miles prior. I started off slower than I normally would have and that helped me a lot. I was able to negative split the race and I finished in 2:03. My last 2 miles were in the 8:45 pace, which felt awesome. After wards I felt great, like I could have kept running! I was very happy with the race.

2013-03-18 1:23 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Hey Todd

Great job, a podium spot is a podium spot !

James nice time on the HM

I jumped in the lake for a swim on Sunday, ohhh the water was cold 52 degrees, but got it in.

2013-03-19 11:04 AM
in reply to: #4664642

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

kenb - 2013-03-18 1:23 PM Hey Todd Great job, a podium spot is a podium spot ! James nice time on the HM I jumped in the lake for a swim on Sunday, ohhh the water was cold 52 degrees, but got it in.


Thank you Ken!


A spin last night and a swim this morning helped overcome some soreness from the HM. I am glad this is a recovery week for me!

2013-03-19 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4666022

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
I'm thinking about getting clip on aeros. Mostly because on long rides I will find myself leaning my forearms on my handle bars, "pretending" that i have them.. feeling like a rad triathlete. Lol. It seems like a natural position. Then a girlfriend got some and I took her bike for a ride. I loved them!! So now I really want them! What do I need to know? Not really wanting to get a new seat and all, just the aeros and hoping that removing the spacers will help enough to bring them down closer to that desired fit. Any tips? Good brand for middle of the line?
2013-03-19 2:10 PM
in reply to: #4666344

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
EV3110 - 2013-03-19 1:35 PM

I'm thinking about getting clip on aeros. Mostly because on long rides I will find myself leaning my forearms on my handle bars, "pretending" that i have them.. feeling like a rad triathlete. Lol. It seems like a natural position. Then a girlfriend got some and I took her bike for a ride. I loved them!! So now I really want them! What do I need to know? Not really wanting to get a new seat and all, just the aeros and hoping that removing the spacers will help enough to bring them down closer to that desired fit. Any tips? Good brand for middle of the line?

Get a fit after getting the aero bars.....your position will change.

Other than that....go for it.

Don't really have a recommendation for a brand. Personally, I'd go to Amazon and look at the reviews on the products. I usually buy off of that.

Edited by bradleyd3 2013-03-19 2:12 PM
2013-03-19 2:33 PM
in reply to: #4666405

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

bradleyd3 - 2013-03-19 2:10 PM
EV3110 - 2013-03-19 1:35 PM I'm thinking about getting clip on aeros. Mostly because on long rides I will find myself leaning my forearms on my handle bars, "pretending" that i have them.. feeling like a rad triathlete. Lol. It seems like a natural position. Then a girlfriend got some and I took her bike for a ride. I loved them!! So now I really want them! What do I need to know? Not really wanting to get a new seat and all, just the aeros and hoping that removing the spacers will help enough to bring them down closer to that desired fit. Any tips? Good brand for middle of the line?
Get a fit after getting the aero bars.....your position will change. Other than that....go for it. Don't really have a recommendation for a brand. Personally, I'd go to Amazon and look at the reviews on the products. I usually buy off of that.


Dan-git, I hate to agree with Brad, but yeah, get some, get a fit and start practicing with them. It took me awhile to get really comfortable using aero bars. As far as brand, I think that depends on your budget!

2013-03-19 3:43 PM
in reply to: #4666456

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
jford2309 - 2013-03-19 2:33 PM

bradleyd3 - 2013-03-19 2:10 PM
EV3110 - 2013-03-19 1:35 PM I'm thinking about getting clip on aeros. Mostly because on long rides I will find myself leaning my forearms on my handle bars, "pretending" that i have them.. feeling like a rad triathlete. Lol. It seems like a natural position. Then a girlfriend got some and I took her bike for a ride. I loved them!! So now I really want them! What do I need to know? Not really wanting to get a new seat and all, just the aeros and hoping that removing the spacers will help enough to bring them down closer to that desired fit. Any tips? Good brand for middle of the line?
Get a fit after getting the aero bars.....your position will change. Other than that....go for it. Don't really have a recommendation for a brand. Personally, I'd go to Amazon and look at the reviews on the products. I usually buy off of that.


Dan-git, I hate to agree with Brad, but yeah, get some, get a fit and start practicing with them. It took me awhile to get really comfortable using aero bars. As far as brand, I think that depends on your budget!

Agree with me or I'll steal something.

2013-03-19 4:20 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Have you guys ever run a race and then saw your time and thought, "maybe I am faster than I think?" I kinda felt this way Sunday... was a weird feeling
2013-03-19 4:22 PM
in reply to: #4666344

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

EV3110 - 2013-03-19 1:35 PM I'm thinking about getting clip on aeros. Mostly because on long rides I will find myself leaning my forearms on my handle bars, "pretending" that i have them.. feeling like a rad triathlete. Lol. It seems like a natural position. Then a girlfriend got some and I took her bike for a ride. I loved them!! So now I really want them! What do I need to know? Not really wanting to get a new seat and all, just the aeros and hoping that removing the spacers will help enough to bring them down closer to that desired fit. Any tips? Good brand for middle of the line?

one point of caution:  if you have carbon're not eligible.  You have to have alum handlebars. 

Now if you are willing to wait a few days, I can send you a pair of gently used clip ons.  The price is right (FREE) and they are race tested!  Send me a pm with the address.  

(you know these are for a road bike, right?  I noticed you holding a mtn bike above your head in the photo....Wink)


2013-03-19 4:25 PM
in reply to: #4666667

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

jford2309 - 2013-03-19 4:20 PM Have you guys ever run a race and then saw your time and thought, "maybe I am faster than I think?" I kinda felt this way Sunday... was a weird feeling

yes!  I felt the same way during my race Sunday.  Maybe something was in the air on Sunday.  Each of my miles were faster than the previous by 10-15 seconds.   I understand the first mile, but the 2nd and 3rd?  Too bad Stuart did not do his IM on Sunday, maybe he would have qualified for Kona!

Great job on the 13.1 BTW.  Not sure I could run 2 hrs quite yet.  I will get there. 

2013-03-19 4:48 PM
in reply to: #4666674

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Todd13 - 2013-03-19 4:25 PM

jford2309 - 2013-03-19 4:20 PM Have you guys ever run a race and then saw your time and thought, "maybe I am faster than I think?" I kinda felt this way Sunday... was a weird feeling

yes!  I felt the same way during my race Sunday.  Maybe something was in the air on Sunday.  Each of my miles were faster than the previous by 10-15 seconds.   I understand the first mile, but the 2nd and 3rd?  Too bad Stuart did not do his IM on Sunday, maybe he would have qualified for Kona!

Great job on the 13.1 BTW.  Not sure I could run 2 hrs quite yet.  I will get there. 

or maybe the training is paying off!  


Also I have researched that at my IM, they will be handing out Hammer gels and stuff on the course. I have never used Hammer gels before, so I just ordered a Hammer gel starter kit so I can start using them and let my body learn to use them!

2013-03-19 6:13 PM
in reply to: #4666670

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Todd13 - 2013-03-19 2:22 PM

EV3110 - 2013-03-19 1:35 PM I'm thinking about getting clip on aeros. Mostly because on long rides I will find myself leaning my forearms on my handle bars, "pretending" that i have them.. feeling like a rad triathlete. Lol. It seems like a natural position. Then a girlfriend got some and I took her bike for a ride. I loved them!! So now I really want them! What do I need to know? Not really wanting to get a new seat and all, just the aeros and hoping that removing the spacers will help enough to bring them down closer to that desired fit. Any tips? Good brand for middle of the line?

one point of caution:  if you have carbon're not eligible.  You have to have alum handlebars. 

Now if you are willing to wait a few days, I can send you a pair of gently used clip ons.  The price is right (FREE) and they are race tested!  Send me a pm with the address.  

(you know these are for a road bike, right?  I noticed you holding a mtn bike above your head in the photo....Wink)


Crap. I have a carbon bike. Does that mean the handlebars are carbon too? no idea, though id guess that they are. I have a 2011 Specialized Roubaix sl2. Roadie. Awesome bike. Weak engine. .. Workin' on it!. Now that you say that, I do remember reading that they don't work with carbon. Why? And so there are clip on aeros and regular aeros? And some work w a Carbon bike? While some do not? Need to read up on that. School me. Plz.

2013-03-19 6:59 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
I will be off traveling next week looking at colleges with my son. I am training for a half in the middle of April. I won't be able to ride, but should be able to run, and possibly get some swims in.

So my obvious question is, can I run every day? My longest training runs so far have been 2 hours.
2013-03-19 7:15 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Hi all! No I haven't dropped off the face of the earth.

I raced on Sunday - Olympic. Finished 2:38:58. Going in I said I would be disappointed with slower than 2:40, so I was relatively happy with my time. Looking back now, I pretty much achieved what I wanted to, which was doing a nice even pace on the bike, and then going as fast as possible, but again evenly paced on the run. Acheived both!

The swim was moved from the ocean to a nearby river due to rough surf, which made the run to T1 about 700m (nearly 1/2 mile), which was annoying and added a bit of extra time. (4mins, instead of 90sec that it would normally have been).

It was a very hot day and I was glad I put in a good effort. It has given me a bit of extra incentive to keep up my training. 11 weeks to go as of this Sunday to my IM! Arrgh!

I'll post my race report soon.
2013-03-20 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4666860

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

kenb - 2013-03-19 6:59 PM I will be off traveling next week looking at colleges with my son. I am training for a half in the middle of April. I won't be able to ride, but should be able to run, and possibly get some swims in. So my obvious question is, can I run every day? My longest training runs so far have been 2 hours.


Absolutely! I would just have a different focus on those runs, meaning I would not run all out everyday, but use one for a short run, a recovery run, a medium run, speedwork, long run...  mix it up, This will also keep it interesting...

2013-03-20 8:49 AM
in reply to: #4666874

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

stuart_little_9 - 2013-03-19 7:15 PM Hi all! No I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I raced on Sunday - Olympic. Finished 2:38:58. Going in I said I would be disappointed with slower than 2:40, so I was relatively happy with my time. Looking back now, I pretty much achieved what I wanted to, which was doing a nice even pace on the bike, and then going as fast as possible, but again evenly paced on the run. Acheived both! The swim was moved from the ocean to a nearby river due to rough surf, which made the run to T1 about 700m (nearly 1/2 mile), which was annoying and added a bit of extra time. (4mins, instead of 90sec that it would normally have been). It was a very hot day and I was glad I put in a good effort. It has given me a bit of extra incentive to keep up my training. 11 weeks to go as of this Sunday to my IM! Arrgh! I'll post my race report soon.

Stuart, that is awesome! Sucks about the long run to T1, but still a very good time!  Great job!  I look forward to reading your race report, so be sure and let us all know when it is finished!

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