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2013-04-05 1:39 PM
in reply to: #4688307

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Venture Industries,
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
scorpio516 - 2013-04-05 1:43 PM
Big Appa - 2013-04-05 12:31 PM

pitt83 - 2013-04-05 9:18 AM Argue the technical details all you like about clip versus magazine, but there's a wave coming. And in my opinion, it needs to. Unbridled violence has to stop and guns are the single most effectiev method to unleash that. Short of flying airplanes into buildings.

So you are saying just gun violence is up or all violence in general? We need to address the reasons for the violence not just the end result. Say we do want more restrictions and laws how does banning something that only causes under 1% of the "unbridled violence" help the problem?

As a side note while any deaths are too much we actually are down % wise from the past.

Not just down.  WAY down.  From just January to June 2012, murders in metropolitan counties (and I guess towns in VA) are down >18%

Since 1993, murder rates are down more 50% - from 9.5 (0.0095% of Amreicans were murdered in 93 by any means) to 4.7 (0.0047%).  Not only that, in raw numbers, there were about 55 million more Americans in 2011 than in 93, yet 10,000 fewer murders.

If you want to talk just violent crime, that's down about 50% since 92 - from 757.7 (0.7577%) to 386.3 (0.3863%).  Again, raw numbers coincide with much less violence today versus the early 90s - 700,000+ fewer violent crimes happened in 2011 than 92.

Just since 2002, violent crime rate is down almost 22% and murder rate is down almost 17%.

Want even more proof?  Violent crime rate hasn't been as low as it is today since 1970!  Murder rate hasn't been as low as it is today since 1963!


It's been 50 years since you've been as safe as you are in 2013 America (in the US that is).  It's been 43 years since you've been less likely to get intentionally injured.


Gun violence is ALSO down.  In 2007, 67.9% of murders were committed with a firearm.  In 2011, it was down to 67.7%.  A small decline, but a decline none the less.  In addition, murders committed with rifles (including scary black ones) are down at a much greater rate - in 07 4.4% of murders used a rifle, in 2011, it was 3.7%, a 16% decline.

pshhhhhh....don't interject FACTS into this debate...Just show a bullet ridden school bus...

2013-04-05 1:40 PM
in reply to: #4688125

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
DanielG - 2013-04-05 11:15 AM

tealeaf - 2013-04-05 12:08 PM

My client shares our building in downtown DC with a church who is setting up an art exhibit on gun violence in America. I took these pictures a few minutes ago of this, which will be part of the exhibit.

I spoke with the guy overseeing this, and he said that there is approximately one bullet hole in this school bus for each person who has died at the hands of a gun since Newtown.

I'm interested in seeing your exhibition about all the lives saved by someone with a firearm since then as well. I'm sure you'll do one as you wouldn't want to only show one side of the issue, right?

That includes all those who call the cops for a situation. If they call people with guns, that's either protection with a firearm or a hypocrite.

Wait, so just to be clear, who are we calling hypocrites here? Anyone who doesn't own a gun but calls the police is a hypocrite?
2013-04-05 2:34 PM
in reply to: #4688420

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 2:40 PM
DanielG - 2013-04-05 11:15 AM
tealeaf - 2013-04-05 12:08 PM

My client shares our building in downtown DC with a church who is setting up an art exhibit on gun violence in America. I took these pictures a few minutes ago of this, which will be part of the exhibit.

I spoke with the guy overseeing this, and he said that there is approximately one bullet hole in this school bus for each person who has died at the hands of a gun since Newtown.

I'm interested in seeing your exhibition about all the lives saved by someone with a firearm since then as well. I'm sure you'll do one as you wouldn't want to only show one side of the issue, right? That includes all those who call the cops for a situation. If they call people with guns, that's either protection with a firearm or a hypocrite.
Wait, so just to be clear, who are we calling hypocrites here? Anyone who doesn't own a gun but calls the police is a hypocrite?


In fairness, he gave you an either or scenario there.  You either agree that the gun saves lives or you do not.  If you do not, yet you call a cop to come save your life with his gun, then it would be ironic.

Personally, I have no issue with anyone who doesn't own a firearm as long as they are not infringing upon my right to own mine.  I would also have no problem responding to a friend's call for help, using my firearm to defend him/her if needed.  My only rules, consitent with my state laws, is that guns are to be used to defend people, not "stuff."  If you are stealing my car, I'm not pulling out a gun.  If you are my size and unarmed, I'lll take you on and take my chances. 

2013-04-05 2:39 PM
in reply to: #4688343

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
Brock Samson - 2013-04-05 2:02 PM

pitt83 - 2013-04-05 1:39 PM You've all paraphrased, twisted and distored my views. I'm out. Have fun in group think land.


??? Seriously? Group think land...  Let's see: I disagree with you.  You assert that the pending gun legislation is needed to prevent violence, I point out that the method of effectuating reducing violence is focused on an assault weapons ban which the government says previously was ineffective and which based upon homicide rates accounts for 1% of 1% of gun homicides.  Thus, I am asserting that the government's ban on assault weapons is not rationally related to the stated compelling government interest.  Then I argue in favor of protecting all constitutional rights based upon the notion of protection from those in power and from tyranny of the majority.

Yup..."group think"  So bottom line, if someone disagrees with you, based upon non-personal rational arguments, grounded in legal and Constitutional principles I am guilty of group think....

I wish I could say that I was surprised, but the reality of this gun debate and the pro-gun control lobby has really just been boiled down to that exchange in a microcosmic.   Disagree with those calling for gun legislation and get called names....


So much for a reasoned debate on the issue,

What he actually said was, "Ouch, you used facts so I can't debate you.  This is inconsistent with the group think that I surround myself with so I'm going to have to deflect with an insult to assure that I feel superior.  Then I will announce that I'm leaving so there is no further engagement that could expose my lack of facts to offer this debate."


Edited by Pector55 2013-04-05 2:40 PM
2013-04-05 3:00 PM
in reply to: #4688535

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
Pector55 - 2013-04-05 2:34 PM

jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 2:40 PM
DanielG - 2013-04-05 11:15 AM
tealeaf - 2013-04-05 12:08 PM

My client shares our building in downtown DC with a church who is setting up an art exhibit on gun violence in America. I took these pictures a few minutes ago of this, which will be part of the exhibit.

I spoke with the guy overseeing this, and he said that there is approximately one bullet hole in this school bus for each person who has died at the hands of a gun since Newtown.

I'm interested in seeing your exhibition about all the lives saved by someone with a firearm since then as well. I'm sure you'll do one as you wouldn't want to only show one side of the issue, right? That includes all those who call the cops for a situation. If they call people with guns, that's either protection with a firearm or a hypocrite.
Wait, so just to be clear, who are we calling hypocrites here? Anyone who doesn't own a gun but calls the police is a hypocrite?


In fairness, he gave you an either or scenario there.  You either agree that the gun saves lives or you do not.  If you do not, yet you call a cop to come save your life with his gun, then it would be ironic.

Personally, I have no issue with anyone who doesn't own a firearm as long as they are not infringing upon my right to own mine.  I would also have no problem responding to a friend's call for help, using my firearm to defend him/her if needed.  My only rules, consitent with my state laws, is that guns are to be used to defend people, not "stuff."  If you are stealing my car, I'm not pulling out a gun.  If you are my size and unarmed, I'lll take you on and take my chances. 

Guns don't save lives. People who are well trained and responsible in the use of their guns save lives. The gun is just a tool.
2013-04-05 3:39 PM
in reply to: #4688420

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 2:40 PM

DanielG - 2013-04-05 11:15 AM

tealeaf - 2013-04-05 12:08 PM

My client shares our building in downtown DC with a church who is setting up an art exhibit on gun violence in America. I took these pictures a few minutes ago of this, which will be part of the exhibit.

I spoke with the guy overseeing this, and he said that there is approximately one bullet hole in this school bus for each person who has died at the hands of a gun since Newtown.

I'm interested in seeing your exhibition about all the lives saved by someone with a firearm since then as well. I'm sure you'll do one as you wouldn't want to only show one side of the issue, right?

That includes all those who call the cops for a situation. If they call people with guns, that's either protection with a firearm or a hypocrite.

Wait, so just to be clear, who are we calling hypocrites here? Anyone who doesn't own a gun but calls the police is a hypocrite?

Lord no. Those who disdain guns "in any situation" yet call people with guns to come help them.

I know more than a couple honest anti-rights types who will not call the police due to their beliefs. More power to them.

2013-04-05 4:06 PM
in reply to: #4688535

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Boise, ID
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
Pector55 - 2013-04-05 1:34 PM
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 2:40 PM
DanielG - 2013-04-05 11:15 AM
tealeaf - 2013-04-05 12:08 PM

My client shares our building in downtown DC with a church who is setting up an art exhibit on gun violence in America. I took these pictures a few minutes ago of this, which will be part of the exhibit.

I spoke with the guy overseeing this, and he said that there is approximately one bullet hole in this school bus for each person who has died at the hands of a gun since Newtown.

I'm interested in seeing your exhibition about all the lives saved by someone with a firearm since then as well. I'm sure you'll do one as you wouldn't want to only show one side of the issue, right? That includes all those who call the cops for a situation. If they call people with guns, that's either protection with a firearm or a hypocrite.
Wait, so just to be clear, who are we calling hypocrites here? Anyone who doesn't own a gun but calls the police is a hypocrite?


In fairness, he gave you an either or scenario there.  You either agree that the gun saves lives or you do not.  If you do not, yet you call a cop to come save your life with his gun, then it would be ironic.

Personally, I have no issue with anyone who doesn't own a firearm as long as they are not infringing upon my right to own mine.  I would also have no problem responding to a friend's call for help, using my firearm to defend him/her if needed.  My only rules, consitent with my state laws, is that guns are to be used to defend people, not "stuff."  If you are stealing my car, I'm not pulling out a gun.  If you are my size and unarmed, I'lll take you on and take my chances. 

Personally I don't have an issue with those who have had a change of heart and no longer wish to own guns. I even go so far as to have a no obligations donation system in place. We are currently accepting all guns including black scary ones.

2013-04-05 4:16 PM
in reply to: #4688598

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 3:00 PM

Pector55 - 2013-04-05 2:34 PM


You either agree that the gun saves lives or you do not.   

Guns don't save lives. People who are well trained and responsible in the use of their guns save lives. The gun is just a tool.

Nothing? Really? Aw, c'mon, you gotta admit that was funny.
2013-04-05 4:31 PM
in reply to: #4688758

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 4:16 PM
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 3:00 PM
Pector55 - 2013-04-05 2:34 PM


You either agree that the gun saves lives or you do not.   

Guns don't save lives. People who are well trained and responsible in the use of their guns save lives. The gun is just a tool.
Nothing? Really? Aw, c'mon, you gotta admit that was funny.

I call foul.  You aren't allowed to reset your pity reply just because no one responds.

2013-04-05 5:40 PM
in reply to: #4688343

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
Brock Samson - 2013-04-05 1:02 PM

pitt83 - 2013-04-05 1:39 PM You've all paraphrased, twisted and distored my views. I'm out. Have fun in group think land.


??? Seriously? Group think land...  Let's see: I disagree with you.  You assert that the pending gun legislation is needed to prevent violence, I point out that the method of effectuating reducing violence is focused on an assault weapons ban which the government says previously was ineffective and which based upon homicide rates accounts for 1% of 1% of gun homicides.  Thus, I am asserting that the government's ban on assault weapons is not rationally related to the stated compelling government interest.  Then I argue in favor of protecting all constitutional rights based upon the notion of protection from those in power and from tyranny of the majority.

Yup..."group think"  So bottom line, if someone disagrees with you, based upon non-personal rational arguments, grounded in legal and Constitutional principles I am guilty of group think....

I wish I could say that I was surprised, but the reality of this gun debate and the pro-gun control lobby has really just been boiled down to that exchange in a microcosmic.   Disagree with those calling for gun legislation and get called names....


So much for a reasoned debate on the issue,

Game, Set, Match

2013-04-05 8:27 PM
in reply to: #4688758

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 5:16 PM
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 3:00 PM
Pector55 - 2013-04-05 2:34 PM


You either agree that the gun saves lives or you do not.   

Guns don't save lives. People who are well trained and responsible in the use of their guns save lives. The gun is just a tool.
Nothing? Really? Aw, c'mon, you gotta admit that was funny.

Sorry man.. I was offline all afternoon.  Had you been standing next to me I would have high five'd you for the comment.  

Then I would have said in my hick voice, "I like you boy... let me take you shootin'."  

2013-04-05 8:32 PM
in reply to: #4688741

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
Aarondb4 - 2013-04-05 5:06 PM
Pector55 - 2013-04-05 1:34 PM
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 2:40 PM
DanielG - 2013-04-05 11:15 AM
tealeaf - 2013-04-05 12:08 PM

My client shares our building in downtown DC with a church who is setting up an art exhibit on gun violence in America. I took these pictures a few minutes ago of this, which will be part of the exhibit.

I spoke with the guy overseeing this, and he said that there is approximately one bullet hole in this school bus for each person who has died at the hands of a gun since Newtown.

I'm interested in seeing your exhibition about all the lives saved by someone with a firearm since then as well. I'm sure you'll do one as you wouldn't want to only show one side of the issue, right? That includes all those who call the cops for a situation. If they call people with guns, that's either protection with a firearm or a hypocrite.
Wait, so just to be clear, who are we calling hypocrites here? Anyone who doesn't own a gun but calls the police is a hypocrite?


In fairness, he gave you an either or scenario there.  You either agree that the gun saves lives or you do not.  If you do not, yet you call a cop to come save your life with his gun, then it would be ironic.

Personally, I have no issue with anyone who doesn't own a firearm as long as they are not infringing upon my right to own mine.  I would also have no problem responding to a friend's call for help, using my firearm to defend him/her if needed.  My only rules, consitent with my state laws, is that guns are to be used to defend people, not "stuff."  If you are stealing my car, I'm not pulling out a gun.  If you are my size and unarmed, I'lll take you on and take my chances. 

Personally I don't have an issue with those who have had a change of heart and no longer wish to own guns. I even go so far as to have a no obligations donation system in place. We are currently accepting all guns including black scary ones.

This is one of my favorite shirts:  http://www.zazzle.com/ar_15_its_because_im_black_isnt_it_v2_tshirt-235724282264332892

2013-04-05 11:19 PM
in reply to: #4688758

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 2:16 PM
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 3:00 PM
Pector55 - 2013-04-05 2:34 PM


You either agree that the gun saves lives or you do not.   

Guns don't save lives. People who are well trained and responsible in the use of their guns save lives. The gun is just a tool.
Nothing? Really? Aw, c'mon, you gotta admit that was funny.

I didn't think my "speaking of tools" comment would be taken in the proper context.

2013-04-08 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4688758

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Boise, ID
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 3:16 PM
jmk-brooklyn - 2013-04-05 3:00 PM
Pector55 - 2013-04-05 2:34 PM


You either agree that the gun saves lives or you do not.   

Guns don't save lives. People who are well trained and responsible in the use of their guns save lives. The gun is just a tool.
Nothing? Really? Aw, c'mon, you gotta admit that was funny.

How bout a that's what she said!

2013-04-08 10:00 AM
in reply to: #4688417

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
2013-04-08 10:23 AM
in reply to: #4691240

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread

Big Appa - 2013-04-08 10:00 AM

ok that made me laugh

2013-04-08 3:43 PM
in reply to: #4643301

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread

So I when I put the SGWorks kit on my Yugo SKS, I removed the front sight bus and bayonett lug.  I found that the OD of the barrel where the FSB was will accept a threading die without having to mil it down.  I cut the barrel to 18" so that the last inch will get threaded for the standard 14x1LH.  I ordered the apprpriate tools.

I also just ordered a 2nd kit because I found a Chinese SKS with an excellent bore but no stock.  I got it cheap (by today's standards) so it will be perfect to make into another bullpup.

2013-04-08 5:05 PM
in reply to: #4643301

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
Communism Survivor Blasts Gun Control: "You Don't Know What Freedom Is"
2013-04-08 7:41 PM
in reply to: #4643301

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread

I saw this posted on a conservative forum and I was curious if it was true, and if it is what are the ramifications to the overall gun debate.  Brock???

I suspect the felon could/would still be charged with possession of a firearm, but wouldn't be able to be convicted of not registering his/her firearm or possession of an unregistered firearm.

Why Convicted Felon 's Don 't/Won 't Have to Register Their [Illegal] Firearms

U.S. Supreme Court's 1968 Haynes v. U.S. decision:
Haynes, a convicted felon, was convicted of unlawful possession of an unregistered short-barreled shotgun.  He argued that for a convicted felon to register a gun was effectively an announcement to the government that he was breaking the law and that registration violated his Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.
The court, by an 8 - 1 margin, agreed, concluding: "We hold that a proper claim of the constitutional privilege against self-incrimination provides a full defense to prosecutions either for failure to register a firearm…or for possession of an unregistered firearm." (Summary from American Rifleman, March 2000, page 20)

So, when these gun registration schemes are announced, be aware that only lawful gun-owners are required to register their firearms. Unlawful owners are exempted from registration laws due to their constitutional protection against self-incrimination.

2013-04-08 10:15 PM
in reply to: #4692278

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
tuwood - 2013-04-08 6:41 PM

I saw this posted on a conservative forum and I was curious if it was true, and if it is what are the ramifications to the overall gun debate.  Brock???

I suspect the felon could/would still be charged with possession of a firearm, but wouldn't be able to be convicted of not registering his/her firearm or possession of an unregistered firearm.

Why Convicted Felon 's Don 't/Won 't Have to Register Their [Illegal] Firearms

U.S. Supreme Court's 1968 Haynes v. U.S. decision:
Haynes, a convicted felon, was convicted of unlawful possession of an unregistered short-barreled shotgun.  He argued that for a convicted felon to register a gun was effectively an announcement to the government that he was breaking the law and that registration violated his Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.
The court, by an 8 - 1 margin, agreed, concluding: "We hold that a proper claim of the constitutional privilege against self-incrimination provides a full defense to prosecutions either for failure to register a firearm…or for possession of an unregistered firearm." (Summary from American Rifleman, March 2000, page 20)

So, when these gun registration schemes are announced, be aware that only lawful gun-owners are required to register their firearms. Unlawful owners are exempted from registration laws due to their constitutional protection against self-incrimination.

But I do not see the conflict with that Tony. They are indeed guilty of possession by a prior offender, they just can't be charged with not registering the weapon... the weapon was illegal to begin with. That's how I read it.

And there are infact a lot of laws we law abiding people follow that criminals don't... that's kind of what makes us us and them them. But we will not be registering our firearms anytime soon.

2013-04-09 7:47 AM
in reply to: #4643301

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread


A pistol in the hands of a 4-year-old boy went off during a weekend cookout, killing the wife of a Tennessee sheriff's deputy who was showing his guns to a relative, state police said Monday. No one saw the boy pick up the weapon before the shooting, which occurred Saturday night in Lebanon, east of Nashville, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation spokeswoman Kristin Helm said.

The single shot killed 47-year-old Josephine Fanning, the wife of Wilson County Sheriff's Deputy Daniel Fanning. The couple were hosting family and friends at their house when Daniel Fanning and a relative went into a bedroom to check out some of Fanning's guns, Helm said. Josephine Fanning and the boy walked into the room later, and at some point the boy picked the loaded pistol up off the bed.

No doubt this deputy would have considered himself a so-called "responsible gun owner."

2013-04-09 7:50 AM
in reply to: #4692431

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
powerman - 2013-04-08 10:15 PM
tuwood - 2013-04-08 6:41 PM

I saw this posted on a conservative forum and I was curious if it was true, and if it is what are the ramifications to the overall gun debate.  Brock???

I suspect the felon could/would still be charged with possession of a firearm, but wouldn't be able to be convicted of not registering his/her firearm or possession of an unregistered firearm.

Why Convicted Felon 's Don 't/Won 't Have to Register Their [Illegal] Firearms

U.S. Supreme Court's 1968 Haynes v. U.S. decision:
Haynes, a convicted felon, was convicted of unlawful possession of an unregistered short-barreled shotgun.  He argued that for a convicted felon to register a gun was effectively an announcement to the government that he was breaking the law and that registration violated his Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination.
The court, by an 8 - 1 margin, agreed, concluding: "We hold that a proper claim of the constitutional privilege against self-incrimination provides a full defense to prosecutions either for failure to register a firearm…or for possession of an unregistered firearm." (Summary from American Rifleman, March 2000, page 20)

So, when these gun registration schemes are announced, be aware that only lawful gun-owners are required to register their firearms. Unlawful owners are exempted from registration laws due to their constitutional protection against self-incrimination.

But I do not see the conflict with that Tony. They are indeed guilty of possession by a prior offender, they just can't be charged with not registering the weapon... the weapon was illegal to begin with. That's how I read it.

And there are infact a lot of laws we law abiding people follow that criminals don't... that's kind of what makes us us and them them. But we will not be registering our firearms anytime soon.

Yeah, I read it a few times and was trying to figure out if it was a big deal or not.  Obviously if a Felon has a gun he's already committing a crime by possessing it so tacking on another "registration" offense is likely a moot point.  Kind of like tacking on a brandishing a firearm in the city charge when someone commits an armed robbery. 

I guess in the context of mandatory gun registries it would do nothing but make criminals out of law abiding citizens who legally possess their guns, but refuse to register their guns.

I know Omaha has a gun registry for handguns and anyone who possesses a handgun inside city limits commits the offense of possessing an unregistered handgun if it's not registered.  Even if they live outside of the city limits.

2013-04-09 7:54 AM
in reply to: #4692692

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
tealeaf - 2013-04-09 5:47 AM


A pistol in the hands of a 4-year-old boy went off during a weekend cookout, killing the wife of a Tennessee sheriff's deputy who was showing his guns to a relative, state police said Monday. No one saw the boy pick up the weapon before the shooting, which occurred Saturday night in Lebanon, east of Nashville, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation spokeswoman Kristin Helm said.

The single shot killed 47-year-old Josephine Fanning, the wife of Wilson County Sheriff's Deputy Daniel Fanning. The couple were hosting family and friends at their house when Daniel Fanning and a relative went into a bedroom to check out some of Fanning's guns, Helm said. Josephine Fanning and the boy walked into the room later, and at some point the boy picked the loaded pistol up off the bed.

No doubt this deputy would have considered himself a so-called "responsible gun owner."

So what would you have done about this tragic event?

2013-04-09 8:05 AM
in reply to: #4692707

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Central Mass
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
Big Appa - 2013-04-09 8:54 AM
tealeaf - 2013-04-09 5:47 AM


A pistol in the hands of a 4-year-old boy went off during a weekend cookout, killing the wife of a Tennessee sheriff's deputy who was showing his guns to a relative, state police said Monday. No one saw the boy pick up the weapon before the shooting, which occurred Saturday night in Lebanon, east of Nashville, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation spokeswoman Kristin Helm said.

The single shot killed 47-year-old Josephine Fanning, the wife of Wilson County Sheriff's Deputy Daniel Fanning. The couple were hosting family and friends at their house when Daniel Fanning and a relative went into a bedroom to check out some of Fanning's guns, Helm said. Josephine Fanning and the boy walked into the room later, and at some point the boy picked the loaded pistol up off the bed.

No doubt this deputy would have considered himself a so-called "responsible gun owner."

So what would you have done about this tragic event?

Obviously there's a solution:

Make deputies illegal!


OR - make their pistols owned by the department/county and they have to check them in and out before or after their shift.

OR - follow the rest of the western world and don't arm patrol officers.

2013-04-09 8:06 AM
in reply to: #4692707

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, Ohio
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
Big Appa - 2013-04-09 8:54 AM
tealeaf - 2013-04-09 5:47 AM


A pistol in the hands of a 4-year-old boy went off during a weekend cookout, killing the wife of a Tennessee sheriff's deputy who was showing his guns to a relative, state police said Monday. No one saw the boy pick up the weapon before the shooting, which occurred Saturday night in Lebanon, east of Nashville, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation spokeswoman Kristin Helm said.

The single shot killed 47-year-old Josephine Fanning, the wife of Wilson County Sheriff's Deputy Daniel Fanning. The couple were hosting family and friends at their house when Daniel Fanning and a relative went into a bedroom to check out some of Fanning's guns, Helm said. Josephine Fanning and the boy walked into the room later, and at some point the boy picked the loaded pistol up off the bed.

No doubt this deputy would have considered himself a so-called "responsible gun owner."

So what would you have done about this tragic event?

Agreed. Although this event was tragic and no one ever wants to see something like this happen, what is the answer to stop it.

There's not one becasue accidents happen. Under the assumption that accidents have to be completely taken out of our world, I guess we need ban all cars being driven, all alcohol being consumed, all foods that lead to unhealthy lifestyles, and while you're at it kill all the predatory animals that have the potential to kill us.


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