BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN Mentor Group-"Off Season?" What is that?!! Rss Feed  
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2009-08-13 6:31 PM
in reply to: #2347352

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-13 5:53 PM

Unfortunately I'm back a little too soon.  Today was the first day this year I have felt the effects of the humidity.  It was only 91 degrees, but the humidity was in the high 80's.  I went through two 8 oz bottles of GE and 2 8 oz bottles of water on my FuelBelt and I just hit 8.5 miles.  During my last 11 mile run I had just finished my fourth bottle.  I was even beginning to cramp a little in my left foot and my left quad.  So, I shut it down and walked home.  My shirt was completely soaked - I literally rung it out.  I'm really disappointed, but feel I did the right thing to do with my race on Sun and my big race in six weeks.  Besides, my plan called for a 90 min. run.  I ran for 85.  So I guess it's not too bad. 

Does anyone else stand on their feet all day at work and do you think that affects your workout performance if it is in the pm?  I try to schedule long runs / bikes on my days off, but every once in while I miss one and cannot move it.  (Like today.)

Chris, you sound a little defeated.  Looks like a pretty damm nice run to me.  12 miles in the heat is a HAUL!  You got the time in and that is what you really needed, so good job and quit your bicchin

2009-08-13 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2347352

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-13 6:53 PM

Unfortunately I'm back a little too soon.  Today was the first day this year I have felt the effects of the humidity.  It was only 91 degrees, but the humidity was in the high 80's.  I went through two 8 oz bottles of GE and 2 8 oz bottles of water on my FuelBelt and I just hit 8.5 miles.  During my last 11 mile run I had just finished my fourth bottle.  I was even beginning to cramp a little in my left foot and my left quad.  So, I shut it down and walked home.  My shirt was completely soaked - I literally rung it out.  I'm really disappointed, but feel I did the right thing to do with my race on Sun and my big race in six weeks.  Besides, my plan called for a 90 min. run.  I ran for 85.  So I guess it's not too bad. 

Does anyone else stand on their feet all day at work and do you think that affects your workout performance if it is in the pm?  I try to schedule long runs / bikes on my days off, but every once in while I miss one and cannot move it.  (Like today.)

There was a good post on ST a week or so ago where someone asked how much the heat slowed them down.  Was surprising to see how many people talked about adding at least a minute a mile down on their pace to keep their HR down.

I went on a run a couple weeks ago was supposed to be 12 I think and I really only ran solidly for 6 of them, the last 6 I would run a quarter mile and my HR would hit zone 4, walk, rinse and repeat all the way back home.  Was discouraged and got some good advice then went back out and had a great run just not in the heat.
2009-08-13 7:06 PM
in reply to: #2347352

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-13 4:53 PM

Unfortunately I'm back a little too soon.  Today was the first day this year I have felt the effects of the humidity.  It was only 91 degrees, but the humidity was in the high 80's.  I went through two 8 oz bottles of GE and 2 8 oz bottles of water on my FuelBelt and I just hit 8.5 miles.  During my last 11 mile run I had just finished my fourth bottle.  I was even beginning to cramp a little in my left foot and my left quad.  So, I shut it down and walked home.  My shirt was completely soaked - I literally rung it out.  I'm really disappointed, but feel I did the right thing to do with my race on Sun and my big race in six weeks.  Besides, my plan called for a 90 min. run.  I ran for 85.  So I guess it's not too bad. 

Does anyone else stand on their feet all day at work and do you think that affects your workout performance if it is in the pm?  I try to schedule long runs / bikes on my days off, but every once in while I miss one and cannot move it.  (Like today.)

Nothing to hang your head about. Man if I ran in that weather, I'd melt I think. Heat is a tough thing to conquer. That's a great run in those elements for sure.
My wife is a teacher. Her feet are horrible, and she has mentioned how sore her legs get sometimes when running. Personally I think she is wussing out a bit(Wink) HA...I sit at a desk all day, what do I know? Right Tony?

Edited by TrevorC 2009-08-13 7:08 PM
2009-08-13 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2347352

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-13 5:53 PM

Unfortunately I'm back a little too soon.  Today was the first day this year I have felt the effects of the humidity.  It was only 91 degrees, but the humidity was in the high 80's.  I went through two 8 oz bottles of GE and 2 8 oz bottles of water on my FuelBelt and I just hit 8.5 miles.  During my last 11 mile run I had just finished my fourth bottle.  I was even beginning to cramp a little in my left foot and my left quad.  So, I shut it down and walked home.  My shirt was completely soaked - I literally rung it out.  I'm really disappointed, but feel I did the right thing to do with my race on Sun and my big race in six weeks.  Besides, my plan called for a 90 min. run.  I ran for 85.  So I guess it's not too bad. 

Does anyone else stand on their feet all day at work and do you think that affects your workout performance if it is in the pm?  I try to schedule long runs / bikes on my days off, but every once in while I miss one and cannot move it.  (Like today.)


It was only 91F with 80% humidity? Take a look at this chart and cut yourself some slack.  Running in heat has a significant impact on performance and can be very dangerous.  There is no way you can ingest enough liquids to compensate for the sweat loss so dont even try.  Do you have access to a TM in an AC location for at least part of your run?  If so, you may want to start a few miles inside before moving outside or vv. It will take more out of you t try to continue under those conditions and only hurt subsequent workouts.  One thing I am learning this year is the next workout is as important as the current one so regroup and knock the next one out of the park.  I too have a desk job so cannot offer much in the way of solutions about standing on your feet.  You might want to post something in the general forum.

Hey Kim, any details on your new plan? or are you planning to slowly enlighten us?   And as the senior female in this tribe I resent the "older" remark! 

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-08-13 8:37 PM
2009-08-13 8:35 PM
in reply to: #2347401

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-13 7:23 PM
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-13 5:53 PM

Unfortunately I'm back a little too soon.  Today was the first day this year I have felt the effects of the humidity.  It was only 91 degrees, but the humidity was in the high 80's.  I went through two 8 oz bottles of GE and 2 8 oz bottles of water on my FuelBelt and I just hit 8.5 miles.  During my last 11 mile run I had just finished my fourth bottle.  I was even beginning to cramp a little in my left foot and my left quad.  So, I shut it down and walked home.  My shirt was completely soaked - I literally rung it out.  I'm really disappointed, but feel I did the right thing to do with my race on Sun and my big race in six weeks.  Besides, my plan called for a 90 min. run.  I ran for 85.  So I guess it's not too bad. 

Does anyone else stand on their feet all day at work and do you think that affects your workout performance if it is in the pm?  I try to schedule long runs / bikes on my days off, but every once in while I miss one and cannot move it.  (Like today.)

That's a hellavu run.  91/high 80's is crazy.  You might not have made it as far as you wanted to in the planned time, btw forget that 5 minutes, but considering the elements, you have no reason whatsoever to hang your head.  And really we're talking big picture here... 2.5 miles, don't sweat it.   Awesome job out there man.  You read my inspire...I was walking after 20 minutes today.  Sucks! 

No I'm not on my feet all day.  Please think of me stuck in an office during those late fall SC days.  

btw,  If this happens will you trade a bunch of cold beer for a bed after the race?

I've heard a few of those rumors.  If it happens, of course you are welcome.  My wife can cook a mean baked ziti for carbo loading! 
2009-08-13 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2347588

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Hey Kim, any details on your new plan? or are you planning to slowly enlighten us?   And as the senior female in this tribe I resent the "older" remark! 

You mean the part about my new coach being your coach???    Ahhhh, how did I leave that out?!  Suzy has graciously allowed me access to her awesome coach.  I hope I am up for the challenge!  He knows I am not as hardcore as our Suzy, but is going to try to get me to the finish line in good shape and free of injury this year!  I'm excited!  See Suzy, I am already thinking positively

2009-08-13 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2347615

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-08-13 8:52 PM

Hey Kim, any details on your new plan? or are you planning to slowly enlighten us?   And as the senior female in this tribe I resent the "older" remark! 

You mean the part about my new coach being your coach???    Ahhhh, how did I leave that out?!  Suzy has graciously allowed me access to her awesome coach.  I hope I am up for the challenge!  He knows I am not as hardcore as our Suzy, but is going to try to get me to the finish line in good shape and free of injury this year!  I'm excited!  See Suzy, I am already thinking positively

What Kim is trying to say is she plans to BQ at CIM with the help of Steve and wants Tony to join us in Boston in '11.   Any other folks interested? Chet? Sam? Roni?
2009-08-13 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2347623

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-13 6:55 PM
kt65 - 2009-08-13 8:52 PM

Hey Kim, any details on your new plan? or are you planning to slowly enlighten us?   And as the senior female in this tribe I resent the "older" remark! 

You mean the part about my new coach being your coach???    Ahhhh, how did I leave that out?!  Suzy has graciously allowed me access to her awesome coach.  I hope I am up for the challenge!  He knows I am not as hardcore as our Suzy, but is going to try to get me to the finish line in good shape and free of injury this year!  I'm excited!  See Suzy, I am already thinking positively

What Kim is trying to say is she plans to BQ at CIM with the help of Steve and wants Tony to join us in Boston in '11.   Any other folks interested? Chet? Sam? Roni?

thank goodness for interpreters!
2009-08-13 9:40 PM
in reply to: #2347588

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-13 7:34 PM
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-13 5:53 PM

Unfortunately I'm back a little too soon.  Today was the first day this year I have felt the effects of the humidity.  It was only 91 degrees, but the humidity was in the high 80's.  I went through two 8 oz bottles of GE and 2 8 oz bottles of water on my FuelBelt and I just hit 8.5 miles.  During my last 11 mile run I had just finished my fourth bottle.  I was even beginning to cramp a little in my left foot and my left quad.  So, I shut it down and walked home.  My shirt was completely soaked - I literally rung it out.  I'm really disappointed, but feel I did the right thing to do with my race on Sun and my big race in six weeks.  Besides, my plan called for a 90 min. run.  I ran for 85.  So I guess it's not too bad. 

Does anyone else stand on their feet all day at work and do you think that affects your workout performance if it is in the pm?  I try to schedule long runs / bikes on my days off, but every once in while I miss one and cannot move it.  (Like today.)


It was only 91F with 80% humidity? Take a look at this chart and cut yourself some slack.  Running in heat has a significant impact on performance and can be very dangerous.  There is no way you can ingest enough liquids to compensate for the sweat loss so dont even try.  Do you have access to a TM in an AC location for at least part of your run?  If so, you may want to start a few miles inside before moving outside or vv. It will take more out of you t try to continue under those conditions and only hurt subsequent workouts.  One thing I am learning this year is the next workout is as important as the current one so regroup and knock the next one out of the park.  I too have a desk job so cannot offer much in the way of solutions about standing on your feet.  You might want to post something in the general forum.

Hey Kim, any details on your new plan? or are you planning to slowly enlighten us?   And as the senior female in this tribe I resent the "older" remark! 

Really??? I thought all you did was train!Wink How was the swim in Gale force winds??
And you have amazing info sometimes Suzy..that chart is awesome. So Chris you're off the hook.

Edited by TrevorC 2009-08-13 9:41 PM
2009-08-14 6:01 AM
in reply to: #2347703

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
TrevorC - 2009-08-13 9:40 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-08-13 7:34 PM
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-13 5:53 PM

Unfortunately I'm back a little too soon.  Today was the first day this year I have felt the effects of the humidity.  It was only 91 degrees, but the humidity was in the high 80's.  I went through two 8 oz bottles of GE and 2 8 oz bottles of water on my FuelBelt and I just hit 8.5 miles.  During my last 11 mile run I had just finished my fourth bottle.  I was even beginning to cramp a little in my left foot and my left quad.  So, I shut it down and walked home.  My shirt was completely soaked - I literally rung it out.  I'm really disappointed, but feel I did the right thing to do with my race on Sun and my big race in six weeks.  Besides, my plan called for a 90 min. run.  I ran for 85.  So I guess it's not too bad. 

Does anyone else stand on their feet all day at work and do you think that affects your workout performance if it is in the pm?  I try to schedule long runs / bikes on my days off, but every once in while I miss one and cannot move it.  (Like today.)


It was only 91F with 80% humidity? Take a look at this chart and cut yourself some slack.  Running in heat has a significant impact on performance and can be very dangerous.  There is no way you can ingest enough liquids to compensate for the sweat loss so dont even try.  Do you have access to a TM in an AC location for at least part of your run?  If so, you may want to start a few miles inside before moving outside or vv. It will take more out of you t try to continue under those conditions and only hurt subsequent workouts.  One thing I am learning this year is the next workout is as important as the current one so regroup and knock the next one out of the park.  I too have a desk job so cannot offer much in the way of solutions about standing on your feet.  You might want to post something in the general forum.

Hey Kim, any details on your new plan? or are you planning to slowly enlighten us?   And as the senior female in this tribe I resent the "older" remark! 

Really??? I thought all you did was train!Wink How was the swim in Gale force winds??
And you have amazing info sometimes Suzy..that chart is awesome. So Chris you're off the hook.

Ok, my desk is my dinette table at home and as a consultant, I set my own hours for the most part. My afternoons are work time, my mornings are training time!  I am lucky.  Of course, the man tells me I could work more.  I usually send a gesture his way, lovingly of course!

PS. The swim sucked--it was choppy and I found myself panicking Yell.  At one point the coach was about 500 yards away and I wondered if I would get to him and of course I thought about the lady that drowned in my tri on Sunday. I believe this was as much about my attitude as the weather.  My OWS coach gives me the total opposite advice of Steve and it is wearing on me.  I can see both POVs which is what makes it hard (Mark only wants me in the OW and Steve doesn't).  Today, my new attitude emerges.  I have an OWS lesson with non-Steve Laughing and I am going in with a positive frame of mind. I am going to swim across that dang lake, calmly and with purpose.  And that's that!

Enjoy the morning....
2009-08-14 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2347588

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-13 9:34 PM
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-13 5:53 PM

Unfortunately I'm back a little too soon.  Today was the first day this year I have felt the effects of the humidity.  It was only 91 degrees, but the humidity was in the high 80's.  I went through two 8 oz bottles of GE and 2 8 oz bottles of water on my FuelBelt and I just hit 8.5 miles.  During my last 11 mile run I had just finished my fourth bottle.  I was even beginning to cramp a little in my left foot and my left quad.  So, I shut it down and walked home.  My shirt was completely soaked - I literally rung it out.  I'm really disappointed, but feel I did the right thing to do with my race on Sun and my big race in six weeks.  Besides, my plan called for a 90 min. run.  I ran for 85.  So I guess it's not too bad. 

Does anyone else stand on their feet all day at work and do you think that affects your workout performance if it is in the pm?  I try to schedule long runs / bikes on my days off, but every once in while I miss one and cannot move it.  (Like today.)


It was only 91F with 80% humidity? Take a look at this chart and cut yourself some slack.  Running in heat has a significant impact on performance and can be very dangerous.  There is no way you can ingest enough liquids to compensate for the sweat loss so dont even try.  Do you have access to a TM in an AC location for at least part of your run?  If so, you may want to start a few miles inside before moving outside or vv. It will take more out of you t try to continue under those conditions and only hurt subsequent workouts.  One thing I am learning this year is the next workout is as important as the current one so regroup and knock the next one out of the park.  I too have a desk job so cannot offer much in the way of solutions about standing on your feet.  You might want to post something in the general forum.

Hey Kim, any details on your new plan? or are you planning to slowly enlighten us?   And as the senior female in this tribe I resent the "older" remark! 

Thanks Suzy!  That's some pretty good info and advice. 

2009-08-14 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Edited by Jeepguy2358 2009-08-14 7:55 AM
2009-08-14 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
My wife and I are booking our vac. for 2010 this week.  Check out where we are staying:

We stayed here last time:

Due to our schedules, we can't take too many vacations, but when we go, we do it right! 
2009-08-14 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2347352

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-13 5:53 PM

Unfortunately I'm back a little too soon.  Today was the first day this year I have felt the effects of the humidity.  It was only 91 degrees, but the humidity was in the high 80's.  I went through two 8 oz bottles of GE and 2 8 oz bottles of water on my FuelBelt and I just hit 8.5 miles.  During my last 11 mile run I had just finished my fourth bottle.  I was even beginning to cramp a little in my left foot and my left quad.  So, I shut it down and walked home.  My shirt was completely soaked - I literally rung it out.  I'm really disappointed, but feel I did the right thing to do with my race on Sun and my big race in six weeks.  Besides, my plan called for a 90 min. run.  I ran for 85.  So I guess it's not too bad. 

Does anyone else stand on their feet all day at work and do you think that affects your workout performance if it is in the pm?  I try to schedule long runs / bikes on my days off, but every once in while I miss one and cannot move it.  (Like today.)

2009-08-14 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2348092

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-14 7:55 AM My wife and I are booking our vac. for 2010 this week.  Check out where we are staying:

We stayed here last time:

Due to our schedules, we can't take too many vacations, but when we go, we do it right! 

Outstanding!  How was Long Bay Beach?  You need to post some pics in the album.
2009-08-14 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
My next race is the SAVAGEMAN Olympic in September. The race organizers just sent out an email with a detailed breakdown of the race course.  Doesn't this sound just peachy?  Major uuggghhhh!!!Cry

Average water temperatures:  66 degrees
Average air temperatures in the am: below 50 degrees
Average cyclists should have a 27 tooth cog, and weaker cyclists should have a triple front chainring or compact cranks.

NameLocation"Savage" CategoryLengthAvg GradeMax Grade
Toothpick0.5 mi4th Savagery0.25 mi9%16%
Frank Brenneman Rd8.6 mi1st Savagery0.7 mi10%23%


(savageman runner.jpg)


run_profile_intl.jpg (31KB - 13 downloads)
savageman runner.jpg (77KB - 13 downloads)
bike_profile_intl.jpg (20KB - 12 downloads)

2009-08-14 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2348091

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-14 6:55 AM

Speaking of inflated post counts.......416 posts, and 1/3 of them are duplicates!!!
Nice vacation spot Chris...nice.
2009-08-14 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2348217

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-08-14 7:57 AM My next race is the SAVAGEMAN Olympic in September. The race organizers just sent out an email with a detailed breakdown of the race course.  Doesn't this sound just peachy?  Major uuggghhhh!!!Cry

Average water temperatures:  66 degrees
Average air temperatures in the am: below 50 degrees
Average cyclists should have a 27 tooth cog, and weaker cyclists should have a triple front chainring or compact cranks.

NameLocation"Savage" CategoryLengthAvg GradeMax Grade
Toothpick0.5 mi4th Savagery0.25 mi9%16%
Frank Brenneman Rd8.6 mi1st Savagery0.7 mi10%23%

What did Barry say to Chris a few posts back??? oh right........

HTFU   Cool 23% Grade wowser

Edited by TrevorC 2009-08-14 9:23 AM
2009-08-14 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2348217

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-08-14 9:57 AM My next race is the SAVAGEMAN Olympic in September. The race organizers just sent out an email with a detailed breakdown of the race course.  Doesn't this sound just peachy?  Major uuggghhhh!!!Cry

Average water temperatures:  66 degrees
Average air temperatures in the am: below 50 degrees
Average cyclists should have a 27 tooth cog, and weaker cyclists should have a triple front chainring or compact cranks.

NameLocation"Savage" CategoryLengthAvg GradeMax Grade
Toothpick0.5 mi4th Savagery0.25 mi9%16%
Frank Brenneman Rd8.6 mi1st Savagery0.7 mi10%23%

That on hill at mile 9 will be brutal.  A serious climb in the distance of about a mile.
2009-08-14 9:57 AM
in reply to: #2348217

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

My next race is the SAVAGEMAN Olympic in September. The race organizers just sent out an email with a detailed breakdown of the race course.  Doesn't this sound just peachy?  Major uuggghhhh!!!

That run climb at the 4.5 mile mark would be my concern.  At least on a bike you can change gears - on the run it's just you and your legs.

Seeing those profiles motivates me to get out and do something though. 
2009-08-14 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Hey Tracy--The thought of 66F water and 50F air temperature sounds pretty good to this Wisconsinite.  That is about what it is like at our house in Nothern WI a lot of the summer.  Then I read on about the course and fainted. Surprised.  I am grunting like a mule going up the 375ft 1m climb on the IM Course.  I would be spending a lot of time on my feet in Savageman! YOWZA.

Chris--I thought of you on my run today.  It was only 80F and 70% humidity.  I didn't carry fluids today and felt like absolute crap after the first hour.  By the time I finished, I seriously though I was going to pass out.  It happens to all of us.

So has anyone been following Lance and the Shack?  I heard Geroge is on the team for sure! Awesome.

2009-08-14 10:03 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I just read that George Is NOT on the team from an interview with Lance, as he is already committed elsewhere.

Edited by DougRob 2009-08-14 10:14 AM
2009-08-14 10:14 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

OK now I have read that George IS riding with the Shack next season. It is from the same interview with Outside Magazine. Odd.

2009-08-14 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2348391

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-14 11:00 AM Hey Tracy--The thought of 66F water and 50F air temperature sounds pretty good to this Wisconsinite.  That is about what it is like at our house in Nothern WI a lot of the summer.  Then I read on about the course and fainted. Surprised.  I am grunting like a mule going up the 375ft 1m climb on the IM Course.  I would be spending a lot of time on my feet in Savageman! YOWZA.


The main problem with the temperature is that it will still be quite hot in NC in September and then to go to the shock of cold water is hard.  And if you read my RR from last year I spent a LOT OF TIME on my feet with my bike.  However I am determined to take a big chunk of time off last year!  Excuse me now while I go climb a hill then puke!!  Gggggggrrrrrrr
2009-08-14 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2348506

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-08-14 10:38 AM
The main problem with the temperature is that it will still be quite hot in NC in September and then to go to the shock of cold water is hard.  And if you read my RR from last year I spent a LOT OF TIME on my feet with my bike.  However I am determined to take a big chunk of time off last year!  Excuse me now while I go climb a hill then puke!!  Gggggggrrrrrrr

LOL!  I read some of the comments and was just about to post you RR from last year.  Very cool you are going back this year. You are gonna rock it!!!

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-08-14 10:48 AM
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