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2009-01-15 3:16 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Hey everyone,

Just checking in. Had kind of a crappy day yesterday in that my alternator failed. Took it in, they are going to fix it. Also have to get a wheel speed sensor fixed. All told about $1,100. I mean, whatever, it is an 03 protoge with 132k klicks on it so it has been good to me, it is just annoying when cars start to cost money, ha.

Managed to get a run in today, which I felt pretty good about. Karate tonight, another run tommorow. Not sure if I am going to get my swim in as I got to pick the car up tommorow, hopefully, which will gum things up. I do not deal with changes in my routine well, wonder how that will work with the kid on the way. Ahhhhhh.

2009-01-15 3:23 PM
in reply to: #1909891

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
jezzieswims - 2009-01-15 11:23 AM

I’m looking for some advice. My first HIM is April 4th and I have the opportunity to do a sprint on Feb 21 and an Olympic distance race March 8th. Is this too much before my A race. Should I just race one of them? None of them?

Do them all. That is a very managable schedule and will give you great practice for the HIM. Frankly, you probably could even "race" them all and have plenty of time to recover, however if you are concerned about that you could just use them as quick training workouts.

I suppose the questions you need to answer are:

1. Will it effect or get in the way of your training (frankly I do not know how this could be because even if you have a long bike or run scheduled for the race day you could always top off the race with a long ride or run)

2. Will you get injured and will you be able to hold back so as not to negatively effect your training for your A race.

3. Are you getting something out of the race, whether it be a. fun b. training or c. practice. I mean you need to get something out of it, even if it is just a good time or confidence in transitions and your equipment.

2009-01-15 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Thank you for the input everyone. This has been very helpful, I’d going to process all of this over the weekend and may my decision by Monday. I think can hold back enough to get what I need out of racing without having to recover for long periods of time. Both races are fast and flat, I think I can handle that.

Darren, sorry to hear about your car. That sucks.

2009-01-15 4:06 PM
in reply to: #1910510

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
jezzieswims - 2009-01-15 4:48 PM

Thank you for the input everyone. This has been very helpful, I’d going to process all of this over the weekend and may my decision by Monday. I think can hold back enough to get what I need out of racing without having to recover for long periods of time. Both races are fast and flat, I think I can handle that.

Darren, sorry to hear about your car. That sucks.

Will you still be able to get your long workouts in those weeks is my concern? I don't recall if you work or not but you need to get long run and long bikes in 4 weeks before a HIM and missing a weekend to do an Oly isn't ideal. If you work and weekends are the only time for longer workouts, consider doing a longer bike like 3 hours later in the day after your oly...push up your long run maybe Tuesday the week before the Oly.

The sprint is farther away from HIM so your long workouts aren't as critical plus recovery from sprint is easier. Same thought though do another workout later in the day ideally a z2 long bike.

Darren...frustrating about your car.

2009-01-15 4:56 PM
in reply to: #1908989

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
KathyG - 2009-01-16 12:15 AM

I was wondering if you guys would share what you enjoy most about training and what you find hardest?

Maybe share your thoughts about s/b/r.

Now that we are all getting to know each other better it might be insightful and helpful to others.

What do I enjoy most about training?

The stress release, the way it makes me feel, the feeling of satisfaction, noticing improvements - whether they be increased strength, speed or physique, doing something I havent been able to do before and an increased sense of positivity

What do I find the hardest?

Early mornings, getting enough sleep, balancing nutrition as volume increases, anything to do with running, finding enough hours in the day as I often feel like I need some down time post workout but its often almost bed time by the time i get to that point, balancing work and training stress, judging fatigue on whether I need a rest or to push through, asking for and receiving external support, getting other to understand the importance of my training to me and having to be wet all the time - showers/pool/shower/workout/shower

Thought on:

The Swim: Soothing, good recovery, and all about practice  - need to committ to at least 2 per week (this is my strongish sport as Ive been doing it for years)

The Bike: Consistency, I enjoy it but until recently I havent committed to spending enough time outside to see any improvements in speed, fitness or skills. Forcing myself to push pace or head up hills when I really enjoy cruising around

The Run: Ummm... its not a priority, I dont enjoy it, have a BIG mental block when it comes to the run and I have trouble fitting enough workouts in with my Bike and Swim committments to get much run time. Due to past injuries Im also a bit scared of it I guess...

2009-01-15 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Hi All!

I'm afraid my training is taking a hit this week as I am sick.  I missed yesterday's run and am not sure about tomorrow.  I am supposed to do 10 on saturday.  At this point if I am feeling better tomorrow I may just try to run 3 or 4.  I may try to split my long run on Saturday into 2 shorter distances on sat & sun. Or just go shorter- like 6 on Sat and build the miles up later next week when it is warmer and I feel better.  My pool is also closed for a swim meet on Sat so I have less flexibility on my swim times this weekend as well.  Like Darren I like to keep to my schedule but have had to learn to be fairly flexibile over the years. Lots of great training going on, congrats to all.

2009-01-15 6:22 PM
in reply to: #1909891

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
jezzieswims - 2009-01-15 12:23 PM

I’m looking for some advice. My first HIM is April 4th and I have the opportunity to do a sprint on Feb 21 and an Olympic distance race March 8th. Is this too much before my A race. Should I just race one of them? None of them?

Timing wise that looks okay as long as you go into the sprint and oly in a less competitive mode.  Train through and not killing yourself on the pace to compete hard.  Just to practice transitions and nutrition strategies.
2009-01-15 8:00 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I'M BACK!!! and I've really missed you guys - i just caught up on what feels like a million posts - you guys are kickin' A$$!!

I'm doing pretty good, my goal was to double the run, but it looks like I'll double the swim, too - and might be lacking on the spin - might have to do a double session some day soon:

January's totals:
Bike:2h 46m  - 45 Mi
Run:4h 06m 21s  - 23.6 Mi
Swim:1h 45m 01s  - 2680 Yd
Strength:1h 00m
Yoga:1h 30m

as for the mental game - boy do i know this one...... i had the pleasure of a pre-race meal with KathyG before my first tri last september... i only wish i could have chatted with her a week before because that last week i was a mess!!  oh my god - my heart just started pounding thinking about the anxiety i want thru the few days before the race!!  You newbies; take the opportunity to ask questions and ease those nerves!! i bottled everything up and it was awful - i remember 3 days before the race i was sitting at my desk @ work and just burst into tears!!!  my body was ready but i did NO mental training!!  you will be nervous, you will want to skip workouts thats NORMAL - stay focused, stick with it and most of all remember that you ARE HAVING FUN!!!

KOM i'm battling a ridiculous cold, too - my first in years too!! YUCKY - and my asthma is having a party

2009-01-15 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Darren - Sorry about your car - that's crummy.....

Since we're talking about training and racing schedules, has anyone used Gale Bernhardt's 13 weeks to a 13 hr HIM or IM? Since putting my schedule together for this year, IM Florida is just about 15 weeks past the RI HIM. I'd like to do the 13 wk. schedule to the HIM, take 2 weeks off to recover and do light work, do an Oly, then go right into the 13 wk. IM prep. I'm finding the training load now quite manageable and that would give me a decent base going into HIM training but just not sure of whether or not it's a good plan. Any experiences with it? Thanks
2009-01-15 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1910969

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
kristinc0916 - 2009-01-15 9:05 PM Darren - Sorry about your car - that's crummy..... Since we're talking about training and racing schedules, has anyone used Gale Bernhardt's 13 weeks to a 13 hr HIM or IM? Since putting my schedule together for this year, IM Florida is just about 15 weeks past the RI HIM. I'd like to do the 13 wk. schedule to the HIM, take 2 weeks off to recover and do light work, do an Oly, then go right into the 13 wk. IM prep. I'm finding the training load now quite manageable and that would give me a decent base going into HIM training but just not sure of whether or not it's a good plan. Any experiences with it? Thanks
As someone for whom an Oly distance will be this year's stretch I can not even imagine! I am in awe of your strength and determination!
2009-01-15 8:57 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Wow..I do feel dumb now..s/b/r!! OMGOSH! It must be because I have not been feeling well. I am usually quicker than that.

2009-01-15 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

For what it's worth as a laugh:  part of the reason I signed up for my very first tri was to prove to myself that I could do one.  I had hidden behind asthma and prior back surgery as an excuse to not do it. 

I got mental 6 weeks before my sprint (300 meters-20K-5K) and had one of the trainers at the gym time me in a mock tri. 

 I got mertal again right before my first OWS race too.  Part of why I have to go back to NY this summer to face that lake (even though it's so cold it's wet suit legal in August

Take the time now to face your mental stuff so race day all that garbage is gone and you can enjoy the race. 

2009-01-15 11:47 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Alright, here is my story.

So I had Karate tonight at 7:30. Now usually I do not run on the same day as Karate because it kicks my but I didn't run tuesday so I had to run today.

Anyways, run went good, I had kind of a lazy run yesterday so I had tons of energy. Did not eat much before 2, just my breakfast shake, at 2 I had 3 slices of homemade pizza, fairly nutritius.

Anyways, so, I got to McDonalds. I have the Angus combo, with a diet coke, at 4:30. Now I have heard that it is junk food, but it is REALLY JUNK. I am thinking, sure it is junk but at least it will give me some calories tonight. Ha, hardly, no energy tonight. I was beat. McDonalds is actually garbage. Maybe if I had a real coke I would have had some more energy.

Anyways, that is my story, it is actually junk, garbage, useless, no energy, felt like I ate nothing except my stomach was full.

Frankly I am quite shocked about this whole thing.
2009-01-16 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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acton, Ma
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

My  outdoor thermometer read - 10 this morning ... so back to the trainer for me today. Pool will be closed this weekend to install new drain covers.  I haven't swam much this fall and winter -- I will need to step it up. 

Once the temps outside get above 15 to 20, I'll run again.

My jeans are tight, I'm feeling bummed about having to lose some weight....again. (sigh)

One day at a time, I guess

2009-01-16 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
If my temps stay sub 20 I'll be in the gym for a dreadmill run tomorrow!
2009-01-16 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

On the drive to school to drop off my girls it said -11. I will be doing my 3 mile run on an indoor track and/or treadmill after my lunch time swim.

With a cold & very cold temps and asthma I need to be extra careful as both are triggers for asthma.

Very chilly across most of US today.

You all must have seen US Airways flight that landed in the river. I used to fly in and out of LaGuardia when I first moved to CT after graduating from college. That airport's runways always bothered me as you are over water so fast. My husband flies 100+K miles a year on US Airways and was flying home that made my heart jump a little when you hear about a plan crash. So glad everyone is okay.

2009-01-16 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
I remember the days of cold when I lived in NY. We're having a very unusual winter. Makes for great training weather but we could use the water in California.
2009-01-16 5:39 PM
in reply to: #1911460

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
QueenZipp - 2009-01-16 6:28 AM

If my temps stay sub 20 I'll be in the gym for a dreadmill run tomorrow!

Better than nothing, how long you going to be running for?
2009-01-16 5:40 PM
in reply to: #1911418

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
tri_again - 2009-01-16 6:10 AM

My  outdoor thermometer read - 10 this morning ... so back to the trainer for me today. Pool will be closed this weekend to install new drain covers.  I haven't swam much this fall and winter -- I will need to step it up. 

Once the temps outside get above 15 to 20, I'll run again.

My jeans are tight, I'm feeling bummed about having to lose some weight....again. (sigh)

One day at a time, I guess

Ohhhhhh, I hate that, tight jeans. Don't buy new ones, I think is the key. Keep up with the trainer.
2009-01-16 5:46 PM
in reply to: #1913110

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

BigDH - 2009-01-16 5:39 PM
QueenZipp - 2009-01-16 6:28 AM If my temps stay sub 20 I'll be in the gym for a dreadmill run tomorrow!
Better than nothing, how long you going to be running for?

If I can be outside 7 miles, if I'm on the t-mill it depends on my tolerance of being on it since I haven't run on one in ages and get nutsy on it within a few minutes

2009-01-16 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I start to freak out on the dreadmill, too. I was checking out RedSoxChick's recent treadmill workouts and I think the intervals at different speeds could help-- kind of like how constant cadence on the drainer drives me a bit batty. (I don't know why this never bothers me swimming, though!)

I had just light strength or yoga on tap for today since my body's been dragging a bit, but that turned into a rest day. Unless you count my 20 minute Trying On A Wetsuit For The First Time strength and cardio work! Man did I get a sweat going! Once I got everything in the right place and zipped up, I needed to rest again before trying to take it off! Surprised

A little snug, maybe, but the torso seems to be the right length and I can't imagine I'll be quite this big by race day if I keep up anywhere near my training goals.

DH, I was laughing at myself and thinking about your wetsuit story while doing it-- I swear it was the only reason I didn't put it on backwards! I'm so glad no one had to watch me put it on this time... graceful, it was not-- to put it lightly!


2009-01-16 6:02 PM
in reply to: #1913135

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
running4beer - 2009-01-16 5:57 PM

I start to freak out on the dreadmill, too. I was checking out RedSoxChick's recent treadmill workouts and I think the intervals at different speeds could help-- kind of like how constant cadence on the drainer drives me a bit batty. (I don't know why this never bothers me swimming, though!)

I had just light strength or yoga on tap for today since my body's been dragging a bit, but that turned into a rest day. Unless you count my 20 minute Trying On A Wetsuit For The First Time strength and cardio work! Man did I get a sweat going! Once I got everything in the right place and zipped up, I needed to rest again before trying to take it off! Surprised

A little snug, maybe, but the torso seems to be the right length and I can't imagine I'll be quite this big by race day if I keep up anywhere near my training goals.

DH, I was laughing at myself and thinking about your wetsuit story while doing it-- I swear it was the only reason I didn't put it on backwards! I'm so glad no one had to watch me put it on this time... graceful, it was not-- to put it lightly!


I was thinking about intervals on it to make me work harder and pass the time.
2009-01-16 7:03 PM
in reply to: #1913139

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
QueenZipp - 2009-01-16 7:02 PM
running4beer - 2009-01-16 5:57 PM

I start to freak out on the dreadmill, too. I was checking out RedSoxChick's recent treadmill workouts and I think the intervals at different speeds could help-- kind of like how constant cadence on the drainer drives me a bit batty. (I don't know why this never bothers me swimming, though!)

I had just light strength or yoga on tap for today since my body's been dragging a bit, but that turned into a rest day. Unless you count my 20 minute Trying On A Wetsuit For The First Time strength and cardio work! Man did I get a sweat going! Once I got everything in the right place and zipped up, I needed to rest again before trying to take it off! Surprised

A little snug, maybe, but the torso seems to be the right length and I can't imagine I'll be quite this big by race day if I keep up anywhere near my training goals.

DH, I was laughing at myself and thinking about your wetsuit story while doing it-- I swear it was the only reason I didn't put it on backwards! I'm so glad no one had to watch me put it on this time... graceful, it was not-- to put it lightly!


I was thinking about intervals on it to make me work harder and pass the time.
I also can't deal with the dreadmill.  When I first started running it was helpful. I had a work out where I would increase the incline by 1% every minute x5or 6 then decrease every 2 minutes until back to start. Then I would increase the speed every minute and slowly back off. It seemed the help pass the time.  I went outside today since the sun was out and it didn't seem too bad. I really prefer the cold. I just melt when it is above 75*, even at home I like to keep the thermostat at 62-64, colder at night. Finally figuring this out has helped me plan my training. A spring to late winter distance run is best for me, any thing in the fall means summer running which is the worst!  At least I now understand why I usually see my training fall apart each July-August.
2009-01-16 8:10 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED


I may try that workout, sounds like a good way to pass the time and get a hard workout in.

I love cool weather running. I totally agree on avoiding long runs in the summer. By late July or August it's HUMID here and a hot/humid run is a total sufferfest.  It can even be that way in early mornings if I switch things up to go out ealy for the run. 

I think humidity doesn't factor so much fo bothering me on the bike cause the effects of the air on me--at least impressions of it

2009-01-16 10:08 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I just had a conversation with my bf about cold weather running. We both love it, especially compared to the hotter summer days. I have felt like my body hated all the races I did over 80 degrees (seriously hard time recovering from those summer "fun runs" ), so I skipped most of the summer series in my town last year.

Anyway, he wants to do our 6 miler outside tomorrow, and I'm still on the fence. My only prob is that I can't figure out how to keep my toes from being numb in these temps for the first 15 minutes. It's physically brutal and mentally crushing. Everything else feels ok to me - I go overboard with the layers so just need a couple minutes to adjust.

What does everyone else do? (Other than wait for more sane temps?) Do you wear two pair of socks? wool socks? waterproof (less breathable) sneakers? warm up indoors?

Really, if I could get over the initial toe thing (last Sat it took 15 LONG minutes of numbness) I'd be all for it... especially with company.

And much sympathy for folks in Cali and on the west coast right now (Jezzie... others?). My bf just got these electrolyte tabs that he would recommend, I'll have to remember the name. Anyway, I actually prefer this cold problem to the drought and hydration probs of many hot dry days. You can always warm your body up moving around, but I don't know how you can WORK to cool it down!

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