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2010-12-09 1:38 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
A bit behind you guys, so haven't done the testing, and wanted to throw a CT calibration (maybe) question out there...

Monday evening I rode the CT in manual mode (where you can toggle between speed, power, etc). Not erg mode (where you adjust the power with the +/- buttons).  Did the rolling calibrtion after 10:00 of warmup, number was 3.something as I recall.  I did the 10 x 30" intervals, hitting an RPE-estimated power of 220-230 or so.   Other parts of the workout (i.e. 10:00 at 75%) seemed to work fine.

Last night went to get on the CT, found a flat (who gets a flat on a trainer???).  Changed the tube but too late to ride so rode this morning.  So, only difference is bike was taken off and put back on.

This morning did the 4 x 5:00 intervals.  Did the rolling calibration number was 2.4something as I recall.  Power numbers were way off, seemed way low.  At a gear/cadence that I was generating 175 easily on Monday, was 130 today.  I put it into 53 x 12 and hammered and barely got to upper 180s.

Is this a calibration thing?  I'll admit to being a new and not very knowledgeable CT user.  Until this morning I wasn't even aware that manual use was different than erg use...... 

2010-12-09 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Did I miss Week 6. Rats! I've been ill and didn't get the jpg. Can anyone point me to  a copy I can download.

Oops. Ignore me - found in the "Older Posts"  link on the blog.

Edited by billycairn 2010-12-09 2:25 PM
2010-12-09 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3243184

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
ChrisM - 2010-12-09 1:38 PM A bit behind you guys, so haven't done the testing, and wanted to throw a CT calibration (maybe) question out there...

Monday evening I rode the CT in manual mode (where you can toggle between speed, power, etc). Not erg mode (where you adjust the power with the +/- buttons).  Did the rolling calibrtion after 10:00 of warmup, number was 3.something as I recall.  I did the 10 x 30" intervals, hitting an RPE-estimated power of 220-230 or so.   Other parts of the workout (i.e. 10:00 at 75%) seemed to work fine.

Last night went to get on the CT, found a flat (who gets a flat on a trainer???).  Changed the tube but too late to ride so rode this morning.  So, only difference is bike was taken off and put back on.

This morning did the 4 x 5:00 intervals.  Did the rolling calibration number was 2.4something as I recall.  Power numbers were way off, seemed way low.  At a gear/cadence that I was generating 175 easily on Monday, was 130 today.  I put it into 53 x 12 and hammered and barely got to upper 180s.

Is this a calibration thing?  I'll admit to being a new and not very knowledgeable CT user.  Until this morning I wasn't even aware that manual use was different than erg use...... 

Chris, it most likely was calibration. I have a computrainer and I have to calibrate every time I take bike off and even if the bike stays on. It seems that between the riding which throws off the resistance a bit and tire pressure loss, I can lose significant power. This became obvious since I also have my power tap installed on the same bike.

Edited by JorgeM 2010-12-09 2:38 PM
2010-12-09 2:38 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011

Between my day job, coaching, knee rehab and trying to develop new coaching projects, I won't be around much over the weekend or next week, hence I uploaded week # 7 already. Enjoy the sessions, specially the 2nd round of the 6x4 minutes of hell fun!
2010-12-09 2:39 PM
in reply to: #3240159

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
jsiegs - 2010-12-07 3:49 PMI started the program on time and got through prep and 2 weeks plus one week 3 workout before work travel took me away from my bike. If I start up again next week when I get home, where should I start back in? At the beginning? Or pick up where I left off?Thanks!
Any advice on where to start back in if I was forced to stop for a few weeks? Where I left off or back a week? Thanks!
2010-12-09 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3243184

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
ChrisM - 2010-12-09 12:38 PM A bit behind you guys, so haven't done the testing, and wanted to throw a CT calibration (maybe) question out there...

What you're describing (power and RPE being *way* off from expected) sounds like a calibration issue to me.  Calibration is basically letting the computrainer figure out the rolling resistance of the tire.  If it's off, you're going to get errors in the power the CT is calculating.  

Warm up for at least 10 minutes before doing calibration.  Bring the speed up to at least 25 mph before starting the coast.  Make sure you're hitting the "Set" button after the CT has determined the resistance.

You normally want a calibration number between 2 and 3.  More toward 3 if you're going to be doing hard (very high power) intervals. Before you calibrate, the CT assumes 2.0, and from what I can tell, that seems to result in a power to overcome rolling resistance of about 100 watts.  As long as the tire isn't slipping, you're good.

If you're having these troubles and you're sure you're calibrating it correctly, try to borrow a powertap wheel so you can compare power levels.  If the CT is off by more than 5 - 10 watts, it may need service.

I generally do my workouts other than testing in Erg mode, letting the CT manage the load for me, allowing me to change gears to vary cadence when standing, sitting, etc.  I generally ride in a gear that allows me to spin about 90 rpm at 20 mph.  Be sure not to go too slow for long periods of time as the resistance unit can burn out with high loads at low speed (because its internal fan isn't spinning very fast.)

I love the computrainer for this kind of work.  You can let your mind wander and know that you're still doing the work, not slowly easing off.  It's perfect for workouts such as W6D2 where you're stepping power up 10 - 15 watts ever 5 minutes.

2010-12-09 2:49 PM
in reply to: #3243298

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
JorgeM - 2010-12-09 1:38 PM Guys,

Between my day job, coaching, knee rehab and trying to develop new coaching projects, I won't be around much over the weekend or next week, hence I uploaded week # 7 already. Enjoy the sessions, specially the 2nd round of the 6x4 minutes of hell fun!

Thanks for keeping us going Jorge.  This is great stuff.
2010-12-09 2:58 PM
in reply to: #3243313

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Flagstaff30 - 2010-12-09 12:44 PM
ChrisM - 2010-12-09 12:38 PM A bit behind you guys, so haven't done the testing, and wanted to throw a CT calibration (maybe) question out there...

What you're describing (power and RPE being *way* off from expected) sounds like a calibration issue to me.  Calibration is basically letting the computrainer figure out the rolling resistance of the tire.  If it's off, you're going to get errors in the power the CT is calculating.  

Warm up for at least 10 minutes before doing calibration.  Bring the speed up to at least 25 mph before starting the coast.  Make sure you're hitting the "Set" button after the CT has determined the resistance.

You normally want a calibration number between 2 and 3.  More toward 3 if you're going to be doing hard (very high power) intervals. Before you calibrate, the CT assumes 2.0, and from what I can tell, that seems to result in a power to overcome rolling resistance of about 100 watts.  As long as the tire isn't slipping, you're good.

If you're having these troubles and you're sure you're calibrating it correctly, try to borrow a powertap wheel so you can compare power levels.  If the CT is off by more than 5 - 10 watts, it may need service.

I generally do my workouts other than testing in Erg mode, letting the CT manage the load for me, allowing me to change gears to vary cadence when standing, sitting, etc.  I generally ride in a gear that allows me to spin about 90 rpm at 20 mph.  Be sure not to go too slow for long periods of time as the resistance unit can burn out with high loads at low speed (because its internal fan isn't spinning very fast.)

I love the computrainer for this kind of work.  You can let your mind wander and know that you're still doing the work, not slowly easing off.  It's perfect for workouts such as W6D2 where you're stepping power up 10 - 15 watts ever 5 minutes.

Thanks.  I've bolded probably the culprit      Turns out I was running in the exercise mode, with a pre programmed course, but running at zero load.  Definitely running something else the other night.

I follow the calibration protocol, 10 min. warmup, spin up to 25 plus, coast, repeat 1 or 2 times, number is similar, and set it.  I think I just have a lot to learn.

[sorry for the hijack... thanks Jorge!!!!!!!]

Edited by ChrisM 2010-12-09 3:05 PM
2010-12-10 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011

As I mentioned, do to work and other stuff I am not spending as much time on BT as I am used to but I want to make sure I am keeping an eye on this thread. I don't have the email notification activated here on BT because I like keeping my email mostly for clients/biz and checking the site on the go can be tricky. Hence if you have particular questions that need some immediate attention, please feel free to ask through my twitter account (see signature below) or through our Facebook page.

That way I get notifications and I can reply a tad faster. Thanks and keep on enjoying the program!
2010-12-11 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3154535

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Anyone out there have the mental fortitude to crank out these long rides?  And if so, how on earth do you do it?  When on the trainer, I have to be doing some sort of short intervals that require me to constantly switch it up, else my mind just keeps wandering back to my dropping power and the clock.  Movies and music don't help much because I find myself not paying attention after about 40 mins.
2010-12-11 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3245168

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Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
carlwithac - 2010-12-11 7:37 AM Anyone out there have the mental fortitude to crank out these long rides?  And if so, how on earth do you do it?  When on the trainer, I have to be doing some sort of short intervals that require me to constantly switch it up, else my mind just keeps wandering back to my dropping power and the clock.  Movies and music don't help much because I find myself not paying attention after about 40 mins.

I listen to podcasts for the longer stuff on the trainer, but I can't get past the saddle pain for more than about 1:45.

2010-12-11 11:55 AM
in reply to: #3245187

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
shmeeg - 2010-12-11 11:24 AM
carlwithac - 2010-12-11 7:37 AM Anyone out there have the mental fortitude to crank out these long rides?  And if so, how on earth do you do it?  When on the trainer, I have to be doing some sort of short intervals that require me to constantly switch it up, else my mind just keeps wandering back to my dropping power and the clock.  Movies and music don't help much because I find myself not paying attention after about 40 mins.

I listen to podcasts for the longer stuff on the trainer, but I can't get past the saddle pain for more than about 1:45.

I might have to try that.  I'm also going to try just putting tape over my head unit if I'm doing a long steady session and go by feel so that I'm not constantly watching the clock.  I'm also going to try playing video games or something for steady rides.  I'm also going to try rigging up some sort of shorter intervals that I can just do over an over or something.  I just need something that REQUIRES my attention.  I have no problem with most of the non-optional sessions. 
2010-12-11 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3245168

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011

carlwithac - 2010-12-11 10:37 AM Anyone out there have the mental fortitude to crank out these long rides?  And if so, how on earth do you do it?  When on the trainer, I have to be doing some sort of short intervals that require me to constantly switch it up, else my mind just keeps wandering back to my dropping power and the clock.  Movies and music don't help much because I find myself not paying attention after about 40 mins.

Just finished the 2:30 ride, the last 10 min were rough...  But yeah, movies/TV shows do it for me (Netflix instant watch on the 360 FTW!)  I need something to watch though, staring at the wall even with music kills me...


2010-12-13 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3154535

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011

I am only doing Days 1 thru 3 right now and will begin adding the 4th optional day sometime after January. 

Last winter my longest trainer ride was 2 hours.  It was pretty tough to stay focused.  Movies/TV/sports worked the best for me.  A few times I just had to tell myself to HTFU!     

2010-12-13 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3154535

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Week 7 day 2 HR version says alternate 5'@83, 5' @83, 5' @90.  The power version for that day goes 80,75,85, so I'm guessing that first 5' @83 is a typo?
2010-12-13 7:52 PM
in reply to: #3241511

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
JorgeM - 2010-12-08 1:05 PM
inspectord - 2010-12-07 9:10 PM Week 5 day 1 testing is done. Average hr 158 X .97= THR of 153, week 1 testing was hr 155 X.97- THR of 150 so I guess this shows an improvement. I'm not sure of what kind of improvement I was expecting? Things that didn't help is that I missed a week so I'm behind there, Ive suddenly got busy at work and tested at night after a full day of work. but other than that I am beginning to feel a lot better about my cycling strength. 


When training with HR usually 3 things occur when you improve yuor Heart Rate at your Maximum Lactate Steady State:
1. You either can go faster at the same HR MLSS (aka THR)
2. You can go faster at a slight lower HR MLSS
3. or both.

When doing testing, specially when you have no experience pacing the test, it is also normal to show a higher HR MLSS, just because in the 1st attempt you didn't know how to build up the effort pushing harder at the end.

Still, HR ca be affected by other variables, hence, if you manage to control many of the variables riding indoors and try setting up yuor trainer in the very same way every time (resistance, tires psi, cooling, etc) you can roughly use mph to get an idea of your improvements.

I hope that helps!

I just retested and gained a whopping 1%.  If I understand what you just wrote (about using HR), as long as we are busting and following the plan as close as possible, a nice improvement is imminent.

I want a power tap

2010-12-13 8:35 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Jupiter, FL
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Just attempted my week 5 20MP and it was a miserable failure  halfway thru the 20 I just died, and I wasn't pushing hardly any more than my average for the wk1 20MP, but couldn't keep it up.  I'm sure the fact that I ran 8 miles yesterday contributed greatly.  I just can't find the time to get the 2 workouts a week in (day 1 & 3) that Jorge recommends for the run-centric people to where I have enough energy to push these workouts as hard as I need to.

My HM is 6 weeks away, then I can return focus to cycling.  In the meantime I'll need to back off on the cycling intensity, and resume this program (or maybe another) when I can concentrate a little more. 
2010-12-14 11:22 AM
in reply to: #3247588

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
scottuf - 2010-12-13 8:35 PM
Just attempted my week 5 20MP and it was a miserable failure  halfway thru the 20 I just died, and I wasn't pushing hardly any more than my average for the wk1 20MP, but couldn't keep it up.  I'm sure the fact that I ran 8 miles yesterday contributed greatly.  I just can't find the time to get the 2 workouts a week in (day 1 & 3) that Jorge recommends for the run-centric people to where I have enough energy to push these workouts as hard as I need to.

My HM is 6 weeks away, then I can return focus to cycling.  In the meantime I'll need to back off on the cycling intensity, and resume this program (or maybe another) when I can concentrate a little more. 

Well, it can be tricky for sure matching goals and one of the any challenges when doing triathlon training. Certainly this program is rather intense and specifically designed to help athletes from all levels improve their cycling. This can be a difficult plan to follow if you also have a very specific goal to race a marathon or half marathon and achieve certain level of performance. That's the downside of it, it doesn't necessarily account what goals each of you might have beyond becoming a stronger cyclist.

The suggestions about trying to follow the plan by just doing a few sessions a week is a suggestion that might apply to you or not based on many factors such as your current fitness level, your ability to handle training load, your ability to recover, time availability, etc. Doing 8 miles the day before 20MP test is probably not the best idea considering for testing it is recommended to be rested. but you have to pick your fights and focus on what means the most to you right now.

if the HM is the main goal then focus on that and keep cycling a few times a week. If the intense sessions are too intense you can do shorter less intense sessions. If that doesn't work you could do the less intense ones. If that is too much right now, then maybe the plan doesn't match your current goals and you can always add it later when cycling can become the main focus.

At the end of the day do what matches your own goals, needs, fitness levels and own limitations. Good luck on the HM, let us know how it goes!
2010-12-14 12:06 PM
in reply to: #3248314

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Jupiter, FL
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Thanks Jorge for the reply.  I 100% agree it wasn't the best idea to attempt the 20 min test the day after the long run, but when I was laying out my weekly training I didn't have a lot of other options.  And after attempting it, I realized that I am just not able to keep up with the plan, which I agree is quite intense.  After the HM I'll be switching my training from run focus back to triathlon with my next goal race St. Anthony's on May 1st, so I'll have a few months to get my cycling back up to speed.  In the meantime, I'll try to keep up with your program as best I can, but don't be surprised if you don't see me updating the spreadsheet anytime soon. 
2010-12-14 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Grr.  Had minor hand surgery, MAJOR annoyance b/c I found out I cannot work out AT ALL this week until bandage comes off.  I guess I just pick up where I left off and suffer through any fitness loss.
2010-12-14 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3154535

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Week 5 day 4 long ride or skip to day 1 week 6 , 2hrs of steady pain or 55 minutes of all out pure suffering? I'm just not sure of what kind of pain I can endure today.

2010-12-14 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3248626

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
inspectord - 2010-12-14 12:50 PM Week 5 day 4 long ride or skip to day 1 week 6 , 2hrs of steady pain or 55 minutes of all out pure suffering? I'm just not sure of what kind of pain I can endure today.

I'd say it depends on what you've done the past few days, but I'll include the caveat:  if you're not really psych'd up to attack those 6x4's from W6D1, don't even think about it!
2010-12-14 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3248681

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Flagstaff30 - 2010-12-14 12:22 PM
inspectord - 2010-12-14 12:50 PM Week 5 day 4 long ride or skip to day 1 week 6 , 2hrs of steady pain or 55 minutes of all out pure suffering? I'm just not sure of what kind of pain I can endure today.

I'd say it depends on what you've done the past few days, but I'll include the caveat:  if you're not really psych'd up to attack those 6x4's from W6D1, don't even think about it!

I decided on the 2hrs because the 6x4's did look like they would have had me tasting my lunch for the second time today and I wanted to see what 2hrs on the trainer felt like. Surprisingly 2hrs wasn't that bad, but Ive been called sadistic.
2010-12-14 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3248907

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
inspectord - 2010-12-14 5:41 PM
Flagstaff30 - 2010-12-14 12:22 PM
inspectord - 2010-12-14 12:50 PM Week 5 day 4 long ride or skip to day 1 week 6 , 2hrs of steady pain or 55 minutes of all out pure suffering? I'm just not sure of what kind of pain I can endure today.

I'd say it depends on what you've done the past few days, but I'll include the caveat:  if you're not really psych'd up to attack those 6x4's from W6D1, don't even think about it!

I decided on the 2hrs because the 6x4's did look like they would have had me tasting my lunch for the second time today and I wanted to see what 2hrs on the trainer felt like. Surprisingly 2hrs wasn't that bad, but Ive been called sadistic.

I still have another week or so to go, but I think I would have chosen the 6x4s...
2010-12-14 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3249123

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Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
carlwithac - 2010-12-14 6:28 PM I still have another week or so to go, but I think I would have chosen the 6x4s...

No way, 2 hrs is less painful.  Those 24 mins are torture.
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