General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Arizona : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2011-10-31 9:47 AM
in reply to: #3231479

Chesterfield, MO
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Awesome!! Looks like we are almost there! I haven't starting making lists, but I guess that's what taper is for! Looking forward to getting some sleep and getting rested. For those who race with tubulars...what do you carry with you in case of problems? I have some silicone drops in my tires that hopefully seal if, in fact, I have an issue. What other things do you carry with you?

2011-10-31 10:00 AM
in reply to: #3745299

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Extreme Veteran
Centennial, CO
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
101abp40 - 2011-10-31 8:40 AM

Taper...... what a great concept and a word I am sure we all enjoy thinking about.

But is anyone else like me in that trying to taper is more difficult than the long training cycles?  It is hard to "turn off" training mode and rest/recover leading up to a race.

Inside I know hard training is no longer necessary, but trying to turn off the routine is a challenge.

Today I'm not having a problem with it at all, but Mondays I'm off so I never have a problem with it. By next weekend I'll be all ready to go for another long bike/run and then get all bummed when I don't have to...haha. 

I suspect the biggest challenge for me will be dialing back the calories. I've lost 55 pounds since last year and I don't want to gain them all back in the next three weeks...or ever.

2011-10-31 10:04 AM
in reply to: #3745356

Chesterfield, MO
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

101abp40 - 2011-10-31 8:40 AM

Taper...... what a great concept and a word I am sure we all enjoy thinking about.

But is anyone else like me in that trying to taper is more difficult than the long training cycles?  It is hard to "turn off" training mode and rest/recover leading up to a race.

Inside I know hard training is no longer necessary, but trying to turn off the routine is a challenge.

Today I'm not having a problem with it at all, but Mondays I'm off so I never have a problem with it. By next weekend I'll be all ready to go for another long bike/run and then get all bummed when I don't have to...haha. 

I suspect the biggest challenge for me will be dialing back the calories. I've lost 55 pounds since last year and I don't want to gain them all back in the next three weeks...or ever.

WOW! Great job on the weight loss! I've lost 40 and I don't want to gain it back either. Going to really have to watch what I eat for the next 3 weeks.
2011-10-31 11:37 AM
in reply to: #3745364

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

I missed my last big week and a recovery week due to travel overseas.  I was planning to try to squash one last century and long run in this week, but decided it is what it is.  All my previous rides were longer than needed, and my runs were feeling good.  SO, I decided to just follow the plan to the letter for the last three weeks.  Maybe work on the intensity a little, but otherwise, forget about what I missed.

Again, after everything this year, I'm just happy to be AT the race with a chance to finish.  I will hammer it next year.  Even that being said, i hope to set a PR and break 13 hrs, if the tri gods permit.

2011-10-31 1:19 PM
in reply to: #3231479

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Only doing a two week taper. Finished my last 20 mile run yesterday on a bum foot and have a century this coming Saturday. This week will be focused on short runs and healing the foot before a strong taper.
2011-10-31 2:48 PM
in reply to: #3231479

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

For those trying to decide between full or sleeveless wetsuits for IM AZ, the water temp at Tempe Town Lake was 71 degrees this morning, but that should be coming down over the next week to sub 70, as air temps in town are supposed to drop into the 60's (for the high) by this weekend.  If that trend continues, plan on mid 60's water temps like previous years for race day.

Personally (and this is easy as I live here), my plan is to swim the Ironman Perform swim practice in my sleeveless, and if it feels good, go that route for race day.  if too cold, the full wetsuit will be ready to go.

2011-10-31 3:25 PM
in reply to: #3231479

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
The 2011 Ironman Arizona athlete guide is now live and posted on the Ironman Arizona site.
2011-10-31 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3746069

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

101abp40 - 2011-10-31 1:25 PM The 2011 Ironman Arizona athlete guide is now live and posted on the Ironman Arizona site.

So does that mean this is really happening?

2011-10-31 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3745315

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United States Military Academy
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

stltrade - 2011-10-31 8:47 AM Awesome!! Looks like we are almost there! I haven't starting making lists, but I guess that's what taper is for! Looking forward to getting some sleep and getting rested. For those who race with tubulars...what do you carry with you in case of problems? I have some silicone drops in my tires that hopefully seal if, in fact, I have an issue. What other things do you carry with you?

I carry a can of pit-stop, an extra tubie, razor blade, and CO2 cartridges/inflator.  Additionally, I throw another tubie, and can of pit-stop in my special needs bag just in case I have really bad luck!

2011-11-01 12:43 AM
in reply to: #3231479

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Extreme Veteran
Strong Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Whew...feeling strong (and tired) after this month.  


Swim: 25,000 yards

Bike:  800 miles

Run:  200 miles


Gonna hit it relatively hard this week then start my taper and getting myself organized  next week.

2011-11-01 12:00 PM
in reply to: #3746544

Arlington, MA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

I'm with you Jackson, except I can't hit the bike hard as it is 40's here with snow and ice everywhere, the weather is making me taper my bike early. Ah well.

Swim: 14 miles

Bike: 550 miles (damn weather)

Run: 245 miles (damn weather made this higher than it should be)

2011-11-01 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3231479

Chesterfield, MO
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Swim: 29,600m (10:55)
Bike: 459.17 (26:02
Run: 105.5 (17:53)

Not the bike miles I would have liked but did the elusive century (my first!). I'm ready to go.
2011-11-01 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3231479

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Bib# 1985

Oct Totals:

S: 22,450 yds

B: 460 miles

R: 134 miles

2011-11-01 3:07 PM
in reply to: #3231479

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Lakewood, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
It will require sacrifice.
It will require dedication.
It will require will power.
It will take time.
You will need to push your body to its max.
It will hurt.
I promise you, when you finish, it is worth it!

Edited by Love2Hammer 2011-11-01 3:07 PM
2011-11-01 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3747217

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Extreme Veteran
Strong Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
bzaganjo - 2011-11-01 12:00 PM

I'm with you Jackson, except I can't hit the bike hard as it is 40's here with snow and ice everywhere, the weather is making me taper my bike early. Ah well.

Swim: 14 miles

Bike: 550 miles (damn weather)

Run: 245 miles (damn weather made this higher than it should be)

Haha, every one of those miles was done on the trainer.
2011-11-01 11:09 PM
in reply to: #3231479

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

October totals:

bike     71:51 h:m  1,182 miles

run       26:42 h:m                 180  miles

swim    17:08 h:m          56,600 yards 
A great month for me.  
Fully recovered from earlier fall on bike in September.
Felt/feel tired, but not as much as during the ramp up to IMCDA last year.  
Diet and nutrition have been very good.  At race weight now, just need to maintain.
A little over half of swim distance done in open water.
Like everyone else, looking forward to tapering.


2011-11-02 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3231479

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Extreme Veteran
Centennial, CO
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Since we're sharing...I just like seeing numbers like this. I ended the month strong and started my taper on Monday with a nice cold. Usually Monday is my only day off, but so far I've taken Tuesday and Wednesday as well. I think running 20 on Sunday with a cold probably didn't help, but I didn't want to miss my last big workout. 


October's totals:
Bike:643.5 Mi
Run:186.2 Mi
Swim:31600 m

Edited by syscrash 2011-11-02 9:08 AM
2011-11-02 9:13 AM
in reply to: #3231479

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Here's mine--my swim is lacking. Oh well. Life and pool times didn't exactly sync. Clearly, the massage is lacking as well.

October's totals:
Bike:41h 05m  - 842.97 Mi
Run:22h 32m 44s  - 166.01 Mi
Swim:7h 33m 30s  - 24688 M
Massage:1h 00m
2011-11-02 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3231479

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Parker, CO
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread


October's totals:
Bike:53h 34m  - 842 Mi
Run:19h 34m 33s  - 128.3 Mi
Swim:12h 00m  - 32750 M

(10 of the 53 hours were done on my mountain bike riding single track)


I'm happy with my totals this year and after my long brick on Sunday, I feel I'm ready for a PR.  However, it's the things that I can't control that keep pestering me.  Like getting a flat, getting sick,  Or getting lost in T1 (I've had that dream a few times this year LOL)

2011-11-02 11:18 AM
in reply to: #3231479

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Wow, seeing all of your totals makes me feel completely inferior and worry about my upcoming results.  My October numbers do not even come close (bike and run primarily) with most of yours - how did you ever find the time to train that much?

Oct Bike - 370 miles

Oct Run - 102 miles

Oct Swim - 20.5 miles

Running has always been the best of my disciplines (although I stop short of saying it is a strength) from my history of marathons, etc, so I purposely kept long runs sparsely scheduled.  I tried to do one (1) century ride per month, with brick training on all other weekends, and the swim seemed the easiest as I was usually in the pool for 2500-4000 meters almost three times per week.

Good luck to all in a few weeks - if training time is any indication of success, you will all be way out in front of me and I will happily give you the thumbs up as you pass by and lap me on the bike and run.

2011-11-02 12:22 PM
in reply to: #3231479

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Well my totals are way less than yours even.  One thing I've learned over the years is to not compare training volume/distance with others.  Everyone has different circumstances and goals.  Some work ridiculous hours (I'm in that category) while some don't work at all, some want to KQ while others are perfectly happy with anything sub-17, some have children or pets and some are single with tons of spare time.

While my totals aren't where I would have liked them to be, I know that I've done the best I could with the time that I had.  And my hope is that gets me to the finish line before midnight.  Now it's time to taper, and not lose sight of that perspective over the next couple of weeks...

2011-11-02 12:50 PM
in reply to: #3749077

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Extreme Veteran
San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
sarahk - 2011-11-02 10:22 AM

Well my totals are way less than yours even.  One thing I've learned over the years is to not compare training volume/distance with others.  Everyone has different circumstances and goals.  Some work ridiculous hours (I'm in that category) while some don't work at all, some want to KQ while others are perfectly happy with anything sub-17, some have children or pets and some are single with tons of spare time.

While my totals aren't where I would have liked them to be, I know that I've done the best I could with the time that I had.  And my hope is that gets me to the finish line before midnight.  Now it's time to taper, and not lose sight of that perspective over the next couple of weeks...

Amen! The comparisons are meaningless.

I am happy to be tapering and getting ready to get this thing done! Just got back from some lovely stretching and ART and it's nice to know my muscles won't be getting any more tough training between now and race day so I don't have to suffer too much more ART
2011-11-02 12:59 PM
in reply to: #3749077

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
sarahk - 2011-11-02 11:22 AM

Well my totals are way less than yours even.  One thing I've learned over the years is to not compare training volume/distance with others.  Everyone has different circumstances and goals.  Some work ridiculous hours (I'm in that category) while some don't work at all, some want to KQ while others are perfectly happy with anything sub-17, some have children or pets and some are single with tons of spare time.

While my totals aren't where I would have liked them to be, I know that I've done the best I could with the time that I had.  And my hope is that gets me to the finish line before midnight.  Now it's time to taper, and not lose sight of that perspective over the next couple of weeks...

My thoughts exactly!

2011-11-02 2:56 PM
in reply to: #3231479

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

My confidence is back up slightly with 2.5 mile swim over a long lunch today, 3850 meters in 1:08:10.   That puts me right where I want to be.  Tomorrow it is suppose to be in the middle 40's and sunny so I am calling in sick and doing a long ride.  The start line is near.  I am looking forward to our family vacation.  A reminder yesterday to just roll with the punches as I found out our flight comes into the Gateway Airport which is about 20 miles from Tempe, AZ.   Oh well, roll with the punches and forget about the hotel shuttle and call a cab. 

2011-11-02 5:19 PM
in reply to: #3231479

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

Looks like I'm low on my run mileage but happy to be entering taper phase. 

I'm at that point where I feel I didn't train enough but at the same time feel sick and tired of training.


October's totals:
Bike:41h 48m  - 694.2 Mi
Run:14h 58m 30s  - 87.8 Mi
Swim:5h 10m  - 12795.71 Yd


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