BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-04-28 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3435035

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

I've noticed Lieto uses them on the bike in Kona the past few years.  And Kona is the prime example of heat and humidity.

Somebody was telling me about a product a few months ago where the idea was for the fabric to wick moisture away from your body, but retain some of the moisture in the fabric to keep you cool.  So the idea was for it not to absorb 5 pounds of sweat like cotton might...but also not to dry immediately...because the way sweat is supposed to work is to cool your body...and retaining some of it on your body is a good thing.

2011-04-28 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3435035

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Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Had a good run this morning.  Nice and easy 6ish miles.
2011-04-28 1:45 PM
in reply to: #3435035

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Woke up with knee pain from my long run yesterday so I just did an easy swim this morning. Guess I will skip the 45 min ride I had planned for later and I'm not sure what to do about my race on Sunday. I'll probably just wait and see how I feel. I'll call the doc tomorrow (office is closed today) for some ART and keep my fingers crossed that it helps.

I think my mistake was putting all my long workouts at the beginning of the week hoping that would give me enough recovery time for Sundays race. Funny how quickly things can turn bad. Monday I did a 2 hour ride, 30 min run brick and never gave my knees a second thought.

2011-04-28 5:42 PM
in reply to: #3471738

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2011-04-29 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3435035

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2011-04-29 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3472866

Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Fred Doucette - 2011-04-29 8:37 AM

Swam 3,000 yards this am.

Hoping to run later, kind of depends on work schedule.

Today is my official off day.  Its kind of exciting, I had three complete rest days in April, which is a lot for me.

In other exciting news, yesterday I passed 800 bike miles for the month.  I'm really looking forward to seeing how the bike trianing pays off.

2011-04-29 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3435035

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2011-04-29 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3472879

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Fred Doucette - 2011-04-29 7:47 AM

OK, question for the group?

What should we talk about today?

1. IM race strategy/pacing?
2. Nutrition on the bike?
3. Cadence on the bike?

Lemme know, I will have time later

I am curious about nutrition on the bike.  Specifically how you figured out what your goal intakes were, broken down by sports drink, solid foods, and water.

I'm off to swim 3k, put Mr. Baby down for a nap, then ride about 1.25 hrs maybe even outside!

2011-04-29 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3472866

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Fred Doucette - 2011-04-29 6:37 AM

Swam 3,000 yards this am.

Hoping to run later, kind of depends on work schedule.

I'm hitting the lake this afternoon.
2011-04-29 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3472879

Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Fred Doucette - 2011-04-29 7:47 AM

OK, question for the group?

What should we talk about today?

1. IM race strategy/pacing?
2. Nutrition on the bike?
3. Cadence on the bike?

Lemme know, I will have time later

I always like talking nutrition on the bike.  Let me start by saying my technique has always been very crude and non-scientific.  I've basically used gels and water on longer rides and never had any problems.  However, I am interested in hearing how people have calculated or come up with their personal caloric needs for the bike.  I hear a lot of people gloating, "I need 200 calories an hour", or "I find I need about 310.5 calories an hour".  Is this just thru trial and error and experimentation, or is there some secret tri test and calculation that people are hiding from me?

2011-04-29 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

One of the local pros here in Madison talked about nutrition and despite talking about how it is different he mentioned a great way to find out your needs.

Take the bike for example, what works for you; water, gels, solids, etc. Try different brands and see what settles in your stomach the best and go from there. Once you decide that start counting calories per hour and keep increasing til you find the great middle ground where you get enough calories but your stomach can absorb them well enough without shutting down. It's using a long process of elimination. I never thought about trying it this way and was more direct about it. Also do not be afriad to think outside the box. Some people use candybars for nutrition on IM's, last year I used a bag of combos for the bike.

My question to everyone is who puts gels in their water bottle, and if so do you mix with water? What ratio?

2011-04-29 8:55 AM
in reply to: #3473019

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
chasingkona - 2011-04-29 7:51 AM
My question to everyone is who puts gels in their water bottle, and if so do you mix with water? What ratio?

I do that for Olympic races. I will put 4 GU Roctanes into a water bottle and that's all I will carry with me on the bike. It's a lot easier then having them sperate. For a Half or Full, I will use a gel flask or packets as I want to have it more concentrated and make sure I get the calories in.
2011-04-29 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Being that I'm doing my first HIM...I have no idea how many calories I should be taking in on the bike.  During training, I've experimented with as low as 500, and as high as 900.  I'm leaning towards the high side for the race.  500 was not enough for the bike alone...900 felt fine...and considering I would still need to run 13.1, I assume I could possibly take in maybe 100 calories more.

My question is that I heard you shouldn't really calculate your calorie needs in "per hour".  And that you should really calculate it as how many total calories you need on the bike.  Chris Lieto may take in 450 calories per hour because he's only on the bike for a little over 2 hours for a for him to take in 900-1000 calories, he has to take in more per hour.  Where someone else may be on the bike closer to 4 hours would take in less per hour.  The theory was that we all burn off "roughly" the same amount of calories during the bike, it's just a matter of how fast we burn it, and how long we spend on the bike.

Any truth to that?

Edited by tri808 2011-04-29 10:47 AM
2011-04-29 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

For IMTX my bike nutrition will include roughly 18-22 oz of fluid per hour. The majority of that will be carbo-pro. I'll get about 330 calories from one bottle of carbo-pro. I'll supplement with some Cliff Bars here and there to get some solids in. I'll also carry some gels with me.

Overall caloric intake goal will be 300-350 per hour.

Oh yeah I'll be taking some salt pills too!

2011-04-29 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3435035

Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

No laughing -- here is my IMLP fueling plan developed by my coaches based on my sweat test:


3:30 a.m. - 3 cups of sugar free applesauce, banana, 1 scoop whey protein, bottle of Ironman Perform

6 a.m. - Power Bar

6:45 a.m. - Power Gel w/ Water



1:15 (so about 5 minutes into the bike) - 1/2 Power Bar

1:45 - 1/2 Power Bar

2:15 - Power Gel & Thermotab

2:45 - Power Gel

3:15 - Power Gel & Thermotab

3:45 - Power Gel

4:15 - 1/2 Power Bar

4:45 - 1/2 Power Bar

5:15 - Power Gel (caffeinated) & Thermotab

5:45 - Power Gel (caffeinated)

6:15 - Power Gel (caffeinated) & Thermotab

6:45 - Power Gel (caffeinated)

7:15 - Power Gel (caffeinated) & Thermotab

A total of 9.5 Bottles of Ironman Perform on the Bike at a rate of 36 oz. per hour


7:30 - Banana


7:30 - 9:45 - 1 Bag of ClifBloks (non-caf) one Blok taken every 2 miles, Power gel & Mile 8 and a Thermotab

9:45 - 12:00 - 1 Bag of Black Cherry CligBloks (caf) one Blok taken every 2 miles, Power gel & Mile 16 and a Thermotab

Try to drink 4 oz of sports drink at each aid station (if I can't stomach sports drink then water).

2011-04-29 1:22 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Nailed my set of 8x200's today all swam at about 2:55 pace, and was able to decrease time to about 2:53 on the last 4 sets, left the wall at 3:20 so I think I should start to bring that time down as well to 3:15 for next week.

2011-04-29 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Bike nutrition I'm in range if 200-250 cal per hour. I like to switch between water and Gatorade. I have a tendency to get dehydrated on the bike as I often need to remember to take in fluids. I like gu or hammergels. Also like to have an occasional powerbar as I like to eat something solid. No real science for me. This weekend is long ride on Saturday and I'm really looking forward to seeing if I'm making better gains in endurance. Plan to do 100 + miles depending on how much time I have. This weekend looks like perfect biking weather and I am off work too. How did that happen??
2011-04-29 4:09 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

got my run in this morning...even though I almost skipped it.  Glad I didn't...felt pretty good once the blood started flowing.

Doing some intervals in the pool tonight.  Won't push too hard though...probably 12x100 on 2:05.  My masters coach is having me work on a couple of form issues that has really I want to make sure I do these sets with that good form.

Planning on riding about 70ish Saturday, and running 14-16 Sunday.

2011-04-29 4:16 PM
in reply to: #3435035

Bronze member
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED

Appreciate all the bike nutrition information. How much does the temp play a role in nutrition for everyone? It has not been very warm here for my long rides yet but the race temps for the last two years were in the 90's with really high humidity.

Taking a rest day - sort of. Got in to the chiropractor for some ART on my foot and knee. He also adjusted my back. Now I just want to sit still for a while!

2011-04-29 4:34 PM
in reply to: #3435035

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2011-04-29 6:27 PM
in reply to: #3474045

Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Fred Doucette - 2011-04-29 11:34 AM

I use a maltodextrin/Lava salt/Gatorade powder mix. The gatorade is used primarily only for helping with taste. I drink every 20 minutes.

Previously I had been a live off the course kinda guy. Just trying something different this year.

How many calories can you get in one bottle?  Is it concentrated and you wash it down with a seperate water bottle?  I was considering doing something like this, but realized if I could get 300-400 calories in 1 bottle, I would still need 3 bottles of it for a HIM.  Plus another bottle of water.  I know I could dump the bottles as they empty...but carrying 4 bottles of liquid from the start seemed like a bit much. 

How do you plan to handle this for an IM bike leg?  Put more bottles of your mix in SN bag?

2011-04-29 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3474045

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Fred Doucette - 2011-04-29 3:34 PM
Previously I had been a live off the course kinda guy. Just trying something different this year.

I can't believe our camp lost you! Why? What about your previous nutrition did you feel needed to be changed?
2011-04-29 7:07 PM
in reply to: #3474224

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2011-04-29 7:10 PM
in reply to: #3474190

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2011-04-29 7:11 PM
in reply to: #3474228

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED
Fred Doucette - 2011-04-29 6:07 PM
but my coach is a big advocate of malto.

Aren't they all a big advocate of something...
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JohnnyKay and Fred Doucette's HIM/IM focused Mentor group-CLOSED Rss Feed  
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