BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-03-31 10:14 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by juniperjen

Happy monday (?) everyone.

How was the weekend?

I was annoyed with myself on Friday - i took a half day from work with the intention of doing my long ride on the trainer in the afternoon which was 2:45 with a 15 min transition run.  I ran into a couple of people at the training course I attended in the morning and took longer to get home than I had planned and then I dallied. I did 2:10 and then the run straight to the daycare to pick up my daughter.  What is with that procrastination??

Anyway, the weekend turned out well and I had a solid week of training. Just to keep it up.  though, really, i was starting to worry about my race but then I checked my logs from last year and I was less consistent especially with the bike and still managed a good pb so if i get myself going now I'll be ready ... 

Been there Jen.  Usually, if I know I am short on time I will shorten the warm up and cool down and make sure I get the main set in or just ride harder to make sure I am getting a similar training stress that a 2:45 ride would provide.  That is still a solid ride and run.

2015-04-01 10:22 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

I have a pretty easy week leading up to my first race of the season in Tallahassee, FL on Saturday. Training has been consistent through the Winter but always anxious to see how things come together on race day.

2015-04-01 1:39 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by slornow

I have a pretty easy week leading up to my first race of the season in Tallahassee, FL on Saturday. Training has been consistent through the Winter but always anxious to see how things come together on race day.

Good luck Randy!

I am thinking about a hilly 10 miler in two weeks to knock the dust off.

Track Workout Wednesday for me.  Ugh!

MS: 1 mile @6:00

2x800 @5:20 pace (these were at 5:30 pace)

2x400 @5:08 pace (5:12-5:13)

1 mile @5:55

Finally a spring day though - 50 and sunny!

2015-04-01 6:45 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Back to the real world for me after 10 days off in sunny Florida.  I was able to run quite a bit and get a few rides and open water swims while I was down there.  Amazing how the heat and humidity can completely shatter me.  I blew up twice on some longer tempo runs and basically limped home with my tail between my legs.

We flew back Saturday and work has been stacked up so going to take me a few days to get through all that. 

Time to start cranking the bike back up and getting some more volume inserted along with high run mileage.

Speaking of Garmin, I am bailing on the multisport watches.  They are just to big and bulky and I dont use or need half the features.  I have a Garmin 500 on the bike and thinking of going to the Polar 400 for a running/all purpose watch based on DC Rainmaker review.  Any thoughts?

I have a Garmin 510 for the bike and love it. Does everything I need (and more I'm sure). I think the only difference between it and the 500 is a colour screen, which doesn't really matter.

I do like the multi-sport watches. Yes they are a bit bulky, but I like knowing my total race time, and also the swim tracking is handy. In the past I've had a Garmin 610 (which was ok, but the touch screen was a bit dodgey, and it eventually died) and a Polar RS200 (years ago) which was a good basic one for running (not GPS though - needed foot pod which I didn't have. At the time I tended to use my phone to track distance).

I'd be tempted next time to try out a different brand, but in saying that, I'm sure I'm stuck in the Garmin trap. It's a bit like Apple - once you go Mac, you never go back.
2015-04-02 8:55 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by stuart_little_9 Hi everyone. Just wondering what everyone's longest (planned) ride for a HIM is? I did a 4 hour ride about 2 months ago, but in this last 12 week build up I'm looking to top it off at about 3.5 hours, with a weekly 3 hour ride. And longest run? Normally I like to run the distance several times (usually about 2:15 for me at steady pace), but due to my PF setback, I'm not sure I'm even going to get close. I'll look more for weekly volume - currently doing 5 days per week running just for 30mins, and will build up as much as possible for 2 runs, keeping 3 at half an hour.
For the bike, I like to do one or two 4hr rides but multiple 3hr rides is great. I won't be able to do this for my first HIM but will definitely for the 2nd. On the run, 18km runs are fine for me. I end up just doing 90 or so minute runs, never more. But ideally on the longer runs and bikes, doing some above race pace helps me. I have been very cautious with long runs this year. I have capped them at 16km, but I will probably reduce frequency and up mileage per run. I finished the ST 100/100 yesterday so I will now probably run 5x per week rather than 7.

Just catching up on posts.

I would agree with Marc.  Last year my longest ride was 4 hours Saturday and then 3-3.5 hours the next day.  I had quite a few rides in the 3 hour range.  I was in great bike shape.

For the run, last year I did not go much longer than 12 miles.  This year, I have already done a few runs over 14 miles with one at 16 as we are focusing more on my run fitness to bring everything together this year.  If you can, I would try to get a couple runs in the 13-15 mile range if you have the time and are injury free.  If you are worried about injuries I would focus more on frequency than the long run.

2015-04-02 8:59 AM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by stuart_little_9
Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by stuart_little_9
Originally posted by Ryan Mac I am pretty happy. FTP test was 285 watts for 20'. My peak last year was 288. I have only been maintaining to this point with mainly 2-4 Sweetspot rides each week. All the while running 35-45 mpw so very very happy. Hoping for a great year.
Nice work. That's a great platform to build off. I did my FTP test yesterday with a 238W for 20 mins, and an FTP of 226W (3.22W/kg). This is all time best for me (though I've only had a PM for 1 year). Also did a best 5min power too. My plantar fasciitis is still hanging around. I ran on sunday 20mins (4 run, 1 walk) and yesterday (25mins 5run 1 walk). Feels ok at the time, but I do have strapping tape on. The next morning it feels almost normal, probably a 0.5/10 pain if that. So I know it isn't right, but improving. I will do my Olympic tri this weekend, but then maybe give it another week of no running just to rest it further. We'll see how I pull up. Semi-taper week this week (happens to be a rest and recovery week anyway) then race Sunday. I can't wait!

Good luck this weekend! 

Sounds like a good plan to take care of the PF post-race. 

So, how did the race go??

RACE REPORT Overall, a solid race. Finished 2:43. Swim 28, T1 9, Bike 1:11, T2 1, Run 53. I finished 57 out of 104 for the age group (male 25-29). The ocean was a bit rough so the swim course was changed slightly, which added about an 800 metre (half mile) beach run to transition (hence why it was 9 minutes). I was happy with the swim, drafting was ok, sighting was ok, except when heading back into the sun. Bike - for some reason my garmin edge didn't connect to my power meter, even though it had earlier in the day. I was a bit worried about that, but luckily I did have my Fenix 2 as well, which did connect. So I'm not sure what happened there. Goal power was 200W, and I ended up with NP 189, so I actually went a bit easy. It did feel like a comfortable pace, and I definitely could have pushed harder. However I knew I was going into the run under-cooked so needed to leave a little in the tank. The course was pretty much a flat out and back, except for the first and last 2-3km which was hilly. Tailwind out, headwind coming back, but nothing too crazy. Average speed was only about 1-2kph slower coming back. Run - goal was 55, and I thought even that would be pushing it given I had done no running for 2 weeks, and only 3x20 min runs in race week. Ended up with 53 which I was really happy with. I certainly pushed the pace and couldn't have gone much harder. I also ran a very even pace the whole way, so not slowing down was a good sign too. I am certainly the most bike fit I feel I have ever been. Now I just need to get used to riding long distances on my tri bike. All my long rides so far have been on the road bike. And run-wise, have to build this back up again. My goal for this week is 5x30 min runs to get back into it, then I'll start increasing 1 run per week and try to build up to 2 hours, but I'll be pretty conservative as I don't want my PF to flare up again.

Congrats!  Nice job.

Based on your FTP, that is probably a good wattage for you to run effectively so not surprised you ran well.  My best Olympic bike was right at about 90%FTP and still ran well off the bike.  Any more than that and my run is likely to suffer.

2015-04-04 8:45 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
What does everybody have on tap for the weekend? 2 hours on the bike today, hopefully outside, and then 15 mile run tomorrow.
2015-04-06 9:00 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Good morning everyone. Well, first race of the season is in the books. Satisfied with race but there is a lot of room for improvement. Crappy swim....even by my low standards. Solid bike and a good run. 1/25 in AG and 16/295 OA. Another sprint this Saturday and then a few weeks back on continued build to Gulf Coast HIM.

My race shoes...Zoot Ultra Tempo 5.0, bit the dust Saturday. Sole started separating. Anyone have a favorite "sockless" running shoe for racing up to Oly distance? The Zoots were fine but I am not committed to Zoots. Never been a real Newton guy. I will usually use a different shoe for HIM with socks.

2015-04-06 10:16 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by slornow

Good morning everyone. Well, first race of the season is in the books. Satisfied with race but there is a lot of room for improvement. Crappy swim....even by my low standards. Solid bike and a good run. 1/25 in AG and 16/295 OA. Another sprint this Saturday and then a few weeks back on continued build to Gulf Coast HIM.

My race shoes...Zoot Ultra Tempo 5.0, bit the dust Saturday. Sole started separating. Anyone have a favorite "sockless" running shoe for racing up to Oly distance? The Zoots were fine but I am not committed to Zoots. Never been a real Newton guy. I will usually use a different shoe for HIM with socks.

Solid result Randy!  Very good finish in a large field.

I have never bought a sockless specific run shoe - always just used the regular shoe I was using at the time.  Which, for the most part was the K-Swiss Blade Light Run although they do not make them anymore.

My intention now is to just use the Saucony Kinvara with the quick laces inserted.  Obviously will need to test them out sockless to make sure they will work.  I know that Pearl Izumi makes a sockless specific shoe so you may want to check them out.

2015-04-06 10:18 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Only had time for my long run at about 7:15 last night so ran 14 in the dark.  Not how I typically like to spend my Sunday evenings but wanted to get it done too.

Easier week for me and racing a hilly 10 miler Saturday.  Excited to see how all this mileage is paying off.

2015-04-06 6:53 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Happy Easter everyone!

I hope you all had a great weekend.

I went home to visit my parents and my girl friend's mum too. Was great to catch up.

I did a 3:15 bike including 1700m elevation on the 'mountain' in Brisbane. It's the biggest hill around. I did the loop 4 times, which is about 300-400m elevation per loop. Not huge I know compared to where some of you probably live but for me that was a lot.

I did a couple of runs, including one 1 hr. Haven't crossed the hour mark for a while now so I was happy about that. I'm certainly focussing on frequency of runs at the moment, and will probably end up running 6 days a week here on in (that's the plan).

I like the suggestion of doing back to back long days on the bike. I might try and squeeze something in like 2 days of 3 hours or at least get a 5 hour weekend in.

Who here is on Strava? I really like it, just to compare to other people, and myself. I love seeing that I've got a PR on a segment. I even have a couple of KOM's where I live (smallish town, but has some strong cyclists).

Have a great week everyone!

2015-04-06 7:33 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Originally posted by slornow

Good morning everyone. Well, first race of the season is in the books. Satisfied with race but there is a lot of room for improvement. Crappy swim....even by my low standards. Solid bike and a good run. 1/25 in AG and 16/295 OA. Another sprint this Saturday and then a few weeks back on continued build to Gulf Coast HIM.

My race shoes...Zoot Ultra Tempo 5.0, bit the dust Saturday. Sole started separating. Anyone have a favorite "sockless" running shoe for racing up to Oly distance? The Zoots were fine but I am not committed to Zoots. Never been a real Newton guy. I will usually use a different shoe for HIM with socks.

Solid result Randy!  Very good finish in a large field.

I have never bought a sockless specific run shoe - always just used the regular shoe I was using at the time.  Which, for the most part was the K-Swiss Blade Light Run although they do not make them anymore.

My intention now is to just use the Saucony Kinvara with the quick laces inserted.  Obviously will need to test them out sockless to make sure they will work.  I know that Pearl Izumi makes a sockless specific shoe so you may want to check them out.

I've raced in Brooks ST Racer sockless at Oly distance. They are a racing flat, but not the most minimal (they have one called the T7 racer which is super lightweight). I've done HIM in them, but with socks. They are not specifically sockless, but I found them ok with some practice.
2015-04-06 7:41 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Only had time for my long run at about 7:15 last night so ran 14 in the dark.  Not how I typically like to spend my Sunday evenings but wanted to get it done too.

Easier week for me and racing a hilly 10 miler Saturday.  Excited to see how all this mileage is paying off.

What do you use for light? A head lamp or is where you run lit up? Good hustle on getting out for that long in the dark.
2015-04-08 8:47 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Hey guys\gals.  Just an update on my mom.  It's been an exhausting 2 and half weeks.  Long story short... she had two brain aneurysms that bled the left side of the brain and did damage to the brain stem.  Last week we switched from life support to comfort support (palliative care).  No vent and feeding tubes.  She is home now with hospice care.  That helps with the 3 hour round trip commute to the hospital.  Now I can swing by after work.

I have not had a chance to do anything.  Gulf Coast 70.3 has been removed from my calendar.  It's on Mother's Day weekend. Next race will be Augusta 70.3. 

It happened so fast.  Please show love to everybody you know.  I'm rambling.  Sorry.

2015-04-11 3:26 PM
in reply to: GAUG3

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

I know there are at least a handful of us racing Galveston 70.3 in two weeks -- this will be my last big weekend of training.  I headed out to the bike course for a ride this morning -- planned for 70 miles with repeats of 20' @ 80%, 10' @ 90%, 5' @ 95%, 5' recover.  I'm very happy with how the ride went altogether.  That said, I do hope the wind is somewhat more favorable come race day....I averaged over 24 mph on the outbound leg and about 15 mph on the return leg (not too terribly often that I have to ride in the small chainring here in Houston, but I spent most of the return leg in it this morning!).  Followed it up with a quick 3 mile run.

Tomorrow will be a long run with some tempo work -- planning for 12 miles total, which will put me just over 41 miles this week.

How's everyone else's training going?  Anyone racing this weekend? 

2015-04-12 7:51 AM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by ligersandtions

I know there are at least a handful of us racing Galveston 70.3 in two weeks -- this will be my last big weekend of training.  I headed out to the bike course for a ride this morning -- planned for 70 miles with repeats of 20' @ 80%, 10' @ 90%, 5' @ 95%, 5' recover.  I'm very happy with how the ride went altogether.  That said, I do hope the wind is somewhat more favorable come race day....I averaged over 24 mph on the outbound leg and about 15 mph on the return leg (not too terribly often that I have to ride in the small chainring here in Houston, but I spent most of the return leg in it this morning!).  Followed it up with a quick 3 mile run.

Tomorrow will be a long run with some tempo work -- planning for 12 miles total, which will put me just over 41 miles this week.

How's everyone else's training going?  Anyone racing this weekend? 

Next time I have to note what was going through my mind when I registered for an early season, warm weather race that will take place with snow still on the ground back home :-)

I guess it's just a matter of setting realistic expectations and hoping the weather cools down a bit down there.

2015-04-12 7:52 AM
in reply to: GAUG3

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by GAUG3

Hey guys\gals.  Just an update on my mom.  It's been an exhausting 2 and half weeks.  Long story short... she had two brain aneurysms that bled the left side of the brain and did damage to the brain stem.  Last week we switched from life support to comfort support (palliative care).  No vent and feeding tubes.  She is home now with hospice care.  That helps with the 3 hour round trip commute to the hospital.  Now I can swing by after work.

I have not had a chance to do anything.  Gulf Coast 70.3 has been removed from my calendar.  It's on Mother's Day weekend. Next race will be Augusta 70.3. 

It happened so fast.  Please show love to everybody you know.  I'm rambling.  Sorry.

Not rambling. Thanks for giving us news and reminding us what's important.
2015-04-12 5:49 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by ligersandtions

I know there are at least a handful of us racing Galveston 70.3 in two weeks -- this will be my last big weekend of training.  I headed out to the bike course for a ride this morning -- planned for 70 miles with repeats of 20' @ 80%, 10' @ 90%, 5' @ 95%, 5' recover.  I'm very happy with how the ride went altogether.  That said, I do hope the wind is somewhat more favorable come race day....I averaged over 24 mph on the outbound leg and about 15 mph on the return leg (not too terribly often that I have to ride in the small chainring here in Houston, but I spent most of the return leg in it this morning!).  Followed it up with a quick 3 mile run.

Tomorrow will be a long run with some tempo work -- planning for 12 miles total, which will put me just over 41 miles this week.

How's everyone else's training going?  Anyone racing this weekend? 

Nice workout. Yeah wind like that can be really demoralizing.

I did race actually. A 10k run in about 48:15. This is only the 2nd 10k standalone I've done, and I was shooting for under 50 so I was happy.

In the afternoon there was a 3k swim, which I did in 55. I think it was slightly current assisted. I haven't swum for a few weeks, so I was happy to get through it and be able to swim continuously for that long. Must get back to the pool!
2015-04-12 7:28 PM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Hey all - I apologize for not checking in more frequently but work and family life has been hectic. I did race a 10 miler this weekend on a tough course with about 350 feet elevation. Came in at 1:03:33 which is 6:21 pace. It funny, I told my coach I was going to start at 6:20s and evaluate after the first few miles. He said that is spot on so funny to be so close to that pace although my splits were all over the board with the hills. Still very positive that my run training focus has certainly paid off nicely!
2015-04-12 7:30 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by GAUG3

Hey guys\gals.  Just an update on my mom.  It's been an exhausting 2 and half weeks.  Long story short... she had two brain aneurysms that bled the left side of the brain and did damage to the brain stem.  Last week we switched from life support to comfort support (palliative care).  No vent and feeding tubes.  She is home now with hospice care.  That helps with the 3 hour round trip commute to the hospital.  Now I can swing by after work.

I have not had a chance to do anything.  Gulf Coast 70.3 has been removed from my calendar.  It's on Mother's Day weekend. Next race will be Augusta 70.3. 

It happened so fast.  Please show love to everybody you know.  I'm rambling.  Sorry.

Not rambling. Thanks for giving us news and reminding us what's important.
X2. Family is always #1! Glad to hear she is back home and hopefully more comfortable.
2015-04-12 7:31 PM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by stuart_little_9
Originally posted by ligersandtions

I know there are at least a handful of us racing Galveston 70.3 in two weeks -- this will be my last big weekend of training.  I headed out to the bike course for a ride this morning -- planned for 70 miles with repeats of 20' @ 80%, 10' @ 90%, 5' @ 95%, 5' recover.  I'm very happy with how the ride went altogether.  That said, I do hope the wind is somewhat more favorable come race day....I averaged over 24 mph on the outbound leg and about 15 mph on the return leg (not too terribly often that I have to ride in the small chainring here in Houston, but I spent most of the return leg in it this morning!).  Followed it up with a quick 3 mile run.

Tomorrow will be a long run with some tempo work -- planning for 12 miles total, which will put me just over 41 miles this week.

How's everyone else's training going?  Anyone racing this weekend? 

Nice workout. Yeah wind like that can be really demoralizing.I did race actually. A 10k run in about 48:15. This is only the 2nd 10k standalone I've done, and I was shooting for under 50 so I was happy.In the afternoon there was a 3k swim, which I did in 55. I think it was slightly current assisted. I haven't swum for a few weeks, so I was happy to get through it and be able to swim continuously for that long. Must get back to the pool!
Congrats! Under :50 pretty significantly.

2015-04-12 7:35 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by ligersandtions

I know there are at least a handful of us racing Galveston 70.3 in two weeks -- this will be my last big weekend of training.  I headed out to the bike course for a ride this morning -- planned for 70 miles with repeats of 20' @ 80%, 10' @ 90%, 5' @ 95%, 5' recover.  I'm very happy with how the ride went altogether.  That said, I do hope the wind is somewhat more favorable come race day....I averaged over 24 mph on the outbound leg and about 15 mph on the return leg (not too terribly often that I have to ride in the small chainring here in Houston, but I spent most of the return leg in it this morning!).  Followed it up with a quick 3 mile run.

Tomorrow will be a long run with some tempo work -- planning for 12 miles total, which will put me just over 41 miles this week.

How's everyone else's training going?  Anyone racing this weekend? 

That sounds like a great ride. Lots of intensity and variability in that long ride. That terrain sounds like lower Michigan as I hardly ever use my small chain ring. Actually, those conditions probably favor you against the field with your strong cycling fitness.
2015-04-12 8:19 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Good work racers. Sounds like everything is gearing up for the season with upcoming races. Galveston should be a good race....I know several folks doing it.

I raced another sprint yesterday. It was rainy for the early part of the race so the bike was a bit tricky at times. Course also has about a mile on sand/wooded trail for the run and that was pretty nasty after the rain. Another race with crappy swim, solid bike and good run. Ended up with AG win and around 12th overall. Not sure what is going on with my swim but hopefully I can figure it out with a couple of big training weeks before Gulf Coast HIM. Hoping the water will stay cool but we have had consistently warm temps in the upper 70s for the last 8-9 days. Maybe we will have a cold snap or two before the end of April.



2015-04-13 8:47 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by slornow

Good work racers. Sounds like everything is gearing up for the season with upcoming races. Galveston should be a good race....I know several folks doing it.

I raced another sprint yesterday. It was rainy for the early part of the race so the bike was a bit tricky at times. Course also has about a mile on sand/wooded trail for the run and that was pretty nasty after the rain. Another race with crappy swim, solid bike and good run. Ended up with AG win and around 12th overall. Not sure what is going on with my swim but hopefully I can figure it out with a couple of big training weeks before Gulf Coast HIM. Hoping the water will stay cool but we have had consistently warm temps in the upper 70s for the last 8-9 days. Maybe we will have a cold snap or two before the end of April.



Nice result Randy!  Are you feeling bad in the water or just not happy with the swim time?

2015-04-13 7:42 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Originally posted by slornow

Good work racers. Sounds like everything is gearing up for the season with upcoming races. Galveston should be a good race....I know several folks doing it.

I raced another sprint yesterday. It was rainy for the early part of the race so the bike was a bit tricky at times. Course also has about a mile on sand/wooded trail for the run and that was pretty nasty after the rain. Another race with crappy swim, solid bike and good run. Ended up with AG win and around 12th overall. Not sure what is going on with my swim but hopefully I can figure it out with a couple of big training weeks before Gulf Coast HIM. Hoping the water will stay cool but we have had consistently warm temps in the upper 70s for the last 8-9 days. Maybe we will have a cold snap or two before the end of April.



Nice result Randy!  Are you feeling bad in the water or just not happy with the swim time?

HaHa...yes to both.  I get about 200 into the swim and all I can think of is getting the hell finished with the swim. No panic but just "uncomfortable". Maybe just went out too hard in the 2 races. I went to a swim clinic in early Feb. and tried to adapt some of the suggestions from the instructor.....things went downhill and eventually, despite serious effort, I decided to just get back to my normal way of swimming.  In the pool I feel like effort level should be producing 100s 4-5 seconds faster than where I am right now. I have lost approx that on intervals since January despite decent, but not big, volume.

In looking at race splits i have given up approx 30 seconds in the swim in each race to guys I am usually equal to in the swim. Too bad there aren't many duathlons down here in the South. I'll keep at it in search for the magic unicorn of swimming.     

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2016-01-02 4:01 PM lutzman

Baowolf's fun in the sun Mentor Group (Open)

Started by Baowolf
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2014-05-18 1:30 AM Baowolf

Playmobil31's Group - Open

Started by playmobil31
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : January 10, 2005
author : infosteward
comments : 0
'Open Water' is this triathlete’s nightmare because I have a fear of swimming in open water. Not because I can’t swim, but mostly because I can’t see what’s swimming with me in the water.