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2008-08-23 10:54 PM
in reply to: #1621344

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
had a sprint race this morning up in marion.

got everything set up and headed to the swim, came out confortably in 4th behind 2 swimmers and a guy i knew was about my speed, all of us out around the same time, (all running to transition at the same time). got two of them in transition and picked off the last guy half a mile into the bike. by 4 miles in i was riding alone with no one in sight and kept it that way for the rest of the ride.

came off the bike feeling good, and headed out ofr the run, i passed a few guys right after the run start on their way back in from the bike, and knew i would have company soon. right after the run turn around i started counting and had teh guy in 2nd about 37 sec away (so about a min and forty sec). i was a little worried at that point as he was a relay runner and probably running on much fresher legs than i was! i managed to hold him off however and pull in a bit more time on him by the end and finsihed in 1st overall with about a 2 min lead

had a solid race, not blazingly fast but pretty decent
by the clocks time i had a 6:23 500yrd swim
my SRM had me at 25,3 mph on the bike holding 240 watts,
run was a bit long, 3.4 miles, held 6:18 pace.

good luck tomorrow justin and chris!

2008-08-24 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1623681

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Really nice win by a pretty decent margin.  Great job!
2008-08-24 9:21 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Congrats David,

You are just killin' it this year! Way to go on your race win.

2008-08-25 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1623854

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Yeah, congrats David. In what dimension isn't that blazingly fast? None any I'm familiar with!

How'd the HIM go, Justin? And Chris how was your Oly?

2008-08-25 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1625509

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
hahaha because i could still turn my head to spit;-)

i was pushing hard, but it never really went to that last level of "oh my god i am gonna die where is the finish", it was more of a hard but in control pace.
2008-08-25 11:57 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Well, I didn't race and my season may be over. I managed to tear a ligament in my ankle and am on NO running for at least 2 weeks and maybe longer but that is when I go back to the Doc. I can swim, bike and walk easy with brace. So I am just maintaining as best as I can until I see what happens. But I admire those that did race this weekend. The weather was brutal...especially with us having cooler temps for the last 3 or some weeks, this heat wave just messed with everyone. But Congrats to David, and Justin!!!

David, I may be contacting you about some training when I can get back at it. If you don't mind helping out this slow person. Everyone have a good day and enjoy!

2008-08-25 12:59 PM
in reply to: #1625912

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
just let me know, and heal yourself up!
2008-08-25 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1625509

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Concretechris - 2008-08-25 11:15 AM

Yeah, congrats David. In what dimension isn't that blazingly fast? None any I'm familiar with!

How'd the HIM go, Justin? And Chris how was your Oly?


The HIM was great. The heat made it into a suffer'fest. It caused me to throw all time expectations out the window. I was dehydrated, but finished in 6:14:56.

My race report is up if you would like to read it.

It was definately one of the hardest things I have ever done.
2008-08-25 3:04 PM
in reply to: #1626136

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Congrats, Justin. I'll read it ASAP! And good job adjusting for the conditions and listening to your body. That is such a hard thing to do in the heat of competition and takes a tremendous amount of discipline.

And Chris...dooood, I'm so sorry to hear that. What a bummer. Cheers to you getting healthy and back on the road sooner than later. If there was ever a time to build a huge base in swimming it sounds like this is it ;-)

2008-08-25 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1626136

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Awesome job, the temps and humidity were brutal.   There have not been many days that hot this summer so you picked a good one!  You have to stay on that hydration in particular on the bike because it is hard to take in enough on the run.  Dehydration shows up with an elevated heart rate due to increased blood viscosity -hence the heart having to work harder to pump the blood.  Your determination and managing your way through the run is inspiring.  Your wife has to be so proud of you.  You are right we don't do these things alone.  Our spouses sacrifice a lot for us to do this crazy sport.

Congratulations, you are pretty amazing.  You are one of the very few people I know who has completed a half iron man!  What a nice way to cap off a successful season.

2008-08-25 9:40 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
It is pretty crazy to know all of what I know about myself right now.

During my Sprints I just focused on balance and had the best improvement year over year. In my Olympic the goal was to push myself until I felt like I was shutting down. I got there... pulled back on the bike and did what I could do on the run and pulled up just short of my best Oly race. In training I would train in heat to learn what I would be up against. Started to understand the signals my body gave me when it started to get dehydrated, or when it didn't have enough electrolytes. This HIM I learned so much about my limits physically and mentally. How I need to plan my racce, when and what I need to drink and how hard I can push.

I want to do it again... but do it right. I know I can do so much better. I know without a doubt I can break 6:00. On a good day I think I could break 5:30... but the heat was too much on top of everything. I know it seems silly but a lot of this exprience is still sinking in.

Thanks for your kind words Greg... It means a lot... And thanks a lot of all of you, Scott, Chris^2, David, Thomas... You're support has really ment a lot to me.

2008-08-27 7:10 PM
in reply to: #1627728

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Justin, hope your recovery is going well and you still feel the warmth of your accomplishment.  How's everyone else's training coming.  Any big races in the near future?
2008-08-28 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1633253

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Things are good over here. I was fighting some fatigue earlier this week and now it is raining buckets but I'm getting most of my volume in. I'm also in full on taper for my Oly and last race of the season. Can't wait and I'm looking forward to a week or two of rest afterwards!

I'm also debating starting to train using a HRM on the bike and run. Any thoughts or recommendations? Also, I'll need to figure out a way to track speed and cadence on the bike so if anyone has accomplished all that (HR/speed/cadence for bike, HR for run) in one fell swoop, I'd love to find out how. Thanks in advance!

2008-08-28 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1634347

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Concretechris - 2008-08-28 9:59 AM

Things are good over here. I was fighting some fatigue earlier this week and now it is raining buckets but I'm getting most of my volume in. I'm also in full on taper for my Oly and last race of the season. Can't wait and I'm looking forward to a week or two of rest afterwards!

I'm also debating starting to train using a HRM on the bike and run. Any thoughts or recommendations? Also, I'll need to figure out a way to track speed and cadence on the bike so if anyone has accomplished all that (HR/speed/cadence for bike, HR for run) in one fell swoop, I'd love to find out how. Thanks in advance!


Garmin makes a couple different models that you can look into. Polar makes a high end system that has a foot pod and a bike pod. I am thinking about upgrading to the 305 from my current Polar s210 which is just a simple HRM. You just have to watch because the Garmin isn't water proof.
2008-08-28 3:02 PM
in reply to: #1634347

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

On the bike, I have heard that power meters (Power tap most commonly) are the way to go but much more expensive.  I have simple heart rate monitor by Polar and then I have my Garmin 305.  As Justin pointed out the 305 isn't waterproof.  I think heart rate monitors are very useful when cycling indoors.  I definitely like my 305 best and it does have the various cycling connections, though I have a simple cateye on my bike that gives me that info so I really don't use it for cadence or velocity as I ride-probably ought to look into the gadgets for my bike and connect the 305.  Right now I just wear it on my wrist as I ride and use it for analysis afterwards if I like.  I love the 305 and think they may even have a better one out though I have not looked into it yet. 

Being able to associate speed/pace with heart rate is very useful.  You still have to factor in the RPE because in the end that dictates what you can or can't do.  I primarily like to monitor my HR in my hard efforts.  I find the instantaneous feedback regarding what pace I am going and what my heart rate is generally useful.  It helps me with races because I know what % of HRmax I can hold for the different distances when at peak fitness.  Many use the HRMs more effectively as a part of their overall training than I do, in particular many Triathletes breaking their workouts into a lot of different zones.  I don't, though I do think the Garmin hookup to the logbook is quite interesting.  I may get more analytical in its use down the road. 

Last but not least, I spend a lot of time training.  It's nice to have a distraction now and then to help pass the time in particular on long runs.

2008-08-29 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1635636

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Thanks guys....I'm not ready to train with power quite yet so I'm thinking of getting a Garmin 305 with the optional speed/cadence sensor. We'll see, I've spent a ton of cash on tri gear recently so I'm reticent to spend anymore but sooner than later I'd like to start training using HR data. One of my mistakes this past year was pushing too hard too often. That mistake led to some minor (luckily for me) injuries and very likely a decrease in overall performance due to lack of recovery and the accumulation of fatigue. It is a common mistake and I recognize that my ego drives it more than anything. But, I'd much rather slow down, train in the right zones and make even more gains this off-season and next season. So, a change is inevitable it is just a matter of when and what I buy to make it happen.

Have a great holiday, Everyone. Have some fun in between the training sessions ;-)


2008-08-29 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1636923

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
a word of caution, if you do start training with HR, or a computer or power meter, remember that it is jsut a tool, and will only help you if you use it correctly. dont become a slave to it (by this i mean know its limitations, hr is often higher in races for a given effort etc).

they can be awesome tools, just know when to use it, and when to just look away.

good luck and let us know what you decide. a lot of people use one or the other (HR, power, bike computer), and find one of the three is best for the them.

personly i think either HR or power is the way to go, a bike computer on its own is feeding somewhat useless info. speed on its own is not going to mean much, and your body is going to naturally select the cadence you should be in. power and HR do more in that they let you know how hard you are working or how hard you are pushing. just my thoughts.

good luck
2008-08-29 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1637920

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

I agree totally with the caution.  Reallly in the end the devices only augment your internal knowledge of how you are feeling and how hard you are exerting.  It is impressive what all we have at our fingertips but we should remember that the US runners in the 70's-80's are much more accomplished than the 90's-00's.  In the end, as an endurance athlete, you have to do the work-no shortcuts.  That aside, as a triathlete I have not yet had that many problems I think due to the variety of sport, but now my knee that I had surgery on earlier in the year is bothering me.  I need to figure out which sport or activity is causing the issues.  I did do two bricks last week, but I have also been increasing my bike mileage simultaneously.  This weekend is a break time wise and I need my body to allow me to train accordingly! 

Best wishes with your training/racing this weekend, 


2008-09-02 8:17 AM
in reply to: #1638262

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Thanks for the words of warning and advice, guys.

Mostly I want to incorporate HR not because I think it will make my training easier. More than anything I want to incorporate it to keep myself honest. I know I go too hard on easy days and that doing so has a negative long term effect on my overall endurance and ability to really kill my BT workouts. I'd rather have something to help me keep in check and to use in conjunction with my pacing, my RPE, etc. Just one more arrow in the quiver as it were...

I'll let you know what I decide. Right now because I plan on mostly using this in training I think I'm going to get a Garmin 305. But we'll see...I plan on spending some time during my recovery figuring it out and getting setup so I can start my maintenance plan as planned.

Thanks again. Anyone else racing this weekend?

2008-09-02 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1642805

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
not this weekend, have a half next.

trying to decide between a half mary and a 20 miler on the 28th.
2008-09-04 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1645195

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Tough call, both are great workouts!  The twenty miler helps much with endurance but a half marathon really puts a great stimulus toward improving ones lactate threshold.  I actually prefer 15ks when I can find em, since they are a little shorter for recovery.  It is hard to beat one hour of very hard running (other than the fact that it hurts!).  I just can't force myself to go so hard without a racing situation.  Which I chose would be a matter of how long before the event.  If it is 2 weeks or more I would opt for the half probably.  One week out would be pushing it. 

2008-09-04 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1649003

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
we'll see how i feel, i have the HIM this next weekend (14th i think?)

the 20 miler or the half mary are on the 28th of this month.
next race after that is the full IM on nov 1st (oh man thats gonna be ugly).
2008-09-04 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1649252

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

I'm sorry, I thought you were going to do the workout prior to your HIM.  In that case, you'll probably be recovered by then just depends on if you feel like putting out the effort that close to the HIM.  Full IM in Nov, now that is scary !  I don't think you have much to worry about other than nutrition primarily and not hitting the bike too hard too early - save some for the run. 

I am scared about the swim in Clearwater.  I have got to get my swim working.  I am hitting the pool quite a bit-hope two months brings some progress.

2008-09-04 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1650533

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
sad part is i am most worried about hte bike, being on it that long!
2008-09-05 8:38 AM
in reply to: #1651449

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Yes, that is a long time in the saddle.  I was thinking about your IM preparation.  A half marathon is really good for development of your Lactate threshold but, based on my mere experience at Steelhead I learned that it is not the pace that gets you - its the strength aspect.  I was running along chatting away in the half, but my legs were heavy and slow.  Usually when I run a half, I am up against my lactate threshold and no way would I or could I talk.  You more than likely already have all the speed you will need.  I would just make certain I got in the long runs and rides, because they will be key.
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