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2008-07-14 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1527693

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
dalessit - 2008-07-14 8:35 AM
swbkrun - 2008-07-14 11:26 AM

It's race week, and I am feeling extremely crapping...  My chest issues flared up again during my ride on Saturday, and I can not stop coughing or spitting up stuff... I am going to find a new doctor this week and see if we can't kick this thing once and for all....  I can "cope" with it, however when swimming I spit up stuff, biking is ok, and during the run I can't lower my HR @ ALL.... This is concerning, concerning the weather is going to be 95 degree's on race day....


Very very low expectations, frustrations, and disappointments for this week.....



No, can't be allergies.  This all started when I was sick about 4 months ago (walking pnuemonia, then lung infection, etc..)  I have been tested for AIDS, cancer, strep throats, asthma, EKG, Irregular Heart Beat, etc.... I can't seem to get better, or kick it, and it really comes into play on my longer workouts then won't go away for 3 or 4 days, then BOOM it will hit me again on longer workouts... I have chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing, and a lot of yawning (this is the only way I can bring air in on deep breaths!).... Every time I try to take a deep breath in, I cough!

2008-07-14 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1527795

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
swbkrun - 2008-07-14 11:54 AM
dalessit - 2008-07-14 8:35 AM
swbkrun - 2008-07-14 11:26 AM

It's race week, and I am feeling extremely crapping...  My chest issues flared up again during my ride on Saturday, and I can not stop coughing or spitting up stuff... I am going to find a new doctor this week and see if we can't kick this thing once and for all....  I can "cope" with it, however when swimming I spit up stuff, biking is ok, and during the run I can't lower my HR @ ALL.... This is concerning, concerning the weather is going to be 95 degree's on race day....


Very very low expectations, frustrations, and disappointments for this week.....



No, can't be allergies.  This all started when I was sick about 4 months ago (walking pnuemonia, then lung infection, etc..)  I have been tested for AIDS, cancer, strep throats, asthma, EKG, Irregular Heart Beat, etc.... I can't seem to get better, or kick it, and it really comes into play on my longer workouts then won't go away for 3 or 4 days, then BOOM it will hit me again on longer workouts... I have chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing, and a lot of yawning (this is the only way I can bring air in on deep breaths!).... Every time I try to take a deep breath in, I cough!

Wow, well I hope you get it figured out.  I asked Allergies because they seem to creep up and have no real explanation, at least that is the way they work for me.

2008-07-14 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1527639

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Calgary, Canada
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Good luck Steve fighting this sickness. I hope the doctors can find out what this is soon!
Fight, Fight, Fight!
We get together in 6 weeks and I buy you a cool one
2008-07-14 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1527795

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
swbkrun - 2008-07-14 8:54 AM
dalessit - 2008-07-14 8:35 AM
swbkrun - 2008-07-14 11:26 AM

It's race week, and I am feeling extremely crapping...  My chest issues flared up again during my ride on Saturday, and I can not stop coughing or spitting up stuff... I am going to find a new doctor this week and see if we can't kick this thing once and for all....  I can "cope" with it, however when swimming I spit up stuff, biking is ok, and during the run I can't lower my HR @ ALL.... This is concerning, concerning the weather is going to be 95 degree's on race day....


Very very low expectations, frustrations, and disappointments for this week.....



No, can't be allergies.  This all started when I was sick about 4 months ago (walking pnuemonia, then lung infection, etc..)  I have been tested for AIDS, cancer, strep throats, asthma, EKG, Irregular Heart Beat, etc.... I can't seem to get better, or kick it, and it really comes into play on my longer workouts then won't go away for 3 or 4 days, then BOOM it will hit me again on longer workouts... I have chest tightness, shortness of breath, coughing, and a lot of yawning (this is the only way I can bring air in on deep breaths!).... Every time I try to take a deep breath in, I cough!


It sounds like they've looked into just about everything, I hope the new doc has a fresh perspective and can figure this out for you.  As a person w/ asthma and allergies, I know how frustrating it can be to have pulmonary issues affect your workouts.

Good luck on the race this weekend, remember in the heat your body needs salt .  Seriously though, don't push it too hard and have a set back that could affect your Ironman training


2008-07-14 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1527155

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Calgary, Canada
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Congrats Tony!

All the hard work payed off. I am completely amazed at your 33min/4miles pace. A good time by itself, but just great after the swim and bike. You definite will do well in longer distances

2008-07-14 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Going to Cardiologist today @ 2:30pm to find the "MAGICAL CURE!"

2008-07-14 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1528808

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
swbkrun - 2008-07-14 3:49 PM

Going to Cardiologist today @ 2:30pm to find the "MAGICAL CURE!"

take 1 part rye 2 parts bourbon, 6 beers and a quart of gin.
It won't fix the problem but you wont care. At least not until much later.

Hope you find out something. I had a problem a few years ago when my body started to react to foods which I had been eating all my life. After going to doctors and specialists I was left with a "We don't really know what it is". It used to get very bad allregic reactions. At one time my tongue had swelled up so bad I was having problems breathing. I was at the hosptial under very close supervision for a number of hours. That was after eating shrimp which as I said I had been eating all my life. Even after that I went for an allergy test and it did not show I was allergic to anything. After considerable self testing I have found that I have to bascially stay away from a number of things including shell fish. peanut butter, things made with refined white suger like all my favorite sweets and desserts and coffee.
You may end up having to do something like that where you have keep track of what bothers you the most and make some life changes.

Good luck at Dr.

Edited by Redknight 2008-07-14 3:11 PM
2008-07-14 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Well I am back and the good news (MAYBE) is that they think they know what it is.... The doctor said it sounds like I have Reactive Airway Disease (RADS)or Dyspnea, and the good news is there is a cure.... Lots of drugs... He prescribed me to Advair, Nasonex, Combivent inhaler, and some other suppresent!  That is a lot of stuff.... But whatever it takes I suppose... (read my "log" for today... I had epiphany today while running!)


He also has me lined up for a stress echo test (something like that, where you run a treadmill, and they monitor your heart, and lungs....), so hopefully this will help out some?!

Edited by swbkrun 2008-07-14 6:45 PM
2008-07-15 7:01 AM
in reply to: #1529395

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
swbkrun - 2008-07-14 7:34 PM

Well I am back and the good news (MAYBE) is that they think they know what it is.... The doctor said it sounds like I have Reactive Airway Disease (RADS)or Dyspnea, and the good news is there is a cure.... Lots of drugs... He prescribed me to Advair, Nasonex, Combivent inhaler, and some other suppresent!  That is a lot of stuff.... But whatever it takes I suppose... (read my "log" for today... I had epiphany today while running!)


He also has me lined up for a stress echo test (something like that, where you run a treadmill, and they monitor your heart, and lungs....), so hopefully this will help out some?!

Glad to hear they might have identified it for you. At least that's half the battle. If you know what you have you can work with or around it. Also it's nice to know just for your peace of mind.
2008-07-15 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1529395

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
swbkrun - 2008-07-14 7:34 PM

Well I am back and the good news (MAYBE) is that they think they know what it is.... The doctor said it sounds like I have Reactive Airway Disease (RADS)or Dyspnea, and the good news is there is a cure.... Lots of drugs... He prescribed me to Advair, Nasonex, Combivent inhaler, and some other suppresent!  That is a lot of stuff.... But whatever it takes I suppose... (read my "log" for today... I had epiphany today while running!)


He also has me lined up for a stress echo test (something like that, where you run a treadmill, and they monitor your heart, and lungs....), so hopefully this will help out some?!

Always good to at least know what is causing the problem.

2008-07-15 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1530207

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Looking for some training help.

I have a sprint tri on the 27th, pretty easy 300M pool swim, 12 mi ride, 3.1 mi run.  The following weekend I have another sprint tri 750M OWS, 15mi ride, 3.1mi run.

Normally if I just had the one on the 27th I would lighten up prior week but not much since now I do bricks longer than that but with the one the following week and a much longer swim than anything I have done in any of my other races plus OWS. 

Trying to figure out what to do with my training plan for those 2 weeks.  My current plan leaves me a bit tired by the end of the week and I want to be fresh and ready to go for both, but do I just reduce volume both weeks?

2008-07-15 8:00 AM
in reply to: #1530214

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
dalessit - 2008-07-15 8:49 AM

Looking for some training help.

I have a sprint tri on the 27th, pretty easy 300M pool swim, 12 mi ride, 3.1 mi run.  The following weekend I have another sprint tri 750M OWS, 15mi ride, 3.1mi run.

Normally if I just had the one on the 27th I would lighten up prior week but not much since now I do bricks longer than that but with the one the following week and a much longer swim than anything I have done in any of my other races plus OWS. 

Trying to figure out what to do with my training plan for those 2 weeks.  My current plan leaves me a bit tired by the end of the week and I want to be fresh and ready to go for both, but do I just reduce volume both weeks?

I would follow the last week of the plan very closley for both weeks leading up to your races. They are slower weeks and should allow you to recover while keeping you sharp for the races. On your second race make sure you slow down your swim storke to finish the swim strong. You won't lose much time in the swim and can more than make it up by being fresher on the bike and run.
2008-07-15 8:56 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Yay finished 1.5 mile open water swim in less than an hour yesterday and didn't get run over by any boats (added bonus). I had to take my garmin out in the boat to get the distance for sure. It was the first time I did a long swim in a wetsuit, mental note put glide on my neck for next swim. It felt good and I kicked it pretty hard for the last 2 tenths of a mile with a faster 2nd half than first half.

I am still adjusting to the long swims. They tend to cause a general big time fatigue on my other workouts during the week.

I offically paid my money for my first Oly on July 27th in southern Wisconsin (Adult Tri for Chidren or some such) standard distance 1 miles swim 25 mile ish bike 6.2k run. I think my training should be there, we see how it goes. I am hoping for anything around 3 1/2 hours, but am not sure how my stamina will hold up over the cumalative event. I'll be sure to post.

Last week of strong workouts before taper and then I will be on the road again.

2008-07-15 9:18 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Hey everyone!  Just a quick update since I have been very busy the past couple of weeks.  Anyway, my wife was scheduled to be induced on July 3rd but we were bumped since they did not have any beds available.  The did, however, get us in on the 8th and I am happy to say that we welcomed a beautiful baby boy that day.  Needless to say, my training has suffered but hopefully I can put in some hours before my first attempt at an OLY on Labor Day.

Nate was born on July 8th at 7PM (7.44 lbs and 20.5 inches)

Here are a few pics of Nate and Reece (Hopefully the pictures are not too big)

2008-07-15 9:19 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Hey everyone!  Just a quick update since I have been very busy the past couple of weeks.  Anyway, my wife was scheduled to be induced on July 3rd but we were bumped since they did not have any beds available.  The did, however, get us in on the 8th and I am happy to say that we welcomed a beautiful baby boy that day.  Needless to say, my training has suffered but hopefully I can put in some hours before my first attempt at an OLY on Labor Day.

Nate was born on July 8th at 7PM (7.44 lbs and 20.5 inches)

Here is a pic of Nate and Reece (Hopefully the pictures are not too big)




Nate1.JPG (37KB - 15 downloads)
Nate3.JPG (35KB - 15 downloads)
Nate2.JPG (43KB - 16 downloads)
2008-07-15 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Totally awesome.

2008-07-15 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1530214

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
dalessit - 2008-07-15 5:49 AM

Looking for some training help.

I have a sprint tri on the 27th, pretty easy 300M pool swim, 12 mi ride, 3.1 mi run.  The following weekend I have another sprint tri 750M OWS, 15mi ride, 3.1mi run.

Normally if I just had the one on the 27th I would lighten up prior week but not much since now I do bricks longer than that but with the one the following week and a much longer swim than anything I have done in any of my other races plus OWS. 

Trying to figure out what to do with my training plan for those 2 weeks.  My current plan leaves me a bit tired by the end of the week and I want to be fresh and ready to go for both, but do I just reduce volume both weeks?


Treat your 1st race like any other training day.... Use it to figure out transitions, nutrition, pace, etc.... Go about your daily routine (follow your schedule), maybe take it real easy on Friday Saturday, and race Sunday within' yourself... Maybe rest easy Monday (or light swim, easy spin, or slow run) then go about your week.... Rest easy again prior to your race... Either way you will be fine, and do great!!!

2008-07-15 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Mark CONGRATS!! Not only do you have a new beautiful baby... You have 2 very beautiful kids!!!


Congrats to you and your family!!!!!!!

2008-07-15 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1530489

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Congratulations!  I can't imagine why your training has suffered .  I was lucky just to stay awake at work the first 6 weeks back after Lily was born.
2008-07-15 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1530482

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
texwilk - 2008-07-15 10:18 AM

Hey everyone!  Just a quick update since I have been very busy the past couple of weeks.  Anyway, my wife was scheduled to be induced on July 3rd but we were bumped since they did not have any beds available.  The did, however, get us in on the 8th and I am happy to say that we welcomed a beautiful baby boy that day.  Needless to say, my training has suffered but hopefully I can put in some hours before my first attempt at an OLY on Labor Day.

Nate was born on July 8th at 7PM (7.44 lbs and 20.5 inches)

Here are a few pics of Nate and Reece (Hopefully the pictures are not too big)


I have 2 small ones 4 and 2.  The fun starts when the younger one can move, the 2 of them never seem to move in the same direction, one goes left and one goes right...

2008-07-15 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1530489

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Calgary, Canada
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Congrats Mark

Forget about all this Tri stuff. Some people have a way bigger things happening in life!
Take good care of the your newborn + you wife

2008-07-16 12:59 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Thanks for the kind words, we truly are blessed.  Have a great week everyone!
2008-07-17 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Grats on the baby. Think jogging stroller and kid's seat on the 2nd bike. 8). And most of all, take care of your wife for the next month reallllly well, way more important than taking care of the baby. The baby won't remember, but your wife will.

My 3 year old will go on a 20 mile bike ride with me and beg for more the next day. I saw a guy do an 18 min 5k with a tripple jogging stroller and ya with 3 kids in it and ya on a big hill.

Last week before my first oly, did a 1 mile swim 25 mile bike brick yesterday. Mental note, wet feet and dry socks = turn socks inside out before putting them on.

Catchall later.

2008-07-17 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Good luck with your Oly Steve. Sounds like you are more than ready for it
2008-07-17 6:40 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend.... Steve good luck in your Oly race!!!  Enjoy.  You are more than prepared for this!  You will do awesome!  To everyone else have a great weekend and if you are racing good luck to you!  Remember try and push yourself farther and/or fast than your last workout!  Enjoy life, and save time for friends, family, and good wine!


I won't be around the computer too much tomorrow, I am going to try and hit the road early to get into town early, so I can rest up a little for my race Saturday.....  Hence, why I am sending this out early!


Have a great weekend!

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