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2009-01-17 7:06 AM
in reply to: #1913446

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
running4beer - 2009-01-16 11:08 PM

I just had a conversation with my bf about cold weather running. We both love it, especially compared to the hotter summer days. I have felt like my body hated all the races I did over 80 degrees (seriously hard time recovering from those summer "fun runs" ), so I skipped most of the summer series in my town last year.

Anyway, he wants to do our 6 miler outside tomorrow, and I'm still on the fence. My only prob is that I can't figure out how to keep my toes from being numb in these temps for the first 15 minutes. It's physically brutal and mentally crushing. Everything else feels ok to me - I go overboard with the layers so just need a couple minutes to adjust.

What does everyone else do? (Other than wait for more sane temps?) Do you wear two pair of socks? wool socks? waterproof (less breathable) sneakers? warm up indoors?

Really, if I could get over the initial toe thing (last Sat it took 15 LONG minutes of numbness) I'd be all for it... especially with company.

And much sympathy for folks in Cali and on the west coast right now (Jezzie... others?). My bf just got these electrolyte tabs that he would recommend, I'll have to remember the name. Anyway, I actually prefer this cold problem to the drought and hydration probs of many hot dry days. You can always warm your body up moving around, but I don't know how you can WORK to cool it down!

For sure wear winter socks..I buy smart Wool socks and wear them for all my winter runs and rides. Some folks use duct tape to cover up all the venting on their shoes.  You could get those chemical toe warmers but don't put them under your toes as it effects your gait, but them on top of your socks with another sock over to keep them in place.

I've considered buying winter running shoes of the brand I wear to keep my warmer but at $175/pair haven't yet.  I've been doing my 15-18 mpw on the treadmill last couple of weeks Strange as I hate the treadmill but running on it 3-5x a week I've made peace with it. I get the ones that look out the window and people watch and listen to my MP3 player.

2009-01-17 7:29 AM
in reply to: #1913446

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
running4beer - 2009-01-16 11:08 PM

I just had a conversation with my bf about cold weather running. We both love it, especially compared to the hotter summer days. I have felt like my body hated all the races I did over 80 degrees (seriously hard time recovering from those summer "fun runs" ), so I skipped most of the summer series in my town last year.

Anyway, he wants to do our 6 miler outside tomorrow, and I'm still on the fence. My only prob is that I can't figure out how to keep my toes from being numb in these temps for the first 15 minutes. It's physically brutal and mentally crushing. Everything else feels ok to me - I go overboard with the layers so just need a couple minutes to adjust.

What does everyone else do? (Other than wait for more sane temps?) Do you wear two pair of socks? wool socks? waterproof (less breathable) sneakers? warm up indoors?

Really, if I could get over the initial toe thing (last Sat it took 15 LONG minutes of numbness) I'd be all for it... especially with company.

And much sympathy for folks in Cali and on the west coast right now (Jezzie... others?). My bf just got these electrolyte tabs that he would recommend, I'll have to remember the name. Anyway, I actually prefer this cold problem to the drought and hydration probs of many hot dry days. You can always warm your body up moving around, but I don't know how you can WORK to cool it down!   


I soooo agree with you about running in the cold! My body just plain stops in the heat and can be defeating. But in the winter you can perfectly regulate your temp by adding and removing layers. As for your feet I run in Hot Chilly's ski socks. Honestly even when its -15C (about 5F) I have never had cold feet. I remember a ski patroller once telling me that if you want warm feet put a hat on! By this he meant of course that if your core is warm then there is a better chance your extremities will stay warm too!

 Now if I could get this stupid asthma of mine treated properly I could get outside and enjoy running in the cold as well!     


2009-01-17 7:41 AM
in reply to: #1913118

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
QueenZipp - 2009-01-16 6:46 PM

BigDH - 2009-01-16 5:39 PM
QueenZipp - 2009-01-16 6:28 AM If my temps stay sub 20 I'll be in the gym for a dreadmill run tomorrow!
Better than nothing, how long you going to be running for?

If I can be outside 7 miles, if I'm on the t-mill it depends on my tolerance of being on it since I haven't run on one in ages and get nutsy on it within a few minutes

Im kinda getting used to the dreadmill. Music definitely helps and there are plenty of interval/hill workouts that can be done. I like doing interval workouts on the t-mill b/c the speed is constant. If possible, I'll run on one in front of a mirror so I can watch my form - especially during the faster intervals...One I usually do is WU for 1 mile at 6 - 6.3ish then every 2 mins. bump the speed up .2 and recover at 6.0 for 1 min. between. Sometimes I go to 6.8 and back down or other times I'll just go till I can't run any faster then that'll be the end of the workout. Or some days I'll do 1/2 mile at 7.0, 1/4 mile at 6.3 repeat that for a few times. Switching it up definitely helps the time go by quickly. Have a great weekend everyone
2009-01-17 7:47 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Oh boy......I just got an email confirming the route of my upcoming half marathon at the end of February. It is a 5K loop......yucko! Oh well. The whole point of it is to get used to running that distance so that when the HIM comes around I will be ready (sorta).

It remains cold here....minus stupid at the moment! I will get a drainer ride in  to finish up my Ironman distance. Then I really want to go to the rock gym and do some climbing....if I can convince someone to come with me...cannot very well belay myself now can I??

 Whats on tap for everyone today?


Edited by aquagirl 2009-01-17 7:48 AM
2009-01-17 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Ditto on the ski socks. I got was smart wool socks for snowboarding that have some extra lycra in all the bendy area (like top of ankles) that keep my feet toasty warm.  I just love them and may go buy a few more pairs to just wear in the cold any old time.  My cold is totally crappy today-$#@!&*!

Not sure if I can run or not. Will try some cold medicine this am and see how I feel in the afternoon. It is beautiful outside, sunny but cold....Have a great day everyone.

2009-01-17 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1913617

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
aquagirl - 2009-01-17 8:47 AM

Oh boy......I just got an email confirming the route of my upcoming half marathon at the end of February. It is a 5K loop......yucko! Oh well. The whole point of it is to get used to running that distance so that when the HIM comes around I will be ready (sorta).

It remains cold here....minus stupid at the moment! I will get a drainer ride in  to finish up my Ironman distance. Then I really want to go to the rock gym and do some climbing....if I can convince someone to come with me...cannot very well belay myself now can I??

 Whats on tap for everyone today?


A rock gym sounds like fun! Wish I lived closer because I'd be up for it today. Hope you find a willing family member.

2009-01-17 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1913678

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
KOM - 2009-01-17 10:01 AM

Ditto on the ski socks. I got was smart wool socks for snowboarding that have some extra lycra in all the bendy area (like top of ankles) that keep my feet toasty warm.  I just love them and may go buy a few more pairs to just wear in the cold any old time.  My cold is totally crappy today-$#@!&*!

Not sure if I can run or not. Will try some cold medicine this am and see how I feel in the afternoon. It is beautiful outside, sunny but cold....Have a great day everyone.

I get the smart wool ski socks from Sierra trading post as they are often $7-8/pair. They work great for runs and rides outside in the winter.

2009-01-17 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I went to thee gym with my daughter.  No treadmills available when we got there so I did a few minutes on the elliptical to warm up then got a tready.  Did a random program on level 5 for 40 minutes...6 mph.  It felt good, I know I could push my pace more if I ran on a t-mill regularly.  I may have to make it a doing to do that a couple times a week.

I was planning on a swim too so I could maximize the time/gas but my daughter sems to have caught the same bug her sister had last week and I hd to leave after the run. 

That being said, I'm finishing some lunch and housework then getting on the bike. My swim will go back to tomorrow.

2009-01-17 2:34 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

hi gang - thanks for the warm toe tips - i CAN'T remember the last time i ran outside because i'm such a sissy!!

and my treadmill pattern speaks to the mental game... the other day i didn't run 5 miles... i ran 1 mile 5 times... the same goes for tomorrow - i'll be doing that same mile, just doing it 6 TIMES the cold in my body is subsiding, still a little icky but i'll fight my way on the tmill tomorrow.

and thanks for the McDonalds reminder DH - it truly is CRAP!!  i was feeling lazy mid-day and thought - gee - a drive thru BKing would be sooo easy.... but i smartened up FAST and headed home to snack on [portioned] hummus and pita chips and a pat on the back  

2009-01-17 3:17 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Wow, sounds like lots of people are having a good Saturday.

So I picked up the car, so that is good. Of course it wasn't ready until 6 and cost way too much which was more than enough reason for us to skip our workouts last night.

Glad everyone liked my McDonalds story.

On tap for today, hopefully a nice jog with my wife, since we have awesome weather. Then a little spin on the trainer and some yoga. Resting up for my 3 hour run tommorow.

2009-01-17 4:47 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I'm trying to post a picture of my bike post fit now

Edited by QueenZipp 2009-01-17 4:50 PM

(BT size BLUE.jpg)

BT size BLUE.jpg (72KB - 8 downloads)

2009-01-17 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Beautiful bike Judi! Hope you get to take her for an outside spin soon.
2009-01-18 7:52 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

One Ironman down!!! Now for the second one...


January's totals:
Bike:7h 00m 23s  - 188.54 KM
Run:7h 41m 39s  - 78.21 KM
Swim:2h 40m  - 6250 M
Skiing:8h 30m
Yoga:1h 35m

2009-01-18 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1914640

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
aquagirl - 2009-01-18 8:52 AM

One Ironman down!!! Now for the second one...


January's totals:
Bike:7h 00m 23s  - 188.54 KM
Run:7h 41m 39s  - 78.21 KM
Swim:2h 40m  - 6250 M
Skiing:8h 30m
Yoga:1h 35m

Great job Helen! Enjoy getting that next IM distance in.

2009-01-18 12:55 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Texas: Between Dallas & Fort Worth
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Boy Nelly!  I have been so behind on this thread. I just spent about 30 min reading from page 18!  I have been playing all weekend long with friends.  It has been awesome!  I'm turning 40 tomorrow & I have been having a BLAST!

Anyway, I have been keeping up with my WO plan.  It's so all good (except for having to walk the 2 miles I should have runEmbarassed).  Here's what I have...

January's totals:
Bike:3h 43m 27s  - 79.11 Mi
Run:2h 10m  - 11.14 Mi


2h 19m 40s  - 3350 M
2009-01-18 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1914640

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
aquagirl - 2009-01-18 6:52 AM

One Ironman down!!! Now for the second one...

your a machine!

2009-01-18 1:44 PM
in reply to: #1914921

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
PacMo - 2009-01-18 11:55 AM

Boy Nelly!  I have been so behind on this thread. I just spent about 30 min reading from page 18!  I have been playing all weekend long with friends.  It has been awesome!  I'm turning 40 tomorrow & I have been having a BLAST!

Anyway, I have been keeping up with my WO plan.  It's so all good (except for having to walk the 2 miles I should have run

Well happy birthday. You know I used to feel like crap when I just mailed in a workout because of lack of sleep or partying or other more serious and stressing obligations but I now realise that it is no biggie. Put in the time, that is all you can do.

So keep it up, put in the time. Good job.
2009-01-18 1:54 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
okay, another week down.

so, I suppose,

Running = great, so happy with this week, again 5 runs, I am astounding myself. My long run needs some work but at least I am out there. No long run next week, heading to Banff for a little pre-baby/birthday party relaxation.

Karate = good, made it Thursday, planning on tonight. Next week, only thursday as will be away on Sunday.

Biking = eek.....I need to get a training tire, and replace my tube, and ride my friggin bike.

Swimming = eek eek, skipped out on my swim on account of the car, hopefully get one in this coming Friday.
2009-01-18 3:37 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Public shout out to Helen.  You thanked me for showing you how to pretty up the bog.  I saw you did that (nice job too) and it made me take the time to fight through how to add the picture into my blog.  Now there's a big, beautiful picture of the BLUE sitting on my blog page
2009-01-18 3:44 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Gabriel Valley, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Hello everyone. I've not been much more than a lurker lately, just trying to keep up with the posts, but not having much to say.

I am up in Northern California this weekend visiting my 4 yo grandson and his 21 month old sister. Oh yeah. And my son and his wife. My grandson, William, got a "big boy bike" for Christmas and so I brought up my old hybrid bike so that we could all go on bike rides together. So, my bike rides this weekend have been very short and not very fast, but since my bike rides before this had been nonexistent, this seems to be better than nothing. My hybrid saw me through my first two years of triathlons, but I hadn't been on it in a while. (It even has an old race number sticker still on it.) It is quite different than a racing bike and took some getting used to. I hope that they as a family go out biking often and I will get to go with them when I come up here as I am leaving my hybrid.

I also got this Wee Seat baby bike seat that goes in front of the adult biker (her daddy/my son) and little Catherine loved this new sport. Not sure she burned many calories, but she had a terrific time.

William was looking over my shoulder this morning while I was reading some posts and he really like Red SoxChick's avatar. He thought it was very funny.

For the people who have already finished one Ironman this month and are on to their second, my hat is off to you. Even with my long distance ride this morning (2.85 miles), I don't think I am even going to make ONE Ironman this month. Hopefully I can step up the riding from here on out.

And others of you with families and kids, jobs, etc., who get in the massive amounts of training that you do, how do you do it? I feel wonderful beyond all comprehension after a workout, but even knowing that, why is it so doggone hard to get myself out there doing what I need to do, not only for "training," but my health (avoiding osteoporosis, lowering cholesterol, lowering weight/body fat, preventing all the nasty things that exercise is supposed to prevent, etc.)?

Anyway, happy training to all and have a terrific week. Stay healthy.

2009-01-18 4:17 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Gabriel Valley, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
One more thing, my daughter-in-law and I went for massages (my basic rule is that I keep the DIL happy because I know perfectly well she will be the one taking care of me in my old age - this is all because I didn't have daughters).  The massage therapist told me several times how tight my hamstrings are.  I assume this is from a lot of running and not enough of stretching or other activities.  She showed me one stretch to do, but does anyone else have advice on a tight hamstring problem?

2009-01-18 4:25 PM
in reply to: #1915115

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

LeahDD - 2009-01-18 5:17 PM One more thing, my daughter-in-law and I went for massages (my basic rule is that I keep the DIL happy because I know perfectly well she will be the one taking care of me in my old age - this is all because I didn't have daughters).  The massage therapist told me several times how tight my hamstrings are.  I assume this is from a lot of running and not enough of stretching or other activities.  She showed me one stretch to do, but does anyone else have advice on a tight hamstring problem?

Have you ever done yoga?

I have tried various stretching routines but they in time I stopped doing them. A year ago I took yoga again and really enjoyed it. I took classes at my Y to learn how to do it then bought some DVDs. I have found that the Spinnervals brand ones that are called Flexible Warrior are the best for me as they are geared towards triathletes. Vol 3 is great as they have a sequence for swimming, biking and running.  I like volume 1 as well. So you can do a quick 10' routine after you workout to stretch those muscles you used in the sport. I go straight from running to doing the yoga stretching within 1-2' and it has really helped. I used to not be able to touch my toes and now I can put my hands on the floor which shows my hamstrings aren't as tight as they used to be.

I find yoga is a great way to stretch and transition from working out back to regular life.

I infrequent yoga classes now as they do a lot of things that tire me for my workouts. I like mat work where I'm sitting or laying on the mat and not much standing up. Yoga I use to enhance my workouts not so much be a workout in and of itself.

Your weekend sounds wonderful and riding with your grandson is awesome. We do these cool things to enjoy special times. It isn't always about training but being fit and how that incorporates into life. I have fond memories of my Grandparents riding their bikes over to my house when I was a kid. I don't remember riding with them. But having fit grandparents that do fun things with their grandkids will make lasting memories


2009-01-18 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1915004

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

BigDH - 2009-01-18 2:54 PM okay, another week down. so, I suppose, Running = great, so happy with this week, again 5 runs, I am astounding myself. My long run needs some work but at least I am out there. No long run next week, heading to Banff for a little pre-baby/birthday party relaxation. Karate = good, made it Thursday, planning on tonight. Next week, only thursday as will be away on Sunday. Biking = eek.....I need to get a training tire, and replace my tube, and ride my friggin bike. Swimming = eek eek, skipped out on my swim on account of the car, hopefully get one in this coming Friday.

Cheap place to get trainer tire is

Free shipping to US, not sure about Canada and no customs here at least. I buy a lot from them...not everything is less but trainer tire is.

Impressive run volume you have been doing!

2009-01-18 4:57 PM
in reply to: #1915123

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San Gabriel Valley, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
KathyG - 2009-01-18 2:25 PM

LeahDD - 2009-01-18 5:17 PM One more thing, my daughter-in-law and I went for massages (my basic rule is that I keep the DIL happy because I know perfectly well she will be the one taking care of me in my old age - this is all because I didn't have daughters). The massage therapist told me several times how tight my hamstrings are. I assume this is from a lot of running and not enough of stretching or other activities. She showed me one stretch to do, but does anyone else have advice on a tight hamstring problem?

Have you ever done yoga?

I have tried various stretching routines but they in time I stopped doing them. A year ago I took yoga again and really enjoyed it. I took classes at my Y to learn how to do it then bought some DVDs. I have found that the Spinnervals brand ones that are called Flexible Warrior are the best for me as they are geared towards triathletes. Vol 3 is great as they have a sequence for swimming, biking and running. I like volume 1 as well. So you can do a quick 10' routine after you workout to stretch those muscles you used in the sport. I go straight from running to doing the yoga stretching within 1-2' and it has really helped. I used to not be able to touch my toes and now I can put my hands on the floor which shows my hamstrings aren't as tight as they used to be.

I find yoga is a great way to stretch and transition from working out back to regular life.

I infrequent yoga classes now as they do a lot of things that tire me for my workouts. I like mat work where I'm sitting or laying on the mat and not much standing up. Yoga I use to enhance my workouts not so much be a workout in and of itself.

Your weekend sounds wonderful and riding with your grandson is awesome. We do these cool things to enjoy special times. It isn't always about training but being fit and how that incorporates into life. I have fond memories of my Grandparents riding their bikes over to my house when I was a kid. I don't remember riding with them. But having fit grandparents that do fun things with their grandkids will make lasting memories


Oh yes, yoga.  I have been doing Bikram (hot) yoga on a not consistent two times per week schedule since about September/October.  (The end of the year is tough to get anything done consistently. ) But I now wonder if 2x per week is really enough, even assuming that I do it consistently.   And now that I think about it, I do have trouble in the poses that stretch the hamstrings.  Hmmm.  I sense a pattern.  I have no time to add in another 90m minute yoga class so I might need to look at "regular" yoga that I can do at home.  Kathy, thanks for the reminder about yoga. 

2009-01-18 4:59 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

This has been a big volume training week. I'm feeling pretty good and will make sure to get plenty of sleep as next week is a high run volume week.

Thanks to everyone for the advice and pointers, I'm really taking them to heart and trying to train smart.

Have a great week everyone.

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