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2009-08-02 11:34 PM
in reply to: #2322753

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
enginerd - 2009-08-02 4:40 PM bryan and I met steve at the pre-race talk along with several other BTers.  I think Steve finished in a bit over 12 hours and bryan finished in just over 13.  Major congrats to the two of them and looking forward to the RRs!

As for me, I had a bike crash and a trip to the emergency room.  Fortunately, nothing broken or separated.  Road rash and contusion so I'm likely largely out of commission for a couple weeks.

How far into the bike were you?

It may be a blessing in disguise since you have IM Canada coming up.  So long as you're not too busted up.

2009-08-03 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2322753

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
enginerd - 2009-08-02 6:40 PM bryan and I met steve at the pre-race talk along with several other BTers.  I think Steve finished in a bit over 12 hours and bryan finished in just over 13.  Major congrats to the two of them and looking forward to the RRs!

As for me, I had a bike crash and a trip to the emergency room.  Fortunately, nothing broken or separated.  Road rash and contusion so I'm likely largely out of commission for a couple weeks.

I thought of the Ironmen while I was in Hawaii! I'm so happy that Steve was able to do the run! Can't wait to hear about it! And congrats to Bryan! Donato -- so scary about the bike crash. Care to share details? How bad is the road rash? Hope you are on the mend soon.

As far as swimmer's ear goes... seeing a doc was a good move and you should feel better soon. I learned as a kid that the best treatment was prevention. Our cleanser/dryer of choice was a mixture of alcohol and vinegar (50/50). If I dropped that in the ears after workouts I didn't get the infections. My ears started protesting into about day 3 of scuba diving, so I had to pony up for some ear drops to clean/dry and was religious about that every afternoon as I was not about to sacrifice a day of diving if I could help it!!

Good to be home. Anxious to ride my bike, but managed to keep up the runs a bit. Anxious to hear about races!!! <hint hint>
2009-08-03 10:39 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Woot!  Just got home Monday night. 

Dang sorry to hear about the crash Donato, did you get a tire wedged between the two halves of the paved road just 15 miles ish from the swim?  I  hope you and the bike are on the mend very soon!

As for me the calves tightened a bit 16-17 miles in, but held for the next 8 ish miles and then threatened for the last mile big time, but held.  Very amazing I never had to walk and finished 12:16:29.  Nearly 3 hours faster than expected.  I actually kicked the last  3 miles with a progressive build.  I was 22/99 in my age group and 138/683 overall.  It was absolutely an amazing day.  Get this, my run splits were 1:17, 1:26: and 1:26 for each of the three loops (4:10 ish mary).   

Anyway RR should be up tonight.

Edited by Baowolf 2009-08-04 12:28 AM
2009-08-04 12:20 AM
in reply to: #2325760

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Congratulations to Steve and Bryan! And Donato, so sorry about the crash - I'm glad it wasn't worse and I hope you heal up fast. I thought of you all on race day, and I was more and more impressed as the day went on thinking of the monstrous effort you were making, and had already made in all the months of training. Ironmen, indeed!
2009-08-04 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2325760

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Baowolf - 2009-08-03 10:39 PM Woot!  Just got home Monday night. 

Dang sorry to hear about the crash Donato, did you get a tire wedged between the two halves of the paved road just 15 miles ish from the swim?  I  hope you and the bike are on the mend very soon!

As for me the calves tightened a bit 16-17 miles in, but held for the next 8 ish miles and then threatened for the last mile big time, but held.  Very amazing I never had to walk and finished 12:16:29.  Nearly 3 hours faster than expected.  I actually kicked the last  3 miles with a progressive build.  I was 22/99 in my age group and 138/683 overall.  It was absolutely an amazing day.  Get this, my run splits were 1:17, 1:26: and 1:26 for each of the three loops (4:10 ish mary).   

Anyway RR should be up tonight.

You vastly underestimate yourself, my friend!! Can't believe you "expected" more of a 15-hour finish. Great going and I'm so glad you were able to have such a fast run. That is very cool. Cannot wait to read the RR. Congratulations! How is the bod feeling now? Are you just totally trashed??
2009-08-04 1:21 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL

Thanks.  The body is actually feeling prettly good. If I sit to long, like in a 7 hour car ride I get a bit stiff, but for just walking around things are pretty good.  The only thing is that nasty blister I got on my 2nd toe.  At the end of the race it was about the size of a mable and it continues to drain/ooze and is somewhat painful.  I cut some skin off the top to reduce risk of infection (fun doing that by the way) and then hydrogen peroxided it and now keeping it bandaided with neosporin.  The muscles in general are just slightly tight, but then again I don' t really feel an overwhelming urge to go run on them just yet.  So, really happy to not be feeling any significant ill effects.  I was a bit more sore the 2nd day after than the first day after.  So mostly rest this week and then probly some lite stuff next week.

Although there was that 8 mile canoe ride on flatwater Sunday and a 45 minute walk on Monday. 

My estimation was based on not going all out on the swim, holding to a reasonable pace on the bike and I anticipated losing pace on the run.  Even in my stand alone marathon I lost alot of time on the last third of it.  This one, however, my last third was similar to the first and second third.  That is not something I could have really bet on.  There was a fellow D3 athlete in the evet, he was faster on the swim and the bike, and was 5 miles ahead of me when I started the run, but he ended up having to walk on the second loop and ended up finishing around 15 hours.  Which is where I would have been if I had been unable to suck it up and keep running on the marathon.  It is just one of those things that you have to be there to know what that feeling is of being 15 miles into the IM marathon and trying to muster the umphta to keep going without walking. 

2009-08-05 5:19 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Thanks all. The weather was absolutely beautiful, not the repressive heat that everyone talks about (like during the Vineman half just 2 weeks back).

I always wondered how I would feel about IM after doing one... would it be hell and I'm one-and-done? Would it hurt for weeks? Nope. I feel surprisingly good and I'm dying to get training again. Now that I'm done for the year I can just train for fun.
2009-08-05 10:28 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Lol, speaking of recovery time from an IM.... Nothing is really sore, I can walk, talk, chew gum, no limp etc., but I went out to work on the french drain from heck I have been digging on and off all summer and nearly bonked.  Granted I was swinging a pick and breaking through solid rock and such, but it just snuck up on me and I was done.  Your fitness is still there, but your body will tell you um yall are not gona do that to me again any time soon not even close we are shutting things down now.  Ya quick recovery with some calories in 5 minutes, but it was like everyone said, don't plan on any extended activity over 30 minutes in that first week.  Well, walking, canoeing etc. are fine, just not um raise the heartrate kind of stuff.    
2009-08-06 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2330886

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL

I've always thought it was to the extent that you couldn't move for weeks, its nice to hear you're not completely immobile.

2009-08-08 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2069077

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL

Donato are you healing up ok?  I hope you didn't find any muscular issues other thant he road rash a couple days after the event.  Are you back to lite training yet or are you still in the oooze stage of roadrashdome?  In any case get well soon.  Are still going to participate in the IM next month?

2009-08-15 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2335777

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Good luck to Jules in her first Olympic triathlon tomorrow!!!

2009-08-18 11:27 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Great race treehugger!! And she's already back running again.
2009-08-19 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2357291

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Thanks PBF! I finally posted my race report, if anyone from our mentor group is still out there....

The race went from being my A race to being a learning experience and training race when I got a flat tire halfway through the bike Yell, or maybe it was when I ran out of gas on the run Cry. Fortunately, we have a local Oly in September, so I have another shot at it and I know what to work on in the meantime: swimming, biking, and running! Oh, and fixing flats.

btw, I tip my hat to all you HIM- and IMers. The Oly seemed long, long, long, and I admire your strength and ambition in taking on those monster races!
2009-08-19 1:55 PM
in reply to: #2358438

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
treehugger - 2009-08-19 11:47 AM Thanks PBF! I finally posted my race report, if anyone from our mentor group is still out there....

The race went from being my A race to being a learning experience and training race when I got a flat tire halfway through the bike Yell, or maybe it was when I ran out of gas on the run Cry. Fortunately, we have a local Oly in September, so I have another shot at it and I know what to work on in the meantime: swimming, biking, and running! Oh, and fixing flats.

btw, I tip my hat to all you HIM- and IMers. The Oly seemed long, long, long, and I admire your strength and ambition in taking on those monster races!

I'm back after a little hiatus since my crash.

Jules, congrats on finishing your first Oly despite some bad luck with your tires.  Sounds like you learned a lot from it though!

I'm not super fast which is one reason I do long races since I can outlast a lot of folks!  Of course, you seem a natural for the short speedy stuff and once you build more endurance you'll be amazing on the longer stuff too!
2009-08-19 8:07 PM
in reply to: #2358438

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Hope you are healing up, Donato. What's your injury status??

Jules, great RR and congratulations again. Your flat experience sounds like the same experiences I've had on numerous rides -- rear tire, pinched tube, CO2 not working, etc. I've always had a friend there to help bail me out (either by helping to fix or calling for pick-up!), and eventually I did fix a flat on my own in not too much time (front tire, though).

I think with my first (ONLY!) Oly, the bike felt deceivingly long. It gave me a new appreciation for how long the bike is in races -- much more so than I realized in doing sprints. You are certainly a fast runner, so I'm sort-of wondering if it was heat and nutrition that made you feel so zonked. Heat can be such a killer -- some of us (me too!!) just don't do well in it.

Hope everyone else out there is doing well. I'm currently training for the Portland Marathon on October 4 and heading down there for a big, fat PR with my best friend (with whom I PR'ed a marathon 2 summers ago). There are several local tris between now and then but if they don't fit in to long run schedules or if they're too close to the race I won't be doing them. Taking each weekend as it comes...  Bike rides have been hard to come by what with kid's schedules and everything else. Wish I was as good about hopping on my bike at 5:30am as I am about getting out for a run, but I'm not. I think it's that biking has more things to get ready (or at least that's the excuse I keep using).
2009-08-20 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2069077

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Yeah its been quite quiet here. I figured it was all the summer activities and the season winding down. I'm having a hard time keeping training focus.

Treehugger, I think suffering on the run is a tri tradition! In my first 5 tri's I cramped on the run in all of them. And often its right coming out of T2 which isn't fun. A big part of it was nutrition, including electrolytes. The other thing is now I save some of my legs on the bike. I still feel uncomfortable on the run, but at least I don't cramp anymore.

The other thing I learned this year... In the past I always thought my bonking was only due to fluids/fuel, but this year I discovered that low electrolytes cause me to bonk as well. So if I'm feeling lousy on the run/bike I'll take a gel. If I don't feel better I'll take some electrolytes then usually I feel better. If I still don't feel better then I know it must be the big hill I'm climbing

2009-08-20 12:24 PM
in reply to: #2360158

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Yeah, I didn't take in any calories or electrolytes during the race, just water. Sounds dumb, but I always have trouble keeping anything down when I run. I had also swallowed a LOT of canal water during the swim, which was trying to come back up. Felt kind of sick from that for awhile. Next time I will try a gel or 2 on the bike, I think that might work. Electrolyte drinks are not going to happen, they make me sick even when I'm not exercising, but can't you get electrolyte pills? Would that be better or worse?

And yes, I was in good company as I struggled through the run. I had to laugh reading other people's race reports and comments on the race thread - many variations on "I ran out of gas 2 miles into the run". I saw a lot of people walking. It was pretty hot by the time I got to the run, about 87 deg, with bright sun beating down on unshaded concrete - not exactly ideal running conditions, but HTFU, right? (I learn so many charming things on BT!)

Thanks everyone for the advice and support!
2009-08-20 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Good luck to Kelli on her HIM this weekend! Go go go!
2009-08-21 1:20 AM
in reply to: #2360460

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
treehugger - 2009-08-20 10:24 AM

Yeah, I didn't take in any calories or electrolytes during the race, just water. Sounds dumb, but I always have trouble keeping anything down when I run. I had also swallowed a LOT of canal water during the swim, which was trying to come back up. Felt kind of sick from that for awhile. Next time I will try a gel or 2 on the bike, I think that might work. Electrolyte drinks are not going to happen, they make me sick even when I'm not exercising, but can't you get electrolyte pills? Would that be better or worse?

I used to take Hammer Endurolytes capsules, but they only have 40-ish mg sodium and I needed a lot more so now I use S!Caps, which has about 300+mg sodium per capsule. The electrolyte drinks don't have enough for me, but I do feel much stronger with Cytomax. The Pomegrante Berry flavor is by far my fav flavor. I can't stand Gatorade and I have to choke down Accelerade. You can buy Cytomax in trial sizes... also maybe water it down if its too strong/sweet tasting.

Just water and I feel low on energy. Although on the bike I alternate between water and sports drink... too much sugar and I feel sick, and I have a steel stomach.

Oh BTW, don't drink/eat immediately out of T1, ride for a bit first to settle down. Donato told me this before but I learned the hard way... I felt sick choking down sports drink right out of T1. It takes me about 10-15 miles to settle down.

P.S. I thought I was the only one taking in fluids on the swim
2009-08-21 1:25 AM
in reply to: #2069077

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Oh yeah, good luck KelliD at Timberman!
2009-08-21 3:58 PM
in reply to: #2361698

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Go Kelli go!!! Good luck this weekend and hurry back to tell us all about it!!

Jules -- in my first (and only) Oly, I took ShotBlox on the bike, if only cuz that's what my girlfriend who had done the same race numerous times did on hers. Worked for me -- it was probably only 100 calories, maybe 150, but helped. I may have taken a Gu on my run but don't remember. I am a new convert to ShotBlox and am going to go with those exclusively in my next marathon if all goes well on my 20-miler tomorrow morning (in which I'm doing ShotBlox and water). I don't tend to use electrolytes, beyond some Nuun if the weather is hot (and there is some in my Infinit mixture). I'm not a huge sweater and intense heat is rare for us. But if the temps are up I figure they don't hurt, that's for sure!

2009-08-22 7:11 PM
in reply to: #2363213

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Thanks for the tips, I'll try some new things on training rides/runs. I'd forgotten about ShotBloks - those might actually work for me. They look like candy, and I do like candy! I'll also try some different drinks. Maybe my problem is just with Gatorade and its close relatives. I did try some watered-down Clif Quench one time without problems.

I hope everyone is having fun with their training this weekend! We got a nice cool day today, and I took advantage of it to get out and road test my new puncture-resistant tires!!
2009-08-22 11:46 PM
in reply to: #2364362

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Wow, this place have life again!  Grats tree on your race, and its too bad Donato isn't racing.

I got a run coming up in a few weeks, then my 1st Oly in October.  Training is going okay, except for the fact I get sick the day after all my long rides
2009-08-23 10:04 PM
in reply to: #2364609

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
furiousferret - 2009-08-22 9:46 PM

Training is going okay, except for the fact I get sick the day after all my long rides

FF what kind of sick do you get after a ride?
2009-08-24 12:30 AM
in reply to: #2365691

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
The next day I have a cough and runny nose, slight wheezing.  After the ride I'm fine.   Its been bad enough that I've put off any training for 2 days.
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