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2009-08-24 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2069077

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Treehugger, you are fast, 16.5 mph with 2 flats... wow and 1:40 swim and 8:41 doesn't suck on the run well for me it doesn't.  You totally need to figure out your nutrition, you can't go 3 hours with no calories or even think about a HIM without having that nailed down.  After about 90 minutes you should start feeling less energy from the no calorie thing alone even if you were in IM shape. 

GU also is coming out with a chewable calorie thing, like the cliff shots if gels are not your thing.  There is also Infinate or any variation of powder added to water.  You don't need much for an oly, but 300 calories on the bike would probably have helped you out a lot for the run and if you could have gotten in another 50 to 100 calories on the run I think you would have been good.  

For me running in the heat just takes some acclimation.  I ran in 95 to 100 F all summer and it took me about 2-3 weeks to get used to it.  For my IM it got up to like 89 F by the time the run was in full swing and it really was just comfortable.  I did dump some water on my head, down my back or down my front from time to time just as a precaution to keep me really cool, but it really wasn't necessary.

So the take away is, you are fast and will rock your next race (no flats please!) and figure out what you can eat, even if it is pbj sandwichs or whatever, you need something.     

2009-08-26 12:32 AM
in reply to: #2366472

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Thanks, Baowolf!

I tried the ShotBloks on my long run today, taking 2 every ~40 min. The first 2 doses were great, the third a little hard to get down, but not as bad as gels! And I think you're right about acclimating to the heat. We've had a pretty mild summer, so I've only gotten in a handful of runs in really warm temps. That's amazing that you felt comfortable at 89 in your IM - whew that's hot!
2009-08-26 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2370917

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
treehugger - 2009-08-26 12:32 AM Thanks, Baowolf!

I tried the ShotBloks on my long run today, taking 2 every ~40 min. The first 2 doses were great, the third a little hard to get down, but not as bad as gels! And I think you're right about acclimating to the heat. We've had a pretty mild summer, so I've only gotten in a handful of runs in really warm temps. That's amazing that you felt comfortable at 89 in your IM - whew that's hot!

I think anything gets hard to get down after awhile!! When I took the Bloks on my run last weekend, I started around 1:00 and then took one Blok every 10-20 min.

Hat's off to Kelli for her HIM!! Can't wait for her RR! Come and tell us about it!
2009-09-01 11:43 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
I have been a bit absent with like 12 hour days between everything.  I work in a number of schools and the kids are all back, I had to train 75 staff members and go to a lot of booring preservice meetings/trainings including all day Saturday.  For fun and excitement I took 2 weeks off to recover from the IM then took 2 weeks very lite exercize wize.  However I am moving 1500 cubic feet of dirt ( by shovel and wheel barrel makes roughly 3500 loads) and rocks that one of our idiot workers on our housing project put on our neighbor's property.  

My longest run was today 6.4 miles with 15 hard efforts 30 to 90 seconds yay, but still sub 8:00 pace.  I got in a 20 mile bike ride in an hour yesterday yay, with 20 mph winds.  So time to build back up after tossing my fitness in exchange for recovery.  The next big thing will be a 30k trail run in October and then a full mary in January.  I am not sure if I will throw in someting lite in the middle.     

Hehe after doing 6-7 hour bike rides and 17 mile runs in 100 F temps this summer anything 95 or cooler is pleasant.  It did take me about 2-3 weeks to acclimate though.  I am very happy that I do not have stomache issues when competing.  I usually do Infinit on the bike and GU on the run. I try to go 1100 calories in a 56 mile bike for the HIM (2200 for the IM bike) and 1 GU per 25-30 minutes on the run.  On the run I have to be careful to not take in too much water or I get side cramps, but not nautious.   

I think I doubled my calorie intake from my first HIM to my second one.  Oh well off to bed.  I will read some RR of you two when I get a chance.  Folks do all kinds of things for food/fluid intake, bananas, apple juice, cool aid, whatever those bean things are, pbj, etc., etc., Hope  you find something that works for you.  You may need to just take in the calories a tiny bit at a time like with Infinit you can take a tiny sip every 2-5  minutes (1 swallow) followed by water 1 swollow and get in enough calories.    

Edited by Baowolf 2009-09-01 11:46 PM
2009-09-02 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2384166

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Baowolf - I took a peek at your logs and you've been running fast!

Do I remember you saying you use one of those bottles that goes on your aero bars? I stopped carrying a water bottle on my bike after dropping one in a race. Fine for a sprint, but I should carry something on my next Oly. Having it right there would make it easier to take little sips as you suggest.

2009-09-03 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL

I have the podiumquest bottle up front between the bars.  I launched my calorie bottle on my HIM off a speedbump and had to go back for it.  The next day I got the podiumquest 2 chamber aerobottle.  It velcros onto the aero bars with 4 straps and I do not see it every falling off.  I use 1 chamber for calories (26 oz ish) and 1 for water (16 oz ish).  On my IM I saw several less securely attached aero bottles on the ground and a ton of regular bottles.  The other thing I use is the Neverreach.  I may go 60 to 100 miles without a water stop in up to 100 F temps so I need lots of water on the frame.  The neverreach attaches to the back of your seat and runs a tube up in front of you so it works like an aero bottle straw.  It is bolted on and is not going anywhere.  And just so you know I put camelback big bite valves ($5)  at the end of every straw from whatever source.  It keeps them from splashing and keeps you from getting jabbed in the mouth on bumps from some not so forgiving straw ends.  Ask if you want more info.        

Oh and I figured out how much fluid a swallow was by using a measuring cup and using the actual straw to see how much fluid I took in in a swallow.  For me it is close to 1 ounce per swallow, so if you have a callorie drink you can figure out how many calories per swallow, swallows per 2, 10, 20 minutes whatever and calories per hour.  For a sprint I may go zero to maybe 100 calories, for an oly like maybe 350 unless, HIM for me was 1500 calories and IM was 3300 calories.  When I did a HIM on only 650 calories, the last 1 mile of the run was not pretty (but then it was also 105 F out).    

Edited by Baowolf 2009-09-03 1:13 PM

2009-09-04 4:16 AM
in reply to: #2069077

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
treehugger, profile design makes an aero bottle as well. you can either secure to your aerobars using the included rubber bands or they sell a mount as well. i use the mount. having the drink right in my face helps me drink more often on the bike... so much so that i typically train with it as well. and since i sweat like crazy, its nice to have a 3rd bottle on the bike.

baowolf, on a different topic, i noticed that your runs are typically pretty short (4-6 miles) but you run at a pretty fast clip, or you do tempo/interval type runs. do you find this as valuable as longer runs? i'm asking because i'm re-evaluating how i train. i just joined a spin club that uses power meter and cadence for training. during the hour or so class, they switch up the power and cadence... and i was reading an article by andy potts saying that he typically trains on the bike this way as well. so this got me thinking in general how to maximize my training benefits since it seems like i can get great benefits with less volume.
2009-09-04 11:15 AM
in reply to: #2069077

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Sounds like a good excuse to visit the NEW TRI SHOP that just opened up in town this week! Yay for us!
2009-09-05 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2069077

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL

Thanks.  Actually, I am doing a long recovery from the IM and building back up for a mary slowly.  So all my distances on bike and run are short.  I started at like 3 hours a week and have been adding about 1 hour a week.  With the shorter runs and no real fatigue load I am just enjoying running fast, knowing that I won't be out there for 17 miles.  Once up to speed I will probably get back to 1 shorter run with strides or pickups, a moderate run with the same and one with just pacing and then a longer run.  I am really hoping that I can maintain a faster pace in the longer runs.  My last run at a 7:30 pace with some 6:30 efforts fealt really good.  It would totally rock if I were able to hold that pace at a longer distance.... 

Anyway, I went with the podiumquest because the lids where you put the water in on the go are covered wtih a hexegonal cover that is way better in my opinion than the yellow puffy thing as you do not get splashed on bumps.  I also like the 2 chambers.  On the Vineman I saw some of the rubberband secured aero bottles did get launched and were abandoned by the roadside.  Personally whichever one you go with I would make it securable to the bike with either straps or a kit.  It just sucks too much to lose a bottle, especially an expensive bottle with your nutrition in it during a race.  

So 1 hour run today, we see what pace I hold... 

And then it is back to moving dirt, I estimate only well hrm maybe 200-300 more wheelbarrels full to move.   

Edited by Baowolf 2009-09-05 10:58 AM
2009-09-07 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
baowolf, that's great with your wheelbarrel cross training. that should make your swim seriously strong

treehugger, there's always good excuses for visiting the local tri shop... its helping the economy.
2009-09-11 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Ok here is a fun activity, take your total hours  of sbr for all of 2008 and compare to 2009 to look for improvement, here were my results:  I am of course seeing more speed towards the end of the season than during the beginning, but it is really nice to see that yes I am getting faster.  I had my first ever 2 bike rides over 20 mph last week (60-90 min rides) and my 5 mile runs are closing in on a 7 min pace (7:37, 7:18, 7:13, 7:04, etc) Lets see some other folks put their numbers up 8).   

    2008 vs 2009
Run 10:25, 8:43 pace (minutes per mile)
Bike 16.4 mph, 17.2 mph
Swim 37 yards per minute, 40 yards per minute

Edited by Baowolf 2009-09-11 12:47 PM

2009-09-15 1:19 AM
in reply to: #2069077

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
This thread has been quiet of late, but I just wanted to say...

CONGRATS TREEHUGGER! Great race this past weekend.
2009-09-15 1:23 AM
in reply to: #2069077

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Now with the season winding down, who still has races out there?

For everyone else, how are you maintaining focus? I'm finally getting back into it again, but its been hard to maintain any semblance of discipline.
2009-09-15 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2406557

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
poweredbyfear - 2009-09-15 1:23 AM Now with the season winding down, who still has races out there? For everyone else, how are you maintaining focus? I'm finally getting back into it again, but its been hard to maintain any semblance of discipline.

Yes, congrats to Jules on nailing her Oly this weekend. Awesome!!!!!

I've entered the Portland Marathon for 10/4... so running is my focus. Sadly that has put the kabash on any more tris this season since the long runs take priority and I'm too old to put my body in jeopardy by trying to do a long run and a race on the same weekend!! I am riding at least once/week with friends while the weather is nice, and am using the pool for rest/recovery when the timing works out.  
2009-09-15 1:18 PM
in reply to: #2407101

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Thanks everyone, and thanks for all the good advice over the past few weeks and the rest of the season! The weather was perfect, the water was calm, the bike course was fast, and I'd gotten in a few long runs since my last Oly, so it all came together for me. I ate an energy bar right before the swim and dutifully drank my whole bottle of electrolyte drink on the bike, but only managed to get down one shot blok mid-way through the run. I kept telling myself not to kill myself on the bike, but it was such a fun and fast course that I pretty much did anyway until the last few miles, when I eased up and shifted down to let my legs recover a little. Anyway, it was enough to keep me from getting toasted on the run. It hurt, but it was a good run so I got to cross off one of my goals (finishing an Oly with a strong run).

My legs took a beating, so I've been hobbling around though slowly getting better. Like kkcbelle, I have a fall marathon out there to keep me motivated, although I'm not sure my legs are going to agree to go on my scheduled 18-mile long run this week! After that I will keep up the usual running, and probably alternate some focused time on improving the bike and the swim.
2009-09-15 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Wow Jules.  Looks like you really smoked the Oly!  Way to go.  Sounds like you're pretty well hooked on it.  What do you (and everyone else) have planned next year?

My shoulder is doing much better, but still not fully healed.  So, I'm mainly focused on running.  Did a 30 mile trail run on Saturday as training for a 50K at the end of the month.  3 more ultras lined up after that - two 50 milers and my first 100 miler.  Yikes!

2009-09-16 12:20 AM
in reply to: #2069077

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
I am slowly building back up following some recovery time from that IM.  My races so far are 30k trail run in October, Full mary in January, probably a 10 miler in march (might shift to 5k to race against my son.... he may win) and then CDA.  Not sure what else I will sneak in there, prosibly a later season HIM and maybe a sprint if any of my family are willing to give it a shot next fall. 

So I am run focused, working mostly on speed with long run 9 miles atm, but building all runs a bit each week.  I am only hitting 1-2 bike rides per week and mostly no swim atm. 

However, my swimspa is probably 2-3 weeks from functional, which will have me swimming 3-4 x per week probably. I will post a pic of the room once it is completed.  It has been over a year in the making due to small town construction yay.  It will seriously be better than driving 200 miles to swim 2x per week all winter. 

No issues with focus.  I secretly want to qualify for Kona in 5 years for a 25th wedding anyversary for my wife, but don't tell her 8).  Who knows if I have a shot, but the time frame is good, I will make it or I won't.  I have to have a focus and well to drop 2:30:00 off my IM time will take quite a bit of that focus.  I would also like to qualify for Boston along the way, because well I have to be running that fast anyway for the IMs.  Now adding an average of 4-5 mph on a 112 mile bike... that will be the deciding factor.  Not sure it can be done, but will be fun trying. 

So sorry about that shoulder, I hope it gets good to go and fully recovered soon.  Our prayers are with you for a full recovery. 
2009-09-16 9:44 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
I just started a run focus as well.  I was putting the bike as a priority, and I wasn't getting faster on the bike, and my run was definately slowing me down.  I think my poor bike form had to do with me getting pnemonia for a week after a 70 miler.  I haven't been that sick in a long, long time, if ever.  However, it was still frustrating enough for me to want to toss my bike (I didn't but close).

My plan is to work up to 40 mpw by commuting to work via the run; 5 out, and 5 back for 10 miles a day, 3 days a week with a long run on the weekend.  My mpw has been horrid and I need to work it up; one of my rules I'm setting is no less than 25 mpw until IMSG (barring injury).

I have a 5k next week and either an Oly or Sprint in early October; haven't decided which to do; alot of it depends on my swim form, I just got a new Zoot Fuzion and going to try my first OWS in it next week.  Then I'll do an Oly in November, possibly the Vegas Mary in December, then its B2V in April and IMSG in May.

Edited by furiousferret 2009-09-16 9:49 PM
2009-09-17 9:27 PM
in reply to: #2410796

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
This seems to be turning into a running forum! But maybe that's just what happens this time of year. Donato, I hope your shoulder finishes healing quickly; Steve, I can't wait to see the pics of your swimspa (so cool!); Chris, sorry about the bike, I hope the run focus helps with both; Everybody, have fun running - the weather is getting perfect for it here with fall on the way!
2009-09-20 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2412943

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Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
I guess it is the time of year to do something more than try to ride the bike! Although here in the PacNW, the weather continues to be FABULOUS and I sorta wish I were on my bike more. I am doing at least one ride/week with friends who are faster than I am. We are all comfy together on flats, but I get dropped like a hot potato on hills (or any incline, LOL!) so it keeps me huffing and puffing, which is good. They are nice and non-competitive (unless they've ponied up entry fees!) and wait for me at the top and stroke my bruised ego. 

Donato, so sorry to hear you are still working on recovering. I hope everything comes together for you very soon.

It's fun to read about what people are up to -- keep the updates coming and enjoy the fall workouts!! 
2009-09-20 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2069077

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Thanks for the well wishes everyone.  I had a follow up with my sports doc a couple days ago.  She says I'm doing well and the fracture in my shoulder has healed, but i'm very weak there.  I've been running and have my first ultra (50K) for the year next weekend and feel pretty comfortable with it since I did a 30 mile training run last weekend, albeit on flat trails.

Bryan has been working on his biking a lot although I haven't seen him for awhile (esp. since I haven't been able to bike much).

Hope everyone is doing well and I'm glad to see our little group is still active.  I think I'm going to go head out for a bike ride!

2009-09-20 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Glad to hear you're healing up Donato, good luck on the run next week!
2009-09-21 11:33 PM
in reply to: #2416120

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SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
enginerd - 2009-09-20 9:51 AM
Bryan has been working on his biking a lot although I haven't seen him for awhile (esp. since I haven't been able to bike much)

To jumpstart my end-of-year training (i.e., to break out of my post-season laziness), I signed up for a fancy smancy spin class in SF. The training involves intervals with variations in cadence and power. Three weeks thus far and I feel stronger. I need to start running soon as I'm pacing Donato for hopefully 30-40 miles of his Javelina Jundred and The NorthFace Challenge 50k, which is killer hills. Never thought I'd love biking more than running! Armaggedon must be near.

2009-09-22 4:28 PM
in reply to: #2069077

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Getting faster at running is hard work, la pant.  Fun workout today, 45 min run middle 30 min at HR 165-170 sustained (7:21 pace for me).  Kicked my butt after only 4 miles.  How do people qualify for Boston running a pace like that or faster for 26+ miles anyway?  I guess maybe with more than a 2 year off the couch I spose.  

Am going nuts with the home project.  The swimspa is in, floor tiled, everything done except sealing the tile.  I just go home at look at it like a dog with a bone stuck under the porch.  Oh well any week now.  

I finaly got all that dirt/rocks moved.  I ended up wearing out the wheelbarrel tire and had to replace it.  The pile was roughly 5 foot deep by 12 foot wide by 40 foot long or so.  Now it is 6 inches deep by a really realy lot of area and about 100-200 feet away from where it started. 

So, anyone have an races going on other than those evil 50k/50 milers?  Just wow that is a long way to run.          

Edited by Baowolf 2009-09-22 4:29 PM
2009-09-24 9:55 AM
in reply to: #2420730

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: enginerd's geek heaven - FULL
Baowolf - 2009-09-22 2:28 PM
So, anyone have an races going on other than those evil 50k/50 milers?  Just wow that is a long way to run.          

Lets see,  I have the Bonelli Tri on Oct 4, Redlands Sprint Tri sometime in late Oct, and the Dam Rock on Nov 2.  I'll also have Baker 2 Vegas team qualifiers sometime before Feb.

Considering Vegas Marathon but probably wont do it. 
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