BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-04-09 5:12 PM
in reply to: #4691758

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Hi everyone!! It's been an exciting week for me. Went to Colorado for the first time. Loved it. Vail is a Disneyland for rich skiers. I'm not rich nor a skier..but would like to be both!! Skied one day. Snowmobiles another. Shopped the 4th day. Headed back to Denver where we stopped at Outdoor world- Bass pro-Shop. His shopping day.. We were there long enough for me to get so annoyed that i was was STILL in that place that I had customer service call my husband on the overhead. LMAO! I thought it was hilarious. He was a bit annoyed. Git home to CA on Friday. Then Saturday afternoon flew to Tx to watch my sister in law race Galvaston 70.3. So exciting. Love being in the company of other triathletes! With all that travel, you can imagine my training.... So today I hit it hard with a 7 mile run and 2400 swim.

2013-04-10 5:41 AM
in reply to: #4693879

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

EV3110 - 2013-04-09 5:12 PM Hi everyone!! It's been an exciting week for me. Went to Colorado for the first time. Loved it. Vail is a Disneyland for rich skiers. I'm not rich nor a skier..but would like to be both!! Skied one day. Snowmobiles another. Shopped the 4th day. Headed back to Denver where we stopped at Outdoor world- Bass pro-Shop. His shopping day.. We were there long enough for me to get so annoyed that i was was STILL in that place that I had customer service call my husband on the overhead. LMAO! I thought it was hilarious. He was a bit annoyed. Git home to CA on Friday. Then Saturday afternoon flew to Tx to watch my sister in law race Galvaston 70.3. So exciting. Love being in the company of other triathletes! With all that travel, you can imagine my training.... So today I hit it hard with a 7 mile run and 2400 swim.

Look at all those miles you put in...rode your bike to Vail, did some cross country skiing, ran back home to CA, then swam to TX.  I would say that is a heck of a training week!!!  However you look at it, it sure sounds like you had fun.  I have had to take a couple days off training since my big one's birthday.  he got a couple model rockets he wanted to build and launch.  Other than that been trying to do more dual workouts each day just to get the miles in.  I am excited for Friday.  I got my new Adamo Prologue seat in and am finally getting it fit to my bike!

2013-04-11 6:38 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
I'm doing a sprint tri on Sunday. The Trideltathon is 400m swim, 6mile bike, 3 mile run. I just received information on the swim line up. We have to self sort by time. This morning I timed myself in the pool at 50m at 55 sec. This includes a few seconds to slip under the lane separator. If I round up that's 8 min, right? This is my first tri event so I'm wondering if I should put myself in a slower group. Thoughts?
2013-04-11 9:12 AM
in reply to: #4695879

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Noel, I wish I could use all those miles toward my endurance! 

Renee, A sprint!  Ive never had a self-sort, but im sure youve swam 500 straight prior tho Sundays sprint right?  How long was that swim?  I'd go with that time as opposed to the 55m@55 sec.  Just me tho!  Have a great time!  cant wait for the update!

Question:  Weak swimmer here!  I know! i KNOW...need to get a coach to fix my swim issues! But since Ive been really trying to stick to my BT plan I'm having a tough time using their swim workouts. Especially if there's lots of drills and such.  When Im trying to go fast, I suck.  Form sucks.  I'm slower.  I feel sloppy.  It's not good.  When I take it easy I can concentrate on form (well...better form).  So my question is since my form is SO flawed should I just do the distances and forget thedrills?  Maybe throw in a few sprints throughout? least till I get some feed back on my form- going to look into it today.  Whatcha think?  








2013-04-11 9:29 AM
in reply to: #4696063

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
EV3110 - 2013-04-11 9:12 AM

Noel, I wish I could use all those miles toward my endurance! 

Renee, A sprint!  Ive never had a self-sort, but im sure youve swam 500 straight prior tho Sundays sprint right?  How long was that swim?  I'd go with that time as opposed to the 55m@55 sec.  Just me tho!  Have a great time!  cant wait for the update!

Question:  Weak swimmer here!  I know! i KNOW...need to get a coach to fix my swim issues! But since Ive been really trying to stick to my BT plan I'm having a tough time using their swim workouts. Especially if there's lots of drills and such.  When Im trying to go fast, I suck.  Form sucks.  I'm slower.  I feel sloppy.  It's not good.  When I take it easy I can concentrate on form (well...better form).  So my question is since my form is SO flawed should I just do the distances and forget thedrills?  Maybe throw in a few sprints throughout? least till I get some feed back on my form- going to look into it today.  Whatcha think?  



I think you get no sympathy from any of us after spending a week skiing! I love to ski! and I am jealous!

Personally, I would continue with the drills. The drills are aimed at focusing on something, whether it is entry, pull, the catch, they are designed to work on something. You can just swim lap after lap, but if the form and technique are bad, then it will not help you as much. Is there a Master's Class you could join? They usually have a coach on deck and they can help you with form. A few classes with a coach watching might be the thing you need!


To me swimming is all about technique and breathing. Once you get those things down (or as close as possible on technique), then you will find more speed. Ever heard the "slow down to speed up" line? I think that definately applies to swimming.

How many strokes does it take you to go 50 yards?

2013-04-11 10:51 AM
in reply to: #4696063

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
EV3110 - 2013-04-11 10:12 AM

Noel, I wish I could use all those miles toward my endurance! 

Renee, A sprint!  Ive never had a self-sort, but im sure youve swam 500 straight prior tho Sundays sprint right?  How long was that swim?  I'd go with that time as opposed to the 55m@55 sec.  Just me tho!  Have a great time!  cant wait for the update!

Question:  Weak swimmer here!  I know! i KNOW...need to get a coach to fix my swim issues! But since Ive been really trying to stick to my BT plan I'm having a tough time using their swim workouts. Especially if there's lots of drills and such.  When Im trying to go fast, I suck.  Form sucks.  I'm slower.  I feel sloppy.  It's not good.  When I take it easy I can concentrate on form (well...better form).  So my question is since my form is SO flawed should I just do the distances and forget thedrills?  Maybe throw in a few sprints throughout? least till I get some feed back on my form- going to look into it today.  Whatcha think?  

I recently contacted a coach for swim lessons.  I paid for private lessons.  WOW!  That first one was great because she records some of my swimming and then emails it to me with her talking about what I am doing/not doing.  She highly recommended that I try her group class.  I did!  At first I was a bit upset because I wanted the one-on-one.  But once I took the first class, I was hooked.  She offers "drop-ins" for only $20 (class is 1.5 hours).  We have different people all the time.  Here is what I have learned so far.  DRILLS!  They are the most important part.  Each drill will work on a specific part of the swim.  If you do the drills enough, that part becomes muscle memory.  Eventually, they all work together to make it happen.  I have been to many of the group classes now.  I swim harder, faster, stronger with the group.  And she still watches me and on occasion, records my swim with pointers.  I can see improvement and I'm happy I did it.  I believe I will be in her classes all summer. 

I say all this to say, check out your local pools.  See if any of their classes offer "drop-ins".  The slightest little tweak in your technique can make a HUGE difference.







2013-04-11 11:01 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
I received an email from the race director for Rocketman Florida HIM.  The race is 5/5/13 (in 24 days if anyone is counting).  They are still working on getting their permit for the bike course.  It appears that the US Fish and Wildlife are very hesitant to let us race their.  I am not sure what will happen if they don't get the permit.  We may end up riding in circles in a parking lot!!!  The email asked us to send emails to the US Fish and Wildlife tellling them why they should let us race there.  OH MY!  I have never been asked to do that.  It seems like it is still a battle going on even though the race director keeps assuring us that it is just a formality!  Anyone ever experience this before?
2013-04-11 3:59 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Elena - I agree with James:  I am so jealous of your trip.  I lived in CO for 4 yrs and miss it so much.  As for swimming, once I got up to 1000m, I bought a pull buoy and paddles.  That really helped my form (hips rocking and pulling).  Also, that little transition break helps.  

it's all about form/technique; speed comes after....oh yeah, one guy taught me to tuck my chin to my chest to get my head more underwater.

The tools and tip have really made a difference in my swimming.  Good luck!

2013-04-12 1:10 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

great ride last night (25 miles or 1:38) on trainer, good swim today 1600 yards-31:01 (1st swim in 2 weeks)


Feels like I am back to getting on track with my plan, I was afraid I would lose a lot of fitness with not training for 2 weeks due to my cold, but all in all I am feeling pretty optimistic!

2013-04-12 6:26 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Hey Todd,

Great suggestion about tucking your chin down a bit in the swim, I tried it and for the first time in a long time, I didn't feel like my legs were dragging on the bottom, thanks !
2013-04-12 6:31 PM
in reply to: #4698085

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Hmph.  Wasnt expecting your comments about swimming..the sticking to the drills part.  I called a local aquatics center yesterday to inquire again about lessons or masters or some class to improve my form.  Little bit of a bummer that its 30 min away but super awesome facility. I really shouldnt complain.   Anyhoo, Theres a "pre-masters" class which is essentially one-on-one with a teacher. 4 lessons @ $160!!  Holy crap!  Too much.  Oh and that does NOT include member fees!!  So ouch.  However they do have a masters class 3x a week at a much reasonable rate -I think $35 for residents.  Im not a resident tho. My only issue is that I am just SO intimidated to be thrown in a pool with great swimmers.  I know!!!...dork I am.  I plan to do a drop-in to give her a try.  Wish me luck.  Thanks for the imput!

MKennedy: did you write your letter yet?   Theyre really pushing it pretty close to race day.  Hope it works out. 

James: 2 Weeks?  dude. Thats a lot of down time.  Hope your groove comes back! And good ride & swim!

Im highly motivated now that I watched Texas70.3!  I know how last years training went for aquabike, doing mostly what the training required.  But now I want more!  I want to improve and become stronger. This week was a great week, but mostly because the training was only at about 9 hrs.  Next week i think its at 11-12.  So lets see if I can hang.    Long run for me tomorrow. Then long ride on Sunday.  Have a good weekend. Enjoy!

2013-04-12 6:46 PM
in reply to: #4698499

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

kenb - 2013-04-12 4:26 PM Hey Todd, Great suggestion about tucking your chin down a bit in the swim, I tried it and for the first time in a long time, I didn't feel like my legs were dragging on the bottom, thanks !


Yes!  Ive never actually tried this until TODAYS swim.  It took a few laps to get comfortable with it.  This felt mych differnet thatn "swim downhill".  I wonder, could THIS be (part of) my issue?

Also, I counted my strokes 4 different times throughout my swim today.  Gym has a 25yd pool.  Stroke count for the 4 times @25 yd: 24, 24,25,26 (eac h time an arm went into the water, I counted that as one.)  Now teach me about stroke length and why its important. { My garmin 910 says: Average stroke length=10.3.   Average Swolf=46 ...swolf??? what the hell is Swolf? Last length strokes=12 } ....expensive idea how to use it.  lol  Love that I dont have to count laps tho!!!! HA! 

2013-04-13 11:58 PM
in reply to: #4698510

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Next great swim tip: stolen from someone else of course....combine swimming downhill (tucked chin) and now try 2 things:

1.  rock or rotate hips more than you do now as you swim.  You will have stronger strokes and create a 'bubble' of water for you legs to pass thru with less drag.  

2. As you breathe, (you are looking back with crown of head in water, and chin tucked not to the side) hold that hand out front for a nanosecond and get a good breath.  This prevents legs from dropping and dragging so much.  All of this assumes you breath every 4th stroke (counting both left and right strokes).  

I am going to swim open water in the morning.  this will be a first - need the practice.  If I don't post up by Monday, someone say something nice at my funeral.  

Good luck Michelle....sounds sketchy.  That will suck if a 'no go'. 

Glad my lessons from the school of hard knocks on swimming help a little.  I am still a neophyte at this stuff I promise.  I am really focused on form and drills though.  And volume....the volume is helping a ton.

Good luck Elena, I am sure the focus and effort will reap rewards.  For what is worth - I have grown to like swimming with the little hand paddles and pull buoy.  Helps with form and rocking hips side to side a lot. 

Stuart?  update?  

Brad?   you both have IM dates upcoming 30 days right?   

Edited by Todd13 2013-04-14 12:03 AM
2013-04-14 10:11 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Just finished the sprint tri and I had a great time! I did the whole thing in 1:19:11. Seemed like an ok time. I wasn't the last person in my age group! A couple of funny things happened. 1) I went to put on my swim cap and ripped it. Didn't have a spare. I scrounged around the pool and found a rubber band and it worked fine. 2) I was so excited meeting and talking to people that suddenly when the event was over and I went to recover my stuff I found my lonely bike and gear under a tree. The race workers joked that they were planning to put my stuff on ebay. I don't know how much you can get for a 98 Lamonde Tourmulet!I did have to breast stroke the swim for about 50m. The pool was a 50 meter lap so when I got to my usual 22 strokes to prepare for the turn, I looked up and had another half of the pool to swim. Got a little psyched out there, but suddenly the swim was over! The ride and run were really hilly so I was happy that what little training I did was on an incline or on trails. Even thought I have a heavy bike, I've been riding it for years and know how to gear it. I think I made up for lost time from the swim on the ride. I felt great on the run. I could have done another mile or two. I'm looking forward to my next sprint!
2013-04-14 10:11 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Just finished the sprint tri and I had a great time! I did the whole thing in 1:19:11. Seemed like an ok time. I wasn't the last person in my age group! A couple of funny things happened. 1) I went to put on my swim cap and ripped it. Didn't have a spare. I scrounged around the pool and found a rubber band and it worked fine. 2) I was so excited meeting and talking to people that suddenly when the event was over and I went to recover my stuff I found my lonely bike and gear under a tree. The race workers joked that they were planning to put my stuff on ebay. I don't know how much you can get for a 98 Lamonde Tourmulet!I did have to breast stroke the swim for about 50m. The pool was a 50 meter lap so when I got to my usual 22 strokes to prepare for the turn, I looked up and had another half of the pool to swim. Got a little psyched out there, but suddenly the swim was over! The ride and run were really hilly so I was happy that what little training I did was on an incline or on trails. Even thought I have a heavy bike, I've been riding it for years and know how to gear it. I think I made up for lost time from the swim on the ride. I felt great on the run. I could have done another mile or two. I'm looking forward to my next sprint!
2013-04-14 6:36 PM
in reply to: #4696300

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
mkennedy0525 - 2013-04-12 3:01 AM

I received an email from the race director for Rocketman Florida HIM.  The race is 5/5/13 (in 24 days if anyone is counting).  They are still working on getting their permit for the bike course.  It appears that the US Fish and Wildlife are very hesitant to let us race their.  I am not sure what will happen if they don't get the permit.  We may end up riding in circles in a parking lot!!!  The email asked us to send emails to the US Fish and Wildlife tellling them why they should let us race there.  OH MY!  I have never been asked to do that.  It seems like it is still a battle going on even though the race director keeps assuring us that it is just a formality!  Anyone ever experience this before?

Seriously WTF? Don't you think you would arrange your permits before advertising the race? I hope it goes ahead for you.

2013-04-14 6:43 PM
in reply to: #4699304

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Todd13 - 2013-04-14 3:58 PM

Next great swim tip: stolen from someone else of course....combine swimming downhill (tucked chin) and now try 2 things:

1.  rock or rotate hips more than you do now as you swim.  You will have stronger strokes and create a 'bubble' of water for you legs to pass thru with less drag.  

2. As you breathe, (you are looking back with crown of head in water, and chin tucked not to the side) hold that hand out front for a nanosecond and get a good breath.  This prevents legs from dropping and dragging so much.  All of this assumes you breath every 4th stroke (counting both left and right strokes).  

I am going to swim open water in the morning.  this will be a first - need the practice.  If I don't post up by Monday, someone say something nice at my funeral.  

Good luck Michelle....sounds sketchy.  That will suck if a 'no go'. 

Glad my lessons from the school of hard knocks on swimming help a little.  I am still a neophyte at this stuff I promise.  I am really focused on form and drills though.  And volume....the volume is helping a ton.

Good luck Elena, I am sure the focus and effort will reap rewards.  For what is worth - I have grown to like swimming with the little hand paddles and pull buoy.  Helps with form and rocking hips side to side a lot. 

Stuart?  update?  

Brad?   you both have IM dates upcoming 30 days right?   

Hi everyone! Been a bit busy - had a trip away for work. Still got a run and swim in which was good. Yesterday I did a "big day" based on Joe Friel's training - 1 hour swim race effort, 90 min rest, 5 hour bike race effort, 90 min rest, 2 hour run race pace. OMG that is the most I have ever exercised in one day before. So sore today (Monday morning). But I did it all at my goal efforts so I am very happy. The run was feeling a bit tough towards the end. I'm not sure I would have wanted to go for another few hours though lol! 8 weeks to my race as of yesterday!

1. Similar to Todd's point - Think of swimming on your side rather than on your front - roll side to side almost so you are actually on your side with each stroke. This allows more rotation and better pull. A good drill I do to help this is simply side kicking. With 1 arm in front (with or without kickboard) kick a length or half on one side then switch to the other. Ensure you are staying perfectly level side on, breathing when you need to. Use fins if required. I have found this probably to be the most benefit to me this season.
2. Totally agree - chin to chest will help your legs stay up in the water. IF you look ahead, your feet will drop causing you to loose streamline and making you slower. I'd say breath every 3 (alternating sides).
If you are really struggling, then get a coach. A former client of mine said she paid a fair chunk ($300 or so) for a coach for about 3 sessions, and it was the best money she ever spent, and this is coming from someone who has been a surf life saver for most of their life!
2013-04-14 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

I did the RedBud Ride in London, Kentucky yesterday!  It was beautiful!  I rode with a friend.  My friend had done a full ironman in October and hasn't really been training since then.  She started falling apart at around mile 45.  It was tough for her from that point on. (We did 70 miles).  There were a lot of hills.  There were two cat climbs.  One was a 22% grade and the other was 20%.  The second one came at about mile 55 of the ride.  I made the first half of the 22% hill and was so excited because I thought it was the top.  It flattened out and curved around.  I was so proud of myself for making it to the top.  Then as I came around the corner "LOOK UP" was painted on the road.  I looked up to see that I had only made 1/2 the climb.  Many riders were walking the second half.  It was impressive to see the people who made it all the way.  The second one I only made it about 1/3 of the way up.  Oh yea!  Did I tell you that my shoes wouldn't clip into my pedals for the whole 70 miles?  Yep!  I found out quickly that my cleats for pedals on my tri bike are slightly different from the cleats for my road bike.  I thought they were the same.  I haven't been on my road bike since I got my tri bike so I hadn't tried.  Try climbing the mountain when you don't have the ability to pull and you are trying to balance your foot on a very small surface (speed play pedal). 

With all the small difficulties along the way really didn't diminish the greatness of the ride.  It was absolutely breath taking.  The blue of the sky was unlike anything I had ever seen.  The streams, rocks, trees and mountains were worth any extra effort to see it.  Overall it was a great time.

2013-04-15 12:01 AM
in reply to: #4699937

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Todd:  How was yesterdays OWS? 

Renee: If my cap ripped right before a race I'd cry.  Seriously.  Way to improvise!!! Too funny about your bike & gear.  Your must have been lollygagging away!  Sounds like you had a great race -before, during, and after!  Whens your next?

Stewart: Awesome training day!  Amazing. Way to push through it. Thanks for the extra swim tips.  Swimming isnt really a "struggle" for me.  I do enjoy the water (most of the time )  but I know there can be improvement in form.  I've taken "swim for fitness" classes at a joinior college several times, but there is no technique guidance unfortuanately.  So I will  take some of your tips and the others to the pool until I get the courage to drop in the masters class!

Mkennedy:  NOT clipped in???!! 70 miles? How in the world did you do it?!!  WOW!  I checked out your logs and they look amazing.  keep it up! I also saw that we have a HIM on the same weekend in July so I will be checking in and trying to keep up with you!!   

Have a great training week everyone!!!

2013-04-15 11:52 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
So happy to read about all the races, century rides, OWS this group is doing! I can;t wait for my first race in May! I am actually back to training and trying to catch everyone on the bike and run numbers!  I am coming!!!!
2013-04-15 1:43 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Not 30 days......33 days. LOL

Seems like this group is pounding the pavements (and water).....way to go guys!!!!

I did a 96 mile trainer ride yesterday. Mentally and physically trying. 5 hours and 42 minutes on the bike, in one place....

With the mental toughness I built, I believe that you could give me all the worlds secrets and put me in the room with a CIA mastermind, and I wouldn't budge.

2013-04-15 6:45 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Boston.  WTF!?
2013-04-15 7:07 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Several Knoxville folks were in Boston running the Marathon. So far they've been accounted for. One was just 200 yd from the finish when the blasts went off. What a horrible day.
2013-04-15 10:45 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

my little story about my first OWS is unimportant compared to Boston....

That could have been so much worse.  Never forget there are people out there that hate Americans and our lifestyle.  I am thankful for those who wear 'any uniform' that serves our community.

2013-04-15 11:07 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed



And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

Philippians 4:7

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