General Discussion Triathlon Talk » TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness) Rss Feed  
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2008-03-22 11:11 PM
in reply to: #1287661

Sydney Australia

2008-03-22 11:13 PM
in reply to: #1287921

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
- 2008-03-22 11:11 PM

comet the dog - 2008-03-22 6:13 PM

been thinkin about smothering this board with smack talk.

bring it on meat head
Ummm, no thanks. YOU PACK A GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-03-22 11:16 PM
in reply to: #1287918

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-22 11:06 PM

Now that is funny...
glad you think so. after posting i ALMOST felt guilty
2008-03-23 12:36 AM
in reply to: #1246819

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Dayton, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Alright, I took my two allotted (or not) days off, to finish school stuff (fooled the teachers just long enough to give me another 4.0 this qtr)... Went out and celebrated with a whole $10 in my pocket. Yeah, I'm a cheap date. Anyway, back to the thick of it tonight and tomorrow, then keepin' it regular for the second to last wk of the 90 days, then during the last wk, I'll kick it up a notch again (kind of like sprinting the last 100 m. )

Edited by i146q 2008-03-23 12:36 AM
2008-03-23 1:13 AM
in reply to: #1287924

Sydney Australia
2008-03-23 1:34 AM
in reply to: #1246819

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Dayton, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
I'll play... How about........ " I Spy" ? J/k that's lame. What about..... Oh you know that game where you shoot at a target and everytime you hit it, the target turns around and goes the opposite direction until you hit it again.... ? Now picture this, Comet is the target! Ha Ha.

2008-03-23 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

There once was a girl from Vancouver

That had a small Glock as a shooter

She wanted the boys to play

but they said HECK no way

not even if you worked at Hooters. 

2008-03-23 12:10 PM
in reply to: #1288063

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Dayton, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-23 9:18 AM

There once was a girl from Vancouver

That had a small Glock as a shooter

She wanted the boys to play

but they said HECK no way

not even if you worked at Hooters. 

That's it keep taunting her.... But it won't be ME fishing your body out of Lake Mead!!!!

By the by, this morning 190.8, So up a lb since wed. But still within a level that could still be lowered by this coming wed. Keeping my eye on the prize!

Edited by i146q 2008-03-23 12:10 PM
2008-03-23 12:31 PM
in reply to: #1288249

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Limerick, Ireland
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
I fit into a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear for over 2 years - they're size 10
I know this won't happen tomorrow because of all the Easter food but at least it seems that size 10 is getting closer and closer.

Hope ye all have a great Easter!
2008-03-23 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Good job Ceade,  It is the little changes that make a big difference.  Even though I have no clue what a size 10 is I assume it is a good thing.

If anyone finds me with a 9mm hole in me point to Miss C. 

2008-03-23 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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brummie land
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

size 10 is good!


European 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
UK 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Japan 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
USA 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


2008-03-23 2:16 PM
in reply to: #1246819

Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Hello Team Skinny,

Just wanted to check in after my long run of 4.3 miles..which is puny compared to Saling4's run..but hey..4 miles is long for me

So I think I have found a good sport's beverage for now. This morning, I got up and immediately went running, didnt want to risk eating instead of my usual water...I sipped on G2 (lower calorie, made by Gatorade) during my run. First of all, it was DEELISH (the fruit punch flavor)...and my stomach took it well. Also, I felt a lot better after I was done, compared to when I drink just water.

So thanks to everyone's input on the various beverages..since G2 is available at my local Safeway, and it made me feel great when I was done, and my stomach didnt mind it, I think I will just stick to that for now....
2008-03-23 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Cool, Now is that a size 10 UK or Japan or US.....LOL!!

Whichever it is I am proud of you Ceade and I am just picking on you. Probably because I have no idea what a Ceade Mille faulte is.

Edited by saling4 2008-03-23 2:22 PM
2008-03-23 2:20 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Glad to hear it Mak. I personally don't eat anything before my longer runs (makes it sound like I have done alot of them..LOL.) just because I am not an early morning eater and yes I know I should eat breakfast, but 4- 5am is just too dang early to eat. Might try some G2 though.

Edited by saling4 2008-03-23 2:21 PM
2008-03-23 2:24 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

But I looked:

Cead Mille Failte

From the Dublin Penny Journal, Vol. 1, No. 7, August 11, 1832

It is perhaps not generally known from whence the famous expression of Irish hospitality, Cead Mille Failte, was taken. It occurs in the concluding stanza of Eileen a Roon, and is thus translated by Furlong:-

A hundred thousand welcomes,
Eileen a Roon! A hundred thousand welcomes,
Eileen a Roon! Oh! welcome ever more,
With welcomes yet in store,
Till love and life are o'er,
Eileen a Roon!

There are two songs entitled Eileen a Roon, Ellen, the secret treasure of my heart. The old version, from which the above stanza is taken, bears internal evidence of antiquity. The first line of the second stanza of it, "I would spend a cow to entertain thee," proves that it was composed before coined money was in general use. The following is esteemed the most probable account of the circumstances which gave rise to it.

"Carol O'Daly, commonly called Mac Caomh insi Cneamha, brother to Donogh More O'Daly, a man of much consequence in Connaught, was one of the most accomplished gentlemen of his time, and particularly excelled in poetry and music. He paid his addresses to Ellen, the daughter of a chieftain named Kavanagh, a lovely and amiable young lady, who returned his affection, but her friends disapproved of the connexion. O'Daly was obliged to leave the country for some time, and they availed themselves of the opportunity which his absence afforded, of impressing on the mind of Ellen, a belief of his falsehood, and of his having gone to be married to another; after some time they prevailed on her to consent to marry a rival of O'Daly. The day was fixed for the nuptials, but O'Daly returned the evening before. Under the first impression, of his feelings, he sought a wild and sequestered spot on the sea shore, and inspired by love, composed the song of Eileen a Roon, which remains to this time, an exquisite memorial of his skill and sensibility. Disguised as a harper, he gained access among the crowd that thronged to the wedding. It happened that he was called upon by Ellen herself to play. It was then, touching his harp with all the pathetic sensibility which the interesting occasion inspired, he infused his own feelings into the song he bad composed, and breathed into his 'softened strain,' the very soul of pensive melody.

In the first stanza he intimates, according to the Irish idiom, that, he would walk with her, that is, that he would be her partner, or only love for life. In the second, that he would entertain her, and afford her every delight. After this, he tenderly asks, will she depart with him, or, in the impressive manner of the original, 'Wilt thou stay, or wilt thou come with me, Eileen a Roon.' She soon felt the force of this tender appeal, and replied in the affirmative; on which, in an ecstacy of delight, he bursts forth into his 'hundred thousand welcomes.' To reward his fidelity and affection, his fair one contrived to `go with him,' that very night."

The other version was composed by a Munster bard of the seventeenth century, who endeavoured to excel, by a profusion of poetic embellishment, the original and sweetly simple song of Eileen a Roon. The following is a specimen of the translation of it, by John D'Alton, Esq.

Blind to all else but thee,
Eileen a Roon!
My eyes only ache to see,
Eileen a Roon!
My ears banquet on thy praise,
Pride and pleasure of my days!
Source of all my happiness!
Eileen a Roon!

Handel is said to have declared that he would rather be the author of Eileen a Roon, than of the most exquisite of his musical compositions. Yet it has been palmed upon the public under the name of Robin Adair, as a Scotch melody. Burns asserted that it and Molly Astore, which he termed Gramachree, were both Scotch: he was in error: but the circumstance is a proof of their merit, and his taste. Robin Adair himself was an Irishman; he was ancestor of Viscount Molesworth; lived at Hollypark, in the county of Wicklow: and, early in the last century, was a member of the Irish parliament.

2008-03-23 2:51 PM
in reply to: #1288324

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Mak,  A 4 mile run is still quite good.  I just recently have been torturing myself with multihour runs.

2008-03-23 5:08 PM
in reply to: #1288334

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-23 12:24 PM

But I looked:

Cead Mille Failte

From the Dublin Penny Journal, Vol. 1, No. 7, August 11, 1832

It is perhaps not generally known ... snipped due to EXCESSIVE length! ...

saling, stop copying stuff from the wikipedia in order to impress us! We're impressed already!

Now, if you'd managed to do a synopsis of all that, that'd be impressive...

Edited by cadreamer 2008-03-23 5:09 PM
2008-03-23 6:49 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Sorry Cad,  I get that at home as well.  They want the snapshot and not the whole motion picture.
2008-03-23 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Ann Arbor, Michigan
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
OK, who had the overindulgent Easter? Man-oh-man, it's so bad I didn't even touch the "nutrition log."

ah well, Monday's a new day. Can you say Creme Brulee Baked French Toast, Mimosas, oh boy, the list goes on.

2008-03-23 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1288620

Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
travljini - 2008-03-23 8:37 PM

OK, who had the overindulgent Easter? Man-oh-man, it's so bad I didn't even touch the "nutrition log."

ah well, Monday's a new day. Can you say Creme Brulee Baked French Toast, Mimosas, oh boy, the list goes on.


I hear ya, I was good until we exchanged easter gifts... then I dug into the chocolate - white chocolate, so good! i couldn't resist...! lol
Tomorrow is damage control - swimming and spinning and healthy food only!! haha
2008-03-23 10:09 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
I am not even attempting to track today.  A kiss here a PB cup there.

2008-03-23 10:29 PM
in reply to: #1288278

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-23 1:03 PM

If anyone finds me with a 9mm hole in me point to Miss C. 

no problem i will make sure that little miss collects the entire reward.
2008-03-23 10:33 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Happy Easter everyone!

 After a very relaxed week of eating (way too much) it is back to strict food journaling for me tomorrow. If I can get back down to just maintaining by Wednesday this week I'll be happy.

Hope everyone had a great day

2008-03-23 10:41 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
accually did quite well. I HAD TO WORK! hope all had a good easter.
2008-03-23 11:19 PM
in reply to: #1288249

Sydney Australia
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