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2009-02-16 1:45 PM
in reply to: #1964688

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2009-02-16 12:50 PM

kkcbelle - 2009-02-16 9:49 AM On Jorge's plan I'm supposed to do a LT today... but I really, really don't want to. But I feel like that is a wussy cop-out not to want to. I also want/need to bike longer than his workout (which is only 40' -- I'd like to do 1:00 or 1:15) but know I won't want to tack on more to a LT. I also didn't have my speed hooked up the first time I did a LT, so I can't see if I improved. But if I did the LT now and did one again later I could see if I'm improving. I'm trying simultaneously to talk myself into this and out of it. Not sure if I'm looking for advice or if I just want to vent. I need to decide soon so I can get the workout done no matter what and get on with the day. The more I sit and think the more I think I should do the test but just with a long/easy warm-up. Ack!! Hope you guys get the day off from work and go do something fun! My hubby has the day off as do the kiddos and we're off to see a movie later. Happy training!


I would have to agree with Greg if you have no indicator from the last test anyways to know if you are improving or not.   If you want to continue Jorges program though, then you better do the test and monitor from this point.   However, testing is worthless if you arent going to continue testing and structure your plan around your test results.


Thanks, Kellie. Jorge's plan only has 3 more weeks (maybe 4?) but my focus is more on the HIM at this point, so the key workouts each week for me are the longer bike rides and/or runs. His workouts are good, tough workouts, though, so I'm using those for the plan.

Maybe next winter I'll start his plan "on time" and I'll be outfit in advance with all of my "gadgets" to have data for the tests! At this point, I do have the HR number to keep working with to his the target levels for the interval workouts.

I'm not sure if I wussed out of the test because I was feeling wussy, though... I hate hate hate those things. But I know they're good for me. I still have other trainer rides scheduled this week in case I change my mind!

2009-02-16 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1964803

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kkcbelle - 2009-02-16 1:45 PM
kellc09 - 2009-02-16 12:50 PM

kkcbelle - 2009-02-16 9:49 AM On Jorge's plan I'm supposed to do a LT today... but I really, really don't want to. But I feel like that is a wussy cop-out not to want to. I also want/need to bike longer than his workout (which is only 40' -- I'd like to do 1:00 or 1:15) but know I won't want to tack on more to a LT. I also didn't have my speed hooked up the first time I did a LT, so I can't see if I improved. But if I did the LT now and did one again later I could see if I'm improving. I'm trying simultaneously to talk myself into this and out of it. Not sure if I'm looking for advice or if I just want to vent. I need to decide soon so I can get the workout done no matter what and get on with the day. The more I sit and think the more I think I should do the test but just with a long/easy warm-up. Ack!! Hope you guys get the day off from work and go do something fun! My hubby has the day off as do the kiddos and we're off to see a movie later. Happy training!


I would have to agree with Greg if you have no indicator from the last test anyways to know if you are improving or not.   If you want to continue Jorges program though, then you better do the test and monitor from this point.   However, testing is worthless if you arent going to continue testing and structure your plan around your test results.


Thanks, Kellie. Jorge's plan only has 3 more weeks (maybe 4?) but my focus is more on the HIM at this point, so the key workouts each week for me are the longer bike rides and/or runs. His workouts are good, tough workouts, though, so I'm using those for the plan. Maybe next winter I'll start his plan "on time" and I'll be outfit in advance with all of my "gadgets" to have data for the tests! At this point, I do have the HR number to keep working with to his the target levels for the interval workouts. I'm not sure if I wussed out of the test because I was feeling wussy, though... I hate hate hate those things. But I know they're good for me. I still have other trainer rides scheduled this week in case I change my mind!


Haha, I know...   they are easy to hate   But when you have a measure from last month, and want to see if you have improved, it makes them a bit more tolerable.   But they still suck!

2009-02-16 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1964801

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kkcbelle - 2009-02-16 2:41 PM
Gregkl - 2009-02-16 11:29 AM

My opinion. which is all it the longer workout focusing on where you should be with your HIM training.  I am not going to finish Jorge's workout at this time.  I will do what my training plan says I should do for my HIM and incorporate Jorge's plan if it fits.  LT test is just a barometer of your improvement from the last test.  Without MPH from last test, you probably won't know much.

Jorge's program has been great discipline for me to keep riding during "pre-season". 


Jorge's plan is fitting wonderfully into my HIM plan while the weather isn't perfect!! I am doing his workouts for my bike days that are 1:00-1:20, and adding on a set at 75% to draw out the time. In fact, I'm feeling nervous about what I'll do when I'm done with his plan! I opted out of the LT test and just made up my own long workout for an hour. Jorge's plan is great because a few days each week I need to be done with my workout before kiddos are up. I will find any excuse not to run in the dark, so I usually do the bike workout at home on those mornings. Are you doing the silver or beginner HIM plan? And I agree, Jorge's program has been great to keep me disciplined. I logged many workouts that I probably wouldn't have otherwise... or I would have done a lot more runs but what I need are the bikes, so it's kept me honest on that front!

That's true for me too. I would've been lost on the trainer this winter, because it was my first year with one, and I had no clue how to make the most of it.  So Jorge's is definatley helping with that.

I won't run in the dark for safety reasons. It's why my running time was pretty non existant in November and December.

2009-02-16 3:40 PM
in reply to: #1964801

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kkcbelle - 2009-02-16 1:41 PM
Gregkl - 2009-02-16 11:29 AM

Jorge's plan is fitting wonderfully into my HIM plan while the weather isn't perfect!! I am doing his workouts for my bike days that are 1:00-1:20, and adding on a set at 75% to draw out the time. In fact, I'm feeling nervous about what I'll do when I'm done with his plan! I opted out of the LT test and just made up my own long workout for an hour. Jorge's plan is great because a few days each week I need to be done with my workout before kiddos are up. I will find any excuse not to run in the dark, so I usually do the bike workout at home on those mornings. Are you doing the silver or beginner HIM plan? And I agree, Jorge's program has been great to keep me disciplined. I logged many workouts that I probably wouldn't have otherwise... or I would have done a lot more runs but what I need are the bikes, so it's kept me honest on that front!

I am actually doing a program from the book, Essential Week-By-Week Training Guide by Matt Fitzgerald.  I thought I would try one of these this year and if I like it,  he has IM plans.  If I don't, I will use BT for my IM. 

2009-02-17 6:47 PM
in reply to: #1964971

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Gregkl - 2009-02-16 3:40 PM

kkcbelle - 2009-02-16 1:41 PM
Gregkl - 2009-02-16 11:29 AM

Jorge's plan is fitting wonderfully into my HIM plan while the weather isn't perfect!! I am doing his workouts for my bike days that are 1:00-1:20, and adding on a set at 75% to draw out the time. In fact, I'm feeling nervous about what I'll do when I'm done with his plan! I opted out of the LT test and just made up my own long workout for an hour. Jorge's plan is great because a few days each week I need to be done with my workout before kiddos are up. I will find any excuse not to run in the dark, so I usually do the bike workout at home on those mornings. Are you doing the silver or beginner HIM plan? And I agree, Jorge's program has been great to keep me disciplined. I logged many workouts that I probably wouldn't have otherwise... or I would have done a lot more runs but what I need are the bikes, so it's kept me honest on that front!

I am actually doing a program from the book, Essential Week-By-Week Training Guide by Matt Fitzgerald.  I thought I would try one of these this year and if I like it,  he has IM plans.  If I don't, I will use BT for my IM. 

Keep us posted on the plan. It will be fun to follow along and see how it goes!

Hope re-entry to the land-based world hasn't been too traumatic...

2009-02-17 8:13 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Came back to more layoffs at work.  We are definately cutting "bone" now.  I don't know where it will end.  We now have 4 outside sales people for the U.S., 1 marketing person, 1 admin, and 2 managers for a $40 million company!

I do feel somewhat re-charged though from my vacation.  It was the first time in about 20 years that I took a whole week off with both weekends and didn't take my computer with me, didn't turn on my phone, and didn't watch the news or listen to the radio.  It felt great.

Today's swim session was good, and the trainer ride was hard!

2009-02-17 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1967387

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Gregkl - 2009-02-17 8:13 PM

Came back to more layoffs at work.  We are definately cutting "bone" now.  I don't know where it will end.  We now have 4 outside sales people for the U.S., 1 marketing person, 1 admin, and 2 managers for a $40 million company!

I do feel somewhat re-charged though from my vacation.  It was the first time in about 20 years that I took a whole week off with both weekends and didn't take my computer with me, didn't turn on my phone, and didn't watch the news or listen to the radio.  It felt great.

Today's swim session was good, and the trainer ride was hard!

It is grim for sure. My husband (marketing) had to lay off two of his team last week, totally out of the blue. I was glad he was spared, but then he gets the fallout of more work. Ugh!

You are bad for not taking a vacation sooner or more often. But good for you for taking one at long last. So important. Especially if work is so hectic and stressful -- you have the vacation time so USE IT!

A hard trainer ride is a great way to start back!!
2009-02-18 10:25 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Hi Everyone! Sorry I haven't been around. I've been sick for the last week, but am feeling a bit better now. Atleast I feel like I have a cold now instead of the plague A cold I can deal with.  Thanks for the well wishes Kyla!

Glad you had a great time on the cruise Greg! Sounds like it was a well deserved and needed break! Looking forward to following your HIM progress.

2009-02-18 10:29 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
I have a question. I found an Olympic Tri in May that I'd really like to do. It is only 3 weeks before the HIM though. Do you think it is too close to the HIM or is three weeks out OK? 
2009-02-18 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1968382

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

roni_runnw - 2009-02-18 10:29 AM I have a question. I found an Olympic Tri in May that I'd really like to do. It is only 3 weeks before the HIM though. Do you think it is too close to the HIM or is three weeks out OK? 

My HIM plan has me doing an Oly 4 weeks out if that helps.

2009-02-18 9:15 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Elgin, Ok
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Sprint Tri is on March 1st (10 days) Any suggestions on diet. Both leading up to the day and the day of. Not really sure about this area because it is my 1st tri. Do not want a belly ache in the middle of biking or running.

2009-02-19 7:17 AM
in reply to: #1969750

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

hughes411 - 2009-02-18 9:15 PM Sprint Tri is on March 1st (10 days) Any suggestions on diet. Both leading up to the day and the day of. Not really sure about this area because it is my 1st tri. Do not want a belly ache in the middle of biking or running.

My experienceswith sprints are that I do not need much in the way of fuel as long as I eat a good breakfast 3 hours before the start.  I made the mistake one race of drinking Gatorade before the start and during the bike, only to have some pretty severe GI upset on the run.  After analysis pointed to too much in the way of carbs.  Now I eat the breakfast, drink a little Infinit on the bike and that's it.  Sprints are short enough that you should be able to make it with minimal fueling.

Don't change much the week before.  And don't try anything new on race day either.

Edited by Gregkl 2009-02-19 7:18 AM
2009-02-19 4:24 PM
in reply to: #1969750

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
hughes411 - 2009-02-18 9:15 PM

Sprint Tri is on March 1st (10 days) Any suggestions on diet. Both leading up to the day and the day of. Not really sure about this area because it is my 1st tri. Do not want a belly ache in the middle of biking or running.

I agree with Greg's excellent response.

A sprint is short enough that, for me, I eat the same thing as if I were going to do a 1:30 workout. The only difference is that I end up eating much earlier, so if nerves don't get the best of me, I try to eat 1/2 (or up to a whole) a Cliff bar before the race, like after I get transition set up and I'm just hangin' out using the porta-potties over and over again. A good friend of mine suck a Gu just before the swim.

I only use water on the bike and grab a water on the run if it's offered and I'm thirsty.

Jealous that you get to race in 10 days! (I guess it's 9 now!)
2009-02-20 6:35 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Jon-Last year was my first sprint Tri. I don't remember doing anything special for breakfast. I ate a couple of Fig Newtons on the bike and just had water to drink. I was fine.

I had experimented with a few gels and jellies prior to the race, but they all made me sick. I think it's because it was way more than I needed for a 2 hour work out. I might be wrong though.

2009-02-20 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Agree with everything that has been said regarding sprint nutrition. Just follow what you would do for a 1:30 training session. Different things work for different people, so definitely do not try something new on race day. Usually, I have breakfast about 2-3 hours before, consisting of toaster waffle with peanut butter and syrup. I sip on a water bottle between breakfast and start of race, then do 1 gel 15 minutes before swim start. On the bike I drink sports drink, and if I've hydrated well on the bike I don't really need anything on the run. I wouldn't suggest trying any of this unless you have already tried it in training though, because what works well for me may cause GI problems in someone else. You really have to experiment and race day is not the best time to do it. Of course, sometimes we do anyway I'm sure you'll do great! Have a blast!!!
2009-02-20 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Hey guys- Am I crazy to consider this?

My bike is a "street performance" Jamis Coda. It's flat bar, 26 lbs. I bought it when I thought I was only going to do some bike commuting and pulling the kids in the trailer. It was fine on the sprint distance last year, but I'm hesitant to do an Oly on it.

Has anyone here checked out something like this? What do you think? (Buying a new bike is not an option for a couple of years for me.)

2009-02-21 11:34 AM
in reply to: #1974020

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
slow turtle - 2009-02-20 7:53 PM

Hey guys- Am I crazy to consider this?

My bike is a "street performance" Jamis Coda. It's flat bar, 26 lbs. I bought it when I thought I was only going to do some bike commuting and pulling the kids in the trailer. It was fine on the sprint distance last year, but I'm hesitant to do an Oly on it.

Has anyone here checked out something like this? What do you think? (Buying a new bike is not an option for a couple of years for me.)

Not sure what they are selling, but I would be hesitant.  Buying a used bike from Craigslist can be a good way to go since you can usually check out the bike before you pay for it.  Ebay is also good, though you send money first and hope the bike is as described.  If you do your homework, ebay is a good option.  I have 100's of transactions with Ebay and other than a couple cars not being exactly as described, I have had great results, knock on wood!  I both buy and sell on ebay.  I don't know what your budget is, but if you want to PM me, I may be able to offer some suggestions for you.

2009-02-21 5:21 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Greg- It's sort of a Bike co-op. They take in old bikes, then you go andpick out what you want, and the people there help you rebuild it. It seems like a cool idea, and I've heard that sometimes they have some pretty decent frames. 

I like the idea of learning to build/rebuild a bike. Plus, of saving something from the junk.

I'm going to try to check it out this Tuesday and see what it's like.

2009-02-22 7:26 AM
in reply to: #1974979

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
slow turtle - 2009-02-21 5:21 PM

Greg- It's sort of a Bike co-op. They take in old bikes, then you go andpick out what you want, and the people there help you rebuild it. It seems like a cool idea, and I've heard that sometimes they have some pretty decent frames. 

I like the idea of learning to build/rebuild a bike. Plus, of saving something from the junk.

I'm going to try to check it out this Tuesday and see what it's like.


Let me know what you find.  I built my current bike up from a frame I purchased from Ebay.  I ended up saving money over buying a new one already built, though I had to be patient and look for deals.  Start with getting a good frame that fits. 

2009-02-22 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

I just ran for 43 minutes! I don't know yet how far that was, but it's the longest I've done since September- so I'm pretty psyched.


2009-02-22 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Congratulations Heidi! Great run!!!

I think the co-op sounds pretty cool. It'd be worth checking out. I don't know enough about bikes to be really comfortable buying used or building my own. If you have someone who knows bikes really well to go with you I think it'd be great!

2009-02-22 12:40 PM
in reply to: #1975573

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
slow turtle - 2009-02-22 9:41 AM

I just ran for 43 minutes! I don't know yet how far that was, but it's the longest I've done since September- so I'm pretty psyched.


Well good for you!! Congratulations!!!!!! This is all just the beginning for you, I have a feeling. Nice work!!!
2009-02-22 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Extreme Veteran
Southeastern Michigan
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

First of all, Heidi, congrats on the running!

I read the posts but haven't posted due to being super busy and not having much to say!

I have to tell you that Kellie is a super swim coach and my swimming has improved so much! I feel like I can swim and swim and swim due to better form.

I am leaving for the Florida Keys this week.  I will be gone a total of three weeks and will start my HIM training plan when I return.  I plan on swimming and running when I am gone! 


I do have a question: on May 31st, I was considering doing a 1/2 marathon or a sprint tri.  Which would be more productive for me?  I have another sprint planned for 6/21.  My two "A" races are my HIM 8/1 and the Detroit Marathon 10/18...not sure if I should register for the 1/2 marathon or the sprint.

2009-02-23 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1976299

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Bronwyn1968 - 2009-02-22 8:23 PM

First of all, Heidi, congrats on the running!

I read the posts but haven't posted due to being super busy and not having much to say!

I have to tell you that Kellie is a super swim coach and my swimming has improved so much! I feel like I can swim and swim and swim due to better form.

I am leaving for the Florida Keys this week.  I will be gone a total of three weeks and will start my HIM training plan when I return.  I plan on swimming and running when I am gone! 


I do have a question: on May 31st, I was considering doing a 1/2 marathon or a sprint tri.  Which would be more productive for me?  I have another sprint planned for 6/21.  My two "A" races are my HIM 8/1 and the Detroit Marathon 10/18...not sure if I should register for the 1/2 marathon or the sprint.

Have you done a half marathon before? What about a sprint tri?

If you are ready for it, I might suggest the half marathon as it would give you a chance to experiment with pacing and nutrition in a race setting. And if you need tri/transition practice, you already have the 6/21 race to do as well. If you've done a half-mary before but feel you could use the tri experience, then I'd go for that! (How's that for a non-committal answer?!)
2009-02-23 8:17 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Hey guys!  Im back from San Diego.  Man it was nice there.   Now Im back to snow and cold    The coaching clinic was great also, it was great to be surrounded by some pretty smart and well respected people who work with and have coached Olympians.  ANd to be at the Olympic training center was very motivating in itself I thought.  


I hope everyone had a good last few days!

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