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2009-01-18 7:04 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED


Even 10-15 minutes of yoga will help stretch. Some Pilates may help too. A lot of pilates is drawn from dance exercises and the leg sections are mostly things I did in my dance classes but still beneficial.

 I have a book devoted to stretching--illustrated showing the poses that I picked up at the LRS and have seen cheaply at BooksaMillion to stretch. Key with stretching is NOT to strech a cold muscle.  You should do something to arm up prior to stretching or you will end up pulling the muscle you're trying to help.

2009-01-18 8:45 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
RE yoga and stretching I am having great success with something called Yin yoga. It is all based on hold the poses for 5 minutes at a time. I find the more of it I do the less likely I am to have any problems. I can see by my log (great to log this stuff) that I have been slacking off on the yoga and my lower back is letting me know loud and clear!!
2009-01-19 7:36 AM
in reply to: #1915494

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

aquagirl - 2009-01-18 8:45 PM RE yoga and stretching I am having great success with something called Yin yoga. It is all based on hold the poses for 5 minutes at a time. I find the more of it I do the less likely I am to have any problems. I can see by my log (great to log this stuff) that I have been slacking off on the yoga and my lower back is letting me know loud and clear!!

I've neve heard of that style yoga.  Sounds good though.  Yes, the logs help us see when we'e slacking on something.  I think BT did a great job with the design.

2009-01-19 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Happy Monday!! I went out of town on Friday night, and returned late yesterday. I was pleased, that I maintained my healthy eating, and calorie intake while gone. Last night I really wanted to sleep, but my plan called for a 45 min bike ride. In order to entertaine myself, I put my 10 yr old on my treadmill and called out speeds for her to change to. It was fun, for awhile. She really wants to do the run with me, so I told her she needed to practice. She got up this morning, and was like the old fire horses, when the alarm went off. She was ready to run again! She was crushed when I told her she could not run two days in a row. I got a 3 mile run in today.
2009-01-19 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Okay, I need to whine for a bit.  Y'all read about my fight with the garbage truck that was won by the truck.  Nasty bruise on my right knee, but definately survivable.  This weekend was a huge time-suck because my kids had a championship swim meet that I needed to work at.  So, my big plan was to ride my bike there, about 18 miles,  on Sunday morning.  Problem was, I didn't have a light, and I needed to be on the pool deck by 7am, and it's still dark.  Oh, and it was 36 outside, which is very cold for us Californians.

Caution to the wind!  I'll be careful, not many cars will be out, how cold can it really be - I'll just bike faster!  After all, I want to be an Ironman, and this is just a speed bump, right?

Fast forward to Sunday morning.  It's DARK.  Dark enough that not only am I sure noone can see me, but I can't see much of the dang road anyway.  Where are all of the street lights?!?  I'm warming up, hands and toes are frozen, but the rest of me is okay.  9 miles into it, more than halfway I figure, clunk.  FLAT TIRE.  CHAIN IS OFF.  I'm down on the side of the road because I didn't clip out fast enough.  Right knee again.  It's still dark, and I need to be on the pool deck in 30 minutes.  Not only do I not have the equipment to change the tire, I don't know HOW.  Egads.  Call hubby, he grabs boys (who don't have to be at pool until 8) and they come get me.  35 minutes shorts, numb AND shivering, I get to the pool.  Get some razzing, and some admiration for my attempt, but I'm bummed....not nearly enough bike time for my training log!

Noon, I'm walking around the time trailer, and smack my leg on the hitch.  I now have a bump the size of a egg just below my sore knee, and it's dripping blood.  I truly can't believe this.  I wrap it in a paper towel, put ice and and an ace on it, and finish the meet.  REALLY wish someone had a syringe with morphine in it, or at least a margarita!  What's with this no alcohol policy that USA Swimming has?!?!

My boys swam great......all best times! 

Today was supposed to be my 2.5 hour run in the hills, and I'm elevating and icing.  Whole stupid leg hurts.  Oh, and feeling sorry for myself, let's not forget that!

Tomorrow has to be better, right?!?!  Cool

2009-01-19 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1915115

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

LeahDD - 2009-01-18 4:17 PM One more thing, my daughter-in-law and I went for massages (my basic rule is that I keep the DIL happy because I know perfectly well she will be the one taking care of me in my old age - this is all because I didn't have daughters).  The massage therapist told me several times how tight my hamstrings are.  I assume this is from a lot of running and not enough of stretching or other activities.  She showed me one stretch to do, but does anyone else have advice on a tight hamstring problem?


We did a stretch today in the core class that I hadn't done in a while.  It's a good hamstring stretch.  Get on the floor like you're going into push up position but bring one foot in front of the other knee and lay into that leg as far as your body will let you.  Hold it a bit then switch.  I really felt it in the class ans did it post run today as well.

2009-01-19 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1916165

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
velcromom - 2009-01-19 10:55 AM

Okay, I need to whine for a bit.  Y'all read about my fight with the garbage truck that was won by the truck.  Nasty bruise on my right knee, but definately survivable.  This weekend was a huge time-suck because my kids had a championship swim meet that I needed to work at.  So, my big plan was to ride my bike there, about 18 miles,  on Sunday morning.  Problem was, I didn't have a light, and I needed to be on the pool deck by 7am, and it's still dark.  Oh, and it was 36 outside, which is very cold for us Californians.

Caution to the wind!  I'll be careful, not many cars will be out, how cold can it really be - I'll just bike faster!  After all, I want to be an Ironman, and this is just a speed bump, right?

Fast forward to Sunday morning.  It's DARK.  Dark enough that not only am I sure noone can see me, but I can't see much of the dang road anyway.  Where are all of the street lights?!?  I'm warming up, hands and toes are frozen, but the rest of me is okay.  9 miles into it, more than halfway I figure, clunk.  FLAT TIRE.  CHAIN IS OFF.  I'm down on the side of the road because I didn't clip out fast enough.  Right knee again.  It's still dark, and I need to be on the pool deck in 30 minutes.  Not only do I not have the equipment to change the tire, I don't know HOW.  Egads.  Call hubby, he grabs boys (who don't have to be at pool until 8) and they come get me.  35 minutes shorts, numb AND shivering, I get to the pool.  Get some razzing, and some admiration for my attempt, but I'm bummed....not nearly enough bike time for my training log!

Noon, I'm walking around the time trailer, and smack my leg on the hitch.  I now have a bump the size of a egg just below my sore knee, and it's dripping blood.  I truly can't believe this.  I wrap it in a paper towel, put ice and and an ace on it, and finish the meet.  REALLY wish someone had a syringe with morphine in it, or at least a margarita!  What's with this no alcohol policy that USA Swimming has?!?!

My boys swam great......all best times! 

Today was supposed to be my 2.5 hour run in the hills, and I'm elevating and icing.  Whole stupid leg hurts.  Oh, and feeling sorry for myself, let's not forget that!

Tomorrow has to be better, right?!?!  Cool

Yuck!  What a weekend!  Hope your leg improves with the ice and elevation so you can get back into it. 

One thing I will say most of us need is learning how to do stuff on /to our bikes.  Chat up the favoite LBS and find a good time to go in and then watch the guys...better yet, set an appointment time with one of the mechanics to teach you skills like changing tires and proper chain/derailler maintenance. 

KathyG has been taking a bike maintenance workshop for a while and posts stuff she's learning in her blog, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind people looking through for those class tips.

2009-01-19 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

ok QueenZipp i'm off to the pool - i'm putting it in writing - i'm not leaving the pool until i have mastered the flip turn!!!  its on the resolution list and i'm in no rush to leave the pool today!! 

as soon as i update the ipod (and let lunch digest a little more) i'll be off - wish me luck!!

Linda!! my knee hurt just reading your post - take it easy sister you'll be back on track soon!!!

2009-01-19 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1915351

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
QueenZipp - 2009-01-18 6:04 PM


Even 10-15 minutes of yoga will help stretch. Some Pilates may help too. A lot of pilates is drawn from dance exercises and the leg sections are mostly things I did in my dance classes but still beneficial.

 I have a book devoted to stretching--illustrated showing the poses that I picked up at the LRS and have seen cheaply at BooksaMillion to stretch. Key with stretching is NOT to strech a cold muscle.  You should do something to arm up prior to stretching or you will end up pulling the muscle you're trying to help.

I have been trying to do 10 minutes of Yoga a day. Just sun salutations. I heard it was good for IT Band stuff (I kinda felt a strange sensation on the side of my thigh near the end of December). 10 minutes of sunsalutations are super easy to do. I do it in front of the TV.

Of course I have been slacking on it, back at it this week.
2009-01-19 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Ugh, Linda! What a crazy day! One margarita coming up, stat!

marg for linda

2009-01-19 12:40 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Had a 2mile run and a min of 30 min on the drainer scheduled today, but instead have been spending the better part of the day shopping for used bikes. Would have done the drainer before heading out this AM, but STUPID ME... here's my poster-child for neglect:


Marin Neglect

While waiting for that one to thaw in the hallway, I made the plunge on a used bike within my budget that I found on Craigslist I'd been negotiating for the past week or so.  Just brought this baby home:

Trek Love

Isn't she pretty?

Going to try to get a basic fit and some bike shoes this afternoon. I might still be able to fit in the 2 miler this evening, but I'll feel ok taking the slushy day off if I can just get the new gear in line.  Def will need to try the trainer on the new wheels.

Yay! Race-worthy road bike! Without breaking the bank! I'm so happy!



Edited by running4beer 2009-01-19 12:53 PM

2009-01-19 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1916361

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Thanks for the margarita.....and congrats on the bike!!!  The snowy bike lmost made me fall off my chair can't imagine!!!


2009-01-19 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Pretty bike!! I feel sorry for the one above it. Enjoy riding.
2009-01-19 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I suggest everyone learn how to change a tube in your tire and practice 5+ times over a weekend so you get your skills refined.

Here is a video on BT that shows how to do it....

2009-01-19 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I need help!

My first Sprint race in 3 years is on Feb 1 - just under 2 weeks away... Im starting to feel a bit tired... and a little less motivated...

I really need some advice on what I should be doing training wise between now and race day - HELP!!!

2009-01-19 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1916914

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-01-19 6:04 PM

I need help!

My first Sprint race in 3 years is on Feb 1 - just under 2 weeks away... Im starting to feel a bit tired... and a little less motivated...

I really need some advice on what I should be doing training wise between now and race day - HELP!!!

Take a couple rest days now. You have been riding daily for 2? weeks which is new to you and perhaps your body isn't adjusted to it. Sounds like you are tired...lack of motivation for me is a big cue that I'm tired.

2009-01-19 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1916917

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
KathyG - 2009-01-20 10:07 AM
kaqphin - 2009-01-19 6:04 PM

I need help!

My first Sprint race in 3 years is on Feb 1 - just under 2 weeks away... Im starting to feel a bit tired... and a little less motivated...

I really need some advice on what I should be doing training wise between now and race day - HELP!!!

Take a couple rest days now. You have been riding daily for 2? weeks which is new to you and perhaps your body isn't adjusted to it. Sounds like you are tired...lack of motivation for me is a big cue that I'm tired.

Yeah I took this morning off riding and I am planning a lighter load overall for the week! Never fear!

We have a long weekend here this coming weekend too which will be excellent... I can start taper week really well rested as a result.. and only a 4 day working week that week!

2009-01-19 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1916415

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

jezzieswims - 2009-01-19 2:02 PM Pretty bike!! I feel sorry for the one above it. Enjoy riding.

X2...great looking bike!!

Hope fit and all that goes well. What bike shop do you go to?


2009-01-19 5:23 PM
in reply to: #1916165

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
velcromom - 2009-01-19 11:55 AM

Okay, I need to whine for a bit.  Y'all read about my fight with the garbage truck that was won by the truck.  Nasty bruise on my right knee, but definately survivable.  This weekend was a huge time-suck because my kids had a championship swim meet that I needed to work at.  So, my big plan was to ride my bike there, about 18 miles,  on Sunday morning.  Problem was, I didn't have a light, and I needed to be on the pool deck by 7am, and it's still dark.  Oh, and it was 36 outside, which is very cold for us Californians.

Caution to the wind!  I'll be careful, not many cars will be out, how cold can it really be - I'll just bike faster!  After all, I want to be an Ironman, and this is just a speed bump, right?

Fast forward to Sunday morning.  It's DARK.  Dark enough that not only am I sure noone can see me, but I can't see much of the dang road anyway.  Where are all of the street lights?!?  I'm warming up, hands and toes are frozen, but the rest of me is okay.  9 miles into it, more than halfway I figure, clunk.  FLAT TIRE.  CHAIN IS OFF.  I'm down on the side of the road because I didn't clip out fast enough.  Right knee again.  It's still dark, and I need to be on the pool deck in 30 minutes.  Not only do I not have the equipment to change the tire, I don't know HOW.  Egads.  Call hubby, he grabs boys (who don't have to be at pool until 8) and they come get me.  35 minutes shorts, numb AND shivering, I get to the pool.  Get some razzing, and some admiration for my attempt, but I'm bummed....not nearly enough bike time for my training log!

Noon, I'm walking around the time trailer, and smack my leg on the hitch.  I now have a bump the size of a egg just below my sore knee, and it's dripping blood.  I truly can't believe this.  I wrap it in a paper towel, put ice and and an ace on it, and finish the meet.  REALLY wish someone had a syringe with morphine in it, or at least a margarita!  What's with this no alcohol policy that USA Swimming has?!?!

My boys swam great......all best times! 

Today was supposed to be my 2.5 hour run in the hills, and I'm elevating and icing.  Whole stupid leg hurts.  Oh, and feeling sorry for myself, let's not forget that!

Tomorrow has to be better, right?!?!  Cool

Tough weekend.

Have you done some practicing clipping in and out on the trainer? It is a great way to build up the skill without much chance of falling. (I have fallen off my trainer though...not in well in trainer). Other idea is to practice clipping in and out riding on some flat grass somewhere.

33 is cold to ride in without proper clothing...even here living in MA.

Get that knee healed up, ice, elevation and rest it if it is sore. You have plenty of time to get some miles in.

Congrats to your son on fast times



2009-01-19 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1916914

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-01-19 4:04 PM

I need help!

My first Sprint race in 3 years is on Feb 1 - just under 2 weeks away... Im starting to feel a bit tired... and a little less motivated...

I really need some advice on what I should be doing training wise between now and race day - HELP!!!

You will be fine. I agree that you have been doing a ton of riding, 17 hours in January, which is awesome. But it will wear you out, physically and mentally, if you are not used to it.

I think your first sprint in 3 years is primarly for fun and to see what you need to work on. Take a couple days off if you want, or just go lighter, or do some cross training.


and I hesitate to say this because it may be taken as a criticism, which it isn't, maybe try to go for a couple runs. Not that you shouldn't do the sprint, but I think a couple runs wouldn't hurt. I mean you will do fine in the sprint with just the bike training, god knows I did an olympic and a HIM last summer with very very very little run training. Actually your run program looks similair to mine for a number of months last year, lucky if I got out once a week.

Look forward to it, it is supposed to be fun. It will be fun.
2009-01-19 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1916940

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
KathyG - 2009-01-19 4:23 PM

velcromom - 2009-01-19 11:55 AM

Okay, I need to whine for a bit.  Y'all read about my fight with the garbage truck that was won by the truck.  Nasty bruise on my right knee, but definately survivable.  This weekend was a huge time-suck because my kids had a championship swim meet that I needed to work at.  So, my big plan was to ride my bike there, about 18 miles,  on Sunday morning.  Problem was, I didn't have a light, and I needed to be on the pool deck by 7am, and it's still dark.  Oh, and it was 36 outside, which is very cold for us Californians.

Caution to the wind!  I'll be careful, not many cars will be out, how cold can it really be - I'll just bike faster!  After all, I want to be an Ironman, and this is just a speed bump, right?

Fast forward to Sunday morning.  It's DARK.  Dark enough that not only am I sure noone can see me, but I can't see much of the dang road anyway.  Where are all of the street lights?!?  I'm warming up, hands and toes are frozen, but the rest of me is okay.  9 miles into it, more than halfway I figure, clunk.  FLAT TIRE.  CHAIN IS OFF.  I'm down on the side of the road because I didn't clip out fast enough.  Right knee again.  It's still dark, and I need to be on the pool deck in 30 minutes.  Not only do I not have the equipment to change the tire, I don't know HOW.  Egads.  Call hubby, he grabs boys (who don't have to be at pool until 8) and they come get me.  35 minutes shorts, numb AND shivering, I get to the pool.  Get some razzing, and some admiration for my attempt, but I'm bummed....not nearly enough bike time for my training log!

Noon, I'm walking around the time trailer, and smack my leg on the hitch.  I now have a bump the size of a egg just below my sore knee, and it's dripping blood.  I truly can't believe this.  I wrap it in a paper towel, put ice and and an ace on it, and finish the meet.  REALLY wish someone had a syringe with morphine in it, or at least a margarita!  What's with this no alcohol policy that USA Swimming has?!?!

My boys swam great......all best times! 

Today was supposed to be my 2.5 hour run in the hills, and I'm elevating and icing.  Whole stupid leg hurts.  Oh, and feeling sorry for myself, let's not forget that!

Tomorrow has to be better, right?!?!  Cool

Tough weekend.

Have you done some practicing clipping in and out on the trainer? It is a great way to build up the skill without much chance of falling. (I have fallen off my trainer though...not in well in trainer). Other idea is to practice clipping in and out riding on some flat grass somewhere.

33 is cold to ride in without proper clothing...even here living in MA.

Get that knee healed up, ice, elevation and rest it if it is sore. You have plenty of time to get some miles in.

Congrats to your son on fast times



Yeah, um, 33, on a bike, with a windchill of going 15-20 miles an hour, or even 10, man. Nuts. Before the sun is up. Crazy. I am laughing outloud it is so crazy. I mean talk about HTFU, wow. I suppose by Crazy I mean Impressive, but also a little crazy. Of course, if you are doing stuff like that now, I am frightened to think about what you will be doing come summer time.

2009-01-19 5:46 PM
in reply to: #1916953

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
BigDH - 2009-01-20 10:28 AM
kaqphin - 2009-01-19 4:04 PM

I need help!

My first Sprint race in 3 years is on Feb 1 - just under 2 weeks away... Im starting to feel a bit tired... and a little less motivated...

I really need some advice on what I should be doing training wise between now and race day - HELP!!!

You will be fine. I agree that you have been doing a ton of riding, 17 hours in January, which is awesome. But it will wear you out, physically and mentally, if you are not used to it. I think your first sprint in 3 years is primarly for fun and to see what you need to work on. Take a couple days off if you want, or just go lighter, or do some cross training. OR and I hesitate to say this because it may be taken as a criticism, which it isn't, maybe try to go for a couple runs. Not that you shouldn't do the sprint, but I think a couple runs wouldn't hurt. I mean you will do fine in the sprint with just the bike training, god knows I did an olympic and a HIM last summer with very very very little run training. Actually your run program looks similair to mine for a number of months last year, lucky if I got out once a week. Look forward to it, it is supposed to be fun. It will be fun.

hehe no its not a criticism... I know Im SERIOUSLY lacking on running... I am going through a process right now of teaching my body new biomechanics... sound like fun?

So basically its really hard to run with good form so I only do it a couple of times a week because i find it quite taxing physically and mentally... Im also VERY paranoid about a recurrence of old injuries (and like to ride my bike more!)

2009-01-19 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1916994

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-01-19 4:46 PM

BigDH - 2009-01-20 10:28 AM
kaqphin - 2009-01-19 4:04 PM

I need help!

My first Sprint race in 3 years is on Feb 1 - just under 2 weeks away... Im starting to feel a bit tired... and a little less motivated...

I really need some advice on what I should be doing training wise between now and race day - HELP!!!

You will be fine. I agree that you have been doing a ton of riding, 17 hours in January, which is awesome. But it will wear you out, physically and mentally, if you are not used to it. I think your first sprint in 3 years is primarly for fun and to see what you need to work on. Take a couple days off if you want, or just go lighter, or do some cross training. OR and I hesitate to say this because it may be taken as a criticism, which it isn't, maybe try to go for a couple runs. Not that you shouldn't do the sprint, but I think a couple runs wouldn't hurt. I mean you will do fine in the sprint with just the bike training, god knows I did an olympic and a HIM last summer with very very very little run training. Actually your run program looks similair to mine for a number of months last year, lucky if I got out once a week. Look forward to it, it is supposed to be fun. It will be fun.

hehe I am going through a process right now of teaching my body new biomechanics... sound like fun?

Ah, um, what does that mean exactly?
2009-01-19 6:18 PM
in reply to: #1917034

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
BigDH - 2009-01-20 11:03 AM
kaqphin - 2009-01-19 4:46 PM
BigDH - 2009-01-20 10:28 AM
kaqphin - 2009-01-19 4:04 PM

I need help!

My first Sprint race in 3 years is on Feb 1 - just under 2 weeks away... Im starting to feel a bit tired... and a little less motivated...

I really need some advice on what I should be doing training wise between now and race day - HELP!!!

You will be fine. I agree that you have been doing a ton of riding, 17 hours in January, which is awesome. But it will wear you out, physically and mentally, if you are not used to it. I think your first sprint in 3 years is primarly for fun and to see what you need to work on. Take a couple days off if you want, or just go lighter, or do some cross training. OR and I hesitate to say this because it may be taken as a criticism, which it isn't, maybe try to go for a couple runs. Not that you shouldn't do the sprint, but I think a couple runs wouldn't hurt. I mean you will do fine in the sprint with just the bike training, god knows I did an olympic and a HIM last summer with very very very little run training. Actually your run program looks similair to mine for a number of months last year, lucky if I got out once a week. Look forward to it, it is supposed to be fun. It will be fun.

hehe I am going through a process right now of teaching my body new biomechanics... sound like fun?

Ah, um, what does that mean exactly?

Sorry I really should say new running form...

Basically I naturally want to run on my tippy toes... which means i cause myself all sorts of injuries which showed up eventually in a range of issues starting with a torn hamstring, then runners knee, shin splints and plantar fascitis...

By relearning how to use your legs to run... so running with good form and not landing on my toes and placing undue stress on my calves/archilles which cause serious tightness in my muscles and some icky imbalances (my glutes were not engaging) I can now walk and run without pain (well without injury type pain)

Ive worked with a physio to get to this point and the basic rule is to run with good form, take walk breaks often... if my form slips I stop...

I started out just walking heel/toe... I couldnt even do that properly to start out with...

Now I run landing further back on my foot (more mid foot that my heel but I have to *think* heel to make it happen), my knee tracks much better and I am currently able to run without pain... of course there was strength work and a stretching regime as part of this too...

Does this make sense?

(Initially when the physio saw me run he said my biomechanics were so bad he would normally recommend just not running.... he also realised this wasnt an option for me!)

Edited by kaqphin 2009-01-19 6:19 PM
2009-01-19 7:33 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED


I agree with Kathy.  REST.  You have ridden hard on your weeks off and the body is rebelling.  Wralking is great, you're prcticing good form which is what you need. 

Afer this race though you may want a bit more balance in the training   Few more runs and swims would balance things well.

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