BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-01-21 8:09 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
16/31--trainer ride, core work, and some yoga this morning before work. My plan calls for a run today too, but with 3F temps and 25mph winds outside and the indoor track being closed for a university recruitment event, I don't think that is going to happen.

I totally whiffed yesterday's workout and with no legitimate reason. So...I slammed a warm MGD last night. It is no Coors Light, but it was what I had in the house (someone brought it to a party over the summer--it was cold at one time and is now warm=super skunky!!). Let me tell you, when the alarm went off this morning I totally thought about (and could still taste) that penalty and rousted myself out of bed to avoid having to do another (we still have three more cans of that junk!).

I hope everyone is having a good start to the week!

2014-01-21 8:14 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
I'm still here. Gonna get my goals for the week today. Had a soccer tournament this weekend and I was coaching. We made it to the finals and were up 2-0 then fell apart and lost. The kids did well though since it was their 3rd game of the day and the other team only had to play 1 before so my kids were drained. In the whole tournament there were only 3 different kids that scored and my son was one of them, so proud. The other two were scoring machines!

So to celebrate I went out for a long ride yesterday. Set out to do around 60 miles and ended up doing a full 100. Took me 6 hours and I went through some very dark times at around mile 72 then again in the mid 80s. All in all it was a good ride and was super awesome. I do know that 1200 calories isn't enough for the ride so I'll adjust next time.
2014-01-21 8:16 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by drfoodlove

16/31--trainer ride, core work, and some yoga this morning before work. My plan calls for a run today too, but with 3F temps and 25mph winds outside and the indoor track being closed for a university recruitment event, I don't think that is going to happen.

I totally whiffed yesterday's workout and with no legitimate reason. So...I slammed a warm MGD last night. It is no Coors Light, but it was what I had in the house (someone brought it to a party over the summer--it was cold at one time and is now warm=super skunky!!). Let me tell you, when the alarm went off this morning I totally thought about (and could still taste) that penalty and rousted myself out of bed to avoid having to do another (we still have three more cans of that junk!).

I hope everyone is having a good start to the week!

Haha! I think a skunky MGD that is old and nasty is worse so penalty served David is on to something since it worked huh. Good job on the workouts this morning. Great way to start the day.
2014-01-21 10:54 AM
in reply to: Burd

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Hi Beer Drinkers,

Had a delightful weekend.  Spent some quality time with GF, got my workouts in, road tripped to a winter paradise and caught up with an old friend over too many drinks, snow shoed, and had some dad-son bonding over Pho (Vietnam noodle soup).

Friday 14/17-Swam 1000 yrds (25:00 min-I'm NOT a fast swimmer) pool was crowded and water was choppy, so it was almost like OWS.  Miller Lite.

Sat. 15/18- Rode rollers to West Wing (40:00).  Had a dessert party that evening so I ate about 1 zillion calories.  Bread Pudding, rice pudding, chocolate confections etc.  Had a glass of unknow red wine and tried Port for the first time; I'll pass on the Port.

Sun. 16/19-Trail run 5.6 miler with GF and dog (1:05).  Very icy, tricky footing.   Watched Broncos/Pats and feel asleep-Manning and all that "dink and dunk' passing just puts me to sleep...Boooorrrring!  Listened to Niners-Seahawks in car (GO SEATTLE) while i drove N of Boise to Tamarack ski area. Caught up with an old frind and we had a couple too many Keystone Lights and bourbon.  Morning had me a little bleary-eyed, but the weather/view from the cabin was breathtaking.

Monday 17/20:  Wee bit of snowshowing cuz we had some outside work to do and the snow was pretty deep.  Took long way back to Boise and just let thoughts wander and tension unwind.  Ran stairs (:33) with group-felt pretty good actually.  Reward myself (and son) with our favorite Pho place.  Miller Lite for nightcap.

I 'think' I met my stated goals-I feel like I had a good week. 

Goals for this week will be slightly different as work commitments will tie me up for one evening and Sat. morning.   Tues-Run, Wed.- swim (+bike?), Thurs-AM weights, PM bike, Friday-swim, Sat.-weights, bike, Sun.-AM trail run.

Great week to EVERYONE!

2014-01-21 11:40 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Originally posted by Bradleykd

How many workouts per week are on the SSS plan? I think I need something structured for my swim days to get faster at the swim.

I saw this statement posted somewhere, and it was an "ah-ha" moment for me: swimming is more like golf or tennis than running or cycling, and should be approached the same way. After thinking about it, I realized Tiger Woods (or whoever) doesn't hit the ball harder, he hits the ball better.

If you can find it and afford it, a masters group is a very productive use of your time in the pool.

If you just go out and swim, like I did for the first six months, you'll see basic gains and then hit the wall of technique.

Personally, I finally figured out what people mean by "high elbow catch" and saw 5 seconds fall off my 100s, which a full point drop in RPE. Now if only I could figure out my kick . . .

That actually makes a lot of sense (although never thought about it): if you watch best golfers is like watching best swimmers, they seem to go effortless but they win! I will think about it next time I´m in the pool - which means in half an hour.
2014-01-21 11:49 AM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by jeffnboise

Hi Beer Drinkers,

Had a delightful weekend.  Spent some quality time with GF, got my workouts in, road tripped to a winter paradise and caught up with an old friend over too many drinks, snow shoed, and had some dad-son bonding over Pho (Vietnam noodle soup).

Friday 14/17-Swam 1000 yrds (25:00 min-I'm NOT a fast swimmer) pool was crowded and water was choppy, so it was almost like OWS.  Miller Lite.

Sat. 15/18- Rode rollers to West Wing (40:00).  Had a dessert party that evening so I ate about 1 zillion calories.  Bread Pudding, rice pudding, chocolate confections etc.  Had a glass of unknow red wine and tried Port for the first time; I'll pass on the Port.

Sun. 16/19-Trail run 5.6 miler with GF and dog (1:05).  Very icy, tricky footing.   Watched Broncos/Pats and feel asleep-Manning and all that "dink and dunk' passing just puts me to sleep...Boooorrrring!  Listened to Niners-Seahawks in car (GO SEATTLE) while i drove N of Boise to Tamarack ski area. Caught up with an old frind and we had a couple too many Keystone Lights and bourbon.  Morning had me a little bleary-eyed, but the weather/view from the cabin was breathtaking.

Monday 17/20:  Wee bit of snowshowing cuz we had some outside work to do and the snow was pretty deep.  Took long way back to Boise and just let thoughts wander and tension unwind.  Ran stairs (:33) with group-felt pretty good actually.  Reward myself (and son) with our favorite Pho place.  Miller Lite for nightcap.

I 'think' I met my stated goals-I feel like I had a good week. 

Goals for this week will be slightly different as work commitments will tie me up for one evening and Sat. morning.   Tues-Run, Wed.- swim (+bike?), Thurs-AM weights, PM bike, Friday-swim, Sat.-weights, bike, Sun.-AM trail run.

Great week to EVERYONE!

Sounds like a week full of accomplishments - family, friends, work and training (not necessarily in that order for work and training....). But my question is: why drink Port when you could have a glass of an "unknown" red? Port of full of sugar and alcohol and your buds go numb, whereas reds, even unknown, are usually great. Remember romans drank it and built an empire (and then lost it!)

2014-01-21 12:13 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by MSURDYKE

Well I didn't get my run in on Friday with the kids out of school and the outside temps being what I call but cold…… but I did get it in over the weekend when I'd normally be off. Weigh in this morning looked decent considering I drank way too much beer this weekend. Saturday night was a trivia event with beer included and Sunday my wife and went to the local mexican restraunt for a beer after our coed volleyball game. a beer quickly became 2 pitchers of beer when the owner of the restraunt saw us. He like sending us free beer and I couldn't let it go to waste… and my wife quickly got dubbed the driver since she'd never be able to drink that much. The sacrifices we make for beer. Anyway, with weight loss my primary focus right now today's weigh in was 243.8. I shaved another 2 pounds off making it a total of 6.4 pounds in the first two weeks….

Kids are off school again today so we're getting a late start on the workout but heading to the Y for a good swim. I'll try to get some miles on my trainer later also.

6.4 is a great accomplishment and a super start! 10 days to lose 3.5 pounds is totally doable!
Easily achievable if you don't continue to receive free pitchers of good beer! Keep up the good work.
2014-01-21 12:22 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MOlsen

Workout for the day: 1300m swim, working my way up to 1500m by the end of the week (1400m on Weds, 1500m on Fri). Then next week I'll start the Swim Speed Secrets and jump up to about 2000m... yikes! At least the SSS workouts are mixed drills and not just swimming laps, so it should help make it more interesting.

Thanks. You just motivated me to up my swim yardage today. I'd planned 1200 continuous, but I think I'll surprise myself and hit somewhere between 13-15.

Thanks for the motivation.

This will be 15/30 for me. I ended the week at 201.5, and was surprised to see 199.0 this morning. Apparently you can lose weight hiking around the shores of a big lake drinking fireball and beers!

Back on track this week. I'm serving myself a no beer for the week penalty for my weekend indulgences.
2014-01-21 2:58 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
15/31 in the books. Mark motivated me to up my yardage, and Alex's ride motivated me to go a little more. 1x1400 in 34. min.

Who plans on a 60 mile training ride, then up's it to 100 miles. That is insane!!!! Way to go Alex. That's an amazing ride.
2014-01-21 3:09 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by kevinbe

15/31 in the books. Mark motivated me to up my yardage, and Alex's ride motivated me to go a little more. 1x1400 in 34. min. Who plans on a 60 mile training ride, then up's it to 100 miles. That is insane!!!! Way to go Alex. That's an amazing ride.

Glad to hear I gave some motivation! That will actually help motivate me in return

Today I went for a 3.1 mile run at about a 9:30 pace. My troublesome foot was not as troublesome today, must have heard me make the appointment with my podiatrist. Tonight is cardio-kick to keep my blood moving and burn off some calories, which will probably be replenished if I treat myself with a beer on the way home.

2014-01-21 7:43 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Not sure what my X/31 is but I haven't missed a day on my plan yet this month. Did P90X Chest/Back with the Ab Ripper X today. This should count as my push-up-Pull-up workout for the day.

Because my wrist is still recovering from the break I can't put 100% weight on it comfortably for a large amount of time. Did push-ups from knees & used a band for pull-ups.

Push-Up/Pull-ups 392 Reps
Abs & Core. 349 Reps
Total 741 Reps

This was a good strength day for me!

2014-01-21 9:28 PM
in reply to: Brian W

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
20/31 - Not counting yoga or PT

The power of the Coors Light Penalty is what is keeping me going right now. I'm super busy with trying to find a job and making sure my son gets to all of his therapies now that we are home. I'm still eating like crap - but the thought of drinking a warm coors light has gotten my out the door and I haven't missed a workout yet this month (knock on wood). So, while I'm bummed that I missed doing PT for the first time today (it's not like I blew it off - I just didn't get to it), at least I'm not injured. In fact, January is shaping up to be the best month in terms of milage that I have had during the past 13 months.

Quick question - is anyone out there good when it comes to proofreading resumes/cover letters? I need a good set of eyes to look over my resume one more time before I send it out at the end of the week.
2014-01-21 9:29 PM
in reply to: Brian W

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Brian W

Not sure what my X/31 is but I haven't missed a day on my plan yet this month. Did P90X Chest/Back with the Ab Ripper X today. This should count as my push-up-Pull-up workout for the day.

Because my wrist is still recovering from the break I can't put 100% weight on it comfortably for a large amount of time. Did push-ups from knees & used a band for pull-ups.

Push-Up/Pull-ups 392 Reps
Abs & Core. 349 Reps
Total 741 Reps

This was a good strength day for me!

2014-01-21 9:33 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MOlsen

Originally posted by kevinbe

15/31 in the books. Mark motivated me to up my yardage, and Alex's ride motivated me to go a little more. 1x1400 in 34. min. Who plans on a 60 mile training ride, then up's it to 100 miles. That is insane!!!! Way to go Alex. That's an amazing ride.

Glad to hear I gave some motivation! That will actually help motivate me in return

Today I went for a 3.1 mile run at about a 9:30 pace. My troublesome foot was not as troublesome today, must have heard me make the appointment with my podiatrist. Tonight is cardio-kick to keep my blood moving and burn off some calories, which will probably be replenished if I treat myself with a beer on the way home.

Nice run! My only issue with your post is your use of the word "if". IMO - you pull a double workout, you have earned the right to say .... replenished WHEN I treat myself with a beer OR TWO... As Yoda might say - Earned it you have.

Praying your podiatrist figures it out!
2014-01-21 9:39 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Burd

I'm still here. Gonna get my goals for the week today. Had a soccer tournament this weekend and I was coaching. We made it to the finals and were up 2-0 then fell apart and lost. The kids did well though since it was their 3rd game of the day and the other team only had to play 1 before so my kids were drained. In the whole tournament there were only 3 different kids that scored and my son was one of them, so proud. The other two were scoring machines!

So to celebrate I went out for a long ride yesterday. Set out to do around 60 miles and ended up doing a full 100. Took me 6 hours and I went through some very dark times at around mile 72 then again in the mid 80s. All in all it was a good ride and was super awesome. I do know that 1200 calories isn't enough for the ride so I'll adjust next time.

You are a MACHINE! As Kevin said - who sets out to do 60 and then does 100? That is awesome! Here is the cool thing - I'm sure you are proud of your son for scoring but I am absolutely sure he is even more proud of you for finishing a century! That is just awesome! Congrats!
2014-01-21 9:43 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by jeffnboise

Hi Beer Drinkers,

Had a delightful weekend.  Spent some quality time with GF, got my workouts in, road tripped to a winter paradise and caught up with an old friend over too many drinks, snow shoed, and had some dad-son bonding over Pho (Vietnam noodle soup).

Friday 14/17-Swam 1000 yrds (25:00 min-I'm NOT a fast swimmer) pool was crowded and water was choppy, so it was almost like OWS.  Miller Lite.

Sat. 15/18- Rode rollers to West Wing (40:00).  Had a dessert party that evening so I ate about 1 zillion calories.  Bread Pudding, rice pudding, chocolate confections etc.  Had a glass of unknow red wine and tried Port for the first time; I'll pass on the Port.

Sun. 16/19-Trail run 5.6 miler with GF and dog (1:05).  Very icy, tricky footing.   Watched Broncos/Pats and feel asleep-Manning and all that "dink and dunk' passing just puts me to sleep...Boooorrrring!  Listened to Niners-Seahawks in car (GO SEATTLE) while i drove N of Boise to Tamarack ski area. Caught up with an old frind and we had a couple too many Keystone Lights and bourbon.  Morning had me a little bleary-eyed, but the weather/view from the cabin was breathtaking.

Monday 17/20:  Wee bit of snowshowing cuz we had some outside work to do and the snow was pretty deep.  Took long way back to Boise and just let thoughts wander and tension unwind.  Ran stairs (:33) with group-felt pretty good actually.  Reward myself (and son) with our favorite Pho place.  Miller Lite for nightcap.

I 'think' I met my stated goals-I feel like I had a good week. 

Goals for this week will be slightly different as work commitments will tie me up for one evening and Sat. morning.   Tues-Run, Wed.- swim (+bike?), Thurs-AM weights, PM bike, Friday-swim, Sat.-weights, bike, Sun.-AM trail run.

Great week to EVERYONE!

You had a great week. You were a good dad. You got your workouts in. Sounds like you had a blast skiing. No question about it - you're living the dream!

2014-01-22 1:08 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Snow came in pretty heavy this morning so my planned swim workout was post poned because the gym uses Highschool co-op students for lifeguards. No school = no pool... I did 30 minutes on the drainer this afternoon though. The wife is a school teacher, and if she is off work, it makes my time a whole lot more scarce, but I got the minimum in. I'll get to the gym for a run tomorrow.

I am going to try to start running 5 days a week next week. When I did it last time, it improved my run times dramatically.

Glad to see you guys are all killing it! It really makes me feel like I need to step my game up!
2014-01-22 1:11 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Qua17

Quick question - is anyone out there good when it comes to proofreading resumes/cover letters? I need a good set of eyes to look over my resume one more time before I send it out at the end of the week.

I would be happy to look it over. I am not in a hiring position, but I have had classes on Resumes/cover letters, and have written several and always have gotten the job. I am not a professional by any means, but would be willing to give you at least one extra set of eyes.
2014-01-22 7:38 AM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Thanks for your willingness to take a took at the resume/cover letter

Here are the links:

The cover letter is a good doc - so you can access the letter via this link

The resume is a word doc - you can download the document if you want to check the format

If anyone else wants to play teacher - I would be extremely grateful to know that I have caught all the stupid grammar/spelling errors before I post them on Friday.

Just think of all the toys I will be able to buy myself once I get a teaching job!
2014-01-22 7:38 AM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Thanks for your willingness to take a took at the resume/cover letter

Here are the links:

The cover letter is a good doc - so you can access the letter via this link

The resume is a word doc - you can download the document if you want to check the format

If anyone else wants to play teacher - I would be extremely grateful to know that I have caught all the stupid grammar/spelling errors before I post them on Friday.

Just think of all the toys I will be able to buy myself once I get a teaching job!
2014-01-22 7:39 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Thanks for your willingness to take a took at the resume/cover letter

Here are the links:

The cover letter is a good doc - so you can access the letter via this link

The resume is a word doc - you can download the document if you want to check the format

If anyone else wants to play teacher - I would be extremely grateful to know that I have caught all the stupid grammar/spelling errors before I post them on Friday.

Just think of all the toys I will be able to buy myself once I get a teaching job!

Edited by Qua17 2014-01-22 9:03 AM

2014-01-22 8:45 AM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Keep in mind that the vast majority of companies use pre-screening software to whittle down the candidate pool. You need to incorporate into your resume specific words that appear in the job description to ensure a "real person" reviews your resume.

If you have a Linked In profile that is also a huge resource to put you in contact with the correct person for a follow up

2014-01-22 8:47 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

I have a few questions


How do I get my posts to include the one that I'm responding too?


What is an inspire me? How Do I send them?

2014-01-22 8:48 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

As we move closer to February, I am sure we have all picked out our "A" races...right? For those new to the sport, an "A" race is basically the race you are training for. All other races are secondary. You will basically work back from that date with any training plan you have. In the interest of support and helping out we should add a permanent box in the google docs(David) or you can add to you signature as I have(I think). Even better would be to add all your planned races in the google docs....just sayin'!



2014-01-22 8:55 AM
in reply to: ervaller

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Click on the quote button(grey) to include post responding to. on the persons name and a dropdown menu will show up. Click on training log.

click on the day you want to write an inspire to some such as"Get off your a$$ and run" or "start drinking the coors lite you lazy so and so"

You will see new inspires sent to you in the top right hand  corner of the screen.

When replying to an inspire MAKE SURE you hit the RED REPLY button so it will show up in the other persons new inspires. If not the only way that person will read it is if he is on your training log and reads your inspires. 

Note: everyone has access to read anyones inspires.



Originally posted by ervaller

I have a few questions


How do I get my posts to include the one that I'm responding too?


What is an inspire me? How Do I send them?

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