BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open Rss Feed  
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2014-10-11 1:00 PM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
So cool to meet Joe and his wonderful family for brunch. Nice way to start a rest day.

2014-10-11 4:30 PM
in reply to: ransick

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open

Originally posted by ransick So cool to meet Joe and his wonderful family for brunch. Nice way to start a rest day.
Great to meet you today, Mike!

Everyone you will be very un-shocked to hear that it turns out Mike is a very cool and very nice guy.  Good luck in the race tomorrow, bud, looking forward to your RR.

2014-10-12 7:29 AM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open

super jealous of everyone running chicago today.  perfect marathon weather, perfect city to run in, seriously one of the greatest days of my life.



2014-10-12 1:22 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open

Originally posted by mehaner

super jealous of everyone running chicago today.  perfect marathon weather, perfect city to run in, seriously one of the greatest days of my life.



Looks like Mike finished!

Great job, Mike!  Consistent pace, can't wait to hear all about it.

2014-10-12 5:37 PM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Hey everyone. The race went well. I'm a tad sore now and hobbling around like I'm 100 years old :-)
2014-10-12 10:39 PM
in reply to: ransick

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Congratulations Mike!!!

Impressive Time!!!

Care to share the TP you used prior to the race!!

Good Job again!!!


2014-10-13 7:19 AM
in reply to: strykergt

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Originally posted by strykergt

Congratulations Mike!!!

Impressive Time!!!

Care to share the TP you used prior to the race!!

Good Job again!!!


By TP do you mean training plan?
2014-10-13 7:42 AM
in reply to: ransick

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open

Originally posted by ransick
Originally posted by strykergt Congratulations Mike!!! Impressive Time!!! Care to share the TP you used prior to the race!! Good Job again!!! Carlo
By TP do you mean training plan?
Hahaha!  I hope that's what he means!

2014-10-13 7:56 AM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Great job, Mike!!! Congratulations, looks like you stayed pretty consistent throughout the race. Hope the soreness has started to dissipate by now
2014-10-13 9:13 AM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Originally posted by Fresno_Joe

Originally posted by ransick
Originally posted by strykergt Congratulations Mike!!! Impressive Time!!! Care to share the TP you used prior to the race!! Good Job again!!! Carlo
By TP do you mean training plan?
Hahaha!  I hope that's what he means!

I'll pass on the "T.P."!

Thanks for the giggle!
2014-10-13 9:15 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Way to go, Mike.

I was thinking of you Sunday morning, out for my "long" run of 6.5 miles. I was toast when I was done and just thinking how amazing it is to last a full marathon!

Your performance is very inspirational. Congrats. I hope it was everything you wanted it to be. (I'll save my questions until you report out, so you don't have to repeat yourself multiple times)!


2014-10-13 11:15 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
On the train home from Chicago. I'm sore but not as bad as I thought I would be :-).

Race report is here
2014-10-14 9:23 AM
in reply to: strykergt

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Fellow mentorees

Weather is getting better in Texas i am starting to enjoy my long runs. May be time for me to bring out the wetsuit.

Just to provide support We all know 2nd Ebola pt. is here anyone who needs to go frequent visits to the hospital or need to travel feel free to let me know i can provide N95 masks and protective eyewear.

Take Care Everyone

2014-10-14 10:16 AM
in reply to: strykergt

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open

Originally posted by strykergt Fellow mentorees Weather is getting better in Texas i am starting to enjoy my long runs. May be time for me to bring out the wetsuit. Just to provide support We all know 2nd Ebola pt. is here anyone who needs to go frequent visits to the hospital or need to travel feel free to let me know i can provide N95 masks and protective eyewear. Take Care Everyone Carlo

someone in texas...i am moving to san antonio at the end of the year.  i'm in for a culture SHOCK, i think.

2014-10-15 11:17 AM
in reply to: mehaner

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Originally posted by mehaner

Originally posted by strykergt Fellow mentorees Weather is getting better in Texas i am starting to enjoy my long runs. May be time for me to bring out the wetsuit. Just to provide support We all know 2nd Ebola pt. is here anyone who needs to go frequent visits to the hospital or need to travel feel free to let me know i can provide N95 masks and protective eyewear. Take Care Everyone Carlo

someone in texas...i am moving to san antonio at the end of the year.  i'm in for a culture SHOCK, i think.


3rd In American Soil , 2nd American now all three are in Dallas. If you need protective eyewear and N95 masks let me know Marilyn.

Take Care!!

2014-10-15 11:17 AM
in reply to: mehaner

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Originally posted by mehaner

Originally posted by strykergt Fellow mentorees Weather is getting better in Texas i am starting to enjoy my long runs. May be time for me to bring out the wetsuit. Just to provide support We all know 2nd Ebola pt. is here anyone who needs to go frequent visits to the hospital or need to travel feel free to let me know i can provide N95 masks and protective eyewear. Take Care Everyone Carlo

someone in texas...i am moving to san antonio at the end of the year.  i'm in for a culture SHOCK, i think.


3rd In American Soil , 2nd American now all three are in Dallas. If you need protective eyewear and N95 masks let me know Marilyn.

Take Care!!


2014-10-15 11:19 AM
in reply to: strykergt

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open

Originally posted by strykergt
Originally posted by mehaner

Originally posted by strykergt Fellow mentorees Weather is getting better in Texas i am starting to enjoy my long runs. May be time for me to bring out the wetsuit. Just to provide support We all know 2nd Ebola pt. is here anyone who needs to go frequent visits to the hospital or need to travel feel free to let me know i can provide N95 masks and protective eyewear. Take Care Everyone Carlo

someone in texas...i am moving to san antonio at the end of the year.  i'm in for a culture SHOCK, i think.

Marilyn 3rd In American Soil , 2nd American now all three are in Dallas. If you need protective eyewear and N95 masks let me know Marilyn. Take Care!! Carlo

haha, san antonio isn't anywhere near dallas but i am a little hesitant to connect through DFW on flights.  i'll be sure to avoid touching others bodily fluids...

2014-10-18 10:05 AM
in reply to: mehaner

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
What's on tap for everyone this weekend? DW and I are going to drive of the river road, have some lunch then take the ferry across the river and get some pumpkins. Perfect fall activity besides running :-). I plan to run tomorrow.
2014-10-18 10:10 AM
in reply to: ransick

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open

bonfire tonight, surprise going away party for mr. meh tomorrow!  both require lots of baking, which i'm OK with :-D

2014-10-19 8:59 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
I came late to the posts! Could not drag my arse out of bed to work out yesterday. Brick'd it today. An hour on the bike. An hour run. Felt really strong after the bike and avg'd 8:13/mile (or so) for 7.3. My longest run ever. Feeling good despite some Achilles soreness and overall feeling wiped out! Will be starting a new 4-week training plan this week, in anticipation of my late-season Sprint in mid-November. Happy training to you all as well.

2014-10-27 8:55 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open

I stepped on a nail a little over a week ago and haven't really been able to do much more than walk since.  It's getting better, but it'll still be a couple days before I'm jogging again I think.

How's everyone else doing?

2014-10-27 7:08 PM
in reply to: Fresno_Joe

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Originally posted by Fresno_Joe

I stepped on a nail a little over a week ago and haven't really been able to do much more than walk since.  It's getting better, but it'll still be a couple days before I'm jogging again I think.

How's everyone else doing?

Bummer about the nail. Hope you get back at it soon.

I'm about ready to ramp back up for an ultra in December. Other than that, just figuring out work travel and vacation travel.
2014-10-27 11:29 PM
in reply to: ransick

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open

Hi All, My wife and I have had a pretty stressful 3 weeks or so taking care of my wife's elderly aunt.  Suffice it to say - mega stressful!  I've only been able to swim for the last few weeks and that helped a fair bit with the stress and I believe/hope I was able to help keep my wife's stress levels down to a dull roar. 

My bike computer crapped out on me last July so I finally went in to the LBS to get a new one.  Wound up getting a Garmin 510.  Too expensive but I wanted something reliable.  The old one only worked 3/4 time at best.  So far it seems really interesting (all touch screen).  I'll take it out for a short test ride tomorrow.

Joe - Hope you're not too uncomfortable with your injury and hope you heal quickly.

Mike - I read your race report when you wrote it.  Nicely done - made me want to try a marathon too.  A fellow I run with turns 70 in a few years (3) and he wants me to accompany him to run the Chicago or NY Marathons so he can qualify to run Boston for his 70th.  I like the idea but it is a long way off. (no Boston for me but it would be his 4th-ish). 

Marilyn - Are you excited about your upcoming move?  It should be a good adventure.  Out of curiosity I looked up San Antonio images and it looks pretty interesting.  Particularly the river walk.  I think it would be a good place to visit.

Gary - I think your thoughts on my swimming issues were right on and I need to just relax and not push too hard for awhile.  Aside - with regards to Oly hydration/nutrition I usually just carry two water-bottles with 60grams of Carbs per bottle for the bike ride.  I also carry two honey stinger waffles in reserve in case I feel I need them on the ride.  Then for the run I eat one of the HSW as I come out of T2 (which is hard to do without something to wash them down).  Then on the run I take water and energy drink at each Aid station.  It is pretty simple until you get to a HIM and a full IM is completely different again.  You could also leave a third water bottle in transition (with carbs) and just chug some before you head out on your bike and run.  It does slow your transition times a bit.  After the race I like to load up on pizza, chocolate milk and/or 7-Up...and those big chewy cookies....or beer.


2014-10-30 9:55 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
George --

Sending support and thoughts to you and your family. Sorry to hear things have been so stressful.

Good luck on getting your mojo back in the water. I sometimes find myself not enjoying it as much as other times. It's come and gone enough times for me to know that it always comes back! Sometimes I have just taken my eyes and mind off of the clock and just gone swimming. Kept going until I felt like stopping, and enjoyed the experience. It's helped.

Thanks for the nutrition tips. I've been compiling what people have said and digging through the BT archives as well as the USAT website Fuel Station section. There are good general guidelines about replenishing fluids (about 22 - 28 oz fluid/hour, making allowances for sweat rate). Short of getting my sweat tested for salinity to guide me, however, I've seen nothing specific about guidelines for replenishing electrolytes aside from, "if you cramp, you probably needed electrolytes." The electrolyte drink products vary widely in their composition, so I'm going to have to experiment or research it more. There are better guidelines about nutrition (carbs, calories) and what one's body can absorb/hour. However, I'm still trying to figure out how to take into account my pre-exercise nutrition and the timing of my during-exercise nutrition.

2014-10-30 3:26 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Also, a big WOOT to Carlo, whose calendar says he is racing this weekend. Go get it!
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