BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed Rss Feed  
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2015-06-24 9:03 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by Dominion

Quiet, quiet, quiet around here.

Hope everyone's training is going well.

Who's racing this weekend?

I have an Olympic. It's a new race for me in north Georgia..very hilly compared to what I am used to.

I was thinking the same thing, not many posts these days.

My training has been in retrograde. I put a little extra effort into trying to be ready for my 10K, took a few days off before the race, then spent several days in New Jersey for work. So my bike and swim workouts have been virtually non-existent. I had to check my log, it was 2 weeks between swim workouts and *3* weeks off between bike workouts. I'm just in catch-up mode right now. I tried to find a sprint to put on my calendar so I had at least one race before my Oly, but nothing worked out. So it looks like my first race of the season won't be until early August and will be a new distance for me. I may have to widen my search for a sprint sometime in July. I really don't want my Oly to be my first race of the year! Anyway, it's going to take a few weeks to get my bike and swim conditioning back, but I'll get there.

2015-06-25 6:38 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by Dominion

Quiet, quiet, quiet around here.

Hope everyone's training is going well.

Who's racing this weekend?

I have an Olympic. It's a new race for me in north Georgia..very hilly compared to what I am used to.

I have the Dive-n-Dash tonight. 750m swim followed by 5k run. Be a good test to see what I can do on tired legs after a solid brick run last night. I'm still looking at doing fairly well. 5k will likely be a touch slower than I'd like, but it's for fun and training purposes tonight. It's a new local race and I also figure it'll help me get "used" to being apart of a congested swim. Good luck to those racing this weekend!

2015-06-25 8:58 AM
in reply to: #5075698

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
I joined up with a new local tri group. They try to workout together on occasion but it hasn't worked for me yet. Lots of real new people planning their first tri. They're has been extreme heat advisories for about 2 weeks that have made getting a bike in tough. I continue to have my foot problems so I have been keeping the mileage down. Had a couple of good interval runs and some tempo run after dark. Next sprint at the end of July. Got new cycle shoes for father's day, and the local sports Store just got Hoka so planning on trying them
2015-06-25 12:13 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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New user
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by nrpoulin

I joined up with a new local tri group. They try to workout together on occasion but it hasn't worked for me yet. Lots of real new people planning their first tri. They're has been extreme heat advisories for about 2 weeks that have made getting a bike in tough. I continue to have my foot problems so I have been keeping the mileage down. Had a couple of good interval runs and some tempo run after dark. Next sprint at the end of July. Got new cycle shoes for father's day, and the local sports Store just got Hoka so planning on trying them

I'm finally able to use some of the training benefits of the local tri club. Only been able to make it the open water swims but it's better than nothing! Very knowledgeable and helpful community. I'm hoping to join in on some rides in the future, but swimming will do for now.
2015-06-26 7:43 AM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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New user
Subject: RE: Dive and Dash Race Report
Yesterday evening was my first Aquathon (swim run done) race. Overall I thought I did quite well. I treated it as a hard workout as I was still feeling the effects of a brick run the day before. There was also a twist to this race, if you swam without a wetsuit they'll take 45 seconds off your finish time. I took my wetsuit with me and decided that 74 degree water didn't require a wetsuit! This race was also the first time in a long time that my wife and kids tagged along to watch and cheer me on. It was good to see them there for a change.

We get there about 25 minutes before the race starts. ( about 30 minutes later than I like to get there) Fortunately, I was there to have fun, support a new local race, and get a good workout in so I didn't let this bother me. I checked in and staged my transition area. Only needing the run gear was a nice change of pace after the swim. The long course guys went first. Lucky fellas got to swim the course twice. First time jumping in the lake without a wetsuit on this year and I immediately realized how much a wetsuit helps you float! lol, it was all good, I had fun treading water waiting for the start. So, we get the countdown and we're off! I started out in probably the middle of the pack and it thinned out quickly. Much to my surprise I swam in relatively straight lines! Every time I'd look to see how I was going I was still on course. Only time I possibly struggled was at the turns trying to find the next buoy to swim towards. The last 200m or so I got into a race with another swimmer! He passed me like I was treading water! Not sure how, but I stuck with him. Drafted him for a while and passed him back. I thought I had him but just as I was pulling up to grab the ladder he beat me out so I had to wait briefly for him to climb out of the water. Darn lol! Next time I'll get him Garmin had me out of the 750m swim in 16:28.

Transition was non-eventful and went as planned. Felt I could have been a little faster getting through it since I only had to put socks, shoes, race bib, and sunglasses on but was still out in an estimated 1:03.

The guy that beat me out of the water was quick getting through transition. He probably had a good 15-20 second lead on me but I caught up with him quickly. The run had running around the lake to a turn around and running the loop the twice. It was a gravel path so you really had to keep an eye on your footing at times. Run went well. I passed 3 or 4 runners and was passed by 2 others in the first loop. I counted myself 5th or 6th overall going into the finish. Gotta lot of high fives from my triathlon team after I crossed the finish. That was cool, haven't had that team feeling since cross country in high school lol. Garmin had my run time at 22:07 on a short 5k course. Overall time the clock in my picture has me at 44:32. Or 39:32 because we started exactly 5 minutes after the long course guys. I'm happy with how the race went. Especially the swim. It was a good confidence boost for my next Tri in 2 weeks.

We didn't stick around for results. Needed to get home so we could get the kids in bed. Results still aren't posted. Will update with official results once they are available. It was a great workout, experience, and a lot of fun.



IMG_2632.JPG (1698KB - 4 downloads)
2015-06-26 7:46 AM
in reply to: iluvlucy1117

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed

Originally posted by iluvlucy1117
Originally posted by Dominion

Quiet, quiet, quiet around here.

Hope everyone's training is going well.

Who's racing this weekend?

I have an Olympic. It's a new race for me in north Georgia..very hilly compared to what I am used to.

You know what is sad? I had a Sprint and my first Olympic back to back the last two weekend and those were my only races on the calendar for the summer! I think I need to rectify this but I'm feeling a might defeated after the Olympic. OH! Here's a question for more experienced racers. The race distance for my Oly was on their site as being a 40k which translates to like 24.86 miles. As I crossed the dismount I noticed my bike computer logged 27.6 miles. My friend independently asked me about the mileage as well and confirmed with another racer that all our mileage was around 27.5. A quick email to the RD said they had the bike distance set at 25.6 miles. Even in my sprint race the week before we discovered a discrepancy in the mph calculation. The distance covered was correct but the calculations were off. The RD said they would "look into it" but not sure that will result in much. So the question - is this a pretty common thing?

Not as common as the notoriously off swim distances, but some races advertised as Olympic distance will have slight variations in the bike distance. Usually the race will be called an Olympic but in the description may say something like "28 mile bike." This is just and example and if it were only off by a few tenths then it probably wouldn't be worth mentioning. Another thing is to check you bike computer and make sure it is calibrated correctly.  If it's a standard computer that uses a magnet on the wheel then make sure it is set to the proper wheel size you are using. That can cause distances to be off as well. The longer the ride, the more it will end up being off the total. But like Monty said, everybody has to cover the same distance so it doesn't much matter as far as finishing order in a race.


2015-06-26 7:49 AM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed

Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

Originally posted by Dominion

Quiet, quiet, quiet around here.

Hope everyone's training is going well.

Who's racing this weekend?

I have an Olympic. It's a new race for me in north Georgia..very hilly compared to what I am used to.

Training is going well for me.  I'm off night shift and 1/2 way into my second taper week, race on Sunday.  Doing short speed work mostly and watching my weight/diet. I had the bike shop put an 11-28 cassette on due to the canyons (hills) where I'm going.  A couple of days later a gear cable broke on a ride and back to the shop.  Better now than race day, lol.

Then in four weeks I signed up for an Olympic about an hour from the house.  Several people from town are going so it should be interesting!

I've put the full distance tri I was looking at on hold till next year so I'll probably do another half in the fall.  Too much stuff on the calendar for the full plus my daughter is starting college in the fall.  That will be enough drama enough!  Hmmm, many I should sign up for the full!!

Good luck with your Olympic this weekend.  Love those hills!!



Good luck to you on Sunday!

2015-06-26 7:53 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed

Originally posted by rjchilds8
Originally posted by Dominion

Quiet, quiet, quiet around here.

Hope everyone's training is going well.

Who's racing this weekend?

I have an Olympic. It's a new race for me in north Georgia..very hilly compared to what I am used to.

I was thinking the same thing, not many posts these days. My training has been in retrograde. I put a little extra effort into trying to be ready for my 10K, took a few days off before the race, then spent several days in New Jersey for work. So my bike and swim workouts have been virtually non-existent. I had to check my log, it was 2 weeks between swim workouts and *3* weeks off between bike workouts. I'm just in catch-up mode right now. I tried to find a sprint to put on my calendar so I had at least one race before my Oly, but nothing worked out. So it looks like my first race of the season won't be until early August and will be a new distance for me. I may have to widen my search for a sprint sometime in July. I really don't want my Oly to be my first race of the year! Anyway, it's going to take a few weeks to get my bike and swim conditioning back, but I'll get there.

Try to get some consistency back in your bike and swim training. August will be here before you know it! I can't believe how fast this summer is going already!

I'd agree that it would be a good idea to get a sprint race in this year before you tackle your first Olympic. If nothing else it will help you settle the nerves a little and hopefully be a bit more relaxed.  I think I made a mistake this year by not racing that sprint in April that I normally do and going straight into the showdown with my brother at Jekyll Island in May. I just hadn't flipped that switch mentally into race season mode.

2015-06-26 8:04 AM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dive and Dash Race Report

Originally posted by scottjjmtri99 Yesterday evening was my first Aquathon (swim run done) race. Overall I thought I did quite well. I treated it as a hard workout as I was still feeling the effects of a brick run the day before. There was also a twist to this race, if you swam without a wetsuit they'll take 45 seconds off your finish time. I took my wetsuit with me and decided that 74 degree water didn't require a wetsuit! This race was also the first time in a long time that my wife and kids tagged along to watch and cheer me on. It was good to see them there for a change. We get there about 25 minutes before the race starts. ( about 30 minutes later than I like to get there) Fortunately, I was there to have fun, support a new local race, and get a good workout in so I didn't let this bother me. I checked in and staged my transition area. Only needing the run gear was a nice change of pace after the swim. The long course guys went first. Lucky fellas got to swim the course twice. First time jumping in the lake without a wetsuit on this year and I immediately realized how much a wetsuit helps you float! lol, it was all good, I had fun treading water waiting for the start. So, we get the countdown and we're off! I started out in probably the middle of the pack and it thinned out quickly. Much to my surprise I swam in relatively straight lines! Every time I'd look to see how I was going I was still on course. Only time I possibly struggled was at the turns trying to find the next buoy to swim towards. The last 200m or so I got into a race with another swimmer! He passed me like I was treading water! Not sure how, but I stuck with him. Drafted him for a while and passed him back. I thought I had him but just as I was pulling up to grab the ladder he beat me out so I had to wait briefly for him to climb out of the water. Darn lol! Next time I'll get him Garmin had me out of the 750m swim in 16:28. Transition was non-eventful and went as planned. Felt I could have been a little faster getting through it since I only had to put socks, shoes, race bib, and sunglasses on but was still out in an estimated 1:03. The guy that beat me out of the water was quick getting through transition. He probably had a good 15-20 second lead on me but I caught up with him quickly. The run had running around the lake to a turn around and running the loop the twice. It was a gravel path so you really had to keep an eye on your footing at times. Run went well. I passed 3 or 4 runners and was passed by 2 others in the first loop. I counted myself 5th or 6th overall going into the finish. Gotta lot of high fives from my triathlon team after I crossed the finish. That was cool, haven't had that team feeling since cross country in high school lol. Garmin had my run time at 22:07 on a short 5k course. Overall time the clock in my picture has me at 44:32. Or 39:32 because we started exactly 5 minutes after the long course guys. I'm happy with how the race went. Especially the swim. It was a good confidence boost for my next Tri in 2 weeks. We didn't stick around for results. Needed to get home so we could get the kids in bed. Results still aren't posted. Will update with official results once they are available. It was a great workout, experience, and a lot of fun. Scott


Another great job Scott! 

Always nice to have the family there for support (and your new teammates too!) Good job on your sighting and overall swim. It's always fun to be in a position to actually race someone on the swim. It happens fairly often on the bike and run but much less common on the swim (at least for me) so always a minor thrill and gets the adrenaline flowing a little for the rest of the race. 

I know you were feeling that brick workout from yesterday, but treating it as another tough workout on top of the brick is the right approach. As I was reading your race report, I knew before I got to it that you were going to pass that guy from the swim in the run.

Keep digging that hole for yourself and then rest and taper out of it for Caseville. Looking forward to seeing what you can do!

2015-06-26 9:18 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by Dominion

Try to get some consistency back in your bike and swim training. August will be here before you know it! I can't believe how fast this summer is going already!

I'd agree that it would be a good idea to get a sprint race in this year before you tackle your first Olympic. If nothing else it will help you settle the nerves a little and hopefully be a bit more relaxed.  I think I made a mistake this year by not racing that sprint in April that I normally do and going straight into the showdown with my brother at Jekyll Island in May. I just hadn't flipped that switch mentally into race season mode.

Yep, I was saying to my brother that I can't be making any more excuses for missing workouts. No matter how tired I am at the end of the day from work and family responsibilities, I need to bear down and get at least some kind of workout in. Either that, or I'm going to have to make sure I get my workouts in during lunch. Those lunch time workouts may need to be shorter, but at higher intensity.

Also, I think I've found a sprint in mid-July that I'm going to sign up for. The swim says that it's a half mile (and I actually believe it looking at the finishing times from last year), which would be nice to help bridge the gap between my shorter (0.34, 0.25 mile) sprints from last year and the Olympic distance this year. The bike is short (10 miles), but I still think it's going to be good prep for my Oly. I'll get the race day experience and I'll be able to get a good read on my swimming fitness and race readiness.
2015-06-26 9:21 PM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Dive and Dash Race Report
Originally posted by scottjjmtri99

Yesterday evening was my first Aquathon (swim run done) race. Overall I thought I did quite well.


Great job, Scott! Next year I think I'm going to try a bunch of different formats: duathlon, aquabike, aquathlon, maybe even an Xterra. I don't see me ever wanting to give up the triathlon, but I think it would be fun to try some other race types. Glad to hear the family showed up for support. I know it always puts a smile on my face to see my wife and kids cheering me on at a race.

2015-06-27 8:53 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed

Been a while since I posted in the group thread. I've been working a new project at work (renovating a bunch of student housing units at UC Davis) so it's been incredibly crazy. It's been tough enough to fit in workouts and I often get home at 9 or 9:30pm (after hitting the gym when I have the energy to make it there). However, I've been able to get enough in that my fitness is improving slightly or at least not backsliding.

I did an Oly 2 weeks ago. Here's a short race report.
I had a bad swim, but the rest was good.

I have another Oly this Sunday, too.

I've been catching up on some of the posts. Some good racing going on

2015-06-27 5:29 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed

Took an Olympic PR today 2:23:10 and 1st Overall podium holding on for 3rd!

Full race report coming soon.

2015-06-28 7:56 AM
in reply to: ecpasos

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed

Nice job Enrique.

I know you are a little disappointed inn your swim but anything against the current is always tough. Just try to find the time for consistent training and you will get back to where you were. Very solid bike split!

2015-06-28 11:27 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed

My race report is up at the blog link below. Its pretty long one. The swim was epic, the bike was brutal, and the run was downhill both ways! There was some great tactical racing going on and I had a blast!

2015-06-29 6:23 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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New user
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by Dominion

My race report is up at the blog link below. Its pretty long one. The swim was epic, the bike was brutal, and the run was downhill both ways! There was some great tactical racing going on and I had a blast!

Excellent race Chris!

2015-06-29 8:33 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Chris, great mental and physical effort. Congrats on the podium.

2015-06-29 9:05 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by Dominion

My race report is up at the blog link below. Its pretty long one. The swim was epic, the bike was brutal, and the run was downhill both ways! There was some great tactical racing going on and I had a blast!

Great race, Chris! I'm sure that must have been thrilling to have been up at the front of the race and fighting for that podium spot!
2015-06-30 1:05 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Good job Chris! Engrossing and fun report to read!
2015-06-30 9:46 AM
in reply to: ecpasos

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: Buffalo Spring Lake Ironman 70.3

Well I'm back from a tough weekend at Buffalo Spring Lake.  The race did NOT turn out as I planned but that's the way it goes sometimes.  I can now say I've officially BONKED!  After pondering the race for a couple of days I'm pretty sure what my issues were.  Failed nutrition and too hard of the bike.  Climbing in and out of those canyons were brutal on my legs!!  

Race Report  (not a fun read like Chris can give, lol)

I have an Olympic triathlon in four weeks so hopefully I can redeem myself.  And, I'm looking at my next 70.3 in the fall.  It's not an Ironman event but it was my first half and I really enjoyed it.  Plus my wife really liked the amenities at the hotel, lol.

Congrats on the podium, Chris!  And, nice race report!

2015-06-30 10:18 AM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Dive and Dash Race Report

Originally posted by scottjjmtri99 Yesterday evening was my first Aquathon (swim run done) race.  

Good job, Scott!!

2015-06-30 10:46 AM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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New user
Subject: RE: Buffalo Spring Lake Ironman 70.3
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

Well I'm back from a tough weekend at Buffalo Spring Lake.  The race did NOT turn out as I planned but that's the way it goes sometimes.  I can now say I've officially BONKED!  After pondering the race for a couple of days I'm pretty sure what my issues were.  Failed nutrition and too hard of the bike.  Climbing in and out of those canyons were brutal on my legs!!  

Race Report  (not a fun read like Chris can give, lol)

I have an Olympic triathlon in four weeks so hopefully I can redeem myself.  And, I'm looking at my next 70.3 in the fall.  It's not an Ironman event but it was my first half and I really enjoyed it.  Plus my wife really liked the amenities at the hotel, lol.

Congrats on the podium, Chris!  And, nice race report!

Congrats! Great job pushing through the cramps! I've been there and have experienced them in all 3 marathons I've completed. Those cramps suck and I still haven't figured out how to completely avoid them. I had to deal with them last year in an Oly that had turned into a DU. I take great pride in my running and when the cramps get the best of me I get frustrated as well. That being said, I hope you had fun! I've learned to enjoy the experience and come race day it's time to eat the cake and enjoy the ride! All the training before hand is the meat and potatoes. Race day is desert. Maybe next year I'll attempt an HIM distance race. I have a buddy that's prodding me to give it a go but not sure how I could fit in the required training into have a chance at enjoying myself out there.

Congratulations again on a hard fought race!

2015-06-30 11:59 AM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Buffalo Spring Lake Ironman 70.3

Tnanks everyone!

I had a  lot of fun and the more fun and better race I have the more I tend to write about it. I know the report got a little long, but there was a lot going on out there tjhat day. Thanks for taking the time to read it.

2015-06-30 12:31 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Buffalo Spring Lake Ironman 70.3


Don't beat yourself up about it too much. Bad races happen all the time. Usually i learn more from the bad ones than the good ones, and always come back more determined than ever.

T2 - go ahead and throw that bike up there by the handlebars. Doesn't matter at that point. It's  good to pre-rack by the seat so you can go straight out of T1, but once you are back into T2 don't waste time messing with it.

2015-06-30 8:28 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Buffalo Spring Lake Ironman 70.3
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

Well I'm back from a tough weekend at Buffalo Spring Lake.  The race did NOT turn out as I planned but that's the way it goes sometimes.  I can now say I've officially BONKED!  After pondering the race for a couple of days I'm pretty sure what my issues were.  Failed nutrition and too hard of the bike.  Climbing in and out of those canyons were brutal on my legs!!  

Race Report  (not a fun read like Chris can give, lol)

I have an Olympic triathlon in four weeks so hopefully I can redeem myself.  And, I'm looking at my next 70.3 in the fall.  It's not an Ironman event but it was my first half and I really enjoyed it.  Plus my wife really liked the amenities at the hotel, lol.

Congrats on the podium, Chris!  And, nice race report!

Wow, that looks like a fantastic swim! I'm super jealous! LOL Sounds like a tough break bonking on your run. But like Chris said, you learn from it and you move on to the next one.
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date : July 1, 2009
author : mrmarkcole
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