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2009-09-02 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2384766

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

No advice on the helmet except to say it looks Cool! This is the best price I have seen:

Sale Price: $173.61

2009-09-02 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2384868

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
TrevorC - 2009-09-02 10:40 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-02 9:29 AM
TrevorC - 2009-09-02 10:21 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-02 9:13 AM
tahrens - 2009-09-02 10:03 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-02 10:58 AM Suzy.  With all this time off I'm sure you've written an email or two about this. 

Holy cow... I can't believe "non-life threatening injuries".   So lucky

That turns my stomach to watch.  WOW!  I'd be interested to see if there are any legal consequences to the driver other than running a red light ticket.  If it were a pedestrian I'd bet it would be different.  Some places are really screwy about bikes. 

He's a politician so... beh, I'll stop.  Suzy will no more I'm sure but from what I'm reading he got ticketed but the Madison City Attorney is still waiting to decide if they want to press charges.  Apparently this guy has had a few a few other driving violations.

At least he stopped. 

And on the other side..... check this story out...

supposedly, the biker was a courier with a seedy past. May be more to the story than this. But wow.

yeah i was reading abt that too.  apparently they had words before the incident.   I seriously have to work really hard not to say things to drivers that cut me off and things like that becasue car wins over bike any day. 

Plus its legal to pack heat in Texas isnt it? Don't want to say the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time.

It is in all states if you are licensed.  But the majority problem is with the unlicensed folks carrying. least here in Texas you better have a spotless record if you want a license.  The state and federal background checks are pretty extensive. 

And to be clear, just because you have a license doesn't mean you carry. 

2009-09-02 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2384947

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-02 10:06 AM
TrevorC - 2009-09-02 10:40 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-02 9:29 AM
TrevorC - 2009-09-02 10:21 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-02 9:13 AM
tahrens - 2009-09-02 10:03 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-02 10:58 AM Suzy.  With all this time off I'm sure you've written an email or two about this. 

Holy cow... I can't believe "non-life threatening injuries".   So lucky

That turns my stomach to watch.  WOW!  I'd be interested to see if there are any legal consequences to the driver other than running a red light ticket.  If it were a pedestrian I'd bet it would be different.  Some places are really screwy about bikes. 

He's a politician so... beh, I'll stop.  Suzy will no more I'm sure but from what I'm reading he got ticketed but the Madison City Attorney is still waiting to decide if they want to press charges.  Apparently this guy has had a few a few other driving violations.

At least he stopped. 

And on the other side..... check this story out...

supposedly, the biker was a courier with a seedy past. May be more to the story than this. But wow.

yeah i was reading abt that too.  apparently they had words before the incident.   I seriously have to work really hard not to say things to drivers that cut me off and things like that becasue car wins over bike any day. 

Plus its legal to pack heat in Texas isnt it? Don't want to say the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time.

It is in all states if you are licensed.  But the majority problem is with the unlicensed folks carrying. least here in Texas you better have a spotless record if you want a license.  The state and federal background checks are pretty extensive. 

And to be clear, just because you have a license doesn't mean you carry

But why get a license then if you're not packing? Just throw it in your holster and you're good to go. HA
2009-09-02 11:23 AM
in reply to: #2384766

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-09-02 8:06 AM
Okay all you gear review junkie - my hubby needs some advise.  He is looking at a LAS cronometro aero helmet on sale.  We don't have a store that carries them so he hasn't been able to try one on.  I did a search on BT and there  aren't any reviews on them.  Anyone ever worn one or know anything about them?  Ryan, Tony, Steve.........

You rang? I haven't tried the LAS, but with that funky taper to the helmet, I would think it'd either work very well or not so well. Make sure it fits him flush between the shoulders and back when in aero. If he's unable to try it out, it might be worth passing on it, even if it's on sale. Try the Giro, LG, etc. to see what feels comfortable; I like the Spiuk Kronos helmet myself. Keep in mind that no aero helmet will vent and cool like a standard road helmet, which can be a detriment for long course racing in hot weather.

After writing that, I took a look at the LAS site. It appears that they've changed designs, so I'm not sure which one you're looking at (either a close out older model as shown here or the new one like this). However, I do note that they only come in one size and rely on an adjustable clasp. Hmm. To me, that's a bit fishy. If it happens to fit your head, great, but I have a hard time believing that the adjustment will allow for all head sizes and shapes.

A quick search on Slowtwitch shows that there aren't many people using them (or at least are writing about them), but the few that do have found that the lack of ventilation, which is even less than other aero helmets, can be a concern.

In any case, I think trying one on trumps a sweet deal...
2009-09-02 12:05 PM
in reply to: #2382295

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

SSMinnow - 2009-09-01 10:34 AM
tahrens - 2009-09-01 8:53 AM Here are my numbers for August - such as it is.  Low milage on the bike - been running and swimming.  Savage is going to be ugly on the bike I'm afraid

  Someone tie me down to a chair or tranquilize me please.

Nowsuzy that is just down right Kinky.

2009-09-02 12:11 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

One of our previous well known attorney generals up here just got charged yesterday for draggin a cyclist and running him into a tree and killing him. There was apparently an arguement between them and the cyclist wouldn't let go of the car so the lawyer rtried to brush him off on a tree.  Where does the thought process break down here. duh I'll just brush him off my car on a trre and he won't get hury?????  Pretty stupid of the cyclist too though

Edited by Redknight 2009-09-02 12:11 PM

2009-09-02 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Ryan... I thought this excerpt from Rappstar's "ask me anything" thread was pretty interesting.  Actually the whole thread is really interesting.  What kind of ratio do you have and do you think this ratio is typical for all levels. 

I just follow Steve's advice to just get your a$$ in the saddle.

What kind of ratio of road bike vs. tri bike did you ride in your training?

Usually about 50/50. It would depend on the workout. Basically, I would look at what approximate wattage I expected to hold for the workout (or the key portion of the workout if there was one), and then decide. Basically, below a certain level, I would ride a road bike. Above, tri bike. Essentially, my rule of thumb is "easy rides = road bike, hard rides = tribikes." Compared with when I trained for Wildflower, and for logistical reasons had ONLY my tribike, I was much more comfortable. Riding a tribike easy stinks.

The thing to remember is that riding a road bike in your normal "hands on the hoods" position is MORE similar to your "in the aerobars" position on a tribike than riding your tribike on the hoods is. Basically, if you aren't going to be in the aerobars for most of the ride, don't ride a tribike. And below a certain wattage level, riding a tribike in the aerobars is just not comfortable for me.

Really as long as I ride my tribike once a week, I think that's fine. Levi Leipheimer says that he rides his TT bike once or twice a week in season, and he said that he thought that was typical of most top time trialists. So I figure that what works for them probably will work for me.

Overall, I don't set a rule about how much I will ride either one. The 50/50 ratio came from two things -- 1) knowing I needed to be on my tribike at least once a week and 2) the intensity as prescribed by my coach. He let me make the judgment call about when I felt I would be better off on a road bike and when I needed to ride my TT bike.
2009-09-02 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2385250

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-02 10:38 AM
Ryan... I thought this excerpt from Rappstar's "ask me anything" thread was pretty interesting.  Actually the whole thread is really interesting.  What kind of ratio do you have and do you think this ratio is typical for all levels. 

I just follow Steve's advice to just get your a$$ in the saddle.

First, that's an excellent post... a good read for anyone who is interested in how the pros approach training, nutrition, power, etc. For those who don't know, Jordan Rapp is the Slowtwitch administrator and a Timex pro who just won IMC this past weekend.

As for me, I tend to ride my tri bike on every ride. I believe in specificity of training: if you have a hilly tri coming up (and Lake Stevens had some definite hills), then the best way to train is to ride your tri bike on hills. Rapp is correct about hand position as well: while the position in road bike hoods tend to equal aerobar reach (excluding the back angle, of course), there's no real correlation to the hoods on a tri bike. That's where I'll put my hands when I'm on the hills though, so I feel like it's important to train myself to climb while in that position.

My road bike is a Soloist Team, and it lives on the computrainer basically all the time. I have it set up in the forward position anyway (seat tube angle is probably about 78 or so). I ride steeper on my P3C, with the nose of the saddle almost even with the BB. I think it's about 82 or 83.

Birdy also has the Soloist Team and just the past season got a dedicated tri bike. I think he'd also tell you that the Soloist is more comfortable to climb on, but the tri is faster overall on both hills and flats.

If you were a full-time pro, I can see why alternating between road and tri bikes might be beneficial since you work slightly different core and leg muscles. But for the rest of us, I think the specificity of a tri bike has well-defined benefits.

Trumping all of that though is what you said: saddle time. Ride to get better at riding.
2009-09-02 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2385345

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ryanp100 - 2009-09-02 1:08 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-02 10:38 AM Ryan... I thought this excerpt from Rappstar's "ask me anything" thread was pretty interesting.  Actually the whole thread is really interesting.  What kind of ratio do you have and do you think this ratio is typical for all levels. 

I just follow Steve's advice to just get your a$$ in the saddle.

 First, that's an excellent post... a good read for anyone who is interested in how the pros approach training, nutrition, power, etc. For those who don't know, Jordan Rapp is the Slowtwitch administrator and a Timex pro who just won IMC this past weekend.

As for me, I tend to ride my tri bike on every ride. I believe in specificity of training: if you have a hilly tri coming up (and Lake Stevens had some definite hills), then the best way to train is to ride your tri bike on hills. Rapp is correct about hand position as well: while the position in road bike hoods tend to equal aerobar reach (excluding the back angle, of course), there's no real correlation to the hoods on a tri bike. That's where I'll put my hands when I'm on the hills though, so I feel like it's important to train myself to climb while in that position.

My road bike is a Soloist Team, and it lives on the computrainer basically all the time. I have it set up in the forward position anyway (seat tube angle is probably about 78 or so). I ride steeper on my P3C, with the nose of the saddle almost even with the BB. I think it's about 82 or 83.

Birdy also has the Soloist Team and just the past season got a dedicated tri bike. I think he'd also tell you that the Soloist is more comfortable to climb on, but the tri is faster overall on both hills and flats.

If you were a full-time pro, I can see why alternating between road and tri bikes might be beneficial since you work slightly different core and leg muscles. But for the rest of us, I think the specificity of a tri bike has well-defined benefits.

Trumping all of that though is what you said: saddle time. Ride to get better at riding.

Why do you put your hands here when on hills?  Interesting because I feel on hills I can generate more power out of aero than in.  Does that make any sense?  But not so on flatter areas.  I wonder if this is because things slow down on a hill therefore increasing the feel for whats going on.  If that's the case, I'm in worse shape than I already know I'm in.

edit.  i assumed you are talking uphill not down.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-09-02 1:24 PM
2009-09-02 1:36 PM
in reply to: #2385393

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-02 11:23 AM
Why do you put your hands here when on hills?  Interesting because I feel on hills I can generate more power out of aero than in.  Does that make any sense?  But not so on flatter areas.  I wonder if this is because things slow down on a hill therefore increasing the feel for whats going on.  If that's the case, I'm in worse shape than I already know I'm in.

edit.  i assumed you are talking uphill not down.

My fault for not being clear: unless it's a very slight incline, I'll get out of aero and ride on the hoods of my tri bike when climbing up hill. What I was trying to say previously was that if you're riding a road bike, there was no clear analog for the hood position on a tri bike. Therefore, if that's your climbing position while racing, then I believe you should train that way, thus necessitating the tri bike.

I can definitely generate more power in that position than in aero. I think I responded to Suzy talking about the difference in sustainable power in aero vs. road/on the hoods, and I've found that it's a good 15-20 watt difference between the two.

Sorry for the confusion!
2009-09-02 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2385436

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ryanp100 - 2009-09-02 1:36 PM
My fault for not being clear: unless it's a very slight incline, I'll get out of aero and ride on the hoods of my tri bike when climbing up hill. What I was trying to say previously was that if you're riding a road bike, there was no clear analog for the hood position on a tri bike. Therefore, if that's your climbing position while racing, then I believe you should train that way, thus necessitating the tri bike. I can definitely generate more power in that position than in aero. I think I responded to Suzy talking about the difference in sustainable power in aero vs. road/on the hoods, and I've found that it's a good 15-20 watt difference between the two. Sorry for the confusion!

gotcha.  thanks!

2009-09-02 3:22 PM
in reply to: #2384763

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-02 8:05 AM On to a training related story for me.  Monday after meeting w/ a potential tri coach w/ Tony (he was really cool BTW), I had to get in my 18 miles for my running plan.  So I head out about 1:30pm - the weather is great, I feel great but I have a bit of a time crunch.  I had planned on about 3 hr. 8 to 3 hr. 20 min. for the run.  I had been running slower b/c of the heat.  Today that was not a problem. 

So I started off about 45 sec. faster than normal long run pace.  Things were going great and my HR stayed in Z2 to low Z3 so I was happy and it looked like I'd have enough time to get in all of my miles.  At mile 12, I hit a wall - I could feel muscle fatigue setting in.  Like the kind you get from lack of calories.  My stomach was grumbling for food and I had bouts of being lightheaded.  So the last miles were run/walk to keep it together.  Still finished 17.2 miles in 2 hr. 52 min. which is faster than normal even w/ all of the walking.

I thought about it after the run and there was nothing out of the norm as far as calories and fluids either earlier in the day or on the run.  Is it possible that my faster pace burned through more calories and fluids earlier in my run?  I have terrible nutrition problems for longer races.  I didn't realize it at first but it's starting to sink in that some of my last race issues w/ fatigue and cramping could be due to lack of calories/fluids.  So I'd like to get this worked out before OBX.

Sam- i see that none of our run experts have responded to your post (Suzy is off doing her pre HIM olympic...some taper!), but I'll try.  If nutrition and fluids were the same, my question would be regarding the additional caloric burn with an increase in HR of almost 10bpm.  It might help to know what your zones are, and if your previous long runs are in Z1 or closer to Z2.  A jump in pace from Z1-Z3, may indeed require additional fuel and H20, was your HR drifting upwards at the 12 mile point?  It could indicate dehydration...hunger means you already got behind in your fuel, but lightheadedness can be either.  This is something that I am definitely having to pay attention to, now that my long runs are going above 12 miles.  I have been told to drink one and a half mouths full of water every 15 minutes and a half a gel every 35 minutes (the half gel is based on my weight).  I tried this on my 12 miler last Sunday and noticed that my HR did not drift up at all and my effort felt really strong with no fatigue or cramping. 

good luck...18 miles is pretty awesome!
2009-09-02 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2384763

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-02 10:05 AM On to a training related story for me.  Monday after meeting w/ a potential tri coach w/ Tony (he was really cool BTW), I had to get in my 18 miles for my running plan.  So I head out about 1:30pm - the weather is great, I feel great but I have a bit of a time crunch.  I had planned on about 3 hr. 8 to 3 hr. 20 min. for the run.  I had been running slower b/c of the heat.  Today that was not a problem. 

So I started off about 45 sec. faster than normal long run pace.  Things were going great and my HR stayed in Z2 to low Z3 so I was happy and it looked like I'd have enough time to get in all of my miles.  At mile 12, I hit a wall - I could feel muscle fatigue setting in.  Like the kind you get from lack of calories.  My stomach was grumbling for food and I had bouts of being lightheaded.  So the last miles were run/walk to keep it together.  Still finished 17.2 miles in 2 hr. 52 min. which is faster than normal even w/ all of the walking.

I thought about it after the run and there was nothing out of the norm as far as calories and fluids either earlier in the day or on the run.  Is it possible that my faster pace burned through more calories and fluids earlier in my run?  I have terrible nutrition problems for longer races.  I didn't realize it at first but it's starting to sink in that some of my last race issues w/ fatigue and cramping could be due to lack of calories/fluids.  So I'd like to get this worked out before OBX.


This has happened to me before when doing my long runs.  Two things really stick out in your post 1) you ran :45 seconds faster per mile and 2) you were in Z3.   While Lowell isn't a HR guy, I knew that when I started approaching my slightly slower than Tempo HR (z3) it was an issue.  Long runs are meant to be done at a lower HR to encourage the build of mitochondria and get your legs used to the build up of fatigue.  Going faster and harder when you are not used to it results in muscle fatigue, bonking and defeats the purpose of the run.  I probably did 3-4 like that before it sunk into my head that faster is not better for this type of workout.  Eventually, you will throw some MP miles into your long run, but they will be towards the end and shorter in duration (might build up toe 12m at the end of the cycle).  I don't know if it burns more calories, but I suspect the answer is yes.  I really think it is the combination of going hard too hard too soon in a long run.

Make sense?

2009-09-02 5:12 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I am back from my Oly run through in Lake Geneva and have decided I am as ready as I need to be for the HIM.  I wasn't allowed to push anything, but I can say the swim went well (although the water was totally fogged in when we got there, it was like glass by the time we got in), the bike was solid and the run had strength despite 3 10% grade hills  that kicked my butt.  The best news is the run course is 2 loops so I actually get to do 6 10% grade hills just for some added excitement.  Now all I ask for is nice weather....mainly a calm lake and no Boise type hail or rain for the bike.  I can handle anything on the run, well almost anything.

2009-09-02 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2385903

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-09-02 6:12 PM I am back from my Oly run through in Lake Geneva and have decided I am as ready as I need to be for the HIM.  I wasn't allowed to push anything, but I can say the swim went well (although the water was totally fogged in when we got there, it was like glass by the time we got in), the bike was solid and the run had strength despite 3 10% grade hills  that kicked my butt.  The best news is the run course is 2 loops so I actually get to do 6 10% grade hills just for some added excitement.  Now all I ask for is nice weather....mainly a calm lake and no Boise type hail or rain for the bike.  I can handle anything on the run, well almost anything.

2009-09-02 6:43 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Unless I missed it, no one asked the all important question.....

Who is racing this weekend? We want details and goals pronto!

I'm not. Actually I am barely allowed to move between now and the 12th so someone give me something good to live by vicariously, please!

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-09-02 6:44 PM

2009-09-02 6:47 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

I have to toot my own horn a little    I took the Equinox back out for my second ride (saddle much better btw) and except for a  misalignment on the left aero bar, it is very comfortable.  But here are the cool parts.  I averaged 2 mph faster on my 25 mile loop and I passed a dude!  I passed him while he was doing 18mph and then hauled butt to stay in front .  He passed me about 4 minutes later but I was doing 20mph and he was up out of the saddle to do it!   Personally  I think he did it b/c he got passed by a girl!!!  He was all decked out on his Pinerelllo and Castelli shorts etc.   This is my ego jumping way out of control but it was cool!   he he he Kiss

Ryan, that for the advise on the helmet.  I knew I would hear from you!

2009-09-02 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2385893

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-09-02 5:07 PM
sdalessio - 2009-09-02 10:05 AM On to a training related story for me.  Monday after meeting w/ a potential tri coach w/ Tony (he was really cool BTW), I had to get in my 18 miles for my running plan.  So I head out about 1:30pm - the weather is great, I feel great but I have a bit of a time crunch.  I had planned on about 3 hr. 8 to 3 hr. 20 min. for the run.  I had been running slower b/c of the heat.  Today that was not a problem. 

So I started off about 45 sec. faster than normal long run pace.  Things were going great and my HR stayed in Z2 to low Z3 so I was happy and it looked like I'd have enough time to get in all of my miles.  At mile 12, I hit a wall - I could feel muscle fatigue setting in.  Like the kind you get from lack of calories.  My stomach was grumbling for food and I had bouts of being lightheaded.  So the last miles were run/walk to keep it together.  Still finished 17.2 miles in 2 hr. 52 min. which is faster than normal even w/ all of the walking.

I thought about it after the run and there was nothing out of the norm as far as calories and fluids either earlier in the day or on the run.  Is it possible that my faster pace burned through more calories and fluids earlier in my run?  I have terrible nutrition problems for longer races.  I didn't realize it at first but it's starting to sink in that some of my last race issues w/ fatigue and cramping could be due to lack of calories/fluids.  So I'd like to get this worked out before OBX.


This has happened to me before when doing my long runs.  Two things really stick out in your post 1) you ran :45 seconds faster per mile and 2) you were in Z3.   While Lowell isn't a HR guy, I knew that when I started approaching my slightly slower than Tempo HR (z3) it was an issue.  Long runs are meant to be done at a lower HR to encourage the build of mitochondria and get your legs used to the build up of fatigue.  Going faster and harder when you are not used to it results in muscle fatigue, bonking and defeats the purpose of the run.  I probably did 3-4 like that before it sunk into my head that faster is not better for this type of workout.  Eventually, you will throw some MP miles into your long run, but they will be towards the end and shorter in duration (might build up toe 12m at the end of the cycle).  I don't know if it burns more calories, but I suspect the answer is yes.  I really think it is the combination of going hard too hard too soon in a long run.

Make sense?


Thanks - I totally agree. 

I'm usually nagging Tony that he is doing his long runs too fast.  I normally do my long runs in mid/high Z2 around 148 avg HR.  Monday I was slightly higher creeping into low Z3. I know it was not ideal but I had to get home.  Anyways, it was interesting lesson learned.  I have to get better about eating and drinking before any signs of fatigue and dehydration set in.  
2009-09-02 7:24 PM
in reply to: #2385903

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-09-02 5:12 PM I am back from my Oly run through in Lake Geneva and have decided I am as ready as I need to be for the HIM.  I wasn't allowed to push anything, but I can say the swim went well (although the water was totally fogged in when we got there, it was like glass by the time we got in), the bike was solid and the run had strength despite 3 10% grade hills  that kicked my butt.  The best news is the run course is 2 loops so I actually get to do 6 10% grade hills just for some added excitement.  Now all I ask for is nice weather....mainly a calm lake and no Boise type hail or rain for the bike.  I can handle anything on the run, well almost anything.

Great prep - you will totally kick butt!!!!
2009-09-02 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2385995

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-09-02 6:43 PM Unless I missed it, no one asked the all important question.....

Who is racing this weekend? We want details and goals pronto!

I'm not. Actually I am barely allowed to move between now and the 12th so someone give me something good to live by vicariously, please!

Hang tough Suzy, the 12th will be here before you know it.

I am racing Sat. night - Arlington 9/11 5K.  A friend is coming up to race w/ me and Tony's mom is watching the kids.  I think he'll be belly up to a bar in Alabama watching the VaTech/Alabama game. 

My goal - another shot at a sub 25k.  Weather should be nicer so we'll see.
2009-09-02 8:07 PM
in reply to: #2386002

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-09-02 6:47 PM

I have to toot my own horn a little    I took the Equinox back out for my second ride (saddle much better btw) and except for a  misalignment on the left aero bar, it is very comfortable.  But here are the cool parts.  I averaged 2 mph faster on my 25 mile loop and I passed a dude and i smacked him on the a$$ on the way by!  I passed him while he was doing 18mph and then hauled butt to stay in front .  He passed me about 4 minutes later but I was doing 20mph and he was up out of the saddle to do it!   Personally  I think he did it b/c he got passed by a girl!!!  He was all decked out on his Pinerelllo and Castelli shorts etc.   This is my ego jumping way out of control but it was cool!   he he he Kiss

Ryan, that for the advise on the helmet.  I knew I would hear from you!

fixed that for ya.  nice!

2009-09-02 8:29 PM
in reply to: #2385995

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

SSMinnow - 2009-09-02 6:43 PM Unless I missed it, no one asked the all important question.....

Who is racing this weekend? We want details and goals pronto!

I'm not. Actually I am barely allowed to move between now and the 12th so someone give me something good to live by vicariously, please!

That's me!  I have a sprint this coming Monday.  I am feeling better and have had a couple day's rest now, so I should be good to go.  Let's see - 300m swim, 15 mi bike, 5k - 6min+2min+44in+1min+28min = 1:21 total... Oh, yeah, and to try again to beat my buddy Johnny...

2009-09-02 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2386002

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-09-02 6:47 PM

I have to toot my own horn a little    I took the Equinox back out for my second ride (saddle much better btw) and except for a  misalignment on the left aero bar, it is very comfortable.  But here are the cool parts.  I averaged 2 mph faster on my 25 mile loop and I passed a dude!  I passed him while he was doing 18mph and then hauled butt to stay in front .  He passed me about 4 minutes later but I was doing 20mph and he was up out of the saddle to do it!   Personally  I think he did it b/c he got passed by a girl!!!  He was all decked out on his Pinerelllo and Castelli shorts etc.   This is my ego jumping way out of control but it was cool!   he he he Kiss

Ryan, that for the advise on the helmet.  I knew I would hear from you!

Toot away!!!  That is great news.  Maybe Savageman won't be so hard for you afterall!!

Thanks for the info on the shorts by the way.  Only issue is they don't have tri shorts only bike shorts.   Did she have any suggestions for those?  I didn't have any issues today and was wearing Sugois, but it was only a 25m ride.
2009-09-02 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Thanks for all the inspires and emails.  SWBKRUN MG rules!  I was under the weather for a couple of days and then collapsed under my schedule - kinda ran out of me if you know what I mean.   I am reworking my routine now that school is back in session.  Between two night classes for me, coaching my daughter's soccer team, work, etc I think I will have to become a morning workout person almost 100%.  I know I can't keep up the schedule that I tried last week!  Maybe if I were to start drinking coffee again  - nah, caffeine detox is miserable.  Now off to read like six pages of posts...

2009-09-02 9:03 PM
in reply to: #2380223

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

dalessit - 2009-08-31 10:11 AM My monthly totals, being sick 2 weeks hurt the biking and taking more time off in the pool.  New max running for this month even though I missed 2 runs.

August's totals:
Bike:10h 21m 34s  - 181.67 Mi
Run:21h 41m 26s  - 127.02 Mi
Swim:1h 21m 56s  - 4150 M
Strength:1h 45m
Golf:6h 00m
Kayaking:2h 00m

My monthly lotals - most swimming and running I have every done in a month..

August's totals:
Bike:16h 48m 31s  - 251.15 Mi
Run:7h 07m 30s  - 37.64 Mi
Swim:9h 23m 44s  - 24500 Yd
Strength:5h 30m
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