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2009-09-04 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2387782

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Pittsford, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-09-03 1:50 PM For those doing Fall marathons and needing a little extra motivation....Boston registration open Wednesday, September 9th!!!  I plan to sign up and defer to '11, but would be thrilled to cheer on a bunch of SWBKRUN'ers.

Who's going for it? Kim, I know you are....who else? Tony? Sam? Chet? Birdy ?

Depending on how things go over the winter I may try to run the last chance for boston marathon.  Not sure if it will be realistic, but I have had that in the back of my mind for the past few weeks to help me get through the winter.

2009-09-04 11:14 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
That butter thing may be the single most disgusting "snack" ever invented!!!
2009-09-04 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Janet.  That sounds like fun!  If you are going to go easy then I say do it!  But I also understand the others points and that's probably smarter. Hows that for waiving answer. ;-)

I called in Suzy today.... Skipped work to go play!

My tempo run was much much better today.  I had a 3 x 10 in Z4 with 3 minutes at Z1 in between. I was able to hang out in Z4 for each of the 10.  My Z4 is HR 150-158 with a pace 8:30-8:59.  (If I'm out in the heat its just RPE 6-7.)   And just for kicks I bumped it up to Z5 and was moving along at 7:45 for a bit!  That's fast for my lazy a$$.   I wasn't all happy and comfortable but I did it.  The only part that really sucked was the last two minutes of the first 10.  Then I hit the pool for 1/2 hour and got a nasty cramp during some kick drills.  It was awesome,  I was crying like a girl and everyone was laughing at me.

I think Linda is the only one on here w/ three children but want to verify... If you have three + children what are you driving?  My truck isn't going to work once the new one arrives so we're shopping this weekend.  Three wee ones and all this gear means we need something big. 

Linda I wish they still made your Excursion.  Its on the same chassis as my F250.  We're heading out to drive a suburban shortly.  Thanks for the tip on the second row bucket seats! 

Trevor/Andy.  Signature is fine but you have to somehow get a beer in this wager.  C'mon boys!

2009-09-04 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2389669

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-04 11:01 AM Is this what the residents of Texas stay up late at night dreaming up?

Only when I'm not dreaming of you. ;-)

But I'm with Reub on that.  gross!   But this hmmmmmmm

Fried Peanut Butter Cup Macaroon:
A peanut butter cup wrapped inside a coconut macaroon, fried and then dusted with powdered sugar.

2009-09-04 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2389633

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

TrevorC - 2009-09-04 10:45 AM
ashort33 - 2009-09-04 9:34 AM

ashort33 - 2009-09-03 10:28 PM

TrevorC - 2009-09-03 9:31 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-03 6:16 PM
swbkrun - 2009-09-03 6:45 PM
ashort33 - 2009-09-03 2:39 PM

Maybe a t-shirt that says "PWNED - I ran my mouth faster then I ran my triathlon"  And then pictures of it being worn at the next event...

That is good stuff.  Maybe throw a pair of capri's on the loser as well?!

and an ascot embroidered with htfu.             Laughing

I don't know how well Andy would do down in TEXASSSSSS wearing a pair of capri's...Even better they'd have to be a pair of Steve's..Wait it'd never work. We'd have a better chance of winnnig the lottery that separating Steve from his capris.
Hey what's "PWNED" mean? Pretty weak nice nice effort dude??

How about a signature tag line for 45 days - my would read "That Canadian - TrevorC from SWBKRUN MG pwned me - I ran my mouth faster than I ran my triathlon and he beat me like a red-headed step-child.  "  Yours would read similarily.... except for the nam and the Canadian part

I'm in for that or some reference to the fact that I did in fact defeat you!!!! My caveat...I need to finish. My left calf/muscle next to the frontal shin bone is killing me right now.

Chris / Barry - where are you, we'll give you the honor of the standard reply... 

2009-09-04 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2389716

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-04 11:22 AM Janet.  That sounds like fun!  If you are going to go easy then I say do it!  But I also understand the others points and that's probably smarter. Hows that for waiving answer. ;-)

I called in Suzy today.... Skipped work to go play!

My tempo run was much much better today.  I had a 3 x 10 in Z4 with 3 minutes at Z1 in between. I was able to hang out in Z4 for each of the 10.  My Z4 is HR 150-158 with a pace 8:30-8:59.  (If I'm out in the heat its just RPE 6-7.)   And just for kicks I bumped it up to Z5 and was moving along at 7:45 for a bit!  That's fast for my lazy a$$.   I wasn't all happy and comfortable but I did it.  The only part that really sucked was the last two minutes of the first 10.  Then I hit the pool for 1/2 hour and got a nasty cramp during some kick drills.  It was awesome,  I was crying like a girl and everyone was laughing at me.

I think Linda is the only one on here w/ three children but want to verify... If you have three + children what are you driving?  My truck isn't going to work once the new one arrives so we're shopping this weekend.  Three wee ones and all this gear means we need something big. 

Linda I wish they still made your Excursion.  Its on the same chassis as my F250.  We're heading out to drive a suburban shortly.  Thanks for the tip on the second row bucket seats! 

Trevor/Andy.  Signature is fine but you have to somehow get a beer in this wager.  C'mon boys!

Good luck vehicle shopping.  Tony and I were not crazy enough to go past 2 - they are more than a handful.

2009-09-04 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2389727

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-04 11:27 AM
sdalessio - 2009-09-04 11:01 AM Is this what the residents of Texas stay up late at night dreaming up?

Only when I'm not dreaming of you. ;-)

But I'm with Reub on that.  gross!   But this hmmmmmmm

Fried Peanut Butter Cup Macaroon:
A peanut butter cup wrapped inside a coconut macaroon, fried and then dusted with powdered sugar.

I'm not quite sure how to take that.  Am I being compared to a fried lump of butter?  ;-) That kind of brings to mind the scenes in Harold & Kumar of Kumar dreaming about a giant bad of weed.

Sadly as gross as aall of those fried things sound, they usually taste pretty good.  At least going down.

5 years ago - Tony and I went to the MN State Fair and sampled every deep fried thing they had.  So bad but so good.
2009-09-04 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2389750

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-04 11:34 AM
I'm not quite sure how to take that.  Am I being compared to a fried lump of butter?  ;-) That kind of brings to mind the scenes in Harold & Kumar of Kumar dreaming about a giant bad of weed.

Sadly as gross as aall of those fried things sound, they usually taste pretty good.  At least going down.

5 years ago - Tony and I went to the MN State Fair and sampled every deep fried thing they had.  So bad but so good.

LOL!   not comparing you to butter but that was funny!

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-09-04 11:39 AM
2009-09-04 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Talked to the MRs about the butt injury and she said "looks like its going to be sore a long time if you need massages

2009-09-04 11:54 AM
in reply to: #2389776

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Redknight - 2009-09-04 11:42 AM

Talked to the MRs about the butt injury and she said "looks like its going to be sore a long time if you need massages

It's funny that you said that b/c I had an excruciating pain in my glut.  It was sharp pain that almost brought me to my knees when I would stand up or start moving around.  Anyways I went to a chiropractor and he massged all of these knots out of the muscles in that area.  It took a few sessions but it went away and I haven't had any problems since.
2009-09-04 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2389716

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-04 12:22 PM
I think Linda is the only one on here w/ three children but want to verify... If you have three + children what are you driving?  My truck isn't going to work once the new one arrives so we're shopping this weekend.  Three wee ones and all this gear means we need something big. 

We have 3.  10, 8, and 4.  I drive an 02 Suburban.  Robin has an 08 Kia Sedona with every available option (I have to say that because she looked at the book one time and we were getting a pretty basic van.  Once at the dealer she had to haev everything possible - fortunately they had the exact van on the lot Yell).  Anyhow, we love them both.  I'm not a big fan of the new suburbans mostly due to seating configurations.  I can sit three up front (bench with a console), 3 in the middle, and another 3 in the back.  I usually have all three kids in the middle row with the back folder up for storage.  Even when Cali was still in a car sear Tiller and Delaney had plenty of room.  And then, when it's grown up time there's plenty of room.  Recently 8 adults (3 of the men were 6'4" or taller) road in my suburban to the Poison/Def Lepard show.  Plenty of room in the 3 rows plus the beer cooler and trash can in the back. 
We do all our traveling in the van since we got this one.  The Kia vans are extremely nice.  We looked at every van out there except the VW Routan.  The Kia, IMO, has the most passengar room AND storage space.  Are there some things that could be changed?  Yes.  But for our needs it fit the bill the best.  It's probably not as nice as the Chrysler van but the seats are more comfortable and there's more headroom in the back (which is a big deal to us with my 10 year old, 5'3" son).  I've ridden in the back and been comfortable.

I've also had a crew cab straight side truck (1998 before crew crabs were all the rage and 1 ton was the only way to get one).  Plenty of room but no dry storage when full of kids.  Then I got a 1995 suburban in 2001 (only kept the truck 3 years).  Then this 2002 Suburban.

BTW, way to run!

2009-09-04 12:52 PM
in reply to: #2389716

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Pittsford, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-04 11:22 AM Janet.  That sounds like fun!  If you are going to go easy then I say do it!  But I also understand the others points and that's probably smarter. Hows that for waiving answer. ;-)

I called in Suzy today.... Skipped work to go play!

My tempo run was much much better today.  I had a 3 x 10 in Z4 with 3 minutes at Z1 in between. I was able to hang out in Z4 for each of the 10.  My Z4 is HR 150-158 with a pace 8:30-8:59.  (If I'm out in the heat its just RPE 6-7.)   And just for kicks I bumped it up to Z5 and was moving along at 7:45 for a bit!  That's fast for my lazy a$$.   I wasn't all happy and comfortable but I did it.  The only part that really sucked was the last two minutes of the first 10.  Then I hit the pool for 1/2 hour and got a nasty cramp during some kick drills.  It was awesome,  I was crying like a girl and everyone was laughing at me.

I think Linda is the only one on here w/ three children but want to verify... If you have three + children what are you driving?  My truck isn't going to work once the new one arrives so we're shopping this weekend.  Three wee ones and all this gear means we need something big. 

Linda I wish they still made your Excursion.  Its on the same chassis as my F250.  We're heading out to drive a suburban shortly.  Thanks for the tip on the second row bucket seats! 

Trevor/Andy.  Signature is fine but you have to somehow get a beer in this wager.  C'mon boys!

Great job on the tempo runs!
2009-09-04 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2389669

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-04 12:01 PM Is this what the residents of Texas stay up late at night dreaming up?

Oh my GOD!!!  Deep fried garlic butter!!   GROSS!! How in the world do you deep fry coke?   Man, and I thought our deep fried pickles were bad!

Rob, sorry about the Mrs.  Sounds like Sam's chiropractor has some magical fingers.   Or maybe it was his excuse to get his hands all over her ..............  Does Tony know about this?   Just teasing.  My chiro has done butt massages and they are the better than sex.  Yes, I said it, I went there, and I'll stand by it.  Butt massages rock!!
2009-09-04 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2389974

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-09-04 12:57 PM
sdalessio - 2009-09-04 12:01 PM Is this what the residents of Texas stay up late at night dreaming up?

Oh my GOD!!!  Deep fried garlic butter!!   GROSS!! How in the world do you deep fry coke?   Man, and I thought our deep fried pickles were bad!

Rob, sorry about the Mrs.  Sounds like Sam's chiropractor has some magical fingers.   Or maybe it was his excuse to get his hands all over her ..............  Does Tony know about this?   Just teasing.  My chiro has done butt massages and they are the better than sex.  Yes, I said it, I went there, and I'll stand by it.  Butt massages rock!!

Oh he knows. ;-)  LOL

Now I have a sports massage therapist that I see on a regular basis.  So now I get more than just a butt massage.
2009-09-04 1:32 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Okay, I'm going to throw a dumb question out there.  I've been all jazzed about getting a pair of compression socks.  So I tried on a pair today and was completely unimpressed!  I guess I was expecting them to be tighter and have more of a spandex feel or something.  Are these things really worth $50 bucks?  Tell me how they work better than a nerdy pair of knee-highs that I use to wear in grade school.  Hell, I have a drawer full of knee-high trouser socks for the winter at home. Can I just wear them?  I assume not but someone explain this to me? How are they suppose to feel?  Sorry- told you it was a dumb question.
2009-09-04 1:51 PM
in reply to: #2390084

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
tahrens - 2009-09-04 1:32 PM Okay, I'm going to throw a dumb question out there.  I've been all jazzed about getting a pair of compression socks.  So I tried on a pair today and was completely unimpressed!  I guess I was expecting them to be tighter and have more of a spandex feel or something.  Are these things really worth $50 bucks?  Tell me how they work better than a nerdy pair of knee-highs that I use to wear in grade school.  Hell, I have a drawer full of knee-high trouser socks for the winter at home. Can I just wear them?  I assume not but someone explain this to me? How are they suppose to feel?  Sorry- told you it was a dumb question.

It's not a dumb question.  I know what you mean.  I have a pair that is not the greatest thing since sliced bread that Tony talked about.   First, you have to pay attention to the compression level - there are different weights or something like that.  I don't think mine are a high enough #.  Second - go to a drugstore like CVS and skip the $50 tri brand name.  They will be half the price and just as good.

2009-09-04 2:32 PM
in reply to: #2389731

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

I'm in for that or some reference to the fact that I did in fact defeat you!!!! My caveat...I need to finish. My left calf/muscle next to the frontal shin bone is killing me right now.

Chris / Barry - where are you, we'll give you the honor of the standard reply... 

Ha I know....false sense of security my friend....
John....3 kids in texas....can't the all fit in the back on a truck? You guys don't have seatbelts down there yet do you?
Ha ...we have an Odyseey(yes a van I know) but frig that baby has got room for 10 kids in there!
2009-09-04 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2390130

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-04 12:51 PM
tahrens - 2009-09-04 1:32 PM Okay, I'm going to throw a dumb question out there.  I've been all jazzed about getting a pair of compression socks.  So I tried on a pair today and was completely unimpressed!  I guess I was expecting them to be tighter and have more of a spandex feel or something.  Are these things really worth $50 bucks?  Tell me how they work better than a nerdy pair of knee-highs that I use to wear in grade school.  Hell, I have a drawer full of knee-high trouser socks for the winter at home. Can I just wear them?  I assume not but someone explain this to me? How are they suppose to feel?  Sorry- told you it was a dumb question.

It's not a dumb question.  I know what you mean.  I have a pair that is not the greatest thing since sliced bread that Tony talked about.   First, you have to pay attention to the compression level - there are different weights or something like that.  I don't think mine are a high enough #.  Second - go to a drugstore like CVS and skip the $50 tri brand name.  They will be half the price and just as good.

I bought a pair of 2XU calf guard with a birthday gift card I had....I love them. Maybe a min over matter thing though. My calves always give me issues, but wearing them after a good hard workout seems to let them recover. Mind over matter maybe. If Tony wasn't partying his face off somewhere in middle America he's chime in. I think he loves what he wears. Sam?
2009-09-04 2:42 PM
in reply to: #2390252

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
TrevorC - 2009-09-04 2:38 PM
sdalessio - 2009-09-04 12:51 PM
tahrens - 2009-09-04 1:32 PM Okay, I'm going to throw a dumb question out there.  I've been all jazzed about getting a pair of compression socks.  So I tried on a pair today and was completely unimpressed!  I guess I was expecting them to be tighter and have more of a spandex feel or something.  Are these things really worth $50 bucks?  Tell me how they work better than a nerdy pair of knee-highs that I use to wear in grade school.  Hell, I have a drawer full of knee-high trouser socks for the winter at home. Can I just wear them?  I assume not but someone explain this to me? How are they suppose to feel?  Sorry- told you it was a dumb question.

It's not a dumb question.  I know what you mean.  I have a pair that is not the greatest thing since sliced bread that Tony talked about.   First, you have to pay attention to the compression level - there are different weights or something like that.  I don't think mine are a high enough #.  Second - go to a drugstore like CVS and skip the $50 tri brand name.  They will be half the price and just as good.

I bought a pair of 2XU calf guard with a birthday gift card I had....I love them. Maybe a min over matter thing though. My calves always give me issues, but wearing them after a good hard workout seems to let them recover. Mind over matter maybe. If Tony wasn't partying his face off somewhere in middle America he's chime in. I think he loves what he wears. Sam?

Yes he does.  He got them at a drugstore - from the old people compression sock aisle.

I think he's getting rained on at the moment.
2009-09-04 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Hey John - Nice run there.  We only have two kids, though our 2 yr old makes the mess of three by herself.  Anyway, our friends w/ three have a Nissan Armada that they seem to like.  Another family has the Honda van (Odessy??) and they love it too.  I'm not impressed with either enough to have another kid
2009-09-04 3:04 PM
in reply to: #2390130

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-04 11:51 AM
tahrens - 2009-09-04 1:32 PM Okay, I'm going to throw a dumb question out there.  I've been all jazzed about getting a pair of compression socks.  So I tried on a pair today and was completely unimpressed!  I guess I was expecting them to be tighter and have more of a spandex feel or something.  Are these things really worth $50 bucks?  Tell me how they work better than a nerdy pair of knee-highs that I use to wear in grade school.  Hell, I have a drawer full of knee-high trouser socks for the winter at home. Can I just wear them?  I assume not but someone explain this to me? How are they suppose to feel?  Sorry- told you it was a dumb question.

It's not a dumb question.  I know what you mean.  I have a pair that is not the greatest thing since sliced bread that Tony talked about.   First, you have to pay attention to the compression level - there are different weights or something like that.  I don't think mine are a high enough #.  Second - go to a drugstore like CVS and skip the $50 tri brand name.  They will be half the price and just as good.

Tracy- I got these: and they were 36 bucks at trisports w/ additional 15% off BT member discount.  The compression is somewhere betw. 25-30 mmHg which I think you want for the increased blood circulation.  The ones they had for cheaper at my local drugstore only had 15-18 mmHg and they felt like my high school knee highs!  Otherwise, if you look online for older folks compression socks in the 25-30 range, they are like 55-60 dollars.  I like mine for after long runs...but they are not magical for me.  The thing I find is that my legs are less stiff than if I don't wear them afterwards. 

The most magical thing I have found is wearing compression tri and run shorts for long runs or bikes.  Now, that is magical.  I love Oomph compression shorts they are the bomb!

2009-09-04 3:32 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Sorry to post non-tri related....but, I am SO excited college football season is here.
I love this time of year!  Let the games begin!!!!!
2009-09-04 3:53 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Ladies and gentlemen..Have a great long weekend. Race and train hard all!!! Well, except Andy of course. HA
I'm Off.....
2009-09-04 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Just got back from the sport doc.  He had no problem sticking the needle to me.  Actually was not that I was expecting.  He said this should help me train, then if i needed another prior to the race, we could do that too...then rest and heal afterwards.  I am excited.  Will give it a try in the morning to see how it does.  Hopefully can get another long run or so in prior to the race.

2009-09-04 5:26 PM
in reply to: #2390418

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Plainsman AU - 2009-09-04 4:55 PM Just got back from the sport doc.  He had no problem sticking the needle to me.  Actually was not that I was expecting.  He said this should help me train, then if i needed another prior to the race, we could do that too...then rest and heal afterwards.  I am excited.  Will give it a try in the morning to see how it does.  Hopefully can get another long run or so in prior to the race.

Was is cortizone?  That's what my sports doc mentioned if the rolling did not help.  Those suckers usually burn!  I've gotten them in my arm before and they hurt.  Maybe I'm just a wuss.
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