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2008-03-24 2:48 AM
in reply to: #1288325

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Dayton, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-23 3:18 PM

Cool, Now is that a size 10 UK or Japan or US.....LOL!!

Whichever it is I am proud of you Ceade and I am just picking on you. Probably because I have no idea what a Ceade Mille faulte is.

It's an old gaelic euphamism, that means something to the effect of, " One hundred-thousand welcomes!"

2008-03-24 2:50 AM
in reply to: #1288334

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Dayton, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-23 3:24 PM

But I looked:

Cead Mille Failte

From the Dublin Penny Journal, Vol. 1, No. 7, August 11, 1832

It is perhaps not generally known from whence the famous expression of Irish hospitality, Cead Mille Failte, was taken. It occurs in the concluding stanza of Eileen a Roon, and is thus translated by Furlong:-

A hundred thousand welcomes,
Eileen a Roon! A hundred thousand welcomes,
Eileen a Roon! Oh! welcome ever more,
With welcomes yet in store,
Till love and life are o'er,
Eileen a Roon!

There are two songs entitled Eileen a Roon, Ellen, the secret treasure of my heart. The old version, from which the above stanza is taken, bears internal evidence of antiquity. The first line of the second stanza of it, "I would spend a cow to entertain thee," proves that it was composed before coined money was in general use. The following is esteemed the most probable account of the circumstances which gave rise to it.

"Carol O'Daly, commonly called Mac Caomh insi Cneamha, brother to Donogh More O'Daly, a man of much consequence in Connaught, was one of the most accomplished gentlemen of his time, and particularly excelled in poetry and music. He paid his addresses to Ellen, the daughter of a chieftain named Kavanagh, a lovely and amiable young lady, who returned his affection, but her friends disapproved of the connexion. O'Daly was obliged to leave the country for some time, and they availed themselves of the opportunity which his absence afforded, of impressing on the mind of Ellen, a belief of his falsehood, and of his having gone to be married to another; after some time they prevailed on her to consent to marry a rival of O'Daly. The day was fixed for the nuptials, but O'Daly returned the evening before. Under the first impression, of his feelings, he sought a wild and sequestered spot on the sea shore, and inspired by love, composed the song of Eileen a Roon, which remains to this time, an exquisite memorial of his skill and sensibility. Disguised as a harper, he gained access among the crowd that thronged to the wedding. It happened that he was called upon by Ellen herself to play. It was then, touching his harp with all the pathetic sensibility which the interesting occasion inspired, he infused his own feelings into the song he bad composed, and breathed into his 'softened strain,' the very soul of pensive melody.

In the first stanza he intimates, according to the Irish idiom, that, he would walk with her, that is, that he would be her partner, or only love for life. In the second, that he would entertain her, and afford her every delight. After this, he tenderly asks, will she depart with him, or, in the impressive manner of the original, 'Wilt thou stay, or wilt thou come with me, Eileen a Roon.' She soon felt the force of this tender appeal, and replied in the affirmative; on which, in an ecstacy of delight, he bursts forth into his 'hundred thousand welcomes.' To reward his fidelity and affection, his fair one contrived to `go with him,' that very night."

The other version was composed by a Munster bard of the seventeenth century, who endeavoured to excel, by a profusion of poetic embellishment, the original and sweetly simple song of Eileen a Roon. The following is a specimen of the translation of it, by John D'Alton, Esq.

Blind to all else but thee,
Eileen a Roon!
My eyes only ache to see,
Eileen a Roon!
My ears banquet on thy praise,
Pride and pleasure of my days!
Source of all my happiness!
Eileen a Roon!

Handel is said to have declared that he would rather be the author of Eileen a Roon, than of the most exquisite of his musical compositions. Yet it has been palmed upon the public under the name of Robin Adair, as a Scotch melody. Burns asserted that it and Molly Astore, which he termed Gramachree, were both Scotch: he was in error: but the circumstance is a proof of their merit, and his taste. Robin Adair himself was an Irishman; he was ancestor of Viscount Molesworth; lived at Hollypark, in the county of Wicklow: and, early in the last century, was a member of the Irish parliament.

Oh, I see your not totally inept in the ways of research on the internet!
2008-03-24 2:53 AM
in reply to: #1288795

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Dayton, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
comet the dog - 2008-03-23 11:29 PM

saling4 - 2008-03-23 1:03 PM

If anyone finds me with a 9mm hole in me point to Miss C. 

no problem i will make sure that little miss collects the entire reward.

Nice!, but I'm the one who suggested Lake Mead?!?!?!?! What do I get?
2008-03-24 2:58 AM
in reply to: #1288620

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Dayton, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
travljini - 2008-03-23 8:37 PM

OK, who had the overindulgent Easter? Man-oh-man, it's so bad I didn't even touch the "nutrition log."

ah well, Monday's a new day. Can you say Creme Brulee Baked French Toast, Mimosas, oh boy, the list goes on.


"Not I", said the pig! Mine wasn't too bad. Steamed broc., roasted garlic pot's, and a few slices of ham. Had a thin slice of Chocolate silk chs. cake, shared a bottle of chardonnay w/ mom, and had some after dinner coffee w/ fat free creamer, 2 spns of sugar. Then passed out while watching a Harry Potter movie. Woke up around 2 am, and I'm still satisfied, no late night leftovers for me.
2008-03-24 3:01 AM
in reply to: #1246819

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Dayton, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

I know a while back I asked a question regarding thermogenics and stuff, but recently I was looking into some research about fat and carb blockers. Do you have an opinion? Or anybody else for that matter?
2008-03-24 6:52 AM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

"Just remember this: No one ever won the olive wreath with an impressive training diary."

Marty Liquori, U.S. Olympian

2008-03-24 6:54 AM
in reply to: #1288849

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Ha ha Comet,  I dodged the bullet.
2008-03-24 7:22 AM
in reply to: #1288983

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Josh,  There have been very few "true" studies done and 1 at the Mayo Clinic suggested that in the 4000-6000 gram dosage that "maybe" did some good.  Most pills on the market have 500 grams.  It appears that the most common side effects are GI issues (gas, diarrhea, bloating).  It still appears that the best weight loss is Team Skinny and a balanced diet and exercise.

Sorry gang just didn't find any medical studies showing weight loss in a bottle (safe). 

2008-03-24 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1289024

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-24 6:54 AM

Ha ha Comet,  I dodged the bullet.
well nobody said she was a good shot.
2008-03-24 9:35 AM
in reply to: #1289116

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Limerick, Ireland
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Sappho, Josh, Saling- thanks for all the support. I've never caused so much funny confusion and attarcted so much attention in my life before- if you look up the word "shy" in a dictionary they have my pic there as a perfect example

I've been trying to post the pic of my bike but it just dosen't work for me so here's the link:

I was advised earlier this year that if I don't have time for a workout during the day I should go for one first thing in the morning before breakfast. My questions are:
- does coffee with milk still counts as "empty belly" for a mornign workout?
- what's the top limit in terms of time for such a workout? (30mins, 45mins, 1hour?)

My nutrition over Easter wasn't totally bad as I definitely had a lot less chocolate then before but nothing to boast about either.
2008-03-24 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1289284

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Extreme Veteran
Lethbridge, AB
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Cead_Mille_Failte - 2008-03-24 8:35 AM I was advised earlier this year that if I don't have time for a workout during the day I should go for one first thing in the morning before breakfast. My questions are: - does coffee with milk still counts as "empty belly" for a mornign workout? - what's the top limit in terms of time for such a workout? (30mins, 45mins, 1hour?) My nutrition over Easter wasn't totally bad as I definitely had a lot less chocolate then before but nothing to boast about either.

I always do one of my workouts in the early morning, just works with my schedule best.  I usually eat a granola bar or some cereal before I go.  Doesn't bother me.  Not sure I could stomach coffee that early, but I know some people do it. 

My morning wkouts usually range from 45 min - 2 hrs.  I have done some of my long runs that early too (5:45).    My coach doesn't like me to run early in the morning ... something about metabolism... but between work and two boys I don't have much choice.

My Easter eating was great either, a lot less than before too, but still overindulged!

2008-03-24 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1289284

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Cead_Mille_Failte - 2008-03-24 7:35 AM Sappho, Josh, Saling- thanks for all the support. I've never caused so much funny confusion and attarcted so much attention in my life before- if you look up the word "shy" in a dictionary they have my pic there as a perfect example I've been trying to post the pic of my bike but it just dosen't work for me so here's the link: I was advised earlier this year that if I don't have time for a workout during the day I should go for one first thing in the morning before breakfast. My questions are: - does coffee with milk still counts as "empty belly" for a mornign workout? - what's the top limit in terms of time for such a workout? (30mins, 45mins, 1hour?) My nutrition over Easter wasn't totally bad as I definitely had a lot less chocolate then before but nothing to boast about either.

Well, it depends on what I'm doing.  A run (say possibly up to an hour) I'd have a gel before, and a gel during.  If it was 1/2 hour, then probably nothing except water.  

If a bike, I'd have a ClifBar before starting out and then carry whatever other nutrition.

If you can handle the coffee, go for it.  You should be able to figure out pretty quick if it's a good idea or not.

I usually do ALL my longer workouts in the AM, cause of nothing in the stomach except for what I need nutritionally for the workout.

And, btw, NICE BIKE!   

2008-03-24 1:09 PM
in reply to: #1289024

Sydney Australia
2008-03-24 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1246819

Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
G2..excuse me while I rave about it I had some more today AFTER my workout...and I must say.this stuff is DEELISH!! Could it be that I havent had real sugary drink in over three months so I dont know what delicious tastes like anymore..perhaps...but seriously, for 25 calories for 8 fl oz (or 70 for the whole bottle) I do say I almost feel guilty drinking this stuff....

I give it a TWO ENTHUSIASTIC thumbs up!
2008-03-24 4:16 PM
in reply to: #1289049

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Dayton, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-24 8:22 AM

Josh,  There have been very few "true" studies done and 1 at the Mayo Clinic suggested that in the 4000-6000 gram dosage that "maybe" did some good.  Most pills on the market have 500 grams.  It appears that the most common side effects are GI issues (gas, diarrhea, bloating).  It still appears that the best weight loss is Team Skinny and a balanced diet and exercise.

Sorry gang just didn't find any medical studies showing weight loss in a bottle (safe). 

Good post, and good looking out. I found similar information, though I though that a fat blocker and or carb blocker would have a little more clout since protection against fat absorption from food is an ideal way to help reduce amount of cal on intake. Yes, team skinny is still the best!!
2008-03-24 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1289284

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Dayton, OH
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Cead_Mille_Failte - 2008-03-24 10:35 AM

Sappho, Josh, Saling- thanks for all the support. I've never caused so much funny confusion and attarcted so much attention in my life before- if you look up the word "shy" in a dictionary they have my pic there as a perfect example

I've been trying to post the pic of my bike but it just dosen't work for me so here's the link:

I was advised earlier this year that if I don't have time for a workout during the day I should go for one first thing in the morning before breakfast. My questions are:
- does coffee with milk still counts as "empty belly" for a mornign workout?
- what's the top limit in terms of time for such a workout? (30mins, 45mins, 1hour?)

My nutrition over Easter wasn't totally bad as I definitely had a lot less chocolate then before but nothing to boast about either.

I don't know about anybody else, but I can see it, It's nice. Wish I had one.

2008-03-24 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

 Its a beauty.  I love the colors,  bet even I could go faster on that baby.

Makukula,  I am bad about eating before workouts.  WHen I have done my Tri's and my 2 hour runs I have 2 cups of coffee and go. 

2008-03-24 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

I felt horrible on my run today even though it still was a 10:48 per mile for 4 miles.

Lets see if anyone can tell me why I felt bad:

Starting with yesterday

Got up at 5am had 2 cups coffee and went for 11 mile bike ride.

after: .75 cup of honey bunches of oats and 1/2 cup pf 2% milk

coffee, coffee, coffee and so on

Dinner: cup of mashed potato's, 4-5 oz of Ham, cup of green beans

coffee, coffee,

snack on some fritos maybe 15

Last night sleep: Not more then 2 hours straight between 9-4

Today between 4am and 6pm:

2 cinnamon raisin bagels, 10 baby carrots, 4 cups of coffee and maybe 16 oz of water

Todays Temp when running was 80 degrees.

Any ideas on what I did wrong? Yes this is the truth and yes it is a test.

Edited by saling4 2008-03-24 7:48 PM
2008-03-24 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
must have been the carrots and green beans. shocking the system and all.

seriously sounds like one of my days lately. minus the running of course

Edited by comet the dog 2008-03-24 10:12 PM
2008-03-24 10:25 PM
in reply to: #1290880

No excuses!
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
saling4 - 2008-03-24 8:47 PM

I felt horrible on my run today even though it still was a 10:48 per mile for 4 miles.

Lets see if anyone can tell me why I felt bad:

Starting with yesterday

Got up at 5am had 2 cups coffee and went for 11 mile bike ride.

after: .75 cup of honey bunches of oats and 1/2 cup pf 2% milk

coffee, coffee, coffee and so on

Dinner: cup of mashed potato's, 4-5 oz of Ham, cup of green beans

coffee, coffee,

snack on some fritos maybe 15

Last night sleep: Not more then 2 hours straight between 9-4

Today between 4am and 6pm:

2 cinnamon raisin bagels, 10 baby carrots, 4 cups of coffee and maybe 16 oz of water

Todays Temp when running was 80 degrees.

Any ideas on what I did wrong? Yes this is the truth and yes it is a test.

You got me Sailing Undecided

Little sleep, dehydration = poor run... who knew Wink

2008-03-24 10:27 PM
in reply to: #1289284

No excuses!
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)

Cead_Mille_Failte - 2008-03-24 10:35 AM Sappho, Josh, Saling- thanks for all the support. I've never caused so much funny confusion and attarcted so much attention in my life before- if you look up the word "shy" in a dictionary they have my pic there as a perfect example I've been trying to post the pic of my bike but it just dosen't work for me so here's the link: was advised earlier this year that if I don't have time for a workout during the day I should go for one first thing in the morning before breakfast. My questions are: - does coffee with milk still counts as "empty belly" for a mornign workout? - what's the top limit in terms of time for such a workout? (30mins, 45mins, 1hour?) My nutrition over Easter wasn't totally bad as I definitely had a lot less chocolate then before but nothing to boast about either.

nice ride!

2008-03-24 10:48 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Figured I would stump you Sherm.  Comet may have it right,  carrots and green beans...hmmm.  I am sure that was it.
2008-03-24 10:49 PM
in reply to: #1291173

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
sarcasm, at its best
2008-03-24 10:50 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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Henderson NV
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
Practice makes perfect.
2008-03-24 11:19 PM
in reply to: #1246819

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: TEAM SKINNY 03/01/08 (March Madness)
you taught me everything you know. took a wopping 3 minutes
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