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2009-01-19 7:35 PM
in reply to: #1917168

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
QueenZipp - 2009-01-20 12:33 PM


I agree with Kathy.  REST.  You have ridden hard on your weeks off and the body is rebelling.  Wralking is great, you're prcticing good form which is what you need. 

Afer this race though you may want a bit more balance in the training   Few more runs and swims would balance things well.

hehe Im lucky - Im the kind of person who can be thrown off a boat and pointed at the shore line for swimming...

Actually my training post race kind of depends on what i decide my goals are for the year... I dont actually have a clue what to focus on next!

Although if you have any suggestions....

Edited by kaqphin 2009-01-19 7:35 PM

2009-01-19 8:00 PM
in reply to: #1916935

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
KathyG - 2009-01-19 6:18 PM

jezzieswims - 2009-01-19 2:02 PM Pretty bike!! I feel sorry for the one above it. Enjoy riding.

X2...great looking bike!!

Hope fit and all that goes well. What bike shop do you go to?

Thanks to you both!

I hadn't settled on one, but I think Landry's in Boston is my 'go-to' LBS for now, although I do love Wheelworks (Ace Wheelworks is the WW location in Somerville near me).  John D'Ambruoso at Landry's did my fit this time and also did my last adjustment on my NOW DRY AND ICE FREE commuter bike   The new Trek is a perfect size for me, and now a perfect fit!  Got shoes and cleats (bike already had clipless pedals) for the FIRST time and going to take a bunch of trainer rides with them practicing clipping in and out before I try on the road. 

I also found out there's an ITT at Landry's March 1st.  If I don't make the Harpoon ITT in mid-Feb, I'll do Landry's.

2009-01-19 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1917211

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
running4beer - 2009-01-20 1:00 PM
KathyG - 2009-01-19 6:18 PM

jezzieswims - 2009-01-19 2:02 PM Pretty bike!! I feel sorry for the one above it. Enjoy riding.

X2...great looking bike!!

Hope fit and all that goes well. What bike shop do you go to?

Thanks to you both!

I hadn't settled on one, but I think Landry's in Boston is my 'go-to' LBS for now, although I do love Wheelworks (Ace Wheelworks is the WW location in Somerville near me).  John D'Ambruoso at Landry's did my fit this time and also did my last adjustment on my NOW DRY AND ICE FREE commuter bike   The new Trek is a perfect size for me, and now a perfect fit!  Got shoes and cleats (bike already had clipless pedals) for the FIRST time and going to take a bunch of trainer rides with them practicing clipping in and out before I try on the road. 

I also found out there's an ITT at Landry's March 1st.  If I don't make the Harpoon ITT in mid-Feb, I'll do Landry's.

Awesome that you have found the perfect bike for you!!!

Its great you have the option of two awesome bike shops to help you out with everything... good to always have choices!

2009-01-19 8:10 PM
in reply to: #1917050

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-01-19 7:18 PM
BigDH - 2009-01-20 11:03 AM Ah, um, what does that mean exactly?

Sorry I really should say new running form...

Basically I naturally want to run on my tippy toes... which means i cause myself all sorts of injuries which showed up eventually in a range of issues starting with a torn hamstring, then runners knee, shin splints and plantar fascitis...

By relearning how to use your legs to run... so running with good form and not landing on my toes and placing undue stress on my calves/archilles which cause serious tightness in my muscles and some icky imbalances (my glutes were not engaging) I can now walk and run without pain (well without injury type pain)

Ive worked with a physio to get to this point and the basic rule is to run with good form, take walk breaks often... if my form slips I stop...

I started out just walking heel/toe... I couldnt even do that properly to start out with...

Now I run landing further back on my foot (more mid foot that my heel but I have to *think* heel to make it happen), my knee tracks much better and I am currently able to run without pain... of course there was strength work and a stretching regime as part of this too...

Does this make sense?

(Initially when the physio saw me run he said my biomechanics were so bad he would normally recommend just not running.... he also realised this wasnt an option for me!)

That totally makes sense... it's much more than just good running form since it's training your body to do move  and bear weight in a way that it doesn't instinctually but should.  Biomechanics is a good word for it. 

I've been having issues similar to yours- multiple running injuries or pains that come back or don't go away.  I have a PT appt on Weds for the first time in many months and I'm afraid he'll tell me not to run, too.... although, it might not be a bad thing.

How long have you been trying to retrain your stride?  Have you felt a lot of difference since you started?  Any real breakthrough-moments, or just a gradual improvement? 

2009-01-19 8:24 PM
in reply to: #1917223

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
running4beer - 2009-01-20 1:10 PM
kaqphin - 2009-01-19 7:18 PM
BigDH - 2009-01-20 11:03 AM Ah, um, what does that mean exactly?

Sorry I really should say new running form...

Basically I naturally want to run on my tippy toes... which means i cause myself all sorts of injuries which showed up eventually in a range of issues starting with a torn hamstring, then runners knee, shin splints and plantar fascitis...

By relearning how to use your legs to run... so running with good form and not landing on my toes and placing undue stress on my calves/archilles which cause serious tightness in my muscles and some icky imbalances (my glutes were not engaging) I can now walk and run without pain (well without injury type pain)

Ive worked with a physio to get to this point and the basic rule is to run with good form, take walk breaks often... if my form slips I stop...

I started out just walking heel/toe... I couldnt even do that properly to start out with...

Now I run landing further back on my foot (more mid foot that my heel but I have to *think* heel to make it happen), my knee tracks much better and I am currently able to run without pain... of course there was strength work and a stretching regime as part of this too...

Does this make sense?

(Initially when the physio saw me run he said my biomechanics were so bad he would normally recommend just not running.... he also realised this wasnt an option for me!)

That totally makes sense... it's much more than just good running form since it's training your body to do move  and bear weight in a way that it doesn't instinctually but should.  Biomechanics is a good word for it. 

I've been having issues similar to yours- multiple running injuries or pains that come back or don't go away.  I have a PT appt on Weds for the first time in many months and I'm afraid he'll tell me not to run, too.... although, it might not be a bad thing.

How long have you been trying to retrain your stride?  Have you felt a lot of difference since you started?  Any real breakthrough-moments, or just a gradual improvement? 

Well for me I guess the biggest breakthrough was when I was allowed to start running again and started to realise i was walking without pain and even running without pain...

There was a lot of stuff involved though...

First - NO RUNNING for awhile

Second - PT exercises (strength and tracking work) that progressed from simple things on to more complicated exercises such as unweighted one legged squats. This was combined with HUGE amounts of stretching up to 3 times a day

Third - I got orthotics and went through a conservative process of breaking them in

Fourth - Learning to walk again at a brisk pace

Fifth - Adding a couple of very small run intervals and growing from there...

If I had been more consistent with it I probably would be further along... but I can do a 30 minute wralk workout without any pain (apart from my cardiovascular system from shock!) and i still continue with my stretching regime and strength work...

I will probably always overtrain the bike and undertrain the run (physio suggestion)... although not as significantly as i have this time

Patience is the key... and being prepared to pull the pin on your run session as soon as you start to feel uncomfortable/feel your form slipping or get tired. If I have tight leg muscles I dont run... I STRETCH more...

You MUST be conservative and you need to err on the side of too cautious...

But if I had been more consistent with it the process probably wouldnt have taken so long but I HAVE taken the time to fully heal all my injuries so Im hoping for long term health it works out for the best!

2009-01-19 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Columbia, KY
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Hey all! Sorry I'm not posting here as often as I should; I have been enjoying reading all YOUR posts! I do have a question for y'all...

When you do a several-mile run as a workout, do you RUN the entire distance or is there some walking involved? I understand that I would be walking some, but what about you seasoned runners? And what is the speed difference/distinction in a RUN and a JOG?

2009-01-19 9:38 PM
in reply to: #1917363

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
custer - 2009-01-19 7:29 PM

Hey all! Sorry I'm not posting here as often as I should; I have been enjoying reading all YOUR posts! I do have a question for y'all...

When you do a several-mile run as a workout, do you RUN the entire distance or is there some walking involved? I understand that I would be walking some, but what about you seasoned runners? And what is the speed difference/distinction in a RUN and a JOG?

I typically run the entire distance when I go out but it hasn't always been this way. I started out doing a jog/walk combo (12 to 14min/mile). I run at 8:30 to 1:30 min/mile now (hardly a speed record). My garmin classifies my fastest run as a "Slow Run," go figure. I really don't know the official speed difference between jog and run, all I say is get out there and do whatever you can.

2009-01-19 11:05 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Im of the opinion if you arent walking you are running.... if you run some and walk some then that is still a run workout...

But the distinction is really up to you to make... I call my shuffle a run

2009-01-20 6:56 AM
in reply to: #1915115

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
LeahDD - 2009-01-18 5:17 PM

One more thing, my daughter-in-law and I went for massages (my basic rule is that I keep the DIL happy because I know perfectly well she will be the one taking care of me in my old age - this is all because I didn't have daughters).  The massage therapist told me several times how tight my hamstrings are.  I assume this is from a lot of running and not enough of stretching or other activities.  She showed me one stretch to do, but does anyone else have advice on a tight hamstring problem?

Ahh, stretching - I never ever used to stretch but now I can't not stretch! It really makes me feel better although sometimes it's a pain to do. Why? Idunno. Anyway, a good hamstring stretch that I do is start on the floor on your knees, to stretch your right hammie, fully extend your right leg out in front of you straight so your heel is on the floor. Your left leg should still be bent and you on your knee. While keeping your hands on the floor, bend forward a bit till you feel the stretch. Repeat sides. HOpe this helps!
And good for you for setting a wonderful example for your family! I still remember my grandpa pedalling over to our house almost daily. He loved his bike and I loved to brag that he could do it!
2009-01-20 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1916165

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
velcromom - 2009-01-19 11:55 AM

Okay, I need to whine for a bit.  Y'all read about my fight with the garbage truck that was won by the truck.  Nasty bruise on my right knee, but definately survivable.  This weekend was a huge time-suck because my kids had a championship swim meet that I needed to work at.  So, my big plan was to ride my bike there, about 18 miles,  on Sunday morning.  Problem was, I didn't have a light, and I needed to be on the pool deck by 7am, and it's still dark.  Oh, and it was 36 outside, which is very cold for us Californians.

Caution to the wind!  I'll be careful, not many cars will be out, how cold can it really be - I'll just bike faster!  After all, I want to be an Ironman, and this is just a speed bump, right?

Fast forward to Sunday morning.  It's DARK.  Dark enough that not only am I sure noone can see me, but I can't see much of the dang road anyway.  Where are all of the street lights?!?  I'm warming up, hands and toes are frozen, but the rest of me is okay.  9 miles into it, more than halfway I figure, clunk.  FLAT TIRE.  CHAIN IS OFF.  I'm down on the side of the road because I didn't clip out fast enough.  Right knee again.  It's still dark, and I need to be on the pool deck in 30 minutes.  Not only do I not have the equipment to change the tire, I don't know HOW.  Egads.  Call hubby, he grabs boys (who don't have to be at pool until 8) and they come get me.  35 minutes shorts, numb AND shivering, I get to the pool.  Get some razzing, and some admiration for my attempt, but I'm bummed....not nearly enough bike time for my training log!

Noon, I'm walking around the time trailer, and smack my leg on the hitch.  I now have a bump the size of a egg just below my sore knee, and it's dripping blood.  I truly can't believe this.  I wrap it in a paper towel, put ice and and an ace on it, and finish the meet.  REALLY wish someone had a syringe with morphine in it, or at least a margarita!  What's with this no alcohol policy that USA Swimming has?!?!

My boys swam great......all best times! 

Today was supposed to be my 2.5 hour run in the hills, and I'm elevating and icing.  Whole stupid leg hurts.  Oh, and feeling sorry for myself, let's not forget that!

Tomorrow has to be better, right?!?!  Cool

Wow! What a story - hope your leg is doing much better today!
2009-01-20 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1917363

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
custer - 2009-01-19 9:29 PM

Hey all! Sorry I'm not posting here as often as I should; I have been enjoying reading all YOUR posts! I do have a question for y'all...

When you do a several-mile run as a workout, do you RUN the entire distance or is there some walking involved? I understand that I would be walking some, but what about you seasoned runners? And what is the speed difference/distinction in a RUN and a JOG?

It depends on where you are with your running.  I typically run the whole thing--unless I am injured.  If you are early on or coming off an injury a run:walk ratio is a great way to get going.  It is a form of intervals which Hal Higdon really advises in his book "Run Fast" ( I think that's the title)

Difference between run and jog is vocabulary to me but others may disagree and say it's the speed in which you are moving

2009-01-20 7:41 AM
in reply to: #1917242

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-01-19 9:24 PM

Well for me I guess the biggest breakthrough was when I was allowed to start running again and started to realise i was walking without pain and even running without pain...

There was a lot of stuff involved though...

First - NO RUNNING for awhile

Second - PT exercises (strength and tracking work) that progressed from simple things on to more complicated exercises such as unweighted one legged squats. This was combined with HUGE amounts of stretching up to 3 times a day

Third - I got orthotics and went through a conservative process of breaking them in

Fourth - Learning to walk again at a brisk pace

Fifth - Adding a couple of very small run intervals and growing from there...

If I had been more consistent with it I probably would be further along... but I can do a 30 minute wralk workout without any pain (apart from my cardiovascular system from shock!) and i still continue with my stretching regime and strength work...

I will probably always overtrain the bike and undertrain the run (physio suggestion)... although not as significantly as i have this time

Patience is the key... and being prepared to pull the pin on your run session as soon as you start to feel uncomfortable/feel your form slipping or get tired. If I have tight leg muscles I dont run... I STRETCH more...

You MUST be conservative and you need to err on the side of too cautious...

But if I had been more consistent with it the process probably wouldnt have taken so long but I HAVE taken the time to fully heal all my injuries so Im hoping for long term health it works out for the best!

Wow, that's quite a journey from walking to one-legged squats and running again!

I've been inconsistent with my PT in the past, mostly because I was frustrated and felt like I wasn't getting the help I needed.  Hoping this round will be better.  I plan to be more committed to it, but I don't know how I'll react to a no- or limited-running recommendation with two 10ks on the books for Feb!  But I've got pool access and a new bike and trainer, so I should be able to embrace that fully, if necessary.  

Glad to hear it's worked out well for you when you stuck to it!

2009-01-20 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1917363

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
custer - 2009-01-19 8:29 PM

Hey all! Sorry I'm not posting here as often as I should; I have been enjoying reading all YOUR posts! I do have a question for y'all...

When you do a several-mile run as a workout, do you RUN the entire distance or is there some walking involved? I understand that I would be walking some, but what about you seasoned runners? And what is the speed difference/distinction in a RUN and a JOG?

For 2 years all I did was 10 minutes run and 1 minute walk, except for 2 half marathons I did which I tried to run the whole thing. I did that because someone said it would help you avoid injury. I think it is a good idea. I have recently switched to running continuosly, I just felt it was time and that I would start getting more gains if I train that way.
2009-01-20 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1917385

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
jezzieswims - 2009-01-19 8:38 PM

custer - 2009-01-19 7:29 PM

Hey all! Sorry I'm not posting here as often as I should; I have been enjoying reading all YOUR posts! I do have a question for y'all...

When you do a several-mile run as a workout, do you RUN the entire distance or is there some walking involved? I understand that I would be walking some, but what about you seasoned runners? And what is the speed difference/distinction in a RUN and a JOG?

I typically run the entire distance when I go out but it hasn't always been this way. I started out doing a jog/walk combo (12 to 14min/mile). I run at 8:30 to 1:30 min/mile now (hardly a speed record). My garmin classifies my fastest run as a "Slow Run," go figure. I really don't know the official speed difference between jog and run, all I say is get out there and do whatever you can.

Stupid Garmin. I use sport tracks and it used to do the same thing for me. BUT, you can edit your zones, and I did. Sport Tracks has a jogging and a running zone. I just set the pace for running to be anything better than 9 min/km. Then if I am "not walking" I am runnning. I hated seeing it say jogging.
2009-01-20 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1917363

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
custer - 2009-01-19 10:29 PM

Hey all! Sorry I'm not posting here as often as I should; I have been enjoying reading all YOUR posts! I do have a question for y'all...

When you do a several-mile run as a workout, do you RUN the entire distance or is there some walking involved? I understand that I would be walking some, but what about you seasoned runners? And what is the speed difference/distinction in a RUN and a JOG?

I started tri training in '04 and just ran albeit is slowly. It wasn't until '07 that I tried run/walk idea and turns out I was faster than just running. Obviously my goal is to get the finish line asap so run/walk I did.

I change up my run/walk ratio. When I started I tried 3/1 and it was to hard as my HR didn't settle down enough running my HR goes high when I start then levels out more so starting every 4 minutes was to much. 5/1 worked better for me.

'07 end of the year I did my Oly tris run/walk and did well for me. HIM and IM I used run/walk strategy as well. When I do 1/2 Mary distance races I don't time my run/walk interval but go by feel and usually walked up the steep hills as I wouldn't gain much running vs walking time compared to energy output difference.

Now I don't walk unless I'm doing what is for me a long run and currently I'm building up my running with frequency not length.

Try it and see how it feels. My husband is just starting to train for a tri and running for the first time as an adult. He started 1:1 minutes and is now up to 3:1 and ran straight for 2 miles. Go by feel and if the intervals feels to easy next time try going a minute longer running if it feels to hard back down and walk sooner.

When I started doing tris I looked at walking as failure. Now I see it as smart training and racing.

2009-01-20 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1917363

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
custer - 2009-01-19 10:29 PM

Hey all! Sorry I'm not posting here as often as I should; I have been enjoying reading all YOUR posts! I do have a question for y'all...

When you do a several-mile run as a workout, do you RUN the entire distance or is there some walking involved? I understand that I would be walking some, but what about you seasoned runners? And what is the speed difference/distinction in a RUN and a JOG?

Usually I run the whole time but the run/jog thing is a personal thing, IMO...I RUN at an 8:30 pace but for someone else, it may be a slow jog, I think it all depends on where you feel comfortable. The important thing is you're out there doing it!

2009-01-20 4:43 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your advice here and on my log... Im starting with a DAY OFF today... it was VERY hot and muggy here last night so I didnt sleep well either

Im hoping that things will improve at some point or I will be tempted to check myself into a hotel just for the air conditioning and a couple of good nights sleep!!!

I havent worked it out 100% but Im going to look at the Tri Girls training plans then workout the rest of my taper/pre race training around that...

AND...Im going to spend the long weekend resting in between bike riding and a party I have on Saturday evening....

I think the nerves/panic is just starting to kick in!!!! 11 days to go!

2009-01-20 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1918875

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2009-01-20 4:43 PM

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your advice here and on my log... Im starting with a DAY OFF today... it was VERY hot and muggy here last night so I didnt sleep well either

Im hoping that things will improve at some point or I will be tempted to check myself into a hotel just for the air conditioning and a couple of good nights sleep!!!

I havent worked it out 100% but Im going to look at the Tri Girls training plans then workout the rest of my taper/pre race training around that...

AND...Im going to spend the long weekend resting in between bike riding and a party I have on Saturday evening....

I think the nerves/panic is just starting to kick in!!!! 11 days to go!

Relax Cat, we all know you are going to rock it!
2009-01-20 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1919196

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
QueenZipp - 2009-01-21 12:55 PM
kaqphin - 2009-01-20 4:43 PM

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your advice here and on my log... Im starting with a DAY OFF today... it was VERY hot and muggy here last night so I didnt sleep well either

Im hoping that things will improve at some point or I will be tempted to check myself into a hotel just for the air conditioning and a couple of good nights sleep!!!

I havent worked it out 100% but Im going to look at the Tri Girls training plans then workout the rest of my taper/pre race training around that...

AND...Im going to spend the long weekend resting in between bike riding and a party I have on Saturday evening....

I think the nerves/panic is just starting to kick in!!!! 11 days to go!

Relax Cat, we all know you are going to rock it!

Thanks... right now Im just worried about the run... and the fact its so hot here during the day at the moment, even worse where the race is...

And I feel responsible for everyone else having a good experience too... Im going to haveto try and relinquish my mother hen tendencies before next weekend!

2009-01-21 7:52 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Cat, you are going to do great!!  Not a doubt in my mind.  Relax, accept that and have fun!!


2009-01-21 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1917600

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

My leg is still sore, puffy and technicolor, but I swam yesterday and that felt like it loosened it up a bit.  Now that I've changed my flat, I'm going back out today on the bike.  I'll be looking to avoid garbage trucks, and I won't go out before the sun rises.  Think good thoughts!!


2009-01-21 7:57 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I've been a real slacker this week.  Went from on track to missing two days in a row, and tonight I'll have to miss the track making that 3 days.

Went to PT this morning, and the verdict is no running for at least a few weeks... which supposedly includes at least the first of my two 10ks coming up next month I'm trying to figure out if doing the races would really interfere with my therapy or not, though.  I might negotiate my doc's blessing for those two days only.  But, that still means my 3x a week run plan including my track workouts are gonna be a bust.

So, I'm going to have to reexamine my schedule and add in more bike and swim, probably yoga and of course daily PT.  I'll be able to start aquajogging soon, but that'll be it.

I know it's the first step toward making my mechanics so much better and pain-free, but I can't help but be seriously bummed right now.



2009-01-21 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Morning peeps!

 Linda: glad you are healing up well.....avoid all 4 wheeled obstacles as well as small dogs, squirrels and toddlers!!

 Mina: sucks about the running....take it easy and use the time to focus on biking and swimming. This is a long journey we are all on, a slight detour does not change that.

 Cat: you WILL rock it!!!!! Pre race jitters are part of the fun. (listen to me shoot my mouth off, have you seen my short term goal?? I have to learn to deal with pre race jitters!)

2009-01-21 8:19 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Whats on tap for everyone today? If I can get my house into some sort of order this morning (don't is beyond horrid) then I will head to the pool.

If I do one more swim and 2 or 3 more trainer rides I will have then completed double IM distance for January! Woo Hoo!!

2009-01-21 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Good morning.

Hope everyone has a good "hump" day. All downhill from here.
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