BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed Rss Feed  
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2011-04-15 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3449296

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
dcon - 2011-04-15 4:04 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-04-15 2:52 PM
MarlaS - 2011-04-15 10:08 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-04-15 8:38 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-14 8:42 PM
jfought - 2011-04-14 6:27 PM

Ok, I'll ask a serious question.  What cadence are you all spinning when you're training?  I have a tri bike and I've been trying to stay around 85-90.  Does that sound about right?

self select.  after trial and error. 

Interesting discussion.  I never really thought run cadence and bike cadence were coordinated.  Mine is pretty high on both spectrums without really trying so maybe there's something to it.

I was having this discussion with BP a couple of weeks ago.  I do a lot of low RPM (high Z3, RPM 55-60) work to build power.  When I do this, my HR is lower even at a higher watts level.  My question to him was "why wouldn't I crank away at something much lower?".  His first answer was the obvious, because you'll cook your legs for the run, but he also said there is data coming out that shows a higher cadence isn't necessarily better, but you should let it fall to a natural point where you are getting good power without frying the drumsticks (pun intended).  I find outside on average I am about 5rpm lower than'll be interesting to see where that lands this year now that I have a little more experience.

RUN cadence?? just goes to show how little i know about the mechanics of running...might explain why i keep getting injuries, lol.....! RE the bike cadence, my cheapo little wired bike computer has been really helpful to me getting started, and figuring out optimal times to shift, gears to use on the hilly courses around here in order to maintain a steady it's more natural, but my geeky self still likes to play with the toy...

Most runners new to the sport tend to over stride.  This can cause several lower leg injuries over time. With every stride you're in effect putting on the brakes just a touch because your foot is ahead of your center of gravity.  By shortening your stride and increasing turn over you are spending less time on the ground with impact and avoiding the braking effect. 

An ideal cadence is somewhere around 90 (mine is 99, but I have short legs).  To determine it, count how many times your right elbow goes backward in 20 seconds and multiply by 3.  Could do the same thing with your right foot.  If that number is low, chances are overstriding is an issue.


Suzy, did you intentionally train at a higher cadence or did that just happen naturally.  I also have short legs and was considering pushing my cadence up.  I have seen a one of the shorter Japanese women marathoners holding a cadence of 105-106 - she did like a 2:24 to win the Nagoya marathon last year.

A very long time ago, a PT told me to work on shortening my stride because I was having some lower leg shin pain.  I really just started thinking about quicker turn-over from the point on and it happened naturally.   I wouldn't get too wrapped up in the exact number, if its 90, 95 or even 100....I would validate where you are today and slowly try to progress to something more if its considerably lower than what is recommended.

This makes no sense, but prior to my recent gait change my strides was 102-105.  For some odd reason, working on more of a midfoot plant landed me where I am today.  It feels right.   Every once in a while I'll do a check on my run just to make sure I am staying's always same.

2011-04-15 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3449092

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
trying1 - 2011-04-15 1:40 PM
fowlmood - 2011-04-14 3:19 PM

Have you ever noticed that the health industry keeps promoting better nutrition but the prices are double to triple the cost of junk food.


have you ever watched "Food Inc"

No I have not haven't even heard of it.

2011-04-15 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3449340

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-04-15 3:27 PM
dcon - 2011-04-15 4:04 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-04-15 2:52 PM
MarlaS - 2011-04-15 10:08 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-04-15 8:38 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-14 8:42 PM
jfought - 2011-04-14 6:27 PM

Ok, I'll ask a serious question.  What cadence are you all spinning when you're training?  I have a tri bike and I've been trying to stay around 85-90.  Does that sound about right?

self select.  after trial and error. 

Interesting discussion.  I never really thought run cadence and bike cadence were coordinated.  Mine is pretty high on both spectrums without really trying so maybe there's something to it.

I was having this discussion with BP a couple of weeks ago.  I do a lot of low RPM (high Z3, RPM 55-60) work to build power.  When I do this, my HR is lower even at a higher watts level.  My question to him was "why wouldn't I crank away at something much lower?".  His first answer was the obvious, because you'll cook your legs for the run, but he also said there is data coming out that shows a higher cadence isn't necessarily better, but you should let it fall to a natural point where you are getting good power without frying the drumsticks (pun intended).  I find outside on average I am about 5rpm lower than'll be interesting to see where that lands this year now that I have a little more experience.

RUN cadence?? just goes to show how little i know about the mechanics of running...might explain why i keep getting injuries, lol.....! RE the bike cadence, my cheapo little wired bike computer has been really helpful to me getting started, and figuring out optimal times to shift, gears to use on the hilly courses around here in order to maintain a steady it's more natural, but my geeky self still likes to play with the toy...

Most runners new to the sport tend to over stride.  This can cause several lower leg injuries over time. With every stride you're in effect putting on the brakes just a touch because your foot is ahead of your center of gravity.  By shortening your stride and increasing turn over you are spending less time on the ground with impact and avoiding the braking effect. 

An ideal cadence is somewhere around 90 (mine is 99, but I have short legs).  To determine it, count how many times your right elbow goes backward in 20 seconds and multiply by 3.  Could do the same thing with your right foot.  If that number is low, chances are overstriding is an issue.


Suzy, did you intentionally train at a higher cadence or did that just happen naturally.  I also have short legs and was considering pushing my cadence up.  I have seen a one of the shorter Japanese women marathoners holding a cadence of 105-106 - she did like a 2:24 to win the Nagoya marathon last year.

A very long time ago, a PT told me to work on shortening my stride because I was having some lower leg shin pain.  I really just started thinking about quicker turn-over from the point on and it happened naturally.   I wouldn't get too wrapped up in the exact number, if its 90, 95 or even 100....I would validate where you are today and slowly try to progress to something more if its considerably lower than what is recommended.

This makes no sense, but prior to my recent gait change my strides was 102-105.  For some odd reason, working on more of a midfoot plant landed me where I am today.  It feels right.   Every once in a while I'll do a check on my run just to make sure I am staying's always same.

After reading a book Born to Run and starting on ChiRunning I have started shortening my stride and have really noticed a difference in efficiency (less work), my legs take less of a pounding can really feel that difference on long runs. I still have a lot to learn but I feel now I am heading in the right direction. As for cadence I haven't worried about that so much just on technique. Also found it really helps from bike to run transition.

2011-04-15 9:23 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

I paid attention to my cadence today....interesting!  First thing I learned, I don't swing my arms enough to count elbow swings.  Hmmm.   More importantly, I think, my cadence varied very little on the ups and downs, headwinds and tailwinds.  87-93, almost always right on 90.  Don't know if that's good or bad, it is what it is.

TGIF!!!!   Hubby's home, all's right with the world.....

2011-04-15 11:19 PM
in reply to: #3449691

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Sacramento, CA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

Whoop Whoop!  I rocked my run today...4 miles and had a great time.  Hills and flat I stayed purposefully slow and worked on legs didn't feel like I was stabbing the ground.  (I gonna catch up to you out!  LOL!) Yeah and TGIFHAGR..."Thank God I Finally had a good run!"Tongue out


Have great races this weekend everyone.


Edited by cherifortin 2011-04-15 11:21 PM
2011-04-16 3:32 AM
in reply to: #3449782

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
cherifortin - 2011-04-16 2:19 PM

Whoop Whoop!  I rocked my run today...4 miles and had a great time.  Hills and flat I stayed purposefully slow and worked on legs didn't feel like I was stabbing the ground.  (I gonna catch up to you out!  LOL!) Yeah and TGIFHAGR..."Thank God I Finally had a good run!"Tongue out


Have great races this weekend everyone.


That's great! I never really enjoyed running much when I was younger but now I've learned to love it.

Once you get to the point where you can relax and let your mind wander it becomes a great way to wind down after work or to get away on a Sunday morning.

I did my last triple brick before my first Oly today, 3 x 25km ride/30min run; tomorrow I'm doing a 2k ocean swim with a some friends in Noosa.

2011-04-16 4:43 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

David-you live in the most beautiful place ever!

Cheri-big yeah!  Now that you've had a good run, you will have a total mindshift.  Keep the mental image of how great it felt today and you will be catching up to all the marthoners. AND love running.

Linda--I don't swing my arms hardly at all, but I did for that test.  Yes, you get some additional efficiency from arm swing so long as it is forward and backward and not side to side, but it feels like too much work for me!

Off to my race....

2011-04-16 6:56 AM
in reply to: #3449782

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
cherifortin - 2011-04-16 12:19 AM

Whoop Whoop!  I rocked my run today...4 miles and had a great time.  Hills and flat I stayed purposefully slow and worked on legs didn't feel like I was stabbing the ground.  (I gonna catch up to you out!  LOL!) Yeah and TGIFHAGR..."Thank God I Finally had a good run!"Tongue out


Have great races this weekend everyone.


Awesome job!  We'll make a runner out of you yet!

2011-04-16 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3449820

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-04-16 5:43 AM

David-you live in the most beautiful place ever!

Cheri-big yeah!  Now that you've had a good run, you will have a total mindshift.  Keep the mental image of how great it felt today and you will be catching up to all the marthoners. AND love running.

Linda--I don't swing my arms hardly at all, but I did for that test.  Yes, you get some additional efficiency from arm swing so long as it is forward and backward and not side to side, but it feels like too much work for me!

Off to my race....

Be speedy Suzy!!

2011-04-16 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
Tony is out the water. I am back in the truck trying to warm up and get dry.Took 12 seconds off my 5k time last night. 23:35.I hope everyone is having a good Saturday.
2011-04-16 10:45 AM
in reply to: #3434069

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
Had a HM this morning.  It rained almost the entire time but we never saw the lightning that was supposed to come so that was good.  I fel like I had a decent run, not exactly what I wanted but it's all good.  I am not fast but I love to run!!

2011-04-16 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

Awesome job Rachel!!

Sam - way to cut that time!

Go Tony Go

2011-04-16 12:54 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

OK you guys are on hyper drive compared to my last group...I am not even going to try to  read all of these blogs....the question is how to jump into this group and not get overwhelmed..... alright so I am going to just post my own thoughts for now and how training is going...and I apologize up front if I do not respond to a comment. ....Life is crazy ...and just trying to keep up with family, work, and other miscellaneous things....oh yeah and then there is training.... OK I am done the rest of you are not busy either...... right?

So feeling good about my training so far this year...I have a Sprint in May ( I almost said no sweat...but then did not want to sound too cocky and add bad karma), Oly in July (now that one scares me a little..just the swim), then a sprint in the fall...maybe sprinkle in some other races in between, this is my third year and I have been adding an extra race or challenge every year.....

Every year I am feeling a little stronger and building on the previous year...longer, faster, maybe(very small maybe) smarter about my training....

So I did my first mini brick last week, got off the bike into a run and the calves started to twinge and almost cramped up....what do you think? Not enough hydration? Happened to me last year at my last race...had to stop and stretch them out....


Edited by bfwhitt 2011-04-16 12:56 PM
2011-04-16 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3450185

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
bfwhitt - 2011-04-16 12:54 PM

OK you guys are on hyper drive compared to my last group...I am not even going to try to  read all of these blogs....the question is how to jump into this group and not get overwhelmed..... alright so I am going to just post my own thoughts for now and how training is going...and I apologize up front if I do not respond to a comment. ....Life is crazy ...and just trying to keep up with family, work, and other miscellaneous things....oh yeah and then there is training.... OK I am done the rest of you are not busy either...... right?

So feeling good about my training so far this year...I have a Sprint in May ( I almost said no sweat...but then did not want to sound too cocky and add bad karma), Oly in July (now that one scares me a little..just the swim), then a sprint in the fall...maybe sprinkle in some other races in between, this is my third year and I have been adding an extra race or challenge every year.....

Every year I am feeling a little stronger and building on the previous year...longer, faster, maybe(very small maybe) smarter about my training....

So I did my first mini brick last week, got off the bike into a run and the calves started to twinge and almost cramped up....what do you think? Not enough hydration? Happened to me last year at my last race...had to stop and stretch them out....


Hey Bruce

When new members start with the group we are in super hyper overdrive.  It'll settle down to something completely overwhelming.  Don't worry if you can't read the 32 pages you've missed.....we understand other people have lives

Regarding the cramping, you didn't give much info.  Do you have a tendency to pedal with your heel up?  sometimes that can cause tight calves and then you go to run and BAM!....share some more details!

PS. We have plenty of cocky people in this group so you won't be alone  



Edited by SSMinnow 2011-04-16 1:19 PM
2011-04-16 2:36 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

Race 1 of 2 done this weekend.

Swim was awful.  It seemed one minute I was swimming towards the buoy's next I am way, way, outside, probably swam a HIM swim instead.

I think I rocked the bike.  LOL, curious to read other RR's if they comment on the a-hole screaming at people to get back over.  Not sure why people felt the need to ride on the left side of the lane.  They would pass someone and not get back over.  I was flying around the course today so I did lots of yelling.... 

Run was ok.  There was a trail section maybe 1/4 mile long that was complete slop.  I was really worried I was going to pull a hamstring through that section. 

Transitions were probably poo-poo, sorry John :

Ended up 2:34 and change, I think the swim probably killed my time, I stopped wearing a watch for that part so I have to wait for splits to come out. 

Now time to rest for 8:30 am start tomorrow, lol my plan is to sit in the pack and if anyone yells at me to chase down a break I'm using today as an excuse not to. : )

2011-04-16 2:40 PM
in reply to: #3450261

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
dalessit - 2011-04-16 2:36 PM

Race 1 of 2 done this weekend.

Swim was awful.  It seemed one minute I was swimming towards the buoy's next I am way, way, outside, probably swam a HIM swim instead.

I think I rocked the bike.  LOL, curious to read other RR's if they comment on the a-hole screaming at people to get back over.  Not sure why people felt the need to ride on the left side of the lane.  They would pass someone and not get back over.  I was flying around the course today so I did lots of yelling.... 

Run was ok.  There was a trail section maybe 1/4 mile long that was complete slop.  I was really worried I was going to pull a hamstring through that section. 

Transitions were probably poo-poo, sorry John :

Ended up 2:34 and change, I think the swim probably killed my time, I stopped wearing a watch for that part so I have to wait for splits to come out. 

Now time to rest for 8:30 am start tomorrow, lol my plan is to sit in the pack and if anyone yells at me to chase down a break I'm using today as an excuse not to. : )

Terrific!! I'd be pleased as punch with a 2:34!  Good luck tomorrow....

2011-04-16 2:51 PM
in reply to: #3448737

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-04-15 12:52 PM
MarlaS - 2011-04-15 10:08 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-04-15 8:38 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-14 8:42 PM
jfought - 2011-04-14 6:27 PM

Ok, I'll ask a serious question.  What cadence are you all spinning when you're training?  I have a tri bike and I've been trying to stay around 85-90.  Does that sound about right?

self select.  after trial and error. 

Interesting discussion.  I never really thought run cadence and bike cadence were coordinated.  Mine is pretty high on both spectrums without really trying so maybe there's something to it.

I was having this discussion with BP a couple of weeks ago.  I do a lot of low RPM (high Z3, RPM 55-60) work to build power.  When I do this, my HR is lower even at a higher watts level.  My question to him was "why wouldn't I crank away at something much lower?".  His first answer was the obvious, because you'll cook your legs for the run, but he also said there is data coming out that shows a higher cadence isn't necessarily better, but you should let it fall to a natural point where you are getting good power without frying the drumsticks (pun intended).  I find outside on average I am about 5rpm lower than'll be interesting to see where that lands this year now that I have a little more experience.

RUN cadence?? just goes to show how little i know about the mechanics of running...might explain why i keep getting injuries, lol.....! RE the bike cadence, my cheapo little wired bike computer has been really helpful to me getting started, and figuring out optimal times to shift, gears to use on the hilly courses around here in order to maintain a steady it's more natural, but my geeky self still likes to play with the toy...

Most runners new to the sport tend to over stride.  This can cause several lower leg injuries over time. With every stride you're in effect putting on the brakes just a touch because your foot is ahead of your center of gravity.  By shortening your stride and increasing turn over you are spending less time on the ground with impact and avoiding the braking effect. 

An ideal cadence is somewhere around 90 (mine is 99, but I have short legs).  To determine it, count how many times your right elbow goes backward in 20 seconds and multiply by 3.  Could do the same thing with your right foot.  If that number is low, chances are overstriding is an issue.

thanks for the suggestion...once i recover from my running-related injuries, lol, i can try that. appreciate that! i think that the new pt's planning to look at my gait/stride, too...lucky for them, lots of things to work on! Smile

2011-04-16 2:55 PM
in reply to: #3450261

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
dalessit - 2011-04-16 3:36 PM

Race 1 of 2 done this weekend.

Swim was awful.  It seemed one minute I was swimming towards the buoy's next I am way, way, outside, probably swam a HIM swim instead.

I think I rocked the bike.  LOL, curious to read other RR's if they comment on the a-hole screaming at people to get back over.  Not sure why people felt the need to ride on the left side of the lane.  They would pass someone and not get back over.  I was flying around the course today so I did lots of yelling.... 

Run was ok.  There was a trail section maybe 1/4 mile long that was complete slop.  I was really worried I was going to pull a hamstring through that section. 

Transitions were probably poo-poo, sorry John :

Ended up 2:34 and change, I think the swim probably killed my time, I stopped wearing a watch for that part so I have to wait for splits to come out. 

Now time to rest for 8:30 am start tomorrow, lol my plan is to sit in the pack and if anyone yells at me to chase down a break I'm using today as an excuse not to. : )

couldn't have been fun weather to race today, though - congrats on finishing. too bad about the swim distance - how was visibility?

2011-04-16 2:56 PM
in reply to: #3450062

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

tricrazy - 2011-04-16 11:45 AM Had a HM this morning.  It rained almost the entire time but we never saw the lightning that was supposed to come so that was good.  I fel like I had a decent run, not exactly what I wanted but it's all good.  I am not fast but I love to run!!

congrats on a good race - heard the storms weren't as bad as predicted, so that's good. need to learn your attitude - i can be fast, like to go fast, but don't love to run! Tongue out

2011-04-16 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3449815

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Sacramento, CA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
copa2251 - 2011-04-16 1:32 AM
cherifortin - 2011-04-16 2:19 PM

Whoop Whoop!  I rocked my run today...4 miles and had a great time.  Hills and flat I stayed purposefully slow and worked on legs didn't feel like I was stabbing the ground.  (I gonna catch up to you out!  LOL!) Yeah and TGIFHAGR..."Thank God I Finally had a good run!"Tongue out


Have great races this weekend everyone.


That's great! I never really enjoyed running much when I was younger but now I've learned to love it.

Once you get to the point where you can relax and let your mind wander it becomes a great way to wind down after work or to get away on a Sunday morning.

I did my last triple brick before my first Oly today, 3 x 25km ride/30min run; tomorrow I'm doing a 2k ocean swim with a some friends in Noosa.


OMG!  Gorgeous!  That is quite a brick...holy cow!

2011-04-16 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3450283

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
MarlaS - 2011-04-16 3:56 PM

tricrazy - 2011-04-16 11:45 AM Had a HM this morning.  It rained almost the entire time but we never saw the lightning that was supposed to come so that was good.  I fel like I had a decent run, not exactly what I wanted but it's all good.  I am not fast but I love to run!!

congrats on a good race - heard the storms weren't as bad as predicted, so that's good. need to learn your attitude - i can be fast, like to go fast, but don't love to run! Tongue out

I would run all day long if I could.  I love it!  Too bad love does not equal speed.  I heard DC had a good bit of rain also this morning.  I have a cousin that was doing a 5K there today.

2011-04-16 4:06 PM
in reply to: #3450318

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
tricrazy - 2011-04-16 4:33 PM
MarlaS - 2011-04-16 3:56 PM

tricrazy - 2011-04-16 11:45 AM Had a HM this morning.  It rained almost the entire time but we never saw the lightning that was supposed to come so that was good.  I fel like I had a decent run, not exactly what I wanted but it's all good.  I am not fast but I love to run!!

congrats on a good race - heard the storms weren't as bad as predicted, so that's good. need to learn your attitude - i can be fast, like to go fast, but don't love to run! Tongue out

I would run all day long if I could.  I love it!  Too bad love does not equal speed.  I heard DC had a good bit of rain also this morning.  I have a cousin that was doing a 5K there today.

yep - we were heading to CLT today, but held off til tomorrow bc of the weather predicted there, but think we're getting the worst of it. go figure!

2011-04-16 4:25 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

What Suzy - you come and drop a couple of posts but don't comment on your race?!?!?!

Awesome job in less than ideal conditions!  Congrats!


2011-04-16 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3450261

User image

Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
dalessit - 2011-04-16 3:36 PM

Race 1 of 2 done this weekend.

Swim was awful.  It seemed one minute I was swimming towards the buoy's next I am way, way, outside, probably swam a HIM swim instead.

I think I rocked the bike.  LOL, curious to read other RR's if they comment on the a-hole screaming at people to get back over.  Not sure why people felt the need to ride on the left side of the lane.  They would pass someone and not get back over.  I was flying around the course today so I did lots of yelling.... 

Run was ok.  There was a trail section maybe 1/4 mile long that was complete slop.  I was really worried I was going to pull a hamstring through that section. 

Transitions were probably poo-poo, sorry John :

Ended up 2:34 and change, I think the swim probably killed my time, I stopped wearing a watch for that part so I have to wait for splits to come out. 

Now time to rest for 8:30 am start tomorrow, lol my plan is to sit in the pack and if anyone yells at me to chase down a break I'm using today as an excuse not to. : )

Awesome job!  Sounds like all of your focus on the bike is paying off!


2011-04-16 4:44 PM
in reply to: #3450279

User image

Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
MarlaS - 2011-04-16 3:55 PM
dalessit - 2011-04-16 3:36 PM

Race 1 of 2 done this weekend.

Swim was awful.  It seemed one minute I was swimming towards the buoy's next I am way, way, outside, probably swam a HIM swim instead.

I think I rocked the bike.  LOL, curious to read other RR's if they comment on the a-hole screaming at people to get back over.  Not sure why people felt the need to ride on the left side of the lane.  They would pass someone and not get back over.  I was flying around the course today so I did lots of yelling.... 

Run was ok.  There was a trail section maybe 1/4 mile long that was complete slop.  I was really worried I was going to pull a hamstring through that section. 

Transitions were probably poo-poo, sorry John :

Ended up 2:34 and change, I think the swim probably killed my time, I stopped wearing a watch for that part so I have to wait for splits to come out. 

Now time to rest for 8:30 am start tomorrow, lol my plan is to sit in the pack and if anyone yells at me to chase down a break I'm using today as an excuse not to. : )

couldn't have been fun weather to race today, though - congrats on finishing. too bad about the swim distance - how was visibility?

The majority of the rain happened when we were waiting for the race to start. Water had some waves, not too bad. Rain on the bike a bit some but just had to be careful on turns.

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