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2013-05-08 5:36 PM
in reply to: #4733870

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
ponderingfox - 2013-05-08 5:20 PM
jmkizer - 2013-05-08 8:24 AM
ponderingfox - 2013-05-07 9:49 PM

Had PT visit #1 today for the knee.  Been out walking the last couple days.  After 3/4 mile the knee acts up again.  This needs to get better soon!  I have a good shot at going under an hour on my first tri if I can run something decent.  I'll be doing frequent walking to try to evaluate things.

The PT taped my knee up to see if the Patella tracking is the issue.  We'll see.  All I know is we're going to rip some mega hair off when it's time for the tape to go.  Time to start shaving!

I'm glad that you saw the PT but I'm sorry that this has been dragging on for you. Hang in there!

Janyne, let's say that it takes me until the end of this month to fully recover.  Do you think that I'll be able to ramp up my run in time for the marathon in October?

You are not asking me but I say it's questionable.

I think the biggest thing would be getting enough base in before starting a marathon plan without pushing too hard, too fast and getting injured again.


If you could put all time goals out the window, go slow and reaaaaaallly get in touch with your body I think you can consider it. But you are going to have to be incredibly honest with yourself.

A marathon and marathon training will expose every little weakness.

2013-05-08 5:38 PM
in reply to: #4733889

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

amd723 - 2013-05-08 5:33 PM Do any of the manatees race n a tri suit? I use tri shorts and a tri top, but there is a big sale on tri suits which got me wondering how I'd like using one. So, if you use or have used one what do/did you like or dislike about them? Also, do they make better sense for short or long courses or does it matter?

I had one and hated it. I have some not so average proportions so it was tight in some areas, loose in others ... I guess it's just less "customizable"


I also think they look a little silly, but that is subjective.

2013-05-08 5:39 PM
in reply to: #4733809

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
4agoodlife - 2013-05-09 6:29 AM
crews - 2013-05-08 10:27 AM

Here is a photo of today's super hero in underoos...

introducing my son...

What a great way to start catching back up with the pod! Think he could teach my son a few things? LOL

Man Erin I hope there was no skid marks in those!

(so why does it show Carla's photo and not Erin's?)

Edited by StaceyK 2013-05-08 5:40 PM

2013-05-08 5:45 PM
in reply to: #4733872

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
amd723 - 2013-05-08 5:22 PM
reneehoyos - 2013-05-08 5:17 PM

Wow. At work using the computer to post. Shhhhh.... can't tell anyone.  The interface is a lot nicer on a computer.


Ok, back to the little boys.  When I was a surfer, I was called a c*** by a 12-year old in the line up.  Funny, he wasn't that cocky in the parking lot where I yelled and threatened to spank him.  That was that story.  Very unsettling to hear the youngsters talk like that!


My sweet momma has been suffering with neck pain and high blood pressure and we have been spending a lot of time with our favorite ER docs until early in the morning like 4:00 am early.  I've been sleep deprived and grumpy, but heading over to swim right now. I promise I will work out more this week if I can keep her from having a set back.  


Here was my question.  I love a long workout.  Like an hour. If I have to put on a suit, shower, swim, shower again and then do all the grooming redo, I want to make it worthwhile. The sprint tri workouts are so short! Is it ok to just do long workouts or should I really stick to those times.  Sometimes it doesn't feel worth it to wake up at 5:00 am to swim for 20 minutes.  


What say you?



I see no problem swimming for a longer period of time. In fact, I think it's a good thing.

I 100% agree. I think you should definitely swim for more than 20 minutes, even for sprint training. 

2013-05-08 5:46 PM
in reply to: #4733864

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
reneehoyos - 2013-05-09 7:17 AM

Here was my question.  I love a long workout.  Like an hour. If I have to put on a suit, shower, swim, shower again and then do all the grooming redo, I want to make it worthwhile. The sprint tri workouts are so short! Is it ok to just do long workouts or should I really stick to those times.  Sometimes it doesn't feel worth it to wake up at 5:00 am to swim for 20 minutes.  


What say you?



I think go long, but if your a half decent swimmer make sure you've got a good plan like something from swim smooth or what ever the hell Yanti has been torturing herself with lately. Don't just do long continuous swims cause they really don't help you improve that much (well that is my experience) but Yanti, Ozzie Jo or Skrat are probably the best to help you with that.

Speaking of Skrat anyone know where he's at, is he travelling yet ?

2013-05-08 5:53 PM
in reply to: #4732697

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Richardsdrr - 2013-05-09 12:41 AM

Strange, not able to post on the forum on google chrome, no "reply" button.

Anyway, my bio, finally....

NAME: Richardsdrr/Darren

STORY:I used to be reasonably fit in the past, when I was serving in the infantry, but 12 years of a sedentary  life style had piled on the pounds. I saw a photo of my self at a wedding I was attending and was disgusted by the lump hanging over my belt. So, in October 2012, I stopped smoking and had a look around for some sort of long term goal to keep me on the straight and narrow and shed a few pounds along the way. After a bit of googling I found an event being held in my home country, Wales(Cymru Am Byth), called The Brutal. Basically, what I now know is that what I was looking at was a double iron man distance event. Great, I thought. A bit too much for me to take on at the moment, so what can I do on the run up to it? That is when I discovered the hidden world of triathlon (fairly hidden in our country unless you go looking for it). I then spent the last winter starting training, reading as much as I could and aquiring kit as soon as finances would allow.

FAMILY STATUS: Married (Hannah) with two sprogs, Emmylou(4-5), Finley(3) and one beast, Lucy (4, St Bernard)

CURRENT TRAINING:Been stopping and starting a lot. Sometimes to do with niggles/injuries, sometimes lack of motivation, sometimes life getting in the way. Hey, I'm still learning, so my training regime is not perfect, but it's getting better. And at least I'm getting out.

I have my 1st tri on the 19th of this month Surprised which is the Llanelli sprint. 800ows/30km/5km.
Next will be another sprint in June 500ows/20km/5km.
Then the biggie that I'm doing for charity in July, which consists of a 3.8km ows on the Friday. A 112 mile bike on the Saturday. And a marathon on the Sunday.
To finish off, I have an olympic tri in September.

BODY COMPOSITION:till got a nice layer of blubber on me, but then, I'm never gonna get a six pack. When I was in the Army I was under my BMI and was the lightest I have ever been, but still could pinch an inch. I have lost about 21-24 lb since starting my little escapade in October.


Wait you have a St Bernard ?!!!  Gorgeous, handy if you get lost in Snowdonia.

2013-05-08 5:57 PM
in reply to: #4732839

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Richardsdrr - 2013-05-09 2:06 AM
MadMathemagician - 2013-05-08 1:21 PM

ponderingfox - 2013-05-07 8:53 PM Since we're having our male awareness day today, any guys out there shaving legs?  Been mulling it over.  Read an article here on BT about pros/cons once, but can't find it again.



Done that a time or two whilst swimming D1.     These days I just run the shears when needed.    Shaving is a special occasion and not always for triathlons.  

Really, it's only a problem a few days before the full moon to a few days after....


Haven't done the legs yet, but have recently done the chest. Started off because I was getting bleeding nips on my runs which resulted in me screaming the house down when I got in the bath/shower (think shower scene from The Crying Game), so taped them up but then had the problem of trying to remove the tape without 1. removing the skin off my nips in the process , and 2. getting a chest wax on my man rug. I then started shaving just around my nips, but after a while I realised my chest started looking like the scene out of "40 year old virgin". That's when the rest came off. But then it looked strange having a smooth chest and a furry gut, so that came off. It was at this point that I was on a very slippery slope and decided to put the razor away.

One thing I will mention is that if you do decide to go down the shaving route, you will have to keep on shaving it. I have started leaving mine grow again and the amount of ingrowing hairs and sore boily things on my chest is horrible.


EDIT: Just remembered, did shave my legs a bit when I was having taping done for patellar tracking issues. I was shaving just the knees and surrounding areas, but found everytime I went to physio, no matter how much I had shaved off, the physio would still manage to tape up a part with hair on it........I don't think he liked me.


Whatever you do, don't go down the Veet Hair Removal Cream for Men route as these guys did. Read their reviews, PMSL, but do not read if easily offended

I love that VEET review.

Now boys - don't be afraid of it, go waxing.  My DH despite not being remotely into cycling or tri's has full leg wax, chest wax, armpit and even nostrils!  He's left the family jewels - thank goodness!

2013-05-08 6:02 PM
in reply to: #4733046

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
TriAya - 2013-05-09 3:33 AM

Long tough day but not in the usual ways. It's not 'til I get back to Bali that I realize how deeply fatigued I am. Spent most of the last three days sleeping. Really needed to. So today was travel day back to Jakarta and I'm still exhausted.

A good friend of mine, someone close in our Bali circle, died today. It wasn't totally unexpected--she'd been in hospital in Hawaii--but she'd been rallying back and we were hoping for the best. Not to be. I'm worried about her dogs, whom she adored, but I know our Bali friends are taking care of her affairs. She didn't really have family so we were her family.

Long tough day.

Lots of hugs.  You are certainly going through it at the moment.  Thinking of you....

2013-05-08 6:03 PM
in reply to: #4733889

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

amd723 - 2013-05-08 5:33 PM Do any of the manatees race n a tri suit? I use tri shorts and a tri top, but there is a big sale on tri suits which got me wondering how I'd like using one. So, if you use or have used one what do/did you like or dislike about them? Also, do they make better sense for short or long courses or does it matter?

I do. From cycling I don't like the waist band of shorts. And for some reason the suits tend to have a slightly longer leg than their separates counterparts do. I dunno why, but I'm not really a short-shorts type so get what I can there. It might take a little more looking to get the fit right though. I don't think the distance really matters as more comfortable is more comfortable regardless of that. I also think they add to the sensation of putting on a supersuit.

2013-05-08 6:06 PM
in reply to: #4733139

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
melbo55 - 2013-05-09 4:04 AM
capnrus789 - 2013-05-08 8:12 AM

Good morning all!  Swimming question for the masses.  I swim in a 25yd pool, and last night was averaging between 2:02 and 2:20/100 yds.  With my bum knee I wasn't really pushing off very had, basically using just one leg, and I don't do flip turns.  It's my first season do any sort of swim training, what do you think of my progress?  I've always know how to swim, and starting focusing on it in January.  My initial times were closer to 3:00/100 yds. 

Also, what you do experienced swimmers average for times?  Just curious as to how my fitness level ranks with others.


I'm here to make you feel better, LOL!  I swim in a 25 meter pool and am usually around a few seconds +-2 min/100 for a 100, more than 2 min/100 if the distance is more.  I'm pokey compared to most, but a little faster than a few.  Sure I'd love to be faster and keep working on better form, but there is a part of me that wonders what makes some folks that much faster.  Last week I was having a pretty fast-for-me day when some teenage piglets jumped in and reminded me just how slow I really am.  I watched them with awe, wonder and envy - they made it look so effortless and went so fast!

Hang in there, keep practicing, and take any advice Yanti gives - she's a real fish!  Jo is pretty fishy, too!

I'm a slow fishy for sure.  But am reliably informed that my technique is awesome...just need some more strength and faster arm turnover...

If Muskrat jumps back in the pod he's pretty good on swimmming tips.

2013-05-08 6:15 PM
in reply to: #4732080

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Asalzwed - 2013-05-07 5:11 PM

And you should log your workouts so we can stalk you see how you get so damn fast

Go-go gadget something or other. Lots of them.

2013-05-08 6:18 PM
in reply to: #4733255

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
jogo - 2013-05-09 4:52 AM
TriAya - 2013-05-08 11:33 AM

Long tough day but not in the usual ways. It's not 'til I get back to Bali that I realize how deeply fatigued I am. Spent most of the last three days sleeping. Really needed to. So today was travel day back to Jakarta and I'm still exhausted.

A good friend of mine, someone close in our Bali circle, died today. It wasn't totally unexpected--she'd been in hospital in Hawaii--but she'd been rallying back and we were hoping for the best. Not to be. I'm worried about her dogs, whom she adored, but I know our Bali friends are taking care of her affairs. She didn't really have family so we were her family.

Long tough day.

I am thinking your cloud needs to be changed from black to happy. We manatees need to rally and do a Happy Yanti dance! It needs to include chanting, while in our underwear, as we dance around our wetsuits eating pop tarts. Pictures need to be posted, especially of the hot half-naked single manatee piglets. {{{MELONPRESSES}}}

Well he's not half naked but he sure is single.  Coach Johnny - who has lost a stack of weight as he is out with a shoulder injury so no swimming means slimmer Johnny...

Other picture is my ankle.  I managed to kick myself in the ankle trying not to trip over Scooby...




ankle.jpg (29KB - 15 downloads)
002.JPG (37KB - 17 downloads)
2013-05-08 6:18 PM
in reply to: #4733941

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
brigby1 - 2013-05-08 6:15 PM
Asalzwed - 2013-05-07 5:11 PM

And you should log your workouts so we can stalk you see how you get so damn fast

Go-go gadget something or other. Lots of them.

I'll get you next time gadget. Neeexxxxxt timmmmmmeeee

2013-05-08 6:28 PM
in reply to: #4733336

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
jmkizer - 2013-05-09 5:28 AM
brigby1 - 2013-05-08 12:55 PM
rrrunner - 2013-05-08 10:30 AM
jmkizer - 2013-05-08 9:19 AM

Oh, get the bike.  I'm told that bike technology* is currently changing enough that it's worth an upgrade about every five years.  You are past due for a bike technology upgrade!  ;-)

* This was specifically referring to road bikes.  I think that tri bikes maybe in a similar place.  I think that mountain bikes may actually be moving faster with 26, 29 and now 27.5s...

Therein lies the key to my dihlemma. If I'm going to do this I want it to be a true improvement, not just new for new's sake. This weekend I'll go to a shop owner I know and trust. His website even talks about doing a fit or "sizing" to make sure the correct brand/model is chosen. Yet on Ann-Marie's other hands I want to get last year's model for better pricing which could limit my options.

What kind of things are involved with the "sizing" description? A fit bike? It's quite possible without, but usually takes a very good eye with a lot of experience. Should know something about stack & reach. They also don't worry about things like stand-over.

The last year's model idea can be an excellent way to get a lot of value. Most won't really change the frame much from year to year except rather minor things. Then do some much more significant design change one year. It's in those years you may want to at least think about it instead of automatically going for last year.

One of our local shops does their pre-fit by measuring you.  The have a ruler thing that goes from crotch to floor and so on.  They eliminate a good bit of their product line that way. 

Yeah like a wooden thing goes between your legs - of course piglet Jae has to do that to get my fit right!!!!  Love my LBS!

2013-05-08 6:29 PM
in reply to: #4733889

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

amd723 - 2013-05-08 5:33 PM Do any of the manatees race n a tri suit? I use tri shorts and a tri top, but there is a big sale on tri suits which got me wondering how I'd like using one. So, if you use or have used one what do/did you like or dislike about them? Also, do they make better sense for short or long courses or does it matter?

I have both, and I like the tri suit because I don't have to keep pulling the shirt down or worry about it riding up on me. It does make it more difficult to pee, however. I have only done short course. I might not use a suit in long course but use a two piece (because of the peeing issue). Although I have two one piece suits that are like swimming suits. I would wear those for long course (easy peeing), but I would pull on a short skirt after the swim. No one wants to see me riding or running with nothing on my legs.

2013-05-08 6:30 PM
in reply to: #4733872

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
amd723 - 2013-05-08 5:22 PM


Here was my question.  I love a long workout.  Like an hour. If I have to put on a suit, shower, swim, shower again and then do all the grooming redo, I want to make it worthwhile. The sprint tri workouts are so short! Is it ok to just do long workouts or should I really stick to those times.  Sometimes it doesn't feel worth it to wake up at 5:00 am to swim for 20 minutes.  


What say you?



I see no problem swimming for a longer period of time. In fact, I think it's a good thing.

I agree. The more swim and the more bike, the better. Run just long and hard enough to avoid injury.

2013-05-08 6:40 PM
in reply to: #4733872

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
amd723 - 2013-05-09 10:22 AM
reneehoyos - 2013-05-08 5:17 PM

Wow. At work using the computer to post. Shhhhh.... can't tell anyone.  The interface is a lot nicer on a computer.


Ok, back to the little boys.  When I was a surfer, I was called a c*** by a 12-year old in the line up.  Funny, he wasn't that cocky in the parking lot where I yelled and threatened to spank him.  That was that story.  Very unsettling to hear the youngsters talk like that!


My sweet momma has been suffering with neck pain and high blood pressure and we have been spending a lot of time with our favorite ER docs until early in the morning like 4:00 am early.  I've been sleep deprived and grumpy, but heading over to swim right now. I promise I will work out more this week if I can keep her from having a set back.  


Here was my question.  I love a long workout.  Like an hour. If I have to put on a suit, shower, swim, shower again and then do all the grooming redo, I want to make it worthwhile. The sprint tri workouts are so short! Is it ok to just do long workouts or should I really stick to those times.  Sometimes it doesn't feel worth it to wake up at 5:00 am to swim for 20 minutes.  


What say you?



I see no problem swimming for a longer period of time. In fact, I think it's a good thing.

My custom plan for HIM is calling for swims ranging from 550m to 1500m 3 x a week.  I swim with a squad 3 x a week and we do 2500-3000m.  Doesn't seem to hurt!

2013-05-08 6:49 PM
in reply to: #4733900

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Asalzwed - 2013-05-09 10:38 AM

amd723 - 2013-05-08 5:33 PM Do any of the manatees race n a tri suit? I use tri shorts and a tri top, but there is a big sale on tri suits which got me wondering how I'd like using one. So, if you use or have used one what do/did you like or dislike about them? Also, do they make better sense for short or long courses or does it matter?

I had one and hated it. I have some not so average proportions so it was tight in some areas, loose in others ... I guess it's just less "customizable"


I also think they look a little silly, but that is subjective.

I like a tri suit for the distances I've raced so far.  If it's hot just roll the top down (us girls can do that as we are likely wearing a crop top under)  men not so lucky as bare torso not acceptable.

I will however have a two piece for IM as I'm likely to need a pit stop at the porta potty....and they are a PITA.

Below - my club tri suit (yet to be worn) and the lovely terenzo in a white one piece....mmmmmmmm have I mentioned he may come to the training camp in Phuket???


(jojo trisuit.jpg)


jojo trisuit.jpg (23KB - 15 downloads)
393__pic1.jpg (38KB - 17 downloads)
2013-05-08 6:49 PM
in reply to: #4733889

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

amd723 - 2013-05-08 6:33 PM Do any of the manatees race n a tri suit? I use tri shorts and a tri top, but there is a big sale on tri suits which got me wondering how I'd like using one. So, if you use or have used one what do/did you like or dislike about them? Also, do they make better sense for short or long courses or does it matter?

By tri suit do you mean a one-piece?  I have a two-piece.  I think two-pieces make lots of sense for longer races where you're going to want to use the rest room.  I'm not doing anything long this year, but, hey, you never know when the urge will strike you!

2013-05-08 6:55 PM
in reply to: #4733897

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
Asalzwed - 2013-05-08 6:36 PM
ponderingfox - 2013-05-08 5:20 PM
jmkizer - 2013-05-08 8:24 AM
ponderingfox - 2013-05-07 9:49 PM

Had PT visit #1 today for the knee.  Been out walking the last couple days.  After 3/4 mile the knee acts up again.  This needs to get better soon!  I have a good shot at going under an hour on my first tri if I can run something decent.  I'll be doing frequent walking to try to evaluate things.

The PT taped my knee up to see if the Patella tracking is the issue.  We'll see.  All I know is we're going to rip some mega hair off when it's time for the tape to go.  Time to start shaving!

I'm glad that you saw the PT but I'm sorry that this has been dragging on for you. Hang in there!

Janyne, let's say that it takes me until the end of this month to fully recover.  Do you think that I'll be able to ramp up my run in time for the marathon in October?

You are not asking me but I say it's questionable.

I think the biggest thing would be getting enough base in before starting a marathon plan without pushing too hard, too fast and getting injured again. 

If you could put all time goals out the window, go slow and reaaaaaallly get in touch with your body I think you can consider it. But you are going to have to be incredibly honest with yourself.

A marathon and marathon training will expose every little weakness.

Yeah, I wasn't planning on getting an injury this year.  Really messed the whole plan up.  I was planning on keeping the volume up after the half marathon, but I think I'm going to have to start over with building up the volume. :/

I wonder if I can transfer my registration.  I don't think so, if I remember right.

2013-05-08 7:04 PM
in reply to: #4723700

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Somewhere on the Tennessee River
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Does  a two hour leisurely ride around town on my beach cruiser count as a workout?   It did include hills and such and a tour of the water front homes and one bike repair in the field.

Oh, by the way, my odometer said it was a tad over 25 miles.


Time for a brew and to watch the sun set.    May is a lovely time here abouts.


I would post a picture but by now I'm stink smelly and all disheveled.   Got some looks because I was dressed the part.   Board shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.    Bare foot, too. 

Cheer up my dearest Yanti.   Might be time to return the favour of a picture or two.

2013-05-08 7:06 PM
in reply to: #4733980

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Somewhere on the Tennessee River
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
jobaxas - 2013-05-08 6:49 PM
Asalzwed - 2013-05-09 10:38 AM

amd723 - 2013-05-08 5:33 PM Do any of the manatees race n a tri suit? I use tri shorts and a tri top, but there is a big sale on tri suits which got me wondering how I'd like using one. So, if you use or have used one what do/did you like or dislike about them? Also, do they make better sense for short or long courses or does it matter?

I had one and hated it. I have some not so average proportions so it was tight in some areas, loose in others ... I guess it's just less "customizable"


I also think they look a little silly, but that is subjective.



I like a tri suit for the distances I've raced so far.  If it's hot just roll the top down (us girls can do that as we are likely wearing a crop top under)  men not so lucky as bare torso not acceptable.

I will however have a two piece for IM as I'm likely to need a pit stop at the porta potty....and they are a PITA.

Below - my club tri suit (yet to be worn) and the lovely terenzo in a white one piece....mmmmmmmm have I mentioned he may come to the training camp in Phuket???



White and sweat equals white and wet equals transparent city and no way for modest little me.... Embarassed

Edited by MadMathemagician 2013-05-08 7:07 PM
2013-05-08 7:14 PM
in reply to: #4734006

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
MadMathemagician - 2013-05-09 12:06 PM
jobaxas - 2013-05-08 6:49 PM
Asalzwed - 2013-05-09 10:38 AM

amd723 - 2013-05-08 5:33 PM Do any of the manatees race n a tri suit? I use tri shorts and a tri top, but there is a big sale on tri suits which got me wondering how I'd like using one. So, if you use or have used one what do/did you like or dislike about them? Also, do they make better sense for short or long courses or does it matter?

I had one and hated it. I have some not so average proportions so it was tight in some areas, loose in others ... I guess it's just less "customizable"


I also think they look a little silly, but that is subjective.



I like a tri suit for the distances I've raced so far.  If it's hot just roll the top down (us girls can do that as we are likely wearing a crop top under)  men not so lucky as bare torso not acceptable.

I will however have a two piece for IM as I'm likely to need a pit stop at the porta potty....and they are a PITA.

Below - my club tri suit (yet to be worn) and the lovely terenzo in a white one piece....mmmmmmmm have I mentioned he may come to the training camp in Phuket???



White and sweat equals white and wet equals transparent city and no way for modest little me.... Embarassed

I tend to agree.  White is not suitable at all.  But for modelling shots we accept.

2013-05-08 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4733864

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)
reneehoyos - 2013-05-08 3:17 PM

Wow. At work using the computer to post. Shhhhh.... can't tell anyone.  The interface is a lot nicer on a computer.


Ok, back to the little boys.  When I was a surfer, I was called a c*** by a 12-year old in the line up.  Funny, he wasn't that cocky in the parking lot where I yelled and threatened to spank him.  That was that story.  Very unsettling to hear the youngsters talk like that!


My sweet momma has been suffering with neck pain and high blood pressure and we have been spending a lot of time with our favorite ER docs until early in the morning like 4:00 am early.  I've been sleep deprived and grumpy, but heading over to swim right now. I promise I will work out more this week if I can keep her from having a set back.  


Here was my question.  I love a long workout.  Like an hour. If I have to put on a suit, shower, swim, shower again and then do all the grooming redo, I want to make it worthwhile. The sprint tri workouts are so short! Is it ok to just do long workouts or should I really stick to those times.  Sometimes it doesn't feel worth it to wake up at 5:00 am to swim for 20 minutes.  


What say you?



oh good! I was wondering if I was going to hear "The rest of the story" ( can you imagine that in a Paul Harvey voice?) Ha! Nice threat :D As far as the swimming goes, I'm super new to all of this and I don't have but two races under my belt, but since swimming is the bane of my tri existence I swim longer. I only have twice a week that swimming can work, so I'd be more likely to blow it off if shorter :/ And from what I've read, longer isn't going to hurt... at least not in a bad way.
2013-05-08 7:34 PM
in reply to: #4723700

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors 2013: CLOSED (exc/ Pop Tart bribes)

Here is last night's swim's a bit of a yawn get a coffee.  Sets of 400m are way harder mentally than the sets of 50m we did last week.

Fins warm up
100m free
100m back
100m breast
3x100m IM (25 fly, 25back, 25 breast, 25 free)
Main set no fins
400m free
400m pull and band
400m pull breathe every 4
400m free

4x100m 100 hard 100 easy  (there were four more but we hopped out with crampy feet!)

2600 done

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