BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed Rss Feed  
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2015-06-30 9:38 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: Buffalo Spring Lake Ironman 70.3
Monty, Sorry you didn't have the race you wanted. A lot can happen over 70.3 miles and it sounds like you mentally tough and saw it thru.


2015-06-30 9:45 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: First fall
Had my first bike wipe out today. Had slowed to try to take a left turn by there were some cars coming and I turned right into a driveway. I tried to turn 180 but lost it and toppled. Tore my tri shorts. Had a good laugh about it when I got home.

2015-06-30 10:15 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: June Totals
SWIM - 4h 18m 12s - 14070.21 Yd
BIKE - 7h 06m 17s - 127.85 Mi
RUN - 5h 20m 30s - 38.16 Mi

Volumes are pretty close to last month (swim 11300, bike 130, run 40). Overall a good month, one race.

Need to get more miles in on the bike and run. Two more sprints before my oly at the end of the season. Next race is at the end of July.
Its been pretty hot here and on top of that they cancelled a couple of swims this past month due to 6 shark attacks in NC.
Local pool is closed for the week so I will probably come up a little short on swims. Thanks to the tri group I got a nice 40 mile ride in last week, and hope to get a couple longer in this coming month.


2015-07-01 12:35 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: June Totals
S: 20,960 yards
B: 189.57 miles
R: 44.0 miles

My bike total is a little down this month because I was sick a couple of days and then attending a conference out of state. However, although I've done fewer rides, the ones I have done have been longer. I have a mountain bike triathlon on Saturday, the same one I competed in last year, and I just had my bike overhauled for it, with new gears, shifters, and cables. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, but my bike mechanic said it rides much better. I'm really looking forward to giving it a spin after work tomorrow.

We've been under a heat advisory here. Temps are probably ten degrees higher than normal. It's so bad, in fact, that they had to move the start of last weekend's Ironman Cd'A to 5:30 a.m. I can't imagine starting a race that early! I've been trying to train in the heat as much as possible to acclimate myself as my next four races will no doubt be very hot. The forecast for Saturday's race is triple digits, and I'm not looking forward to that! I'll probably throw myself in the river again as soon as I cross the finish line.
2015-07-01 5:54 AM
in reply to: burner2

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New user
Subject: RE: June Totals
Swim: 3h 21m 55s - 10706.17 Yd
Bike: 8h 50m 59s - 165.93 Mi
Run: 5h 19m 21s - 39.58 Mi

Numbers are finally up! Still not quite where I'd like to be but feel I'm on the right path. All of my bike miles have been on my old steel Raliegh bike. Got new aero bars installed on the Cannondale and plan to ride it once or twice to before my next Tri in 11 days just to make sure I'm still familiar with the bike. Hopefully riding/training heavy pays off.

2015-07-01 9:13 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Buffalo Spring Lake Ironman 70.3
Thanks for the encouragement and tips! Live and learn.

2015-07-01 10:59 AM
in reply to: 0

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: First fall

Originally posted by nrpoulinHad my first bike wipe out today. Had slowed to try to take a left turn by there were some cars coming and I turned right into a driveway. I tried to turn 180 but lost it and toppled. Tore my tri shorts. Had a good laugh about it when I got home.Nate
Man, glad you're okay. I just purchased this for some torn shorts but haven't had time to try it yet.


Geez!  Google: McNett Iron Mend Repair Kit

Edited by HelmoAlkou 2015-07-02 7:36 PM
2015-07-01 2:15 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: June Totals
Ugh, did I even train this month?! Totals are down, down, and only down a little. I took a few days off before my 10K and then had to go out of town for work for a few days after that, then I made a 2nd trip up to Vermont for the weekend for my niece's 18th birthday. Between all of that and just being busy with work and around the house, I'm surprised I did much of anything. I've made a strong mental commitment to train as much as possible in July. We're going to take the kids up to NH for a few days for a much needed and long overdue vacation. I'm going to bring my running shoes and make sure I get at least 1 run in.

Swim: 1h 46m 30s - 4803 M (down 45%)
Bike: 2h 06m 10s - 34.77 Mi (down 55%)
Run: 3h 56m 13s - 26.91 Mi (down 10%)

No more excuses!
2015-07-01 2:27 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: June Totals

June Totals:

S: 17010 yds

B: 226 Miles

R: 41 Miles


Swim and bike were OK this month. Run total is really low. I blame it on racing twice within the month (some taper) and the excessive heat we have had down here. Planning a big run block in July. Also planning a vacation that will mean a week of no biking and very little swimming, so run, run, run it will be.

2015-07-02 9:27 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Americus, Georgia
Subject: RE: June Totals
Eh. Since I've just gotten back into training, I didn't start tracking my workouts until like June 22. Oh, well. Gotta start somewhere. I'm using the 16 week run focused training plan that I found here on BT to get me back in the swing of things and I have to say it is pretty awesome. I'm already seeing improvement in my run and bike pace.

Swim: 1h 05m - 1800 Yd

Bike: 2h 21m 32s - 32.04 Mi

Run: 1h 57m - 9.46 Mi
2015-07-02 1:43 PM
in reply to: 0

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: June Totals
June: Swim = 6h 59m - 12 miles; Bike = 19h 28m - 307 miles; Run = 12h 36m - 77 miles; My iPhone doesn't format on BT very well.

Edited by HelmoAlkou 2015-07-02 1:44 PM

2015-07-03 11:29 AM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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New user
Subject: RE:
Hope everyone has great holiday weekend! Gotta lot planned for the weekend training wise then things slow down a little to prep for the race next Sunday. Also have my boys birthday party Sunday. Lotsa good times to follow!

2015-07-03 11:36 AM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE:
Originally posted by scottjjmtri99

Hope everyone has great holiday weekend! Gotta lot planned for the weekend training wise then things slow down a little to prep for the race next Sunday. Also have my boys birthday party Sunday. Lotsa good times to follow!


Hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July weekend!
2015-07-04 5:26 AM
in reply to: #5075698

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Happy Independence Day! Be safe out there!
2015-07-04 3:32 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Buffalo Spring Lake Ironman 70.3
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

Well I'm back from a tough weekend at Buffalo Spring Lake.  The race did NOT turn out as I planned but that's the way it goes sometimes.  I can now say I've officially BONKED!  After pondering the race for a couple of days I'm pretty sure what my issues were.  Failed nutrition and too hard of the bike.  Climbing in and out of those canyons were brutal on my legs!!  

Race Report  (not a fun read like Chris can give, lol)

I have an Olympic triathlon in four weeks so hopefully I can redeem myself.  And, I'm looking at my next 70.3 in the fall.  It's not an Ironman event but it was my first half and I really enjoyed it.  Plus my wife really liked the amenities at the hotel, lol.

Congrats on the podium, Chris!  And, nice race report!

I enjoyed reading the report. Your swim time looks really great. Sorry about the bonk. I have bonked on a marathon before and it definitely sucks. I'm sure you'll do better on that for the next HIM.
2015-07-04 3:44 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Hey All!

Happy 4th of July!!

I did a 5K today and I felt really great. My run speed is starting to come back. My PR is around 21:20 and today I got a 22:50 so YES!!

Last weekend I wanted to redeem myself from the last OLY where I had a really bad swim. So I signed up last minute for an OLY and it went really well.
Here's the RR:

June's totals ok. Work is preventing me from doing as much running as I'd like, but I am improving still so I can't complain.

Swim: 6h 41m 04s - 14830.42 Yd

Bike: 11h 01m 51s - 177.6 Mi

Run: 5h 22m 38s - 30.41 Mi


2015-07-04 11:23 PM
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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: Righteous Richland Sprint Mountain Bike Triathlon
Righteous Richland Sprint (Mountain Bike) Tri
Time: 1:45:49 (last year's time: 2:16:43)

This is my second time competing in this race, and this one went much better than last, with one exception: I took almost two minutes longer on the swim this year. Again, had trouble getting into the rhythm of breathing. And, I forgot to take the current into consideration and went out too far and had to angle in to the shore too sharply and almost overshot the exit. However, for the first time, I had no trouble getting to my feet and was able to run to transition. Transition went well. There were lots of bikes left in the rack, which was very encouraging. I cut a minute and a half off my T1 time from last year, which kinda sorta made up for my very weak swim performance.

Mounted and immediately started passing people. I laid on the pedals as hard as I could. I'm really glad I'd taken the time to ride the single-track trails last weekend as I was really prepared and just blazed through the course as fast as I could and cut 11:30 off my time from last year. I even passed about a half dozen people on the trails.

Slid sideways into the dismount area and ran into transition and racked my bike pretty quickly. I took a few seconds to drink some PowerAde. I also grabbed two squishy water bottles, one with PowerAde and one with plain water and stuck these in my jersey pockets as I ran. I'm really glad I did because as I ran through the water stations, I dumped the cups of water on myself, which helped keep me cool. Even though the temps were in the mid-90s, the heat was not an issue for me this year. The two water bottles I carried with me provided all the hydration I needed for the run. Again, I cut about 30 seconds off T2 from last year.

The run went well; I maintained a pretty steady pace until probably the last half mile, and then I started fading, but I ran the entire course and finished running. Not many people passed me, and I passed a few. I also passed quite a few people (I thought!) who were still heading to the turnaround point as I was heading back. I cut 19 minutes off last year's run time and collapsed for a few minutes after crossing the finish line, and then joined everyone else in the river.

I was feeling pretty stoked about the race and thought for sure I'd finished toward the middle of the pack, but after I got back to my truck and fired up my iPad, I discovered I'd finished 98/118. I don't understand that. I thought I passed a lot more people than 20. Oh, well. The main thing for me is that I cut 31 minutes off last year's disappointing time. And I got second in my age group.

And then, I checked my messages and found out the wildfire I'd driven through last night had grown out of control, burning structures and causing evacuations. And even worse, the town in which I live is under an evacuation advisory as another wildfire rages out of control nearby. The beautiful mountains and valleys where I train are on fire. I've logged about 2,000 miles on these roads and know them well. So, I had to head home to prepare for a possible evacuation, and en route, got a call that my workplace is now the ICS center and they needed my help getting set up on the network. Fire trucks are cruising all through town and helicopters are flying non-stop overhead, and 341 more fire fighters are expected tonight. (And yet I can still hear people setting off fireworks!) Time to let the Red Cross know I'm available, if needed! (More fire trucks are going past my house, and I'm on the fire side of town. This is going to be a tense night!)

Edited by burner2 2015-07-05 1:50 AM
2015-07-05 9:45 AM
in reply to: burner2

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Righteous Richland Sprint Mountain Bike Triathlon
What a great improvement over last year, 30 minutes!! Wow! So sorry to hear about the fires. Yikes!
2015-07-05 4:05 PM
in reply to: burner2

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Righteous Richland Sprint Mountain Bike Triathlon

Great race report and great improvements over last year.

I know you must have a lot more important stuff on your mind right now with the wildfires, but when you things settle down, try to really think about what caused the problems on the swim. Try to find the root cause, going out too fast? too much adrenaline? Too crowded? If you can identify the problem, you can figure out a way to tackle it.

Keep us updated on the fire situation. I'm sure the fire crews are doing all they can to protect structures.

2015-07-06 11:47 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Righteous Richland Sprint Mountain Bike Triathlon
The fires around my home are out now. There's just a few small crews out checking for hot spots and a single plane doing aerial surveys. I rode out tonight to view the carnage and saw that the north side of the mountain was pretty well scorched. An EMT on duty flagged me down and offered me a bottle of ice-cold water, which I gratefully accepted. We chatted for a few minutes, and he told me the fire crested one ridge into the valley on the other side (I didn't know there was another valley there!) and started up the next ridge toward town. He said if the wind had shifted just a little bit, it could have crested the next ridge within minutes and there wouldn't have been any way to stop it before it hit town. I didn't realize just how close it was to my house! I also discovered I was far close to it than I thought yesterday when I was out mountain biking, and it probably was not a wise decision on my part. I couldn't see the fire or smoke from where I was, so I thought I was further away, when I was actually within a half mile. It's funny how those ravines and valleys can hide wildfires so well.

It was also really gratifying to see this small community come together and offer so much support to the firefighters. This is a pretty impoverished community, with most people less than a paycheck away from homelessness. And yet people were giving selflessly, buying bottled water, Gatorade, ice, snacks, and other food to make firefighters as comfortable as possible. It was pretty awesome to see.

As for my swim, I'm not really sure why I struggle with breathing at the start of the race. I know I'm a strong swimmer, so I'm not afraid. I have full confidence in my swimming ability. And yet, as soon as the race starts, I seem to have this reflex action of trying to inhale when my face is in the water. I don't know why. Next race, I'm going to concentrate more on beginning the swim and try some visualization exercises. Once I get past the start and get my breathing rhythm down, I'm fine. I have a lot of friends in this next race, so maybe that will help.
2015-07-08 4:32 AM
in reply to: #5075698

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New user
Subject: Sprint to Olympic distance
Well it's been a while since I posted about my problems with Open Water swimming.

I had a lot of excellent feedback which I put into use at the last Sprint Tri at Blenheim Palace a couple of weeks ago.
I have to say it was the most enjoyable race I have ever done! In no small part due to the feedback and resulting good swim.
The Swim was around 17 mins which was down from 19 in my last race. The bike and run were about the same, but as the course was a lot harder with more hills I'm pleased to hold at the same time.

Now another request for advice.
I am about to participate in my first Olympic distance tri in just four weeks!!
I'm following a 12 week plan, but just taking the last four weeks. Any thoughts or tips to get me through this?

Thanks for all your help and support.

2015-07-08 8:30 AM
in reply to: TonyAbbott

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Sprint to Olympic distance

Originally posted by TonyAbbott Well it's been a while since I posted about my problems with Open Water swimming. I had a lot of excellent feedback which I put into use at the last Sprint Tri at Blenheim Palace a couple of weeks ago. I have to say it was the most enjoyable race I have ever done! In no small part due to the feedback and resulting good swim. The Swim was around 17 mins which was down from 19 in my last race. The bike and run were about the same, but as the course was a lot harder with more hills I'm pleased to hold at the same time. Now another request for advice. I am about to participate in my first Olympic distance tri in just four weeks!! I'm following a 12 week plan, but just taking the last four weeks. Any thoughts or tips to get me through this? Thanks for all your help and support.

Grats on the swim improvement!

I'm sure these guys will have some better tips but the first thing that comes to mind it nutrition and hydration.  You can slam through a sprint drinking water w/o much concern but the longer your races/training the more it comes into play.  You'll see a big difference on you recovery time and how you feel after a race as well.  First, you'll want to practice this in training so you'll know what upsets your stomach and what doesn't as well as gives your body what it needs to perform.  Gels are pretty much a staple that everyone uses.  I also take electrolyte tablets on extended workouts/races especially during the summer.  They REALLY help in preventing cramps. works just fine for Intermediate distance.  I've use em for years.  A good starting point for extended exercise over 2 hours is 180 calories and 18-24 ounces of water per hour.  You can check out the Hammer Nutrition knowledge website and they break down some good information, as well as other brands.  

My example: I take a GU gel at the start line and one every 30 minutes.  Depending on the heat, I take 2-3 electrolyte tabs per hour after I get on my bike.  Races of 3+ hours I add extra protein and solid food like a protein bar every hour to prevent muscle catabolism.  I carry two or three 24 oz water bottles.  Small sips often enough to drink one bottle per hour.  That takes practice.  I've been known to set my Garmin to auto alarm every 10 minutes just for sipping!  One option is to carry a water bottle on the run and top it off at an aid station when it gets low.  Not for most people though.  Sometimes I have one bottle filled of sport drink.  BUT YOU STILL NEED 20 +/- ounces of WATER per hour.

From Hammer Knowledge website:

Workouts/races of 2 hours or less: choose a fuel with complex carbohydrates, not simple sugars (glucose, sucrose, fructose, etc.). Simple sugars cause energy peaks and crashes, and must be mixed in weak concentrations for efficient digestion. Complex carbohydrates absorb at about three times the rate as simple sugars. Plus you get steady, reliable energy—no peaks and valleys.

Workouts or races of 2-3-hours, or more: Fuel primarily with complex carbohydrates, not simple sugars. Also, 10-15% of your fuels calorie content should come from protein, ideally soy, to help satisfy energy requirements and prevent muscle tissue catabolism.

2015-07-08 8:04 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: Brick workouts
I did an impromptu brick this afternoon. I had planned to drop my bike off at my local bike shop to have an issue fixed. The shop is only slightly over a 5K from my house, so I figured I'd ride there, drop off my bike, and then run back home. But the guy at my LBS attended to the issue as soon as I brought it in and I was back on my way. As I started to ride home, I figured I might as well turn it into a training ride. I mashed together a couple of my training routes and it turned into a total of a little over 12.5 miles (albeit, with about 15-20 minutes of rest after the first 3.2). As I was pedaling into the drive way, I said 'what the hey' and threw in a 2 km run on the end.

I know a while ago Chris had said that you should do bricks with only a mile or so of running after the bike ride (maybe 20-30 miles for an Oly) just to get the feel for running on tired legs. But as I was running, I started to wonder if there would be some benefit to reversing it a little and doing just a short bike with a full run after. Would it be beneficial to do something like, say, a 7-10 mile bike and then the full 10K run? My thought was that it might be good to get the experience of running the full 10K on tired legs. Just wondering if there is any merit to that thought or if I should stick to the longer bike with the shorter run.
2015-07-09 8:28 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Brick workouts

Originally posted by rjchilds8 I did an impromptu brick this afternoon. I had planned to drop my bike off at my local bike shop to have an issue fixed. The shop is only slightly over a 5K from my house, so I figured I'd ride there, drop off my bike, and then run back home. But the guy at my LBS attended to the issue as soon as I brought it in and I was back on my way. As I started to ride home, I figured I might as well turn it into a training rideI. I mashed together a couple of my training routes and it turned into a total of a little over 12.5 miles (albeit, with about 15-20 minutes of rest after the first 3.2). As I was pedaling into the drive way, I said 'what the hey' and threw in a 2 km run on the end. I know a while ago Chris had said that you should do bricks with only a mile or so of running after the bike ride (maybe 20-30 miles for an Oly) just to get the feel for running on tired legs. But as I was running, I started to wonder if there would be some benefit to reversing it a little and doing just a short bike with a full run after. Would it be beneficial to do something like, say, a 7-10 mile bike and then the full 10K run? My thought was that it might be good to get the experience of running the full 10K on tired legs. Just wondering if there is any merit to that thought or if I should stick to the longer bike with the shorter run.

I think there could certainly be some merit to it. A short bike just to get the legs warmed up and turning over at  a high rate, then see what it feels like to hit that full 10k. I've never done it that way, but it sounds like a good workout to mix in every now and then.

2015-07-09 2:29 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Brick workouts

I've ran into a couple of plans that have you do a run, bike, run workout.  Usually on the weekend and stay aerobic until the end of the last run.

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2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : July 1, 2009
author : mrmarkcole
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Or why an Ironman 70.3 may not be your best choice for your first triathlon.
date : November 17, 2008
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I just started doing tris this summer and I have two under my belt, both sprints. Is it reasonable to build up for a Oly in early ‘09, with a HIM in Oct of ‘09
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A bad race left me smoldering, but time and a gentle breeze ignited my passion to race again.
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A Navy Seals program modified specifically for triathletes. Heavy on the running, swimming, push/pull-ups and sit-ups, will you find yourself man (or woman) enough to finish?