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2012-08-20 2:34 PM
in reply to: #4371662

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
skaas - 2012-08-20 2:05 PM

Thanks, this will be my first time flying with my bike.  I've looking into the different transport companies, but I'm in California and I'd be without my bike for over 2 weeks before and after the race. 

Can you put other gear into your bike bag? Did you do anything specail with the rear derailleur?

Are you talking about using a bike case?  Yes, you can put other gear into a bike case.  You want to be careful not to make it TOO heavy so I suggest light gear like empty water bottles, running shoes, etc.

I used to leave my rear derailleur on the bike in the case but the case does shut more easily if you take it off.  It's typically just one screw holding it on so it's an easy removal.  It's much less likely to get bent out of shape if you remove it.

2012-08-21 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3589984

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
73 days away!

What have your fitness accomplishments been for the past week or so? Is the training in full swing (I hope it is!) What accomplishments have you made? What have you learned so far? Any details you are specifically working on hammering out at this phase? Inquiring minds want to know

So far this year I have had a number of 70-80 mile rides and 1 century. Though I have not quite worked out at race pace yet, I am getting there soon. A lot of intervals similar to HIM training at this point, and lots of focus on getting nutrition squared away, which I think I am pretty comfortable at right now.

This week I have a 14 mile neg split run. Mary pace out and half back in (8:30, 7:30). Anything under 9:00 for IMFL is a good mary pace for me, so if I can hit those times I feel like I will be in a pretty good place. Another HIM rehearsal on Saturday followed by a 100miler on Sunday will round out my biggest volume week so far.

Keep working people. The best is yet to come.
2012-08-21 10:45 AM
in reply to: #4371213

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I learned some valuable lessons yesterday during my 75 mile ride/3.5 mile run. A bolt sheared on my bottle cage holder behind my saddle and I instantly lost 24oz of well needed fluid. I'm in south Louisiana and it is HOT. I ended up heading back to the house (about 1.5 hours away) with only 20oz of fluid left. Long story short, ran out of fluid and got dehidrated. (I will never do that again) I drank lots when I got home but it really messed up my run bad. Big lessons learned the hard way, NEVER GET DEHIDRATED! Plan a route with a store even if you don't plan on stopping, and always carry extra fluid.
2012-08-21 11:08 AM
in reply to: #4373069

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

I just completed a HIM on Sunday.  I pushed it hard so I am taking this week to recover (all zone1/zone 2).  I will take the beginning of next week to recover as well and finish the week-end with 4.5 or 5 hr ride and 14 mile run.


2012-08-21 1:17 PM
in reply to: #4342673

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Does anyone have any good race reports regarding weather and temps for race day? I expect wind but not sure what avg's are and what's happened in the past. They say flat course but I don't believe that and website doesn't help much. Thanks!

Edited by skymoss 2012-08-21 1:27 PM
2012-08-21 1:44 PM
in reply to: #4373440

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Oh it's flat except for 161' of climbing the bridge.  Winds can be a mutha though.  At least at Gulf Coast this year.

2012-08-21 2:09 PM
in reply to: #4373440

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

skymoss - 2012-08-21 1:17 PM Does anyone have any good race reports regarding weather and temps for race day? I expect wind but not sure what avg's are and what's happened in the past. They say flat course but I don't believe that and website doesn't help much. Thanks!

PG 85 of the 2010 thread I made a very nice ride report on the course (I used to live there).  From what I understand that should be current except for maybe the condition of Thomas Drive.  I understand Thomas Drive is completely done now?

I had to browse through the 2011 thread to find 2011 I took pictures of thomas drive for everyone! :D

Edit: This was to answer your comment about "flat course".

As for's typically awesome...highs in the 70's.  In 2010 we had that weird cold snap....

Your entire day will depend on which direction the winds decide to come from on the bike....

Edited by jldicarlo 2012-08-21 2:10 PM
2012-08-21 10:08 PM
in reply to: #3589984

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Santa Fe, New Mexico
Silver member
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

I did my longest run this year two weeks ago - 14 miles.  Learning about nutrition on the run.  I happened to try some of those little protien bites.  I took one each 3 miles and a cliff bite every 1/2 mile or so.  felt strong the even to the end.  I'm thinking it was the nutrition, but it could be that I'm finally getting in shape.

Second 100 mile ride last weekend.  You learn things on the long ride that you don't learn elsewhere.  Nutrition is one of the keys.  The run the next day was tough, although my sense of distance is becoming warped.  10 miles is a short run now.  Hmmm.

2012-08-22 5:32 AM
in reply to: #3589984

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Wellington, Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Its getting real up in here....16.5 hr training week, including 9hrs on the bike.
15steps, interested in hooking for some long rides on the Comet?
Do you do most of your longers stuff on the weekends? I do mine mostly on week days as Im working on the weekends.
2012-08-22 8:14 AM
in reply to: #4374452

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
The Cube - 2012-08-22 6:32 AM

Its getting real up in here....16.5 hr training week, including 9hrs on the bike.
15steps, interested in hooking for some long rides on the Comet?
Do you do most of your longers stuff on the weekends? I do mine mostly on week days as Im working on the weekends.

Im planning on a 20' run/ 60 mile brick on the Comet @ 630 Saturday morning.

Typically, my week is structured pretty normally, except for long run on Wednesday afternoon and a long ride Saturday ( IM prep) with another long ride Sunday (1/2 IM pace).
2012-08-22 9:16 AM
in reply to: #4372942

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

15step - 2012-08-21 9:59 AM 73 days away! What have your fitness accomplishments been for the past week or so? Is the training in full swing (I hope it is!) What accomplishments have you made? What have you learned so far? Any details you are specifically working on hammering out at this phase? Inquiring minds want to know So far this year I have had a number of 70-80 mile rides and 1 century. Though I have not quite worked out at race pace yet, I am getting there soon. A lot of intervals similar to HIM training at this point, and lots of focus on getting nutrition squared away, which I think I am pretty comfortable at right now. This week I have a 14 mile neg split run. Mary pace out and half back in (8:30, 7:30). Anything under 9:00 for IMFL is a good mary pace for me, so if I can hit those times I feel like I will be in a pretty good place. Another HIM rehearsal on Saturday followed by a 100miler on Sunday will round out my biggest volume week so far. Keep working people. The best is yet to come.

Does moving across the country and starting a new job count?

2012-08-22 9:35 AM
in reply to: #3589984

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

I have been training for my most recent HIM last week-end so most of my training is not IM training.  I peaked with 18 hrs for it so I have the volume but I haven't been doing real long zone 2 stuff.  My longest ride this year was 3 week-ends (4.5 hrs) and longest run is 16 miles.  I'm sure I would get by with this but I plan on building up after I recover from my HIM.  I didn't push to the max but I didn't just use it as a race rehersal for IMFL. I pr'd it with a 4:54 time on a tough course so I am pretty happy with the training so far.  But now I need to build the long stuff. I am hoping by next week-end (labor day week-end) I can do a 5hr ride and 14 mile run.  My goal is to get my long run up to 20 miles and do this twice but we will will see.

I figure this week is recovery week and next week I start training.  This will give me 10 weeks of training with 2 blocks of 4 weeks (3 build/1 recovery) and a 2 week taper. 

How many 18+ mile runs is everyone else planning on doing and how many 5hr+ rides?

2012-08-22 10:03 AM
in reply to: #4374787

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
MRDAVIDALEXANDER - 2012-08-22 10:35 AM
How many 18+ mile runs is everyone else planning on doing and how many 5hr+ rides?

I am thinking probably at least another 5+ hr rides. So far my longest run has been 16 miles, so I think I will be lucky to hit 18+ twice before race day. Doesn't really matter though as I still manage to get 25-30 mpw right now, even with 15 mile runs (average distance).

I'll admit that my training has been pretty lax at times. If I don't feel like hitting a weekday workout, I don't do it without much sweating. Weekend workouts happen regardless, but sometimes after a long day at work all I want to do is relax.

Now this will change when we are 60 days out. Thats when my game face goes on and nothing will stop me from hitting every workout, goal pace and effort level I need.
2012-08-22 11:48 AM
in reply to: #3589984

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

My training is coming along.  August hasn't been the best month for me due to life (mother had a stroke etc.)  and I have had a hamstring that has bothered me a little and I suffered through a sinus infection.  But things are looking up this week.  I have finally put in some quality workouts this week and my hamstring hasn't bothered me.  As far as rides I haven't ridden as far as I would have like as of now.  My longest ride has been about 80 miles.  I have had a several 70-75 with alot of intensity.  My long runs have been coming along.  Most of my long runs last year training for Placid were in the 9-9:15 range.  This year I  have been at 8:45 range for the most part.  I have several 14 mile runs and one 15 mile run in the bank.  I plan on bumping up 16 -18 and may try to fit a 20 in I will just have to see as I progress.


2012-08-23 8:23 AM
in reply to: #4374787

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

How many 18+ mile runs is everyone else planning on doing and how many 5hr+ rides?


I've got two 18 mile runs and two 20 mi runs scheduled.  I also have a total of six 100 mi rides scheduled (already done two and another this weekend).

Don't know about you guys, but I certainly felt a touch of fall in the air this morning.

2012-08-23 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3589984

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Slow and steady.  They say train like you race, right?  

I've had a few 70+ mi rides so far.  I have 4 hours Saturday then I think I have three 5+ hour rides planned - haven't seen that far out on the plan yet.  A little more intensity this year as I am tagging along with some of the faster folks. 

For running, the longest has been 13 I think - I go by time.  But, it has also been a bit more intense this year as the log runs are sometimes negative split or there are intervals built in.  I will probably only do 1 run 18 or over.  Maybe 2 at the most.  Last year that is all I did and had a great run (for me). 

Swimming is coming along fine, not worried about it.  Lot of drill work and once a week I get one session in that is 3,000+.

Our team is just now starting to ramp up.  We spent the last 2 months building a good base so we don't get hurt. 

There are really only 8 weeks left if you do a 2 week taper.  We do a 3 week taper but the first of those is still pretty high mileage so I don't really count it as taper.



2012-08-23 1:31 PM
in reply to: #4373583

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

jldicarlo - 2012-08-21 2:09 PM

Thanks for the 10' thread, very handy! So far it sounds like riding down in Galveston with the winds, flat with a bridge. Good report, I appreciate it. 

skymoss - 2012-08-21 1:17 PM Does anyone have any good race reports regarding weather and temps for race day? I expect wind but not sure what avg's are and what's happened in the past. They say flat course but I don't believe that and website doesn't help much. Thanks!

PG 85 of the 2010 thread I made a very nice ride report on the course (I used to live there).  From what I understand that should be current except for maybe the condition of Thomas Drive.  I understand Thomas Drive is completely done now?

I had to browse through the 2011 thread to find 2011 I took pictures of thomas drive for everyone! :D

Edit: This was to answer your comment about "flat course".

As for's typically awesome...highs in the 70's.  In 2010 we had that weird cold snap....

Your entire day will depend on which direction the winds decide to come from on the bike....

2012-08-23 1:44 PM
in reply to: #4376452

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I ran 8 miles in 69 degrees and rain. I was happier than a triathlete in spandex. Much better than 86 degree mornings that I look like it was raining when i get back!
2012-08-23 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3589984

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Ok, so I lied about having a place to stay for the race. I think I know where I want to be, but have not put money down on it yet. Anyways, I have an opportunity to stay in a beach house for free for the weekend. Only problem is that it is on Thomas drive on the run course (about 2.5 miles from transition).

To those who have raced before, should this be a logistical nightmare and thus gamekiller? I hate the idea of people coming with me to be stranded either at the house or out of it on race day because of road closures. Thoughts/opinions?
2012-08-23 4:21 PM
in reply to: #4377401

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Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I would think Thomas Dr. on race day will be a nightmare if they want to get anywhere by car. Thomas Dr. is the main road on a peninsula, so basically it is the only road to get you to the start/finish line and the rest of the areas at PCB. I remember racing last year and seeing the traffic backed up on Thomas drive for a long distance. If you look at the course map you will see the runners cross Thomas Dr. a couple different times. The police will only let cars go thru when there are no runners going across Thomas Dr, which is a very rare occurrence on race day.
2012-08-23 6:25 PM
in reply to: #4377473

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I volunteered and drove down Thomas afterwards to get something to eat. The traffic was bad but it wouldn't deter me from a free place to stay. They can always drive to Walmart and walk 1/4 -1/2 mile to the start finish line

2012-08-24 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3589984

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Santa Maria
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Training has been coming along pretty well. My last IM I was single, so I could train when ever. This time I now have a wife and 2 kids. Trying to schedule the training not to interact with family time has been difficult. My long runs have been about 16 miles (2hr 20m), long ride is up 71 miles (4hr 45m). Bike has been a little slower than I like, but I do have alot of hills around my area I can't avoid. Plus the wind sucks. I suppose this will help me during race day. Swim is also on par, long swim 3500 meter. I believe my runs build to about 3hr 30min, and long bike will be 6hr 45min. My goal time will be mid to low 12's. Good to see every ones training is coming along too. We also need to plan the halloween time for the kiddos! We are staying at the Shores of Panama and would like to get a group together to do trick or treat.
2012-08-27 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3589984

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New user
Gallatin, TN
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Training question - I am doing an HIM in 2 weeks leaving 8 weeks to the full. This is at the end of a recovery week so I will use that week to taper. I am wondering what I should do for recovery after the race, knowing that I do not want to give up too much training time during the final push before IMFL. I am following the BT Beginner Full training plan. Anyone have any insights?
2012-08-27 2:26 PM
in reply to: #4374626

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New user
Gallatin, TN
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
15step - 2012-08-22 8:14 AM

The Cube - 2012-08-22 6:32 AM

Its getting real up in here....16.5 hr training week, including 9hrs on the bike.
15steps, interested in hooking for some long rides on the Comet?
Do you do most of your longers stuff on the weekends? I do mine mostly on week days as Im working on the weekends.

Im planning on a 20' run/ 60 mile brick on the Comet @ 630 Saturday morning.

Typically, my week is structured pretty normally, except for long run on Wednesday afternoon and a long ride Saturday ( IM prep) with another long ride Sunday (1/2 IM pace).

I going to be in Chatsworth camping Labor Day weekend (coming up!) and I planning a couple of long rides for Saturday and Sunday. Anyone in GA close enough to hook up for a ride?
2012-08-27 2:42 PM
in reply to: #3589984


Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

This past weeks totals:

Swim: 7000 yards

Bike: 138 miles

Run: 40.5 (long run was 14 miles, felt tired near the end which I wasnt too happy about)

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